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System and Energy Dependence of Strangeness Production with STAR 6 0 Sevil Salura (for the STAR† Collaboration) 0 2 a Physics Department, Yale University, P.O. Box 208120, New Haven, CT, 06520, USA n a J 5 The yields and spectra of strange hadrons have each been measured by STAR as a 2 function of centrality in √s = 200 GeV AuAu collisions. By comparing to pp and dAu NN v at √s = 200 GeV and in AuAu at √s = 62 GeV the dependence on system size and 6 NN NN 3 energy is studied. Strange resonances, such as Σ(1385) and Λ(1520), are used to examine 0 the dynamical evolution between production and freeze-out for these systems. Particle 9 productionisinvestigated bycomparisontothermalmodels, whichassume ascaling ofthe 0 5 yield with N . Our hyperon measurements in AuAu indicate that N may be a more part bin 0 appropriate scale for the strangeness correlation volume. Thus canonical suppression can / x not be simply parameterized with the geometrical overlap volume but will depend on the e - individual quark content of each particle. This theory is tested by comparing the data l c from different collision systems and centralities. u n : v i 1. Introduction X r RHIC has been run in various configurations of pp, CuCu, dAu, and AuAu at energies a ranging from √s =19 to 200 GeV. These rich data sets, together with STAR’s large NN acceptance, provide the best opportunity to study strange particles in dense systems. As the strange quark is the next-lightest after the up and down quarks and does not exist in the initial colliding system, investigation of its production and dynamics may reveal some of the properties of strongly interacting matter at high densities. A hydrodynam- ically inspired Blast-Wave parametrization with fit parameters kinetic temperature T Kin at freeze-out, mean transverse flow velocity β , and a normalization factor, is used to T h i fit the data [ 1, 2]. The one and two σ fit contours of the T and β parameters from Kin T h i a Blast-Wave fit to π, K, p and strange particles are presented in Figure 1 for √s = NN 17.3, 62.4 and 200 GeV collision energies. The variation of the fit parameters indicates that the spectral shapes are different for the different particles. The T parameter is Kin higher (hotter source) and β is lower (less flow) for baryons with higher strange quark T h i content at the same collision energy. While the β remains almost unchanged, the T T Kin h i parameter for the multi-strange baryons is lower at √s = 62 GeV than at 200 GeV. NN This behavior is different for π, K, and p where the β is larger at 200 GeV though T T Kin h i is the same. For SPS collisions at √s =17.3 GeV, the parameters follow similar trends NN †For the full list of STAR authors and acknowledgments,see appendix ‘Collaborations’ of this volume. 2 S. Salur STAR Preliminary Au+Au 62 GeV V) 0.2 AA++AA ((12--ss )) afist patarRamHeICte.rsTihmepdlyiffvearreinacteiosnbseitnwdeeynnatmhe- Ge 0.18 ical properties of the collision energies, (Tkin 0.16 Chetmemicaple frraeteuzree -Tocuht 2 1 while in terms of chemical properties the ure 0.14 8 resultsfrom√sNN=62.4and200GeVcol- mperat 0.12 2S0T0AGRe (Vc:e (n1t)r aWl 0 (-25)% X) (3) p ,K,p7 5 4 lisions are equivalent [ 4]. e 0.1 62GeV: (4) W (5) X (6) p ,K,p Figure 1. 1 σ and 2 σ error contours T NA57 (0-53%) 6 3 0.08 17GeV: (7) W ,X (8) All representing Blast-Wave fits to particles from the most central AuAu collisions at 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Transverse velocity < b > (c) RHIC and PbPb collisions at SPS. T 2. System Size Dependence Of Strange Particles The energydependence ofΛ andΛ yields atmid-rapidity fromAuAucollisions atRHIC and PbPb collisions at SPS as a function of √s is presented in Figure 2-a. From SPS NN to RHIC energies, strange baryon production is approximately constant at mid-rapidity, whereas the Λ rises steeply, reaching 80% of the Λ yield at RHIC top energies. The other hyperons - Ξ, Ω and Σ(1385)- follow similar trends. This implies that at low energies, strange baryon production is dominated by transport from the colliding system but at RHIC it