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Tactical targets in chess. 2, Mate combinations PDF

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I ISTVAN PONGO TO ACIOBURN Volume 2 TACfICAL TARGETS IN CHESS MATE COM.IOTIONS IstvaPnon g6 TACTICALT ARGETS 2 CHESS IN MateC ombinations TitPlaeg Pei cture SandoBra daocnysiP:a wPnr oomtni o © IstvPaonng o C-aisKsFaT1 999 Allr ighrtess ervNeod p.a rto ft hipsu blicamtaiyob ne r eproducsetdo,ri end a retriesvyaslt eotrnt ,r ansmititnae ndyf, o nn orb ya nym eanse,l ectronic, · mechanicpahlo,t ocopyriencgo,r doirno gt herwiwsiet,h otuhtep rior pennissioofnC aissKaF T. Thibso oki ss olsdu bjetcott h ec ondittihoanit ts halnlo tb,y w ayo ft radoer otherwibseel e,n rte,- sohlidr,e odu to,r o therwciisrec ulawtiethdo ut the publishperri'ocsro nseinnta nyf onno fb inding or cover otihne r than that whiciht i sp ublisahneddw ithoaus ti milcaorn ditiinocnl udtihnigs conditbieoinn ign lposoentd h es ubsequpeunrtc haser. TranslabtyeI ds tvPaonn g6 Proorfe abdy T edP enn CAISSKAF T Kecksemet Gyenest e1r8 . H-6000 Hungary Tel/F0a0x3:76 6 4 81685 E�maiclai:s@ smaali.matav.hu Prnietdi nH ungary PRIN2T0 0K0F T Kecskemet Contents 5 CONTENTS Conten..t...s... ............................................................................................................................... 5 Prefatcoet heE ngliEsdhi ti..o...n.... ................................................. ...................................7 Prefa.c...e.... ..................................................................................................................................8 Introduc..t...i...o....n.... ............................................................................................................. 10 Symbols tahneUd s eo ft heB asiNco tio.n..s.... ............................................................1 2 MatCeo mbniaotnsi .......................................................................................................1 4 Weaknesosft he Back .R.....a...n...k.. ................................................................................1 4 Weakneosfts h Bea cRka nk- SummaryC ollec.t...i..o.....n... ............................................... 24 ChesGse m 9- "ThLeo nMga rch...".... ........................................................................ 32 The. PawSnt ructoufrt eh eK ingP osit.i..o.....n... .........................................................3 3 TheW eakenNeodnn aPla wSnt ruct..u....r....e.... ....................................................................3 3 TheW eakenNeodr maPla wnS truct-uSruem maryC ollec.t....i..o....n... ...........................4 2 TheW eakenDeida goannaLdlo osPea wSnt ruc..t....u....r...e.... ..........................................4. 7 TheW eakenDeida gonaanldL oosPea wnS truct-uSruem maryC ollec.t...i...o..n.. ....... 54 Chess G1e0m- "ThKei ngN'esw C loth..e....s....".... ................................................. 62 DefensPiiveec ienst he KiPnogs it.i..o.....n.... ................................................................ 63 LacokfD efenPsiievcefe otsrh Kei nPgo sit...i....o....n.... ...................................................6.3. Lacokf D efensPiiveec feostr h Kei nPgo sit-ioCno llec.t...i...o...n... ................................7 2 InterfBeertewnecDeeen f enPsiievceoe fts h Kei nPgo sit....i...o...: .n . ...........8.4. .................... Intel/eBreetnwceeDe enf ensPiiveec oefst hKei nPgo sit-ioCno llec.t...i...o...n.... .......9. 1 ChessG em 11- UMyK ingd/oomra H orse...!...."... ................................................1 00 6 TacctaTila rgienCt hse ss KingG otS tucikn t heM iddl..e.... ............................................................... ..................1..01 Kinignt hMei ddolfte h Bea cRka n.k... ................................................................................1 01 Kinogn t hEed goeft hBeo ar...d.... ........................................................................................1 06 Kinignt hMei dedo lft hBeo ar..d.... ...................................................................................1..1.1 KingG otS tuciknt hMei ddl-eS ummaryC ollec.t.i..o....n... ........................................1..51.. . Summary . . ,... .............................................1...3. 