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Tables of Coefficients for the Analysis of Triple Angular Correlations of Gamma-Rays from Aligned Nuclei PDF

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Preview Tables of Coefficients for the Analysis of Triple Angular Correlations of Gamma-Rays from Aligned Nuclei

TABLES OF COEFFICIENTS for the Analysis of Triple Angular Correlations of Gamma-rays from Aligned Nuclei BY G. KAYE AND E.J.C. READ Lecturers in Physics, University of Liverpool AND J.C WILLMOTT Professor of Physics, University of Manchester TO INOWTTM II·· PERGAMON PRESS OXFORD · LONDON · EDINBURGH · NEW YORK TORONTO SYDNEY · PARIS · BRAUNSCHWEIG Pergamon Press Ltd., Headington Hill Hall, Oxford 4 & 5 Fitzroy Square, London W.l Pergamon Press (Scotland) Ltd., 2 & 3 Teviot Place, Edinburgh 1 Pergamon Press Inc., 44-01 21st Street, Long Island City, New York 11101 Pergamon of Canada, Ltd., 6 Adelaide Street East, Toronto, Ontario Pergamon Press (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., Rushcutters Bay, Sydney, N.S.W. Pergamon Press S.A.R.L., 24 rue des Ιcoles, Paris 5* Vieweg & Sohn GmbH, Burgplatz 1, Braunschweig Copyright © 1968 Pergamon Press Ltd. First edition 1968 Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 67-28102 Printed in Poland 08 003167 6 INTRODUCTION THE measurement of the angular correlation between the y-rays emitted from an excited state of a nucleus is one of the most powerful methods of determining the spins of excited states of nuclei. In this process a state of well-defined (but usually unknown) spin and parity is formed by some process, and the correla­ tion between the subsequently emitted y-rays is measured. The general theory of this process, together with a detailed discussion of methods of solution, is presented in the recent monograph by A. J. Ferguson.<i> In certain cases, e.g. resonance reactions, radioactive decay, the formation process provides valuable information about the initial nuclear state involved and considerably simplifies its description, but in the more general case of states formed by particle reactions, these reactions are too complex to be of help, and the quantities describing the formation of the initial state must be regarded as adjustable parameters to be determined from the measured correlation, along with the spins. The quantities describing the initial state of spin a are the elements of the density matrix <a a| ń\a a'> or alternatively the statistical tensors p,^J^a a), where p,,(a a)= Σ (-l)"""'(aaa-a'|/cK)<aa|p|aa'> β a' and a, a' refer to the magnetic.substates. These latter quantities are the expansion coefficients of the density operator in terms of certain moment operators which transform under rotations like spherical harmonics. Hence the statistical tensors themselves transform accord­ ing to the relation ń,Ëá fl)= ôĽ\\(0Lßy)p,Aa a), ic' where the new frame is obtained from the old by a rotation through Euler angles (a â y) and DΝ'^(a â y) is an element of the rotation matrix. In general there are (2 α 4-1)^ such elements. If, however, the initial state is formed in an axially symmetric way and we choose this axis as the z-axis, then the rotation property above indicates that only the ń^,^{á a) are non-zero. Further, it can be shown (Litherland and Ferguson) ^2) that if the formation process is performed with an unpolarized target and beam of incident particles, and any outgoing particles are either undetected, or detected in an axially vii vni INTRODUCTION symmetric way, and without reference to their state of polarization, then only even values of k occur. The corresponding condition for the elements of the density matrix is that only the diagonal terms occur and that (a a| ρ |φf a> = = <α-α|ρ|α-α>. These are the populations of the magnetic substates. In any case, if the experiment is performed in such a way as to cause the formation of odd statistical tensors, their presence will only be detected if a measurement is made of the circular polarization of the emitted y-rays. Direction—Direction Correlation—No Polarization If a state of spin a is formed in an axially symmetric way and no measure­ ment is made of the polarization of subsequently emitted y-rays, the correlation between y ă and y2 illustrated in Fig. 1 is given by yi is detected at polar angle and is assumed to be a mixture of multipoles ¿1 and L'l, and 72 is detected at polar angle 02 and is a mixture of multipoles ¿2 and L'2; ö is the azimuthal angle between y ă and ^2· The summation is over K, M, Λ^, Li, L'l, ¿2, L'2, and k, with , L2 ^L'2 and N^O. '(b) — (c) FIG. 1 The functions A^¡^m can be expressed in terms of tabulated functions as follows: Alj^iabcLyL, L2 L'2 fc) = (-1/> 2" A ' ¿1 L\ 4 {L,\L\-\\KO) x(L2lL'2-l MO)(K-NM N\kO) b Li a b L'l a W{bL2bL2:cM) Ě Ę k and INTRODUCTION IX where α, etc., means {2a-\- \γ'^. The term 2" accounts for the dupHcations due to the negative Ν values and the opposite order of coupling Lj, L'l and An alternative expression for ^4^^ ^ is b Li a ^ , ( K - N MN kO) Ë'κΜ- i - i Y ^ r -— —- c. b a Z , { L 2 b L 2 b : c M ). k KM Μ Κ k where Gy and Ć÷ are defined and tabulated by Ferguson.