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synthesis of ex ante evaluations of rural development programmes 2014-2020 PDF

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Preview synthesis of ex ante evaluations of rural development programmes 2014-2020

SYNTHESIS OF EX ANTE EVALUATIONS OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES 2014-2020 Final Report Written by Kantor Management Consultants S.A. November - 2015 AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT EUROPEAN COMMISSION EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development Directorate E — Economic analysis, perspectives and evaluation; communication Unit E.4 — Evaluation and studies E-mail: [email protected] European Commission B-1049 Brussels [2] EUROPEAN COMMISSION SYNTHESIS OF EX ANTE EVALUATIONS OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES 2014-2020 Final Report [3] EUROPEAN COMMISSION Europe Direct is a service to help you find answers to your questions about the European Union. Freephone number (*): 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 (*) The information given is free, as are most calls (though some operators, phone boxes or hotels may charge you). LEGAL NOTICE This evaluation, financed by the European Commission, was carried out by Kantor Management Consultants S.A. The information and views set out in this report are those of Kantor Management Consultants S.A. and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the Commission. The Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this report. Neither the Commission nor any person acting on the Commission’s behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein. More information on the European Union is available on the Internet (http://www.europa.eu). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2015 ISBN 978-92-79-44599-6 doi: 10.2762/188333 © European Union, 2015 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. Printed in Greece and Belgium [4] EUROPEAN COMMISSION ABSTRACT This evaluation study concerns the analysis and synthesis of the ex ante evaluations of Rural Development Programmes and National Rural Network Programmes 2014-2020, with a focus on four evaluation themes: a) process of the ex ante evaluations, b) intervention logic and internal coherence, c) external coherence and added value and d) six thematic clusters including (i) investments, (ii) knowledge transfer, advisory services and European Innovation Partnership, (iii) agri-environment- climate, (iv) forestry, (v) young farmers, small farmers and areas with natural constraints, and (vi) risk management. The findings incorporated in the study are based on evidence obtained by geographic experts through a) desk research, b) interviews with representatives from the Managing Authorities and c) a survey addressed to Managing Authorities and key stakeholders. The study concludes that the process of the ex ante evaluations and the external coherence of the RDPs are well documented and satisfactory, while the internal coherence, in terms of needs’ prioritisation and description of links between the planned actions - outputs and expected outputs - results, needs to be further enhanced. The dissemination of good practices, especially regarding new measures and co-ordination mechanisms, is highlighted as the key recommendation. [5] EUROPEAN COMMISSION This study was conducted by KANTOR Management Consultants S.A. Omirou & Vissarionos 1, 10672 Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210 7297500 Fax: +30 210 7249528 http://www.kantor-group.eu [email protected] This study was directed by Costas Kastrinakis, KANTOR, and carried out by the KANTOR team with the participation of:  Wolfgang Pfefferkorn, c/o Rosinak&Partner ZR GmbH, Schlossgasse 11, A-1050 Vienna, Austria  LEI Wageningen UR, Alexanderveld 5, 2585 DB The Hague, The Netherlands  Bundesanstalt fuer Bergbauernfragen (BABF), Marxergasse 2, A-1030 Wien, Austria  Dr. Iwona Nurzynska, Świerkowa St., 18, Jabłonna n. Warsaw, Poland [6] EUROPEAN COMMISSION FREQUENTLY USED ACRONYMS AEC Agri-Environment-Climate AECM Agri-Environment-Climate Measures AEI Agri-Environmental Indicator AEP Agri-Environmental Programme ANC Area of Natural Constraint BDGP Beef Data & Genomics Programme BPS Basic Payment Scheme CAP Common Agricultural Policy CCI Common Context Indicator CDF Critical Decision Factor CF Cohesion Fund CLLD Community Led Local Development CMEF Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework CMES Common Monitoring and Evaluation System CMO Common Market Organisation CPD Continuous Professional Development CPR Common Provisions Regulation CSF Common Strategic Framework DG AGRI EC Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development EAE Ex-Ante Evaluation EAFRD European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development EC European Commission EFA Ecological Focus Area EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EIP European Innovation Partnership EMFF European Maritime and Fisheries Fund ENRD European Network for Rural Development ERDF European Regional Development Fund ESF European Social Fund ESIF European Structural and Investment Funds ET Evaluation Theme EU European Union FA Focus Area FMP Forest Management Plan F&V Fruit and Vegetables GAEC Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions