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RESUME DOCUMENT CG 002 778 ED 022 227 ByLaxer, RoberT M Art,4 nflumrc STUDENTS. HIGH TEST ANXIOUS SECONDARY SCHOOL SYSTEMATIC DESENSITIZATION AND RELAXATION OF Ontario Inst. for Studies in Education, Toronto. Note 21p. EDRS Price MF-W25 HC-$0.92 GROUPS, *HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS, *RESEARCH Descriptors-*ANXIETY, CONTROL GROUPS, EXPERIMENTAL PROJECTS, *TESTS questions: (1) Is the systematic study was designed to answer two This students?; (2) Is effective with secondary school desensitizaion of test anxiety desensitization? High test rehxation per se as useful a technique as systematic of two experimental students were assigned to one anxious secondary-school period of 6 and met for 20 minutes daily for a conditions, desensitization or relaxation, It those of a no treatment control group. weeks. Their results were compared to (S.-3) underwent a significant reduction in appeared that the experimental subjects toward improved grade 13 Ss was there a trend anxiety. However, only among for students Ontario School System, grade 13 is academic performance. (Note: In the effective in treatment was more planning to attend university.) The relaxation per se their desensitization. The results and reducing general anxiety than systematic (Author) implications for future research were discussed. Anxious Systematic Desensitization and Relaxation of High Test Secondary School Studenis. Robert M. Laxer, Jack Quarter, Ann Kooman, and Keith Walker. Abstract Is the This study was designed to 6nswer two questions: I) systematic desensitization of test anxiety effective with secondary school students; 2) Is relaxation per se as useful a technique as systematic desensitization. High test anxious secondary school students were assigned to one and met for of two experimental conditions, desensitization or relaxation, Their results were compared to 20 minutes daily for a period of 6 weeks. It appeared that the experimental those of a no treatment control group. grade Ss underwent a significant reduction in anxiety, however, only among The relaxation 13 Ss was there a trend toward improved academic performance. t-NJ in reducing general anxiety than per se treatment was more effective CJ (1) systematic desensitization. C:11 discussed. The results and their implications for future research were U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT. STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY. R. M. Laxer, J. Quarter, A. Kooman and K. WE,Iker THE ONTARIO INSTITUTE FOR STUDIES IN EDUCATION University of Toronto Over the past decade evidence has accumulated lo show that the-e is a negative correlation between scores on +est anxiety scales and academic performance (I.G. Sarason, 1961; Mandler & Sarason, 1952; Alpert & Haber, in situations involving implied personal It has been suggested that, 1960). threat or fear of failure, high test anxious Ss evoke task irrelevant and defensive responses such as blocking or tremering that impair performance. There is evidence, too, that the (Mandler & Sarason, 1952; Child, 1954). retarded performance of high test anxious students in threatening situations high anxious Ss does not necessarily indicate inferior intelligence because (Mandler & perform comparably with low anxious Ss in non-threatening situations Sarason, 1952; Sarason, 1956; Sarason, 1961; Sarason, 1963). it has been postulated that in a threatening From these findings, situation, lowering the arousal level of high test anxious ..S..s should reduce task the number of task irrelevant responses, increase the proportion of performance.* relevant responses and consequently cause a concomitant increment in In iheir study of test anxiety, Alpert & Haber (1960) proposed a * bimensional theory consisting of the debilitaiing factor (task-irrelevant responses) suggested by Mandier & Sarason (1952) and a facilitating factor These two anxiety dimensions have a low negative (task-relevant responses). correlation (about - .35) and are therefore relatively independent of each Persons displayirg a large number of task irrelevant responses do other. not-necessarily have very many task relevant responses and vice versa. 2. studies using This hypothesis has been tested in several 1966;. Paul & Shannon Strenger & Cherry, desensitization procedures (Katahn, They found that when high test 1967; Donner, 1968). 