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SYSTEMATIC STUDIES ON THE NON-MARINE MOLLUSC. THE INDO-AUSTRALIAN ARCHIPELAGO published by W.S. S. VAN Boxtnem Juvrine (Zoological Museum, Aras-erdamh Critical Revision of the Javanese Prestwater Gastropuds by WS. 8. vas BENTHRS SULTING Zoo.mpies! Maseens, Soasterdinch Axteonucrioy ‘The fellowing account of the freshwater Gastropads ef Java forms the fifth and last part of my revisior. of the non-riarine inullusca uf that island"), 1 contains members of the Prosobrarch families Neritidae, Vivineridas, Ampullartidae, Stenothyriciae, Bulimidae, Synsceidee, This- ridas, Polamididac and Buccinitiae, and of the Pulmonate families Amphi- bolidac, Lymmacidae, Planorbidse and Aneylidae, The.,pilmanates all helong te the order Basommatophora. The chief characleristies of both taxonomic groups have already heen mentioned in Parts I-LlL, hence it ig not nevessary lo copeat thein liere. All the species dealt with ir this fifth part possess a shell, which cen be of a very divferent shape, There are low, cay-l:ke shells with harcly s worl, as in the Anevlidac and part of the Neritisiac, flat spirals as in the Planorhidae, low conical or yluiular shells as in Ampu lariidae and Syucericae, and high conical ox turceted shells as in Thiuridae, In the family Planovtiae the animals are sinistral, i, the internal organs intestine, respiratory and genital organs open on the lefl side of the animal instecd of on the right as in ull other families, In the flat spiral ehells of Cyrene, Polypulis and fatoplanertis ths leiouropism ia not diveclly evident, but in the genus Asneriunac, beloussing to the same family, which has « cuxbo-spival shell. the sinistrulity is quite clear All the species in Parl V possess a raduli, anc most species also a mandibala, Form and texiure ef both orgars ave charactei for the genus, The prosebvanchs have a narrow radule with cuniparalively few 3) See Treble, “N UB48) y. BAAN: 90 C and 22 (1958) p. 18-78, 0)». IS 1 (1952) p. 201: oe cet ame | vas Yayer aLONaG © Wie Sau KEW. SLLELVOOT DOT EN WHI NI Gas WSS. vay Bewe MTuITING: Revision of Fresbwuter Gaetropode eo teeth ner tramswerse cow, the pulmonstes have a broad radula with many tecth in each transverse ruw, Of tke prosobrenchs the family Netitidae belongs to the Riipidogicssa, ull other prosobyanch families to the Taonioe gloved. Wor explanation see Part Lo these Syatematie Suudics). The prossbranchs are mos!ly amisexual, malles end females eccuring in separate individuals, The pnlmonates, however, ace kersnaphroditiv. Yn the Thiaridac, as far as they have beon investigated, the snale- sex is deti- wleat, only femates Leing present. Prupagetion is consacucnily parthen enetie Reproduction takes place by oviposition ov by ovov-vipary. In nary species we know nothing of their mude of reproduction, Most of the spec‘es live in fresh water, cfther ramming ox s.agnant, but came cam tolerate a small degres uf srlinity, Some specics Teel on aigac aac! other freshwater plenty, cthezs on vareior, ea] again othors on the detritus un Uhe bottom of che water, ‘Vhe casaitieution used ix this part is according to J. THRLE, Hund- bach der systematiseher. Weichtierkunde (1979-1935), with some cmen- Nations base on more modesn investigations ‘The author i very mveh indebted to the aulhorities of the Mascum Zomlogicem Bogoriense at Huger (Ructenzors), Java, the Kijlesmnsecm van Natmurlijke Uistorie at Leiden, the Natushistevisches Moseum at Basle, the Museuin d’Histeire Naturelle xt Geneva, the Zoolowischer Mu- seum ul Zirieh, the Zoologisches Museum at Berlin, the Senekenbere Museum at Wrankfurlem-Main and the Pritish Museum (Nalarel His: tory), Luudon, for Information, loan of material and the opportunity to study sheir vullectione, Vinaly 1 have tu thank the Execulivo Committee of the Zedlogisen Iusulinde Fondy Cus dimantis afd. ~ auatic Part a few rewiarks on the Zoo: gsaphy of the devancte freshwater mollusea may be vf iatere Yow pared with the Jeu fauna Line Sumber af Tseebvater ep cropuxls and bivsives combined) is inch