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Preview systematic and anatomical study of the genus gracilaria in japan

Title SYSTEMATIC AND ANATOMICAL STUDY OF THE GENUS GRACILARIA IN JAPAN Author(s) YAMAMOTO, Hirotoshi Citation MEMOIRS OF THE FACULTY OF FISHERIES HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY, 25(2), 97-152 Issue Date 1978-03 Doc URL http://hdl.handle.net/2115/21865 Type bulletin (article) File Information 25(2)_P97-152.pdf Instructions for use Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers : HUSCAP SYSTEMATIC AND ANATOMICAL STUDY OF THE GENUS GRACILARIA IN JAPAN* Hirotoshi YAMAMOTO Usujiri Fisheries Laboratory, Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University, Usujiri, Minami-kayabe, Hokkaido, Japan " Contents Page A_ Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 98 B. Materials and methods .................................................... 100 1. Collecting places ...................................................... 100 2. Methods for microscopic observation .................................... 101 C. General considerations .................................................... 102 1. External form of the frond and basal constriction of the branch ............ 102 2. The hair and its basal cell .............................................. 102 3. Gradation in size of cells from cortex to medulla .......................... 103 4. Tetrasporangium ...................................................... 105 5. Carpogonium and its development ...................................... 106 6. Cystocarp and nutritive filaments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 111 7. Spermatangium and its pattern .... , ...... '" ............................ 112 8. The relationship between Gracilariopsis and Gracilaria .................... 114 D. Key to the species of Gracilaria ............................................ 117 E. Descriptions of species .................................................... 119 1. Subgenus Gracilariella . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 119 Gracilaria chorda ...................................................... 119 2. Subgenus Textoriella .................................................. 121 Gracilaria gigas ...................................................... 121 G. blodgettii .......................................................... 122 G. textorii ............................................................ 123 G. incurvata .......................................................... 124 G. punctata .......................................................... 125 G. denticulata ........................................................ 126 G. purpurascens ............................................•......... 127 3. Subgenus Gracilaria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 128 Gracilaria verrucosa .................................................... 128 G. vermiculophylla .................................................... 130 G. arcuata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 131 G. edulis ............................................................ 132 G. coronopifolia ...................................................... 133 G. sublittoralis ........................................................ 133 4,. Species of uncertain position ............................................ 135 Gracilaria salicornia ......................................... , ........ 135 G. eucheumioides ...................................................... 136 F. Discussion ................................................................ 136 G. Summary ................................................................ 137 H. Literature................................................................ 138 * Contribution No. 21 from the Usujiri Fisheries Laboratory, Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University. - 97 - Mem. Fac. Fish. Hokkaido Univ. [XXV, 2 Abbreviations used in the present paper a: apical cell. p: procarp. aux: auxiliary cell. psm: primordium of spermatangial ca: carposporangium. mother cell. cb: carpogonial branch. sc: spermatangial conceptacle. cbi: carpogonial branch initial. sm: spermatium. cbp: carpogonial branch primordium. sp: spermatangium. cp: carpogonium. spmc: spermatangial mother cell. fu: fusion cell. su: supporting cell. g: gonimoblast. ts: tetrasporangium. hb: basal cell of hair. tsm: tetrasporangial mother cell. hy: hypogynous cell. v: vegetative cell. nf: nutritive filament. ve: ventral side. A. Introduction The genus Gracilaria was established by Greville in 1830. He assigned 14 species to this genus, of which the following four are currently retained there: G. compressa (C. Ag.) Grev. (now G. bursa-pastris (Gmel.) Silva), G. confervoides (L.) Grev. (now G. verrucosa (Huds.) Papenf.), G. lernanaeformis (Bory) Grev., and G. Zichenoides (Turn.) Grev. (now G. edulis (Gmel.) Silva). The genus was lectotypified with G. corifervoides by Schmitz (1889). J. Agardh revised the genus Gracilaria in 1852 and distinguished three subgenera on the basis of differences in external form and internal structure. Early concepts of the species of Gracilaria