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Synopsis of Pareledone and Megaleledone species, with description of two new species from east Antarctica (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae) PDF

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by  C C Lu
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Preview Synopsis of Pareledone and Megaleledone species, with description of two new species from east Antarctica (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae)

Memoirs oftheMuseumofVictoria 54: 221-242 (1994) SYNOPSIS OF PARELEDONEAND MEGALELEDONESPECIES, WITH DESCRIPTION OF TWO NEW SPECIES FROM EAST ANTARCTICA (CEPHALOPODA: OCTOPODIDAE) By C.C. Lu and T.N. Stranks Department ofInvertebrate Zoology, MuseumofVictoria 285-321 Russell Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia Abstract Lu, C.C. and Stranks, T.N., 1994. Synopsis ofPareledone and Megaleledone species, with description of two new species from East Antarctica (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae). Memoirs oftheMuseum ofVictoria 54: 221-242. A synopsis is given for species ofthe genus Pareledone from Prydz Bay, Antarctica: P. adelieana (Berry, 1917), P. cliarcoti (Joubin, 1905), and P. harrissoni (Berry, 1917). Two new species ofPareledone are described and illustrated: P.framensis fromFram Bank, off MacRobertson Land, andP.prydzensisfrom PrydzBay,offtheAmery Ice Shelf, Antarcti- ca. A comparative description ofMegaleledone senoi Taki, 1961, from Antarctica is also provided. Introduction Material and methods The taxonomy of Antarctic eledonine octo- A collection of 125 eledonine octopuses from puses is poorly known. A literature review 41 stationsonthecontinental shelf(waterdepths revealed that eight nominal species of Parele- less than 1000m) has been accumulated during done have been previously described from benthic surveys conducted by the Australian Antarctic waters (latitudes greater than 60°S). National Antarctic Research Expeditions Several ofthe species (e.g., Pareledone antarc- (ANARE). Fauna has been sampled by beam or tica(Thiele, 1920), P. aurorae(Berry, 1917), and otter trawls and epibenthic sleds, during cruises P. umitakae Taki, 1961) were known only from of the MS Nella Dan (1985-1987) and RSV type material, and most other species have not AuroraAustralis (1990onwards). Liveoctopus- RSV been reviewed in detail since Robson's (1932) es wereobserved during the 1991 cruiseof monograph. Much ofthe past work on Antarctic Aurora Australis to Prydz Bay; these animals octopods has concentrated on material from the were then sacrificed using fresh water, fixed in Antarctic Peninsula vicinity, and little informa- formalin, and preserved in ethanol. A numberof tion has been published on the fauna of East animals were autopsied for parasites and the Antarctica. material has been forwarded to appropriate A study is now being undertaken to provide researchers for identification and description. systematic information onoctopods ofthePrydz Holotypes and most paratypes have been Bay region (around 68°S, 75°E). While attempt- deposited at the Museum of Victoria; paratypes ing to identify the Pareledone specimens, it and other voucher specimens were deposited at became clear that two previously undescribed the Australian Museum, andtheNational Muse- species existed among the specimens collected. um ofNatural History, Smithsonian Institution. This paper describes the new species and pro- Efforts were made to verify mostofthe previ- vides a comparison with existing valid species ous type and nontyperecords. Where specimens ofPareledone from the region. have notyetbeen availableforstudy, ordescrip- Voss (in Palacio, 