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Systems Engineering in Public Administration. Proceedings of the IFIP Tc8/wg8.5 Working Conference on Systems Engineering in Public Administration, Lüneburg, Germany, 3–5 March, 1993 PDF

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Preview Systems Engineering in Public Administration. Proceedings of the IFIP Tc8/wg8.5 Working Conference on Systems Engineering in Public Administration, Lüneburg, Germany, 3–5 March, 1993

IFIP Transactions A: Computer Science and Technology ■ International Federation for Information Processing Technical Committees: Software: Theory and Practice (TC2) Education (TC3) System Modelling and Optimization (TC7) Information Systems (TC8) Relationship between Computers and Society (TC9) Computer Systems Technology (TC10) Security and Protection in Information Processing Systems (TC11) Artificial Intelligence (TC12) Human-Computer Interaction (TC13) Foundations of Computer Science (SG14) IFIP Transactions Editorial Policy Board The IFIP Transactions Editorial Policy Board is responsible for the overall scientific quality of the IFIP Transactions through a stringent review and selection process. Chairman 0. Spaniol (TC6) G.J. Morris, UK P. Thoft-Christensen (TC7) Members G.B. Davis (TC8) D. Khakhar, Sweden K. Brunnstein (TC9) Lee Poh Aun, Malaysia E. Hörbst(TCIO) M. Tienari, Finland W.J. Caelli (TC11) P.C. Poole (TC2) R. Meersman(TC12) P. Bollerslev (TC3) B. Shackel (TC13) M. Tomljanovich (TC5) J.Gruska(SG14) IFIP Transactions Abstracted/Indexed in: INSPEC Information Services Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings® CompuMath Citation Index®, Research Alert™, and SciSearch® A-36 SYSTEMS ENGINEERING IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Proceedings of the IFIP TC8/WG8.5 Working Conference on Systems Engineering in Public Administration Lüneburg, Germany, 3-5 March, 1993 Edited by HINRICH E.G. BONIN Fachhochschule Nordostniedersachsen Lüneburg, Germany 1993 NORTH-HOLLAND AMSTERDAM · LONDON · NEW YORK · TOKYO ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHERS B.V. Sara Burgerhartstraat 25 P.O. Box 211,1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands Keywords are chosen from the ACM Computing Reviews Classification System, ©1991, with permission. Details of the full classification system are available from ACM, 11 West 42nd St., New York, NY 10036, USA. ISBN: 0 444 81560 0 ISSN: 0926-5473 © 1993 IFIP. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, €lsevier Science Publishers B.V., Copyright & Permissions Department, P.O. Box 521,1000 AM Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Special regulations for readers in the U.S.A. - This publication has been registered with the Copyright Clearance Center Inc. (CCC), Salem, Massachusetts. Information can be obtained from the CCC about conditions under which photocopies of parts of this publication may be made in the U.S.A. All other copyright questions, including photocopying outside of the U.S.A., should be referred to the publisher, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., unless otherwise specified. No responsibility is assumed by the publisher or by IFIP for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. This book is printed on acid-free paper. Printed in The Netherlands V Editor's Preface Systems Engineering in Public Administration - Giving shape to our visions - No doubt systems engineering can be characterized as a process of model transformations (see e. g. M. Bazewicz or A. Engel). This pro- cess includes tasks like for instance: • (re) designing organizations • (re)designing work practices (procedures) • (re)designing computer based support capabilities Are these tasks specific and/or harder to solve because they happen in public administration? How can and should we give attention to those aspects of work and work settings which uniquely or distinc- tively occur in public administration as opposed to other domains (D.Shapiro, R. Traunmiiller). What conclusions for systems engi- neering can be drawn when it becomes obvious to everybody that: - micro level view: each office massively uses computers - meso level view: decentralization and deconcentration really happen (see e. g. Ch. Jänig) - macro level view: the system environment is dynamically chang- ing all the time and becoming more and more complex (see e.g. J.v.Meel) VI In general, many today's large systems in public administration have their roots in times past. Year after year systems run, are maintained and evolved through many changes. Thus their complex- ity grows and grows in quality and quantity. Therefore, mastering complex systems is going to be dominant in public administration. Learning to master evolving systems needs at least a foundation in science and engineering know-how. It becomes obvious to us that mastering a very large system (104 [foo]- or 106 [/oo]-system) is quite different from mastering a large system (102 [/oo]-system), when for instance foo is lines of code, or any other measurement. Nevertheless, we act as if 106 [foo] = 10n+1 [foo] and try to approach the new challenges with the old guidelines. Can today's techniques applied to small systems be scaled up? Two examplary questions remain to be answered (see e.g. [1]): 1. How to solve 106 [foo] —► (103)2 [foo] in systems engineering? 