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M. A. Krasnosel'skiI A. V. PokrovskiI Systems with Hysteresis Translated from the Russian by Marek Niezg6dka With 81 Figures Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York London Paris Tokyo Mark A. Krasnosel'skii Aleksei V. Pokrovskii Institute of Control Sciences ul. Profsojuznaja 65 117806 Moscow GSP-7, USSR Marek Niezg6dka Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences Newelska 6 01-447 Warsaw, Poland Title of the Russian original edition: Sistemy s gisteresisom Publisher Nauka, Moscow 1983 Mathematics Subject Classification (1980): 47HI5,34A60, 49ElO, 49E15 ISBN-13: 978-3-642-64782-6 e-ISBN-13: 978-3-642-61302-9 DOl: 10.1007/978-3-642-61302-9 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Krasnosel'skiI, M. A. (Mark Aleksandrovich), 1920- . [Sistemy s gisterezisom. English] Systems with hysteresis I Mark A. Krasnosel'skii, Aleksei V. Pokrovskii ; translated from the Russian by Marek Niezg6dka. p. cm. Translation of: Sistemy s gisterezisom. Bibliography: p. Includes index. ISBN-13: 978-3-642-64782-6 1. Hysteresis. I. Pokrovskii, A. V. (Aleksei Vadimovich) II. Title. QC754.2.H9K7313 1989 538'.3-dcl9 88-39156 CIP This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in other ways, 'and storage in data banks. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is only permitted under the provisions of the German Copyright Law of September 9, 1965, in its version of June 24, 1985, and a copyright fee must always be paid. Violations fall under the prosecution act of the German Copyright Law. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1989 Softcover reprint oftbe hardcover 1st edition 1989 Printing: Weihert-Druck GmbH, Darmstadt Binding: SchatTer GmbH, Griinstadt 214113140-543210 - Printed on acid-free paper Preface Fo~~d6, onee mo~e - told me my ~~t~net And led me w~-6ely, M an old -6eholaJt, T~ough a v~~g~nai, nonpM-6able ~eed On ~med ~ee-6, Ulae-6 and 4JUineM hOMM-6 ... B. PMtUnak ... The mO-6t ~mpo~tant ~-6 that evuyth~ng develop-6 -6y-6temat~eaiiy. Evuyth~ng -6hould eomp~ehend a -6Y-6tem. - A -6y-6temat~e -6Y-6tem, - -6~d -6e~o~ -6~~be Vane~ w~th a -6eept~e -6m~le. - Ye-6 ... a -6y-6tema~zed -6y-6temat~e -6Y-6tem ••. J. f{aJe~ Nonlinearities of hysteresis type are common for various branches of science and technology, including physics, mechanics, biology and civil engineering, in particular. Effects like magnetic hysteresis, dielectric hysteresis or plastic hysteresis are all well-known phenome na. This book discloses general methods which are applicable to de scribing and studying a large class of systems with hysteresis non linearities. New mathematical techniques based on resolving the systems into elementary hysteresis carriers - hysterons - have been developed for this purpose. The hysterons are treated as transducers with well-nefined state space, input-output relations, and input-state rela tions. The way we interpret hysteresis phenomena in this book is similar to the standard approach within continuum mechanics (related to the sixth Hilbert problem), developed by Coleman, Noll, Truesdell et al. Models of hysteresis phenomena, dating back to Maxwell, Boltzmann, Madelung, Prandtl, Masing, Volterra, von Mises, Saint-Venant, Tresca, Ishlinskii and others, are also made use of in this book. Techniques of the linear systems theory, recently developed by Zadeh, Desoer, Arbib, Falb, Kalman and others, play an important role as well. In the study of any system, two essentially different situations have to be distinguished. VI PREFACE In the first case, at given external actions (inputs) the problem consists in determining the response (output) of a system. For this purpose, an algorithm should be set up which permits a numerical or analytic construction of the input-output and input-state relations (for example, the correspondences between velocity and position in me chanics, external field - magnetic induction in magnetism theory, deformation - stress in plasticity theory, etc.). In this construc tion, it is often sufficient to admit only inputs with the simplest 5tructure: piecewise linear, piecewise smooth, splines, etc. The second case arises when the system under consideration is mere ly an element of a larger structure and therefore it cannot be treated in isolation. Complex systems of such an origin are typical for control engineering, mechanics and physiCS. If an element with hysteresis is included in a complex system which is subject to external influences (controls) and inevitable noises (non-controllable), then the actual inputs of this element are unknown (and their nature may be rather com plicated). Any description of hysteresis effects in such a case must thus allow"for inputs of a general form (for example, arbitrary