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Systematic significance of leaf epidermal features in Apios and Cochlianthus (Leguminosae) PDF

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Preview Systematic significance of leaf epidermal features in Apios and Cochlianthus (Leguminosae)

ee eee 8 ona “ts Pstlssnance Ss peepee Systematic significance of leaf epidermal features in Apios and Cochlianthus (Leguminosae) “RH By ZHUSlangin' LANG SC” Atsract_ ‘Vinee len wpleis srmples tenting Se pees in js rt Cocos wee eae rth Hint is Ving bok ight misoncpy el scting lechon muoecpy, La peal asta of ite two Covey sated sem. th Shine ot el pti of etal wel, cle mesitrne sa same, "eval abe wh apie end ho of on seas ennai he eon Soto and win fone, the roalt mdse tar} gre Dunn sould se ‘Seon aa date pes, oot reg of ap dnt Hrnch (2) thy din OF “nin ten sgana crab nd 3) An sh Corb re eae Key won spunino Avios, Cochlinsn, oa doris, systomatin, ‘he ymera pins Var. un Gactanaar Ber, ae members of subtabe Lyrae, ‘rhe Phasnlersf1 the sbi Papilionoans of | agnminnsae. poe i distin in Fast Asn and North Aracrice. consseng af na mae then ID species, a1 Cress, which i rostietd to Fast Asie has enly two distinct spocis. Those fo ganera have Tong boon fsidorad 92 very closely telat (1, 182) Hrtsinann, 2G Takes, 1D8T: Woda, 198871, 1998 Api ha gtcateoonnmie nportancs H hn hoon msl a8 ns See a i high dey ‘weight pen some al gone, aac genie eompnnd nt sens bes (Salton, 19: Thskin, 1539, Ware, 1939; Duke, INS es, TURE: Widmer 1886 Werte al, 1URO: Krishan, IDS), Latenion emeancl ave et done The et src studies on reproduction (Lean 8 Acasa, 1888). pelluaon (Wesel 18 sine & Anleson, 1), cstulugy IAtsen, 1: Lovgs el al. LM Sethu. & ‘Dumps. 1971 spel evoluuum oly & Hunan, 266). The venus Coehaans bow rarely boom slicied, Mower, te ane ew lxoaunne revo of Ibsee ve gener. IES Ut a 2 {Woods 11988), whose work ses mainly hased on aons-morphols Loaf spider features have «rib af evontagoe as exanomictarksr. They aze of value aot only in making exonorie deisions but also 1 developmental and exelutorszy stugies (Stes, ISAT. The lea sidan features in Apes and Chesbes, bowever. hake ots: hsan examin sd, The puipose of chit study ist Find sigueant onemie characte of the lee epidermis fora botar understanding ofthe elationshipy and pasitina of the 0 lgete in ee Phineoleae 1 Material and methods Marsre lav of 19 specrnans presenting six species in Abies and en fn Cectinathus swore solleta tom PE, F and G4 (Tale 1). TR: leaeos fv Tight micrasensy (LM) study were ied in war eters meaoration in 26% NaC IO atin, Bases ea spars ws stained ig soln on of I saan (in 80% esha hears bsg manated a apm, Ta check lu vunsiay uf epideu sucture. lee Jere ee ellet Gir etl species a a es livee sles were nude Eos dierent pare of 2 single lect Iie suas ies (Ds salto ning the tovnvaly TSR-S)31ON, where § denne the anor of emma et Tir area and F the mnhsr of epidermal cells of the same aie, Matoias for searing sleewen mictescopy [SFM] cbseration sare diresly monnied on stuhs without any Treatment Aor gold spmmtering, te spocinans wore sxamined and photograghed aiden a Tita S80 ‘Tha irvine lle Hea Wiking (1999) aed of Dileher (1874) ei tana hice KY beeLo.2 soem Shen ii Ca eat scame apd HN en Nee Ce ea amarante Tosa 2 Results A Charneteristies of leat epidermis under TM Uisie were shana xv