1978) consideredthatMega- tions are notclear, the relevant entry in the syn- leledone (a monotypic genus) was asynonym of onymy has been denoted with a question mark Pareledone, so the new species here diagnosed are also contrasted with Megaleledone senoi Where there is sufficient material, counts and Taki, 1961. Further systematic information on measurements are included for a representative the Pareledone and Megaleledone species will 10femalesand 10males. Counts, measurements beprovided with thefuturepublication ofalarg- and indices were defined by Roper and Voss reregrieovni.sion ofthe Octopodidae ofthe Prydz Bay t(i1o9n8:3)OaAnSdCTol—l (1o9p8p8o)siwtiethatrhmefsoulclkoewrincgoeuxnctepi-n 222 C.C. LU ANDT.N. STRANKS fmeamlaelse,so.rMsautcekreiralcsousnttudoiend,eiithnecrluadrimngLt3ypoerRsp3eci-n 6C.67C-.67L6uma,ndR.STV. ANu.rSotrraanAkuss,ira2l5isF,eSbtn19A9A19,1-N9M2,VAFN6A5R6E1,3 imens, are from: The Australian Museum, Syd- (5i2m6m-a5t3u2rme,o*,RS29V.0Aaunrdor3a1.A4umsmtraMlLi)a; 6S6t"n48A'AS,9l7-28°93(32')E,, ney (AM); Museum National d'Histoire ANARE, C. C. Lu and T. N. Stranks, 24 Feb 1991, NMV Naturelle, Paris (MNHN); Museum of Victoria, F65630 (submature 9, 21.7, 23.5, 27.1, 30.5, 35.1, 35.7, Melbourne (NMV); National Museum ofNatur- 39.6mmML;mature 9,46.8mmML;spent 9,43.1mmML; al History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, immature 6,25.4,27.6,29.7,47.4mmML;mature o\ 38.3, D.C. (USNM). 40.8mm ML), USNM 884248 (mature o\ 44.8mm ML); 66"59'S, 72°37'E, 532-536m, RSV AuroraAusiralis, Stn Octopodidae AA91-90,ANARE,C.C.LuandT.N.Stranks,24Feb 1991, Pareledone Robson, 1932 NMV F6567I (submature 9, 23.3mm ML); 67°56'S, 76"24'E, 436-441 m, RSV AuroraAustralis, Stn AA9I-77, NMV Type species. Eledone charcoti Joubin, 1905. ANARE, C. C. Lu and T. N. Stranks, 18 Feb 1991, F656I2 (immature o\40.5mm ML). Diagnosis. Benthic octopodids. Mantle saccu- lar, without fins. Right arms lacking cirri, arms Diagnosis. Medium sized animals (ML to with small uniserial suckers, third right arm of 55mm; TL to 160mm) (fig. I); mantle elongate mfearleenstihaetcetdoicnottoylIiisgeuldawaintdhceanldaomfusa,rmarcmlseatrilpysdnioft- olyvoidsl(iMghWtl1y62.w7i-d76e.r/-9th1a.1n); hemaadntwliede, u(sHuaWlI- otherwise modified. Web well developed. Funnel 67.8-77.3-91.6), demarked from mantle by mod- organ VV- or W-shaped. Gills well developed, erate constriction; eyes very large, project above with 6-9 lamellae. Ink sac present. Crop well surface of head. Funnel large, stout, bluntly developed. Radula normal, with multicuspid tapered (FuLI 29.1-34.4^1.3); funnel organ W- rhachidian, lateral teeth and marginal plates well shaped, limbs thick,outerlimbs as long as medi- defined. Cartilaginous stylets absent. an limbs (fig. 9c). Mantle aperture very wide (PAI 93.6-704.3-128.2). Arms short (MAI Pareledone adelieana (Berry) ML 45.3-58.4-81.5) (1.9-2.2 times in mature Figures 9a-d animals), stout, tapering to narrow tips. Arm 1, lengths subequal, arm order usually —IIMPPfoaaigsrr,cee5lll,ueeiddpieoo.snnee1a2daaeddfleiegillsieieaa6ann-naa8a..B[sei—rcr]y..R—ob19s?1oD7ne:,ll1,179,139t2e5:x9t2:7f98i2.g,st1e0xt-1f3i,g.p7i.. (a1ArILm5I.4,0:-/1a61r/2m..84--2/I1:668..151;1-2a2.r29m-1.7035):4..1A61r-72m.065s-.u/2c6k;5e.r0sa-2ru1mn4i.s2e2;:- Voss, 1988: 300 [designation ofnomendubium]. rial, raised from arm surface, small (ASI PareledoneumitakaeTaki, 1961:308,text figs9-16,pi.3. 4.3—6.5—10.1), without sucker enlargement.. Third right arm ofmales hectocotylised, shorter Materialexamined. Holotype: Antarctica,offMert/.Glaci- er(66°55"S, I45°2I'E),288-300 I'm |527-549ml, SYAuro- than its opposite number (OAI 81.2-9/.5-98.0; ra, Stn 2, Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 28 Dec 1913, HcAI 131.0-/56./-171.0); Iigula medium size, AM C40889 (submature 9,29.5mm ML). 