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International Series in MODERN APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE General Editor Ε. Y. 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SYSTEM-THEORETIC METHODS IN ECONOMIC MODELLING I Guest Editor S. MITTNIK Department of Economics, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794-4384, U.S.A. General Editor Ε. Y. RODIN Department of Systems Science and Mathematics, Washington University, St Louis, MO 63130, U.S.A. PERGAMON PRESS OXFORD NEW YORK · BEIJING · FRANKFURT SÂO PAULO · SYDNEY TOKYO · TORONTO U.K. Pergamon Press pic, Headington Hill Hall, Oxford OX3 OBW, England U.S.A. Pergamon Press Inc., Maxwell House, Fairview Park, Elmsford, New York 10523, U.S.A. PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC Pergamon Press, Room 4037, Qianmen Hotel, Beijing, OF CHINA People's Republic of China FEDERAL REPUBLIC Pergamon Press GmbH, Hammerweg 6, OF GERMANY D-6242 Kronberg, Federal Republic of Germany BRAZIL Pergamon Editora Ltda, Rua Eça de Queiros, 346, CEP 04011, Paraiso, Sâo Paulo, Brazil AUSTRALIA Pergamon Press Australia Pty Ltd., P.O. 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Vol. 17, No. 8/9, pp. vii-viii, 1989 0097-4943/89 $3.00 + 0.00 Printed in Great Britain Pergamon Press pic PREFACE S. MlTTNIK Department of Economics, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794-4384, U.S.A. Although there had been attempts in the mid 1950s and in the latter half of the 1960s considerable progress had been made in connection with economic growth problems, it has been only since the early 19701s that system-theoretic concepts became increasingly applied to economic modelling problems. The attractiveness of mathematical system theory arose from the fact that it offers a unifying framework for modelling dynamic systems. In addition to this powerful conceptual frame- work, it provides a wide range of tools useful in applied work. System-theoretic techniques enter predominantly two stages of economic modelling efforts: the stage of model construction and the stage of model application in accordance with the modelling objectives. It was, in particular, the latter stage which led to joint research efforts between economists and engineers. In May 1972 the first NBER Stochastic Control Conference was held at Princeton University. The engineering side followed in July 1973 by organizing the first IFAC/IFORS International Conference on Dynamic Modeling and Control of National Economies which was held in Warwick, England. Even then, as the motto of the conferences and the presented papers indicate, econo2mists were primarily attracted by the optimal control methods developed by "control scientists". The interest in these dynamic optimization techniques appeared to recede somewhat with the adv3ent of Lucas's critique, arguing that agents' decision rules are not invariant under interventions. Despite4 this criticism, dynamic optimization represents now an important tool in economic modelling. The significant impact of system theory on this area of research may explain the fact that economists frequently equate system theory with dynamic optimization theory. In the early 1970s, there was an increasing number of contr5ibutions emphasizing the potential of system-theoretic techniques in the model construction stage and, eventually, triggering a second wave of influx after the "control theory wave". In particular, the advantages of Kalman filtering methods in constructing empirical economic models were soon recognized. Although the Kalman filter has become almost a standard tool in econometrics, and algorithms can be found in many graduate econometrics textbooks, new areas of applications are still being discovered. Only very recently, the econometric model building toolbox has been enriched by another system-theoretic concept, na6m ely stochastic realization theory, which integrates model selection and parameter estimation. The objective of this and subsequent volumes of special issues on System-theoretic Methods in Economic Modelling is to initiate and/or intensify dialogs between researchers and practitioners within and across the disciplines involved. In view of the growing spectrum of promising system- theoretic concepts and techniques as well as specific economic applications, the following statement made by K. D. 7W all and J. H. West in 1974 (p. 873) is—in a slightly altered form—as valid today as it was then: "Most [systems] engineers