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Synthesis, characterization, and rotational isomerization of chelate stabilized tungsten(6) alkylidenes, olefin metathesis polymerization catalyst precursors PDF

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Preview Synthesis, characterization, and rotational isomerization of chelate stabilized tungsten(6) alkylidenes, olefin metathesis polymerization catalyst precursors

SYNTHESIS, CHARACTERIZATION, AND ROTATIONAL ISOMERIZATIONOF CHELATE STABILIZED TUNGSTEN(6) ALKYLIDENES, OLEFIN METATHESIS POLYMERIZATION CATALYSTPRECURSORS BY LAURA BLOSCH L. A THESIS PRESENTED TOTHEGRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UNTVERSnY OFFLORIDA IN PARTIALFULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FORTHE DEGREE OF DOCTOROFPHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OFFLORIDA 1993 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My sincere appreciation for his guidance, enthusiasm andpersonal support is extended to Dr. Jim Bonceila. Jim has a strong commitmenttopersonally mentoring each ofhis students, yet he allowed me the flexibility toexplore those aspects ofchemistry which were interesting tome butoutside ofhis field ofpersonal experience and professional expertise, enabling me to develop the invaluable traits ofself-confidence and self-reliance. To Dr. ScottGamble, I extend avery personal thank you for his invaluable friendship which has meant so much to me personally and professionally. Additionally, my gratitude extends to the otherpresent and formermembers ofDr. Boncella's group, for stimulating interaction and graduate-student kinship: Dr. Gaines Martin, Dr. Rob Duttweiller, Dr. Chris Bauch, Will Vaughan, Dan Vanderlende, Larry Villanueva, Chris Coston, Kevin Cammack, Tegan Eve, Justine Roth and especially Jerrold Miller, for graciously loaning me his Mac, and Mary Cajigal andPercy Doufou fortheir selfless hours ofediting assistance and personal support. For theirpolymerexpertise and perspective I wish to thank Dr. Jasson Patton, Dr. Jim Konzelman, Dr. Dennis Smith and especially, Dr. Ken Wagener. Finally, I wish to extend my eternal gratitude my husband, Ed, forthe inestimable support, encouragement and understanding he has consistently provided. I am constantlyenriched anddelighted by his uniqueperspectives on life and science. TABLEOF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii ABSTRACT iii CHAPTERS BACKGROUND AND INTRODUCTION 1 1 Olefin Metathesis and Classical Catalysts 1 Transition Metal-Carbon Double Bonds 4 Synthesis of Alkylidenes 9 Transition Metal-Carbon Triple Bonds 16 Olefin Metathesis Polymerizations 18 2 SYNTHESIS OFTRISPYRAZOLYLBORATE STABILIZED TUNGSTEN(6) ALKYLIDYNES AND ALKYLIDENES 30 Background 30 SynthesisofNeutral TrispyrazolylborateAlkylidyne and Alkylidene Compounds 34 Synthesis ofa Hydrotris(3,5-dimethyl-l-pyrazolyl)borate (Tp') Neopentylidyne 34 Conversion to a Hydrotris(3,5-dimethyl-l-pyrazolyl)borate (Tp') Neopentylidyne 35 Synthesis ofaHydrotris(l-pyrazolyl)borate (Tp) Neopentylidyne 40 Conversion to a Hydrotris(l-pyrazolyl)borate (Tp) Neopentylidyne 42 Synthesis ofa Hydrotris(3,5-dimethyl-l-pyrazolyl)borate (Tp') Benzylidyne 44 Conversion to a Hydrotris(3,5-dimethyl-l-pyrazolyl)borate (Tp') Benzylidene 45 Synthesis ofaStable Cationic Alkylidene 48 AttemptedFacile Synthesis ofTrispyrazolylborate Stabilized Tungsten Alkylidenes 56 Discussion 62 Characterization 62 Synthesis ofHigh Oxidation State Trispyrazolylborate Compounds 71 Conversion toTrispyrazolylborate OxoAlkylidene andDioxo Alkyl Compounds 75 Conclusions 80 3 REACTIVITYOFTRISPYRAZOLYLBORATE STABILIZED ALKYLIDENES 83 Introduction 83 MetathesisPolymerizations 84 m TprW(0)(CHC(CH3)3)Cl Reactivity Studies 90 Attempted Halide Abstraction from TpW(0)(CHC(CH3)3)Cl 90 Synthesis ofTp' Tungsten Oxo Neopentylidene Methyl Compound 95 Synthesis ofaTp' Tungsten Oxo Neopentylidene Hydride 101 Conclusions 108 AUCYLIDENE ISOMERIZATION 114 Background 114 Solution Phase Conformation Determinations 122 Thermal Isomerizationof [Tp'W(NAr)(PyrH)(CHC((CH3)2Ph)][S03CF3] 127 Photoisomerizations 132 Tp'W(CHC(CH )3)(0)Cl 132 3 TpW(NPh)(CHC(CH )2)Cl 138 3 TpW(NAr)(CHC(CH3)2Ph)(OTf) 139 Activation