CHECKLIST Folios OK NO Headlines OK NO Cutlines OK NO NA Mugs OK NO NA Graphics OK NO NA Stories end OK NO Jumplines OK NO NA Ads OK NO NA NO=Not OK; NA=Not applicable Reprint Y N 1 Initials Travis celebrates anniversary … mileSTone TW PageS 16-17 Tailwind | Travis AFB, Calif. z Dining services prepare for award inspection PageS 3, 30 z Soccer team wins league title Page 4 Friday, February 16, 2018 | Vol. 43, Number 7 CHECKLIST CHECKLIST Folios OK NO Folios OK NO Headlines OK NO Headlines OK NO Cutlines OK NO NA Cutlines OK NO NA Mugs OK NO NA Mugs OK NO NA Graphics OK NO NA Graphics OK NO NA Stories end OK NO Stories end OK NO Jumplines OK NO NA Jumplines OK NO NA Ads OK NO NA Ads OK NO NA NO=Not OK; NA=Not applicable NO=Not OK; NA=Not applicable Reprint Y N Reprint Y N Initials 2 Initials 3 2 Tailwind Commentaries February 16, 2018 February 16, 2018 Travis Tailwind 3 Innovation: Our calling and imperative It’s lit — DFAC ready for award contest “O ur industry We are the service of Commander’s day we stop thinking, innovating made our service more lethal Airman 1st Class does not re- big ideas from luminar- and learning is the day we lose. and invigorated future innova- Christian Conrad Commentary spect tradi- ies such as Billy Mitch- Innovation is a catalyst for tion. This is our service. Ours is 60Th AIR MOBILITy WING PUBLIC AFFAIRS tion – it only respects ell, John Boyd and John individual and organizational the service of audacious innova- innovation,” said Satya Warden. We lift them up growth. Reflect on the stories tors and big ideas. Ask Senior Airman Mea- Nadella spoke after as- not because of the posi- and spirit for near-peer conflict. of Mitchell, Boyd and Warden. Our teams must encourage gan Rogers, 60th Force Support suming the role as chief tions they held, but for Such conflict requires a high- Mitchell launched bombers off innovation and cultivate a mer- Squadron food service shift executive at Microsoft. the power of their ideas. level of readiness, grit and re- an aircraft carrier, Boyd creat- itocracy of ideas. In 2014, “The worker, what sets the Sierra Arguably, similar As we look to the future, silience that is foreign to many ed the observe, orient, decide Deloitte Millennial Survey” Inn Dining Facility team apart sentiments could be said Commentary innovation is not merely on our team. Our military may and act loop and Warden de- echoed this belief. The authors from other DFAC teams and you’ll likely get a single answer. of our U.S. Air Force. by Lt. Col. in our DNA, it is also our be called to operate in an asym- veloped our modern airpow- articulated the importance of “Top to bottom, we just bring Seven decades ago, vi- Erik Fisher imperative. metric battlespace with degrad- er strategy. These Airmen were innovation in attracting, devel- more of ourselves to work,” said sionary innovators es- The operational en- ed command, control and lim- brilliant, yet controversial. Boyd oping and retaining Generation 21st Airlift Rogers. “Services is no differ- tablished our service as vironment demands in- ited weapons effects. Are we famously said one could choose Y (those born in 1983 or later) squAdron ent from any other (Air Force a separate, but equal, novative Airmen. For ready? I posit that the path to- to “be someone or do some- talent. Today, we see this at Tra- Specialty Code). Just as a pi- solution to the problems of the the last 16 years, while ward readiness is partly paved thing.” These three Airmen vis Air Force Base, California, lot wouldn’t sleepwalk through third and fourth dimensions combating violent extremism, through innovation. Innovative chose to “do something.” They through the Phoenix Spark pro- their flight, we don’t sleepwalk of time and space. Since that we’ve grown accustomed to cultures challenge the inherent chose to aggressively challenge gram. Phoenix Spark is an or- through our shifts. We bring day, the Air Force has demand- air superiority. Today, we piv- inertia of the status quo while si- the status quo in pursuit of the ganizationally flat and leader- our A game to every second ed creativity, open-minded- ot to full-spectrum readiness. multaneously creating growth exceptional, often at individu- less incubator of ideas. Thanks we’re here because that’s what ness and calculated risk-taking. We must prepare in mind, body opportunities. Simply said, the al peril. Without question, they See FISHER Page 24 the mission requires.” Rogers joins the Sierra Inn Be a glue person – bring people, groups together DFAC team in competing for the John L. Hennessy Award at the Air Force-level Feb. 20-23 when they’ll compete against Commentary by Barb Brewer Commentary my 32 years of military service. These the right person to solve the problem. 12 other bases to continue their three-year streak of having 21st Airlift squAdron steps are: choose your attitude and ef- This small act will pay big dividends won the competition at the Air fort, be the glue and blur the lines be- by making the person feel valued as W Mobility Command level. hen I was asked to write a com- for this happiness. tween work and play. an important part of the team. Effort The Hennessy Award, mentary, I was deeply hon- A person can make an impact in an Each of us has absolute control over and attitude go a long way in building a awarded by the Hennessy ored, but immediately start- organization regardless of their po- our effort and attitude. Be the per- strong team and community. Travelers Association, is giv- ed to panic. I wondered what I could sition. Satisfaction and happiness do son that has a can-do and will-do atti- Be the glue. The glue person brings en to “operations that exhib- offer as inspiration for another. A wise not have to originate from the top of tude. Focus on what can be done, rath- people together and builds communi- it sustained excellence in food person told me to write about what mo- an organization. I also believe that one er than what can’t be done. Find a way ty as the heart and soul of a successful service management, force tivates me and makes me unique. person, regardless of their position, to say yes, rather than searching how organization. These people drive the readiness support, food quali- After much contemplation and dis- can start a ripple effect of happiness to get to no. By having this attitude, you organization to continuous improve- ty, employee and customer re- cussion, I realized I am motivated by throughout the organization. Little can positively impact how you feel and ment. This can be done by the small- lations, resource conservation, the community of people I work with changes often lead to big and perma- perform your job. If someone comes to est of acts. Get to know your squadron training and safety,” according every day. I find great happiness and nent changes. you with a problem and it does not fall and your customers. If you are walk- to the association’s website. purpose working for and with these So how does one make the change to in your lane, do not simply turn them ing down the hall, make eye contact, Rogers’ supervisor, Master people. As I thought more, I realized a choose happiness at work? There are away with an “I don’t do that.” Take U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Christian Conrad healthy perspective is also responsible a couple of steps I have learned over a couple extra minutes to help find See BREWER Page 22 Sgt. Elizabeth Sandoval-Vega, A civilian with Pride Industries cooks burgers on a grill Feb. 11 at Travis Air Force Base, Calif. The Sierra Inn Dining Facility’s team of auxiliary civilians See DINING Page 24 also play a huge role in Travis’ success during the John L. Hennessy competition. For more photos, see Parting Shots on Page 30. Tailwind Table of contents Commentaries 2 The Flip Side 15/18 Travis AFB, Calif. Daily Republic Government, the department of defense or vis AfB, CA 94535-2150, faxed to 424-5936 Cover story 16-17 60th Air Mobility Wing Nick DeCicco the department of the Air force. or emailed to tailwind@ Worship services 20-21 tailwind editor the appearance of advertising in the publica- deadline for copy is 4:30 p.m. friday for the Classifieds 27-29 Air Force tion, including inserts or supplements, does not following friday’s issue. swap ads must be Parting Shots 30 Name: Time in service: philosophy, watching NFL football, S6Ct0aothfm fAm CiSr agMontlod..b iNJnilifotioychr Wmonilan etKgi o Lcnloe emmiindamnhaaongdlemrer putbhliec , tfaailirwfiTineoldd d, isCdC ap olRiupfoby.rl niesHihdaei,ta doan r pbsryiev atnhtee fidrmail yin r neo- cddaodaeEnvfilveesyenr titrstriyuseetet,hep dti hnu.eegbn lddaicode, rvpseoaerfr mttimstheeened nt ipntb or ytof h tdthehu eepc uAdtsbier l pifocaora rrttcsimoeen reo vsnri chtth eaoeslfl bsfliavirbxeotlereuhyd go pohssfretw i tn thoaote np B i ntAbla ddaitlghssw. ea ain5 trw 1defi sncrbhiadoyin nta n aygco’ csatoco lnlei s4r pesM2tuce7oeed-ni.6.v de9Ea 7mhy5o a fmtoiolrede dpa OF3mCr4oaon9nnm ttdtih nehl egAref,ei trCn, cMoCcloyo.o lRRvb. euieRlsitarthpyy o MmWnoesinenyge dW r cK, io6nomg2za,1- ks,t U.S. Air Force photo SU6O0tpnateifhtfr : aSStgiuotrn.g sSic cSaoql t u Baudtrloenr.. SFSWaipxhom yaueitsla eyar,:sr cyho.u Sr ggt.o Sahlsa?ina Butler. ttWaoracwhvhneailsetin. vigse mtyoo edunirfft eg?rreenat tceosutn tries and way connected with the u.s. Air force. be made available for purchase, use or patron- for information on paid advertising and on /S Continuing the family tradition and JonAaitrhmona nD 1. sAt .C Claarssn e ll winWdh iisle p mreopsat roefd t hbey ethdeit o6r0iatlh c oAnirt eMnot boifl itthy eW tianigl- angaeti owniathl oourtig rieng, aardg et,o mraacrei,t acl oslotar,t uresl,ig ipohny, ssiceax,l bdaensec e cciarcnu lbaeti osne,n t ctaol:l d4a2ily5 -r4e6p4u6b.l ic,C 1o2rr5e0sp toenx-- Ciftoyor lnW. iJaino Sghe ncn oK. mlBeimilnl a,D n6od0detdhr ,r Aaeinvred Ma Clo atbhliie-l- enior Airm DOruthtyo ptietdleic: technician. B20e2co0m Oely flmupeincts inin KToorkeyaon, ,J aatpteannd. hFoerrcitea.g Ge rbayn jdopinainregn tths es eUr.vSe.d A iinr Army Command information staff writer Public Affairs office for its Web-based product, handicap, political affiliation or any other non- as st., fairfield, CA 94533 or faxed to 425-5924. 