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CAMBRIDGE GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS GENERAL EDITORS P. E. EASTERLING EmeritusR egi.uPsr ofessoorf GreekU, niversi.o9f' Cambridge PHILIP HARDIE CorpusC hristiP rofessoorf Latin, Universi.o9f' O:iford RICHARD HUNTER Regi,uPsr ofessoorf GreekU, niversi.o9f' Cambridge E.J. KENNEY EmeritusK ennedyP rofessoorf Latin, Universi9o'f Cambridge Silver bust of the Emperor Galba. Naples, lvluseo Archcologico J',azionak (inv. no. Reproduced by permission of the Soprintenclenza per i 110127). Beni Archeologici delle province di Napoli e Caserta. TACITUS H][STQR][ES BOOK I EDITED BY CYNTHIA DAMON AssociateP rofessoorf Classics, AmherstC ollege 111!1 CAMBRIDGE ~ UNIVERSITY PRESS PUBLISHEDB YT HE PRESSS YNDICATEO F THE UNIVERSITYO F CAMBRIDGE The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, United Kingdom CAMBRIDGEU NIVERSITYP RESS The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 2Ru, UK 40 West 20th Street, New York, NY1 0011-4211, USA 477 Wtlliamstown Road, Port Melbourne, VIC3 207, Australia Ruiz de Alarc6n 13, 28o14 Madrid, Spain Dock House, The Waterfront, Cape Town 8o01, South Africa http://www.cambridge.org © Cambridge University Press 2003 This booki s in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2003 Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge 1ypefaceBs askerville wh2 pt and New Hellenic SystemI DfX2e [TB] A ca!,a/,oguree corfdo r thisb ooki s avai/ab/,.ef romt heB ritishL ibrary Libraryo f CongresCs ataloguinign Publicatiodna ta Tacitus, Cornelius. [Historiae. Liber 1] Histories. Book I / Tacitus ; edited by Cynthia Damon. p. cm. - (Cambridge Greek and Latin classics) Text in Latin; commentary in English. Includes bibliographical references (p. ) and indexes. ISBNo 521 57072 7 - (hardback) ISBNo 521 57822 1 (paperback) 1. Rome - History- Civil War, 68-6g. 2. Galba, Servius Sulpicius, Emperor of Rome, 3 B.C.-A.D.6 g 3. Vitellius, Aulus, Emperor of Rome, 15-6g. 1. Damon, Cynthia, 1957- 11. Title. 111. Series. PA6705.H6B I 2003 937'.05 - dc21 2002073824 ISBNo 521 57072 7 hardback ISBNo 521 57822 I paperback CONTENTS Preface pagev ii o/ List abbreviations IX Maps x1 Rome 1 xi The Roman forum xn 2 3 The Vitellian invasion xm Introduction 1 Tu senator 1 1 The orator 2 2 3 Tu writer:A gricola, Germania, Dialogus 2 4 TMhutorian 4 5 Cura posteritaris 5 6 Ratio causaeque 6 7 Exempla 11 8 Chronology 11 9 Deinosis 12 Elevation I O 12 ffition 13 II Metaphor 12 14 13 Sentenriae 15 14 Appendixs entences 16 15 Variatio 19 Histories 16 1 20 17 The sources 22 18 Tu parallelt radition 24 19 The text 30 CORNELi TACITI HISTORIARVM LIBER PRIMVS 33 Commentary 77 Appendices 291 Parallepl assagess howings trongv erbasl imilarities 1 291 Epigramsa nd sententiae 2 302 V CONTENTS 3 Notts pertainintgo paralleli ncidmtsr eporteud ndertw o or morep nnc1pes 4 Notts illustratingd fffermcebs etweenH istories and the 1 parallelt radition Stkct bibliography !Tltllxes Latin words I General 2 PREFACE Simply put, the aim of the present commentary is to reintegrate Histories 1 into the corpus of teachable Latin texts. Tacitus is arguably the most pow erful writer of Latin - to this day it requires great discipline to resist his interpretation of events - and the reader's best defence, and greatest plea sure, lie in an understanding of how his style works. This I try to supply. Histories is particularly amenable to the attempt, owing to the chance I survival of three parallel accounts (in Plutarch, Suetonius, and Dio), which render Tacitus' selection and stylization of material here capable of detailed analysis. The notes also introduce students to the historical and historio graphical contexts in which Histories was created; references are provided I to more detailed discussions of both. Grammatical assistance is provided where necessary to elucidate Tacitus' sometimes difficult Latin. Over the many years of this commentary's making I have been assisted and encouraged by friends, colleagues, and fellow Tacitus-enthusiasts; hap pily, in some cases all three labels apply. My gratitude for assistance for everything from interpretation of manuscript abbreviations to discussion of matters historiographical