GHG Greenhouse Gas GIS Geographic Information System GLAS Green Low-Carbon Agri-Environment Scheme ICT Information Communication Technology IT Information Technology LAG Local Action Group LDS Local Development Strategy LEADER Liaison Entre Actions de Développement de L’Economie Rural MA Managing Authority MC Monitoring Committee [7] EUROPEAN COMMISSION M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MFF Multiannual Financial Framework MS Member State NCCF National Coordination Committee for Funds NDF National Delivery Framework NRN National Rural Network NRNP National Rural Network Programme OP Operational Programme PA Partnership Agreement PF Performance Framework PSG Project Steering Group R&D Research & Development RD Rural Development RDP Rural Development Programme RDR Rural Development Regulation (Regulation EU 1305/2013) RES Renewable Energy Sources RTDI Research, Technological Development and Innovation SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment SFC Structural Funds Communication system SFS Small Farmers Scheme SMART Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely SME Small and Medium-sized Enterprise SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats TA Technical Assistance TO Thematic Objective ToR Terms of Reference YFS Young Farmers Scheme WFD Water Framework Directive Good practices are highlighted with grey. [8] EUROPEAN COMMISSION Contents 1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 14 1.1. The Rural Development Policy framework .................................................................................... 15 1.2. The evaluation framework .......................................................................................................... 17 2. Methodological approach .................................................................................................................... 19 2.1 The main components of the evaluation, evaluation questions and themes ..................................... 19 2.1.1 Descriptive part ................................................................................................................. 19 2.1.2 Evaluation Theme 1 “Process of the ex ante evaluations” ...................................................... 19 2.1.3 Evaluation Theme 2 “Intervention logic and internal coherence of RDPs” ................................ 21 2.1.4 Evaluation Theme 3 “External coherence and added value” ................................................... 22 2.1.5 Evaluation Theme 4 “Specific Clusters of actions” ................................................................. 22 2.2 Methods and tools for quantitative and qualitative analysis ............................................................ 26 2.2.1 Tool 1: Analytical grids ....................................................................................................... 27 2.2.2 Tool 2: Online Survey ......................................................................................................... 40 2.2.3 Tool 3: Case studies ........................................................................................................... 40 2.2.4 Tool 4: Clustering .............................................................................................................. 44 3. Descriptive overview of ex ante evaluation reports ................................................................................ 45 3.1 Issue 1 – Assessment of the context and needs ............................................................................ 47 3.1.1 Sub-question 1.1: SWOT analysis and needs assessment, including lessons learned from previous programming period ........................................................................................................................... 47 3.2 Issue 2 – Relevance, internal and external coherence of the Programme ........................................ 49 3.2.1 Sub-question 2.1 - Assessment of the contribution to the EU2020 Strategy ............................. 49 3.2.2 Sub-question 2.2 - Assessment of the consistency with the CSF, Partnership Agreement, country specific recommendations and other relevant instruments ..................................................................... 50 3.2.3 Sub-question 2.3 - Assessment of the Programme’s intervention logic .................................... 52 3.2.4 Sub-question 2.4 - Assessment of the proposed forms of support ........................................... 53 3.2.5 Sub-question 2.5 - Assessment of the expected contribution of the measures chosen to achieve the targets 54 3.2.6 Sub-question 2.6 - Assessment of the consistency of budgetary allocation with the objectives .. 55 3.2.7 Sub-question 2.7 - Assessment of thematic sub-programmes ................................................. 56 3.2.8 Sub-question 2.8 - Assessment of the provisions for LEADER (CLLD) ...................................... 57 3.2.9 Sub-question 2.9 - Assessment of the provisions for the NRN................................................. 59 3.2.10 Sub-question 2.10 - Assessment of use of Technical Assistance .............................................. 60 3.3 Issue 3 – Measuring the progress and the results of the Programme .............................................. 62 3.3.1 Sub-question 3.1 – Assessment of common and Programme-specific indicators ....................... 