2. How to run a useful system and evolve it with software created according to new paradigms, and bring it up to the state of the art? The professionals, such as system engineers, are used to viewing the system from the outside. The beneficiaries, such as the officials in public administration, who use the computer based system every day, are living more or less 'in' the system. Therefore, it is time for systems engineers to stress the process of viewing the system from the inside. Can autopoiesis (poiesis - creation, production) be the adequate paradigm, as EL-Sayed propagated it? The idea of self-renewal is the main difference to our traditional paradigms including object-oriented or networking-oriented (see M.Bazewicz) paradigms. This volume does not attempt to give complete answers to the problems raised above, but aims at giving shape to our visions. In it Vll the reader will also find positions contrasting traditional ideas, e. g. the implemented system = the ultimate system specification (F. Belli). However, we know that a profound discussion of the problems mentioned has still to take place. On the one hand the authors are quite willing to enter into dialogue with our readers, on the other hand this subject will be pursued in the coming workshops of IFIP TC8/WG8.5 (International Federation for Information Processing - Governmental and Municipal Information Systems). We would be most delighted to converse personally with inclined readers on the occasions of one of our next workshops. Acknowledgments We wish to thank all those who have helped in planning and prepar- ing this meeting: the program committee, the German Computer Society (GI/FB 6), the Austrian Computer Society (OCG), and the FH Nordostnieder Sachsen, Lüneburg. Our special thanks go to Mrs. Binder who helped to organize this meeting. Hinrich E. G. Bonin Reference [1] Roland Mittermair; How to See the Forest Behind the Big Tree - Summary of the Dagstuhl Workshop on Future Directions in Software Engineering, February 17 - 21, 1992, in: ACM SIGSOFT, Software Engineering Notes, vol 18, no 1, Jan 1993, page 39. Vlll Conference Chair: Roland Traunmüller (Austria) Program Chair: Hinrich E. G. Bonin (Germany) Program Committee: Mieczyslawa Bazewicz (Poland) Fevzi Belli (Germany) Hinrich E. G. Bonin (Germany) Bas K. Brussaard (The Netherlands) Herbert Fiedler (Germany) Brigitte Jordan (USA) Michel Klein (France) Peter Kovacs (Hungary) Klaus Lenk (Germany) Heinrich Reinermann (Germany) El-Sayed Nasr-El-Dein El-Sayed (Egypt) Dan Shapiro (United Kingdom) Franz Stuchlik (Germany) Michael Tauber (Germany) Roland Traunmüller (Austria) Systems Engineering in Public Administration (A-36) H.E.G. Bonin (Editor) Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland) 1 © 1993 IFIP. All rights reserved. CSCW in Public Administration: a review Dan Shapiroa and Roland Traunmüllerb a Department of Sociology and Centre for Research in CSCW, Lancaster University, LANCASTER, LAI 4YL, UK b Department of Informatics, University of Linz, A-4040 Linz-Auhof, Austria Abstract The paper sets a context for the development of Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) in Public Administration in the problems faced with existing systems, and the crises of usability and productivity. While the support of team-work lies at the heart of CSCW, we argue that this has a broader base and consequences than is usually recognised. It may be better conceived as a shift which explicitly incorporates awareness of the social organisation of work into systems design. We argue that the specificity of Public Administration as a domain for CSCW lies in the particular combination of kinds of work and contexts of work which are distinctive to it. These are discussed in terms of organisational and juridical forms of bureaucracy and hierarchy, and the political and social dimensions of system use in Public Administration. The practical implications from a CSCW perspective are then considered under three heads. First, that of redesigning organisations, and the information management and information resources management issues which this raises. Second, that of redesigning work procedures, involving studying and modelling real world work, and the problem^ of modelling discretionary work, modelling rules and regulations, and building open systems. Third, that of redesigning support capabilities, and in particular making systems accessible and convenient, supporting consultation and advice, supporting social networks, and supporting communal decision processes. 