were mainly based on external form. However, the nature of the reproductive organs has been considered in the classification of species since 1926, when Sjostedt revealed the developmental process of the female reproductive system of three species: G. confervoides, G. compressa, and G. robusta Setch. According to him, there was no true auxiliary cell, the carpogonium being the starting point of the fusion cell in all three species. Nutritive filaments were present in the first two species but absent in the last. Kylin (1930) considered the lack of nutritive filaments to be of diagnostic value and described the specimen assigned to G. robusta by Sjostedt as a new species, G. sjoestedtii. Dawson (1949) regarded nutritive filaments as a diagnostic character at the generic level and distinguished the genus Gracilariopsis from Gracilaria on the basis of the absence of nutritive filaments and the small size of the gonimoblast cells. In a cytological study of Gracilaria muZtipartita (Clem.) Harv. (now G. foZiifera (Forssk.) Bjijrg.), Greig-Smith (1954) reported that an auxiliary cell was produced by the supporting cell of the carpogonial branch and that the connection between the auxiliary cell and the fertilized carpogonium was made by a short sporogenous filament. Her observations on the carpogonium and its post fertilization development were very different from those made by Sjostedt. In 1966, Papenfuss reported that the presence of nutritive filaments could not always be confirmed in British material of Gracilaria verrucosa. Consequently he concluded that the presence of nutritive filaments could not be used as a basis for separating Gracilaria and Gracilariopsis and thus merged the two genera. - 98 - 1978] Yamamoto: Study of Gracilaria in Japan Okamura was the first to study Graoilaria in Japan, recognizing 12 species between 1916 and 1936, one of which was new. Afterward, Yamada (1938, 1941) added two more species to the Japanese flora. Ohmi (1955,1956,1958) made an extensive study of Japanese species, introduc ing the recent classification proposed by Dawson. In 1958 he gave descriptive accounts of 15 species and one forma of Graoilaria and of three species of Graoilariopsis, including one new species described in his previous paper (1956). Of these species, one each of Gracilaria and Graoilariopsis was new to Japan. After a period of about ten years, during which very little new information on the anatomy, systematics, and ecology of Japanese gracilariaceous plants was made known, the writer (1969, 1973, 1973a, 1973b, 1974) published a series of papers on the male reproductive organ and on the distribution of the various species in Hokkaido. Especially the developmental and anatomical studies of the male reproductive organs of Japanese species have brought to light some features which seem worthy of consideration for the establishment of the relationship between Graoilariopsis and Gracilaria. As a result, the writer (1975) concluded that the genus Gracllariopsis should be merged with the genus Graoilaria, thus agreeing with Papenfuss (1966), and proposed the recognition of three subgenera on the basis of the three types of spermatangial patterns. The present paper presents the results of earlier studies in greater detail than in previous publications. In addition, an attempt is made to determine whether the following anatomical and vegetative characters, which have been used to distinguish the species by many authors in the past, still appear to be of diagnostic value at the specific level: I, the shape of the circumference of the main axis; 2, the degree of the constriction at the base of the branch; 3, the gradation in size of cells from the periphery to the center as observed in cross section; and 4, the feature of the nutritive filaments in a cystocarp. This study is based on collections of 16 species made by the writer and preserved in sea water-formalin. Before going further, the writer wishes to express his gratitude to Prof. T. Masaki, Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University, for his kind advice during the course of the present study and for reading the manuscript. Cordial thanks are due to Prof. H. Ohmi, Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University, for the loan of his valuable specimens of Gracilaria and reading the manuscript, and to Dr. T. Igarashi and Dr. H. Yabu, Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University, for reading manuscript. Grateful appreciation is extended to Dr. Y. Saito, Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University, for his encouragement during the present work. The writer also expresses his thanks to Dr. P. C. Silva, University of California, for correcting the English and making valuable comments. The writer acknowledges his great obligation to the following gentlemen for their offer of materials of Gracilaria and for their kind help during the writer's field trip: Dr. E. Fukuhara, Hokkaido Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory, Mr. S. Torii, Hokkaido Hakodate Fisheries Experimental Station, Mr. T. Kaneko, Hokkaido Central Fisheries Experimental