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Synthesis of Digital Automata / Problemy Sinteza Tsifrovykh Avtomatov / Проƃлемы Синтеза Цифровых Автоматов PDF

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Preview Synthesis of Digital Automata / Problemy Sinteza Tsifrovykh Avtomatov / Проƃлемы Синтеза Цифровых Автоматов

SYNTHESIS OF DIGITAL AUTOMA TA PROBLEMY SINTEZA TSIFROVYKH AVTOMATOV np06JIEMbI Cl1HTE3A WH>POBbIX ABTOMATOB Synthesis of Digital Automata Edited by v. G. Lazarev and A. V. Zakrevskii Laboratory of Automatic Control Devices Institute for Problems of Information Transmission Academy of Sciences of the USSR Moscow, USSR Translated from Russian by Edwin S. Spiegelthal ®C ONSULTANTS BUREAU· NEW YORK - LONDON· 1969 Vladimir Georgievich Lazarev was born in Moscow in 1925. In 1951 he graduated from the Moscow Electromechanical Institute of Rail Transport Engineering, with majors in automation, remote control, and electro com- munications. In 1955, Professor Lazarev completed his residency at the Laboratory for Information-Transmission Systems of the Academy of Science of the USSR (now the Institute for Problems of Information Transmission). In 1956, he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate in engineering sciences at the Moscow Electrical Engineering Institute for Communica- tions, and, in 1965, his thesis for the degree of doctor of engineering sciences at the Institute of Automation and Remote Control. After comple- ting his residency, Professor Lazarev became a research associate, and, in 1962, director of the Laboratory for Automatic Control Devices of the Institute for Problems of Information Transmission of the Academy of Science of the USSR. ISBN 978- I -4684-9035-0 ISBN 978- I -4684-9033-6 (eBook) DOll 0.1 007/978-1-4684-9033-6 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 69-12514 The original Russian text was published for the Institute for Problems of Information Transmission by Nauka Press in Moscow in 1967. The Appendix is taken from' 'LOGICHESKII Y AZYK DL Y A PREDST AVLENIY A ALGOR- ITMOV SINTEZA RELEINYKH USTROISTV," published by Nauka Press in Moscow in 1966. © 1969 Consultants Bureau, New York Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1s t edition 1969 A Division of Plenum Publishing Corporation 227 West 17th Street, New York, N. Y. 10011 United Kingdom edition published by Consultants Bureau, London A Division of Plenum Publishing Company, Ltd. Donington House, 30 Norfolk Street, London, W.e. 2, England All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher FOREWORD TO THE ENGLISH EDITION As far back as the Thirties, Claude Shannon in the United States and V. 1. Shestakov in the USSR had demonstrated the possibilities inherent in Boolean algebra for the analysis and syn- thesis of relay devices. Since then, both in the USSR and America, there has been significant de- velopment in the formalization of methods of synthesizing discrete devices. Diverse formal models of discrete devices have been created, together with the new methods of synthesis based on them. In the present collection we have included a number of papers presenting results bearing on only some of the branches of the rapidly proliferating theories of automata and switching cir- cuits. The authors are grateful to the Plenum Publishing Corporation for publishing the English- language edition of this collection, and hope that it will help the American readers become more familiar with the results elucidated therein. V. G. Lazarev v FOREWORD The present collection is devoted to algorithmic methods, and computer algorithms, for the synthesis of digital computers and controlling machines. The work reported in the papers collected here was performed at the Institute for Prob- lems of Information Transmission of the Academy of Science of the USSR, in the section for computational techniques of the Institute of Mathematics of the Siberian Division of the Academy of Science of the USSR, and in the Problem Laboratory of Computing Devices of the Siberian Physics -Engineering Ins titute. The paper by A. D. Zakrevskii is devoted to the discussion of ways of solving basic prob- lems in the area of computer solution of logical problems, including the problem of automata synthesis. In the paper by E. I. Piil' a methodology is presented for coding internal states and input states of finite automata which is suitable for computer realization. The suggested coding al- gorithms permit one to take account simultaneously of constraints on inadmissible critical races of memory elements, speed and simplicity of structure of the automaton's logical transformer. E. N. Turuta's paper investigates certain methods of synthesizing reliable automata, based on the introduction of redundancy into the automaton's memory block. The paper by Ya. I. Fet contains a solution to the problem of synthesizing schemes of minimal depth for one of the most widely used bases of elements in computer technology. The paper by N. A. Gorbovitskaya and I. Sh. Pinsker presents an algorithm for construc- ting minimal disjunctive normal forms for incompletely specified Boolean functions, while that of A. M. Kukinov considers an algorithm for choosing terminal disjunctive normal forms, and presents the results of experiments with the use of the given algorithms. This collection includes a