Parameters for Anti to Syn Alkylidene Isomerization 141 Entropy ofActivation 142 Statistical Mechanics Calculations ofEntropies ofFree Internal Rotation 145 Enthalpy ofActivation 150 Spectroscopic Properties ofthe AntiAlkylidene Isomers 152 NuclearMagnetic Resonance 152 Infrared Spectroscopy 154 Discussion of Spectroscopic Observations 155 Conclusions 159 EXPERIMENTAL 161 Materials and Methods 161 Syntheses 162 Tp'W(CC(CH3)3)Cl3 162 [(HB)2(m-N2C5H7)3][(((CH3)CC)WCl2)2(m-Cl)2(m-N C5H7)] 163 2 TprW(CPh)Br 164 2 TpW(CC(CH3)3)Cl3 165 Tp*W(0)(CHC(CH3)3)Cl 166 TpW(0)(CHC(CH3)3)Cl 167 TpWCOXCHPrOBr 168 [Tp'W(CHC(CH3)2Ph)(NAr)(PyrH)][S03CF3] 170 TprW(CHC(CH )2Ph)(NAr)(Pyr) 172 3 Tp'W(0) Cl 173 2 Tp'W(0)2(CH Ph) 174 2 TpWC^ andTp'MoCl 175 3 Tp*W(0)(CHC(CH3)3)(CH 176 3) Tp'W(0)(CHC(CH3)3)(H) 177 Crystallographic Studies 178 Tp'W(0)(CHC(CH3)3)Cl 178 [Tp,W(CHC(CH3)2Ph)(NAr)(PyrH)][SO3CF3] 179 [(HB)2(m-N2C5H7)3][(((CH3)CC)Wa2)2(ni-Cl)2(m-N2C5H7)] 180 Polymerizations 181 Ring Opening Metathesis Polymerization (ROMP) ofCyclooctene 181 Ring Opening Metathesis Polymerization (ROMP) ofNorbornene 182 Experimental Considerations for Kinetics Studies 182 IV APPENDICES A REPRESENTATr/E *H AND 13C NMR SPECTRA 185 B CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC CHARACTERIZATION 199 REFERENCES 230 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH 240 Abstract ofDissertation Presentedto the Graduate School ofthe University ofFlorida in Partial Fulfillmentofthe Requirements forthe Degree ofDoctorofPhilosophy SYNTHESIS, CHARACTERIZATION, AND ROTATIONAL ISOMERIZATIONOF CHELATE STABILIZED TUNGSTEN(6) ALKYLIDENES, OLEFIN METATHESIS POLYMERIZATION CATALYSTPRECURSORS By Laura L. Blosch August, 1993 Chairman: James Boncella MajorDepartment: Chemistry The synthesis ofa numberoftrispyrazolylborate stabilized tungsten alkylidynes and alkylidenes was achievedin moderate to low yield by the addition ofthe potassium salts of Tp and Tp' to alkylidyne and alkylidene containing compounds. These materials represented unprecedented increases in thermal, hydrolytic andoxidative stability forhigh oxidation state alkylidyne and alkyidene compounds. They were characterized by *H NMR, 13C NMR, MS and IR spectroscopy. Single crystal x-ray studies were performed for three compounds, including Tp"W(0)(CHC(CH3)3)Cl, [Tp,W(NAr)(CHC(CH3)2Ph)(PyrH)][S03CF3], and [(HB)2(U-N2C5H7)3] [(((CH3)CC)WCl2)20l-Cl)2(^-N C5H7)]. 2 The trispyrazolylborate tungsten alkylidyne dihalides were readily converted to trispyrazolylborate tungsten oxo alkylidene monohalides and trispyrazolylborate tungsten dioxo alkyls by avariety ofhydroxidereagents. Othernovel compounds prepared included Tp'W(0)(CHC(CH )3)(H) and Tp"W(0)(CHC(CH )3)(CH3). 3 3 VI Addition ofone equivalent ofaLewis acid co-catalystto the trispyrazolylborate tungsten oxo alkylidenes generates very active ROMP catalysts which operate in moist air at elevated temperature to produce high molecularweightpolymers. The interaction between Lewis acid and the alkylidene compounds is currently underinvestigation. Rotamers ofsix-coordinate trispyrazolylborate tungsten alkylidenes have been generatedthermally and photochemically. In allcases the thermodynamic isomers were oriented syn to the 7i-bonding terminal oxo or imido ligand. Entropy ofactivation was correlatedwith steric interaction in internal rotations which were modeled by statistical mechanics. A weak, bent, intramolecular hydrogen bond between the a-proton ofthe alkylidene and the terminal oxoorimido ligand has been proposed to account for NMR observations in kinetics studies, and IR spectra ofthe minorisomers. vu CHAPTER 1 BACKGROUND AND INTRODUCTION The synthesis andcharacterization oftransition metal alkylidene and alkylidyne compounds is arapidly expanding,1 vital new areaoforganometallic research. Since such compounds were firstreported less than twenty years ago,2 great strides have been made in overcoming the difficult synthetic hurdles to preparing these compounds. The synthesis of alkylidenes and alkylidynes has been strongly linked to the development ofolefin metathesis catalysts,3"5 and is best understood historically from this perspective. As the numberoftransition metal alkylidene and alkylidyne