lial ane abel piles af the bo spain CCockiatns, bl only poeseal singly on ths eins as weal ul ho sx spetes WLP. A riot spovis, Lae exci cells weme ere a oiling, wih smolts Is 3.8.13, 1S op er simuate Uys. 1-8, 4-11, Lt anual walls. and le shapes of ep-dermal cells wl a sare species nt similar or oth edesial and abavial sides. only” ane species, Anion ‘rusia, the suape of seal epidsrmal cally wae polygonal with sage to arched Sina oll ans "he arial ep dermal sla wote ier ih sinaolats anteina alls igs, 6 £8), Shomate apparel vay we thesis eens 6a spevies, The stata eppualuse sce mnmavevlic (A emeriond, Lig. Ktervesie A. princi A. cared. A fortwoet igs, ULL 13. oe pazucy tic Lefont. A. grace, Cx aracts, C, monte igs, 12, 1410), sith misocstie stout uovasiomaly ebvercel sn wore species A. prise Accehaayt a. qvaritina, C: msnacras, igs. 1, 12,14, 16) (Fable 2). The score index Tisraured or tans sign spscice ang honest 16.1 tnd 263 Table 22. Characteristics of lea epidermis under SEI The entowlay memhrane was simath (Figs. 20, 22, 24, 40), state (Figs. 17, 18, 21 9 29), eyed ign 19, 25, M, 32) or reiulate Fig, 1, The save megan, iF rosy sea Mike Tice (Figs 30,93, 4, 90 3%) seal ky Pgs, 12-19, 25) or ean {igs 31,26, Ths inner nangin ut the outs sow rim wae samt in Aes eure i shana A. firms? ge 37, sad wadoale ix the wlber species ign. 33, 34.36, 38 401 Usble 8 3. Discussion ‘No conseraus has heen fetch onthe numberof aces in Ape (LL 12: Hurchinse, 1b: Takes, FIN: Woods, RK; 14. 1995), Sines ds Candas $25}. there has nly hosn ‘one sce reveinn oF Jp by Weods (1988), wis reangnizd tve spe inthis ems Aermavicnn, Acme A-sedoss Unolnding A deaausn vat, arin A fovtael and A priceana, After observation sbout sats specinems of. practi anal. debrusi, eas belive! thi hey are uct different iu pros abil Tellt size. pedivel ent an inllureceuve, an! the waly Uiference betveen tut is Lut the Quseer oA. yrtfing is puple while the a. deta? Is precast In bis u2ision, a. yreiitiag does aol ue recvgmtion dex distinc speci, bul shoul be reeds ral A. dear Tro 20 saeimiens xara, hve Tur sonte aL und sible etre betes A gvaritina a A, deta e Mower A grin sR ed is parple an! els frocobruse at spox witha all mero while na, slauay, Sve Hawa fram gellar och tw ple violet and th fae are acuminare a pee. Tis sas that ths lated characters of tse tw taxa are alse ery distin: on the adaxial spiders, the els as Pelgenal the antiinal wells ae staight a9 avchod in A eral {Fig 6, Tale 2, ‘hile n a. detosap the cellars icp anl the ailing wel ae situate (Fip 4: TaN Shc tae ahasial spi tho mee omnariatation ia Mags Hein A. grtows F @ 3 ale 3}, iA etn, Fea cesar i ivi (Hi. Cle 3h, he le stinlerwil ealares ts well 26 the yrosernrphuligen evens, herefone, spe the Fann gracias nal eer hci! pees ois (1488) clare pioe gene re Tet the son pies somesiut pectlar, walt the Siena! vg wick. spongy. havt-Lke proampabon a aps. Dose on this chinese, Robevan (1898) divacel che gay apr mo ley byte subgen dstesemion. winch iclite only ens speuts, A. priceama, ane sibyen. Lapis ‘hich includes A. americana. A. caren, A. deavayi and a vnunet. Woods decrsd tat dis fbgeneie clasificaon ie not justified, ee he samme stand i all species of Apis, a ‘rolongition at epes. though ir some soecis te prokongion is arcatly reduced (Woods. Toss}. By examining more than IA) spins specimans, ws aka toand that in