cycle of papers on the automation of automata synthesis on the basis of the algorithmic language LYaPAS. Among the papers is one by A. D. Zakrevskii and V. I. Ostrovskii on algorithms for seeking shortest coverings, as well as statistical investiga- tions of such algorithms, a paper by G. P. Agibalov on the minimization of the number of argu- ments of Boolean functions which are incompletely defined, and a paper by Yu. V. Pottosin on the experimental evaluation of one method of successively reducing the number of states of a discrete automaton. In addition, the collection contains papers in which, on the basis of the LYaPAS language, other problems arising in the synthesis of digital automata are solved. In- cluded here are the papers of S. V Bykova, treating one of the methods of optimizing computer memory, of N. V. Bukhgol'ts, V. F. D'yachenko, V. G. Lazarev, K. K. Chernyshev, and V. A. Sharov presenting an algorithm for minimizing the operational memory of special-purpose di- gital computers and controlling machines, and of N. R. Toropov on automating the synthesis of algorithms for recognizing Boolean functions. vii viii FOREWORD K. K. Chernyshev's paper presents one of the possible approaches to the problem of opti- mizing programs for special-purpose digital computers by identifying subprograms, while V. M. Chentsov's paper considers a method of synthesizing stochastic automata with variable structure. The paper by V. 1. Kaznacheev is devoted to the problem of constructing tests for finite automata using the language of regular expressions. Finally, a paper by A. D. Zakrevskii has been appended to the volume, for the American edition only, to explain the LYaPAS language used by many of the above authors. CONTENTS Approximate Methods of Solving Logical Problems. 1 A. D. Zakrevskii Certain Questions in the Coding of Finite Automata 10 E. 1. Piil' Some Methods of Increasing the Reliability of Finite Automata. 23 E. N. Turuta Some Algorithms for Synthesizing Schemes of Minimal Depth. 41 Ya. I. Fet Construction of Minimal Disjunctive Normal Forms. 47 N. A. Gorbovitskaya and I. Sh. Pinsker One Method of Synthesizing Normal Forms ..... . 65 A. M. Kukinov Optimization of the Search for a Shortest Covering .. 76 A. D. Zakrevskii and V. I. Ostrovskii Minimizing the Number of Arguments of Boolean Functions .. 87 G. P. Agibalov Experimental Evaluation of One Method of Minimizing the Number of States of Discrete Automata .................................... . 92 Yu. V. Pottosin Economizing of Memory Utilization ......... . 99 S. V. Bykova Algorithm for Minimizing Operational Memory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 103 N. V. Bukhgol'ts, V. F. D'yachenko, V. G. Lazarev, K. K. Chernyshev, and V. A. Sharov Synthesis of Optimal Algorithms for Recognizing Boolean Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 110 N. R. Toropov Economizing Program Memory of Special-Purpose Digital Computers. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 117 K. K. Chernyshev Synthesizing a Stochastic Automaton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 125 V. M. Chentsov ix x CONTENTS Constructing Tests for Finite Automata by Means of the Language of Hegular Expressions ...... . . ....... 135 V. I. Kaznacheev APPENDIX. Description of the LYaPAS Language ........................... 141 A. D. Zakrevskii APPROXIMA TE METHODS OF SOLVING LOGICAL PROBLEMS A. D. Zakrevskii In the formulation of logical problems it is frequently required not only that a solution be obtained, but also that this solution be the very best solution, in some sense or other. For ex- ample, in synthesizing a logical circuit one might be required to obtain a scheme which not only realizes a given system of Boolean functions, but which at the same time contains a minimal number of elements; in seeking proofs to theorems, one wishes to find not only correct proofs, but also the simplest of the correct proofs; in analyzing chess positions one wishes not only to find a winning sequence of moves, but to choose the most elegant of the winning sequences. In each such problem, it is possible to introduce some quality function, and then seek an exact solution which corresponds to an extremum of the quality function thus introduced. Finding exact solutions may turn out to be very arduous and, as a consequence, unjustified, or even impossible in practice. In such cases, one might use approximate algorithms allowing one to obtain admissible approximations to the optimal solutions. Let us mention the two significant characteristics of approximate solutions: the quality of a solution, defining the closeness of its approximation to the exact solution: and the cost of a solution, expressed, for example, in terms of the time expended on some given computer in obtaining it. In the general case, these characteristics depend statistically on the effectiveness of the algorithms used and on the values of the defining parameters of the problem to be solved. The concept of de fin in g par arne t e r is somewhat vague. As examples, in the synthesis of a log- ical scheme to realize a given system of Boolean functions, such parameters might be the num- ber of variables and the number of functions in the system while, in the analysis of a chess posi- tion, the defining parameter might be the number of pieces, etc. The statistical