<i) f2 = a - h c ^ j (K + M - k) + \N\. The angle functions ě (Φ^ ,62, φ) are defined by Ferguson and Rutledge<^> as 1/2 ×Éě(Č,.Č2.Ö) = ĘĚ PIJ (cos Φ1) PJ^ (cos Θ2) cos ΛΤ φ. (K + N)\{M + N)l ÷ and >^ are the multipole mixing ratios. For the practical case of dipoie quadru- pole mixtures Pi and P2 take the values 0, 1 and 2 for dipoie, interference and quadrupole terms, when the multipole mixing ratios are defined as <b\\L,-^l\\a} <C|IL,-FL||fc> <Hl^i||^> <c\\L2\\by where the reduced matrix elements are those for the emission of radiation, with the operators phased according to the upper sign in the article by Devons and Goldfarb.<4) In this we agree with Ferguson and differ from Huby.<5) Huby gives a general discussion of the phases used by various authors. With this convention a given sign of mixing ratio gives the same sign to the inter­ ference term whatever tRe parity of the radiation. The quantities Qj^ and Qj^ are solid angle correction factors discussed by Rose,(6) Gove and Rutledge,<7) Rutledge,^») West,<9) Twin and Willmott,<io> Yates<ii> and Gossett and Davidson.<i2) If either or 72 is not observed the formula simplifies considerably. \í{θι)=Σρκο(αα)Α^Ę÷'^α^,Ρ^, (cos Θ), κ ^ (Θ2) =ΣρΜο(αα)Α^οΜΜ x'' y'' QmPm (cos Θ). Ě POLARIZATION Although direction-direction triple correlation measurements can usually determine the spins involved, they give no indication of the parity of the emitted χ INTRODUCTION radiation. To do this it is necessary to measure the linear polarization of the emitted y-rays. The full expression involving polarization sensitivity in both detectors involves the rotation matrix elements corresponding to the two sets of Euler angles describing the position and orientation of the two counters. Aside from the complexity of the expression, such an arrangement represents a very difficult experimental situation and provides no information that cannot be obtained more simply. The polarization-direction correlation for (ji not observed) is given by κ where (φl, Φ) = Pj^(cos+ ( -1( LL ) S ^ S ö' PÍ(cosč^)ďď$2ö π' = 0 for L\ electric and 1 for L[ magnetic radiation. The quantities Sq and 5^ are the Stokes parameters of the detector, is the polar angle of the detector and ö is the angle between the reaction plane and the plane defined by the outgoing beam direction and Si. '1^ {LlLl\K2) FALL): (/C + 2)!J (L1L-1\K0)' No attenuation factors have been included as the necessary integrals have not been performed. A similar expression exists for (úé not observed). Af The Main Tables (Tables 4 and 5) The tables presented here are of the function A^j^ for L'j Z.2 A equal to dipole and quadrupole radiation. The other parameters specifying the function are the three spin values of a, b and c and the rank of the statistical tensor k. Due to the limitation of the multipolarities to quadrupole and dipole, k has a maximum value of 8. It would have been possible to present the tables in terms of the populations of the magnetic substates, as has been done by Smith.<i8) The use of statistical tensors, however, substantially reduces the number of entries in the tables. A further advantage is that for spin values greater than 4 a full description of the state is not required when multipoles INTRODUCTION XI higher than quadrupole are not considered, as the correlation function gives no information on the statistical tensors with k greater than 8. Consequently a unique description in terms of population parameters is not possible, any solution corresponding to the correct set of statistical tensors being equally acceptable. A disadvantage of this method is that when a solution has been found it is usually necessary to transform the statistical tensors to population parameters to ensure the solution does not correspond to one with a negative population parameter. This is not a difficult operation and a preliminary check is provided by the condition: Σ ρ Ι ο ^Ι (a integral), k 1 (a half-integral). k ^ The population parameters are certainly non-negative if Σρίο ^ « (a integral), k or Σ p^o ^ Φ — ^ half-integral). k Subsidiary Tables (Tables 1, 2 and 3) Tables are also presented of the Clebsch Gordon coefficients (-1)«-« (aaa-a|fcO) required to convert the p^^o to population parameters through the relation <a α|ρ|α a> = Σ (- \ T \a α α - a|k 0) p^ o- A final table gives the quantities (L L') needed for polarization measure­ ments. Application For a specified spin sequence the angular correlation is, in general, a func­ tion of up to five statistical tensors (four ratios) and two mixing ratios. On the other hand, there are nineteen possible combinations of K, Μ and Λ^, and thus eighteen independent ratios. Thus it is possible to over determine the parameters and determine whether or not a certain set of data fit the proposed spin sequence. In practice this number of determinations is seldom performed. If one of the counters is fixed at 90° only fourteen of the nineteen coefficients occur giving thirteen ratios. If the triple correlation is measured over the edges of an octant defined by the forward direction and the plane containing the fixed counter (see Fig. 2) each correlation determines six ratios. However the 0 = 90» 0 variable sector is common to both measurements and leaves a net Xll INTRODUCTION number of nine independent parameters. Examples of the use of this type of correlation are given in ref 13. If these measurements do not yield a unique Fixed Y-ray Beam PATH OF MOVING Y-RAY FIG. 2 spin assignment it is probably more rewarding to do a measurement with the fixed counter at some other angle rather than try to get more information over the octant already mentioned. Experiments using 126° as the fixed angle have been found very useful.