75th anniversary logo during a an A Hometown: What are your hobbies? during World War II and the Korean the content for the tailwind is edited and pre- merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. Visit the travis public web site at http:// m Airman 1st Class pared for print by the daily republic staff. Correspondence can be sent to the read the tailwind online at ceremony Feb. 8 at Travis Air ber C Goldsboro, North Carolina. Reading science fiction and War, father and mother are AF vets. Christian Conrad Content of the tailwind is not necessarily the 60th Air Mobility Wing Public Affairs staff, or by access- Force Base, Calif. arte Command information staff writer official view of, nor is it endorsed by the u.s. tailwind, 400 Brennan Circle, Bldg. 51, tra- ing the travis sharePoint. u.s. Air force photo/louis Briscese r CHECKLIST CHECKLIST Folios OK NO Folios OK NO Headlines OK NO Headlines OK NO Cutlines OK NO NA Cutlines OK NO NA Mugs OK NO NA Mugs OK NO NA Graphics OK NO NA Graphics OK NO NA Stories end OK NO Stories end OK NO Jumplines OK NO NA Jumplines OK NO NA Ads OK NO NA Ads OK NO NA NO=Not OK; NA=Not applicable NO=Not OK; NA=Not applicable Reprint Y N Reprint Y N Initials 4 Initials 5 4 Tailwind Travis/air Force February 16, 2018 February 16, 2018 Travis/air Force Tailwind 5 Service Travis to install 1 2 outlines LED street lights future of Merrie Schilter-Lowe closer to the Air Force goal 60Th air mobiliTy Wing Public affairs of a 2.5 percent energy inten- sity reduction per year for bombers Travis Air Force Base, 10 years, said Joseph Fallon, California, has been awarded 60th Civil Engineer Squad- $250,000 in energy sustain- ron, base energy manager. ment and maintenance funds “Our energy intensity for Secretary of the Air Force to convert 611 street light fix- fiscal 2016 and fiscal 2017 Public Affairs tures to low-energy consum- combined was 4.4 percent, ing light-emitting diode light- but we need to get to 5 per- WASHINGTON — The Air ing. cent from the fiscal 2015 base Force outlined plans for its The base also has request- year,” said Fallon. “The goal bomber fleet in its Fiscal Year ed an additional $1.3 million is to reduce energy intensity 2019 President’s Budget Re- to upgrade lights in three han- by 25 percent by fiscal 2025 so quest Feb. 12. gars, three simulator build- we will keep adding energy- In line with the service’s ings and two warehouses on saving projects.” bomber vector, the budget re- u.s. air force photo/samuel King Jr. base in fiscal year 2019. Energy intensity is a mea- quest detailed the Air Force Pako, a 5-year-old 96th Security Forces Squadron military working dog, suffered a heat stroke last year and These projects will save sure of the energy efficien- plan to update the B-52 Strato- died. The base veterinary clinic helped revive him and bring him back through CPR procedures. He beat unlikely fortress fleet and continue mod- odds for dogs to survive heat stroke and CPR to make a full recovery. about $123,000 a year in elec- cy of a nation’s economy. Low ifications to the B-1 Lancer and tric costs and move the base See LIGHTS Page 26 B-2 Spirit fleets while continu- Vet tech revives working dog ing to acquire B-21 Raiders. “As part of our decisions pre- (cid:43)(cid:43)(cid:87)(cid:87)(cid:85)(cid:85)(cid:77)(cid:77)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:82)(cid:82)(cid:87)(cid:87)(cid:81)(cid:81)(cid:86)(cid:86)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:93)(cid:93)(cid:91)(cid:91)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:73)(cid:73)(cid:92)(cid:92)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:92)(cid:92)(cid:80)(cid:80)(cid:77)(cid:77) sented in the FY19 President’s courtesy photos Budget, the Air Force will up- Samuel King Jr. Pako showed no signs of Pako showed clear signs of dis- (cid:59)(cid:77)(cid:90)(cid:94)(cid:81)(cid:86)(cid:79)(cid:3)(cid:42)(cid:90)(cid:77)(cid:73)(cid:83)(cid:78)(cid:73)(cid:91)(cid:92)(cid:20)(cid:20)(cid:20)(cid:20)(cid:3)(cid:3) 1) Members of the Travis Football Club soccer team pose for a photo after winning the Fairfield, Calif., soccer league championship for the date the B-52 bomber fleet and (cid:52)(cid:93)(cid:86)(cid:75)(cid:80)(cid:3)(cid:14)(cid:3)(cid:44)(cid:81)(cid:86)(cid:86)(cid:77)(cid:90)(cid:3) first time over Real Madrid in extra time, Feb. 4. The teams were tied 4-4 after 90 minutes of regular time. The deadlock continued with fund development of replace- Team eglin Public affairs heat injury, but did appear tress and heat stroke. (cid:44)(cid:73)(cid:81)(cid:84)(cid:97)(cid:3)(cid:93)(cid:86)(cid:92)(cid:81)(cid:84)(cid:3)(cid:25)(cid:24)(cid:34)(cid:24)(cid:24)(cid:3)(cid:88)(cid:85)(cid:85)(cid:85) (cid:51)(cid:73)(cid:90)(cid:73)(cid:87)(cid:83)(cid:77)(cid:3)(cid:60)(cid:93)(cid:77)(cid:91)(cid:76)(cid:73)(cid:97)(cid:3) (cid:52)(cid:81)(cid:94)(cid:77)(cid:3)(cid:53)(cid:93)(cid:91)(cid:81)(cid:75) the teams tied 5-5 after extra time, sending them to a shootout. The teams matched each other shot for shot until the eighth penalty kick, ment engines,” said Secretary EGLIN AIR FORCE BASE, oTveecrhl.y Segxt.e rBterdy,a na cBcoorwdeirnmg atso- to Hthee wvaest eimrinmaerdyi actelilny icru. sThehde (cid:52)(cid:93)(cid:93)(cid:93)(cid:93)(cid:73)(cid:86)(cid:86)(cid:86)(cid:86)(cid:92)(cid:77)(cid:92)(cid:92)(cid:92)(cid:92)(cid:3)(cid:81)(cid:81)(cid:81)(cid:81)(cid:54)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:81)(cid:53)(cid:53)(cid:53)(cid:53)(cid:79)(cid:80)(cid:81)(cid:81)(cid:81)(cid:81)(cid:76)(cid:76)(cid:76)(cid:76)(cid:92)(cid:3)(cid:86)(cid:86)(cid:86)(cid:86)(cid:53)(cid:81)(cid:81)(cid:81)(cid:81)(cid:79)(cid:79)(cid:79)(cid:79)(cid:77)(cid:80)(cid:80)(cid:80)(cid:80)(cid:86)(cid:92)(cid:92)(cid:92)(cid:92)(cid:93) (cid:14)(cid:3)(cid:60)(cid:80)(cid:93)(cid:90)(cid:91)(cid:76)(cid:73)(cid:97)(cid:3)(cid:54)(cid:81)(cid:79)(cid:80)(cid:92)(cid:91) (cid:33)(cid:88)(cid:85)(cid:3)(cid:21)(cid:3)(cid:25)(cid:88)(cid:85) when the Travis FC keeper blocked the shot, leading to Travis FC’s win. 2) Members of the Travis FC prepare to shake hands after a game. of the Air Force Heather A. Wil- (cid:43)(cid:80)(cid:77)(cid:75)(cid:83)(cid:3)(cid:95)(cid:77)(cid:74)(cid:91)(cid:81)(cid:92)(cid:77)(cid:3) Fla. — The dog lay on the ta- ter, Eglin AFB’s kennel master. technicians provided oxygen (cid:56)(cid:87)(cid:87)(cid:84)(cid:3)(cid:60)(cid:73)(cid:74)(cid:84)(cid:77)(cid:91) (cid:56)(cid:73)(cid:81)(cid:86)(cid:92)(cid:54)(cid:81)(cid:92)(cid:77) son. “We will also continue nec- ble struggling to breathe in the Leon took the dog’s tempera- and tried to cool Pako down (cid:55)(cid:93)(cid:92)(cid:76)(cid:87)(cid:87)(cid:90)(cid:3)(cid:56)(cid:73)(cid:92)(cid:81)(cid:87) (cid:56)(cid:87)(cid:83)(cid:77)(cid:90)(cid:3)(cid:45)(cid:94)(cid:77)(cid:86)(cid:92)(cid:91) (cid:78)(cid:87)(cid:90)(cid:3)(cid:76)(cid:77)(cid:92)(cid:73)(cid:81)(cid:84)(cid:91) Travis FC team wins league crown essary B-1 and B-2 modifica- throes of a severe heat stroke. ture, which read 105, the aver- while waiting for the veteri- (cid:56)(cid:84)(cid:73)(cid:86)(cid:92)(cid:54)(cid:81)(cid:92)(cid:77) (cid:50)(cid:73)(cid:85)(cid:3)(cid:91)(cid:77)(cid:91)(cid:91)(cid:81)(cid:87)(cid:86)(cid:91)(cid:20)(cid:3)(cid:77)(cid:92)(cid:75)(cid:22)(cid:3) tions to keep them relevant until Pako, 96th Security Forc- age working temperature for narian, Capt. Ashley Hydrick, the B-21s come on line.” Once sufficient B-21 aircraft es Squadron military working the Belgian Malinoise’s breed. to arrive. At this point, Pako (cid:25)(cid:24)(cid:32)(cid:24)(cid:3)(cid:55)(cid:90)(cid:73)(cid:86)(cid:79)(cid:77)(cid:3)(cid:44)(cid:90)(cid:81)(cid:94)(cid:77)(cid:3)(cid:21)(cid:3)(cid:62)(cid:73)(cid:75)(cid:73)(cid:94)(cid:81)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:77)(cid:3)(cid:21)(cid:3)(cid:31)(cid:24)(cid:31)(cid:21)(cid:28)(cid:28)(cid:32)(cid:21)(cid:25)(cid:33)(cid:24)(cid:24)(cid:3)(cid:21)(cid:3)(cid:80)(cid:80)(cid:81)(cid:81)(cid:76)(cid:76)(cid:77)(cid:77)(cid:73)(cid:73)(cid:95)(cid:95)(cid:73)(cid:73)(cid:97)(cid:97)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:87)(cid:87)(cid:93)(cid:93)(cid:86)(cid:86)(cid:79)(cid:79)(cid:77)(cid:77)(cid:79)(cid:79)(cid:90)(cid:90)(cid:81)(cid:81)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:22)(cid:75)(cid:75)(cid:87)(cid:87)(cid:85)(cid:85) are operational, the B-1s and dog, thrashed around wildly. “These military working was in severe respiratory dis- Staff Sgt. Nicole Leidholm 3 on how they played, wins and B-2s will be incrementally re- His vital signs were fad- breeds are very high drive and tress and approaching cardi- 60th Air Mobility Wing Public AffAirs losses, with the top teams tired. Delivery and retirement ing fast. At one point, his will work themselves to death ac arrest. moving onto the playoffs. The timelines are dependent on the pulse vanished. Pako’s heart if allowed,” said Helfinstine. In the midst of the breathing The Travis Football Club playoffs involved eight teams B-21 production and delivery stopped. “Heat injury is very serious and cooling procedures, Pako’s soccer team became the from the local area. schedules. This was the scene of the and can progress quickly. He heart stopped beating. Fairfield, California, Soccer “We were ranked sixth “If the force structure we emergency Army Sgt. Kel- was probably fine initially, but “I will never forget the mo- League champions for the going into the playoffs,” said have proposed is supported by li Helfinstine and the base vet- continued to get hotter.” ment I saw Pako’s life slip first time Feb. 4 after win- Zachary Wanlass, Travis the Congress, bases that have erinary clinic personnel faced The training was cancelled away,” said Bowermaster, a ning its match over Real Ma- FC coach. “It was an impor- bombers now will have bomb- one hot day in June 2017. and the MWD team returned Individuals / Businesses / Military / Notary Services drid in a shootout. tant win for the team. The ers in the future,” Wilson said. “This was the most severe to the kennel. It was then that See DOG Page 21 afteTrh e9 0t emaminsu twese roef trieedg u4la-4r malle mwbeeekrs l oonfg ,t hceo mteea mto pwroarck- “ThTehye w iBll- b21e, B -w52hsic ahn dt Bhe-2 1As.”ir hteeraetd ,”in jsuariyd HI ehlfianvset ineen,c owuhno- E a r ly Bird Special time. The deadlock continued tice twice a week and a game Force plans to start fielding in recently received an Air Force 10% OFF with the teams tied 5-5 after once a week. Some of them the mid-2020s, will eventually Achievement Medal for her 3) Members of the Travis Football Club soccer team pose for a extra time, sending them to a are on shift work, working become the backbone of the U.S. valiant efforts to save Pako’s Any Service In January photo after winning the Fairfield, Calif., soccer league crown for shootout. the first time, beating Real Madrid in extra time Feb. 4. nights or weekends, and they strategic bomber fleet and serve life. “I just thought, this animal Must present coupon, expires 1/31/18. The teams matched each still wake up for a game dur- as a visible, flexible deterrent needs oxygen, we need to get other shot for shot until the ing the day. They’ve put in a to adversaries and assure U.S. him oxygen.” 