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EDITORIABLO ARD GeneraEld itor JERROLMD. SADOCK DepartmeonftL inguistics UniversoitfCy h icago AdvisoErdyi tors GEORGED . BEDELL FRANKw . HENY UniversiotfCy a lifornia, UniversiotfGy r oningen LosA ngeles LAW RENC E HORN THOMASG . BEVER UniversoiftS yo utheCranl ifornia ColumbiUan iversity JEANC ASAGRANDE GEORGEL AKOFF UniversoitfFy l orida UniversoiftC ya lifornBiear,k eley EVE v.C LARK ROBINL AKOFF StanforUdn iversity UniversoiftC ya lifornBiear,k eley PETERW . CuucovER JAMESD . McCAW LEY UniversiotfCy a lifornia, UniversoiftC yh icago Irvine DAVID DOWTY JOHNR .R oss OhioU niversity MassachuseItntsst itute ofT echnology GEORGIAM . GREEN UniversoitfIy l linois SANDFORDA .S HANE JORGEH ANKAMMER UniversoiftC ya lifornia, HarvarUdn iversity SanD iego SYNTAXa ndS EMANTICS VOLUME9 Pragmatics Editbeyd PETERC OLE Univeyr osfIi lltinois UrbanIall,io nis ACADEMIC PRESS New YorkS anF ranciscLoo ndon A SubsidoifH aaryr courtJ oBvraancoePv uibclhi,s hers COPYRIGHT@ 19B7Y 8A,CA DEMIC PRESS,I NC. ALL RIGHTSR ESERVED. NO PART OF THISP UBLICATIONM AY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL, INCLUDING PHOTOCOPY, RECORDING,O R ANY INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVALS YSTEM, WITHOUT PERMISSIONI N WRITING FROM THE PUBLISHER. ACADEMIC PRESS,I NC. 111F iftAhv enuNee,wY orkN,e wY or1k0 003 UnitKeidn gdoEmd itipounb lisbhye d ACADEMIC PRESS,I NC.( LONDON) LTD. 24/O2v8a Rlo adL,o ndNoWnl 7 DX LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOG CARD NUMBER: 72-9423 ISBN0 -12-613509-6 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CONTENTS LisotfC ontributors Vlll Preface lX 1 On theO riginosfR eferentOipaalc ity PETERC OLE Introduction 1 AttributainvdRe e ferentiDaels criptions 2 ReferentiOapla city 4 TheE tioloogfyO pacity 5 TheR elatiSvceo peH ypothesis 7 CardinaloifRt eya dings 10 QuotatioCnoamlp lemenatnsd P ropositiCoonmapll ements 13 Evidencfoer a QuotatioAnnaall ysis 14 TheF alolf t heS copeH ypothesis 18 ConclusiaonndsU nresolvIesds ues 19 References 21 NegativScoep e andR ulse ofC onversation: Evidencfreo m an OV Language 23 ALICED AVISON NP Specification 30 Permutation 32 EmphaticP articles 33 Context 35 MultiplCel ausRee lationships 35 SemantiRce presentation 38 Conclusion 41 References 45 v Vl Cont ents 47 SpeakeRre ferencDeess,c riptiaonndsA naphor a KEITH DONNELL AN S. SpeakeRre ferenc e 48 SpeakeIrn tenti ons 50 AudiencRee spons es 51 ReferentCioanlt exts 53 FurtheFra ctAsb outD efinitDee scriptiaonndAs n aphorCihca in s 55 Speaker InteanntdiT ornust Cho nditi ons 61 ApplicatitooDn esfi nitDee script ions 63 Conclusion 66 Referenc es 68 69 NegatiionnL anguageP:r agmatiFcusn,c tion, On tology TALMYG 1v6N Introduction 69 TheM arkedP resuppositSitoantauolsf N egatives 70 SomeC onsequencoefts h eM arkedS tatuosf N egativ es 90 TheP erceptBuaasli fosr theO ntologoyfN egation 103 Summar y 109 References 110 131 FurtheNro teosn Logiacn dC onversat ion PAULG RICE H. Stress 12 1 Iron y 123 Trut h 12 5 192 Remarkso n Neg-Rais ing LAURENCEH ORN R. NR ArgumentSst:a toef t heA r t 12 9 NatuarlC lassevse rsus NatCulraaslsA : S calaHry pothesis 187 ResiduParlo blemOsb,j ectioannsd,S ummatio ns 20 8 References 217 221 DTHAT DAVIKDA PLAN ExcitiFnugt urEep isod es 24 1 