9-15% of third right arm length in mature ani- Other material examined: Antarctica, off Enderby Land: mals (LL1 9.7-/2.5-15.0); Iigula groove long, 65°50'S, 50"34'E, 540m, MS Nella Dan, Stn IIRD-01 I, well marked and deep, with approximately 8 ANARE, M. D. Norman, 20Nov 1985, NMV F65629(sub- transverse ridges; calamus long, pointed (CaLI mature 9, 17.7mmML);65°56'S, 50°52'E, 386-400m, MS 45.1^*5.4-46.6) (figs 9a, b); hectocotylised Nella Dan, Stn HRD-010, ANARE, M. D. Norman, 15 Nov arm with 22-28 suckers; opposite arm with 1985, NMV F65628 (mature <?, 54.5mm ML). 26-46 suckers. Web moderately deep OffMacRobertson Coast: 67°I5'S,68°56'E, 139m, RSV ASturraonrkas,Au2s8irFaelibs,19S9t1n,ANAM9V1-9F96,5A61NA1R(iEm,maCt.uCr.eLou\a3n6d.T0.mNm. (BW=DCI=D2A1E..2-2I7n.k/s-a3c2.p5r)e,senwte.bGifllorlmaumlealluaseua6l-l7y. ML); 67,>15'S, 70°07'E, 172-182m, RSV AuroraAusiralis. Mature ovarian eggs, from female withenlarged mm 3^mm Sin AA9I-95, ANARE,C. C. Lu andT. N. Stranks, 26 Feb ovary, large (8-9 long, wide) (EgLI 7109"9I17,'EN,M2V56mF,65A6N7A0R(Ei,mm2atFuerbe169,86,24N.M8VmmF6M5L6)2;76(7mDa0t7u'rSe, l1o7n.g3-p/e7n.i9s-1(8P.L4;IE2g5.W7I-279..19--73J9-.75.)5,).wiMtahlesiwnigtlhe o*, 59.0mmML);67°03'S,70"24'E,242-244m, RSVAuro- coiled diverticulum (fig. 9d); spermatophores rSMtaLr)Aa;unsk6si,6ra°2l56i3s'F,Se,Sbt7n01°94A941A',9E1N.-M4946V4,-F4A65N536Am6R,9ER(,iSmCVm.aAtCuu.rroeLrua6,aAnu2sd8ir.Ta.4limNsm.. m(oSdpeWrIat4e.l9y-l5o.n5g-6(.S2p)L,Iw5i8t.h7-l6a6r.g9e,-7c8o.i7l)e,dslsepnedremr Stn AA9I-97, ANARE, C. C. Lu andT. N. Stranks, 26 Feb reservoir (SpRI 33.3^0.0-45.0). 1991, NMV F65668(submature 9, 26.7mm ML). Integumental sculpture consists of pattern of Off Antery lee Shelf, Prydz Bay: 67°42'S, 7P56'E, fine, rounded and widely scattered papillae on SYNOPSIS OFPARELEDONEANDMEGALELEDONESPECIES 223 Figure 1. Pareledone adelwana (Berry): a, dorsal, and b, lateral, view ofUSNM 884248, d.44.8mm ML. 1 224 C.C. LUANDT.N. STRANKS dorsal surface; papillae absent from ventral sur- Tokyo, pers. comm). However, Taki's (1961) lace. Large unhranched primary papillae present detailed description leaves us in nodoubt that P. in ocular region, with one large, supraocular umitakac is ajuniorsynonym of/3 adelieana. Two , papilla. short, longitudinal integunienlary P. adclicana does not appear to be closely ridges present on mid-dorsal posterior mantle. related to the other species of Parelcdone Ventrolateral integumentary ridge around man- described here. Theelongate mantle, wide head, tleCircumference present. In life, colourofrest- very large eyes, W-shaped funnel organ, short ing animals uniformly purple-pink to and stout arms, and ribbed Iigula groove ofP. purple grey dorsally, white tocream-white ven- adclicana are at the extremes ofthe morpholog- Irally. When stimulated, animals become darker ical ranges of Parelcdone species in general. In in colour, uniformly purple red topurple,-brown the future, removal ofthis species from the Par- dorsally, cream white ventrally. While spots elcdone genus may bejustified. consist ofonespot on mid-dorsal brachial crown, and one broad spot on mid-dorsal mantle. White Parelcdonecharcoti (Joubin) transverse bar present between eyes. Ocelli Figures 2, 9e-h absent. — Males mature at approximately 40mm ML. Eledone<harcoAJoubin, 1905:22,pi.3figs 1,2. Joubin, Females attain ovarian maturity at about 45mm .19'0Od6h:ne2,r,pi1.9I23t:ig6s.1,2.-VJoubin, 1914:35,text figs 1,2.— ML. — \'l\Mosehites elmnoti. lloylc, 1912: 97, lexl figs 6, 7. -Massy, 1916: 151,textfigs 12-21. 5fMDi0ras"otumMrdibMoufLtfaitonoLndn.5d((eL)6a°r7s5b°t2y5'2AL'n)LtS,aa,nrocdf3tf3i(°cMa61a,54c°'fR5Ero0)o'bmS(eTorafttkofsiOo,6r5no°1n59Ln66ai'1nnS)dg,; fig.