795 Alamo Dr., Vacaville championship. go on (temporary duty) or eTirgahvtihs pFeCn akleteyp keirc kb lwochkeerde tthhee “We can only have 22 peo- have other mission obliga- lot Wof awnolrakss t oh awsi nb.e”en with the par“tMneordse arnndiz ainllgie s.a nd recapi- SgtP. aRkaod aamnde sh iLse hoann, dwleerr,e Sptaarff- For yo(uarc rpoesrss fornomal iAzleadm oa pPplaozian)tment, shot, leading to Travis FC’s ple on the roster,” said Tech. tions, we adjust to keep a team for the past five years, talizing our bomber force is ab- ticipating in a hostile suspect or for more information, call win. Sgt. Brett Rush, 60th Air Mo- present and dedicated team first as a player when he was solutely central to the recent- exercise. The 5-year-old K-9 707455-7020 The team is comprised bility Wing chaplain assis- on the field weekly.” active duty and now as the ly released National Defense searched, but was unable to of nearly 50 Travis Airmen tant. “As Airmen (perma- After the 18-game regular coach. Strategy and the Nuclear Pos- find his target. He pressed on, who competed in the local nently change duty stations), season, each team is ranked See CROWN Page 22 ture Review,” said Chief of Staff unwilling to give up the hunt. Over 38 years combined experience of the Air Force Gen. David L. His body temperature began to Se habla Español Thom, Sharon & Ricardo See BOMBERS Page 24 rise at an uncontrollable rate. CHECKLIST CHECKLIST Folios OK NO Folios OK NO Headlines OK NO Headlines OK NO Cutlines OK NO NA Cutlines OK NO NA Mugs OK NO NA Mugs OK NO NA Graphics OK NO NA Graphics OK NO NA Stories end OK NO Stories end OK NO Jumplines OK NO NA Jumplines OK NO NA Ads OK NO NA Ads OK NO NA NO=Not OK; NA=Not applicable NO=Not OK; NA=Not applicable Reprint Y N Reprint Y N Initials 6 Initials 7 6 Tailwind Travis/air Force February 16, 2018 February 16, 2018 Travis/air Force Tailwind 7 Air Force upgrades BX offers healthy AMC chief celebrates final ride on C-17 to Windows 10 dining options Secretary of the Air Force will take 1-2 hours to complete. Jessica Jones • Charley’s Philly Steaks of- Public Affairs “The Windows 10 migration Army And Air Force exchAnge fers a variety of items with 150 is critical to Air Force readi- Service Public AFFAirS calories or fewer including WASHINGTON — In ac- ness,” said Lt. Col. Brian Snyder, grilled chicken, steak and gar- cordance with the Department Windows 10 lead action officer, The Travis Air Force Base, den salads. of Defense mandate, the Air cyberspace strategy and policy. California, Exchange now offers • Popeyes Louisiana Kitch- Force must complete the Micro- “It introduces a number of more better-for-you dining op- en diners can choose from more soft Windows 10 migration by new security features; making tions than ever, reaffirming its than 20 items with fewer than March 31. it the most secure Windows ver- commitment to readiness and 350 calories, including three- Any operating system not up- sion to date. Additionally, base resiliency for Airmen and their piece blackened tenders, Cajun graded by the deadline will be and organizational leadership families. rice and green beans. denied access to the network. must ensure communication/cy- As a partner in the Air Force In 2017, the Exchange ex- Windows 10 is not compat- ber squadrons are provided all Smart Fueling initiative un- panded its selection of name- ible with many systems in the the support and availability nec- der the Office of the Secre- brand restaurants offering Air Force inventory, resulting in essary to guarantee success.” tary of Defense, the Army and healthy options, opening six Sub- the need to replace a significant The security features allow Air Force Exchange Service ways, three Boston Markets, two has transformed Express loca- number of computer hardware. software patches to install fast- Smoothie Kings, three Qdoba tions and restaurants worldwide To minimize downtime dur- er, making it less obtrusive to Mexican Grills, and new Fresh- u.S. Air national guard photo/Staff Sgt. Patrick evenson ing the migration, users should Airmen while its ability to coun- to provide delicious, low-calo- ens and Muscle Maker Grill lo- Soldiers with Bravo Company, 244th Military Intelligence Battalion, Flight Detachment 16, board take the following steps: ter emerging cyber intrusion rie options to Airman and their cations. Exchange shoppers can a C-17 Globemaster III assigned to the 816th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron Jan. 25 in Iraq. families. 1. Manually back up their makes the networks safer. This also enjoy $2 off entrée salads at “Service members and their Crews realign assets data to a shared drive or DVD will have a positive security im- U.S. Air Force photo/Heide Couch participating Exchange restau- discs; pact on the protection of DoD Airman 1st Class Marissa Davis, 60th Logistics Readiness Squadron, sprays Chief Master Sgt. families lead increasingly busy rants every Wednesday. lives, making it difficult at times 2. Make a list of any special and special access programs, Shelina Frey, Air Mobility Command command chief, as Frey celebrates her last official flight To help diners make the right to identify the right meal choices computer software or hardware mission systems, as well as stra- aboard a C-17 Globemaster III Feb. 12 at Travis Air Force Base, Calif. Frey will retire this year after choices for their meal plan, the for their nutritional goals,” said the technician will need to in- tegic, tactical, and research, de- nearly 34 years of service. Exchange lists calories on menu Tonya Jones Exchange facility Staff Sgt. Patrick Evenson support ongoing operations 244th Military Intelligence stall; velopment, testing and evalua- boards at Burger King, Einstein 3. Be patient, the upgrade tion systems. manager. “The Travis AFB Ex- Bros. Bagels, Charley’s Philly 379th Air exPeditionAry Wing in the U.S. Central Com- Battalion. The load is mov- change wants to make it easi- Steaks, Pizza Hut and Subway Public AFFAirS mands’ area of responsi- ing from Iraq to Afghani- er to choose meals that support locations. Digital displays high- bility. stan in support of Opera- readiness, resiliency and a be lighting healthy options have AL UDEID AIR BASE, The aircraft, a C-17 tion Freedom’s Sentinel and fit lifestyle at all Exchange fa- also been introduced at 40 Ex- Qatar — Late in January at Globemaster III assigned NATO Resolute Support cilities.” change food courts, making it an altitude of nearly 30,000 to the 816th Expeditionary missions. Several Exchange restau- even easier for diners to identify feet, a 174-foot-long aircraft Airlift Squadron, located at The C-17 was operation- rants at Travis AFB offer a va- better-for-you meal choices. cuts through the air with Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar, ally introduced to the Air riety of calorie-conscious selec- At Express locations, shop- more than 40,000 pounds has its belly full of ship- Force in 1995, and these tions: pers can choose from nearly 400 of thrust per engine. The ping containers and pallets are the type of missions it • Subway’s Fresh-Fit menu be fit approved items, including equipment and personnel of equipment belonging to was created to accomplish – includes eight sandwiches with 350 calories or fewer includ- fresh fruit, yogurt, grass-fed, ni- on board were needed to the Army’s Bravo Company, See CREWS Page 20 ing turkey breast, oven roasted trate-free beef sticks and jerky, chicken and roast beef. See DINING Page 22 Solano County’s Favorite Jeweler since 1972 1661 E. Monte Vista Ave., Suite A (cid:55)(cid:66)(cid:68)(cid:66)(cid:87)(cid:74)(cid:77)(cid:77)(cid:70)(cid:1)(cid:116)(cid:1)707-446-2370 CHECKLIST CHECKLIST Folios OK NO Folios OK NO Headlines OK NO Headlines OK NO Cutlines OK NO NA Cutlines OK NO NA Mugs OK NO NA Mugs OK NO NA Graphics OK NO NA Graphics OK NO NA Stories end OK NO Stories end OK NO Jumplines OK NO NA Jumplines OK NO NA Ads OK NO NA Ads OK NO NA NO=Not OK; NA=Not applicable NO=Not OK; NA=Not applicable Reprint Y N Reprint Y N Initials 8 Initials 9 8 Tailwind Air Force February 16, 2018 February 16, 2018 Air Force Tailwind 9 Budget looks at mix of needs Coding branch provides critical service to officers 877-995-5247 Secretary of the Air Force nuclear, cyber, and intelligence said Wilson. John Harrington “(It’s important in order) for Download free app in Public Affairs career fields. The FY19 proposal initiates 88th Air BAse Wing PuBlic AffAirs them to be assigned to the prop- your phone’s app store Additionally, the budget development of B-52 replace- er positions throughout their The Air Force budget re- funds aircraft depot mainte- ment engines and continues de- WRIGHT-PATTERSON career progression,” said Mas- quest of $156.3 billion for fiscal nance, parts, logistics support, velopment of the Long Range AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio – ter Sgt. Misti Rodriguez, ACB year 2019 builds on the prog- training ranges, simulators, in- Stand Off missiles and the re- While academic degrees are superintendent. “(We ensure) ress made in 2018 to restore the structors and key infrastruc- placement of the Minuteman III generally masked at officer that their data entries are cor- readiness of the force, increase ture required to improve the intercontinental ballistic mis- promotion boards, they still rect so that they can progress lethality and cost-effectively quality of training in alignment sile. The budget also targets in- play a critical role for certain positively and the Air Force modernize. with the National Defense Strat- vestments to modernize the leadership and technical po- can find the person they’re Secretary of the Air Force egy prioritization of peer com- integrated land, air, and space- sitions, so keeping official re- looking for to meet its needs.” Dr. Heather Wilson said the petition. based systems to ensure secure, cords updated with the most ac- The ACB is located at AFIT budget request is aligned with survivable connectivity with curate information can be vital. due to the fact that that’s where the National Defense Strategy, People the President and national com- Some situations where hav- the officer’s academic database Five-Star Realtor prioritizing long-term competi- The FY19 budget propos- mand leadership. ing an updated academic re- has resided since its start, said Five-Star Service tion with China and Russia. al represents an increase in the cord is crucial include reserve LaBrie. But soon those files will “The Air Force needs the size of the Air Force by 4,700 Modernization and guard officers, who must merge with the Air Force en- • 120 5-Star reviews on Zillow right size and mix of capabilities Active Duty, Guard and Re- Wilson said the budget pro- have a bachelor’s degree in listed academic degrees data- • Knowledgeable, Professional, Responsive to compete, deter and win in this serve