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Tagalog Complete Course PDF

129 Pages·2016·19.94 MB·English
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Course Outline ot attire 4 Joplegsbloten ws teraction of Lessom 1 G0OD MORNING! ql Tho ake LESSON 2 WHERE ARE YOU GOING? a leat Esra ace rxpesng serch acd AG ranee Sap hiag we a Aihee Tae Are ering Less ne ‘hestion ee ie Hulk 4A Phas LESSOM 3 HY FAMILY # ibs Yount NiskStrean oa 00 fou sets Aesberteie ator ih jain Nabors LESSON COME INT # ospabee apres ‘eGterusated suber elaine ole Yes desu 5 175 Lave! a Lesson 1 in's paturun! a” buy haute a taser pae eran Moteer un ed, Tapenge Dappr ‘he 4 oie at, es ve Uresie STARE a LESSON v2 WwiteRE CAN I. .? Ey Fak a Aiken oe ssc nrg The yor Ae pw: ss gcbton Feprung aren” i Wetigeie oi LESSON v3 44H) G0 VOU PLAN To DO? oo iessom 7 can 1 A5eM CUESTIUN? = Matin, Stee Pn, Ialreicae SSicgend GeoneDersone | Weblosun Epa eminem sirg’tote Ahte\o! | newts Peaetive Pitan earn nce 2c eal te LeSsoW’a 15 WR. PRUCAWIAQN THERE? LESSON 46 ARE YOU NeW HERE @ Pata pens ane ase Ou Teqnrang ty Wi ota Esc Hoes re kro Fgensng xe oe a Reed anette EE ated For Kes ines signi LESSON 9 HOW NUCH IS THIS? E LNSSON a5 vaCHTiOW! a ‘Shopping exscessions i A iled abe aati Dessibiog Winther and Netarst “sme Beans acal ate ey a Baa ree Yule Bow a Katee eps Hue LESSON 4p TeHAT’S GOON HuRL? ie Sans Retrevo tants) Thin Irfeeren Thee ene Hos yg Bl ae List of Abbreviations ot salstioe pr pronoun inne seformal nt forms exch, acne in inchosive » vet Introduction Sate ee na Tl: Cangas ser 9 ea ‘Bebe unc ol be bet see oe scan dso eran ke Seu ie Ie toese sta sale seo 3 ie ae Ihe-uushof the opin sar Tages aa bee wren Te ee ener ie a ea ee ee bad siare snide te lenges Ab ve We segs noe gue als) ase som mer. 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Hlethea ints dete analy . Geto nmet, —eeeyoietoucenn i eho aminload ‘elated Inne soars ppesrsten ir Tag ener pests temo Ji iow tithe each one «ponesnced aguas F Maal un (terot ead lea echt choy nai hort inabieenst hah inl igri ‘vaeroe ba! coNSOMANTS te sth host er ge seu sh rece Sonia ie 2 lbetiesir bed 8 dhelekinusmna Yee ‘ Hypthed adder sons sou) len folomiate'y yor inet Oe La uy fk Picns bob net i siueteetiwlight ——lagtin) = Hietkertemoer Shy het listhgmtuaws cues] werclowt iy? be tunbe) ied ‘on 25 tdbns tke ung yaar Eeaatotg ed. srg scUsbegiisa ute gna! store Ne yin huey : heitep inspt zo ; fMeiertampics | steel : Uettesinaet Saunas) ism sencby splat tae ' Letevead axilla: Sen flowed bys! aaa eae ed het ~ Tete teva) wate!ahigs : Teteyhnysh —— stetioms) Sore tt eae bere 1 gad Fa erg tne an ae Som inen yur wt ri an re ghee he re STRESS Seog oer amare estan San lve. alten gt chvighewowring a Teer aan in wane at it ay ate Pa el eg eve obo een ec ee ak Coal ise kali ha NANT, ese ee Hitler: seed ae nen enka aero We on ce “Eb afi hen a erp cara ana me Slat su healer 9 es seas nena ton Magandang umaga! Good morning! I vil ier: Some ae neg decane I ecco cass yal mp tos her SSE ata De er dois tie Bits chur eorae Vocasutany warm-up ng wet aad meri! nolan oo? hat our nme? yon 5 nha eae your likiotagone ginko mee yo Hi Thonteye 1, DIALOGUE ean aateg nn rai Me ten she hla toe et pon sa. Gos serge abo ST os shel ba aa aloe aon ars ty ie i ert busing ee Beat ase ie ve umatit go eon ens eee alsetece Beane ihe te Job aon Reyes Jobe Ginnng Reyes Jol ‘inom Keyes Johns Ghnang Reyes nts ‘ung tees: Ions inane Keyes To Ginang Re: bs ow ce fot Dies Hee Join tou ib irs Rayer Magli gg agondeng wong sin A nara ng tagalog peer loey Taye Sn hs Tag nie (gs lateag opm egy Cease alga pe no ito karin ake? om. “Tala? Fly ne wag pan he, ‘hay? Any sag no? Ak po a Jon. Kina ko ro Ais is Knute he, Jan? abi po. Soama Kp pos amas? abut ra, doors ig Fo. agit i ay ond morn, mea, od ering ys oo. ios vos bo Topol Bo fst ae ier ara so rom? From Amoi? Yeah Lm pea fe. Depa eevee Yes nan Heats nna ely. ete wey And Fj ate aa to. aw yo, ob? les owner go 2 fo ts Rye Aly igh oe Se you ngs comprebention Practics rset hg gostei th lap en fon ae 8 Fea eceelttet essen eae Hwee Bam 21a tet tohn panei re, VOCABULARY din inde Jang maple opm he seen a jbjct prone iy et do wre in tt ee jet prom lingo ome ayeaeway ss ingot) ses ior wor ard prose eps pn Baca s snackor snd ome af pepe = bye. g0 clued ay fiom Souivc segue fo goon eye saga roa ase wit pace eran) espe vo hae “in Tape the Win ofan tie ca cag "7 shen amend ah ns sors porsche ncaa vais vo 1D, KEY PHRASES Tee meses retin gelng ean phase Ta ‘meta ka? ow aca sen? for} Ket aya? How ae au? renal) Mogaadany mages Mayon ght Goa ‘aagandaxy hapon Magandang i oe mig! ea een Goodensinat ‘rag pagan mo? tia ue ne? noone Avon pamydan sien? thes your us? formal) Kinggwtalak ila aka, lad to most yor fajarmal) Gado eet ye poral) ont bet ior enti eat Maghis lino! ese enc other agin ae, CULTURE NOTE 1 ‘Mle ingly ksh 2 ein seh 44 1's ry Thee hee pa pa Tepe avin bie leant heh alpen ink pee enim Theva ter anger ie yon it HT ed PN Wa cl 60) Fore one Eve the use of eee iota exes lal “reat mal onees lia wes santa chanel pace i abe thei "you ay cab Senet ayo Ky saue a Ph sre ena hap able at le fra 1, GRAMMAR fwersutject Pronouns shageratp anc hers cae rane a! epee pt orm a pe al a escorts fers lock at ASS porns, sen ene se snbject rar ite uum acetbe word ew eb fue senso tones gg the 4 ore es ie ae Sigel = ‘Ser eet ae ate <n A wos for ac” A Ins a (pei iac asthe poem ng saeer fates a Tilia ene other agp a er ins. pine tayo. eo I Flip A take eer aac ee A pea tells rie bene alin eee E amrminiteig ict Raclirtar tae sera ae gi 2 9c at irre hie note le these td ie [oa tea reine prenoon Caner ag ple

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