Referen ces 242 Contents VII ConversatailoI nmplicataunrdet heL exicon 245 D. JAMES MCCAWLEY Two Typeso fC onventiionnI ndireScpte ecAhc ts 261 J.L .M ORGAN Introduction 261 Sttaemetn-otfh eP roblem 262 Pramgaticasn dL inguistics 264 Naturavle rsuCso nventional 266 ConventioAnbso utL anguage 269' Short-Circlumiptleidc ature 274 Some MoreC ases " 275 Conclusion 279 References 279 On Testifnogr C onversatiIomnpalli cature 281 JERROLMD. SADOCK SynonymJyu dgmentassS yntactEivci dence 299 SUSANF .S CHM ERLING Assertion 315 ROBERTc .S TALNAKER Index 333 LISTO F CONTRIBUTORS Numbesri np arehnestsei nidctaet hpea geosnw hihc teha utohr'sc ornitubitonbseg ni. PETECRO LE( 1), DepartmeonftL inguistUincisv,e rsoiftI yl linaoti s Urbana-ChampaUirgbna,n aI,l linois ALICDEA VIS(O2N3 ), DepartmeonftL inguistUincisv,e rsoifIt lyl inois atU rbana-ChampaiUgrnb,a naIl,l inois KEITsH.D ONNELL(A4N7 ), DepartmeonftP hilosopUhnyi,v ersity of CaliforniLao,sA ngeleLso,s A ngeleCsa,l ifornia TALMGYI VN (69), O DepartmeonftL inguistUincisv,e rsoiftC ya lifor­ niaL,o sA ngeleLso,s A ngeleCsa,l ifornia H.P AULG RIC(E1 13), Departmenotf Philosophy, Uniovfe rsity California, BeBrekrekleelyeC,ya ,l ifornia LAURENRC.EH ORN( 129), Departmento fL inguistUincivse,sr itoyf WisconsMiand,i sonW,i sconsin DAVIDK APLA(N2 21), Departmenotf PhilosophUyn,i versoifty CaliforniLao,sA ngeleLso,s A ngeleCsa,l ifornia JAMEDS. M CCAWLE(Y2 45), DepartmeonftL inguistUincisv,e rsoift y ChicagoC,h icagIol,l inois L.M ORGA(N2 61), J. DepartmeonftL inguistUincisv,e rys oiftI llinois atU rbana-ChampaiUgrnb,a naI,l linois (281), JERROLDM . SADOCK Departmenotf L inguistUincisv,e rsoifty ChicagoC,h icagIol,l inois SUSAFN.S CHMERLI(N2G9 D9ep)a,rt menotf L inguistThiec sU,n ive.r- sitoyf Te xasa tA ustiAnu,s tinT,e xas ROBERcT. S TALNAKER( 315),DeparotfPm heilnots ophCyor,n ellU ni­ versitIyt,h acNae,w York viii PREFACE Untirle cle,ynm tanyl iguniss( teprahpse pseclilatyoh sweh ot ook th e role ofm eangii nnn gluaamgoes stre oiuslyd)si plaeyda s moewhtan aivvei eowf thnea trueo fm eanianngdo ft hper bolemisnd etermjinusitwn hga tth e menainogfa s netenocree xp rseisoins T.he m eanionfga ne xpsriseowna s otfentk aent ob ew havteera spekaerc oulcdo nvbeyyt heu seo ft h e expersosn.iI ft woe xrpessiocnosn evyeddi fferuenndte arnsdntigsi n the samceo nt,et xhtey nwoemrralel tya kteond iffienrs meantainc,dh ecne,i n undreylinsgyn tatcircpe resaeitnotn. Thisa pprocaht om eainnfagi lde todi tsinugisbhe twesemena nctsia nd prgamaitsc,th feor mehra vgit nod ow itwhh alti unigiscet xperssiomnesa , n andt he latwtietrwh h ats peakemresna (.ie,.i ntetnocd on veyb)y u sing thseee xperssio.nI snt hel asstve early ear,sl agreldyue t ot hei nfleuncoef Grcies' clsais"cL ogaincd C ovnerasiton("i Vno ulme3 oft hsi seire) s, liunigshtasev c oemt oe xpltohrdeesi itnticobne wteesne mnaitcasn dp rga­ matcis,a nd haev treidt oa pplcyo ncedprtasw frnom prgamactsii nt he slouiotno f ngliuisptr obmls.eI ns od oign,t ehyh aveb orrwoed inoonts devepleodb yp hliopshoeirnse arleirw orokn prtaigc,mas an,di na ddiiot n, havea ppiledte cnhiuqeso fa nlaysoirsi ginuasdle ilnyp ureslynyt atcic sutdie.s Thereh asb ee,n ine ffec,t paar timaelr georfl iunigiscta nd phlioosphilmc eahtodogly.oT hisi sr fleectetdh ceih npa etrisnt hsiv oulme, inw