Airmen. It funds impor- posal funds the Air Force’s pri- their record before being pro- base located at Maxwell Air environment, brought to bear by tant support to Airmen and their ority modernization initiatives moted to captain; doctors, sci- Force Base Gunter Annex in • 2016 International President’s Elite Award well-trained, resilient and com- families with a 2.6 percent mil- to increase the lethality of the entists, engineers and some Montgomery, Alabama. While • Top Listing & Sales Agent 2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 petent Airmen steeped in the itary pay raise, increased hous- force. The FY19 request sup- others who are actually de- the ACB won’t be physically • USAA Real Estate Rewards Network business of joint and combined ing and subsistence allowances ports the purchase of 48 F-35A tailed based on their academic moving, once the data merge is • Navy Federal Select Partner warfare,” said Wilson. and family support programs. Lightning II fighters, 15 KC-46 degrees; and commanders, ex- complete, officers should start Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. “The Air Force recruits Air- Pegasus tankers, and continued ecutive officers and some other receiving automated notifica- Lisa Imhoff David Goldfein said the budget men, but we retain families,” development of the B-21 Raider. leadership positions that take tions once their records are up- also moves the Air Force in the Goldfein said. He explained “We have to accelerate pro- academic degrees into consid- dated. Currently, officers must 707-333-1057 direction of multi-domain oper- that the FY19 proposal funds grams and get good value for eration, according to Maurice check the Virtual Military Per- ations. expanded childcare hours, in- every dollar we spend. There LaBrie, Air Force Institute of sonnel Flight time-to-time until u.s. Air force photo/John harrington “Future wars will be won creases off-base child care sup- is a bow wave of moderniza- Technology Military Personnel they see the change. Master Sgt. Misti Rodriguez, Academic Coding Branch superintendent, inputs a transcript into the Air Force CAL BRE LIC# by those who observe, orient, port, and funds more respite tion over the next 10 years. It’s and Support Operations chief. While processing large Military Personnel Data System to update an officer’s record. Two Airmen at the Coding Branch, including 01790343 decide and act faster than ad- care and support coordinators bombers, fighters, tankers, sat- Even active duty officer aca- quantities of transcripts can Rodriguez, update more than 1,000 transcripts a month in support of some 130,000 Air Force officers. versaries in an integrated way for special needs families. ellites, helicopters and our nu- demic records are only masked be time consuming, Rodri- across domains – land, sea, air, Goldfein also said the Air clear deterrent – they are all go- up until the colonel board, in guez says that the best thing space and cyberspace,” said Force will invest in purpose- ing to be modernized,” she said. which case a master’s degree that officers can do to speed up Goldfein. ful development of Airmen to “At the same time, we are driv- must be in the officer’s official their updates is to closely fol- Key areas addressed by this strengthen joint warfighting ex- ing forward with the next gen- record. low submission instructions at budget include readiness, peo- cellence by integrating educa- eration of technology focused on It may surprise some that the ACB’s website: www.afit. ple, nuclear deterrence, mod- tion, training and experience for families of systems that connect two Airmen at the AFIT Aca- edu/CODING. That, and under- ernization, space and air supe- Air Force leaders and teams. and communicate across all do- demic Coding Branch are re- stand that all of the officer ac- riority, multi-domain command mains: air, land, sea, space, cy- sponsible for updating the re- ademic record updates for the and control, and science and Nuclear deterrence ber and subsurface.” cords of around 130,000 total entire Air Force comes down to technology development. The FY19 budget propos- The budget also supports the force Air Force officers, includ- a small, dedicated team. al supports the Department of selection of the T-X advanced ing active duty, guard and re- “People don’t realize that it’s Readiness Defense’s principal priority to trainer aircraft and the replace- serve. They receive upwards of just the two of us,” Warehime According to Wilson and maintain a safe, secure, and ef- ment of the UH-1N helicopter. 20,000 transcripts annually for said. “But, we actually do get Goldfein, restoring readiness to fective nuclear deterrent that bachelor’s, master’s, doctorates a lot of emails thanking us for win any fight, any time remains safeguards the homeland, as- Space superiority and professional degrees and the quick response or for updat- a primary objective in FY19. It sures allies, and deters adver- Wilson and Goldfein ex- every one of them is entered by ing their data. It makes the job funds 1.5 million flying hours at saries. plained the FY19 budget repre- hand. It’s a job these Airmen worth it.” a cost of $8.7 billion. The budget The Air Force stewards two sents a 33 percent increase in relish. The Coding Branch suggests proposes the purchase of 54,443 legs of the nuclear triad and op- the research, development, test, “Yes, I absolutely enjoy allowing two to three weeks for February 17th & 18th preferred munitions to reverse erates 75 percent of the Defense and experimentation budget for what I do. I love my job here,” delivery and processing of tra- previous declining inventories Department’s nuclear com- Air Force Space, a substantial said Tech. Sgt. Jennifer Ware- ditional mail. The submitter at a cost of $1.8 billion. mand, control, and communi- increase to meet the threat from hime, ACB noncommissioned will notice their update on the The budget request con- cation capabilities. The budget China and Russia. officer in charge. “It’s interest- Career Data Brief in the vMPF Dixon Fairgrounds tinues to address the aircrew proposal improves nuclear com- “The nation expects us to ing and even though we do the within 24 hours of the process- shortage through a multi- mand, control and communica- own the ultimate high ground,” same thing day-to-day, it dif- ing. The AFIT Coding Branch pronged approach. It boosts tion systems as directed in the Goldfein said. “Our space capa- fers from day to day. Whether it cannot make real-time updates pipeline capacity, expands pi- Nuclear Posture Review. bilities must be resilient and de- be with customers or different to Assignment Management Saturday 9-5 • Sunday 9-4 lot training and addresses ex- “Deterrence works if our ad- fendable. This budget moves us transcripts or with different de- System Single Unit Retrieval perience shortfalls, continues versaries know that we can hold forward as space becomes more grees that I see, I learn things Format or the Air Force Virtu- General Admission: $10 • Free Parking incentive pay and bonuses, im- at risk things they value. We contested in the future.” every single day.” al Education Center and it can proves administrative support must concurrently modernize Foregoing the continued buy They see themselves provid- take up to 30 days for chang- Exp. 01/31/18. at the squadron level, and funds the entire nuclear triad and the of today’s Space Based Infrared ing not only a vital mission for es to update in those systems. flying hours to executable levels. command and control systems System satellites 7 and 8, the Air individual officers, but one that If an individual would like It also addresses gaps in space, that enable its effectiveness,” See BuDget Page 26 impacts the entire Air Force. See CODING Page 14 CHECKLIST CHECKLIST Folios OK NO Folios OK NO Headlines OK NO Headlines OK NO Cutlines OK NO NA Cutlines OK NO NA Mugs OK NO NA Mugs OK NO NA Graphics OK NO NA Graphics OK NO NA Stories end OK NO Stories end OK NO Jumplines OK NO NA Jumplines OK NO NA Ads OK NO NA Ads OK NO NA NO=Not OK; NA=Not applicable NO=Not OK; NA=Not applicable Reprint Y N Reprint Y N Initials 10 Initials 11 10 Tailwind February 16, 2018 February 16, 2018 Air Force Tailwind 11 Program helps people with disabilities find jobs Richard Salomon jobs to more than 35 motivat- Force organization may convert Air Force’s Personnel center ed interns with disabilities who the intern into a permanent po- Public AFFAirs are eager to prove their abilities sition without a competitive an- in the workplace,” said Kendra nouncement at the end of the in- JOINT BASE SAN ANTO- Duckworth, Air Force EO dis- ternship. NIO-RANDOLPH, Texas — The ability program manager. “Our “The Air Force takes pride in Air Force is increasing its par- goal is to double the number of in- striving to be a model employer ticipation in an annual work pro- ternship opportunities this year, for individuals with disabilities gram that gives on-the-job ex- so we can increase the represen- and is committed to maximiz- perience to college students and tation of persons with disabilities ing their opportunities while sup- recent graduates with disabili- in the federal workforce.” porting the overall mission,” said ties. WRP recruiters conduct in- Mary Villarreal, Air Force Per- The Workforce Recruitment terviews with interested candi- sonnel Center human resource Program connects federal and dates from accredited colleg- specialist. private sector employers nation- es and universities from across For more information, call courtesy photo wide with job-seeking college the country. Candidates repre- the Air Force’s Equal Oppor- The Workforce Recruitment Program is a recruitment and referral students and recent graduates sent all majors and range from tunity Policy office at 240-612- program that connects federal and private sector employers nationwide with disabilities. The program college freshmen to graduate 4006. Interested individuals can with job-seeking college students and recent graduates with disabilities. is sponsored by the Defense De- and law students. Information also email AFPC’s Civilian Force partment and the Department from the interviews is loaded into Management Branch at afpc.dp- For more information about who do not have a myPers ac- of Labor. a searchable database for hir- [email protected]. Air Force personnel programs, count can request one by follow- In support of this initiative, ing officials, who can register at mil for additional information. go to myPers. Eligible individuals ing these instructions. the Air Force Equal Opportu- to review candi- nity office works with the major dates and rank top selections. commands and individual bases WRP internships run from to raise WRP awareness among Jan. 15 to Sept. 30 each year and DR. JEFFREY BROOKS managers and hiring officials. are funded by the DoD at no cost “Each year, the Air Force to the unit. If desired and if a va- (cid:37)(cid:82)(cid:68)(cid:85)(cid:71)(cid:3)(cid:38)(cid:72)(cid:85)(cid:87)(cid:76)(cid:192)(cid:72)(cid:71)(cid:3)(cid:68)(cid:81)(cid:71)(cid:3)(cid:41)(cid:72)(cid:79)(cid:79)(cid:82)(cid:90)(cid:86)(cid:75)(cid:76)(cid:83)(cid:3) provides summer or temporary cant position is available, the Air (cid:55)(cid:85)(cid:68)(cid:76)(cid:81)(cid:72)(cid:71)(cid:3)(cid:57)(cid:68)(cid:86)(cid:70)(cid:88)(cid:79)(cid:68)(cid:85)(cid:3)(cid:54)(cid:88)(cid:85)(cid:74)(cid:72)(cid:82)(cid:81) Four Seasons Ask About Our MILITARY SELF STORAGE VARICOSE VEINS? LEG ULCERS? 