[M\'To9}J,s\Pep(aihir.iretaf1nee3esaflifaegedu.wosrenoe1cr0hac-aleri1acH2roeet—(oniat.ylis.,o——1r9eR1fRoe7or:bbsl2soo0on,pn,o,tset1x1st99c3r3f2i0i:pg:ts,2317814089.-.128—0—],.pDie.ll1.2 (66"53*S to67°15'S, (i8°56'li to7()°44Ti), offthe 1959: 93, lexl figs4-6. Ropere-l al„ 1985: 200. Oku- Amery Ice Shelf, Prydz Ray (66°48'S to67°56'S, lani, 1986: 279, pi. 3 figs 25, 26. Dong, 1991: 183, text 71"56'L to 76°24'L) (this study); and from off fig. I. t1h9e17M).erOttzheGrlapcuibelris(h6e6d°5r5e'cSo,rdIs45n°e2edI't(•o)b(eBevrerryi,- MAanttaerrcitailceax,amoifnfedG.raLeheatmolyLpaen(dd,esiBgonoattehdbIyslRaonbdso[n6,5°10953'2S).: fied, but the species is probahly restricted in dis- 63"55'W] |as 'lieWandel,Antarelic|iie'|,onIhebeachamong tribution to East Antarctic waters. The species algae and pebbles, 'Franeais,' Expedilion Anlarclique has been collected from the Antarctic continen- Francmaimse, 3 Sep 1904, MNI1N 5-7-1095 (suhmature 9 tal shelfat depths ranging from 139-680m, with J3 8 Ml.). Staenmdpebroatttuormesswfirtohmpe-b2b.2letsoa-n1d.7r'ocCk,s,onanmduadmoanngd ALuasnOtdtrha(le6ar6s"im0aa8nt'eSAr,nit9aa4lr"cIet7ix'caEm)Ei,xnpeIe2dd(i:)lfiAmon,nt,|a22rc27t0Jimac]na,,1S9oY1f4fA,QuAruoeMreanC,4S0Mt8an9r8Iy, sponges, bryozoans and gorgonaceans. (immature o*.27.7mm ML)(hololypeofMoselutesaurorae Berry. 1917). Remarks. Voss' (1988) designation of Parelc- Off Enderby Land: 65"56\S, 50"52'E, 386-400m, MS done adclicana as a nomen dubltttn appeared Nella Dan. Sin IIRD 10, ANARE, M. D. Norman, 15 Nov without justification for the decision, and it is 1985, NMV F65688 (submalure 9, 16.4and 31.3mm ML; unclear whether he studied material first-hand. immature 3, 16.7and 18.4mm ML). The holotype ofP. adclicana (Berry) wasexam- Off MacRobertson Land: 66U59'S, 62"49'E, 117m ined forthe present study. The mantle was found ANARE,6Feb 1986,NMV E65689(suhmature ?,38.7and to be distorted through preservation and con- 39.6mmmmML;immature S,30.6mmML;mature 8,46.8and tmlreuanccgthtehdwbieldioennrgg)imttuuhdacinhnawslohluoylr,tderrhesa(uavnleitlienxtgihseitnmeadtnhitneletmhaweniltdiltvhee (66|<356$".7,01"(4)01'0'E.S|2,,Mm6LA3m)N";0A0MHR'LoEEr)|,s;,esJAH.hoNoSr.eAsRHeBaEsurh,mbo,oeu1r01H,6aMMrJabaaronwusr11o9,9n6507M,S,ataNNwtsiMMoonVVn|6FFS72t2"a234t084i'59oSI3n, animal. The typical morphology, with the very (mature 9,52.8mmML);67"18'S,65"34'E, 110m,ANARE, large eyes, wide head and narrow elongate man- 3 Dec 1982, NMV F65690 (submalure 9, 26.5mm ML): tle, is shown in Fig. I. Additional morphological 67"07'S,70"17'E,256m,ANARE,2Feb 1986,NMV 1-6569 measurements and counts of the type have per- (mature 6*,47.7mm ML). mitted thespeciesto beclearly characterised. The Off Amery Ice Shelf, Prydz Bay: 67°19'S, 7I"25'E, Jeatxavwtapoaianlnstayb(nTlil.neyptKfehuosebrooTsdfatekuPrdi.ay,.ufmaNTimahtitaelikyoanmccaaoltTlealSrekciciiatelihnoacmnveaeayMtnuosKsttyieloblutemoeb,,ne rSM51toL96nc9)2h1-;A.r5Aa66N9n67,I"M4m2-V8,28'9MSF(F,2eS6)b7,7N281Ae*893lN853l7*aA,(6RPi,NEamMn5.m,2aVC6t.Su-tFrC5n6.e35F2L6rdumy9\,d3az2nR(-9ds8.Su72TVh-.a2mNnA7a.d,tuurSA3roteN4rra.Aan96Rk.AsmuE.3sm,6t2r40MTa.lLmFiGe)ma.b :, SYNOPSIS OF PARELEDONEANDMEGALELEDONESPECIES 225 68°03'S, 73°13'E, 680-683m, RSV Aurora Australis, Stn slender (SpWI 4.0-4.5-5.0), with large, coiled N6A1AM69-V61-2F8264,5m,6A9NR8AS(RVmEaA,tuurCr.oerCa5.,ALu6us4ta.r5nadlmiTsm.,NSM.tLnS)t;ArAa69n8k1°s-2,762'81S,,FA7eN5b°A21R49'E9E1,, s_pIenrtmegruemseernvtoailrs(cSuplRpItu2r6e.4c-o3ns0i.s3t-s32o.f8)p.attern of C. C. Lu and T. N. Stranks, 19 Feb 1991, NMV F65695 fine, rounded and closely set papillae on dorsal (mature <J, 52.7mm ML); 67°56'S, 76°24'E, 436-441 m, surface; papillae absent from ventral