hicihwt ilbles eent haltigu nisatnsdp hoisolphecrosn siodveerrpl paig n problfreomms o nlsyom ewhtad sitipnocitn tosfd eaprutr.e The chapttehrasfot l lotwr eaa tn umbero fi mportalnitun igiscta nd phiolphoislct aoicps.S everlao ft ehc hpaetrdse law ihtc onvetorinslaai mpli­ catuer.H . PG.ri cien" Frutehr Neosot nL ogiacn dC onvetris"oa anplpis e thneo itoonf c onvaetorinsali mpclaitruet o pthreo bloefdm ee trminhionw g mansye nsaeg si vweonr kp ossseessAr.e a pparseenntso efas w ordr elayl diisntcmte angis,no ra rteh vear iou"sm eangis"n simpdlsiyt icnocntv e­rsa tiolni malpciatusrfr eom as ignlsee sneG?r ciep reesntasn umbeorf p rinci- 1x x Preface plefso dre termininga wwohreidts thu relpryo lysuesma,on da ppiletsh e prinlceitspo s omper oblteimecax apml.e s A smiilparro bliesdms i ucssebdy J .M ccawlye.M cCawl'escyo necrins whyc opmelx eexspsriaornneso frte elsyus bituttbalfeo lre xlii cetamsw iht whicthh eaypp era tos ybneo nuys.mD ooetsh sim eant hatteh copmelx expsriseoann dt he lexlii ctaesmh ounlecde srsliayb ev iewaesdh avig n dieffresnmeta ntircpe reesntiaotnMsc?c awlaeryge ust haittd oenso ta,n d thatthe d iffeenrceasrde u e tthoie tn ertaicoonfc ovneratsiaolnp rinlceisp anda speocftl siu nigiscft omr. J.S adocakn Jd .Mo rgabnoh tt retaehtp robloefdm e termwihneihtnegor r noatg vienu ndetarnsidngo fa ne xpsrseiiosdn u et oc onveartosinlap rinci­ pelsS.ad ocekxa mnieas n umbeorf r uleosf t hmubp rpoosebdy G rciei n 'L'ogiacnd C ovnertisoa'nfo 'rm aknigs ucahd etermiio,nna andtc onucdle s thatth eayr el esst hafunl layd euaqt.eM ogranp roopsse thatteh use of certaeixnp sriseonlsi kCea ny opua stseh s alitvn?o lvleigsun iiscct ovnen­ toinb,ut t hec onvieonintn q uesitoins a c ovnetnoina boultna gauger aethr thaan c onevntioofln a naggu.eA ccroditnogM ogra,nt eh useof s uhc an expsriseodno enso itn voal cvomep uttiaoonft hceo nrvasetoinlai mlpcia­ trueosf t he experssi.oR nahte,rt hesiem plciatruehsa vbee coem conven­ tionaasloslcyi awtiehtd t hee xrpessdieosinpt tehe fa ctt hatthe e xrpession coniutnest oc arriyt lsi tesrean.ls e Relatteotd h ec haptoefGr rsi ec,M cCwale,yS adoc,ka ndM ograna re thsoeo fS .S cmherlainndgD .K apla.nS chmerlcinognd seirisnd eatitlhe verba llow.Do etsih sv ebr haev ones enosret w?oI fo n,e whkanitd so f prinlceeisxp pltahei nt wwaoys wihni cthhv eer bc an ubsee Hdo?w d ot he snytatcipcr oepriteosft hev erbc otnrbiutteo uanned rtsanndgi iotfss me an­ tcis?D oetsh siv erbg oevrns ujbecttoo bjcetr asiign ore qiuN P delieotn? Synatctitcse taspp erat op oinotn ewa ya nds ynonymjyug dmenatnsoh ter . Schmerlaigrnuge tsh atth eirse fa icnto nloyn es enosfae l low,t hatthv eer b goevrsnr aigs rianethrt haenqu i,a ndt hatth desi cordasnyotnn ymjyud g­ mentasr teo b ee xlpianeodn t hbea soifsp ercuealp( tnocto nervstaiol n)a pripnelcs i. Kapnl'acsh ap"tDeTrH TA"i sso emhtinogfa nu ndgerroucnldsa isIctw. a s cirlcaudti end upclatidef orm afn oumrb eorfy earpsr itoopr u bilctiao,na nd itisfln uenccea n sbeeeo nn twhoer okfb ohtp hliopshoresa nldi unigss.t iItn (rpesteenhder ei nu nrvesiefodr m)K aplaenx ploDroennse l'ladssni itcntoin betweetnhe rfeernetiaanlda titbrutuisveeos f d enfiitdee sicpirto.nH se propoesst hartee frnetidaelfi nidteesi ctprioanrseu sde ina wayt haits esesntlyild aemotnrsaet:hi evncteh el ,et" iDtTHTA." Kapnls'aw or(kl ike Donnel'lseaa nlripearep rr)ia setshq eu esitoonf w hethdeerfi ndietseic pr­ toinasr aem biugousb etwetewnos ens(eams o sutn tatrtvaiecp roescp)to, r whethtehert wou ndertasnndgins otebdyD onnelmligahnbt e d uet op rga- Preface Xl matcip rinclie(ps.eg ,.G rcies'C opoertavieP rnicilpe.I) nh icso nritbuttioo n tihsv olu,mK e.D onnelaldadenrs stehsii ss s(uoeln yd siucssedp iasng si inn hiesa relrwi or)ka nadr geust hattht ew ou seosfd efindietcseir tpoinisvn olve twos meantfuincc iton,i sno neo fw hicthh dee scirpticoovnne yssp ekaer rfeerene candi nt heot hnero t(.D onlnleasnk tisrt hie suseo fa mbuitigy, alotuhghhe a rgeust hasti lmraie xpsriseonasr ce lrelaaym biugousf,o irn ­ satnce, .if .teh.n. ) A furtherc hpaetrc onrcneewdih tt ihrsna goef p rbolemissth aotfP .C ol,e whod rwash evaiyl otnh weo rokfb ohtD onnelalnadn pKalan.C olceo snid­ ertsh rele aotnishbiept wetehenr eefrentaitatblruti-ivdesi tciitnoonf D o­n nellaanndt heq uestioofr ne fereonptaicaitltr ysa-npraenyc.C olaegr uest hat opacittrysa-nparenicsny o dtu et or elvaest icpoea,sh abse ecnli maedb yB . Russle,lW . VQ.ui n,ea ndJ .M cCwale,ay monogt he.R rashte,ri it sotf en due tow heetrha defindietsei cprtieomnb edded abv eerlboo fwp roopsi­ tiolan tatdieit uuss edr feerentoiraa tlitlbryiu vtleyT.he b ulko ft hec hpaetri s devotteoad r feuattoino ft he srtonsgtoe ft eh preivosulpyr oopsde arg­u mentfosrt hsec poeh yphoesti,ts hec ardilniaotfyr eandgsio fd esicpirtons embeddeud ndemru litplveebr so fp roopsiinotala tttudie.A lthoaus guhep r­ ficiaelx amtioinna toehfs dea tmai ghaptp eart of avort hes ocphey phoets,i s detlaeisdut dyo ft he dasthao wtsh atth eayr e facinti ncpoatmibwlihett hat anasli.ys Therec hapetrdsea lw itnhe gtoain.L .H orenx anmeitsh sea ttsu onfe g­ riaisnags a syancttriulc.e I sn eg-srniagri aellay g rammatciarlul eo ri s teh intpererattoino fa negatviem oprhemaes " origiinngoa"nt eo rm ore cluasesb eloiwts sufa rces rtuctulrcoea otnid uet op ragmat(iocf run ctniaol) prinlecsiA?pl thotuhgcehh oiocfne e g-srniagpi redtiseca ando thfaecrt ors seetmo d emnada p ragmateicxl panoan,ts iomea speocftt sher ules eemt o haven op ragamtibca s.iT hsus,Ho rnc oncdleutsh ante gi-sriganc onistteust ane xampleo fa p ragmatpircoe cswsh ich bheacso mgrea mmiacztie.d A.D avisdosinuc ssense gtoaini nH inid-rUd.uI nt hisln agaugei nedfinite NPsh aven os pelcfo iramu ndenre goant( iicnon tsratfo,r e xamlp,ew ith Englsih,i nw hcihy oufi nds peicanle giavtfeor msl ike )Rahte,rt he none . negavteie lemeonctc iuepas fi xepdal cei nt hes eenntc.eA sa reslutt,he smaes netnecmea yp otentimaelal'nyoT danyo o ne mcea'or ' oTdasyo em­ oned ind'cto me'.I np raiccttehe,s aem buiigiteasr ues ulalrye solbvyte hed itnecrtaoino fs yancttidce vcieasv albialien t ehl anagguea nds emnatiacn d prgamtaipcr nicilspe.D avsions uggestthsa tth es iutatoinfo undi n nHdii­ Urdum ayb et yipcaolfv ebr-eprieprhalla nagguse. T.G ivocno nntdest hante giavtecso ntsitau dtieff ersepnete acchft r mo affirmtaievs.N egaitveasn da ffirmaitvedsie ffri nt hepirra gmaptriepcsp usoi­ tiso.nAf firmtiavsea rues etdoc onvenye wi nfmoatroina ndp remseui gno­ rancoent hpear to f tahdede rsse.eN egaets,ih voweevra,r ues dei na c otnext

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