and theorists are not sufficiently cognizant of the special economic issues involved. Conversely, most economists or econometricians do not fully understand the generality and unified approach to dynamic systems afforded by [system] theory. Both areas have considerable amount of mutual interest and much can be learned from the other." This first volume brings together papers exhibiting a wide range of system-theoretic techniques and applications to economic problems. The papers have been divided into two groups, following roughly—but not necessarily—the above classification into the construction and application stages of economic modelling. The first group focuses on the identification of dynamic and static systems, while the papers in the second group address dynamic optimization problems. I would like to thank the contributors for their support and timely responses. I am indebted to Ervin Y. Rodin, Editor-in-Chief of Computers & Mathematics with Applications, for his encourage- vii viii S. MITTNIK ment and advice, to Patricia A. Busch, Editorial Assistant, for her professional handling of this project, and Marie Traylor for her patient secretarial assistance. Notes 'For a brief review of the earlier attempts and their comeback almost twenty years later, see M. Aoki, Optimal Control and System Theory in Dynamic Economic Analysis, pp. 4-6, Elsevier, New York (1976). Control-theoretic approaches to economic growth problems, as well as further references on this topic, can be found in A. R. Dobell, Some characteristic features of optimal control problems in economic theory, IEEE Trans, autom. Control AC14, 39-48 (1969). A review of more recent applications in econometric modelling is given in E. J. Moore, On system-theoretic 2 methods and econometric modelling, Int. econ. Rev. 26, 87-110 (1985). 3 Selected papers presented at this conference appeared in the October issue of Ann. econ. soc. Measur. 1, No. 4. R. E. Lucas, Econometric policy evaluation: a critique, in The Phillips Curve and Labor Markets (Eds K. Brunner and A. H. Meltzer), pp. 19-46, North-Holland, Amsterdam (1976). For related discussions see also F. E. Kydland and E. C. Prescott, Rules rather than discretion: the inconsistency of optimal plans, J. polit. Econ. 85, 473^491 (1977), and G. A. Calvo, On the time consistency of optimal policy in a monetary economy, Econometrica 46, 1411-1428 4 (1978). 5 See, for example, T. J. Sargent, Dynamic Macroeconomic Theory, Harvard University Press, Cambridge (1987). See, for example, R. K. Mehra, Identification in control and econometrics; similarities and differences, Ann. econ. soc. Measur. 3, 21-47 (1974). ^he following monographs are largely devoted to this topic: M. Aoki, Notes on Economic Time Series Analysis: System Theoretic Perspectives, Springer, Berlin (1983); P. W. Otter, Dynamic Feature Space Modelling, Filtering and Self-Tuning Control of Stochastic Systems, Springer, Berlin (1985); and M. Aoki, State Space Modeling of Time Series, 7 Springer, Berlin (1987). K. D. Wall and J. H. West, Macroeconomic modeling for control, IEEE Trans, autom. Control AC19, 862-873 (1974). Computers Math. Applic. Vol. 17, No. 8/9, pp. 1165-1176, 1989 0097-4943/89 $3.00 + 0.00 Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved Copyright © 1989 Pergamon Press pic A TWO-STEP STATE SPACE TIME SERIES MODELING METHODf M. AOKI 4731 Boelter Hall, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1600, U.S.A. Abstract—A state space method for building time series models without detrending each component of data vectors is presented. The method uses the recent algorithm based on the singular value decomposition of the Hankel matrix and a two step sequential procedure suggested by the notion of dynamic aggregation. 1. INTRODUCTION Time series are usually decomposed into trends and the remainders (consisting of cyclical, seasonal, and residual components, or simply cyclical and residual) because trends convey information distinct from that to be culled from cyclical components. In macroeconomic time series, for example, policy-makers may be primarily interested in their trend behavior, while those concerned with business cycles are more interested in cyclical components, such as phases of business cycles than trends. Another reason for singling out trends is that they may have simpler dynamic structure than cyclical components in the sense that a small number of "common" factors are responsible for a larger number of trend components, as in