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Systems & Conirol Letters 20 (1993) 471-472 North-Holland Author Index Volume 20 (1993) (The issue number is given in front of page numbers) Agrachev, A.A. and R.V. Gamkrelidze, Local con- Dragan, V., Asymptotic expansions for game- trollability for families of diffeomorphisms (1) 67— 76 theoretic Riccati equations and stabilization Aliev, F.A., see V.B. Larin (2) 109-112 with disturbance attenuation for singularly Altman, E. and V. Gaitsgory, Control of a hybrid perturbed systems (6) 455-463 stochastic system (4) 307-314 Alvarez, J., R. Suarez and J. Alvarez, Planar Fa, Jinghuai, Xiaojun Yang and Yingping Zheng, linear systems with single saturated feedback (4) 319-326 Formulas for a class of controllable and Alvarez, J., see J. Alvarez (4) 319-326 observable sublanguages larger than the Anderson, B.D.O., see M. Mansour (1) 39- 47 supremal controllable and normal sub- Andriano, V., Global feedback stabilization of the language (1) Il- 18 angular velocity of a symmetric rigid body (5) 361-364 Fong, I-Kong, see J.-S. Heh (4) 289-297 Furuta, K. and M. Wongsaisuwan, Closed-form Ball, J.A., 1. Gohberg and L. Rodman, The struc- solutions to discrete-time LQ optimal control ture of flat gain rational matrices that satisfy and disturbance attenuation (6) 427-437 two-sided interpolation requirements (6) 401-411 Bamieh, B., see P.G. Voulgaris (4) 249-261 Gaitsgory, V., see E. Altman (4) 307-314 Belforte, G. and T.T. Tay, Optimal input design Gambkrelidze, R.V., see A.A. Agrachev (1) 67— 76 for worst-case system identification in /,/I,/l, (4) 273-278 Gennaro, S.D., see B. Castillo (1) 57- 65 Bettayeb, M., see D. Kavranoglu (2) 99-107 Georgiou, T.T., see J.C. Doyle (2) 79- 85 Bobryk, R.V., Conditions for the moment stability Germani, A., see G. Ciccarella (5) 373-382 of linear stochastic systems (3) 227-232 Geromel, J.C., see P.L.D. Peres (6) 413-418 Bonnet, C., Convergence and convergence rate of Gohberg, I., see J.A. Ball (6) 401-411 the balanced realization truncations for in- Gu, G., D. Xiong, and K. Zhou, Identification in finite-dimensional discrete-time systems (5) 353-359 H , using Pick’s interpolation (4) 263-272 Castillo, B., S.D. Gennaro, S. Monaco and D. Haddad, W.M. and G. Tadmor, Reduced order Normand-Cyrot, Nonlinear regulation for LQG controllers for linear time varying plants a class of discrete-time systems Halanay, A. and V. Ionescu, Generalized discrete- Chen, Han-Fu and Ji-Feng Zhang, Adaptive sta- time Popov—Yakubovich theory bilization of unstable and nonminimum-phase Hartl, R.F., On the properness of one-dimen- stochastic systems 27-— 38 sional periodic control problems (5) 393-395 Chen, L.W., see M.C. Tsai 209-217 Heh, J.-S. and I-Kong Fong, Pi-coefficient ana- Chen, T., A simple derivation of the # ,-optimal lysis of update algorithms for adaptive systems (4) 289-297 sampled-data controllers 49— 56 Herrera A., see R. Ortega (4) 299-306 Ciccarella, G.. M.D. Mora and A. Germani, Ob- Hicks, A.C. and S. Townley, On exact solutions of servers for discrete-time nonlinear systems 373-382 differential equations arising in universal Clements, D.J., Rational spectral factorization adaptive stabilization (2) 117-129 using state-space methods 335-343 Hsu, Y.-T., Y.-T. Juang and T.-P. Tsai, Lead—lag Curtain, R.F., The strict bounded real lemma in compensator design by the Hough transform (5) 365-372 infinite dimensions 113-116 Iichmann, A. and S. Townley, Simple adaptive Dahleh, M.A., T.V. Theodosopoulos and stabilization of high-gain stabilizable systems (3) 189-198 J.N. Tsitsiklis, The sample complexity of Ionescu, V., see A. Halanay (il) I- 6 worst-case identification of FIR linear systems (3) 157-166 Davidson, T.N., see D. Mustafa (6) 397-400 de Souza, C.E., L. Xie and Y. Wang, H , filtering Juang, Y.-T., see Y.