all Agios sposies, the tarda ie sonvate and rolonged at apex. Vid ent resis of ea eis Ftslating hape nt sel, pattern 9° anslina wll, eicuar membrane, wa or amsntaon san! ype a Sowa apurains, sppoet Was view thal hare et ne epider “aworcphy seyreting A grcoama roe De revaning spetie wl Sipios (Table 2 3) feral CoclSionhus are ally gana very ebvely reltel They ee propel ty Takes (977, 1981) a Dey care # spy ce syle, ciracer which et see say olaee ours in subsike Lrylrinms, ibe Phuseolee. Yeueds (98S) receumiza Aptos (aul Covhituaias ae to epagale but closely zelaled pensza base! upon sarplologial itessrin pos, strsend pool ovale to oeue-laacoults, there ef tbe wing petal stork than 2 ri, kel petal curved sity, lafles 5-7, Cockontig, stand pel elle hontls the auricle of he wine ttl longer than > sur, keo pte curs svonely eect 3 aed on oth horace and fic cheraion, aye noticed tha the leaves of Anion ate Dprrwuily $ 9° 7 flilats, early 3 eat, almast alawens to slighalyvehringws on Ye Yoine and veins, while te Taaves of Covflinshe avs oxslively iota, and densely tomentose on beth sutfascs. Leal epidermal characte ako showed sos sistance 200 Freve lo yore: i Apes, acne inal oF it to rhe, wae rte seale or goss thik like, while in Cociduonting, ant elinal walls sino saul eae SSretmetation soivere Mike lke Tubes 2,3). Accum, ve thought Mal pie {CaciBoibus sald he recog’ list a he reltiip ete he ate rot hes chose i a presi regard ‘The positions of pies ane Contry a sublsbe Lzylsimams, urbe Phinsole oe poorly emetlood. Ibis well etblisbod! it Pweolowe ae cazenly sicimribd ty ol a ronuphgletic woup and Lniknaiuie is aby hybly polsptslotic asscablags of usa (Lackey. USI Lackey 1977, ST) suggested that suberihs Erthriniras i sompotly articia. ax probasly incuios several independent lines with unenown nea:ce slaves ‘which is seppontest hy DNA. daa itratsou ot, 1994; Wejeiechowskl ete, 20). Bad 09 ‘ismmiers of lala, Vackey held Mat seme genera, iahadirg pin and Coriatoe, ae frapostsd ae mortars in the Praroneas There, addtional ovidonce for Inarteting He ostdons of Apr and Coton inte Phassoleas, a well hs tate Besos he ranges ie Acknowledgements We dh he cratrs ul Tern Tosi ut Bot the Chine Atle uf Seiences PE), Gay ehavige of Tread University (GIT) sa! Metrum ot Royal Butanie Gavan Paliburgh (7) forte pene i providing pov, We th Dr. Gropury Kesler (Royal Bolunic Gaadea Liiaburgh! fot reviewing the manuscripl, Ye slay eapisss our thinks 4 Mi. WEN lic, 3s, YANG Zheng end Mes, DU Yoel em snvvieing muy belpll sugges ious on vir otk ar ME, ALAO Yirllow ond Mz YANG Sucstian for heels during dhe process 9° developing films Referenves hlrnon WI 1586 Foenre wid gosina gone, Anes Tibare SP owen A, Andee UJ 1994 He bare) uit Lee? the pulvlon Wiley of Air aneicana Troe, Taale TI, Page 11. HOM Prelopereie rstiorships in Pamenleseevierse tom <Marokast ‘DHA ration st saute, ln Chap aL Dap) J i daleune hr oxguue yaks es ysis 111939 Cre” one Tala ees er sts e48 pssst Mewes Nene ‘highcan H. 908, Meateaca of com, ab axice-cinoweae opus. ino NS bos 0! “he "ee te cacatanie donitstoa, Keracieat Kea f Laisa Sole #3 105-13 Lowa WH, Stipliy, HL Ruse 1k WG, Cliouosue waubec fa sue suginapecas uf Uke soulsan Li isis, a32Tapunrweae Mra ie laos weer Fay Ain oases oak Li8Ge eA, DIS taper fe Fon eden Pop Srkoet — DSi Meng See

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