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Systems Theory in Action: Applications to Individual, Couple, and Family Therapy PDF

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“Smith-Acuña illuminates the structural hierarchy, roles, and boundaries that give a S M system structure. The relationship between parts and wholes is both simple and pro- I T H found, and particularly important in looking at systems structure. These morsels of - A wisdom are good examples of Smith-Acuña’s grace as a systems theory tour guide: one C U moment she’s digging deeper into the nuances among the theories, the next moment Ñ A she’s simplifying without dumbing down, but in a manner that is enormously liberat- ing. We enjoy the fun, full, and informed journey with her.” —Frank S. Pittman III, MD A PRACTICAL PRESENTATION OF SYSTEMS THEORY AS S A FUNDAMENTAL MODEL FOR CLINICAL PRACTICE Y Valuable for seasoned mental health professionals as well as those in training, Systems S Theory in Action presents systems theory—the unifying principles surrounding the T organization and functioning of systems—as it applies to individual, couples, and family E therapy. M This innovative book explores systems theory as an effective model for general mental S health practice. It examines the role systems theory can play, specifi cally in understanding T clients’ presenting problems in context, within the various systems and subsystems in H which the problems are embedded. E Filled with realistic clinical stories illustrating relevant concepts that tie theory to S Y S T E M S O technique, Systems Theory in Action takes an in-depth look at: R (cid:129) Systems theory as a solid guide through the dynamic process of psychotherapy Y (cid:129) The multilayered value of observing human interactions through a systems view T H E O R Y I N (cid:129) Systemic thinking, its core components, and how it serves to reveal a “big picture” view of clients and their presenting problems A Systems Theory in Action is a unique contribution to the fi eld, translating the technical C terminology of general systems thinking into common, everyday language. T I N A C T I O N I O SHELLY SMITH-ACUÑA, PHD, is the Director of the Doctoral Program in the Graduate School of Professional Psychology at the University of Denver. She teaches N systems theory, family therapy, and couples therapy. In addition, she maintains a successful A P P L I CAT I O N S TO I N D I V I D UA L , private practice. CO U P L E S , AND FA M I LY T H E R A PY S H E L LY S M I T H - A C U Ñ A ISBN: 978-0-470-47582-9 4-COLOR GLOSSY E1FFIRS_1 09/06/2010 2 E1FFIRS_1 09/06/2010 1 Systems Theory in Action Applications to Individual, Couples, and Family Therapy E1FFIRS_1 09/06/2010 2 E1FFIRS_1 09/06/2010 3 Systems Theory in Action Applications to Individual, Couples, and Family Therapy Shelly Smith-Acun~a John Wiley & Sons, Inc. E1FFIRS_1 09/06/2010 4 (cid:1)1 Thisbookisprintedonacid-freepaper. Copyright#2011byJohnWiley&Sons,Inc.Allrightsreserved. PublishedbyJohnWiley&Sons,Inc.,Hoboken,NewJersey. PublishedsimultaneouslyinCanada. 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ISBN978-0-470-47582-9(pbk.:alk.paper);978-0-470-91020-7(ePDF);978-0-470-91021-4 (eMobi);978-0-470-91022-1(ePub) 1. Psychotherapy. 2. Familypsychotherapy. 3. Systemtheory. I. Title. [DNLM:1.Psychotherapy—methods.2.SystemsTheory.WM420S664s2011] RC437.5.S652011 0 616.8914—dc22 2010018072 PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 E1FFIRS_1 09/06/2010 5 To my dad, Warren Smith, for teaching me patience, perseverance, and dedication E1FFIRS_1 09/06/2010 6 E1FTOC_1 09/10/2010 7 Contents Acknowledgments ix Preface xi 1 IntroductiontoSystemsThinking 1 2 Context 13 3 Causality 33 4 Communication 49 5 Change 67 6 Structure 85 7 HistoryandDevelopment 103 8 SocialandCulturalNarratives 117 9 ApplicationstoTheory,Research,andOrganizations 131 References 147 Author Index 153 Subject Index 157 vii E1FTOC_1 09/10/2010 8

"Smith-Acuña illuminates the structural hierarchy, roles, and boundaries that give a system structure. The relationship between parts and wholes is both simple and profound, and particularly important in looking at systems structure. These morsels of wisdom are good examples of Smith-Acuña's grace
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