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MISCELLANEOUS NOTES finally slightly curved or straight, stout, initially closely situated as in mature leaves, each pit with increases in diameter towards root, terete, ahyaline inflatedtrichome (see Tucker etal 1984), becoming tetrangular and grooved near the foliar which finallyturns yellowish to rusty; petioles 1.3- cm cotyledons, glabrous. Cotyledons2 (exhibitup and 2.4 long, green, herbaceous, dorsally grooved, down nyctinastic movement but do not fold like with deep green pulvinus at both ends, pubescent, leaves - also see Fiji 1952: 295, 302), opposite, finally glabrescent. Stipules 2, minute, green, free, foliar, 2.3-2.9 x 1.6-2.0 cm, yellowish-green at first, lateral, narrowly ovate, falcate, pubescent, finally green, wither through yellow to brown at deciduous. 4th leaf stage, slightly fleshy, elliptic, sometimes slightly asymmetric, entire, obtuse at apex, more Acknowledgements or less so at base, glabrous, 5-nerved (the young foliar cotyledons appear to be 3 or 4-nerved), I am grateful to Dr. (Mrs.) V.S. Ghate, middle one bifurcates near apex; petioles c. 2 mm Agharkar Research Institute, Pune for sending me Song, green, flattened above, semi-lunar in T.S., some seeds collected from Nirnbachi Wadi, near with prominent pulvinus at distal end; interpetiolar Kashele in April 1998 and to Dr. N.D. Faria, region with hair-like outgrowths. Stem green, Botany Department, Calcutta University for his erect, slender, slightly angled, somewhat zigzag help and encouragement. 1 am grateful to the at nodes, at first pubescent, finally glabrescent. anonymous reviewer for his constructive Leaves alternate, 2.0-3.2 x 3.0-4.0 cm, Is* leafnot suggestions. Dr. L.B. Chaudhary, National much smaller than others, green, suborbicular to Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow and Dr. W. broadly ovate, 9 (1st leaf) -11 (2nd to 4th leaves)- Greuter, Botanischer Garten und Botanisches nerved (nerves clearly visible to the naked eye Museum, Berlin kindly provided me with except those near extreme leaf-base), bifid a 1/5 photocopies of literature. their length into subacute to broadly obtuse lobes at apex, mucronate between lobes, shallowly November 15, 2001 S. BANDYOPADHYAY cordate at base, upper surface glabrous, lower Botanical Survey ofIndia, surface pubescent mainly along nerves and with P.O. Botanic Garden, Howrah 711 103, fine pits within areolae ofreticulations; pits not so West Bengal, India. References Das, D.C. (1996): Seedling morphology ofsome Indian Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Leguminosaewithreferencetotaxonomy. Ph.D. Thesis Pul, L. Van Der (1952): The leafofBauhinia. Acta Bot. (unpubl.). UniversityofCalcutta, India. Need. 1(2): 287-309. & Das, D.C. N.D. Paria (1999): Seedling morphology in Troup, R.S. (1921): ThesilvicultureofIndiantrees. 2: 337- identification ofsome Indian species ofBauhinia L. 783. Clarendon Press, Oxford. & (Caesalpiniaceae). Feddes Repert. 110(5-6): 375-379. Tucker, S.C., S.R. Rugenstein K. Derstine (1984): Duke, J.A. & R.M. Polhill (1981): Seedlings of Inflated trichomes in flowers of Bauhinia Leguminosae. In: Advances in Legume Systematics (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. & Part 2: 941-949, (Eds.: Polhill, R.M. P.H. Raven). 