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(cid:136)(cid:3)(cid:55)(cid:73)(cid:3)(cid:44)(cid:69)(cid:70)(cid:80)(cid:69)(cid:3)(cid:41)(cid:87)(cid:84)(cid:69)(cid:121)(cid:83)(cid:80) 1600 Petersen Road • Suisun (cid:51)(cid:57)(cid:54)(cid:3)(cid:51)(cid:42)(cid:42)(cid:45)(cid:39)(cid:41)(cid:55)(cid:30) (cid:21)(cid:23)(cid:26)(cid:20)(cid:3)(cid:38)(cid:89)(cid:86)(cid:88)(cid:83)(cid:82)(cid:3)(cid:40)(cid:86)(cid:77)(cid:90)(cid:73)(cid:16)(cid:3)(cid:55)(cid:89)(cid:77)(cid:88)(cid:73)(cid:3)(cid:21)(cid:26)(cid:20)(cid:16)(cid:3)(cid:58)(cid:69)(cid:71)(cid:69)(cid:90)(cid:77)(cid:80)(cid:80)(cid:73) (707) 439-0605 (cid:22)(cid:26)(cid:20)(cid:21)(cid:3)(cid:50)(cid:89)(cid:88)(cid:3)(cid:56)(cid:86)(cid:73)(cid:73)(cid:3)(cid:54)(cid:83)(cid:69)(cid:72)(cid:16)(cid:3)(cid:55)(cid:89)(cid:77)(cid:88)(cid:73)(cid:3)(cid:38)(cid:16)(cid:3)(cid:58)(cid:69)(cid:71)(cid:69)(cid:90)(cid:77)(cid:80)(cid:80)(cid:73) (cid:23)(cid:22)(cid:26)(cid:20)(cid:3)(cid:38)(cid:73)(cid:69)(cid:86)(cid:72)(cid:3)(cid:54)(cid:83)(cid:69)(cid:72)(cid:16)(cid:3)(cid:55)(cid:89)(cid:77)(cid:88)(cid:73)(cid:3)(cid:25)(cid:16)(cid:3)(cid:50)(cid:69)(cid:84)(cid:69) (cid:91)(cid:91)(cid:91)(cid:18)(cid:50)(cid:69)(cid:84)(cid:69)(cid:58)(cid:69)(cid:87)(cid:71)(cid:89)(cid:80)(cid:69)(cid:86)(cid:18)(cid:71)(cid:83)(cid:81) CHECKLIST CHECKLIST Folios OK NO Folios OK NO Headlines OK NO Headlines OK NO Cutlines OK NO NA Cutlines OK NO NA Mugs OK NO NA Mugs OK NO NA Graphics OK NO NA Graphics OK NO NA Stories end OK NO Stories end OK NO Jumplines OK NO NA Jumplines OK NO NA Ads OK NO NA Ads OK NO NA NO=Not OK; NA=Not applicable NO=Not OK; NA=Not applicable Reprint Y N Reprint Y N Initials 12 Initials 13 12 Tailwind Air Force February 16, 2018 February 16, 2018 Air Force Tailwind 13 Benicia Grill II Dover partners with AFRL to boost fuel efficiency In Fairfield TKNSHAAOURTWR ANS W,IO GFEKHRDETI, !& D43O6tVh EAirRRli ofAtla IWnRind g FB POaublRilkCic EAf fBAiArsSE, Crcol-e 1aa“7 nMfi f ruuispcstr-e tholhaavegna aedn i ertlohflsoa oktw .g ianve teshs Gee nrueteigrairloelny- vdcArauFulciBieds aedtfl. erIia gngh t athb daydtt e i1st itMopsn eir,ca ctrlhseooenv taE inwndechwsleu andrr ediends- Del. — As Air Mobility Com- of the cargo door by re-energiz- several test scenarios to validate Banquet Room Wednesday Happy mand focuses on the innova- ing the air with small vortices that Microvanes do not affect the thru Saturday available for KARAOKE Hour tions necessary to maintain the that delay separation, smooth critical C-17 air drop mission ca- any event. Air Force’s competitive advan- the flow, and reduce drag,” said pability. No room charge. 6pm-Close 5-6pm Call for reservation. No Cover Charge tage, Mobility Airmen provided Capt. Randall Hodkin, AFRL insight to help the Air Force im- Advanced Power Technology Synthetic tie-downs Buy One Breakfast or Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Special prove C-17 Globemaster III ca- Office aviation working group and winch cables Lunch Get One Buy One Get One $7 OFF 50% Off pabilities and save money in the lead. “Historically, cargo air- In addition to installing the future. craft have airflow issues in the Microvanes, the team also tested The Air Force Research Lab- aft region of the airframe due synthetic tie-downs and winch With the purchase With the purchase of 2 drinks. of 2 drinks. oratory’s Advanced Power Tech- to the required upsweep of the cables. Tie-downs are ropes, Up to $7 value. One coupon per table. Not 50% Off entree of equal or lesser value. Not nology Office from Wright-Pat- fuselage to integrate a cargo cords, straps or chains that se- good with any other offers or on Senior menu good with any other offers or on Senior menu u.s. Air force photo/roland balik items. Must prese2n/t2 3c/o1u8p on. Offer expires items. Must prese2n/2t 3c/o1u8p. on. Offer expires terson Air Force Base, Ohio, ramp.” cure items during airlift opera- Justin Smoak, Samson Rope application engineering manager, right, collaborated with Dover AFB According to Hodkin, if all tions. Winch cables help adjust shows Roberto Guerrero, deputy assistant secretary of the Air Force for Mon & Tue 6am-3pm • Wed & Thurs 6am-9pm Airmen and private companies 222 Air Force C-17s had Mi- the tension on tie-downs, secur- operational energy, left, and Ed Clark, AFRL aircraft programs support Fri & Sat 6am-10pm • Sun 6am-3pm on programs to make the entire crovanes installed, fuel savings ing the load. contractor with Concurrent Technologies Corporation, the weaving of (707) 428-0555 • 2390 North Texas Street, Fairfield C-17 Globemaster III fleet light- per year could range up to 2 mil- AFRL, Hodkin, Samson the synthetic winch cable, Sept. 6, 2017, at Dover Air Force Base, Del. er, safer and more fuel efficient lion gallons, equating to five to Rope application engineers, Jan. 30, 2018. seven million dollars depending along with an AMC subject mat- PAZDEL CHIROPRACTIC, INC. Three programs being de- on fuel prices and mission. ter expert, also returned to Do- veloped by APTO to improve “With support from Dover ver AFB at the end of January to U.S. Air national guard photo/Staff Sgt. William hopper Tech. Sgt. Jack Glad, 122nd Weapons Load, left, Senior Airman Logan Jones, 122nd Avionics, and Tech. Sgt. the C-17 fleet include the instal- AFB, we were able to validate demonstrate fit-for purpose syn- Mathew Habart, 122nd Avionics, from the 122nd Fighter Wing, Fort Wayne, Ind., upload avionics software to lation of Microvanes, the use that the tooling developed as thetic tie-down assemblies and a Tennis Elbow? an A-10C Thunderbolt II during Operation Guardian Blitz Jan. 25 at MacDill Air Force Base, Fla. of synthetic tie-downs instead part of the AFRL program can custom engineered winch cable. of cargo chains and the use of position C-17 Microvanes in the These solutions were developed winch cables instead of steel correct location to achieve the after feedback from an opera- 122nd FW trains with Navy cables. expected 1 percent fuel savings,” tional evaluation at Charleston In September 2017, APTO said Hodkin. AFB in 2016 and the previous showcased three ongoing pro- C-17 Microvane flight test- demonstration at Dover AFB. 25588 SSuunnsseett AAvvee..,, SSttee.. ll,, SSuuiissuunn CCiity grams using a C-17 set up by ing was conducted by the 412th “For the winch cable, safe- 442299--44886611 Staff Sgt. William Hopper aircraft, two Navy MH-60S he- “We were able to match our 736th Aircraft Maintenance Test Wing at Edwards AFB, Cal- ty is definitely paramount,” said Se Habla Español 122nd Fighter Wing licopters and refueling tank- objectives with the other unit’s Squadron personnel to Roberto ifornia, between August and Senior Master Sgt. Jeff Witherly, ers overhead. During missions objectives to make it all happen Guerrero, deputy assistant sec- December 2016. This valuable Headquarters, AMC C-17 evalu- FORT WAYNE, Ind. — The we are on station for over two at the same time,” said Wag- retary of the Air Force for opera- flight test program was able to ator loadmaster. 122nd Fighter Wing recently hours integrating with all these goner. “This is by far the most tional energy. completed Operation Guardian assets while also coordinating aggressive training sched- “We visited Dover (AFB) late Blitz during a two-week joint with JTACs on the ground. The ule we have set, and it never last year (2017) to do some dem- training exercise at MacDill opportunity to work with these would have been able to happen onstrations, and we received Air Force Base, Florida, which other agencies to accomplish at home this time of year due useful feedback from the local 9:30 - 1:30 Every Evening included air-to-air refueling, missions has been invaluable.” to weather and other circum- crew for redesigning our system. (cid:31) Full Time REALTOR® training alongside Navy rotary Operation Guardian Blitz stances.” We wanted to come back to see (cid:31) Local resident for over 30 years assets and joint terminal attack was unique in allowing the dif- One of the many training op- how they liked the changes and (cid:31) Specializing in Solano County residential Sunday thru Wednesday controllers. ferent branches and squadrons portunities made possible by get more feedback from them” (cid:31) Certified Distressed Property Expert The team of over 200 Air- to integrate with a synergy not Guardian Blitz was the refuel- said Justin Smoak, Samson Rope Karaoke men and 10 A-10C Thunderbolt typically found during an aver- ing mission completed by the application engineering manag- (cid:31) International exposure for listings with Matty II aircraft were able to take ad- age joint training exercise. 