lower: 17 laud against 105 freshwater epeeics ). This is the more remarkable ba sunge firstly, the Freshwater division iwlndes a number of bivalves, a class of molhtsca which does not eccur «n aml, and secondls, bocamse practically all wopival hodies 0° water are eutrophle, no oligotrophic waters aceusting. ‘This iuiplies that there is ample opportunity. Jur a luxuriant vauetation si thst & mullifaricus anzmal yopulaiiar is ensuetl Befoce passny to the cies +) The wander uf lund snails woul hay @ Tusnily of GnphiFfens pulmonate, ha hues Freon ancl igher ° thee Eltohiidae, include, 282 Trevars Vor. £9, 1956, Past 2 A similar predominance of lund snails over Leeshwater molluses can be observed in the Netherlinds, Rngland, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium and Denmark, as Cemonstrated in the following Gable: i Dumber of spocioe of esllonee Num of ecuntry | [stevie [Sr [own] Tee | Page Juve ws ol 1 By 10 Netherlands | Bt basen, | ah Switaeland a | | Genuay | ate | Beiginm 30 | | 2 From this table it may he eeen that freshwater bivalves in Java are very few in gmmher a fact for which the kev amount of Spkaevtic (Sphoerivw and Pividiie) 's chlelly sespousitle. In, another teble T have enumerated the families uf freshwater mol luses cecursiag in Java end in the Netherlands, with the mimber of Jutown in cach af the tes regions cies Purity 9? bfalteses Tava otherlanals eritidae Visipuridae Aumpullariiiae ‘Shothyrida Valet + Buuiitae Lyalror Ejneeriase ‘Thiarites - Dotarvididen Bueeinsdae Aauphibotidan Lsutneidas Pinnorbidse Physidue Suey Gagtrepesta | | i | | | i | 4 1 Py Cortisucidue Schaeriidae i Tirelesenidie rater Gastropeds 2 W.3.8, van BesTEMN Jertive: Renition of Feo Not all families ocentring in the Notherlands are represented in Java, for the Valyatidae, Uydvobiidae, Physidie and Dreissenidee are missing, whereas there ave seven “anailies indigenons to Jeva which are net found in fresh wacer in the Netheriands, i. Ampullatiidae, Sienotiin. Fides, Thiaridse, Potamididac, Buecinidac, Amphibolidae and Corbieulidae, Also the number of sxecies in the various fetilies ig often vory aif. ferent. Ta. the Neritidae and Synceridae Java in favoured, in Ue Tym. aueidae, Plenorbidee and Spphacriilne the Netherlands ave leading, Jt is a well-knevn fact thar in the topics varius marine animals oclenterates, polychacies, decay evustaceans, amphipods, isopols end Eshee) occur in sbsolutely fresh water, ‘The tendency te “scltle In a Leesh waler habitat iacreasse from tue temoorate regions to ire Unpies. This principle was firsl propounied by MakTrNe (1887, Are Naturgesch: 28: 1876, Preuss. Kxpoil, Ost-Asien, 1, 9. 314-317) and haw been worked out later by Max Wriut (1804, Erg. Reise Nied. O#'-Indien 2 p. BAR; 1804, Ubid. $, p. 4055 1898, Hand. Ade Nacwae on Genecele Congr, Amstertam; 1897, Zool. Jahrb, (Syst.) 10, p, 182-198) and Lene, NEMANN (190, Deutsche Forsehune, p. 14) Amurg: the freshwater molluscs of Java the orecess of conve mm matius to uonatarine conditions is evident in anly two families tly macine snails, the Neritidan amd che Buecinidae, the former tew and the latter no representatives in European trosh. nudizean having oaly waters, but the Indo-Auslraliaa freshwater regions abounc! ima profs espovially Nevitidae, of spc Tu Ihe opirion of various melucslagists the bivalve feaxily Corhienlidan fotins a s*mailar iuslanee. Te fs true that mauy Malaysian islands ave ie b | by a mumber of Cor biswlonspecies, Yel there are no lrne marine dncestors trom watch they eau.d be the descendants. Only tke genera Poly. Messe and Ratissa, belonging to the sume fannily. live in breckish ‘water, and in spite cf theiz ineorparation in the same family they are nai. ivech relatives of Carbiewa, There ave, Lowever, ro indications taat species of Mytilus, Maronea Osirea, Corian or Nasan, yeuert. which contain. several eurykuling wecies tn teroperate rexions, have penctraled into the fresh water of the teopies, Another vnazueteriscie feature: of the non-marime aquatic farua of “he Inclu-Austral'an Avehipalags ts the guerk