macroeconomic time series where there are reasons to suspect or expect from economic theory for a set of macroeconomic variables to behave generally in the same way, at least in longer-run time horizon, i.e., aside from short-run (individual) variations. Here again one needs to separate "trend" components, and seek a set of a small number of common factors thay may "cause" a larger number of macroeconomic variables to change, and to extract "common" trend components from these macroeconomic time series. Granger's notion of co-integration [1] is one way to formalize this idea of common factors. Time series are often transformed to render them weakly stationary for a technical reason that currently available modeling methods can more efficiently handle weakly stationary time series than nonstationary ones. One transformation takes differences of the logarithms of data series. A serious drawback of this common practice is that longer-run information of time series is lost in the process of rendering them weakly stationary. Recent interests in modeling economic time series without prior detrending is sparked by the seminal works of Beveridge and Nelson [2] and Nelson and Plosser [3] who posited a model of time series with separate and explicit equations for random trends. Harvey [4] also used models with explicit random trend dynamics. Random trends are provided for by specifying that the first difference is weakly stationary. In other words, random trend dynamics are hypothesized to have a unit root. By now a number of studies is available which examines the question of unit roots in the economic time series, such as the U.S. real GNP series [e.g. 5,6]. In multivariate time series, however, this approach posits the same number of unit roots as the number of component series with "trends", which often results in too many unit roots. A transformation which extracts a smaller number of common trends than this approach is needed. This paper proposes an alternative modeling procedure for separating out trend dynamics from those for the cyclical and residual components without constraining the components of time series to have unit roots from the beginning, and thus allow for easy determination of the presence (and the number) of common factors. The idea is based on the notion of dynamic aggregation which was originally suggested as a way for building simplified dynamic models for control purposes [7]. We build time series models in two sequential steps. In the first step state space models for trends fResearch supported in part by a grant from the National Science Foundation. 1165 1166 Μ. Αοκι are built followed by a second step in which state space models for the residuals of the first step are constructed. In each of the two steps, state space modeling algorithms recently proposed by Aoki [8,9] is employed. Aoki [10] has recently pointed out that Granger's co-integration and the idea of error correction mechanism, originally proposed by Sargan [11] are derivable from the common notion of aggregation of dynamic models. The procedure will not require prior detrending as in Stock and Watson [12] and will determine co-integrating factors, when some of the components of the vector-valued time series contain common trends. This paper also discusses why this two-step procedure may be superior to a single state modeling strategy, especially when trend components contain random walk components. Section 2 is a brief description of the dynamic aggregation procedure originally employed in Aoki [7]. Section 3 describes how to construct state space models in two stages following the suggested scheme in Section 2. Section 4 clarifies the differences in the extraction of trends in Beveridge- Nelson and the state space models. Some examples are presented in Section 5 and the concluding Section 6 elaborates on the reasons why one might wish to employ the suggested two stage procedure. 