914th Air Refueling Wing out of er, from Ferndale, Washington. JUDY GRESS (cid:31) REALTOR® since 2000 vantage of the favorable weath- “The ability to have helicop- Niagara Falls, New York. REALTOR® (707) 330-5757 OTrhiugrsidnaay l er conditions and ability to ters out of Virginia, tankers out “The 914th ARW from Ni- Microvanes BDroRkEe #r0 A13s2so17c2ia5te [email protected] 1411 Oliver Road.F 1e8ld0 work with other units at Mac- of Niagara, and A-10s out of agara is in the process of tran- The nylon Microvanes being Rock Bands Dill AFB, and were afforded Fort Wayne all operating in the sitioning from the C-130 (Her- tested are filled with 3D print- opportunities to practice close same sortie and off the same cules cargo planes) to KC-135 ed glass beads. Each Microvane Exchange Concessionaire Friday Mr. Lucky air support, forward air control ramp is something you usual- (Stratotanker refueling) tank- is 2.4 inches tall and 16 inch- Main Exchange next to Cinnabon and combat search and rescue. ly don’t get elsewhere,” said ers,” said Waggoner. “They es in length. The addition of Mi- “My favorite part of train- Waggoner. “Even at Snowbird were excited to be a part of crovanes to the C-17s are an ef- Saturday Bucket List ing here at MacDill (AFB) has or other trips in the past, we’ve Guardian Blitz because it gave fort contracted with Lockheed been the combined force train- never been collocated with all them the opportunity to get in Martin to reduce drag and fuel ing operations that we don’t our other assets. Here at Mac- plenty of refueling sorties with consumption that is currently have an opportunity to do at Dill (AFB) for Guardian Blitz, our A-10s while getting train- being considered for transition 707.437.6810 321 MERCHANT ST. • VACAVILLE • 451-4049 home,” said Lt. Col. Joshua we’re all located in the same ing from MacDill (AFB) in- by AMC. Waggoner, 122nd Fighter Wing place and able to interact face- structors. They have completed Using a Mylar template, Operation Guardian Blitz de- to-face on a daily basis. It’s a 41 air-to-air refueling sorties 736th AMXS maintenance per- 10% OFF Visit Travis at taarceh hmeeren tt racinoimngm wanitdhe or.u r A“W-10e lwuhxeurrey e ylsoeu.” just don’t get any- in the last twSo ewee NeAkVs,Y w Phaigceh 2 i6s ssioxn noenl eiancshta lsliedde 1a2t tMhei crreoavra nofe sa, wExipt.h 2/2 8a/1d8. CHECKLIST Folios OK NO Headlines OK NO Cutlines OK NO NA Mugs OK NO NA Graphics OK NO NA Stories end OK NO Jumplines OK NO NA Ads OK NO NA NO=Not OK; NA=Not applicable Reprint Y N Initials 14 14 Tailwind February 16, 2018 Coding important to note that this of- fice works off of a coding sys- tem. We do not manually type From Page 9 in degree titles or college N V APA ALLEY names. If you believe there delivery confirmation of their is an error, please refer to the materials, they should use cer- “School Codes” or “Academic P S tified mail or another tracked LASTIC URGERY delivery method. Visit the ACB Specialty Codes” list at www. and email website for more details. your suggested change to: afit. [email protected] Frequently asked questions Q: I have been notified that Q: How does an officer get my degree information is not their academic records up- on file even though I have been dated? The member must re- in the Air Force for several quest an official transcript years, and I had to have a de- be mailed or emailed to the Napa Valley Plastic Surgery has been gree to be commissioned. How ACB. Electronic transcripts is this possible? can be emailed directly from When you are commis- the university to afit.coding@ providing exceptional board-certified sioned in the Air Force, the of- and the mailing ad- fice that commissions you is dress is: AFIT Academic Cod- responsible for obtaining offi- ing Branch, 2950 Hobson Way, plastic and reconstructive surgery to cial transcripts, verifying ac- WPAFB OH, 45433-7765. ademic education completion, This office will not ac- and forwarding them to our of- Northern California patients since 1984. cept diplomas, photocopies, fice within 90 calendar days. screenshots, enrollment verifi- This does not always happen. cations, letters of degree com- We rely on individual officers pletion, etc. If the member has checking the accuracy of their an unopened transcript, it can records. The first step is to val- be mailed to the address above. idate your degree informa- Q: How can I determine if tion on your Career Data Brief. my transcript was received While the SURF and OPB may and/or education level updated? be similar, the SURF only holds Please login to the AF Portal, your top two, highest, most re- vMPF and view your Career cent degrees and the OPB may Data Brief (CDB). This office have masked your academic in- can only update information in formation. The CDB and MIL- the academic section. PDS both hold up to five de- Q: If I think that my school/ grees, after five degrees, the degree was loaded incorrect- lowest/oldest degree will be re- ly, what can I do? First, it is moved from your record. Offering Real Estate Sales & Mortgage Lending To Make Your Experience Better! JIM FILIPPI Branch Manager (cid:100)(cid:99)(cid:98)(cid:105)(cid:0)(cid:57)(cid:72)(cid:74)(cid:71)(cid:73)(cid:75)(cid:77)(cid:0)(cid:169)(cid:0)(cid:88)(cid:104)(cid:91)(cid:0)(cid:57)(cid:70)(cid:71)(cid:74)(cid:74)(cid:78)(cid:70)(cid:76)(cid:78) (cid:77)(cid:70)(cid:77)(cid:67)(cid:78)(cid:78)(cid:70)(cid:67)(cid:72)(cid:75)(cid:75)(cid:75)(cid:0)(cid:169)(cid:0)(cid:96)(cid:127)(cid:131)(cid:86)(cid:119)(cid:131)(cid:121)(cid:119)(cid:134)(cid:68)(cid:131)(cid:133)(cid:136)(cid:138)(cid:125)(cid:119)(cid:125)(cid:123) SCOTT TONNESEN Branch Manager (cid:100)(cid:99)(cid:98)(cid:105)(cid:0)(cid:57)(cid:73)(cid:73)(cid:71)(cid:78)(cid:71)(cid:72)(cid:0)(cid:169)(cid:0)(cid:88)(cid:104)(cid:91)(cid:0)(cid:57)(cid:70)(cid:71)(cid:73)(cid:75)(cid:72)(cid:76)(cid:71)(cid:72) (cid:77)(cid:77)(cid:77)(cid:77)(cid:77)(cid:70)(cid:70)(cid:70)(cid:70)(cid:70)(cid:70)(cid:77)(cid:77)(cid:77)(cid:77)(cid:77)(cid:67)(cid:67)(cid:72)(cid:72)(cid:72)(cid:72)(cid:72)(cid:72)(cid:74)(cid:74)(cid:74)(cid:74)(cid:74)(cid:76)(cid:76)(cid:76)(cid:76)(cid:76)(cid:67)(cid:67)(cid:67)(cid:75)(cid:75)(cid:75)(cid:75)(cid:75)(cid:76)(cid:76)(cid:76)(cid:76)(cid:76)(cid:77)(cid:77)(cid:77)(cid:77)(cid:77)(cid:70)(cid:70)(cid:70)(cid:70)(cid:70)(cid:70)(cid:0)(cid:169)(cid:169)(cid:0)(cid:105)(cid:105)(cid:105)(cid:105)(cid:105)(cid:105)(cid:121)(cid:121)(cid:121)(cid:121)(cid:121)(cid:121)(cid:133)(cid:133)(cid:133)(cid:133)(cid:133)(cid:133)(cid:138)(cid:138)(cid:138)(cid:138)(cid:138)(cid:138)(cid:138)(cid:86)(cid:86)(cid:119)(cid:119)(cid:131)(cid:131)(cid:121)(cid:121)(cid:119)(cid:134)(cid:68)(cid:131)(cid:133)(cid:136)(cid:138)(cid:125)(cid:119)(cid:125)(cid:123) ABMS Maintenance of Certification™ (cid:76)(cid:70)(cid:79)(cid:0)(cid:96)(cid:123)(cid:124)(cid:124)(cid:123)(cid:136)(cid:137)(cid:133)(cid:132)(cid:0)(cid:105)(cid:138)(cid:68)(cid:66)(cid:0)(cid:105)(cid:139)(cid:127)(cid:138)(cid:123)(cid:0)(cid:97)(cid:66)(cid:0) American Board of Plastic Surgery (cid:92)(cid:119)(cid:127)(cid:136)(cid:162)(cid:123)(cid:130)(cid:122)(cid:66)(cid:0)(cid:89)(cid:87)(cid:0)(cid:0)(cid:79)(cid:74)(cid:75)(cid:73)(cid:73) (cid:100)(cid:99)(cid:98)(cid:105)(cid:57)(cid:71)(cid:76)(cid:79)(cid:79)(cid:70)(cid:70)(cid:70) Certification Matters Visit Travis at (cid:98)(cid:127)(cid:121)(cid:123)(cid:132)(cid:137)(cid:123)(cid:122)(cid:0)(cid:120)(cid:143)(cid:0)(cid:90)(cid:123)(cid:134)(cid:138)(cid:68)(cid:0)(cid:133)(cid:124)(cid:0)(cid:88)(cid:139)(cid:137)(cid:127)(cid:132)(cid:123)(cid:137)(cid:137)(cid:0)(cid:101)(cid:140)(cid:123)(cid:136)(cid:137)(cid:127)(cid:125)(cid:126)(cid:138)(cid:0)(cid:119)(cid:132)(cid:122)(cid:0)(cid:138)(cid:126)(cid:123)(cid:0)(cid:88)(cid:139)(cid:136)(cid:123)(cid:119)(cid:139)(cid:0)(cid:133)(cid:124)(cid:0)(cid:104)(cid:123)(cid:119)(cid:130)(cid:0)(cid:91)(cid:137)(cid:138)(cid:119)(cid:138)(cid:123)(cid:66)(cid:0)(cid:139)(cid:132)(cid:122)(cid:123)(cid:136)(cid:0)(cid:138)(cid:126)(cid:123)(cid:0) (cid:89)(cid:87)(cid:0)(cid:104)(cid:123)(cid:137)(cid:127)(cid:122)(cid:123)(cid:132)(cid:138)(cid:127)(cid:119)(cid:130)(cid:0)(cid:99)(cid:133)(cid:136)(cid:138)(cid:125)(cid:119)(cid:125)(cid:123)(cid:0)(cid:98)(cid:123)(cid:132)(cid:122)(cid:127)(cid:132)(cid:125)(cid:0)(cid:87)(cid:121)(cid:138)(cid:66)(cid:0)(cid:98)(cid:127)(cid:121)(cid:123)(cid:132)(cid:137)(cid:123)(cid:0)(cid:100)(cid:99)(cid:98)(cid:105)(cid:57)(cid:0)(cid:72)(cid:76)(cid:74)(cid:74)(cid:72)(cid:72)(cid:0)(cid:69)(cid:0)(cid:89)(cid:87)(cid:0)(cid:88)(cid:104)(cid:91)(cid:0)(cid:70)(cid:71)(cid:71)(cid:77)(cid:74)(cid:76)(cid:79)(cid:74) CHECKLIST Folios OK NO Headlines OK NO Cutlines OK NO NA Mugs OK NO NA Graphics OK NO NA Stories end OK NO Jumplines OK NO NA Ads OK NO NA NO=Not OK; NA=Not applicable Reprint Y N Initials 16 Tailwind February 16, 2018 Tailwind 17 Travis unveils logo at launch of 75th anniversary events Staff Sgt. Nicole Leidholm Upcoming events 1 60th Air Mobility Public AffAirs 4 The ceremony marked the in- Travis Air Force Base, California, augural kickoff to a year-long cel- held a kickoff celebration Feb. 8, with ebration with additional events a new logo unveiling for its 75th Anni- scheduled throughout the year to versary. celebrate 75 years, to include: The ceremony commemorated and • Travis Heritage Center event on honored the past 75 years of Ameri- March 16. can power with heritage walkabout dis- • Community Golf Tournament on plays, food and live music. April 7. Sen. Bill Dodd, D-Napa, 3rd Senate • Travis Spouse’s Club Auction on District, was the keynote speaker for May 19 the celebration and helped base leader- • 75th Anniversary Dining-In on ship unveil the official 75th Anniversa- June 1. ry logo on a C-17 Globemaster III. • 7.5-Mile Runway Run on Sept. 15. “The impact this base has had and • Air Force Gala on Sept. 22. continues to have in our communities For more information about the cannot be overstated,” said Dodd. “You upcoming events, visit: http://www. stand ready to bear any burden tode- fend our nation, you protect and pre- serve our freedoms every day and you Brig. Gen. Robert F. Travis who was are the guardians of our democracy. killed when his B-29 Superfortress For the next 75 years, you will contin- crashed on the installation August 5, ue to enrich our community and defend 1950. our nation.” From 1969 to the present, the 60th For the past 75 years, Travis AFB and 349th Air Mobility Wings have has been a focal point for the world as worked closely to make Travis AFB a power projection platform, a means one of the best and most versatile bases to deliver hope and a mission fueled by in the Air Force. community support. “For 50 of the 75 years, the Re- “We have great civilian partners in serves have been here as a reserve as- the area here,” said Col. Ruth Meyer, sociate wing, which was a new concept 621st Contingency Response Wing in- back then, working alongside their ac- dividual mobilization augmentee and tive duty counterparts, proud to show representative for the 621st CRW com- up for duty at this great base and bring mander. “We wouldn’t have been able synergy to the mission,” said Col. Ray- to have the impact that we have in the mond Kozak, 349th Air Mobility Wing 2 community, in the country and around commander. “The reserve associate the world, if it wasn’t for the support concept has flourished here at Travis. we have from our community part- Citizen Airmen of Northern California nerships and the support they give our are proud to report to this base, join the families while we’re gone, doing our host wing and move the mission.” job.” Continuing its tradition as a ma- Travis AFB is home to the larg- jor strategic logistics hub for the Pacif- est airlift organization in the U.S. Air ic, Travis AFB has become an integral Force; however, it began as Fairfield- part of global power projection for the Suisun Army Air Base, an isolated air- total force. strip set in the middle of a wind-swept “Strategically located on the central prairie during World War II. The first runway and temporary western coast of our great nation, we buildings were constructed in the sum- are here for a reason,” said Col. John mer of 1942. Shortly after, the base’s Klein, 60th AMW commander. “Over potential as a major aerial port and the years, we’ve undergone many tran- supply transfer point for the Pacif- sitions and changes, but always with 3 ic theater led the Army Air Corps to the top priority of supporting and de- assign it to the newly-designated Air fending our nation. Today, we aspire u.s. Air force photos/louis briscese Transport Command. The base finally to be America’s finest mobility force, 1) California Sen. Bill Dodd, D-Napa, 3rd Senate District, speaks Feb. 8 during the 75th anniversary kickoff celebration at Travis Air Force Base, Calif. 