62 3.3.2 Sub-question 3.2 – Assessment of the quantified target values for indicators .......................... 63 3.3.3 Sub-question 3.3 – Assessment of the suitability of the milestones for the performance framework 64 3.3.4 Sub-question 3.4 – Assessment of the proposed monitoring and evaluation system and of the evaluation plan .................................................................................................................................. 65 3.4 Issue 4 – Appraisal of the planned arrangements for the implementation of the Programme ............. 68 [9] EUROPEAN COMMISSION 3.4.1 Sub-question 4.1 - Assessment of the adequacy of human and administrative capacity for management ..................................................................................................................................... 68 3.5 Issue 5 – Assessment of horizontal themes .................................................................................. 70 3.5.1 Sub-question 5.1 – Assessment of adequacy to promote equal opportunities and prevent discrimination .................................................................................................................................... 70 3.5.2 Sub-question 5.2 – Assessment of adequacy to promote sustainable development ................... 72 3.5.3 Sub-question 5.3 – Assessment of relevant advisory capacity ................................................. 73 3.6 Issue 6 – Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) .................................................................... 75 3.6.1 Sub-question 6.1 – RDP contents, main objectives and relationships with other relevant plans .. 75 3.6.2 Sub-question 6.2 – Current environment and likely evolution without RDP .............................. 76 3.6.3 Sub-question 6.3 – Environmental characteristics of areas likely to be significantly affected ...... 77 3.6.4 Sub-question 6.4 – Relevant environmental problems............................................................ 77 3.6.5 Sub-question 6.5 – Relevant environmental protection objectives ........................................... 78 3.6.6 Sub-question 6.6 – Likely significant effects on the environment and interrelationships between these 79 3.6.7 Sub-question 6.7 – Measures to prevent / reduce / offset significant adverse environmental effects 79 3.6.8 Sub-question 6.8 – Reasons for selecting alternatives and description of assessment ............... 80 3.6.9 Sub-question 6.9 – Monitoring measures .............................................................................. 81 4. Analysis and Synthesis of Evaluation Themes ....................................................................................... 84 4.1 Analysis and synthesis of ET1 “Process of ex ante evaluations” ...................................................... 84 4.1.1 Short introduction .............................................................................................................. 84 4.1.2 EQ T1-1: What were the steps in conducting the ex ante evaluation in the RDP territories? ...... 84 4.1.3 EQ T1-2: How did the ex ante evaluator (and the SEA evaluator if separate) interact with the managing authority? .......................................................................................................................... 86 4.1.4 EQ T1-3: How were rural development stakeholders involved in the process of the ex ante evaluation? ........................................................................................................................................ 88 4.1.5 EQ T1-4: How was the ex ante evaluation coordinated within the Common Strategic Framework with the other ESI Funds?................................................................................................................... 90 4.1.6 EQ T1-5: What influence did the results of ex ante evaluations have on the design and content of RDPs? 93 4.2 Analysis and synthesis of ET2 “Intervention logic and internal coherence” ....................................... 95 4.2.1 Short introduction .............................................................................................................. 95 4.2.2 EQ T2-1: Are RDP objectives linked to the SWOT analysis and needs assessment? .................. 95 4.2.3 EQ T2-2: What are the expected impacts of the RDP? ........................................................... 96 4.2.4 EQ T2-3: Is there coherence and consistency of RDP objectives? ........................................... 98 4.2.5 EQ T2-4: Is there consistency of Programme objectives, measures selected and forms of support? 100 4.2.6 EQ T2-5: How realistic are measures of progress and outcomes? ......................................... 104 4.2.7 EQ T2-6: What kinds of arrangements exist for Programme control and verification? ............. 105 4.3 Analysis and synthesis of ET3 “External coherence and value added”............................................ 107 4.3.1 Short introduction ............................................................................................................ 107 [10]

Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development This evaluation study concerns the analysis and synthesis of the ex ante evaluations of
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