5/22/2013 The Dwelling Places of God on Earth Dwelling Places of Heavenly God in Scripture • Eden ‐God present Temple The Prototype • The Wilderness Tabernacle –God present Man’s efforts ooTThhee GGaarrmmeennttss ooff tthhee HHiigghh PPrriieesstt TTemplle off Wilderness Tabernacle, Temple of Temple Ezra & oThe Temple Services –the Sacrifices Tabernacle Tent of David Solomon Zerubbabel of Herod • Solomon’s Temple –The 1st Temple –God present Image of Christ Image of Believer • Temple of Ezra & Zerubbabel–God not present CHRIST • Herod’s Rebuilt Temple –The ‘2nd’ Temple –God not present God Dwelling, Tabernaclingamong men • The Lord, Jesus the Christ ‐God present CHURCH Believers –the living Temple of God • The Church; The Believers –God present Physical Temples -Individually / Corporately • The Millennial Temple ‐Ezekiel 40‐48 –God present Tribulation Temple 5/22/2013 1 5/22/2013 Millennial TempleBack to Layout 2 Christ Typified in the Materials of the Sanctuary Christ Typified in the Materials of the Sanctuary "In the volume of the Book it is written of Me:" (Hebrews 10:5-7) "In the volume of the Book it is written of Me:" (Hebrews 10:5-7) "Every whit (every bit of it) utters His Glory." (Psalms 29:9) "Every whit (every bit of it) utters His Glory." (Psalms 29:9) Symbol / Type Christ Seen Symbol / Type Christ Seen 18.The Door Christ —the Truth. 1.Gold His Divine Glory and Nature, His Deity. 19.The Golden Candlestick Christ the Light of the World, Illuminator, the Word, 2.Silver His Redemptive ministry and power, the Atonement; iinn wwhhoomm ddwweellllss tthhee FFuullllnneessss ooff tthhee SSppiirriitt ooff GGoodd.. RRaannssoomm – BBlloooodd mmoonneeyy… 20.The Table of Shewbread Christ our Nourishment, Food, Sustainer, 3.Brass His capacity to endure judgment for sin. Communion. Bread of Life. 4.Blue His Heavenly origin, the Lord from Heaven. His divinity. 21.The Altar of Incense Christ our Intercessor, Advocate, Mediator. 5.Purple His Royalty, His Kingship, the New Creature, the God-Man. 22.The Veil Christ our Life, Access to God the Father. 6.Scarlet His Sacrificial ministry and glory of the Cross. His humanity. 23.The Ark of the Covenant Christ the Fulnessof the Godhead Bodily. 7.Fine Linen His Holiness, righteousness, of His sinless humanity. 24.The Ten Commandments Christ our Law Giver and Keeper 8.Goats' Hair His Atonement, our Sin-offering. 25.The Golden Pot of Manna Christ our Heavenly Manna, Food, Divine Health. 9.Rams' skins dyed red His Consecration to the Father's will, substitution. Sustainer. 1100.BBaaddggeerrss' sskkiinnss HHiiss pprrootteeccttiioonn, aanndd uunnaattttrraaccttiivveenneessss ttoo tthhee uunnrreeggeenneerraattee mmaann. 26.The Rod that Budded Christ our Appointed, Resurrected High Priest after 11.Shittimwood His incorruptible humanity, the Root, the Branch. the Order of Melchisedek. 12.Anointing Oil His Anointed Ministry, the Christ of God, the Messiah. 27.The Tabernacle as a whole Christ, God's Tabernacle and Habitation with men. 13.Incense Spices His Fragrant Life of Prayer and Intercession, His Graces. 28.The Shekinah Glory Christ, the Glory of God bodily. 14.Precious Stones His Priestly Glories and Perfections on behalf of His People. 29.The Cloud and Pillar of Fire Christ our Leader, and Guide to Heaven. 