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Systems & Control Letters 17 (1991) 493-494 North-Holland Author Index Volume 17 (1991) (The issue number is given in front of page numbers) Anderson, J.N. see Y.D. Song (1) 59- 70 Feng, G., C. Zhang and M. Palaniswami, Stability analysis of input constrained Bamieh, B., J.B. Pearson, B.A. Francis and continuous time indirect adaptive control (3) 209-215 A. Tannenbaum, A lifting technique for Flamm, D.S., A new shift-invariant represen- linear periodic systems with applications tation for periodic linear systems (1) 9- 14 to sampled-data control (2) 79- 88 Fragoso, M.D. see L. Xie (5) 343-350 Barabanov, A.E., LO optimal control by Francis, B.A. see B. Bamieh (2) 79- 88 means of stable regulators (5) 351-356 Fu, M., Interpolation approach to H™ esti- Battilotti, S. and W.P. Dayawansa, Noninter- mation and its interconnection to loop acting control with stability for a class of transfer recovery (1) 29- 36 nonlinear systems (5) 327-338 Bernstein, D.S. see W.M. Haddad (3) 191-208 Garg, V. see R. Kumar (3) 157-168 Bittanti, S. and M. Campi, Adaptive RLS Georgiou, C. and N.J. Krikelis, A design algorithms under stochastic excitation — approach for constrained regulation in Strong consistency analysis (1) 3- 8 discrete singular systems (4) 297-304 Blondel, V., A counterexample to a simulta- Gohberg, I., M.A. Kaashoek and L. Lerer, A neous stabilization condition for systems directional partial realization problem (4) 305-314 with identical unstable poles and zeros (5) 339-341 Guidorzi, R.P., Certain models from uncer- Brockett, R.W. and W.A. Cebuhar, Optimal tain data: The algebraic case (6) 415-424 compensation of nonlinearities in the presence of noise (S) 375-381 Haddad, W.M. and D.S. Bernstein, Robust stabilization with positive real uncer- Campi, M. see S. Bittanti = © tainty: Beyond the small gain theorem (3) 191-208 Cebuhar, W.A. see R.W. Brockett (5) 375-381 Hammarling, S., Numerical solution of the Chan, C.Y., Servo-systems with discrete-vari- discrete-time, convergent, non-negative able structure control (4) 321-325 definite Lyapunov equation (2) 137-139 Chen, E. and S. Lafortune, On nonconflict- Hauser, J., Nonlinear control via uniform ing languages that arise in supervisory system approximation (2) 145-154 control of discrete event systems (2) 105-113 He, C. see L. Elsner (6) 453-464 Chou, J.-H., Stabilization of linear discrete- Hermes, H., Asymptotic stabilization of pla- time systems with actuator saturation (2) 141-144 nar systems (6) 437-443 Conte, G., A.M. Perdon and G. Marro, Com- Hernandez-Lerma, O., Average optimality in puting the maximum robust controlled dynamic programming on Borel spaces — invariant subspace (2) 131-135 Unbounded costs and controls (3) 237-242 Coron, J.-M. and L. Praly, Adding an inte- Hu, X., On state observers for nonlinear grator for the stabilization problem (2) 89-104 systems (6) 465-473 Costa, O.L.V. and C.S. Kubrusly, Lyapunov equation for infinite-dimensional discrete bilinear systems (1) 71- 77 Isidori, A. see W. Zhan (3) 177-184 Dayawansa, W.P. see S. Battilotti (5) 327-338 Kaashoek, M.A. see 1. Gohberg (4) 305-314 Khargonekar, P.P. and N. Sivashankar, 7, Elsner, L. and C. He, An algorithm for com- optimal control for sampled-data systems (6) 425-436 puting the distance to uncontrollability (6) 453-464 Kodama, S. see Y. Ohta (4) 251-256 Krikelis, N.J. see C. Georgiou (4) 297-304 Kubrusly, C.S. see O.L.V. Costa (1) 71- 77 Fagnani, F., An operator-theoretic approach Kumar, R., V. Garg and S.I. Marcus, On to the mixed-sensitivity minimization problem (3) 227-235 controllability and normality of discrete event dynamical systems (3) 157-168 Fagnani, F., Controllability and observability indices for linear time-invariant systems: A new approach (4) 243-250 Lafortune, S. see E. Chen (2) 