2. DYNAMIC AGGREGATION The dynamic aggregation procedure in Aoki [7] starts by classifying dynamic modes of a model x = Ax,+ v,, i.e. eigenvalues of the transition matrix A into two classes and transforming the / 1+ coordinates to put A into a block triangular representation. Although many dichotomized classificatons are possible, here put all eigenvalues with magnitude greater than some critical number into class C and the rest in class C. Thus C contains unit roots and those roots of the x 2 x characteristic polynomial near the unit circle in the complex plane. Suppose that A is η χ η and that there are k eigenvalues in C (counting multiplicities). Let η χ k matrix Τ form a basis for the x right invariant subspace of linearly independent columns of A associated with the eigenvalues in C,. If At, = ^λι, i — 1,..., k, then Τ = [t,,..., t ] and A = diag(A ..., k), for example. Let S be k 1? k an η χ (η —k) matrix of linearly independent columns forming a left invariant subspace of A associated with class C . They satisfy 2 AT = TA, SA = NS', (1) and we normalize Τ and S by TT = I* and S'S = I„_ . These two matrices are orthogonal: k ST = 0, , , , , because SAT = STA and S AT = NS T implies 0 = S'TA-NST and A and Ν have no eigenvalues in common [13]. Express the state vector x, using the columns of Ρ and S as basis vectors, i.e. let x, = Sz, + Ττ, in the model x, , = Ax, + v,, i.e. Sz,+ + Ττ, = ΤΛτ, + ASz, + v,, where the first equation in (1) + x + x is used. The vector τ, is the set of new coordinates related to slower dynamic modes and z, refers to the coordinates representing faster dynamic modes. Multiply this relation from the left by T' to see that , t,+, = AT, + Τ ASz, + Tv,. (2) Multiplication from the left by S' yields z, = Nz, + S'v,. (3) + 1 The matrix Ν has eigenvalues of class C only, i.e. they are all asymptotically stable eigenvalues 2 by choice. Jointly written, the state space model has the recursive structure Two-step state space time series modeling method 1167 Note that the term T'AS explicitly shows how the state vector for short-run dynamics affect longer run dynamics. The model specification is completed by specifying that the data vector y, is related to x, by y, = Cx, + e,. The data vector y, is related to the new vectors τ, and z, by y, = CTt, + CSz, + e,. (5) Equation (5) shows how the data is decomposed into slower modes, i.e. trend (-like) movements CTc, and the rest CSz,+ e,, i.e. cyclical component plus innovations on observations. 3. MODELING PROCEDUREf The previous section suggests a procedure to construct a model with a block triangular transition matrix. Since the dynamic matrix of time series in unknown, we do not know how many eigenvalues are in C. The data determines the dimension of the vector τ,. In the algorithm of Aoki [9], x the ratio of singular values of certain Hankel matrix is one important indication of the size of n. First, trend models is estimatedî |τ,+ ι = AT, + GU, where u, stands for CSz, + e, in (5), followed by a model for short-run behavior fz,+ 1= Fz,+ Je, ] 1 \ u, = Hz, + e,. Note that u, is weakly stationary since the dynamics for z, are stable by construction. In (6) u, is usually (highly) serially correlated but e, in (7) are not serially correlated. When τ, is chosen to be scalar, (6) is K+i = At, + g'u, { y, = dx, + u, where g and d are ρ -dimensional column vectors where /?=dim y,. The connection with Granger's notion of co-integration is now clerly seen from (8). Any vector ν orthogonal to d will nullify the dynamic mode with eigenvalue λ since v'y, = v'u, is governed by the dynamics (7) and has no eigenvalue in C i.e. v'y, is weakly stationary, even when some components of y, have unit x roots. If the dimension 2 is tried, then the matrix Λ in (6) is 2 χ 2. When it has two real eigenvalues one can decide then whether the trend dynamics has one dominant eigenvalue or two. When the data y, contains a single common trend variable, this fact becomes apparent when the eigen- values of the matrix Λ is calculated. The matrix Λ can be put into Schur form to exhibit this fact explicitly as A=U0U, UU = I 2 where fFor completeness the model matrix estimation method in Aoki [8,9] is outlined in the Appendix. JA seemingly more general model χ, + =x Ax, + u,, y, = Cx, + w,, where u, and w, are serially uncorrelated, can be put in the assumed form where C O V= A ( G / I ) G) (I) ' and Δ = cov e by spectral decomposition. See Aoki [9, p. 67]. 