extension of the beasaich water farms. This region, betwaon trnly merine ane tray froshwates conditions, is minitest aleme all eousts where the laud ie nat Loo sleoply melined towards the seu, Generully there occurs a broad, gently sleping oat Tesco Ven, 28, 195 Pawn 2 littoral and sublittoral zone’ consisting of sand. and mudéla:s covered by brackish water. Al low tide the higher parts run dry, at high tide all is inandater, The densily of the water depends on tide Muetuations and on seagcnal supply of fresh water, As can be expected in an archipelago, the coast line is much lenger tha in countries which form part of a con linent, Consequently, in the brackish water fauna cf molluses and ther animals ¢ coast Hine, Tnhabitants of thia brackish water region in Java are: part of the Nevitidse, Synooridae, Slenothyridae, part uf the Thiasilac, Amphibolidae, part of the Corbieulidae, Purebralia, Cevithideo, Tetescopium, Novaeulinut Phavelle, Cultelius, Pxomimohio, Dore, Modiolus and all Auriculist In a paper oa the oresent scste of malacological x Archipelago, | have aleeate called altention to a few aulient Lacts about the freshwater Tauna of this region (Va Renraex Tuvnive, 1948, Chronies Naturae, 104, p. 129.188), but it may, be useful to repent them here, Bost islands of che Indo-Auslralian Archipelago ere of continental origin, hen» their fauna has been derived from the usighbouriag coati- nets, Asia in ne West and Auatralia in the East. The isolation of the various islands from the mainland has lasted long enougi to enable the development of endemic species in each of them. This is expecially evident among the Jand snails. Ta the squatir uollus:s, hewever, such endemisms ave rare, ae on tke whol shwater faust. of the globe ig mare enifarn then the terrestrésl one, therefore the evolulion of the land 1 have proceeded differently from that of the Lresawater fauna The ‘Uhiaridae sre very abyndant, both in number of species and in individuals, (This *specializction haa given rise Lo many different lyeal forms which render’ the feriily one of the most diflieult groups for Lhe texonumist to deal with. ‘that such « specialization ‘5 nol af revent origin is demoxalraled by the muleifurians fussil representatives in palueontolo- ical dencsits. The Najedes (Mutelidae and Uniomitiae) are scarce, in spits of Une many large rivers und great lakes. How tar this scarcity may be ihe conseqronce of the assence or low frequency of cortain Lecshwaler fishes on which the young Najades pass their porasitic larval staxe, is cpen to diseussion. Nujades ocenr oly in tke three Great Sunda Islands, Snmatzs, Java and Borne, ard in New Guinea wits the adjacent islend Migocl, ‘The intermediate region is entire'y devoit of these bivalves, althnagh the ere ia much move variety thay in regions with only a limited the ula Maus WSS. von Birmime Irane: Hteeislon oy Preshomter Gustonpeds 265 hind of Celebes affords olanty of opportunity for their existence in the reat Inkes of the central part Like the Najades, the Spheeriidae (Sphiwertum and Pisidiem) are Scarcely represeiited. The Corbiculidse, on the corirary, are extremely aumexews, especially in the Greal Sunda Islands The corcposition cf the freshwater fauna of Java is most closely elated to thar of the mainlard uf Scitth Baesera Asia, [n Lis respect it Teswmb'es bwo of the other Grext Sunda Islands: Sumatra and Borneo Tae more one jroceeds eastward in the Malaysiur region the leaver thie re, mblantce becounuss, becuse ane alter axother varions zoologieal clements ‘appear. Families sueh as Ampulariidae, Vivinarislae, Ancylidae, Plan. rbtdae, Unionidue, Cyrenidae, dislinetly show taiy impoverishment, On wis otaex hand, no compensation for the less by immigration of Australia and Payusn faune elements hag taken placo, a cctapensition which ia so evident in the land wactuscan fauna Paxnine, Plastisnivn, Chlopitis, Not niin, ote.) Specics of Physestra and Amerianaa and allied genere, which are often considered Aus:ralian elements in the fauna of the Oriental region have, in fact, aa almost continuous range