15.The Gate Christ —the Way 30.The High Priest in Garments of Glory and Beauty 115/22/201367..TThhee BBrraazzeenn ALaltvaerr CChhrriisstt tthhee CSaleBcaarcnikf istcoee Lrda, y ooOuutnr eS, aonucrt iJfiucsattiifoicna, tioounr. Separation 3 5/22/2013 ChorwBisantc,k iotnou LHra yiHomuetsaevlfe bnelyf oHreig hG oPdri ethset wFhaoth reerp.resents His4 1 5/22/2013 1. Introduction “WILDERNESS TABERNACLE” The Tabernacle 2. Fellowship of the Tabernacle Designed by God 3. Relative Positions Gershonites 4. General Construction (Cloths, curtains, linen fence) 5. Silver Sockets 6. The Boards and Bars •Ark of the Covenant, •Tablets of Law 7. The Curtains and Coverings •Pot of Manna Holy 8. The Court and Gate •Aaron’s Rod of 99. TThhee PPiillllaarr ooff CClloouudd aanndd FFiirree ••TThhee MMeerrccyy SSeeaatt, 10. The Bronze Altar •Poles, & Holies •The Cherubim 11. The Bronze Laver Alter of The 1111163245..... TTTTThhhhheeeee AATGVraleoktbai lldolre efo ontfh f I LenSa cChmeoonpwvssebetnar eananddt Kohathites(Holy Objects) LamInpcesntasned PDHOloaonocleyer SheTwaobbfl reead(Framework)Merarites 17.The Mercyy Seat Molten Sea 18.The Cheribim Bronze “The Word was made flesh 1225/22/2013901...TTThhheee TSGwhoeoldk Teinanab Phleotts ooff MSatonnnea S WE N Laver and tabernacled among us…” 22.Aaron's Rod that Budded Alter 23.The Journeys of the Ark John 1:14 1. From Sinai to Philistia OOnnee GWaatye 2. From Philistia to the Temple In Back to Layout Moses and the Priests 6 “The Word was made flesh and tabernacledamong us…” John 1:14 •Ark of the Covenant, •The Mercy Seat, •Poles, & •The Cherubim Holy of Holies Holy of Mercy Seat God’s Dwelling The propitiation of our sins The blood is sprinkled on it Holies “WILDERNESS AArrkk ooff tthhee CCoovveennaanntt Booree oouur ssinss TABERNACLE” Alter of The Holy God’s broken law… Incense Place Designed by God Golden Altar of Incense …maketh intercession for us… Lampstand Table of Shewbread Holy Place I AM the light of the world One Door Molten Sea LLaavveerr Menorah II AAMM tthhee bbrreeaadd ooff lliiffee W Table of Shewbread S N Alter 7 I AM the door 8 5/22/2013 E OOnnee W Gaayt eIn 5/22/2013 The Wilderness Tabernacle 2 5/22/2013 The Tabernacle • The Structure Exodus • The Furniture Exodus • The Priesthood Exodus • The Offeringgs Leviticus Material Symbolism • Brass Fire, Judgment • Gold Deity • Silver Blood Silver Redemption Shekel; 30 pieces of betrayal silver The Coverings • Porpoise Skins • Ram’s Skins, (dyed red) 9 10 • Goat’s Hair (Sin Bearer) 5/22/2013 • Embroidered Linen –Cherubim (gold, purple, blue, scarlet) 5/22/2013 Gershonites Wilderness (Cloths, curtains, linen fence) Tabernacle Tabernacle ‘every part and place has a purpose andd meaniing…’’ Holy Place [Spirit] Kohathites Merarites (Holy Objects) (Framework) Molten Sea 75’ x 150’ Laver Perimeter = 450’ = Inner Court [Soul] LLeennggtthh ooff AArrkk ((sshhoorrtt ccuubbiitt)) Alter of Sacrifice W 11 S N 12 Outer Area [Body] 5/22/2013 5/22/2013 E Moses and the Priests 3 5/22/2013 Dwelling place of God with men What is the Tabernacle? The Tabernacle was a moveable “tent of meeting” that God Halfway through the book of Exodus commanded Moses to build. (Exodus 25:1-2, 25:8-9.) God again declares His desire to dwell with His people? God wanted to dwell among his people, the Israelites. He wanted to have fellowship with them and be able to Ex 25:8: "And let them make Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell communicate with them (Ex. 25:22). among them.“ The Tabernacle became the place that God dwelt with his people for 400 years: from the Exodus until the time of King Solomon, when the Temple was buiIded. The Garden in Eden, the Tabernacle, Temple, and born again mmaann wweerree oorr aarree aallll iinntteennddeedd ddwweelllliinngg ppllaacceess ooff GGoodd TThhee TTaabbeerrnnaaccllee aanndd iittss ccoouurrttyyaarrdd wweerree ccoonnssttrruucctteedd aaccccoorrddiinngg • Tabernacle was temporary until a permanent structure, an to a pattern set by God, not by Moses. immovable dwelling place was ready –the Temple, The Tabernacle layout helps us to understand the steps • Today, the Christian is God’s Temple -His permanent that the Lord laid out