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syngenta PDF

103 Pages·2009·4.23 MB·English
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I~) UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20460 OFFICE OF PREVENTION. PESTICIDES Ai'!D TOXIC SUBSTANCES Nov 2. 7 2009 Dr. John D. Abbot,. Ph.D. Product Registration Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc. P.O. Box 18300 Greensboro, NC 27419 SUBJECT: Application for Pesticide Notification (PRN 98-10) Request Primary Brand Name "Abound Flowable Fungicide" and Alternate Brand Name Diploma" and "Quadris Flowable Fungicide" EPA Reg. No. 100-1098 Application Dated November 15,2009 Dear Dr. Abbott: The Agency is in receipt of your Application for Pesticide Notification under Pesticide Registration Notice (PRN) 98-10 dated 10/15/09 for the above produ~t. The Registration Division (RD) has conducted a review of this request for its applicability under PRN 98-10 and finds that the action(s) requested fall within the scope ofPRN 98-10. The label submitted with the application has been stamped "Notification" received but not reviewed and will be placed in our records. If you have any questions, please call me directly at 703-305-6249 or Owen F.Beeder of my staff at 703-308-8899. Sincerely, ~ Linda Arrington Notifications & Minor Formulations Team Leader Registration Division (7505P) Office of Pesticide Programs .. '. ~ PIe ase read ins ructions on reverse b e" o re complIe't m~ "o rm. United States ~ Registra"on OPP Identifier Number & EPA Environmental Protectiori Agency Amendment Washington, DC 20460 X Other Application for Pesticide -Section I 1. Company/Product Number 2. EPA Product Manager 3. Proposed Classification 100-1098 Shaunta Hill, Ph.D.! Shaja Joyner D D 4. Company/Product (Name) PM# None Restricted Abound Flowable Fungicide 20 5. Name and Address of Applicant (Include ZIP Code) 6. Expedited Review. In accordance with FIFRA Section 3(c)(3) (b)(i), Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc. my product is similar or identical in composition and labeling to: P. O. Box 18300 Greensboro, NC 27419 EPA Reg. No. CJ Check if this is a new address Product Name - Section -II o o Amendment -Explain below. Final printed labels in response to o o Agency letter dated NOTII:I~ATlnM Resubmission in response to Agency letter dated "Me Too" Application. m o NOV 2 7 2009 Notification -Explain below. Other -Explain below. Explanation: Use additional page(s) if necessary. (For Section I and Section II.). Syngenta is providing notification to ensure the Agency accurate reflects the primary and alternate brand names for Reg. No. 100-1098, azoxystrobin. The primary brand name is Abound® Flowable Fungicide; the alternate brand names should be identified as Diploma™ and Quadris® Flowable Fungicide. Section - III 1. Material This Product Will Be Packaged In: Child-Resistant Packaging Unit Packaging Water Soluble Packaging 2. rT""'"" aves. aves aves Metal No No No Plastic Glass 'Certification must If "Ves" No. per If "Yes" No. per Paper be submitted Unit Packaging wgt. Container Unit Packaging wgt. container Other (Specify) B 3. Location of Net Contents Information 4. Size(s) Retail Container 5. Location of Label Directions D D On Label Label Container § On Labeling accompanying product D 6. Manner in Which Label is Affixed to Product Lltho,,,,h Other Paper glued Stenciled Section -IV "' J 'J ) 'J J, ) .J .) 1. Contact Point (Complete items directly below for identification of individual to be contacted, if necessary, to process this applic;<.till;'~9 Name Title· T~I~p.}'tRI)~ No. (Inalu<::e>Area Code) John D. Abbott, Ph.D., CPH NAFTA Team Lead, Fungicides 3~6-6'2,'- 7074 0 and Insecticides 'J " \) 0 Certification .)-:>:>:):JoJ 6. 1\-):.ar;-t-:e-J -A::;. p.f ]p lication " ) I certify that the statements I have made on this form and all attachments thereto are true, accurate and complete. 'J '• .) ReC;f'jved bI oatchk nuonwdelerd agpep tlhicaatb alen yla kwn. owingly false or misleading statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment or -:) J:) ) 'J , .) J jSta',;nped) 2. Signature 3. Title e) '. .) NAFTA Team Lead, Fungicides and J ) ~l.j L.: 'J J ) :> ~®.