surface. RSVAuroraAustralis,StnAA91-77,ANARE,C.C.Luand Large unbranched primary papillae present in T. N. Stranks, 18 Feb 1991, NMV F65697 (mature <J, ocularregion, withonesupraocularpapilla. Ven- 35.5mm ML); 67°21'S, 77°19'E, 333-341m, RSV Aurora trolateral integumentary ridge present. In life, Australis,StnAA91-75,ANARE,C.C.LuandT.N.Stranks, colourofresting animals uniformly pink-brown 17 Feb 1991, NMV F65696 (submature 9, 18.7mm ML; to purple-brown dorsally, cream-white ventral- immature 6, 23.1mm ML); 67°21'S, 77°20'E, 337-343m, ly. When stimulated, animals become darker in FM8e8Sb42N14e9l78l7a,(DmNaanMt,uVrSetFn6PS5r,6y9d4z45-.8(77m-am4t0um,reAMN9L,A)R5;E3,.673T°m.3m3G'.MSCL,o)c,7h7rU°a3Sn0,N'2EM7, cvoelnoturral,ldya.rkPappuirlpllaee-obnrodwonrdsorusmalulsy,uaclrleyams-liwghhittley 298-301m, RSVAuroraAustralis, Stn AA91-76,ANARE, darker than background, giving spotted appear- Cm.atCu.rLeu9,an2d4T..7Nm.mSMtrLa;nkism,m1a8tuFreeb<1J9,9118,.N3MmmVMLF)6;76878°802(s'uSb,- asanlceb.raWchhiitalescprootwsnc,onasnidstoonfeobnreosapdotspoontmoind-mdiodr-- 78°15'E, 251-266m, RSV AuroraAustralis, Stn AA9I-74, dorsal posterior mantle. White transverse bar ANARE, C. C. Lu and T. N. Stranks, 17 Feb 1991, NMV present between eyes. Ocelli absent. F67887 (mature 6, 34.6mmML). Males mature at approximately 35mm ML. mm Females attain ovarian maturity at about 55 Diagnosis. Medium sized animals (ML to ML. 65mm; TL to 210mm) (fig. 2); mantle spherical (MWI 83.3-92.7-101.2); head moderately wide, Distribution. East Antarctica, from offEnderby narrower than mantle (HWI 55.5-69.S-82. Land (65°56'S, 50°52'E), off MacRobertson 6), demarked from mantle by moderate constric- Land (66°59'S to 67°40'S, 62°49'E to 65°34'E), tion; eyes large, project above surface of head. offthe Amery Ice Shelf, Prydz Bay (66°48'S to Funnel large, stout, bluntly tapered (FuLI 68°26'S, 7T25Eto78°15E) (thisstudy); andoff 35.6-40.9-47.6); funnel organ VV-shaped, limbs Queen Mary Land (66°08'S, 94°17'E) (Berry, thick, outer limbs as long as median limbs (fig. 1917). West Antarctica, from offGraham Land 9g). Mantle aperture very wide (PAI (65°05'S, 63°55'W) (Joubin, 1905). Otherdistri- 80.9-/00.6-122.2). Arms short (MAI 48.1- butional records remain to be verified, but the 57.3-74.2) (1.5-2.3 times ML in mature ani- species probably has a circumpolardistribution. mals), stout, tapering to fine tips. Arm lengths The species has been collected on the Antarctic s1u1b8e.q8u-a/l5.9.a3r-m18or7d.e3r;uasrumal2l:y 41.139..26.-1/(6A6L.I0,-2a0r0m.01; cmo,ntwiintehnttaelmpsehrealtfuartedsefprthosmr-a2.ng1itnog-1f.r6o°mC,1o1n0-m6u8d3 and sand bottoms with pebbles and rocks, and arm 3: 129.8-/69.9-204.2; arm 4: 128.0 -/73.5-207.8). Arm suckers uniserial, raised among sponges, gorgonaceans and bryozoans. from arm surface, small (ASI 4.9-6.6-10.9), Remarks. P. charcoti, along with P. harrissoni without sucker enlargement. Third right arm of (Berry), areprobably the mostcommonly-occur- males hectocotylised, shorter than its opposite ringeledoninesinEastAntarcticwaters. Thepre- number (OAI 87.6-90.3-92.4; HcAI sentmaterial provides acomprehensiveseriesof 124.7-/55.3-177.5); ligula medium size, 5-9% life history stages, including mature males and ofthird right arm length in mature animals (LLI females. 