ef distribution trom Afrion te Austrelia, In Java ard Midis, where represeatatives are sbsent in the yecens fauna, the fossi! necurrencas have already eeu recorded (Van Rexramg Juttsg, 1987, Zool. Meded. Mus. Leiden, 20, p. 100-101). Wrom Botuen no records sire known, bu: this island hie not been stfficientiy investinalel trom a inalacvlogical standpoint ta allow for a slotinite opition, STEMATIC PART tematic Account of lhe Freshwater Gustrovody of Tava [rhe names between square brackets denote aperies whieh hiwe so far been found only on oae o move of the wurlying isan, close to the coast of Teva) Prylum Mollusea Classis: Gastropada assis Prosobranchin, Qed Axchaeceas:ropeda Familia NERITIDAN Cliton tietar (Renu) Clitiion corona (aye) Clithen diadena (RéeL.u7) Clithow faba GoweRsy) Taeusia Vor 28, 1956, Van isin, fla ‘ivens (ON DUN BUSCH) Cito fdiginoses (VON TEM BUS Olithaw tougispina (RECLEZ) Olithen olivacews (RCL) lithe, oxalate thon rarispina (MOUSSON) Clithon squarreeue (RCL) Neritonoyus core (uINNE! Nevitodvyne dubia (GMELIN) Neritodryas subenleuta (SOWRRRY Neviling, quriculote. LAMARCK Neritina bieanctiovlate Rrentcn Nevitine vivlacee (CABLINy Nerilive, turrite. (MRL) Neritine waigieasis LESSON Nevitiaw veciegal Neritine pnitigera (Laxnt) Neriting aquemiptcte (REOWUZ) Novirina, sigzag Lansarcn + Noritina lebioss Sowenny Soptasie bocbesion (Bony Sepiuvia porcettana, Tamxi) Septoria lineata (LAMARCE) Ordo Mesorastropada Parilia VIVIPARIDAE Helleanysa. jewnnien (¥ON DEN Bese) Belleiaya sumotrenstis (DUISER} . «Familia AMLPL’ Piles wraputieeer (Luss Pile. scutaia. (MTOcRSON) Pile, polite, (DesDAsTS) Familia STENOTHYRIDA Stoaothyra. ylobrata. (A. Aoanss) Slonothyra rentricnse. (Quoy & GATMArD) Stonotiyra potita (&. Avsws) wilia BULIMIDAR, nu (UAVOEN & SOLU Sx Vincent) LARIDAL, Digoniostosa Wantedledio. eros Wattedledin. ta VET) WAPI Lie 80. WE, vay Drwruga Jemma: Revision of Freshwater Gaatropade Farnilia SYNCHRIDAE Syneera bedatiewsis (RenseHh [Swneurn woodmogoniune (Nuvits,) Synecva jovwne, (Tews) [Suncere hidalgo® (asses) Syovera nitiday (Pease) Syncera carinota (Lea) meer Brevicwin, (Prien) [Sunrera Lemseensiy Teer] [Sumcera. rhilipadiien (RORVYRR) ] [Suncern méerosentpte (NENILL) Palas Oinishatotvoris cok Te huiepieile, RENSCI ractlaris QUADRAS & Mow JaNnoRse Pamilix THIARIDAL Rrotia testudinane ivox pen Buscu) Beatie, spudiceo, (RERVF) Bootie. costula: (RAFINFEQUE) Suleoepina sufeospira (Moves) Fanenus eter Taxes) . Batwaocsehlis glans (yON DEM BuSCt) Rulenseoehtis pisums (BROT? Bolousoachlis giendifonmis (Sounrmany wre eames (LISNE) Thiowa ratio (rs) Thiara winter (ON mun PLSCR) Thinve herklote’ (PETIT) seuirn (MLLER) etnvelinta Riven eetigeve, (BROT) jamaiites riyueti (CRATER) Melanotdes: graiifern (LAMARCR) Moelonoides torulian (BRUGU. Melanoides tutcreutate (IULUER) ~ Melunotees Melonvistes Melesvides mueuluta (BORS) Melanvides vusticn QLUISSON) = cnotdes aretecnva (MOUSSON) ais ‘raaurss Vou, 28, 1988, Paw? Famili POTAMIDIDAL Corithiden einprlate (GHELIN) Cerithiden djudjuriensis GIARTR) Cenithiden a@eta (PHILED Cevithiden, obtuse (Lancanci) Corithider quadeata SOWERLY Garithides weyers’ DAUTZHNENK Telescrgium telescopinsa (LANNE) [Peteseopten. saourits) BUTOT] Terebselin. sulenta (BORN relie, patsstris (LNs Famil'a BUCCINIDAT: Anentame helena. (60S DEM BuISce) Subelassis Pulmousia Ordo Rasmunatophera Kawilia AMPLTROLIDAT. Salvator fragitie (LAMARCK) Swiiaator barmane (RANFORD) Femiia LYMNARTNA Lepninincn rebiginosa. SIGUE AN femilia PLANORRIDAE 2 conmeaiusrglns (LOTTORS tergoesacrae RENE Polygoytis Rroenardé (BULLER Leitcorbis eaenosus (BENSON) helogloasybis exugtrs (DESTAYES) Ameniannc: eoriwda (H. Avs) Farilia ANGYLIDAE Perrissia javony (Marre Familia NERITIDAR Shall ponevally owith small, wow spire and Jarge, inflated ultimate whorl), Several apecies with presty colours, amd patteras uf flames, ciszar lines or hands in verlieal ane spiral direction. Finely seulpinred (most froshwater species), or with strong ridges, warts or geales (clang murine

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