2) opened on June 1, 1943, with a primary serving locally and engaging globally. Distinguished visitors are introduced during the 75th anniversary kickoff celebration at Travis. 3) Jeff Intemann, right, a Vietnam veteran from Vacaville, Calif., mission of preparing and ferrying mil- We stand ready to fulfill our mission to speaks with Chief Master Sgt. Marcos Malacara, 60th Diagnostics and Therapeutics Squadron, during the kickoff celebration. The celebration featured the itary aircraft for the Pacific war zone. rapidly project American power, any- unveiling of the 75th anniversary logo on a C-17 Globemaster III. 4) 1) Col. John Klein, left, 60th Air Mobility Wing commander, presents Dodd with a Golden Bear. Travis AFB is named in honor of time, anywhere.” CHECKLIST Folios OK NO Headlines OK NO Cutlines OK NO NA Mugs OK NO NA Graphics OK NO NA Stories end OK NO Jumplines OK NO NA Ads OK NO NA NO=Not OK; NA=Not applicable Reprint Y N Initials 18 Tailwind February 16, 2018 Tailwind 15 News Notes 10:30 a.m. Sunday. Fire Prevention Office at 707-424-3683. Hometown News Releases. To submit t h e puzzles • Gospel Worship Service: 11:30 a.m. to Base illicit discharge number. To report a Hometown News Release, visit in the next week . . . 12:30 p.m. Sunday. sewage/water leaks or illegal dumping, call and fill out Disposition of personal effects. Capt. • Children’s Ministry is provided for 707-424-2575. For hazardous chemical/ the information. Talisha McNeal is authorized to make disposition of STR8TS 6-month-olds through fifth grade. material spills call the base emergency LGBT Alliance. General membership the personal property of Tech. Sgt. Deontae iFrench Memo Board Class. tCouples Bowl Special. On • Protestant Men of the Chapel: 8 to 9 numbers. meetings take place at 6 p.m. the first No. 373 Easy Previous solution - Medium Lockett, deceased, 60th Medical Operations r5:30 p.m. Feb. 16 at Arts & aFeb. 17, plan a date night for $2. a.m., first Saturday of every month. Crisis text line. Free, confidential, 24/7 Wednesday of every month at the Airman and 8 7 4 8 59 78 75 64 93 21 62 1 Shaqvuinadg rcolna,im ass sfotar toerd a igna AinFsI t3 th4e-5 d1e1c. eAansye pde prseorsno n, fCrafts. 424-2929. sC6-o1u1p:3le0s pb.omw. lM ata Trkra yvoisu Br coawlel nfrdoamr • ProtestTawnti nW Pomeaekns o Cf thhaep Cehlapel: 9:30 to c74o1u-n7s4e1l inagn yfowrh teereen isn atnhde Uyonuitnegd aSdtuatltess. aTenxdt a Femamaiill ylg Rbetaaldliiannecses7 C0e7n@tegrm. Faoilr. cmomore o irn cfoarllm ation, 8 2 9 8 6 5 4 3 1 2 contact McNeal by phone at 707-423-5312 or Karaoke. 8 p.m. Feb. 16 at now and plan to have a fun-filled 11 a.m. Tuesday. live, trained crisis counselor responds quickly. 707-424-2486. 4 6 712 21 23 817 567 46 354 43 emaSil ctahlioshlaar.1s.hmipcns efaolr.m mili@litmarayil .cmhili.ldren. Open Wingman’s. 437-3227. nniogth int. c$lu2d per sicheo pees.r Fpoerr sdoenta. iDlso, es • ProtestanDt TGraMdCitio Cnhala Speerlvice: 10 to 11 RepEomrtipnlgo ySeyes-tVeemh.i cCleiv iCliaenr tainfidc amtiiloitanr ya nd MusMeuamr,e w Ishliachn dm Meaunsse aucmtiv.e N-douwty a m Billuitaer Sy,t ar F l i p 9 6 25 46 65 41 2 78 89 7 tGou saornds o ar nredt idreadu gmhitlietarsr yo cf oamctimvei sdsuatryy, creussetorvme,e rs. craftAy rwtisth & $ C25ra foftrs t hColsaes sRe4sR. eGliegti bulpe. aTnradv gise t call 707-437-4737. a.m. Sunday. personnel must maintain emissions information reservists and their family members are eligible Airmen’s Ministry Center with the Web-based ECARS system. For more for free admission from Memorial Day to Labor 3 4 8 5 7 6 Recipient must be enrolled or planning to enroll Arts & Crafts classes. Sign up today before uMPS closure. On Feb. 22, the 7 5 3 • The Peak is open from 6 to 9 p.m. Monday information, call Xuyen Lieu at 707-424-5103. Day. 1100 Railroad Ave. on Mare Island in How to beat Str8ts – full-time in a four-year undergraduate college or the classes fill up. The French Memo Board 60th and 349th Military 3 8 9 7 Lreikpee aStu idno aknuy, nroow s oinrg cleo lnuummnb. eBru ct.a..n university accredited in the U.S. or a two-year class is from 5:30–7:30 p.m. on Feb. 16. hPersonnel Section will be closed taht r6o .F Triudeasyd aaty B’sld fogl.l o1w3e4d8 .a Ht 7o oboy kBeidb lme eal SenEsoxrcye pPtlaioyn Galr oFuapm. iTlyh iMs germoubpe mr Peertosg frroamm 2 VFraidlleajyo,. 1100 ttoo 42 SMaotunrddaayy .t hFrooru mgho re rows and columns are divided by black community college, with a GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 Must be 18 years or older to participate. To for a training day. For status 6 3 2 1 squares into compartments. These basis. For more information, call Marye Dobson at determine if qualify for R4R pricing, call tupdates, to schedule future study. to 4 p.m. the second and fourth Wednesdays at information, call 707-557-4646. 7 4 3 2 8 © 2018 Syndicated Puzzles ncoacionoeefnf mltenyalhs dunpoa myrlrttee dorsbmteo etebrrwo ar,ea sv ie ag fie‘wgsnhl l tteidt[hrt.4ahd acG,i 2gtnoi nl,hnaol3u tunw ,’mg.5mci atAe]nh.bp , saCe snattr ul nrb utaamhudesiet sbg a ac ehsriannerotsn lbion us tblpoht aiaettoaci o pntksi nn a et ort t 82sthc00eh24 2o--B670la3a01r74l8fs--o1-18h0u90i6pr 0a 7 Bp0c oae,r roeda vxgetitmtsr.y ai5ti cmCw2 7yow.e8 mAwa1cr.,m.m c JAeiuimllpli tntra ieWnirtsygiieesd aicsseph knFpootoslpliac,uf r ai.annotticdro glaun.dtsi iofnongr 707-424-2929. staff, call MPathpSep acotui n7st0tmo7m-e4ne2tr4s s -oe8rr4 vto8ic 3sep. seuapkp woritth call TFwoirn m Poearek sin Cfohrmapauetli oa unt 7a 0ub7o-u4t2 c4h-3ap21el7 p.rograms, tiFPnharfeoco erBjFmebaacoalifotrot.ikfiou L nrepo ,Bla cdcgea/aeatlVe lt“ tda7Ey 0c FaC7atM o-vP4mPie2l laTm4erb -auT4ovnr3diasiy4t iy A2nR FC ooSBeart n.d”vat iestaiirnot. dtnFh o Vera mndoerne f7inr9ofo1mr.MMm A9lia- lt5a tdci.0omehn peG.,l lotclao yaMs e3l lrM e s7p m0.aam7rsoe-.k4 r fie i2Favt4 ielat -rL2 sTy 6i nebW8esr9ectaid.ernsnygse.. asO rTdypaa.ek yFen oas 9rt p Bmalal.domcgree.. Side You can find more help, tips and hints at see how ‘straights’ are formed. spouses and children, who live at a BBC-owned Recurring Road in Fairfield with a six-lane overpass. to 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 5 SUDOKU and managed property are eligible to apply. enjoy $12 steak night every Tuesday evening at the track: 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesdays at First Street Construction is scheduled for completion in p.m. Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Applications must be submitted at www. Delta Breeze Club. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. and Chapel. Child care available. For more October. For more information, visit http://bit. closed Sunday. No. 373 Tough Previous solution - Medium by March 31. each plate includes delicious steak, sides and information, call 707-424-3797. Air Force Office of Special Investiga- ly/1yNIBwV. Montezuma Shrine Club. Meets every 2 7 5 9 7 8 3 4 6 5 2 1 MPF walk-in hours. Effective March 1, MPF non-alcoholic beverage. For details, call Recurring events tions. To report a crime, get a foreign travel brief Family Advocacy Parent/Child third Thursday of the month at the Masonic 3 4 2 1 7 5 8 9 6 will no longer service customers for ID card related 707-437-3711. or request information on joining AFOSI, report playgroups. Toddlers to the Max Playgroup for Center, 412 Travis Blvd., Fairfield. For more 9 4 3 5 8 1 5412 1368 6579 8745 9623 2891 4236 7184 3957 iaaspssspuisoetisna vntmicae ew nfoat-rlko e-nimnly h esroygusertnes mcayn. sdFit ouwra itltlh igooons seto sn uaecneh d iansg s tolen cYohuildtYhreo Bnua tashge eBbsaa l5ls.- e1Tb2h aefo lrlre Stghiigsetn rSa-pUtiropinnsg .p SReereiaogsidso tenenr o dfs • Roman TCwaitnh oCPlieaca tMhkosa slCisch: a9 and noon tdTorea nBvclidse g At.oF 3 BA8,F 09OB4S,5 Is 3De5ce.ot aFncodhr flmmoeoonrre.t S3ine0fno3dr,m 5c1ao0triro eAnsir,p licofatn lC-l R, c1Ah1ni nlade.rmxe.n .T Wahgeee dRsna 1ett stldeosa 3 yt osm aReta etshtpse bf rFeoirrmrsiet 9sS :tP3rel0ae yttgo Cr o huapp efol r i2n5fo7r3Mm oaort tiCooanrcl, Gyccaitllsle hM aliimckee anMts 7iicn0hg7a -ea4ln2is5d a- tt0 r70a06i7n0-i.4n2g7.- 9 7 4 7 5 4 9 8 3 1 6 2 or lost Common Access Cards or pin resets, visit March 2. All Travis youth are eligible to play and Sunday. 707-424-3115 or DSN: 837-3115. infants 8 weeks to 1 year meets 9:30 to 11 a.m. California Rider Education offers the 6 9 1 2 5 4 7 3 8 during operation hours from 7:30 a.m. to the registration fee is $75. Prior to registering, • Children’s Church: 10:15 a.m. Sunday. Air Force Sergeants Association Thursdays at the First Street Chapel Annex. For Motorcyclists Training Course, Basic Ridervs 2 5 8 2 3 6 1 7 9 5 4 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. participants must provide an updated physical • Sacrament of Reconciliation/Confession: “Walter E. Scott” Chapter 1320. General more information, call 707-423-5168. Course 2 and the Military Sportsbike Riders Mark Raymond at 707-416-5331. out To complete Sudoku, fill the board Dependent ID card renewal. Dependents with current flu shot and EFMP Packages are 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Wednesday or upon membership meetings are at 3 p.m. on the Family and Friends Combat Stress Course on base. MTC classes take place most Retiree Activities Office. Openings for Travis Heritage Center. The facility is 3 4 9 bthya et netaecrhin gro nwu, mcobleurms n1 aton d9 3sxu3c hb ox can now renew their ID cards online at welcome. For more information, call 707-424- appointment. second Friday of every month at Wingman’s in Peer Support Group. Meets from noon to weekends. Motorcycles and helmets provided. volunteers. Customers are retired American looking to add to its historical collection. It is miss- 7 3 9 18 5 6 8 9 © 2018 Syndicated Puzzles cFvIoiPfoi tosyhhnrioeto t maurwn i peanlwiu/nksiwPezy ez a.sSvsldeteutr rsarAd8y,t ptoe csnpkgh,u suieSem cwasukbn,di kedhooir iuk. mnouutt rnus oga icuqanhrund bemd ol yotoi.prkess ,o, n Tptahelhrtsmitmepo p :aSsa/ole/retreyrbax vriSrunety.Aa la yadRtl/se uCA2 sStC isueaAs0bsnRa1,jde Cudq cd 9eltst epe emRpl.rouvaeyettsmytspe Serion nAen ttxRhsspC,ee ei lraldCntbuseo seosoe sntrno,cd c eelieetn c lfTt e toh,h reesy . oB5f3o F9oek2Bb .alriutn aMdrC iyDt,co jahonetineltl euMwssie ttamhsn odaar ihBnaalod vLoe isbk arp.a BDeryluic.n rTidinah gDle s atehtveee wmnitto hisn ath Regi•••••str IYCAWanotdhfoiuoauimltnndlht tr er C eCBennhq’has’osupo i BiritCrr:ieis: bh 4dm1lo e. p i p r6PS.:.m mrt2teuo. p. d p S7 Sy.Cum :up s0dSas a.uay,:y y(r .actelta rFlsyis.rsets . tcTfarheonoecndm htD Aa4. 