5.0-6.6-8.1); ligula groove long, well marked Examination ofthe type specimen ofP. auro- and shallow, without transverse ridges; calamus rae (Berry) allowed us to check Berry's (1918 long,pointed (CaLI 34.8^7.5-66.7) (figs9e,f); postscript) suspicion that the species was con- hectocotylisedarm with 31-38 suckers; opposite specific with P. charcoti. The holotype of P. arm with 37-54 suckers. Web moderately deep aurorae is an immature male, not a mature ani- (WDI 23.0-30.6-44.8), web formula usually mal as Berry (1917)stated. Throughdehydration B=C=DAE. Ink sac present. Gill lamellae 7-8. ofthetypespecimen overtime, someshrivelling Matureovarian eggs, from females withenlarged ofthe arm tips including the hectocotylised arm ovaries, large (1 1-14mm long, 5-7mm wide) tip has occurred. Our present study has shown (EgLI 18.1-2/./-23.8; EgWI 7.9-9.9-11.4). thatthemorphological countsandmeasurements Male with longpenis (PLI 21.7-37.4-46.5), with forP. auroraefall within theranges ofvariation single coiled diverticulum (fig. 9h); sper- known forP. charcoti, and wethereforeconfirm matophores long (SpLI 55.5-739.7-164.5), that the two species are synonymous. 226 C.C. LU ANDT.N. STRANKS .' Figure 2. Pareledone charcoti(Joubin): a, dorsal, and b, lateral, view ofNMV F65695, cj, 52.7mm ML. : SYNOPSIS OFPARELEDONEAND MEGALELEDONESPECIES 227 Pareledoneframensis sp. nov. (PLI 38.9-40.9-43.1), with single coiled Figures 3, 4, 9i-l diverticulum (fig. 91); spermatophores long (SpLI 123.2-/5S.7-167.7), slender (SpWI Material examined. Holotype: Antarctica, off Mac- 3.8^/.5-5.5), with large, coiled sperm reservoir RobertsonLand,FramBank(67°29'S,68°50'E), 145-150m, (SpRI 39.4-47.7-43.8). RSV AuroraAustralis, Stn AA91-100, ANARE, C. C. Lu Integumental sculpture consists of pattern of NMV and T. N. Stranks, 28 Feb 1991, F65665 (mature 6\ coarse, rounded and closely set papillae evenly 5687P..a96rmmatmmypMMeLsL:)),l(opcNraelMsietVryveaFds6i5anb6oe6vt7hey,(lmAaalMtcuorhCoel1)76.3\81682.(9mmatmurMeL)6,\ cwoevberianngddolrastuerma,l vesnutrrfaucme,sanodforaarlmss.urfLacaergoef USNM 884250(mature o\ 53.8mmML). unbranched primary papillae present in ocular Other material examined: Antarctica, offMacRobertson region, with one very large supraocular papilla, Land, FramBank:67°29'S,68°50'E, 145-150m,RSVAuro- and on dorsal mantle with four papillae in dia- raAustralis, Stn AA91-100, ANARE, C. C. Lu and T. N. mondpattern.Ventrolateral integumentary ridge Stranks,28Feb 1991,NMVF65618 (immature 6\ 18.4mm absent. In life, colour of resting animals uni- ML); 67°ITS, 69°15'E, 307-319m, MS Nella Dan, Stn formly yellow-brown to gold dorsally, white to Prydz-87-23, ANARE, T. G. Cochran, 21 Feb 1987, NMV cream-whiteventrally. When stimulated, animals F65619 (submature 9, 33.4mm ML; mature 6", 61.0mm become darker in colour, uniformly golden- MStLn);AA6971°-159'5S,,A70N°A0R6'EE,, C1.72C-.1L82uma,ndRTS.VNA.uSrtorranakAsu,s2tr6alFiesb, brown dorsally, and yellow-brown ventrally. 1991, NMV F65621 (submature 9, 17.7mm ML);67°25'S, White spots consist ofone spot on lateral head, 70°20'E, 161-165 m, RSVAuroraAustralis, Stn AA91-94. just ventral to each eye; and streak on the lateral ANARE, C. C. Lu and T. N. Stranks, 26 Feb 1991, NMV mantle, posterior to each eye. White transverse F65620(immature 6\25.2mmML). bar present between eyes. Dorsal mantle and Diagnosis. Medium sized animals (ML to frontal white spots absent. Lateral head white i7c0almm(;MTWLIt8o02.87-09m/m.2)-9(f9i.g6s)3;,4hae)a;dmamnotdleersaptheelry- osfptoetns faanddedheaanddbianrccoonnssppiicucouuosusininprleisveeravneidmaalnsi,- mals. Ocelli absent. wide, narrower than mantle (HWI 52.7-6J.4-75.0),demarked from mantleby mod- Males matureatapproximately 50-55mm ML. erate constriction; eyes large, project above sur- No mature females were encountered. face ofhead. Funnel large, stout, bluntly tapered (FuLI 35.2-J9.5-43.5); funnel organVV-shaped, Distribution. Known only from Fram Bank, off limbs thick, outerlimbsthree-quarters as long as MacRobertsonLand, EastAntarctica(67°1 l'S to median limbs (fig. 9k). Mantle aperture wide 67°29'S, 68°50'Eto70°20'E). An inshorespecies (PAI 76.2-90.0-106.3). Arms long (MAI collected atdepthsranging from 145-319m, with ML temperatures from -2.2 to 29.0-.J4.2-38.3) (2.7-3.4 times in mature animals), stout, taperingtofinetips. Arm lengths -2.1°C, on mud bottom with pebbles and rocks, subequal, arm orderusually (ALI, arm 1 and among sponges and ascidians. 