6 ....................................................................... ChesGse m 12 "Onteot hLee fOtn,te ot hRei ght." . ... . 137 - ........................................ ....... SunlmaCryo llectioll. .... . 138 ................................................................................................... Soluotnis .....................................................................................................................1..9..5.. ... Solutioofnt sh eC hesGse ms. .........................................................................................2. 41 Inde.x.... ....................................................................................................................................2 50 Bibliography . . . . ....,. ...2..7..3 .................................................................................................. ....... Preftaotc heEe ng liEsdthii on 7 PREFACET O THE ENGLISHE DITION The' TactiTcaarlg eitnsC hessis'a c omprehesbiovoeko nc hestsa ctiIctws a.s publisthweidc ienH ungarian (1199985a6)n, d i nG ennan( 1998I)n.t he Ineariwhtihlece o llecctaerde,fu lsleyl ecatneddc lassimfiaetde rihaalsg aineidt s finaflo nn.T hust heE ngliesdhi tiiosan r evisaenddc orrecvteerds ioofnt he fonneorn esB.u tw hati sI nucmho rei mportatnhti wso rkc ang ivaen yonteh e chancteob ef amilwiiatrth h ew orlodf c hestsa ctbiycts h e univreorlsueaf lt he Englilsahn guaTghee.r efboerien pgu blisihneE dn gliissah m ilestionnt eh e histoorfty h eb ooka ndi nt hea utholri'sfa esw ell. Duet ot her elatilvoenlpgye rioofdt imsei ncteh efi rsatp pearaonfct eh ibso oki t ist ob e hopetdh aittp assetdh et esSti.n coen eo ft hem ainp urposoefws r iting thibso okw ast ob eu sebdy c hess ploaryb eyrt sh osweh ow antt ob ec hess playeTrhse.f acttsh,ai ttb ecamaes a p arotf t het eachipnrga ctoifcc eh esasn di t hadg otc onsidernaubmlbee rosfr eferetnoci eti ,n dictahtaett h ec hosesny steomf combinatiiossn usi tafboltre h ea imso fg ettiancgq uainwtietdth h ifise ld. FinalIlw yo ulldi kteoe xpremsys s pecitahla nktosm y proorfe adeTre,dP enn, forh icso nscientainodpu esr sisptieenctoe fw orkH.e h elpetdh ea uthor considerianbn loytm akintgo om anye rroirnst heE nglish lanSgiumaiglea.Ir ly mustt hanmky publisfhoetrr a kitnhger isokf p ublishtihnibgso oka ndf or supporttihneag u thdourr intgh ewo rkf romb eginntinoeg n d. FutrhennoreIw ilble g rateffuolra nyr eadewrhso ,i np ayintgh ekiirn dest attenttioto hnec urrebnoto kn,l atya kteh et roubtloie n fonnt hea uthaobro ut his/hoepri nioEnasc.ht hougwhitl ble h ighwleyl comeTdh.e a uthorE'-sm ail addrecsasnb ef ounbde loawn do nt heba ckc oveorf t heb ook. E-Inailp:o ng_oi @mail.digiteI2002.hu Preface 9 Whow ilgle tm ostb enefiftr omt hes ystem? The' TactiTcaarlg eitnsC hessis'a c omprehenbsoiovkeo nc hestsa ctiicns twov olulnTehse.fi rsvto lundleea lwsi tthh ecO lnbinawthioinccsha ng eta decisimvaet eriaadlv antaogrte a kteh eg amet oa d rawI.n t hes econvdo lumyeo u wilfiln da lkli ndosf ' nlactoem'b inatciloansss iifinetdao c oheresnyts tem. Thec onceopftt hissy stewma st rioeudt i nc hestse achiinnpg r imaarnyd secondasryc hoowlist thh ea imo ff orminagn di mprovisntgu denstksi'l alnsd)h as beeno peratfiorns go mefi fteeyne arTsh.e n lethaondds ysteomft hibso okc anb e usebdy b eginnteorg se tt ot hcel upbl ayelresv'e aln dt hencasep arotf t heir developntloeb netc Olpnreo fessicohneasplsl ayeirfts h ehya vte hed esire. Acknowledgements Im uste xpremsys g ratittuoad letl h osweh oa ssisitnet dh eg eneratoifto hni s bookT.h esaer en oti na nyp articulart ooT radmearsH :a lasIzn,t ernational Mastefro,rh iass sistainntc heefi rsptr oductoifot nh eb ookt;o t hel atGee deon BarczIan,t ernatiGornaanld maswtheorh ,e lpewdi thhi vsa luabpliee coefsa dvice andd etaicloerrde ctiooftn h efi rscth aptteorE ;r viHna agI nternatiMoansatle r, whow orkeads p ublishreera'dsoe frt heH ungarieadni titoonJ ;6 zsPeifn ter InetrnationGarla ndlllaswtheorr a,na finaclh ecokn a ltlh em atercioaln taiinne d theb ooka ndw ithhi ksn owledogfei ts bsayssitce elnnc ouratgheead uthtoor writteh ibso oka;n dfi nalltoym y wife,w how asw orkinwgi tmhe toc omplete this bookd espittheef actth asth ei sn ota c hespsl