contin uous funct~ons) and must be applicable to an analYSis of the dynamics of the whole system. For this purpose, it must be possible to consider 'the appropriate input-output and input-state relations as operators with as many "good" properties as possible on various classes of the inputs. The classic problem of trajectory determination can serve as a trivial example of such a situation: to perform necessary compu tations, it is sufficient to use integral sums or mechanical quadra tures. In order to derive and study equations that describe a certain process, an integral notion is needed together with information con cerning some its properties (mean value theorem, integration by parts, linearity, etc.). Another example of the same situation is given by problems where, instead of difference operations, differentiation must be performed. Throughout the book, the hY.6tVton - a deterministic, static trans ducer with scalar input and scalar output, controllable and stable with respect to small-amplitude noises at the input (vibro-correct) - will be considered as an elementary carrier of hysteresis effects. A special construction based on passing to some limit will be used to de scribe the dynamics of the hysteron. First, piecewise monotone inputs are assumed and analysis techniques standard for nonlinearities such as PREFACE VII those in models of a play (backlash) or stop are used. Then, the con struction is extended onto arbitrary continuous inputs (similarly as at passing from finite integral sums to an appropriate integral). A characterization of the hysteron is given and its properties are studied in Part 1. Plays and stops, extended to all continuous inputs, are considered as simple examples of hysterons. Part 2 contains for mulations and proofs of several identification theorems. If an elasto-plastic element (fibre) has time-independent mechanical properties, it can often be treated as a hysteron with variable defor mation and variable stress as the input and output, respectively. If, due to ageing, temperature changes, etc., the properties are vari able in time, it proves convenient to introduce a variable hysteron as a suitable model. A general theory of variable hysterons is devel oped in Part 3. That theory is based on an analysis of so-called vibro-correct differential equations. Hysterons with vector inputs and outputs are considered in Part 4 (for the models due to von Mises, Saint-Venant, Tresca and others). In Part 5, a study of transducers with discontinuous input-output relations is developed. Static elements described by discontinuous superposition operators (of special importance in the theory of systems with variable structure), as well as ideal and non-ideal relays (on -off elements) are studied there in detail. Special attention is given to the role of small noises at the input; taking them into account simplifies an analysis of the dynamics of transducers. In Part 6, the notion of hysteron is modified sO.as to cover phe- nomena of self-magnetization type. The first of those modifications refers to the classical Madelung's model. The others employ notions of stochastic integrals. All the constructions are based on the use of vibro-correct differential equations. Relationships between solutions of the vibro-correct equations and solutions of some stochastic equa tions (understood in the Ito or Stratonovich sense) are established. In Part 7, a study of complex non-deterministic hysteresis non linearities is developed. By extending the constructions. originally due to Masing, Ishlinskii, Preisach, Giltay and others, some nonlinear systems composed of hysterons and relays are considered. The techniques developed in this book turn out useful at studying closed-loop systems Which contain hysteresis elements. The tools we use include functional analysis and topology methods applied to problems VIII PREFACE such as stability analysis (including absolute stability questions), an analysis of forced periodic oscillations and self-oscillations, a study of singular perturbations, construction of averaged equations, the selection of special functioning conditions and their study, nu merical analysis, etc. Concerning all of the problems mentioned above, numerous results have been obtained by many authors. This, however, would have to be the subject of another book ! My personal interest in hysteresis phenomena arose in connection with the theory of nonlinear oscillations. A small seminar had been organized at the Voronezh University; besides myself, there were also two young mathematicians, B.t-1. Darinskii and P.P. Zabreiko, as well as three students, I.V. Emelin, E.A. Lifshitz and A.V. Pokrovskii, who took part in the seminar. With extraordinary patience, B.M. Darinskii acquainted us with various hysteresis models in plasticity theory. More than ten years ago I began working at the Institute of Control Problems (Institute of Automatic Control and Remote Mechanics) in Moscow. It was at this time that I started dealing with various prob lems of automatic control and general systems theory. It turned out that, despite their importance in many concrete problems, systems with hysteresis represented an area within the general systems theory which had hardly been researched. 