195.9-267.5-312.9; arm 2: 218.0-265.7- Etymology. Named afterthe type locality, Fram 321.0; arm 3: 227.5-26S.4-310.0; arm 4: Bank. 258.9-2S5.4-345.1). Arm suckers uniserial, raised from arm surface, small (ASI Remarks. This newspeciescan bedistinguished 4.7-6.5-9.9), withoutsuckerenlargement. Third from all other valid congeners of Pareledone right arm of males hectocotylised, shorter than (listed in Table 1) by, among other characters, its oppositenumber(OAI 74.2-50.5-91.4; HcAI coarsepapulationovertheentire surface, and the 178.4-270.2-241.8) (fig. 4b); ligula medium colour pattern of gold with white spots and size, 5-8% of third right arm length in mature streaks. Additionally, this species can be distin- animals (LLI 5.9-6.4-7.5); ligula groove long, guished from P. adelieana (Berry, 1917) by the well marked and shallow, without transverse narrower head width, the longer relative arm ridges; calamus long, pointed (CaLI length, a higher sucker count on the hecto- 35.6-47.9-56.5) (figs 9i,j); hectocotylised arm cotylised arm (HASC) and opposite arm with 44-51 suckers; opposite arm with 61-80 (OASC),theshorterligulalength index, theligu- suckers. Web shallow (WDI 12.2-/74-22.6), la groove without transverse ridges, and a VV- webformulausually DCBAE. Radulawith A3_5 ratherthan W-shaped funnel organ. P.framensis sedation of the rhachidian (fig. 4f). Ink sac also differs from P. charcoti (Joubin, 1905) by HASC present. Gill lamellae 7-8. Size of mature the longer relative arm length, a higher eggs unknown. Male with long penis and OASC, and the lack of a ventrolateral 228 C.C. LU ANDT.N. STRANKS Figure3. Pareiedoneframensissp.nov.: a,dorsal,andb, lateral,viewofLiSNM 8842^0 Datatype S 53 8mm ML. SYNOPSIS OFPARELEDONEAND MEGALELEDONESPECIES 229 NMV mmML =lFio2gwue0rrmemb4e).a;kPba(,rscehalelceetdobocanoret=fylr2iasmmeemdn)sa,irsamnspod.ffn,NorvMa.d:Vual,aFd6(o5src6sa1al9le,vbia6r1ew=.0o0fm.hm5omlMmo)tLy,p(eos,fcpalaerabtayrpFe=6,5A6160M5m,mC)6I;7,3c5,88.u19p8,pe6r,b6e7ak.,(6sdmcamalneMdbLae.r, 1 1 :, 230 C.C. LU ANDT.N. STRANKS integumentary ridge. It also differs from P. har- 696-732m,MSNellaDan,Stn Prydz-87-30,ANARE,T.G. Hssoni (Berry, 1917) by having a narrower head Cochran, 24 Feb 1987, NMV F65683 (mature 6, 57.3mm width (see fig. 9; Tables 2, 3). ML);67"25'S,74°34'E,460m, ANARE,26Jan 1986, NMV F6568I (mature 6, 84.9mm ML); 67*00'S, 75o0l'E, P. framensis can be distinguished easily from 385388m, RSVAuroraAustralis, Stn AA9I-86, ANARE, octhhaerracetleerdsoniinncelusdpiencgi:esa bbyroaadcloymboivoniedd msuaintteleo;f Cm.atCu.reLu9,an2d0.T6.aNn.dS3tr1.a8nkms,m2M2LF;ebim1m9a9t1u,rNeM6V,2F36.788m9m0M(sLu)b;- skin with acharacteristic pattern ofcoarse papil- 68"26'S, 75°24'E, 616-622m, RSV Aurora Australis, Stn la!ion on thedorsal, ventral and oral surfaces, but ANAM9V1-7F86,5A6N8A6RE(s,uCb.maCl.uLruean9d,T.35N..0SlmrmankMs,L)1;9F6e7b°109r9S1, no ventrolateral ridge; large and prominent eyes; 76°25,E, 327-332m, RSV AuroraAustralis, Stn AA9I-85, long, subequal arms (2.7-3.4 times Ml. in mature ANARE, C. C. Lu and T. N. Stranks, 22 Feb 1991, NMV animals); small suckers; ashallow web(12-23% F67889 (submalure 9, 24.8mm ML); 67°2i'S, 77"20'E, ofarm length); a medium sized ligula (5-8% of 337-343m,MSNellaDan,Sin Prydz-87-40, ANARE,T.G. third right arm length in mature animals), and Cochran, 27 Feb 1987, NMV F65685 (mature 9, 99.5mm 7-8 gill lamellae. ML); 67"! l'S, 78"I6'E, l88-208m, MS Nella Dan, Stn Prydz-87-31, ANARE, T. G. Cochran, 25 Feb 1987, NMV Pareledone harrissoni (Berry) I'65684 (submalure 9,76.3mm ML). Figures 5, 9m-p Diagnosis. Medium sized animals (ML to 100mm; TL to 350mm) (fig. 5); mantle spheri- Mosehitesharrissoni Berry, 1917: 24, text tigs21-25, pi. cal toovoid (MW1 73.6-M.2-I00.3); head mod- 13fig. 13, pi. 14 figs 14-16. P|a>\rMeolseedliointeesHaanrtraisisrotniie,us—ThiReoleb,so1n9,20:1943324:,2p7i.7.52—fig?sDe1l,i2,. 