1. THE PROBLEM WITH EXISTING SYSTEMS Increasingly powerful, ambitious and consciously user-friendly systems continue to be produced for a wide range of domains. The platforms, communication infrastructure, and interface techniques continue to grow in power and decline in cost virtually by the day. Yet users, and their consultants and advisers, seem increasingly dissatisfied. There are many horror stories of systems which fail catastrophically, and many more such failures are swept under the carpet. But below this spectacular surface there is a steady rumbling of discontent about systems which were designed to help and support people in their work, yet somehow fail to do so, or even impede people's working practices, to the frustration of everyone involved.1 In part, the failures are linked to the ambitions. Most of the 'easy* things have already been done, and the work settings which are most amenable to a closely-defined, procedural approach are already into several generations of systems - those such as payroll, accounting 2 and order processing which, for a range of administrative, legal and organisational reasons, were already constrained by highly formal, bureaucratic procedures. The challenge is to move out from this base into the effective integration of separate systems, and into the support of 'higher-lever organisational processes involving decision-making, negotiation and collaboration - areas characterised by flexibility and rapid change rather than constancy. And here, the existing models and design techniques no longer seem to serve us well. One could broadly characterise Office Information Systems as the attempt to apply procedural models and common databases to work settings for which they are not appropriate; and one could point to the only limited success of AI techniques in supporting organisational decision-making. The discontent is also linked to increasing expectations. Whereas once the majority of end- users were either sceptical of computer-based systems, or terrified by them, or over-awed by them, they are now much more sophisticated in their approach and much more willing to be critical. Many users have taken the 'ubiquity* of computer systems to heart, almost before the notion gained currency in computing circles, and expect to be able to turn to technology to help them with their problems. They are enthusiastic fans of systems which aid them and appeal to them. But when the technology lets them down in one way or another, or forces them into 'nonsensical' ways of working, or they find it inhospitable and unapproachable, they are far more prepared to blame the designers rather than blame their own ignorance as they might once have done. As people come under increasing pressure to deliver in a competitive and insecure environment, they expect to be able to turn to the technology to shoulder part of the burden. However, awkward questions are also being asked about the productivity gains which systems are delivering. It is difficult to show convincingly that computer-based systems developed in the last couple of decades have been cost-effective, and debate is raging as to whether this is a lasting condition, or just a hiatus while various other prerequisites for fully effective use fall into place. Again, whereas it might once have been achievement enough to get any system, there are increasingly critical questions about whether we are getting the right kind of systems. This is the context in which CSCW is gaining prominence, as holding out the prospect of a different approach to systems design which might address at least some part of these problems. But there are also dangers in the optimism - not to say hype - surrounding a fresh approach which seems to offer a way around some current impasses. It is therefore especially important to recognise its problems and limitations, and not raise unrealistic expectations about what it can deliver. 2. CSCW: SUPPORTING TEAMWORK The term "Computer Support for Cooperative Work" was coined by Irene Greif and Paul Cashman in 1984, as a prelude to the first CSCW conference held in Austin, Texas (CSCW '86).2 CSCW was thought of as arising from a particular kind of problem - the needs which some people had to cooperate in groups in doing their work - and so to give rise to the need for particular kinds of system, to which the term "groupware" came to be applied. Of course systems have always been designed to service many people. The distinctive feature now identified was that of people cooperating on a task by interacting with each other in or through the machine. Rather than using timesharing precisely for the purpose of sustaining the illusion that users had their own virtual machine entirely to themselves, systems were now conceived directly to support users in their inter-relations. Again, it is not claimed that no previous systems ever did this, rather that explicit recognition of the need would now enter into the design philosophy. 