to advice on presentation and content goes to the following:J ohn Bodel, Virginia Brown, Edward Courtney, Christopher Jones, Elizabeth Keitel, Christina Kraus, Leslie Murison, Francis Newton, Peter Pouncey, James Rives, Andreola Rossi, Richard Tarrant, and Richard Thomas. To my Amherst colleagues Elizabeth Keitel (at the University) and Alan Bocgehold (at the College) go my thanks for giving the commentary a dry run at the draft stage. But my largest debt is to E. J. Kenney, who improved every page kindly, firmly, and with great good sense. I save for last the name of a colleague who did not live to sec the completion of a work he had done much to aid: Peter Marshall. My work has been generously supported by Amherst College, where over the past few (well, more than a few) years I have enjoyed a Miner D. Crary Summer Stipend and a Trustee Faculty Fellowship. Funding for student assistance - ably provided by Umit Dhuga, Amherst and Seth '01, Bernard andJordan Holmes, both '03 - came from the Faculty Research Award Program. This project was begun for the series under the encouragement of Pauline Hire at the Cambridge University Press; it appears thanks to the vu PREFACE V11l efforts and guidance of her successor Michael Sharp, and I am indebted to both of them. As I am to Stefano De Caro of the Soprintendenza Archeo logica delle province di Napoli e Caserta, who kindly supplied a photograph of the Naples Museum's fine silver bust ofGalba for the frontispiece. ABBREVIATIONS A&G J.B. Greenough et al., edd. (1931).A ll.ena nd Greenoughn'.e!w- Lating rammarB. oston. AIL E. von Wolffiin, ed. (1884-1908). Archivfar/ atei,nische Lexilcographuin.ed Grammatimk it Einschlusds esa lteren Mittellatei,n1.5 vols. Leipzig. ANRW H. Temporini and W Haase, edd. (1972- ). Aefsti.eg undN zedergandge rr iimischein# lt. Berlin. app. crit. apparatucs riticus CAH2 Cambridgaen ci.enhti story( 1970- ). 2nd ed. Cambridge. GG A. Gerber and A. Greef, edd. (1887-90). Lexicon Tacit.eum2. vols. Leipzig. HRR H. Peter, ed. (1914). Historicorumro manorumre liquia.e. 2 vols. 2nd ed. Leipzig. K-H R. Kuhner and E Holzweissig (1912).A usfahrliche Grammatidk er/ atei,nischSenp rachee:r sterT eil,E lementar-, Formen-u, nd Wortlehre2.n d ed. Hannover. K-S R. Kuhner and C. Stegmann (1976). Ausfahrliche Grammatidk erl ateinischeSnp rachez:w eiterT eil,S atzlehre. 5th ed. by A. Thierfelder. 2 vols. Hannover. lit. literally LSJ H. G. Liddell, R. Scott, H. Stuart:Jones (1940). A Greek-Englislhe xicon9. th ed. Oxford. M-W R. H. Martin and A.J. Woodman (1989). Tacitus, Annalsh ookI V. Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics. Cambridge. McC-W M. McCrum and A. G. Woodhead (1961). Select of of documents thep rincipat,es theF laviane mperorisn, cluding of they ear revolutionA:. D. 68-96. Cambridge. mod. modern NLS E. C. Woodcock (1959). A new Latin. ryntaxL. ondon. OUJ P. G. W Glare, ed. (1982). OifordL atin dictionary. Oxford. IX ABBREVIATIONS X ORF H. Malcovati, ed. (1976). Oratorumro manorum .fra.gmenltiab eraere ip ublicae4. th ed. Turin. PIR Prosopographimiap eriRi omanis aec.I , II, III. (1897-8). 3 vols. Berlin. PIR2 Prosopographimiap eriRi omanis aec.I , II, Ill. (1933- ). 2nd ed. Berlin. RE A. Pauly, G. Wissowa et al., edd. (1894-1979). Paulys Real-Encyclopiiddieer c lassischeAnl tertumswissensch<ifl. Stuttgart. RG Augustus, Resg estae( Anc.i n the OLD,f or Monumentum Ancyranum) s.c. senatusc onsultum SCPP Senatusc onsultumde Cn. Pisonep atre.F or text and discussion see W. Eck, A. Caballos, E Fernandez (1996). Das senatusc onsultumde Cn. Pisonep atre. Vestigia 48. Munich. TU Thesaurusli nguaew tinae( 1900- ). Munich. W-M A.J. Woodman and R.H. Martin (1996). The Annals ofTacitus,b ook3 . Cambridge. The names and titles of classical authors and texts are abbreviated in accordance with OLD and LSJ, with the following (important) exceptions for Tacitus (f.) and his works: Annals( A.), Agrico/,(aA gr.), Dialogus( D.), Germania(G .), Histories( H.). References to passages in Book of the Historiesu se chapter and sentence number only. I Journal titles are abbreviated in accordance with L'annepe hilologique, slightly anglicized (e.g. TAPAf or TAPhA).

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