1966; Emery & Kromholtz, exposed to desensitization, there was a anxious university siudenis were The improvement in grade point averages. reduction in anxiety and an in these studies were based on the desensitization procedures employed He suggests 1961). proposed by Wolpe (1958, reciprocal inhibition principle be made to inhibits anxiety such as relaxation can that if a response which will weaken the bond of anxiety-evoking stimuii it occur in the presence assumption Implicit in this theory is the between these stimuli and anxiety. be that normally elicit anxiety can that some proportion of the stimuli Thus a new association formed between simulated in a clinic or laboratory. to some relaxation responses should inhibit simulated testing situations and anxiety elicited in the actual testing extent the old connections between newly learned relaxation response One may also expect that the situation. Since the generalization gradient could generalize to similar situations. behavior is not major change in general for avoidance responses is steep, a the reciprocal inhibition Wolpe (1958) also proposes that to be expected. anx.ety where specific stimuli elicit procedure should be most successful generalized to a large number of When anxiety responses have responses. S's progress calls pervaisive anxiety), different stimuli (or what Wolpe behavior may De is retarded and the change in through the anxiety hierarchy transitory (Lang, 1964). high school students has shown Previous research with test anxious This 1967). general anxiety (Laxer & Quarter, that they have a high level of of systematic desensitiza+ion 'raises the question of the appropriateness anxiety. Ss as opposed to Ss with specific procedures for generally anxious 3. (without the anxiety relaxation exercises per se It might be expected that desensitization to than sysiematic hierarchy) would be more effective A general relaxation anxiety. sprIcific stimuli for Ss with pervasive stimuli the large number of establish associations with procedure might still anxiety. that formerly elicited desensitization relaxation per se and The comparative effects of this study Even though the results of Davison (1966). were studied by superiority for Ss theory and showed a marked supported Wolpefs association specific phobia, a fear Ss were treated for a in the desensitization group, whether desensitization It is still questionaLle of non-poisonous snakes. is for Ss whose anxiety treatment than relaxation per se is a more effective more general. 1) To determine whether had two aims: The present study therefore anxious successful with test procedure would be the reciprocal inhibition of the comparative effects schools; and 2) To examine students in secondary these Ss. desensitization and relaxation per se on facilitating treatments, debilitating and To assess the effect of the school marks were observed. manifest anxiety scores, and test anxiety scores, successful for the experi- treatments would be considered It was assumed that test level of debilitating the control Ss, their mental Ss if, relative to test anxiety increased. level of facilitating anxiety decreased and their in test anxiety determine whether any changes ManH-est anxiety was used to School grades were anxiety provoking situations. generalized to other to improve anxiety level were able Ss who reduced their examined to see whether their grade point average. 4. Method Subject Selection The following procedure was used to select Ss for the experiment. All students in four secondary schools in the Metro Toronto Area took the Alpert-Haber Achievement Anxiety Scale (AAS) and the Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale (MAS) in classroom groups. Students were divided into groups by school, grade and sex. Then the raw data for each variable was converted to a Z distribution. A list of students whose scores met the following criteria was compiled. score<1.00 on the debilitating test anxiety scale a Z a) score>I.00 on the facilitating test anxiety scale a Z b) an average % that was less than B, but high enough so that c) the student had some hope of passing his year. The record of each student who fit the above mentioned criteria was reviewed by a counsellor. If there was ro evidence of unusual exam tension in the student's history, his name was deleted from the list. A counsellor interviewed the remaining students and the list wos further reduced to those who felt that their problem was severe enough to merit participation in a Of these students only those who received parental consent remedial program. p,cticipated in the experiment. The experiment was divided into 2 sections*. Study A students in grades 9 - 12 - Study B students in grade 13 - * In the Onta-io School System Grade 13 is for students planning to attend There is a special curriculum and province-wide exams at the end university. of the year, whereas exams for students in grades 9 12 are set by individual c-hooIs. 5. Within each school Ss were assigned randomly to one Study A: of the three treatment groL.s (relaxaiion, desensitization and control). There vies a total of 33 Ss in each of the three treatments. For purposes of analysis the four.schools were grouped logeiher. Debilitating lest anxiety, facilitating test anxiety, manifest anxiety, and grade point average were measured both prior to and after complelion of the treatments. Grade point average was divided into 3 compoQents: languages and social sciences, 1) 2) maths and sciences, and 3) non-academic subjects. The second study included only Ss in grade 13. There Study B: were 2 groups, desensitization and control. Fifteen Ss were randomly assigned The same anxiety to the desensitization and control groups as in study