compounds has increased, so has chemists' understanding ofthe olefin metathesisreaction and ofthe fundamental nature of the transition metal-carbon multiple bond. Olefin Metathesis and Classical Catalysts The olefin metathesisreaction can be described as the net breakingoftwo carbon-carbon double bonds and the formation oftwo new carbon-carbon double bonds with the resulting exchange ofolefin substituents,6 Figure 1-1. R R R H H R" v y \^ N/" transition metal / \ H H + catalyst 1 H H JL H H y R' R"' <( R' R"1 Figure 1-1. The olefin metathesis reaction. In addition to olefin, a transition metal catalyst is requiredforolefin metathesis to occurundermild conditions.7,8 Most early olefin metathesis catalysts were ill-characterized mixtures oftransition metal halide oroxo halide compounds with Lewis acid co-catalysts, usually an alkylhalide ofaluminum, tin or zinc.5,6 These earlycatalystmixtures were sensitive to temperature and pressure contraints, to traces ofimpurities, and even to incompatible functional groups on the olefins which tended to poison the catalysts.5 One consequence ofthe sensitivity ofmostofthese systems to functionalities, such as ketones and amines, was their limitation to hydrocarbon olefin metathesis reactions. Given the nature ofthe early catalyst systems, it is not surprising that the mechanism forolefin metathesis was notwell understood initially. Because ofsuperficial similarities between olefin metathesiscatalysts and Ziegler-Nattacatalysts,5 comparisons between these catalyst systems were the majorinfluence on early proposals on the mechanism ofolefin metathesis.9,10 The pairwise mechanism forolefin metathesis was initially suggested by Bradshaw and coworkers9 in 1964. In this mechanism, two olefins approach the metal center, which serves as a loose template forthe formation ofa quasicyclobutane complex, Figure 1-2. As the quasicyclobutane complex breaks down, the new olefins are formed. This mechanism was appealing since the metal participation wascritical to stabilize the quasicyclobutane formation (formally a two plus two cycloaddition that is symmetry forbidden),11 yet was not demanding ofaparticularfunctionality on the metal center. Thus, the pairwise mechanismoffered an explanation forthe largevariety ofdissimilarmetal compounds and Lewis acid mixtures thatwereviable catalysts, yet seemingly had little else in common.5,6 Asresearch on the productratios and kinetics ofthe olefin metathesis reaction progressed, some researchers became increasingly dissatisfied with the pairwise mechanism. Considerable effort and many elegantmechanistic studies were undertaken in anefforttodefinitively describe the mechanism forolefin metathesis.1,12 The mechanism that is universally accepted today was first proposed by Herrison and Chauvin13 in 1970. :C" -H C" — I M C I 1 C" t r" C" Figure 1-2. The pairwise mechanism forolefin metahtesis with olefin substituents not shown forclarity. In this non-pairwise mechanism, a metal-carbon double bond was proposed to be formed in thecatalyst mixtures. This metal-carbon double bond then becomes the active site ofthe catalyst. Olefins were proposed to approach the active site singly insteadofin pairs, and to precoordinate to the metal center. Once coordinated, the metal-carbon double bondand the olefin interact to form ametallacyclobutane which can then decompose in eithera productive fashion, to give a new olefin and new metal-carbon double bond, orin a degenerate fashion, toregenerate starting materials, Figure 1-3. H Figure 1-3. The non-pairwise mechanism forolefin metathesis with arrows indicating the direction ofthe electron flow forproductive metathesis. Consideration ofthe components ofearly olefin metathesis catalyst mixtures revealed that metal-carbon double bondscould have been formedfrom the mixture components.14-15 The typical reaction scheme invokedcalls foralkylation ofthe transition metal halide compound by the alkylhalide Lewis acidco-catalyst, followed by cc-hydrogen abstraction from the resulting transition metal alkyl toyield a transition metal-carbon double bond Figure 1-4 illustrates this scheme forthe WOCl4/Et2AlCl2 catalyst system.

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