105-113 0167-6911 /91/$03.50 © 1991 — Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved 494 Author Index Lawrence, D.A. and W.J. Rugh, Almost per- Sefton, J.A. see R.J. Ober (4) 265-280 fect tracking for linear systems (4) 281-289 Shamma, J.S., Performance limitations in Lee, Wonchang and Kwanghee Nam, Ob- sensitivity reduction for nonlinear plants (1) 43- 47 server design for autonomous discrete- Sivashankar, N. see P.P. Khargonekar (6) 425-436 time nonlinear systems (1) 49- 58 Song, Y.D. and J.N. Anderson, Adaptive path Lenz, K.E., Simple mixed sensitivity optimal tracking control of robotic manipulators controllers (5) 363-373 with unknown payload dynamics (1) 59- 70 Lerer, L. see 1. Gohberg (4) 305-314 de Souza, C.E. see L. Xie (5S) 343-350 Lin, F., Control of large scale discrete event Stoorvogel, A.A. and J.W. van der Woude, systems: Task allocation and coordina- The disturbance decoupling problem with tion (3) 169-175 measurement feedback and stability for Liu, Jin-Sin, Hybrid position /force tracking systems with direct feedthrough matrices for a class of constrained mechanical sys- tems (5) 395-399 Tannenbaum, A. see B. Bamieh (2) 79-— 88 Luo, Z.-H., On existence and uniqueness of Tarn, T.J. see W. Zhan (3) 177-184 solutions of a class of perturbed second Tomei, P. see R. Marino (2) 115-121 order evolution equations (5) 401-408 Tornambe, A. see S. Nicosia (S) 383-394 Tsinias, J., A generalization of Vidyasagar’s Maeda, H. see Y. Ohta (4) 251-256 theorem on stabilizability using state de- Marcus, S.I. see R. Kumar (3) 157-168 tection (1) 37- 42 Marino, R. and P. Tomei, Dynamic output Tsinias, J., Planar nonlinear systems: Practi- feedback linearization and global stabi- cal stabilization and Hermes controllabil- lization (2) 115-121 ity condition (4) 291-296 Marro, G. see G. Conte (2) 131-135 Tsinias, J., A theorem on global stabilization Mazliak, L., Comparison between optimal of nonlinear systems by linear feedback (5) 357-362 costs for relaxed and non-relaxed control problems with jumps (4) 315-319 Valigi, P. see S. Nicosia (S) 383-394 Nam, Kwanghee see Wonchang Lee (1) 49- 58 Vivalda, J.C.. On the controllability of Nicosia, S., A. Tornambeé and P. Valigi, A quadratic systems in R°* (2) 123-130 solution to the generalized problem of nonlinear map inversion (5) 383-394 Wang, Liqun, Local parametrizations of AR- MAX systems with nonlinear restrictions (3) 185-189 Ober, R.J. and J.A. Sefton, Stability of con- Weinert, H.L., Smoothing for multipoint trol systems and graphs of linear systems (4) 265-280 boundary value models (6) 445-452 Ohta, Y., H. Maeda and S. Kodama, Unit van der Woude, J.W. see A.A. Stoorvogel (3) 217-226 interpolation in H,: Bounds of norm and degree of interpolants (4) 251-256 Xie, L., C.E. de Souza and M.D. Fragoso, H, filtering for linear periodic systems with Palaniswami, M. see G. Feng (3) 209-215 Pandolfi, L. and H. Zwart, Stability of per- parameter uncertainty (5) 343-350 turbed linear distributed parameter sys- tems (4) 257-264 Zampieri, S., 2D residual generation and Pearson, J.B. see B. Bamieh (2) 79- 88 dead-beat observers (6) 483-492 Perdon, A.M. see G. Conte (2) 131-135 de Zeeuw, A. see F.van der Ploeg (6) 409-414 van der Ploeg, F. and A. de Zeeuw, A differ- Zhan, W., T.J. Tarn and A. Isidori, A canon- ential game of international pollution ical dynamic extension for noninteraction control (6) 409-414 with stability for affine nonlinear square Praly, L. see J.-M. Coron (2) 89-104 systems (3) 177-184 Zhang, C. see G. Feng (3) 209-215 Rogozinski, M.W., Self-tuning control with Zhang, Y., Homomorphisms and controlla- additional feedback signals (1) 15- 27 bility of parallel composite systems (6) 475-482 Rugh, W.J. see D.A. Lawrence (4) 281-289 Zwart, H. see L. Pandolfi (4) 257-264

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