Station, Dr. H. Kito, Tohoku Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory, Dr. N. Yamada, Shizuoka Prefectural Experiment Station, Mr. S. Sasaki, Hokkaido Kushiro Fisheries Experimental Station, Dr. M. Ohno, Usa Marine Biological - 99 - Mem. Fac. Fish. Hokkaido Univ. [XXV, 2 Station, University of Koehi, Dr. S. Kamura, University of the Ryukyus, Dr. T. Matsui, Shimonoseki University of Fisheries, Mr, J. Tsukidate, Nansei Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory, Mr. M. Kakiuchi, Hokkaido Abashiri Fisheries Experimental Station, Mr. K. Taniguchi, Tohoku Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory. B. Materials and methods 1. Collecting places The writer collected specimens for examination at the following places (Fig. 1): several localities along the coast between Matsumae and Hakodate (including Cape Shirakami, lzumisawa, Moheji, and Shinori), Usu, Yiido-numa, Akkeshi Lagoon, Onne Lagoon, FUren Lagoon, Odaito, Saroma Lagoon, N otoro Lagoon, Tokoro, Shiribetsu and Oshoro, Hokkaido; Mangoku-ura and Matsukawa-ura, Miyagi 1~ La~n Saroma Tokoro , f"-( • • Esash!1 Notoro Lagoon ~Odaito I, Filren Lagoon Onne Lagoon \ \ Akkeshi Lagoon Y1ido-numa ___ . l~USU • , -.0 • • ~ .. <1 •• • l • • fI!!- Okinawa Fig. 1. Map showing collection sites. - 100 - 1978] Yamamoto: Study of GTacilaria in Japan Pref.; Shirahama, Toi and Irozaki,ilzu Pen., Shizuoka Pref.; Shirahama, Wakayama Pref.; Usa, Kochi Pref.; Arnakusa, Kumamoto Pref.; and Nashiro, Komesu and Yagachi, Okinawa Pref. Additional specimens, which were also used for the present study, were sent on the author's request from Esashi, Kitami Prov., Hokkaido, Matsushima, Miyagi Pref., Akadama, Sado Prov., Niigata Pref., and Senzaki Bay, Yamaguchi Pref. General features of the sea bottom at each locality were noted, serving as a basis for habitat descriptions for each species. 2. Methods for microscopic observation Most of the materials was fixed and preserved in 5-8 % sea water-formalin for anatomical study, but Carnoy's solution was also used for fixation for the purpose of cytological observations. Sections were made by the freezing microtome and sometimes squashed preparations were used. Anilin blue and Wittmann's solution were employed for staining. The procedure for the measurement of reproductive organs and vegetative cells SPERMATANGIAL CYSTOCARP CONCEPTACLE SPERMATANGIAL CONCEPTACLE TETRASPORANGllIVI CELL Width Fig. 2. Schemes showing the procedure for measuring reproductive organs and vegetative cells. -101- Mem. Fac. Fish. Hokkaido Univ. [XXV, 2 was as follows (Fig. 2): 1, cystocarpic conceptacles: widths were measured at the point of maximum external diameter, heights between the conceptacle tip and the point of greatest basal constriction. 2, spermatangial conceptacles: widths were measured at the point of maximum internal diameter, depths between the conceptacle tip and the conceptacle floor. 3; tetrasporangia: widths and heights were measured at the outside of the cell wall at the point of maximum diameter and length. 4, cells: lengths and widths were measured in the same manner as in the tetrasporangia and dimensions are always indicated in the form of length X width in p.m. For medullary cells, which lack a definite length/width orientation, the larger measurement is given first. c. General considerations 1. External ffYTm of the frcmd and basal constriction of the branch AB was mentioned in the Introduction, species of Gracilaria were at first classified solely on the character of the stem - whether cylindrical, partially compressed, or flattened. Anatomical structure was introduced into the classifica tion of this genus by J. Agardh (1852-1901). In 1948, May found that frond shape, which until then had been considered a stable, genetically fixed character, was rather changeable in some Australian species. For example, G. lichenoides had been characterized by its cylindrical form, but May also described a flattened form. Consequently she concluded that external form was not always a reliable diagnostic character. Japanese species have been classified generally into two groups depending upon whether the frond is flattened or cylindrical. The cylindrical species were further divided into two groups depending upon the degree of constriction at the base of the branch (Okamura, 1936). The frond form of each of the eight cylindrical and four flat species described by Okamura has been confirmed by the present study. As to the basal constriction of the branch, Ohmi (1958) considered the degree of this constriction to be an important character in distinguishing among three species: G. verrucosa, G. chfYTda HoLnes, and G. blodgettii Harv. From personal observation, however, it would seem that this character varies with age and habitat. Especially in G. verrucosa, branches both with and without a constriction are often observed in the same frond. Basal constriction of branches is not pronounced in G. chfYTda, but in G. blodgettii the base of a branch is always markedly constricted. In Japanese species, at least, this character thus seems to be of limited diagnostic value. 