character of the aforementioned dependencies manifests itself in the follow- ing manner: when a series of problems of the same type, with fixed values of defining parame- ters, are solved by some algorithm, the quality and the cost of the solutions oscillate, tending to settle down in certain limit distributions. If this leads us to adopt a probabilistic point of view in considering some definite algorithm, we might then speak of the mathematical expecta- tions of the quality and the cost of a solution corresponding to different combinations of the val- ues of the defining parameters, as well as of their variances. In continuing this line of reason- ing, we readily come to see that a measure of effectiveness of an algorithm, which is to be a functional of the functions discussed above, must be suffiCiently complex that, in the general case, 1 2 A. D. ZAKREVSKII it will not make possible a universal linear ordering of the different approximate algorithms for solving some logical problem. One consequence of this, for example, is that, in comparing some two approximate algorithms, it is expeditious to give preference to one of them for certain values of the defining parameters while, for other values, the other algorithm should be given prefer- ence. Consequently, the task of comparing two algorithms can be formulated as the problem of defining the regions in which it is advantageous to use them. Solution of this problem can be complicated by an extension of the space in which the search is carried out, at the cost of in- troducing additional coordinate axes corresponding to special requirements. For example, in some situations it is important to obtain a very accurate solution even at the expense of a great outlay of time, while, in other situations, the emphasis might be on the speed of the solution pro- cess, to the detriment of quality. Here, with one and the same combination of values of the de- fining parameters, it might be advantageous to choose different algorithms indifferent situations. In connection with this, the problem then arises of finding algorithms which are optimal by some criteria or other. We can call algorithms which allow us to obtain solutions to problems of a definite class with a specified accuracy and in minimal time optimally fast algorithms. Those which permit the best approximation to be obtained in a given time, we can call optimally accurate algorithms. The creation of optimal algorithms is a very difficult task and, in the overwhelming ma- jority of cases, when we speak of solving this problem we are really only talking of obtaining approximations which are good enough, i.e., sufficiently effective algorithms satisfying definite. conditions. One of the most common general methods of solving logical problems should be called the method of traveling a logical tree, such a tree constituting a CQl1ecti(1m of ramified variants of a multistep solution process. Such a tree is called a search (decision) tree. The branches of the tree are put into correspondence with the elementary steps of some decision (solution) process, while its vertices correspond to the situations whose analysis leads to the appearance of the ad- missible step-branches in them and permits one to choose, from among these branches, some set whose further consideration turns out to be necessary or sufficient. A search tree has a dy- namic character since it is constructed during the course of the search itself, while the result of this construction depends essentially on the initial data of the problem to be solved. The me- thod of traveling a search tree is quite well characterized by its name, since the sequence of elementary steps of the solution process generated by this method, as well as the situations re- lated to them, lie on the simplest trajectory of the complete traverse of the tree, with no branch being crossed. This trajectory, in particular, goes around leaves of the tree, i.e., terminal ver- tices corresponding to local dead ends of the decision process, some of which might turn out to be the solution sought. Sometimes, a solution turns out to be, not a leaf but, rather, the path con- necting such a terminus with the root of the tree (for example, in seeking a derivation of some theorem, with the situations being considered as postuates, lemmas, or other theorems). A search tree may have redundancy as when, for example, it constitutes an exemplar of some graph of a more general type; the available information on the structure of this graph can be used to eliminate redundancy in the tree by the excision of some of its ramifications. An example of a tree, some of whose paths are the solution sought, can be extracted from a consideration of the well-known problem of the ferryman, the wolf, the goat, and the cabbage, which we shall denote by f, w, go, and ca, respectively. The problem consists in finding an admissible path from the situation when f, w, go, and ca are all on the left bank, to the situation when all four are on the right bank. By the conditions of the problem, there can be a simultaneous traverse of the river by f and w, or f and go, or f and ca, or only f. At the same time, it is forbidden to have the combina- tions w, go, or go, ca, on any bank. The set of actions which are admissible within the confines

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