tor a sinful people to approach a holy S 5/22/2013 dwelling place. Back to Layout lide 13 5/22/2013 God. It is a picture Boafc k Jtoe Lasyouust Christ. Slide 14 Tabernacle was the focal point of the lsraelitecamp. The Camp of Israel –Numbers 1‐2 West The Camp of Ephraim (Ox) The 12 Tribes of Israel were encamped around it. Numbers in the boxes refer to Tthhee ntoutmalb =e r6 0o3f ,m55al0e.s age 20 or over in each tribe. EMBpeahnsrjaaasmimsienh 334250,,,245000000 108,100OOEphtaimxxCamp of The AADNCssaaahhnpmeehprrta olif Da5446n3112 ,,,,(5574E0000a0000gle) South CRa15mu4b,p4e0 on0f ManTab1e5L7re,n6v0ai0cleEagleCa15mD7a,p6n0 o0f North Lion The Camp of Ruben (Man) The 12 tribes were organized into 4 camps, each Ruben 46,500 was to rally around the ensign of a specific tribe. Simeon 59,300 Ca Each camp was to camp East, West, North, or Gad 45,600 m South of the central area where the tribe of Levi – 1866,400p of Ju slttihhteeeetru ppaprrl.lii yee sso Ittfnss c o-anccmeaap mmc ioppnueesddltdr aau cnncaddtmi ottphhn esein TTw aaaenbbryeee rrdfnnoiaarlleccocllweeti eowwdnaa ssfr om The Camp of Judah (Lion) dah LAerrvai nbguitn egx tahcet lcya omnp a s citoem inp athsiss owradyin aanl.d using Judah 74,600 the census figures, looking at the Israelites camp Issachar 54,400 while in the wilderness from above –God’s 16 Zebulon 57,400 East viewpoint certainly provides a new perspective. 5/22/2013 Back to Layout 15 5/22/2013 4 5/22/2013 Introduction Facts About the Tabernacle Exodus 25:1-9 Exodus 35 Hebrews 8 • The Tabernacle was a shadow of things in heaven. God set apart some 50 chapters in Scripture to the subject of The real Tabernacle is in heaven where Jesus Himself is our high the Tabernacle and its related worship customs. priest Hebrews 8:1-5 Now of the things which we have spoken this is EExoodduss ...................1133 cchhaapptteerrss the sum: We have such an high priest, who is set on the right hand of Numbers ................13 chapters the throne of the Majesty in the heavens; [2] A minister of the Leviticus .................18 chapters sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not Deuteronomy ......... 2 chapters man. [3] For every high priest is ordained to offer gifts and sacrifices: Hebrews ................ 4 chapters, wherefore it is of necessity that this man have somewhat also to offer. [4] For if he were on earth, he should not be a priest, seeing and other references. tthhaatt tthheerree aarree pprriieessttss tthhaatt ooffffeerr ggiiffttss aaccccoorrddiinngg ttoo tthhee llaaww:: [[55]] WWhhoo PPaauull oofftteenn mmaaddee rreeffeerreennccee ttoo tthhee ttaabbeerrnnaaccllee. serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things, as Moses was admonished of God when he was about to make the tabernacle: How much space did God set apart in His written word to the for, See, saithhe, that thou make all things according to the pattern subject of the creation of the cosmos, earth, and all its shewedto thee in the mount. creatures, including mankind ? 5/22/2013• 50 chapters in the Bible discuBsacsk ttoh Laeyo Tutabernacle. 17 5/22/2013 Back to Layout 18 The Areas Facts About the Tabernacle • Outer court symbolically, physical life; the Body • The Tabernacle would have fit in half of a football soccer field. • Inner court symbolically, the Soul: mind, will, emotions • The Tabernacle was built using many expensive material’s: • Holy place symbolically, the place of worship; • Holy of Holies symbolically, Spirit: Gold,silver, bronze, precious woods, and rare cloth. OOutter courtt = BBoddy Today the cost would well exceed $1 million. The physical part of our living; Offerings from the Israelites paid for the materials. Ex. 35:22-38:3 The place of sacrifice Ro 