is dominated by pair production. Figure 2-b shows the Λ/Λ ratios with respect to the number of participants for the collisions at SPS and RHIC. Within errors, the Λ/Λ ratios are nearly independent of the system size in AuAu collisions of the same energy at RHIC. There is a decrease in the Λ/Λ ratio moving from pp to dAu to AuAu. Figure 2-c shows the ratio of strange resonances to their corresponding stable particles normalized to their values in pp. While the Σ(1385)/Λ ratio is independent of system size at 200 GeV and is consistent with lower energy pp values, other ratios such as K∗/K and Λ(1520)/Λ show a slight suppression in AuAu collisions, independent of centrality. Due to their short lifetimes, the re-scattering of resonance decay products between chemical and thermal freeze-out is expected to cause a signal loss. While the observed suppression of K∗/K and Λ(1520)/Λ corroborates the re-scattering picture, the lack of suppression of the Σ(1385)/Λ ratio implies a recovery mechanism such as regeneration (e.g. Λ + π Σ(1385)). The total interaction cross sections with π increases from K to p to → 1.2 Yield10 LRatio : L0.81 STAR Preliminary RRRNHHHA III5CCC7 ssssNNNNNNNN====2161032700..43 GG GGeeeeVVVV /RatiososppNN 112...6822 STKLSfA ***R///K/LKL -P- r e clccci m ttttKSfLi **n=* ==a4= r6153y.2..90 9. 6 sfffm mm f=m 2 00 GeV 1 Rati 11..24 0.6 1 STAR Preliminary 0.8 0.4 10-1 RHICSPS 0.6 L L 0.4 0.2 L L 0.2 0 10-21 10 102 103 01 10 102 1 10 102 a) sNN (GeV) b) Number of participants Npart c) N Part Figure 2. (a) The √s dependence of Λ and Λ yields. (b) The dependence of Λ/Λ NN on number of participants for various collision energies. (c) Resonance to stable particle ratios normalized to pp for pp, dAu and AuAu collisions at √s = 200 GeV [ 5, 6, 7]. NN System and Energy Dependence of Strangeness Production with STAR 3 π respectively [ 8]. This implies that re-scattering of K∗ decaying into π and K in the mediumshouldbehigher thanthatofΛ(1520)decaying intoKandp. Theshorterlifetime of K∗ enhances the re-scattering probability. In this scenario, assuming that the lifetime between chemical and thermal freeze-out is non-zero, the regeneration cross-section for K∗ must be larger than that of Λ(1520) due to the smaller suppression of the K∗ ratios. 1/3 HBT radii show a linear dependence on dN /dη, a term related to the final state ch geometry through the density at freeze-out [ 9]. If entropy drives the strangeness yield, results from different collision energies at the SPS and RHIC should exhibit universal scaling with entropy. Figure 3 presents the yields of Λ¯, Ξ¯ in AuAu collisions at RHIC, normalized to yields in pp and in PbPb collisions at the SPS, normalized to yields in pBe, as a function of dN /dη ( entropy). Strange yields in heavy ion collisions, when ch ∼ compared to lighter systems, seem to universally scale with dN /dη for SPS and RHIC ch energies. It is also predicted that the greater the number of strange quarks in the particle, thegreatertheeffect ofphasespacesuppression whenmodeledwithrespect tothenumber of participants, N [ 10]. Even though the expected ordering of the suppression is part observed at RHIC, the Λ¯ and Ξ¯ measurements normalized to their pp values do not Be NA57 (open) flatten at larger Npart, in variance to predictions [ 11]. p/ STAR (full) o p103 STAR Preliminary This might be because strange particles scale differently ve t Λ fromnon-strange. Particleswithonlyuanddquarksare ati eld rel102 Ξ+ aalprpeaeadrytoobssecravleedbteottsecralweiwthitNhbNinp.arNt wpahrtileanstdraNnbgineqcaunarbkes Yi combined to form a correlation volume for strange par- ticles which depends on the quark content. This com- 10 bined scaling seems to represent the strange particles better than N alone. part 1 Au-Au √sNN=200 GeV Figure 3. The dependence on dNch/dη of the Λ¯ and Ξ¯ Pb-Pb √sNN=17 GeV yields in AuAu relative to pp at RHIC and in PbPb 1 10 102 dNch/dη relative to pBe at SPS energies. Nuclear modification factors for strange particles in AuAu collisions are presented in Figure 4. At higher p , the ratios exhibit a suppression from binary scaling, attributed T to fast moving