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RdSe ar ~ ONESho g Br AY SYSTEMS * = RAS "9 » Say esa N% & CONTROL LETTERS Systems & Control Letters 38 (1999) 333-334 www.elsevier.com/locate/sysconle Author Index Volume 38 (1999) (The issue number is given in front of page numbers) (4-5) Al-Muthairi, N.F., see M.S. Mahmoud 309-319 Gray, W.S. and J.P. Mesko, Observability Alvarez-Ramirez, J. and R. Femat, Robust PI functions for linear and nonlinear systems (4-5) stabilization of a class of chemical reactors 219-225 Grine, L., Input-to-state stability of exponenti- Angeli, D., Intrinsic robustness of global ally stabilized semilinear control systems (4-5) asymptotic stability 297-307 with inhomogeneous perturbations Angeli, D. and E.D. Sontag, Forward com- Grine, L., E.D. Sontag and F.R. Wirth, Asymp- pleteness, unboundedness observability, and totic stability equals exponential stability, (4-5) their Lyapunov characterizations 209-217 and ISS equals finite energy gain — if you (3) Antsaklis, P.J., see B. Hu 197-207 twist your eyes 127-134 Guay, M., An algorithm for orbital feedback (1) Benamor, S., see H. Hammouri 5- 11 linearization of single-input control affine Bingulac, S., see M.S. Mahmoud (4-5) 309-319 systems 271-281 Guoji, S., see Y. Genke 21- 26 Caccavale, F. and L. Villani, Output feedback control for attitude tracking (2) Haddad, W.M., see V.S. Chellaboina 289-295 Chellaboina, V.S., A. Leonessa and W.M. Had- Hammouri, H. and S. Benamor, Global stabil- dad, Generalized Lyapunov and invariant ization of discrete-time homogeneous set theorems for nonlinear dynamical sys- systems tems 289-295 Henrion, D., S. Tarbouriech and M. Sebek, Chen, X., see K. Zhou 135-138 Rank-one LMI approach to simultaneous Chu, D. and V. Mehrmann, Disturbance de- stabilization of linear systems coupled observer design for descriptor sys- Hespanha, J.P., D. Liberzon and A.S. Morse, tems Logic-based switching control of a non- Commault , C., On the disturbed fault detec- holonomic system with parametric modeling tion and isolation problem uncertainty 167-177 Hu, B., X. Xu, P.J. Antsaklis and A.N. Michel, De Dona, J.A., S.O.R. Moheimani, G.C. Good- Robust stabilizing control laws for a class of win and A. Feuer, Robust hybrid control second-order switched systems 197-207 incorporating over-saturation 179-185 Hui, S. and S.H. Zak, On discrete-time variable structure sliding mode control 283-288 Egerstedt, M., see K.H. Johansson 141-150 Evans, R.J. and A.V. Savkin, Hybrid control systems 139 Jianchao, Z., see Y. Genke 21- 26 Johansson, K.H., M. Egerstedt, J. Lygeros and Femat, R., see J. Alvarez-Ramirez 219-225 S. Sastry, On the regularization of Zeno hy- Feuer, A., see JA. De Dona 179-185 brid automata 141-150 Junhu, W., see Y. Genke 21- 26 Genke, Y., W. Shuzhi, W. Junhu, Z. Jianchao, W. Zhiming and S. Guoji, Stabilization of Kokotovic, P.V., see D. Nesic 259-270 unstable periodic orbits for a chaotic system Kouvaritakis, B., see Y.I. Lee 13- 20 Germani, A. and G. Mavelli, Optimal quad- ratic solution for the non-Gaussian finite- horizon regulator problem 321-331 Lee, Y.I. and B. Kouvaritakis, Stabilizable re- Goodwin, G.C., see J.A. De Dona 179-185 gions of receding horizon predictive control Gorez, R., Globally stable PID-like control of with input constraints 13- 20 mechanical systems 61- 72 Leonessa, A., see V.S. Chellaboina 289-295 Elsevier Science B.V. PII: S0167-6911(99)00109-7 334 Author Index / Systems & Control Letters 38 (1999) 333-334 Lewkowicz, I., A necessary condition for quant- Savkin, A.V. and A.S. Matveev, Globally peri- itative exponential stability of linear state- odic behavior of switched flow networks i- 4 space systems with a cyclic switching policy 151-155 167-177 Liberzon, D., see J.P. Hespanha Savkin, A.V., see R.J. Evans 139 141-150 Lygeros, J., see K.H. Johansson Schmid, R., see C. Zhang 227-234 Sebek, M., see D. Henrion 79— 89 Shubov, M.A., Spectral operators generated by Mahmoud, M.S., N.F. Al-Muthairi and S. Bingulac, Robust Kalman filtering for con- Timoshenko beam model 249-258 tinuous time-lag systems 309-319 Shuzhi, W., see Y. Genke 21-26 Matveev, A.S., see A.V. Savkin 151-155 Sontag, E.D. and Y. Wang, Notions of input to Mavelli, G., see A. Germani 321-331 output stability 235-248 Mehrmann, V., see D. Chu 37- 48 Sontag, E.D., see D. Angeli 209-217 Mesko, J.P., see W.S. Gray 99-113 Sontag, E.D., see L. Griine 127-134 Michel, A.N., see B. Hu 197-207 Sontag, E.D., see D. Nesi¢c 49- 60 Moheimani, S.O.R., see J.A. De Dona 179-185 Moor, T. and J. Raisch, Supervisory control of Tarbouriech, S., see D. Henrion 79- 89 hybrid systems within a behavioural frame- Teel, A.R., see D. Nesic 49- 60 work 157-166 Teel, A.R., see D. Nesic 259-270 Morse, A.S., see J.P. Hespanha 167-177 Tsinias, J., see M. Tzamtzi 115-126 Tzamtzi, M. and J. Tsinias, Explicit formulas of feedback stabilizers for a class of triangu- Nesic, D., A.R. Teel and P.V. Kokotovic, Suffi- lar systems with uncontrollable linearization 115-126 cient conditions for stabilization of sampled-data nonlinear systems via dis- Villani, L., see F. Caccavale 91- 98 crete-time approximations (4-5) 259-270 Nesic, D., A.R. Teel and E.D. Sontag, (4-5) Wang, Y., see E.D. Sontag 235-248 Formulas relating # # stability estimates of Wirth, F.R., see L. Griine 127-134 discrete-time and sampled-data nonlinear systems (1) 49- 60 Xu, X., see B. Hu 197-207 Parisini, T. and S. Sacone, A hybrid receding- Zak, S.H., see S. Hui (4-5) 283-288 horizon control scheme for nonlinear sys- Zhang, C., J. Zhang and R. Schmid, On /, dis- tems (3) 187-196 turbance rejection using periodic feedback control (4-5) 227-234 Raisch, J., see T. Moor (3) 157-166 Zhang, J., see C. Zhang (4-5) 227-234 Zhiming, W., see Y. Genke (1) 21- 26 Sacone, S., see T. Parisini (3) 187-196 Zhou, K. and X. Chen, Design of optimal re- Sastry, S., see K.H. Johansson (3) 141-150 duced order #, filters (2) 135-138

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