12:1-2 The Israelites were so generous that Moses had to command Inner court = Soul them to stop giving. The ‘battle ground’; the place of decision / choice Exodus 36:6 And Moses gave commandment, and they Holy place = Spirit and Soul connection caused it to be proclaimed throughout the camp, saying, AAlltteerr ooff iinncceennssee:: PPllaaccee ooff wwoorrsshhiipp;; FFeelllloowwsshhiipp wwiitthh ootthheerr bbeelliieevveerrss.. Let neither man nor woman make any more work for the Table of showbread: Feeding about the table; The bread of life offering of the sanctuary. So the people were restrained Golden lampstand: Walking in the light; The light of the world. from bringing. John 8:12; Mt 4:4 Holy of Holies = Spirit 5/22/2013 Back to Layout 19 5/22/2013 Ptheer spolancael coof mSpmiruitnuiaoln v /i cfetollroywBsachki tpo Lwayiotuht God, 20 5 5/22/2013 God uses word pictures in order to help us Christ seen in the Tabernacle understand His Word and His plans more clearly 1. Christ is our __________________ Hosea 12:10 I have also spoken by the prophets, and I John 1:29, 2Co 5:21, Heb 10:9-10, Heb 13:10 have multiplied visions, and used similitudes, by the ministry 2. Christ us _________________ from sin. Eph 5:26-27, Heb 10:22, Tit 3:5 ooff tthhee pprroopphheettss.. 3. Christ is the ______________of the __________ We look at today John 8:12, John 1:14, John 12:46 And plan for our tomorrows. 4. Christ is the ____________________ of ____________ John 3:32-33, 35 God looks at tomorrow 5. Christ is our _________________ _____ ___________________ And arranges the events of our today 1 Tim 2:5-6, Heb 7:25, Rev. 8:3-4 to bring us to His tomorrow. 6. Christ is the ______ ____ ________ and ____ ________ Isa 46:9 "Remember the former things long past, For I am JJoohhnn 1144:66, HHeebb 1100:1199-2200 God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like 7. Christ’s blood brought God’s ____________ Eph 2:4, Heb 4:16, Heb 10:19 Me, [10] Declaring the end from the beginning, and from 8. Christ is our __________ ____________ Heb 2:17, Rev 1:5-6 ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: S 5/22/2013 Back to Layout 21 5/22/2013 rotaidem dna rosstseecirrept nhig .i5H .e8f i l yfoc rdeaBmea rc B.k7 t. o 4 e L f a idLy loerouhwtt d enhat hfotu trhTg eiLh t. 3,y a Wse senhat e .l6C .2 ecifircaS .1 lide 22 Introduction Introduction Exodus 25:1-9 Exodus 35 Hebrews 8 Exodus 25:1-9 Exodus 35 Hebrews 8 Then the Lord spaketo Moses, saying: "Speak to the children of EXODUS Chapters 1-19: HISTORY Israel, that they bring Me an offering. From everyone who gives • TThhee hhiissttoorryy ooff aa ppeeooppllee iinn bboonnddaaggee,, iitt wiilllliinglly wiitthh hhiis hheartt you shhallll ttakke MMy offfferiing. AAndd tthhiis iis • The birth of a leader, the offering which you shall take from them: gold, silver, and • Their emancipation and bronze; blue and purple and scarlet yarn, fine linen thread, and • Their journey as far as Sinai. goats' hair; rams' skins dyed red, badger skins, and acacia wood; oil for the light, and spices for the anointing oil and for the EXODUS Chapters 20-40: The threefold LAW sweet incense; onyx stones, and stones to be set in the ephod • The moral law: controllingg individual life, aanndd iinn tthhee bbrreeaassttppllaattee. AAnndd lleett tthheemm mmaakkee MMee aa ssaannccttuuaarryy, tthhaatt • The civil law: controlling national life, and I may dwell among them. According to all that I show you, that • The ceremonial law: controlling religious life. is, the pattern of the tabernacle and the pattern of all its furnishings, just so you shall make it.” Exodus 25:1-9 5/22/2013 Back to Layout 23 5/22/2013 Back to Layout 24 6 5/22/2013 Introduction Then and Now Exodus 25:1-9 Exodus 35 Hebrews 8 Israelites Communed with God Christians Commune with God through the Tabernacle through Jesus Some say that these things have long since been done away 1. Brazen Altar for sacrifices Christ’s sacrifice with –they say, “Forget them! 2. Laver of Brass for washing Cleansed thru confession & the Word TThhee LLoorrdd JJeessuuss ddiidd nnoott iiggnnoorree oorr ppaassss tthheemm oovveerr. 