1168 Μ. AOKI If λ is judged to be significantly larger than A, then there is one trend factor. If λ and λ are χ 2 χ 2 sufficiently close to each other, then there are two common factors. Define /i, = U'T,. Model (6) is transformed into y, = DU/i, + u,. The first column vector of DU now corresponds to the vector d of (8) since it shows how the first component of /i, is distributed among the components of the vector y. Usually dim y, is larger than dim /ι,. Thus DU is a disaggregation matrix which distributes the effects of μ among y,. To allow ί for the possibility of a real eigenvalue and a pair of complex eigenvalues in the trend dynamics dim τ, = 3 should also be considered. Too high an initial choice of the dimension of τ, causes no harm since the Schur decomposition tells us if the eigenvalues are all equally large and the column vectors of DU tells us if the components of the vector τ, are equally important in y,. If not, some of the modes in (6) can be easily lumped together with (7). We return to this point in Section 5 where an example is discussed. Equations (6) and (7) imply that the transfer function from e, to y, can be factored as l _1 y, = [I + D(?I - Ar'GJÛ = [I + D(?I - \yG][l + H(?I - F) J]ê (9) x x where q~ is the lag operator q~y = y _ i. The first factor of this factorization corresponds to the t f slower dynamics, i.e. lower frequency factor, the second to the factor dynamics, i.e. fast frequency factor. This modeling method in effects factors the transfer function into a low frequency factor and a high frequency one as shown. Since the residuals in (6) are usually correlated, unlike the modeling situations for weakly stationary, u, is not an innovation vector. To show that the Riccati equation used in the algorithm of Aoki is well-defined, consider the model with a scalar τ, as an example. Rewrite (8) as T, =XT,-hg>, + 1 by substituting u, out from the first equation, where X = λ — g'd. If 00 converges for all t, where R = E(y y') is the covariance matrix of the data vector, then t +kJ t+kt the covariance matrix of τ, is well-defined and Aoki's algorithm [9] can be applied to estimate λ and g'.| Similarly, rewrite (7) as z, = (F- JH)z, + Ju,. + 1 Then, the covariance matrix Π = cov z, is well-defined, and the subscript t is dropped from Π because ζ process is weakly stationary if all the eigenvalues of F — JH lie strictly inside the unit disk. Let F = F — JH. The matrix F is the dynamic matrix in the Kalman filter for (7). It is known that if (7) is observable F is asymptotically stable. To see the importance of this condition, consider solving the Riccati equation for Π by an iterative procedure, where Π = FIIF' + JU J' and where 0 U = cov u = ΗΠΗ' + Δ, and where Δ = cov e,. Supposing that Π exists, denote Π* - Π by P^. 0 Then P* =FP^F' or +1 vecP = (F®F)vecP , 1, 2,... w +1 m Therefore, the equation converges as m is increased if and only if all the eigenvalues of F lie inside the unit disk as claimed. 2 fFor example, if y, is a pure random walk, then Rt+ kJ= Rw + ka. The sum Σ*&£* converges if the magnitude of X is less than one. Two-step state space time series modeling method 1169 The above description shows that the proposed two-step procedure will construct state space models even when the data vector contain unit root components, i.e. even when λ in (7) is one, provided λ is less than one in magnitude. A sufficient condition is that the unit root is an observable mode of the model.! 4. DECOMPOSITION INTO TRENDS AND CYCLICAL COMPONENTS Beveridge and Nelson [2] posit that a univariate y, is governed by l Υ, = Υ,-ι + Α(<Γ>, (10) where q ~e = e, _ and t x ] l 2 A(q~)= 1 + aq~ +aq~ + ··· { 2 such that 00 0 The coefficients in the Wold decompositioln representation (10) are the impulse (dynamic multiplier) responses. For example, a in Ay, = A(q~)e tells us how much the shock three period earlier, e,_ , 3 t 3 still affects Ay,. This class of models has been proposed by Beveridge and Nelson [2] and used by Nelson and Plosser [3], Cochrane [14] and others. This section demonstrates the difference in the decomposition of time series by this and state space methods for a univariate {>>,}· By rewriting (10) as l y-y_=A(\)e + [A(q-)-A(l)]e t t x t n where oo A(l) = X«,<oo ο is assumed, one can integrate this equation. Decompose y, into y„ -I- y , where 2 Ay„ = A(l)e, (11) and Δν* = [Μ9-ι)-ΜΦ„ (12) where Ay = y — y,-,_ / = 1, 2. Equation (11) immediately shows that y„ is a random walk it it l5 because yif-yu-i =0 = A(l)e„ or A}( 1 yn = , - , = A(l)(e, + e,_, + e,_ + · · ·)· (13) 1 - q % 2 It is the integral of past disturbances. This term represents the random trend in Beveridge-Nelson decomposition. Solve y, from (12) as 2 „ag=Mi> . % (14) When the spectral density function of Ay, is rational, Ay, can be regarded as an output of a finite-dimensional state space model driven by a white noise sequence. The impulse responses {a,} are then characterized by finite parameter combinations. When α, = 1ιΤ'"^, ι1, a = 1, 0 we use l - 1 A(q~) = I + h'(ql — F) g. |For more precise analysis see [17].

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