3 Experiments with CSCW systems have followed various directions. Email has been discussed as (unconsciously) the first CSCW system, and by far the most successful (eg Fafchamps et al., 1991; Borenstein, 1992). Computer supported meeting rooms, such as the Xerox PARC 'Colab', give each member a terminal and facilitate their contribution to a common screen and data space (Stefik et al., 1988). Other systems aim to support screen sharing of various kinds so that two or more people can collaborate at a distance. Examples include shared text editors such as 'Shredit' (Olson et al., 1990) and shared drawing surfaces such as 'ClearBoard' (Ishii & Kobayashi, 1992). It is this kind of application that connects CSCW most closely with Multi-Media, with screen sharing coupled to an audio or video channel. Some systems have tried to support work processes in organisations in particular ways. Flores and Winograd's 'Coordinator' (Winograd & Flores, 1986; Winograd, 1988), for example, uses 'speech act' theory3 as the basis of a system which records and monitors the acceptance and fulfilment of commitments among work participants. Another example is Malone's 'Information Lens' (Malone et al., 1986) which acts as an information filter and organiser for email. The first significant commercial products which are consciously grounded in CSCW principles are beginning to appear, with Lotus 'Notes' now snaring the Coordinator's lead. These are some of the 'classic' examples of CSCW systems. Despite this diversity, however, the predominant view among computer scientists (and among some social scientists too4) is that cooperative work is a distinctive domain compared to work 'in general', and that "groupware" for CSCW (even on an expanded definition) is a specialised class of system within work support systems in general. However we prefer another perspective which sees CSCW not as a specialised kind of system, but rather as symptomatic of a shift in the way that systems design in general is being conceived.5 When systems design concerns itself with systems which are to be implemented and used in a particular domain, it inevitably acquires a double aspect. On the one hand, it has an internal dynamic of its own theories, concepts, terms and techniques. On the other hand, it has to engage and seek to understand the world of the particular domain in which it is to operate and which it is designed to support. It therefore acquires an external dynamic of its relation with its target domains and the disciplines which study them. These interdisciplinary relations have become steadily more complex. At first, domain problems were approached in purely functional terms, as tasks with inherent properties to be broken down and systematically addressed. For this the disciplines of operational research and of systems were the obvious partners - indeed they largely developed as disciplines through this very relation. Another area that could be straightforwardly accommodated was that of the physical relation of users to systems: the need for an 'ergonomics' of use could easily be appreciated. When, later, it came to urging the need to take account of cognitive perspectives on the relation of users to systems, psychologists found it helpful to extend from the more easily-appreciated requirement for the physical and perceptual usability of systems, and so the term 'cognitive ergonomics' gained currency. HCI (or CHI, or MMI) became the tag for the interdisciplinary field thus far developed. Now, sociologists (and those in associated disciplines: anthropology, aspects of management and organisational studies, etc) are urging the need to incorporate an understanding of the social organisation of activities. But, from a sociological perspective, its social organisation is a significant aspect of all human work; and for virtually all systems, and certainly all of those intended for use in organisations, its social organisation is a significant aspect of the domain within which it will have to operate. Although the complexity of social organisation encountered will vary, it is nevertheless a relevant consideration for all such systems, not just a specialised subgroup of them. This connects with arguments such as that of Andrew Friedman about the phases of computerization growth, (Friedman & Cornford, 1989) and that of Jonathan Grudin (1990) about the advent of

The complexity of large systems in public administration progresses in terms of both quality and quantity year after year. Mastering complex systems is therefore assuming an increasing dominance in this area. Learning to master evolving systems needs at least a foundation in science and engineering
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