-T. Hsu (5) 365-372 for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems (6) 419-426 Doyle, J.C., T.T. Georgiou and M.C. Smith, The Kavranogiu, D. and M. Bettayeb, Characteriz- parallel projection operators of a nonlinear ation of the solution to the optimal H , model feedback system (2) 79-— 85 reduction problem (2) 99-107 0167-6911/93/$06.00 © 1993 — Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved 472 Author Index Khammash, M. and J.B. Pearson, Analysis and Saberi, A., see Z. Lin 199-207 design for robust performance with structured Saeks, R., Output feedback invariants and com- uncertainty 179-187 plex breakpoints 7- 9 Kimura, H., see T. Zhou 167-178 Sambandan, A., see B. Umamaheswari 149-155 Koole, G., Optimal server assignment in the case Smith, M.C., see J.C. Doyle 79— 85 of service times with monotone failure rates 233-238 Sontag, E.D., Universal nonsingular controls: Krikorian, R., Necessary conditions for a holo- Errata 77 morphic dynamical system to admit the origin Souza, S.R., see P.L.D. Peres 413-418 as a local matter Suarez, R., see J. Alvarez 319-326 Kwan, C.-M. and K.S. Yeung, Robust adaptive control of revolute flexible-joint manipulators Tadmor, G., see W.M. Haddad 87— 97 using sliding technique 279-288 Tay, T.T., see G. Belforte 273-278 Theodosopoulos, T.V., see M.A. Dahleh 157-166 Larin, V.B. and F.A. Aliev, Construction of square Tits, A.L., see N.-K. Tsing 439-445 root factor for solution of the Lyapunov ma- Townley, S., see A.C. Hicks 117-129 trix equation Townley, S., see A. Ilchmann 189-198 Lee, Jia-Ling, see Wen-June Wang Tsai, M.C. and L.W. Chen, A numerical algorithm Lin, Z. and A. Saberi, Semi-global stabilization of for inner—outer factorizations of real-rational partially linear composite systems via feed- matrices 209-217 back of the state of the linear part 199-207 Tsai, T.-P., see Y.-T. Hsu 365-372 Liu, D. and A.N. Michel, Null controllability of Tsing, N.-K. and A.L. Tits, When is the multi- systems with control constraints and state affine image of a cube a convex polygon? 439-445 saturation, 131-139 Tsinias, J., An extension of Artstein’s theorem on stabilization by using ordinary feedback Mansour, M. and B.D.O. Anderson, K haritonov’s integrators 141-148 theorem and the second method of Lyapunov Tsinias, J., Sontag’s ‘input to state stability condi- Martensson, B. and J.W. Polderman, Correction tion’ and global stabilization using state and simplification to “The order of a stabiliz- detection 219-226 ing regulator is sufficient a priori information Tsitsiklis, J.N., see M.A. Dahleh 157-166 for adaptive stabilization” (6) 465-470 Martin, P., An intrinsic sufficient condition for Umamaheswari, B. and A. Sambandan, A nu- regular decoupling (5) 383-391 merical method for decentralized eigenstruc- Michel, A.N., see D. Liu (2) 131-139 ture assignment by output feedback 149-155 Michel, A.N., see K. Wang (5) 345-351 Monaco, S., see B. Castillo (1) 57- 65 Voulgaris, P.G. and B. Bamieh, Optimal #”* and Mora, M.D., see G. Ciccarella (5) 373-382 HH? control of hybrid multirate systems 249-261 Mustafa, D. and T.N. Davidson, Balanced ap- proximation can be optimal (6) 397-400 Wang, K. and A.N. Michel, On sufficient condi- tions for the stability of interval matrices 345-351 Normand-Cyrot, D., see B. Castillo (1) 57- 65 Wang, Wen-June and Jia-Ling Lee, A simple condition for decentralized adaptive identi- Ortega, R. and A. Herrera, A solution to the fication of partially known interconnected decentralized adaptive stabilization problem systems (1) 19- 25 Wang, Y., see C.E. de Souza (6) 419-426 Pandolfi, L., An integral equation approach to the Wongsaisuwan, M., see K. Furuta (6) 427-437 singular values of a system with distributed (6) 447-454 output delays (3) 179-187 Xie, L., see C.E. de Souza (6) 419-426 Pearson, J.B., see M. Khammash Xiong, D., see G. Gu (4) 263-272 Peres, P.L.D., J.C. Geromel and S.R. Souza, 7 , guaranteed cost control for uncertain continu- ous-time linear systems (6) 413-418 Yang, Xiaojun, see Jinghuai Fa (1) 11— 18 Polderman, J.W., see B. Martensson (6) 465-470 Yeung, K.S., see C.-M. Kwan (4) 279-288 Pommaret, J.F., Structure at infinity revisited (5) 327-333 Zhang, Ji-Feng, see Han-Fu Chen (1) 27- 38 Rodman, L., see J.A. Ball (6) 401-411 Zheng, Yingping, see Jinghuai Fa (1) 11- 18 Roubaud, M.C., An approximate filter for a par- Zhou, K., see G. Gu (4) 263-272 tially observed piecewise linear system with Zhou, T. and H. Kimura, Time domain identifica- small observation noise (3) 239-247 tion for robust control (3) 167-178

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