2. The hair and its basal cell Rosenvinge (1911) was the first to report the existence of hairs in the genus Gracilaria. Sjostedt (1926) described their development and structure in G. bursa-pastf»"is (as G. compressa). Hairs have been observed in all Japanese species of Gracilaria, although the frequency of their occurrence varies between individuals. A hair-cell primordium is a transformed superficial cell, not differing in size from surrounding vegetative cells in the beginning. A protuberance is produced from the apex of -102 - 1978] Yamamoto: Study of (kacilaria in Japan the primordium after enlargement of the cell volume. The protuberance grows to be a hair which attains a certain length. A constriction takes place at the base of the hair, so that in the mature condition the hair and its basal cell are connected by a pit. A hair contains about 10-15 nuclei in its middle portion or above. Hairs may be found throughout the frond, but usually occur only in younger portions. Owing to the ephemeral nature of the hairs, only the basal cells remain in older " portions of the frond, easily recognized by their large size and densely protoplasmic content. The mode of hair formation observed by the writer agrees fundamentally with that described by Sjostedt. Hairs are sparse, but more or less uniformly distributed over the frond surface in most Japanese species. In G. punctata (Okam.) Yamada and G. arcuata Zanard., however, they are grouped in extraordinary sorus-like assemblages, a discovery made in the present study. In G. punctata the clusters of basal cells of hairs appear as dark spots to the naked eye (PI. 17, figs. 1,4). 3. GraiJation in size of cells from cortex to medulla J. Agardh (1901) differentiated series within the subgenera of Gracilaria on the 6. fun:ellatll. f----=--l---I - 5(a5) 4 --4(a4) ---3(a3) 11 Fig. 3. Diagram showing the vegetative Fig. 4. Semi-logarithmic graph showing cells in transverse section of frond. the gradation of cell size from out A and B indicate long and short ermost cell to medulla. .-.: the diameters respectively. The numbers increased ratio of cell size to out show the order of cells from out ermost cell; -: the increased ratio ermost cell to medulla. of cell size to the preceding cell. -103 - Mem. Fac. Fish. Hokkaido Univ. [xxV, 2 basis of several structural differences as seen in transverse section of the frond. Gradation in size of cells from cortex to medulla was used by J. Agardh to dif ferentiate between two series of species, the Macrocystideae, with an abrupt change of size, and the Microcystideae, with a gradual change of size. This character has been used in distinguishing species by several authors (May, 1948; Dawson, 1949; Ohmi, 1958). Previously, the rate of change in size of cells has been judged simply from o rough observations under the microscope. The writer has attempted to establish a statistical treatment of cell size in Japanese species. Cell size is expressed as an area calculated by using the following formulae (Fig. 3): A+2 B --M , nr2=S A: cell length; B: cell width; M: mean cell width; r: radius; S: cell size. The size of each cell in a vertical cell row was compared with that of the next inner cell and with the outermost cell, respectively, by using the following formulae (Fig.· 3): G.gigas 5 G.lldleumioides 6 G. ,errucoll 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 cell position cell positill1 Figs. 5-7. Semi-logarithmic graphs showing the gradation of cell size from outermost cell to medulla. e-e: the increased ratio of cell size to outermost cell; -: the increased ratio of cell size to the preceding cell. -104 - 1978] Yamamoto: Study of GTacilaria in Japan S. vermlculoph,Ua S. blodpttii 8 9 S. chorda 10 4 3 2 Figs. 8-10. Semi-logarithmic graphs showing the gradation of cell size from outermost cell to medulla. .-.: the increased ratio of cell size to outermost cell; -: the increased ratio of cell size to the preceding cell. Sa"+1 R n, S a" = ~ .... a,,: cell position from the outermost cell; Rn: ratio of size of cell to size of preceding cell in vertical cell row; Ro: ratio of size of cell to size of outermost cell in vertical cell row_ When Rn is 4 or less, the transition in cell size is gradual. For example, in G. furceUata (Mont.) Zanard., an Australian species which May (1948) considered as having a linear gradation in cell size, measurements taken from May's fig. 9 yield a value for Rn less than 3. In the Japanese species G. euche:umioides Harv., which also shows a linear gradation in cell size, the Rn values is somewhat greater than 4 (Fig. 6). Sudden change in cell size is correlated with Rn values of 5 and above. Statistical examination of 15 Japanese species shows that all except G. euche:umioides have a sharp demarcation between cortex and medulla, although there is some variation in the transition rate (Figs. 5-19). 4. Tetrasporangium Tetrasporangia are scattered over the surface of the frond except in the basal and apical portions. The primordium is a transformed superficial cell and is not -105 -

The genus Gracilaria was established by Greville in 1830. He assigned 14 . and habitat. Especially in G. verrucosa, branches both with and without a.
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