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AAAAAAAADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDIIIIIIIISSSSSSSS AAAAAAAABBBBBBBBAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBAAAAAAAA UUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNIIIIIIIIVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRSSSSSSSSIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTYYYYYYYY CCCCOOOOLLLLLLLLEEEEGGGGEEEE OOOOFFFF BBBBUUUUSSSSIIIINNNNEEEESSSSSSSS AAAANNNNDDDD EEEECCCCOOOONNNNOOOOMMMMIIIICCCCSSSS DDDDDDDDDDDDEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPPPPPAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTTTTMMMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNTTTTTTTTTTTT OOOOOOOOOOOOFFFFFFFFFFFF AAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNTTTTTTTTTTTTIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGG AAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDDDDD FFFFFFFFFFFFIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNCCCCCCCCCCCCEEEEEEEEEEEE MMAARRKKEETT SSTTRRUUCCTTUURREE AANNDD IITTSS IMPACT ON PPRROOFFIITTAABBIILLITY PPEERRFFOORRMMAANNCCEE OOFF BBAANNKKIINNGG FIRMS: A Case of PPrriivvaattee CCoommmmeerrcciiaall BBaannkkiinngg SSeeccttoorr iinn EEtthhiiooppiiaa Prepared by: Abdulwali Mohammed AAddvviissoorr:: Dr. P. Laxmikantham A research thesis SSSuuubbbmmmiiitttttteeeddd tttooo ttthhheee DDDeeepppaaarrrtttmmmeeennnttt ooofff AAAccccccooouuunnntttiiinnnggg aaannnddd Finance, for thee ppaarrttiiaall ffuullffiillllmmeenntt ooff tthhee ddeeggrreeee ooff MMaasstteerr ooff SScience in Accounting and Finance June, 2018 AAddddiiss AAbbaabbaa,, EEtthhiiooppiiaa DECLARATION I, Abdulwali MohammedKedu, hereby declare that this thesis entitled “MARKET STRUCTURE AND ITS IMPACT ON PROFITABILITY PERFORMANCE OF BANKING FIRMS: A CASE OF PRIVATE COMMERCIAL BANKING INDUSTRY IN ETHIOPIA” submitted by me for the award of the degree of Master of Science in Accounting and Finance of Addis Ababa University, is outcome of my own effort and that all sources of materials used for the study have been properly acknowledged. I have produced it independently except for the guidance and suggestion of the thesis Advisor. This study is original work and it has not been presented for the award of any other Degree, Diploma, Fellowship or other similar titles of any other university or institution. Place:Addis Ababa Signature: Date: June, 2018 G.C. Abdulwali Mohammed Kedu CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the thesis prepared by Abdulwali Mohammed entitled “MARKET STRUCTURE AND ITS IMPACT ON PROFITABILITY PERFORMANCE OF BANKING FIRMS” and submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Accounting and Finance complies with the regulations of the University and meets the accepted standards with respect to originality and quality. Advisor Dr. P. Laxmikantham Approved by the Board of Examiners Examiner (1) ___________________ Signature __________________ Date ___________ Examiner (2) _____________________Signature __________________ Date ___________ Department of Accounting & Finance College of Business & Economics Addis Ababa University Addis Ababa, Ethiopia ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, I thank the almighty Allah for being my strength through all journey of my life. I would like to express my sincere recognition to my adviser, Dr. P. Laxmikantham for his attentive follow up and patience forwarding valuable comments and suggestions till the completion of this thesis work.My deepest gratitude goes to all my colleagues who were around assisting me during my thesis work. i ABSTRACT This paper has investigated the impact of market structure onprofitability performance of Ethiopian private commercial banking firms. The impact of market structure on profitability performance of banks was studied based on the traditional structure-performance hypothesis (SCP) and the efficient-structure hypothesis that explains a positive correlation between profitability and market structure. A panel data of selected eightprivate commercial banks financial statement is used covering the period between 2008/9 up to 2016/17 G.C. The study employed an Ordinary Least Square regression analysis to test the impact of market structure variables (concentrations, market share)and bank specific variables (efficiency, banks size, bank risk, loan portfolio, Age) on profitability performance of banks. The regression test results confirm the significance of concentration and market share to profitability performance of banks. Efficiency, bank size, bank risk, and loan portfoliowere among the factors to alter the profitability performance of banks, whereas Age is found to be the only variable which has negative and insignificant impact on bank profitability.The study findingconfirms that traditional structure conduct performance argument did held in the commercial banking industry in Ethiopia for the period 2008/9-2016/17 G.C. Since market structure have a significant impact on banks profitability, the management body of banks should have to pay greater attention to expand their market share and they must improve their efficiency. Key words: market structure, market concentration, market share, bank specific, Efficiency ii LIST OF FIGURES Description Page Figure 2.1: Schematic Diagram showing the relationship between variables .........................19 Figure 4.1:Bera-Jarque test of Normality ................................................................................33 iii LIST OF TABLES Table Description Page Table 3.1List of all commercial banks in Ethiopia ..................................................................21 Table 3.2List of sample private commercial banks..................................................................22 Table 4.1 Summary of descriptive statistics analysis ...............................................................27 Table 4.2Correlational matrix of dependent and independent variables ..................................29 Table 4.3White test of Heteroskedasticity ...............................................................................31 Table 4.4Breusch-Godfrey test for the absence of serial autocorrelation ................................31 Table 4.5Correlation matrix of independent variables .............................................................32 Table 4.6 Ramsey test of model specification..........................................................................34 Table 4.7 Hausman test for model selection ............................................................................35 Table 4.8 Regression resultof ROA and explanatory variables ...............................................36 Table 4.9 The impact of Concentration on profitability ..........................................................38 Table 4.10 The impact of Market share on profitability ..........................................................38 Table 4.11The impact of Efficiencyon profitability .................................................................39 Table 4.12The impact of Bank Sizeon profitability .................................................................40 Table 4.13The impact of Bank riskon profitability ..................................................................41 Table 4.14The impact of Loan portfolio on profitability .........................................................41 Table 4.15The impact of Bank Ageon profitability .................................................................42 iv ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS BS Bank Size BR Bank Risk CONC Concentration CB Commercial Bank ESH Efficiency Structure Hypothesis EFF Efficiency HHI Herfindahl-Hirschman index MS Market share NIBT Net Income Before ROA Return on Assets RMP Relative Market Power RMH Relative Market Hypothesis SCP Structural Conduct performance TA Total Assets TC Total Capital v CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION This chapter of the study begins with the theoretical ground of the study. The details of statements of the problem that the researcher was tried to identify are presented clearly. The intended objectives of the study are also part of this chapter. Significance and scope are also parts included in the chapter. 1.1 Background of the Study The nature ofimpact of a market structure in which banks operate and the profitability performance of banks has been examined in a considerable number of empirical studies. Following the traditional collusion hypothesis, which is first introduced by Bain (1951) many theoretical and empirical works have been undertaken and tried to affirm how structure of a market affects performance especially in the banking sector. The traditional market structure paradigm asserts that a concentrated market with lower competitive pressure is more likely to create collusion among participants in the market and results superior profit. Alternative to the traditional market structure hypothesis, relative market power (RMP) hypothesis is given which support thatfirms with relatively bigger market shares and differentiated product lines have a superior market power and use it to set market prices and, thereby, earn an above average profit. Therefore, market share and firm’s performance might have a positive relationship. This hypothesis examines how individual firms use their market power through their pricing policy to earn super profit. The structure of a market and the degree of competition are closely related. Literature based on structural approaches has investigated how the market concentration weakens the market competition by fostering collusive behavior among firms Lalith Seelanatha(2010). The structural approach assesses bank competition by examining measures of market structure such as concentration ratios. The theoretical justification for using concentration as a measure of competition comes from the so called Structure-Conduct-Performance paradigm, which postulates that efficient and larger firms (higher concentration) are more likely to engage in anti- 1 | P a ge competitive behavior. Thus, the market structure (industry characteristics) could tell the competitive behavior of firms in a given industry. The traditional collusion hypothesis has later encountered a competing hypothesis from Demsetz (1973) with a view that market concentration is a result of firms’ superior efficiency (firm specific factors) that leads to larger market share and profitability. According to the proponents of efficiency hypotheses, a market may exhibit concentration towards some efficient firms. The cost advantage arising from efficiency of some firms which give rise to concentration may be reflected in better products which satisfy demand at lower cost. Certainly, the issue of structure-profit relationship has its own policy implications. This is mainly because definitive support for the structural-conduct-performance (SCP) paradigm implies that an active policy aimed at limiting number of firms which increases concentration is an appropriate one. On the other hand policy makers may favor a more competitive environment so as to enhance productivity and efficiency among firms in an industry. Financial reform measures in the banking and other sectors are recent phenomena in most developing countries including Ethiopia. After 1991, the new government of Ethiopia faced with the twin tasks of reconstructing the economy, and embarking on the transition to a market economy, and this has brought a new era in the financial sector of the country as liberalization and privatization policy and different reform measures are introduced. According to AlemayehuGedas, (2006) “Such measures have made a profound change on the number as well as market share of private banking and a significant change in the functioning of the financial sector”. Thus the resulting effect of structural changes and the structure-profit relationship in the commercial banking industry of Ethiopia was the utmost target of this study. 1.2 Statement of the problem Banks are among the key financial institutions playing a vital role in economic development and growth. The long run survival of banks and their performance has been a concern for policy makers, regulators and investors as well. Evidence from many researches in banking and finance has indicated that banking performance is related to internal and external factors. An important 2 | P a g e

Tadesse Meta. June, 2015 By Tadesse Meta material, financial and time, it is delimited to only grades one and two on Amharic, English and.
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