'From then on, hysteresis itself, physical phenomena with hysteresis effects and mathematical techniques applica ble to an analysis of systems with hysteresis nonlinearities have re mained of interest to me as well as to several students and young col leagues of mine. General program frames for a study of hysteresis nonlinearities from the viewpoint of the systems theory have been clear to me for a long time. A realization of that program required overcoming diverse difficulties. Unexpected and unusual associations of hysteresis with stochastic processes were discovered, a special class of so-called vibro-correct differential equations were introduced and studied, a number of non-classical geometric problems had to be solved, properties of some new types of discontinuous operators required a study, etc. The first formulations of the fundamental theorems were clumsy and cumbersome; their first proofs took up dozens of pages; numerous heu ristically obvious facts, confirmed by numerical experiments, waited long for rigorous mathematical foundations. So far, basic points of the general program have been completed, although many questions PREFACE IX still remain open. The very first results were obtained by the participants of the above-mentioned Voronezh seminar. Further research was, in a diverse form, developed by T.S. Gil 'man, N.!. Grachev, A.F. Kleptsyn, V.S. Kozyakin, A.A. Kravchenko, N.P. Panskikh, V.B. Proval ' skii , A.Yu. Veretennikov and A.A. Vladimirov. During all these years, my co -author, A. V. Pokrovskii, has played a decisive role in this work: within a short time he worked his way up from a young assistant to a collaborator of equal standing. He has obtained a number of the fundamental results and recently took over, to a large degree, super vision of colleagues of the next generation. We have written this book together. A first version of Chapter 19 was worked on and prepared by A.A. V1adimirov. Chapter 39 was pre pared especially for the English translation of the book by A.A. Krav chenko. Taking advantage of this opportunity, I would like to express my gratitude to N.N. Bogolyubov, A. Yu. Ishlinskii, A.!, Lur'e, Yu.A. Mitropol'skii, M.A. Rozenblat and Ya.Z. Tsypkin for sometimes short, sometimes long (but always interesting and profitable) discussions concerning various aspects of hysteresis phenomena. Contents PART 1 STATIC HYSTEROO 1 1. Short-memory transducer 1 1.1 Transducer 1 1.2 States of transducer 2 1.3 Some properties of transducers 3 1.4 Admissible inputs 4 1.5 Vibro-correctness 6 2. Generalized play . 6 2.1 Ordinary play 6 2.2 Generalized play with piecewise monotone inputs 8 2.3 Estimates 10 2.4 Generalized play with continuous inputs 14 2.5 Dependence of outputs upon initial states 15 2.6 Correctness of the definition of the play 16 2.7 Monotonicity 17 2.8 Periodic inputs 19 2.9 Inputs defined on the whole real axis 20 3. Hysteron 22 3.1 Stop 22 3.2 Determining systems of curves 24 3.3 Piecewise monotone inputs 28 3.4 Passage to arbitrary continuous inputs 28 4. Canonical representation of hysteron and proof of Theorem 3.2 30 4.1 Canonical hysteron 30 XII CONTENTS 4.2 Canonical representation theorem 32 4.3 Proof of Theorem 3.2 35 4.4 Properties of hysteron 35 4.5 Rectification of hysteron 39 5. Distances 40 5.1 Definition of distance 40 5.2 Estimates on differences of output signals 43 6. Various input spaces 47 6.1 Statement of the problem 47 6.2 Spaces of continuously differentiable functions 48 6.3 Play in the space S of absolutely continuous functions 50 6.4 Hysteron in the space S 51 6.5 Hysterons in spaces Ha 53 6.6 Discontinuous inputs 54 6.7 Hysteron in the space of functions with" bounded variation 56 6.~ Hysteron in Wiener spaces 57 PART 2 IDENTIFICATION THEOREM 59 7. Identification problem 59 7.1 General identification problem 59 7.2 Prehysteron 61 7.3 Basic identification theorem 63 7.4 Concluding remarks 64 8. Proof of Theorem 7.1 65 8.1 Singular points of the domain n{V) 65 8.2 Construction of curves IT{M) 69 8.3 Construction of curves ~l' ~r 74 8.4 Completion of the proof of Theorem 7.1 75 9. a - identifiability 78 9.1 Statement of the problem 78 9.2 Normal hysteron 79 9.3 Theorem on a- identification 80 9.4 A remark 81 10. Approximate construction of hysteron 81

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