~ J Insecticides J ,,; J j .) 0:> 4. Typed Name 5. Date ) ,t~, .}.) J John D. Abbott, Ph.D., CPH 10/15/2009 . . EPA Form 8570-1 (Rev. 8-94) PrevIous editions are obsolete . EPA-FRM [G -CA-DOC -REGAFFRS] 6/5/97 -bb _ 0(ft\O~ :. John D. Abbott, Ph.D., CPR Sy ;"ta Crop Protection, Inc. Regulatory Team Leader P.Oi Box 18300 (336) 632-7074 (phone) Greensboro, NC 27419-8300 (336) 632-5688 (fax) www.syngenta.com syngenta (336) 253-9666 (mobile) [email protected] VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS October 15, 2009 Dr. Shaunta Hill Document Processing Desk Office of Pesticide Programs Registration Division Fungicide Branch U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Room S-4900, One Potomac Yard 2777 South Crystal Drive Arlington, VA 22202-4501 Subject: Notification - Clarification of Primary and Alternate Brand Names for Azoxystrobin containing products; EPA Reg. No. 100-1098 Dear Dr. Hill, As we recently discussed, Syngenta is providing the following notification to insure that the Agency's records accurately reflect the primary and alternate brand names listed under EPA Reg. No. 100-1098. As noted in the 2008 EPA Maintenance Fee Report, the correct primary brand name listed for EPA Reg No. 100-1098 is Abound® Flowable Fungicide. The alternate brand names should be correctly identified as Diploma™ and Quadris® Flowable Fungicide. To complete the notification, enclosed is EPA Form 8570-1. Please contact me at 336.632.7074 (office) or 336.253.9666 (mobile) ifthere are any questions concerning this submission. ,,):.1 () J.)::J U J ,) o ,) ;) 0 J ~ :; 'J :):).:J ~ J ) John D. Abbott, Ph.D., CPH J Team Leader J .) Fungicides and Insecticides ) ) J U.J J J .) J ) J NAFTA Regulatory Affairs J.J J.) :> .) :> ) cc: Shaja Joyner, EPA PM #20 ) J ) ) J J () :'., NOTIFICATION NOV 272009 PULL HERE TO OPEN ~ I III I GROUP FUI\!GICIDE FlI.ngicide of For Control Certain Post Harvest Diseases in Banana and Citrus • '. ~ : .'. : .f Active Ingredient: Azo~ystrobin, methyl (E)c2-{2-[6-(2-cyanophenoxy) . pyrimi~in;4;yI6xYlphenyl}-3cinethbxyacrylate* . .-... ~ .............. " ........... 22.9% Other:ingredients:' 77.1 % Total: 100.0% ContiJins 2.08 Ibs. of active ingredient per gal/on *IUPAC' KEE,," OUT OF REACH O'F CHILDREN~ CAUT/ON' .' siuste{i:;9 ~(1ti~nde la etiqueta, busque aalguien para quese la exp/ique a usted en detalle. (If YOLI do not understand the label, find someone to explain it to you in detail.) Se.~ 'ad~itional precautionary statements, anij directions for use inside booklet Reformulation is prohibited. See individual container labels for repackaging limitations. . ProcJ.~i:t of the I.!nited Kingdom Formulated in the USA EPA R~g. No, lOO~'09l;J ® EPA,Est.l00-NE-l0MA EPA Est. 5905-GA-001HCC of (~up~(s~r:ipt ;'S first ihree I~tte!s batch cbd~ . on 'container)' " .. '. SCP 10~8t~L 1A 0809 2.5' gallons Net Contents FIRST AID If on skin or • Take off contaminated Clothing .. clothing. • Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes. • Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice. Have the product container or laberwith you when calling a poison control center or doctor or going for treatm~nt. HOTLINE NUMBER For 24 Hour Medical Emergency A!i"sistance(Human or Animal) or . Chemical Emergency Assistance (Spill, Leak, Fire or Accident) .~--. . ... ~ ....' .~ Call" .. 1-800-888-8372 PRECAUTIONARY ST AT EM ENTS . i Hazards to !iumans and Domestic Animals ,CAUTION ,HARMFUL IF ABSORBED THROUGH SKIN. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, or Clothing. Wear Ibng-sleeved ;shirt and long pants, socks and shoes and chemical resistant.gloves made of any waterproof material 'such as polyvinyl chloride,' nitrile rubber' or butyl rubber. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after' handling. . Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) : Some materials that are ;chemically resistant to this product are listed ~elow. If you want more options' ,follow the instructions for Category A on an EPA chemical resistance category selection c.