33. CCanddllesttiickk//LLampsttandd EEnlliighhttenedd // ffuelledd bby tthhe HHolly SSpiiriitt He said that He was in them; they spoke of Him… 4. Table of Shewbread Fed by the Living Word 5. Altar of Incense Prayer, communication, intercession 6-7.Through the Vail into the Most Entering God’s presence boldly through “… beginning at Moses [the tabernacle, law, etc.] and all the Holy Place Christ –who rent the vailopen Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the 8. Priests and the garments Service to God and others. things concerning Himself" (Luk 24:27). WWhhyy iiss TThhee TTaabbeerrnnaaccllee IImmppoorrttaanntt TTooddaayy?? 1. Today, we are God’s dwelling place. 1 Cor. 6:19 … all Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable 2. God’s holy presence is among/in us. Exodus 40:34-38 for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in 3. As believers. we are part of a priesthood. 1 Peter 2:5,9, Rev. 5:10. Rev. 20:6, Hebrews 4:16. righteousness" (2 Tim 3:16). 4. The Tabernacle shows a pattern of worship prescribed by S 5/22/2013 Back to Layout 25 5/22/2013 God. Hebrews 10:19-2B5a ck to Layout lide 26 Introduction Introduction Exodus 25:1-9 Exodus 35 Hebrews 8 Exodus 25:1-9 Exodus 35 Hebrews 8 A tabernacle was "a temporary dwelling place." • The Tabernacle was a shadow of things in heaven. The real Tabernacle is in heaven where Jesus Himself is our "Let them make Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them" hhiigghh pprriieesstt Ex 25:8 Hebrews 8:1-5 Now of the things which we have spoken this is • The Tabernacle of Exodus lasted for just 400 years. the sum: We have such an high priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens; [2] A minister of the • Then the Temples were built, for use during the kingdom sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and period. not man. [3] For every high priest is ordained to offer gifts and • After that God took on flesh and dwelt among us. sacrifices: wherefore it is of necessity that this man have somewhat • Then God took up His abode within each believer. allso tto offffer. [[44]] FFor iiff hhe were on eartthh, hhe shhoulldd nott bbe a priiestt, seeing that there are priests that offer gifts according to the law: [5] Finally, today we, the believers, are His permanent Who serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things, as dwelling place… Moses was admonished of God when he was about to make the "Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the tabernacle: for, See, saithhe, that thou make all things according to S 5/22/2013 Spirit of God dwBeacllks to iLnay oyutou?“ 1 Cor3:16 27 5/22/2013 the pattern shewBaeckd tot Loay otuhtee in the mount. lide 28 7 5/22/2013 Introduction Introduction Exodus 25:1-9 Exodus 35 Hebrews 8 Exodus 25:1-9 Exodus 35 Hebrews 8 Even now, our body is referred to as a "tabernacle"-a tent – Tabernacle and its furnishings, worship and sacrifices, the Laws Not because God’s presence in and with us is temporary were symbols of Christ who was yet to come… But because out present bodies are temporary. Col 2:17 thinggs which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but TThhe ""chhurchh““ iis an ekkkkllesiiameaniing ""tthhatt whhiichh iis calllledd outt."" the substance belongs to Christ. The church a community of people Heb 8:5 Who serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly The word “church” should never be applied to a building. things, as Moses was admonished of God when he was about to 2Co 5:1-4 For we know that if our earthly house of this make the tabernacle: for, See, saithhe, that thou make all things tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an according to the pattern shewedto thee in the mount. house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. Heb 10:1 For the law having a shadow of good things to come, ((22)) FFoorr iinn tthhiiss wwee ggrrooaann,, eeaarrnneessttllyy ddeessiirriinngg ttoo bbee ccllootthheedd uuppoonn andd nott tthhe very iimage off tthhe tthhiings, can never wiitthh tthhose with our house which is from heaven: sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the (3) If so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked. comers thereunto perfect. (4) For we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being Follow any shadow toward it’s source, toward the light behind it, and burdened: not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed you will arrive at the reality, its substance, the reality that is casting 5/22/2013 thBaeck stoh Laayoduotw. 29 5/22/2013 upon, that mortality mBiagckh tot Lbayeou stwallowed up of life. 30 Introduction Introduction Exodus 25:1-9 Exodus 35 Hebrews 8 Exodus 25:1-9 Exodus 35 Hebrews 8 The tabernacle was made and built according to the pattern of things Moses never designed a tabernacle and invited God to it. in the heavenlies–things which were revealed to Moses while on the It was God idea. mount in Sinai. GGoodd ccoonncceeiiveedd tthhee ppllaann aanndd iinnssttrrucctteedd mmaann ttoo bbuiilldd iitt IItt parallllelledd tthhe pattttern llatter shhown tto JJohhn on tthhe iisllandd off PPattmos according to His pattern because He had a desire to dwell • an altar of sacrifice (Rev 6:9) among His chosen people. • a sea of glass (Rev 4:6) • seven golden lampstands(Rev 1:12) The God who dwelt in the tabernacle and the temple in the Old • the golden altar (Rev 8:3) Testament took His abode in Christ during His life on earth. • hidden manna (Rev 2:17); and God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself 2Co 5:19 • the ark of His covenant ((Rev 11:19)). He was called "Immanuel ... God with us" Mat 1:23 In both Exodus and Hebrews, the Lord said, "See that you make it according to the pattern." Now He is abiding in us: God was very particular in planning it He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world 1Jn 4:4b Moses was scrupulous in the building of it; 5/22/2013 Back to Layout 31 5/22/2013 BaWck eto Lsayhouotuld be careful to understand it?32 8 5/22/2013 Introduction Introduction Exodus 25:1-9 Exodus 35 Hebrews 8 Exodus 25:1-9 Exodus 35 Hebrews 8 God anointed Bezaleelwith the Spirit of God for all manner of The Tabernacle was built from the freewill offerings of the people. workmanship. Speak to the children of Israel, that they bring Me an offering. Exo31:1-3 From everyone who gives it willingly with his heart you shall (1) And the LORD spakeunto Moses, saying, take My offering (Ex 25:2). (2) See, I have called by name Bezaleelthe son of Uri, The people responded so generously Moses issued a command the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah: which was circulated throughout the camp: (3) And I have filled him with the spirit of God, in “Let neither man nor woman do any more work for the offering wisdom, and in understanding, and in knowledge, of the sanctuary.” aanndd iinn aallll mmaannnneerr ooff wwoorrkkmmaannsshhiipp, Thus the people were restrained from bringing any more, for God will also anoint us with the Holy Spirit for the true the material they had was sufficient for all the work to be done understanding and interpretation of these things. indeed too much (Ex 36:5-7). Every detailholds spiritual significance and lesson describing 5/22/2013 the character and wBoarckk t oo Lafy otuhte Lord Jesus Christ. 