partons losing energy as they traverse a dense medium. The R from CP √s = 62.4 GeV shows less suppression than that at √s = 200 GeV; however, the NN NN clear differences between baryons and mesons still exists [ 12]. This is believed to be due tohadronproductionthroughquarkcoalescence atintermediate p [13]. Forbaryons and T mesons, the suppression sets in at a different p . Motivated by the coalescence picture, T Figure 4-b shows the R ratio vs p /n for √s = 62.4 GeV, where n is the number CP T NN of valence quarks. Thus p /n is the p of a quark. The baryon and meson sets in at T T the same quark p , in agreement with the coalescence picture. This is also observed for T √s = 200 GeV collisions. The measurement of R with respect to p is shown in NN AA T Figure 4-c. While the R for mesons (h+ + h−, K0, φ) is similar to their R values, AA S CP R of strange baryons shows significant differences (i.e. no suppression). Instead, there AA is an enhancement and ordering with strangeness content: the higher the strangeness content, the higher the R measurement in the intermediate p region. The difference AA T between yields in pp and peripheral AuAu may be explained by phase space (canonical) suppression in the pp data-set although this is usually attributed to low p particles [ 14]. T 4 S. Salur RCP1.28 WX RCP1.28 WX RAA3.5 X +X sNN=200 GeV STAR Preliminary L L 1.6 K0 1.6 LK0 3 p (+hp-+ h (+T)/O2F+RICH) 1.4 binary scaling 1.4 binary scaling fKS0 1.2 1.2 2.5 1 1 2 0.8 0.8 1.5 0.6 0.6 binary scaling 0.4 0.4 1 participant scaling participant scaling 0.2 sNN = 62 GeV STAR Preliminary 0.2 sNN = 62 GeV STAR Preliminary 0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 participants scaling a) pT[GeV/c] b) pT/n[GeV/c] 0 1 2 3 4 pT [Ge5V/c] Figure 4. (a) R vs p at √s = 62.4 GeV. (b) R vs p /n at √s = 62.4 GeV. CP T NN CP T NN (c) R at √s = 200 GeV with respect to p . R is calculated from 0-5% and 40-60% AA NN T CP central AuAu collisions and R is from 0-5% central AuAu and min-bias pp collisions. AA 3. Conclusions Dynamical properties of strange particles can be investigated by Blast-Wave fits. The β increases with collision energy, implying a higher flow and the freeze-out tempera- T h i tures of multi-strange baryons are larger than those of light mesons, suggesting an earlier freeze-out (e.g. T(Ξ) > T(π)). Strange anti-baryon and baryon production are approx- imately equal at top RHIC energies. There is a slight decrease in the Λ/Λ ratio from pp to dAu to AuAu, indicating that baryon number transport is almost independent of system size. Resonance yields require both re-scattering and regeneration mechanisms for ∆t > 0 between chemical and thermal freeze-out to describe the suppression in some of their yields. Strange quarks appear to scale better with the number of hard processes (N ), while light quarks scale with N and strange particle yields seem to univer- bin part sally scale with dN /dη for SPS and RHIC. The meson/baryon separation of the nuclear ch modification factors also exists in √s = 62 GeV collisions which can be explained in NN a coalescence picture. The R of strange baryons behave differently from their R . AA CP Canonical suppression in pp might explain the observed difference, though it is a surprise that this effect extends to intermediate p . T REFERENCES 1. P.F. Kolb and U.Heinz, nucl-th/0305084. 2. J.Speltz (fortheSTAR Collaboration),QM2005Poster; L.Molnar, nucl-ex/0507027. 3. F. Antinori et al. (NA57 Collaboration) J. Phys. G 30 (2004) 823 4. O. Barannikova (for the STAR Collaboration) J. Phys. G 31, (2005) S93. 5. D. Mishra (for the STAR Collaboration), QM 2005 Poster Presentation. 6. S. Salur (for the STAR Collaboration), Eur. Phys. J. C 40, (2005) s3.9-s3.13. 7. C. Markert (for the STAR Collaboration), QM 2005 Poster Presentation. 8. S. Eidelman et al., Phys. Lett. B 592, 1 (2004). 9. M. Lisa, S. Pratt, R. Soltz, and U. Wiedemann, (2005) nucl-ex/0505014. 10. A. Tounsi, A. Mischke and K. Redlich, Nucl. Phys. A 715, 565 (2003). 11. H. Caines (for the STAR Collaboration), J. Phys. G 31, (2005) S101-S118. 12. J. 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