1ec iStr0ltotg ma S at6 .eB.e mRnpnreei..o’m sebtr oze .AMe cW2t cCat eapislcud . S hFdsTegodeu traneA. ym siAd.rd mneo5a gr6Ryeee 0no alil’ nm nsHNf doAeiic crrtTkmhothia.coaum listrsis o oAodnrvpa ,e ye. n 1B1TQemh- au2peli .afr pmoaPil.ut me.ter rat a.Bhak vtne.ehs daFoefi to prJttsryhec t mosi CrTsmduooi cremTbaesha mdiSutnparouftsyotsndo rdoima taf@yy tea Cogv5tifeemo0 renn1yaat,- e i2cmlc.r3hco oa1 onmnn-m7ttdaoh7. cnf 5trat o6hAt m tmoahr teb er Stcamphonhuauvdoctse ncwNtre eecaAs doaisFv vtff e ouef1sorrl- l8caotkho0scwem.t0n i Fvs- p9eackl 6omiedllst6suiito l-styt3ney .m, 8s Agrt4el eilva4 sDbrg vseiMsetrtussVrd, a.w steCieoonolmntcusso re amsd DeoDe Onc,L oeDb3s u8v tit 9a stctIhfhheo ayeermvov eRsuimc eAt ewhruOv rmonie’csuieece l rd amhea toslnibiopkudeneor rs tnsath o osnea irbad n rmpi edltipost otyp lhyre eet enofc oits rtomr u f t aarhgaem ieivv nryoeietl ,lyadtu i ciermnneast eloeeel sepmr vrer ebens.cel o ertsi v.a eInt dis iwdaamnl.oasgmonos rta. eh isntt eeeoivn e pof4fkoola vsrrpse m g.vtdm 5.tuD ieTo nyoruntae ee,yta eisocorrdusansa l .solh y RTfa t tohcivhc oeearkn o pgsSufloipfhgimtrc ehest ace hiSni taoaha tpwtiten u 7h?igsr0 id T cs7oahhpp-y4 eeTe. 2 crcnFa4iea ov1-nlri 1s ttoe r The solutions will be published here in the next issue. our store at requirements are met and training/certifications free and for all ages. Simply check-out a wrapped Street Chapel). For more information, call 707-424-8740 or visit Government no-fee passports. All MPF self-renewal program. Did you 707-424-3905. 5598 or email [email protected]. are completed. Officers O-2 and above or civilians book, read it and fill out a “Rate the Date” form. • Catholic Women of the Chapel: 6 p.m. the Facebook page “The Attic at Travis AFB.” submissions of applications for government know that dependents can now renew their ID 60th Air Mobility Wing Information Travis Legal Office. Power of attorney and GS-12 or equivalent, who have completed the VVA For more information, call (707) 424-3279. first Monday of every month, Annex. Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group. no-fee passports must now include: 1) A cards online? To participate in this program, visit Protection Office. All requests are done on notaries are walk-ins 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday, initial training and/or AF SARC course, has Closures • Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: 6 to Meetings take place from 1 to 2:30 p.m. the photocopy of Military Identification Card front This program is limited Thursdays and by appointment only. Schedule Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, Retiree Corner performed SAPR VA/VVA duties under SARC Sierra Inn dining facility closure. The 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Annex. third Thursday of the month in the diabetic and back; 2) Passport photo taken in the past only for renewing dependents’ IDs. For all other an appointment by calling 707-424-3114 or by 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday. Legal assistance for supervision, and are D-SAACP certified may serve DFAC, Sierra Inn, is closed due to remodeling. All • RE Classes: 10:15 to 11:30 a.m. Sunday, education classroom on the first floor in Internal six months; 3) Supporting document(s), proof services, visit MPF during duty hours or call emailing [email protected]. Fingerprinting is active duty members and dependents are as an alternate SARC. If interested or want dining services are moved to the Delta Breeze RE Wing. Medicine at David Grant USAF Medical Center. of U.S. citizenship certified copy with state or 707-424-8483. only for federal employment and for agencies walk-ins from 2 to 3 p.m. Tuesday. For all wills Medal of Honor recipient, was dead or alive; his daugh- additional information, please contact the SARC or Club. Midnight chow will not be served, but all First Street Chapel For more information, call county seal, if it involved a name change submit On-base child care. The Air Force with a valid support agreement. For emergen- and retiree legal assistance, call 707-424-3251 to former POW laid to rest ter was 11 years old. SAPR VA at 707-424- 1105 /1098 or email tiffanie. other meals provided. • Mom’s Group: 9 to 11:30 a.m. Thursday 707-423-7227. a court order or marriage certificate. Passport requires on-base residents to be licensed by the cies, call 707-424-3114. make an appointment. thorsness spent the next [email protected] to receive a packet. Presidents Day hours. In observance of and Friday. Base emergency numbers. Mobile application cannot be handwritten and printed 60th Mission Support Group if they provide Solano/Napa Habitat for Humanity. Voluntary Leave Transfer Program. The wAshiNgtoN — re- six years in captivity at sev- Presidents Day, several FSS facilities will DGMC Chapel phone users must dial 707-424-4911 if they back to back and must be completed online more than 10 hours of care per week in their This organization welcomes volunteers and following Travis employees are approved as leave tired Col. leo thorsness, a eral Pow camps. he was re- experience limited operational hours and/or • Roman Catholic Mass: Noon to 12:35 have an emergency on base. Those using with 2D barcode at website https://pptform. homes. For more information, call 707-424- supporters from all backgrounds. There are recipients through the Voluntary Leave Transfer medal of honor recipient leased and returned home 60th FSS temporary closure. For details, please visit p.m. Monday through Thursday, except for government or home phones can call 911. For and/or For 8104 or 707-424-4596 or stop by Bldg. 380B. recurring events Tuesday through Saturday. For Program: in 1973. federal holidays. more information, call the Travis Air Force Base more information, call 707-424-5324. Photocopying of military identifica- more information, email Staff Sgt. Mathew • Jessica Pope, 349th Air Mobility Wing. and former Prisoner of war, After 23 years of service u u u The Church of Jesus Christ tion. The prohibition of photocopying of U.S. Clayton at [email protected]. • Anonymous employee, Joint Base wlinags toinnt eNrarteiodn fale Cb.e m14e taetr yA. r- and more than 5,000 flying Upcoming For more information on FSS, visit of Latter-day Saints Here are the showtimes for this weekend’s government identification Common Access Travis Community Thrift Shop. 10 a.m. Lewis-McChord, Washington. thorsness was award- hfrooumrs ,d eftenhdorinsnge sths oser etfirreeed- ThosSek Ri 4aRd veelignibtuler peasy. Wonitlhy $O5u ttdoo sokri Raencdr eeantjiooyn t.h e Sund•a yS aatc rCahmuercnht Sofe Jrveiscuess :C 9h raisntd o 1f 1L aat.tmer.- day movies at the Base TTohdeaatyer: CSeacrdre atanrnyo oufn Dceefde nbsye t,h dea Otefdfi cOec ot.f 2th7e, 2A0s1s1is,t danoet s tfoor 2 v opl.umn.t eTeuress tdoa oyr agnandi zTeh,u srosrdta ayn. dO npgriocien g need medTichael eVmLTePrg aellnocwys o ar nis e amffpeclotyeede b wy hao m heads iaca l ed the medal of honor for doms as an Airman and im- snowcapped mountains (February to March). The Saints Fairfield Stake Center, 2700 Camrose • 6:30 p.m. “Black not apply to medical establishments, applying donations. For more information, contact the emergency of a family member and is without his actions during an air en- mediately ran for political ski adventure is $25 for all other customers and Chapel programs Ave., Fairfield. Panther” (PG-13, first run) for government-issued, no-fee passport and Thrift Shop at 707-437-2370. availability of paid leave to receive transferred gagement on April 19, 1967, you must be 16 years or older to participate. 6 a.m. DGMC Chapel other U.S. government agencies in the Travis Composite Squadron 22 Civil Air annual leave directly from other employees. For office. he served as a wash- daiers trmoyisisnigle tswitoe s sudrufraicneg- toa- ington state senator from tpor i7ci npg.m, c. aTlol 7 d0e7te-4rm24in-0e9 if6 y9o.u qualify for R4R Upcoming events Sund•a yL aatt tDerG-dMayC S Maeindtisc aSle Crveicnete: r4 C thoa 4p:e3l.0 p.m. • 6:30 p.m. “BlacSka turd ay pTherisfo rremquainrecme oefn ot fdfioceiasl ngootv earpnpmlye tnot mbuinsoinrse sasg.e s Padautlrtos la. gOepse 1n8 t oo ry ooludtehr fwrohmo t1ra2i nto a 1n8d, saesr vwee all sa s moreT uinsfkoremgeateio Ani,r cmalal 7n0 L7e-4e2 A4-.1 1988 to 1992. suppression mission. Family Sledding Trip. For only $25, take the Financial Peace University. Two • For all other enquires, call LDS Panther” (PG-13, first run) 16 or younger. However, it applies to sponsors. the volunteer component of the total force. UTA is Chapter. Meets at 1 p.m. third Saturday of the Just 11 days after this thorsness died may 2, family to go sledding and play in the snow nine-week, two-hours-per-session, faith-based Military relations representatives at 707-535- For more information, call 707-424-5324. 6:30 to 9 p.m. Monday, Bldg. 241-B -2. Open to month at Nut Tree Airport. For more information, mission, thorsness was shot 2017, and at the family’s (February and March). Outdoor Recreation will money management courses building financial 6979 Sunday Professional Loadmaster Association. all students with a 2.0 or higher grade-point call James Harris at 707-631-6361. down and captured by the request, was laid to rest provide transportation and sleds. 7 a.m. to resilience for active duty military members, single Protestant • 2 p.m. “Black The Professional Loadmaster Association meets average. For more information, contact CAP 1st What’s Cookin’ Wednesday. Free lunch at North vietnamese. there amongst his brothers and 4 p.m. For details, call 707-424-0969. or married and their spouses. First track: 6 to 8 First Street Chapel Panther” (PG-13, first run) at 7 p.m. the first Tuesday of each month at the Lt. Jo Nash at 707-424-3996 or recruiting@ the Travis AFB USO Bldg. 1348. Served from 11 was an 11-month span where sisters in arms. Steak Night. Bring the family and friends to p.m. Tuesdays at Twin Peaks Chapel. Second • Protestant Community Service: 9:30 to Delta Breeze Club. For more information, call, visit during a UTA or check a.m. to 1 p.m. every Wednedsay. For active duty, his family didn’t know if he — Air Force News Service “News Notes” briefs must be submitted to [email protected] seveN dAys before the eveNt dAte. CAll the 60th Air mobility wiNg PubliC AffAirs offiCe iNterNAl iNfo seCtioN At 424-2011 for more iNformAtioN.