A. and academic variables were observed before and after complet!on of the programme. Counsellor Training After a careful screening proce'dure, four counsellors who were university graduates with teaching experience were hired to administer the The counsellors were given a seven-day training period remedial programme. which included a theoretical overview and several daily practice sessions. Procedure Small groups One counsellor was assigned to each of four schools. of two io four students were scheduled according to their timetables. Males and femal2s met in separate groups. In three schools Ss met daily for twenty- minute sessions while in the fourth school there were two twenty-minute sessions per day. All students were encouraged to practice regularly at other times It was impossible to keep an accurate record of whether Ss :If the day. co-operated in this regard. -- _ 6. The romedial programme was started six weeks prior to the final Students were also encouraged exams and continued until the exams began. to meet with their counsellors for a relaxation session at the start of Each S was each exam, although, in many cases, this was not possible. S's grade-point retested during the exam week with the AAS & the MAS. / Ss whc participated for the fina: examinations was also recorded. in the remedial programme were piven an opportunity to assess the project and their counsellor through a confidential questionnaire. 7. 1 . REMEDIAL PROGRA.'4E end 2 Pretraining - Days Stage 1 1 dPSPnifization conditions learned Ss in both the relnxnti^n nnri continued They began with their feet and to relax while lying on floor mats. 2 of S was trained to think their face in sequential order finishing with . tensed and the strain when the muscles were the muscle group, be aware of These relc.xation as tensing was eased. to concentrate on the feeling of of kinesthetic feedback. exercTses were designed to build up a sense Days 3 to 5 Relaxation Stage 11 except that the the same as stage The procedure of stage 11 was 1 Ss learned to relax their excluded. tensing portion of tho exercises was without tensing them first. order as stage muscles in the same sequential I practice in stage II was given additional Any S who had difficulty relaxing used in stage If necessary, the tensing exercises basis. I on an individual continued with the stage II Ss in the relaxation condition were repeated. minor variation of the experiment(with a procedure throughout the remainder condition the desensitization that is described in stage IV) whereas Ss in moved onto stage III and IV. of the Clarke appreciation to Douglas Quirk ' We would like to express our 1 The advice. for his assistance and Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto, designed by schools was adapted from tapes training procedure used in the be tapes used in this study can The modified version of the Mr. Quirk. Ontario Institute for of this paper at The obtained by contacting authors Studies in Education, Toronto. muscles; thigh arches of the feet; calf 2. The muscle clusters were: back and upper muscles; back musclas; front, muscles; stomach and abdomen wrist; hand and neck; and lower arm muscles; shoulder muscles; upper arm throat. forehead; eyes; lips and 8. Days 6 to 20 Desensitization Stage III On the 6th day of training Ss in the desensitization condition wPrP prpcented with thA anyiety hiArarchy items. Everyone used a standard hierarchy. In the desensitization groups, the counsellor devoted the first ten minutes of each session to the stage 11 relaxation procedure, and the An item last ten minutes to the presentation of items from the hierarchy. After Ss were completely relaxed was presented in the following manner. the counsellor verbal!y described the item and asked Ss to imagine the To make the image more vivid Ss closed thelr eyes. situation it described. The item description was followed by regularly spaced relaxation-inducing Each item was presented several times, often with slightly statements. different wording to prevent monotony and to provide a more accurate description. If upon presentation of an item, S felt himself tensing, he was When this happened the counsellor reverted asked io lift his forefinger. Subsequent items of the treatment until Ss totally relaxed. to stage 11 desensitized to were not commenced until all members of the group had been previous items. The first four items in the hierarchy were prescInted on days 6 On days 8 to 20 one item was covered daily. and 7. Continued Desensitization - Days 21 to 30 Stage IV From day 21 to 30 the remaining items in the hierarchy were Since these latter items usually elicited more anxiety, a new presented. one was initiated approximately every other day.

However, only among grade 13 Ss was there a trend toward improved academic performance. (Note: In the Ontario School System, grade 13 is for students planning to systematic desensitization of test anxiety effective with secondary . A list of students whose scores met the following criteria was.
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