^17) LAYOUT OF TABLES 4 AND 5 The entries in the table are defined by the following quantum numbers: fl, b, c, Li, L'l, ¿2 y ^2y ^> ^ The tables are divided into two sections, the first for integral values of the spins a, b and c and the second for half-integral values (page 125 onwards). In each section the functions are tabulated with J,¿ and c as the principal division. These three numbers are printed on the extreme right of each page at the top, and whenever they change. The table is then divided into subtables labelled by the quantum numbers Li, L'j, L2, Iii, which are printed under a, b and c and slightly indented. In each subtable the rows are labelled by KMN, and the columns by k. Throughout the tables the quantum numbers are arranged in the ^*^speedometer" ordering. The correlation function is tabulated for all values of a, b and c up to a maximum value of 6 for each spin. Only dipoie and quadrupole transitions have been considered. METHOD OF CALCULATION All calculations were performed using a Mercury computer. Subroutines were written for each of the coefficients occurring in the triple angular correla tion coefficients, and thoroughly tested by checking results against existing tables. <i4. is. ιω INTRODUCTION Xlll These were then combined with a programme which selected the appropri­ ate values of the various parameters and organized the page layout of the tables. As far as possible, consistent with simplicity in organization, redundant calculation of coefficients was avoided. Accuracy of the Tables Errors could have occurred in several ways: purely numerical errors, e.g. built up of rounding errors, etc., undetected machine failures, mispunching of tape or misprinting by the teleprinter, programming errors. From an examination of the tables and processes used for calculation all entries would appear to be correct to the four figures given. The computer used was at all times in good working order and during long periods of calculating, detectable failure never occurred; all internal transfers in the machine are parity checked, and the probability of transient machine faults producing incorrect answers appears to be almost zero. The output tape was coded using a parity checked code and the probability of one digit changing to another digit is smaller than that of one digit changing to some other character. The latter was not observed in a visual check of the tables and it is assumed therefore that the probability of the former having occurred in either the punching or the printing stage is negligible. The correctness of the programme is more difficult to check. However, the following relationship was used connecting the values given in ref. 18 and the tabulated values. CLi (a) = Σ (- IR-'(a oc α - a|/c 0 ) ( k ), k where Cjjj^ are the functions tabulated by Smith.^is) Several sections of the tables were read back into the computer and this transformation applied, the results being checked with those given in ref. 18. No discrepancies were found. References 1. A. J, FERGUSON, Angular Correlation Methods in Gamma-ray Spectroscopy, North Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1965. 2. A. E. LiTHERLAND and A. J. FERGUSON, Can. J. Phys. 39 (1961) 788. 3. A. J. FERGUSON and A. RUTLEDGE, C.R.P.—615, 1957, revised 1962 (unpublished). 4. S. DEVONS and L. J. B. GOLDFARB, Handbuch der Physik, vol. 42, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1957. 5. R. HuBY, Paris Conference on Nuclear Structure, 895 (1958). 6. M. ROSE, Phys. Rev. 91 (1953) 610. 7. H. GOVE and A. RUTLEDGE, C.R.P.—755 (unpublished). 8. A. RUTLEDGE, C.R.P.—851 (unpublished). 9. H. I. WEST, JR., U.C.R.L.—5451 (unpublished). XiV INTRODUCTION 10. p. J. TWIN and J. C. WILLMOTT, Nuc. Inst. Methods 22 (1963) 109. 11. H. J. L. YATES, Perturbed Angular Correlations, Appendix 4, North Holland Publi­ shing Co., Amsterdam, 1964. 12. C. R. GossETT and C. M. DAVIDSON, Naval Research Lab. Report (in preparation). 13. H. GovE and C. BROUDE, Ann. Phys. 23 (1963) 71. G. KAVE and J. C. WILLMOTT, Nuclear Phys. 71 (1963) 561. 14. A. SIMON, Numerical Table of Clebsh Gordon Coefficients, O.R.N.L.—1718. 15. A. SIMON, S. H. VAN DER SLUIS and L. C. BIEDENHARN, Tables of the Racah Coeffi­ cients, O. R. N. L.—1679. 16. W. R. SHARP, J. M. KENNEDY, B. J. SEARS and M. G. HOYLE, Tables of Coefficients for Angular Distribution Analysis, C.R.P.—556. 17. P. J. TWIN and J. C. WILLMOTTT, Nuclear Phys. 78 (1966) 177. 18. P. M. ENDT and P. Β. SMITH, Nuclear Reactions, vol. II, North Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1962.

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