ayer. Buta bovael ell sIem ustt hantkh osweh oc reattehde sceo mbinations, making possiblea ccthOel nplisohfmt ehnistsy steLlentI. n ee xplaIinnyg ratitbuyd e MOitla ieg' nst hought: '. .i.n t hibso okI h ave donnoet hienlgs e tghaatnh ertiongge thoetrh epre ople's floweirnsa buncha ndp uttian rgi bboanr ountdh em'. TheA uthor 10 TacctaTila rgienCt hse ss INTRODUCTION ' t.h.ee. n di sd eatlhi,f·ie sa strugglaen.d man'psu rpoisset hes trugigtlsee "l f. (ImrMea dtich) Manyo fu sa ree nchantbeytd h en lagoifct heg ameo fc hesasr,et nadhea ppbyy thes uccesasneds wodrno wnb yt hef ailuTrheess .c ale extenpdlsa yfirfnoogmr fun tot hel eveolfa p assiowhni,c h domianlaeltl essae n,d w e cana lfiln dt he levealtw hicwhe a rec omfortaObulrea .n cestpolrasy ewde, p laoyu rselavneds ourc hildrweinln lo d oubptl aaysw ell. Cheshsa sb eenp layeadlo lv etrh ew orlfdo ar boufitf teheunn dreydea rasn dh as beeno neo ft hem ostp opulgaarm esT.h en Ulnboefrc hess pliasyi enrcsr easailnlg thet imea,n de ntertmaiilnlsi oofnp se oplCeh.e sissp erhaopnse o ft hem ost perfeIcnto deolfsp roblesmo lviIngth. a ss omev eryb asircu le-st hefi naali mo f theg ameb eintgoc heclanattheeo pponeinttms,e anasr et hew hitaen db bck piecIenso vebdy d etenninreudl easn,dt hec hessboard itself. Sot hes ecriesth avintgh eb asiwsh iccha nb el earnqtu ickalnyd e asilayn,dt he opportuntioet xyt entdh iksn owledbgyet otialln mersiinto hneg alne. Proportiotnoat lhliiysn lmersoinoegn a inmso rea biliintc ya rryionugte xciting ands pectacutlaacrt ibclaolw s Thet actibclaolw asr et hec entrealle tneonfbt esc omiancgq uainwtietdch h ess. Thep ossibcloem binatioof1 n1s1 0vaerset hep robleomrse nsenlobflp er oblems. ACCOll1plitshheilonnng eh ast hep ossibitloai cthyi etvheei ntendaeidm w,h ether itb ea wind,r awo rw hatever. Ina dditioonnec anb enefibty m aintainainndeg x tendoinneg' mse ntaalb ilities ina fairelfyf ortlweasys.I fo nel earntsh es implersutl easn dl ootkh rou�ghhe principcloenst aiinnet dh icsh apttehre onn ec ant rfyo orn eseslofl vitnhge problemasn,dg ainiknI1g0 wledwgiet hout retahlaiotsn iein sga c tuawlCil!'yk inign then leantilne. Introduction 11 Allg anlaerse d eepliyn teresatniden xgc itiensgp,e ciailftl hyeo pponenatrse equalmlayt cheidns kilOln.eo ft hem osti mporttaanstk osft her uleisst op rovide theb alanactet heb eginniofnt gh eg amet,h ehna vintgh ed eepekrn owledtghee playteurm t heg amei nthoi fsa vour. Inc hesyso uc and efinteh retey peosfb alanwchei cahr er elatteoad n dc ant um inteoa coht her: Materibaall ance ap ositiinow nh icthh eo pponenhtasv et hes amep iecoers - piecoefss amev alue; Spatibaall ance ap ositiinow nh icthh eo pponenhtasv et hec ontroofl - spacoef t he same siizmep oartnadn ce; Temporbaall ancea p ositiinow nh icthh ea il1i1nst endbeydt heo ppcnents - canb er ealidsuerdi ntgh es amet imie. et.a kiSnagI ne l110vwehse no neo ft hemh ast hei nitiastoit vhee, effectivoefnt ehseps i ecaerset hes ame. Tog ett ot hew ino rd rawy oum usts eizteh eo pportunwihteyn a tl eaosnte o f these toyfpb easl anicseu pseatn,d i nm ostc aseyso uh avet oc arry outa c0111binattoit ounmt hes patioart le nlpoardavla ntatgote h el 11ateornieSa.ol i ti s importtaona tn alyesaec pho sitbiyot nh ep rinciopflt ehses ysteomft heb alances. Thibsr iesfu nll1j1uasrrtye fetrost hen laipno intasn,dt herwei lble m any occassitoogn asi an d eepekrn owledge. A itetrh esper elimisntaargyie nsc heslse uts c omet ot heu seo ft hibso okF.i rst youh avet os earcahn dd efinteh ep ossibtlaer geitnas g ivepno sitli1o1na kainn g objective aHnaavliynsdgio sn.et hitsh en extta sikst ofi ndt hea pproprmieaatnes toa chietvheer esulItnos r.d etrog aitnh em ostf r01w1o1r kinogu tv arious c0111binaotnieho ansts o s olvieto nllyo okiantgt hed iagraomft hep ositiIofn . youc annostu cceiendt hiwsa yt herne atdh et exbte longtinotg h ep ositiwohni,c h hasm anyc luetsoa chievtihnerg e sult. Faisan l aalslty ,r esortth ess otluudtyi on usign evertyi ndye tawihli cwhi lhle lypo ul atoenr. T oc hecyko urk nowledge , youw iI Ih aved if fereinltl ustra(tcioolnlse cotfit oanssk cso)n nectweidt thh e previomuast eriTahle.1 110bseta utiafnudol f c oursteh em ostd ifficult combinaticoannbs e f ounads t heC hesGse ms.

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