5er1a.t9el-y72w.i9d-e9,1s.l0i),ghdtelymanrakrreodwferrotmhamnanmtalnetlbey(mHoWdI- 1959:92,lexl figs 1-3, crate constriction; eyes large, project above sur- - \?\l'areledoneantarcliea. —Robson, 1932: 279. face of head. Funnel large, stout, bluntly tape- Pareledone harrisom [sic], Voss, 1988: 300 (designa- red (FuLI 26.2-J5.S-44.5); funnel organ tion ofnomendublum]. VV-shaped, limbs thick, outer limbs as long as Materialexamined. I(olotype:Antarctica,offShackletonIce median limbs (fig. 9o). Mantle aperture wide Shelf(65°06'S,96"13'E>, 325I'm [595m],SYAurora,Stn 10, (PAI 72.6-99.5-114.6). Arms long (MAI Australasian AntarcticExpedition,29Jan 1914,AMC40892 29.9-44.H-56.0) (1.8-3.6 times ML in mature (suhinntiire 9, 53.8mm ML). animals), stout, tapering to finetips. Arm lengths I'aralypcs: Antarctica, 'Western Base' [66"20'S,95"()0'E], subequal, arm order usually 4.3.2. (ALI, arm 8A2I1c171Me.50S7AIh2Cu'ems44lt[l0r(48aV(9l96,4a36ms5"]i4(4,a4sn'muAShuAm.msnn9ttMl7rai"Lari2lc,r8ate'siniEcoa)9tn,E,xs3Ape6n5ee2t8dna)i2Ir.t'cmimtoim[nc6,5EM34xL1mp)e]J;d,ainStoifY1of9nAS1,u4hrJ,aoacnrUkalS1,e9NtS1ot3Mnn, r311a276i108s...e825d;--222a0f/5rr..mo46m--332:2899a..1rI77)m;5..9Aas-rur2rm/mf6a.csS2eu:-,c3k3e411sr6.ms59a;.lu7ln-ia2sr/em(r3iA.aS1l4II-,: Other material examined: Antarctica, offMacRoberlson 5.1-7.5-10.3), without sucker enlargement. Land: 66"59'S,62°49'E, 1 17m, ANARE,6 Feb 1986, NMV Third right arm ofmales hectocotylised, shorter F65678 (submalure 9, 74.5mm ML); 67"I8'S, 65"34'E, than its opposite number (OAI 77.6-S5.6-89.0; 1 10m, ANARE, 3 Dec 1982. NMV E65679 (submalure 9, HcAl 181.2-2//.2-259.5); ligula small, 4-1 1% 23.2 and 59.7mm ML); 67"29'S, 68"50'E, 145-I50ni. RSV ofthird right arm length in mature animals (LLI AMNu.Lr)So;trraa6n7Ak"usIs,5t'r2Sa8.liF6ae,8b"S5i169n9E1A,,A91N13M-9JVm0,0F,R6S5AV6N8AA0Ru(Ermo,artacu.rAeuCs,Jt,rLa9uli1as..n6dSmiTmn. 4a.n7d-6s.h5a-l1l0o.w,1)w;itlihgouultatgrraonosvveersleonrgi,dgweesl;lcmaalrakmeuds AA91-99, ANARE,C.C. LuandT.N.Stranks,28Eeb 1991, long, pointed (CaLI 3 .4-43.3-56.4) (figs 9m, USONffMA8m84e2r5y1 I(cmeatSuhreell'<,i,P7r0.y7dzmmHaMy;L)68"00S. 7I"I8'E, sni)t;eheacrtmocowtiytlhis3e7d-a7r9mswuictkher3s6.-5W0esbucmkeordse;raotpeploy- SIS 523m,MSNellaDan,Stn l'ryd/,-87-20,ANARE,T.G. deep (WDI 21.5-24.5-32.1), web formula usu- Cochran, 20 Eeb 1987, NMV F65682 (submalure 9, 37.1 ally B=C=DAE. Ink sac present. Gill lamellae and45.2mmML):66'48'S,72°33'E1 526 532in, RSVAuro- 8-9. Mature ovarian eggs, from female with SrtarAaunsktsr,al2i4s,FeSbin19A9A91l.-N8M9(V2)E,65A6N1A5R(Es,ubmC.alCu.reLuVa.6nd1.T1.mNm. ewnildaer)ged o(vEargyL,IlargeI2(.162--/1J4.m5-m14.l3on;g, 6-E7gmWmI RMLS,VAiumrmoartuarAeustSr,al3is3..S5imnmAMAL9):1-8696."4A6N'AS,RE72."3C7,'EC,. L5u30amn.d 6.3-6.7-7.0). Male with long penis (PLI l N. Stranks, 24 Feb 1991, NMV F65687 (immature d, 1 .9-35.7-44.5), with singlecoileddiverticulum 20.0mm ML). 68"30'S. 73"I4,E. 743m. RSV Aurora Aus- dig. 9p); spermatophores long (SpLI tralis.SinAA9I-80,ANARE,C.C.LuandT.N.Stranks,20 70.1-7/8./-141.4), slender(SpWI 3.8-/.7-6.2), Feb I99J, NMV F67886 (submalure 9. 27.5 and 47.6mm with large, coiled sperm reservoir (SpRI ML; immature d". 27.9mm ML); 66"48'S, 73"3IE, 38.S-44.S-51.3).

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