88: 291-301. — SYZYGIUMNEESIANUMARN. (MYRTACEAE) AN ADDITION TO THE INDIAN FLORA 39. (With one text-figure) During a visit to Kodayar hills, specimen ofa tree species ofSyzygium Gaertner Kanyakumari district, Tamil Nadu, an interesting (Family Myrtaceae) was collected. The characters JOURNAL, BOMBAY NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY, 99(3), DEC. 2002 553 MISCELLANEOUS NOTES mm 2 Fig. 1: Syzygium neesianum Arn.; A. Twig, B. Flower bud, C. Corolla, D. Flower without corolla, & E. Stamen, F. Pistil with calyx, G-H. Ovary (L.S. T.S.) 554 JOURNAL BOMBAY NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY, 99(3), DEC. 2002 , MISCELLANEOUS NOTES mm of this species do not agree with those of any filiform, subulate, to 4 long; stigma simple, known species ofthe genus from India. The tree acute at apex. was identified as Syzygium neesianum Arn., an Specimens examined: india: Tamil Nadu, endemic species ofSri Lanka (Ashton 1981). The Kanyakumari district: Kodayar (uppe—r) present discovery is of great phytogeographical Manickam & Murugan XCH 12454; Kerala MH interest, and the specimens from Kodayar hills Idukki district: Meenmutti, Mohanan, ac—c. are identical to the Sri Lankan specimen housed No. 151501; Quilon district, Naduvanoor MH in the Madras Herbarium (MH), Botanical Kadavu path, Mohanan Acc. No. 113376; MH Survey of India (Southern Circle), Coimbatore. Quilon district: wayto Thenmalai, Mohanan A short description with illustration is provided Acc. No. 117379; Trivandrum district: MH to facilitate identification. Bonnacard, Mohanan Acc. no. 117381. sri MH Syzygium neesianum Am., L. Nova. Acta. lanka: 60885 (s.no. L.P. 735). Phys: Med. Acad. Caes. Teop. Carol. Nat. Cur. Note: The specimens collected from Kerala 18: 335. 1836; Thw., Enum PI. Zeyl. 117: 1843; and kept in MH, are misidentified as Syzygium Alston in Trimen, Handb. FI. Ceylon 6: 116. caryophyllatum (L.) Alston, but they belong to & 1931; Ashton in Dassanayake Fosberg, Rev. S. neesianum Arn. due to the presence of leaves Handb. FI. Ceylon 2: 442. 1981. Eugenia with sub-cordate base and, acuminate apex and neesiana Wt., Ic. PI. Ind. Or. t. 533. 1843; Duthie calyx with 4 lobes. in Hook.f., FI. Br. India 2: 493. 1879. Small tree, to 6 m; branchlets terete, Acknowledgements glabrous. Leaves opposite-decussate, oblong- lanceolate, 5-8 x 2-3.5 cm, coriaceous, glabrous, We are grateful to the UGC for financial chocolate brown when dry, base subacute to assistance. We thank Dr. R. Gopalan and Dr. V. subcordate, margin entire, slightly recurved, apex Chelladurai for their suggestions and critical obtusely acuminate; lateral nerves many, sub- evaluation ofthe manuscript. We are grateful to mm mm parallel; petiole 3 long, thick. Flowers 4 the Field Director, Kalakad-Mundanthurai Tiger across, white, in terminal corymbose cymes, to Reserve, India for permission to undertake the 5 cm long; peduncle 3-10 mm long, terete; rachis field studies. mm 4-angled; pedicel up to 2 long; bract mm MURUGAN inconspicuous. Calyx-tube up to 3 long, March 30, 2001 C. MANICKAM glabrous; lobes 4, short, obscure. Petals 4, V.S. mm SUNDARESAN orbicular, upto 2 long, calyptrate, fugaceous. V. Stamens many, unequal, filaments filiform, Centrefor Biodiversity and Biotechnology ; 2-4 mm, cream; anthers ovate, c. 0.5 mm. Ovary St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), mm inferior, globose, to 2 long, 2-loculed; 3-6 Palayamkottai 627 002, ovules in each, with central axile placentae; style Tamil Nadu, India. SOME NEW RECORDS OF ASTERACEAE FOR THE STATE OF MAHARASHTRA 40. While carrying out intensive plant alata (D. Don) Sch.-Bip. Ex. Oliver and Wedelia explorations in southwestern Maharashtra, three glauca (Ort.) S.F. Blake. Genus Cyathocline members of Family Asteraceae were collected, Cass, and genus Laggera Sch.-Bip. ex Koch, are which on critical study were identified as represented by three species each and genus Cyathocline manilaliana Raju and Raju, Laggera Wedelia Jacq. is represented by five species in JOURNAL, BOMBAY NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY, 99(3), DEC. 2002 555

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