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TABLES OF INTEGRAL TRANSFORMS. Volume II. Based, in Part, on Notes Left by Harry Bateman Late Professor of Mathematics, Theoretical Physics, and Aeronautics at the California Institute of Technology. PDF

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Preview TABLES OF INTEGRAL TRANSFORMS. Volume II. Based, in Part, on Notes Left by Harry Bateman Late Professor of Mathematics, Theoretical Physics, and Aeronautics at the California Institute of Technology.

CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECEVOTOGY BATEMAN MANUSCRUPT PROJECT A. Bendis, Eiitor W. Macnuy, F Ossusnrtinenn, FG, Tarcome Research Assaeintes Higher Transcondontal Functions, 3 volumes, ‘Tables of Integral ‘Transforms, 2 vouraes | TABLES OF INTEGRA. TRANSFORMS Volume I Rawed, in put, un uvtes lett by Harry Bateman Lae Professor of Mathematics, Theoretical Physies, sud Aeronautics at the California Institute of Techanlngy saad eoupiled by the Staff of the Baloman Yamuscript Project Trapated at the Colifrnia Ireitute of Techuology xader Contract TW, © Sonr-244 Tak Order XIV with the Qllfce of Navat Hescecch Project Destgaation Noriher: VR 04-046 NEW YORK TORONTO LONDON McGRAWIULL BOOK, COMPANY, INC. 1954 TARLES OF INTEGHAL TRANSEORMS. v0.11 COPYRIGHT, 1951, BY THE MoGRAW.ATIL ROOK COMPAYY, INC. PRINTED 1 1 ITED STAVES OF AMERICA AU rights cevervnd meeap thoes guauted to the Thited Seater Government. Otherwise, this lols or parta thera way not bo produced ta. any foren without gormieian of tha pulshers, 1abvary of Congress Catalog Card Number: 31-6214 W550 v Pe eee ere pacer aU o This work is dediewed tw the canary of BARRY BATENAN fas a ttibmte co the Imagination whict lod him to undertnke 2 grojeer ot zis siagnitude, and the scholarly srhich inspire! hin: ww cary so far toward completion. j : STARF OF THE BATEMAN MANUSCIUPT PHOJECT Direotur Arthur Fadélyi Research desoctates Wilhelm Magnus (1918-50) Brits Chorbortingor (148-51) Fisueesay G, Triconi (1998-61) Research Assistants David Restin (1961-52) WB, Falks (1949-50) AWR, Tlarvey (1948-49) DAL. Thomsen, Jr (1950-51) Maria A, Reber (1849-51) EuLs Whitaay (1948-49) Varbaypies Rosemarie Staupfet aS a TEN ER EE SS ARETE EE OE a BReESTONEE PREFACK, ‘The aima, the history, and the orgunization of these Fables of Tutegre? Jrusaforms wore described in the Introduction ta vol. 1s A little more ‘han ove half of the present eeeond, and Jant, volure eousiate of tables inf furthce inbegaut Lewforrs, the sen aining past of tiie value eontving integrals of higher transcendental fonctions. Tader [ne gouerie nant Fassel @onsforma we list not oaly the fowile jar Huokel tranefonus Int alsy other transfonoation* whose kemcls ute Benecl functions in the widest sense uf the word, a wldition to shese se Tist fractional integrals, and also Stieltjes anc! Hithert transiunea. As Jor us ore new, ao extensive tables oxist Jor any of the tanefareations incluled in this voluve, in fact, for nome of Unet there are cunsparaively for baown iaenform paires 4 Vist of ull wanslorms ineluded ia this work ja given om pu xi The cccond put of the volume contains misvellaneous integrols jovalving higher sescendental fanetions, Sone af these integrals eannt De onitten aa tranaforms, others sere nok included in the transform taliles aad aro given here. Generally apeukingy om iatepral which eun be writen faa a wanafonn i mote likely to be found ia the mransform tubles thus auong iniesrale of higher Canscendentul funerionss The Jatner are a unger aocording to their intexrands. The “ierareby”” of funclions given doe paxdi of vole bias been followed andyies ia vole h composite functions die cinacilici according to the “bigheat'® function ovcnering in there & Vat of definitions of higher tunscendental fuuetious is given in the Appendix "Acksow ledgments and Usanke are due to the same persons and urgan= izations a8 in conucetion with vul. I, Ackowlelgnents wre also duc tw pw Joh Th Johmaton eho read the proofs andzeniezed other vsloahle technical azsisLenee. Comectinns of errors, additions, and suggestions for improvement wiTT bbe sevcivel gratefully hy the Editors A. FRDELY erste enraennetnennagemamsernsy mint heuer STANDARD FORMS Fowriescosioe isansfona (f,, Chapeer a2 FG) cos toy) dx Fourier sine unsfovm (i, Chapter [) 14) ia fry) de Exponential Fourier tsaneform (f, » Chapter 11) SE Pore ae Laplace tunsfor (8, Chapter 1¥) JP fieye Mae Inverse Laplace trunsiorm (Chaser ¥) 2ai Mollin transfane (, Choyter VD Jf" fled tt ae 4 Invesse Mallia tansform (Chapier V0) 2 L q a q Fat Aon 4 en hp a IP Fadl fas ay as 8 ¥ straustoxm By Chapter IX) ‘| LF ¥en bar de n

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