33 5/22/2013 Back to Layout 34 Introduction Introduction Exodus 25:1-9 Exodus 35 Hebrews 8 Exodus 25:1-9 Exodus 35 Hebrews 8 Giving is a privilege and a responsibility. Giving is part of worship But the gift must be given Willingly, The former slaves had been allowed to plunder the Egyptians the Lord loves a cheerful giver. wwhheenn tthheeyy lleefftt EEggyypptt.. We are only stewards for God. They took great quantities of gold, silver, brass, spices, precious stones, etc. when they left Egypt. If He has given to us, it is so we can give to Him. The Egyptians literally paid them to leave… Woodworkers, metalworkers, weavers and embroiderers, those who had possessions, time, skill, and labor, all gave what they had. God gave to them so that they might give to God. • Gold, silver, spices, and precious stones came from the rich; WWhheenn tthhee ooppppoorrttuunniittyy ccaammee ttoo ggiivvee bbaacckk ttoo HHiimm tthheeyy wweerree • BBlluuee, ppuurrppllee aanndd ssccaarrlleett yyaarrnn aanndd tthhee bbrroonnzzee ffrroomm tthhee “mmiiddddllee not slow in responding. class”; • Goat’s hair from the poor. Today, each one of us is to play our part in giving back what God has provided to us… 5/22/2013 Back to Layout 35 5/22/2013 remembering Christ gaveB Hacki sto Laaylol uhtolding nothing in reserve. 36 9 5/22/2013 The Fellowship of the Tabernacle The Fellowship of the Tabernacle God in the Garden. Sin had come into the heart of man, "And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the That sin separated man from his Maker; garden in the cool of the day ... " (Gen. 3:8). WWhhiillee ssiinn hhaadd bbrrookkeenn tthhaatt ffeelllloowwsshhiipp, The God who made man and placed him in the garden came it had not altered the desire of God for it, down to that man, walked with him and talked to him. not for a moment. This fellowship possibly continued for a very long time, Man may turn his back, It continued up until the day when God came to Adam but with God there is no shadow of turning. (Jas 1:17) bbuutt AAddaamm ddiidd nnoott ccoommee ttoo GGoodd.. God sougght to establish that fellowshipp wherever and whenever the opportunity afforded. Instead, Adam tried to hide from God • He walked with Enoch, -a thing man cannot do. • He talked to Abram, • He communed with Moses and others… 5/22/2013 Back to Layout 37 5/22/2013 Back to Layout 38 The Fellowship of the Tabernacle The Fellowship of the Tabernacle God in the Tabernacle. And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, "Let them make Me These people were pilgrims living in tents, moving from place a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them“ Ex 25:8 to place. God had looked down in love upon these people. The tabernacle was a portable, temporary dwelling place. He had brought them out of the bondage of Egypt God had become a "pilgrim" with pilgrims and who occupied a He was leading them toward a land He had promised to "tent" with tent-dwellers. them. God came right down to where man was that he might have However, He not only desired to direct them but to fellowship with Him. "ddwweellll" wwiitthh tthheemm.. Just as a Bedouin chieftain would have his tent pitched in the "There I will meet with you, and I will speak with you…" midst of his encampment, God instructed Moses to build this Ex 25:22 tabernacle and set it up in the midst of the camp of Israel. The people would recognize this as the place of the leader 5/22/2013 and chief. Back to Layout 39 5/22/2013 Back to Layout 40 10