~art. Applicators and ot'her handlers must wear: .,., . . ' ,. Long-sleeved shirt and long pants .• Chemical resistant gloves made of any waterproof mat,erial such as polyvinyl chloride, nitrile ~ubber: or butyl·rubber. ':':. . . . :. Shoes plus socks. , User Safety Requirements Follow manufacturer's instructions for cleaning/maintaIning PPE. If no. such instructions are available for washables,'use detergent and hot water. Keep and wash PPE separately from' other laundry . . When handlers use.dosed systems, enclosed cabs, or aircraft'in a manner that meets the requirements ,listed in the Worker Protection Standard (WPS) for.agricultural pesticides (40 CFR 170.240 (d)(4-6), the' handler PPE requirements may be.reduced or modified as specified in the WPS. IMPORTANT: Wh~r\ reduced PPE is worn because ~ d~sed syste';' is being used, handlers must be provided all PPE speCified above for" applicators and other handlers" and have such PPE iJTlmediately' available for use in an emergency, SUGh as a spill or equipment breakdown. continued ... ) PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS (continued) Elivironmen'talHazards ,The,aci:.ive ingre~:Ii~nt, .azoxystrQbin;:in :t~is !prod~ctcanl;>!:!,d:).er~istent.for severalmonth.sor.lo~ger. ~~~istro.bin has d~gra,~i:ltion_, p.rod,l!~,"Y.bKh N,!e. . pt?p~nie~ ,simili:lf :t~.c;h~micals.\Nhicha~e known' to Ie:a:i:h through sqil togrouridwaterU'~det~~ei't1iiii c6haitj'Gn's<'~s~a~esultof agr'icl:llt~ral,use: Use of this:,ch.emical i,n areaslivtie~~s~i1s '~rep~tM~ab,eiP,aftIcl!lar.IY~hefethe water tabl~is sl:lallow; may' r~sultln ground watercontamlnatlqn.··.'\\'>.'>', '," .i.;;;;,\~·, ',: . ,'. ',' ,','; ,_ T~is' pesticiae 'is" to.~i~t.P,~I~~h\i~~~r~Hp.,:~~,~l~.~~tm.~ ~,i~7;~~B).~t1~ :~,q~~~[c.J_ri>'~rteb,r~.i~s.,p:o~~t ~pp'ly directly to wat~r e.l.<ceptaS'SpeclfledC!n ~~:~)s:lapel. 'Forterr.~S!r,l<!l:us.e.s,'c:lo not~pply dlrectly.towate~, or .t o _a~~~s",,~ere.s.u.rfCj~~;;\Ni:lt~r js'.pr~~~ri.t;:~~,:t&fj nt~!]~~!:~jtaft1!~!.9~ t.~e·m:e.i:l.rrtl ig~',~at~~:m.ilrk:, Drift ·and,r.yn.off·":lay l:je:hilz.a~d'o,ys,~~,-a9Y,ilJ:I,~r !~J)ls.In.'}}~!~!WQ["II;lg:~reas: p.c:>no~ ;c~ntamlnat~· water .wheJ~ .. dl~posl~g C!fequ,!I?m.e,nt:w<!~~YV,~ter~"J:. ,~!te. / ~-r::. ,'.e :" };." " NotifyStatean'd/or Federala.:rthoriti " 'li;'Syngenta';immediately ifyou6bserve.any .adverse .erWironmerital;effeCts· due to u'se ortiWs~~()'t:l1l~?:c ..•. ,J~':;:,,~~:; ',' ,I' ,,' , CONDITIONS OF SALE AND LIMITATION OF WARRANTY AND LIABILITY The Directions for Use of this product must be followed carefully. It is impossible to eliminate all risks inherently associatea with the use of this product. Crop injury, ineffectiveness or other unintended consequences may result because of such factors as manner of use or application, weather or crop conditions, presence of other materials or other influencing factors in the use of the product, which are beyond the control of SYNGENTA CROP PROTECTION, INC. or Seller. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Buyer and User agree to hold SYNGENTA and Seller harmless for any claims relating to such factors. SYNGENTA warrants that this product conforms to the chemical description on the label and is rea sonably fit for the purposes stated in the Directions for Use, subject to the inherent risks referred to above, when used in accordance with directions under normal use conditions. To the extent permitted by applicable law: (1) this warranty does not extend to the use of this product contrary to label instruc tions or under conditions not reasonably foreseeable to or beyond the control of Seller or SYNGENTA, and (2) Buyer and User assume the risk of any such use. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, SYNGENTA MAKES NO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE NOR ANY OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY EXCEPT AS WARRANTED BY THIS LABEL. To the extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall Syngenta be liable for any incidental, consequential or special damages resulting from the use or handling of this product. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY OF THE USER OR BUYER, AND THE EXCLUSIVE LIABILITY OF SYNGENTA AND SELLER FOR ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, LOSSES, INJURIES OR DAMAGES (INCLUDING CLAIMS BASED ON BREACH OF WARRANTY, CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE) RESULTING FROM THE USE OR HANDLING OF THIS PRODUCT, SHALL BE THE RETURN OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT OR, AT THE ELECTION OF SYNGENTA OR SELLER, THE REPLACEMENT OF THE PRODUCT. SYNGENTA and Seller offer this product, and Buyer and User accept it. subject to the foregoing . Conditions of Sale and Limitation of Warranty and Liability, which may not be modified except by written agreement signed by a duly authorized representative of SYNGENTA. DIRECTIONS FOR USE It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE USE DIRECTIONS AND PRECAUTIONS ON THIS LABEL MAY RESULT IN PLANT INJURY OR POOR DISEASE CONTROL. Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation. AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS Use this product only in aq:qrdance with its labeling and with the Worker· Protection Standard, 40 CFR part 170. This Standard contains requirements for the protection of agricultural workers on farms, forests, nurseries, and greenhouses, and handlers of agricultural pesticides. It contains requirements. for training, decontamination, notification, and emergency assistance: It also con tains specific in5tructiol)s and exceptions pertaining to the'Statements on this label about personcil protective equipment (PPE), notification to workers, and restricted-entry interval. The require ments in this box only apply to uses of this product that are covered by the Worker Protection Standard. . . Do not enter or allow worker entry into treated areas during the restricted entry interval (REI) . of 4 hours. . . PPE required for early entry to treated areas that is permitted under the Worker Protection Standard and that involves contact with anything that has been treated, such as plants, soil or water is: . • Coveralls . • Chemical resistant gloves made of any waterproof material such as ·polyvinyl chloride, nitrile' rubber or butyl rubber • Shoes plus socks ) GENERAL USE PRECAUTIONS Do not plant the following crops for a period of 12 months (unless an azoxystrobin product is registered for use on that crop): sorghum, barley, buckwheat, millet, oats, rye, wild rice, non-grass animal feeds (alfalfa, clover), triticale and wheat. A plantback interval (PBI) of 36 days is required for Leafy Vegetables (except brassica) group; Brassica, Leafy Greens subgroup; Vegetables, Root sub group; Vegetable (Tuberous and Corm) subgroup; and Vegetables, Leaves of Root and Tuber group. Azoxystrobin is registered for use on all other rotated crops and all other crops may be planted immec dia~ely after the last treatment. Do not use for disease control in food crops grown in greenhouses. Use for disease control in green houses for non-agricultural uses on grass, turf or ornamental plants (listed on this label) are permitted. GENERAL INFORMATION Diploma is a broad spectrum, preventative fungicide with systemic and curative properties recom mended for the control of many important plant diseases. Diploma may be applied as a foliar spray in alternating spray programs or in tank mixes with other registered crop protection products. All applications must be made according to the use directions that follow. Restrictions Do not use for disease control in food crops or tobacco grown in greenhouses. GENERAL USE INSTRUCTIONS . Application: Thorough coverage is necessary to provide good disease control. Make no more spray solution than is needed for application. Avoid spray overlap, as crop injury may occur. Adjuvants: When an adjuvant is to be used with this product, the use of an adjuvant that meets the standards of the Chemical Producers and Distributors Association (CPDA) adjuvant certification is recommended. Efficacy: Under certain conditions conducive to extended infection periods, use another registered fungicide for additional applications if maximum amount of Diploma has been used. If resistant isolates to Group 11 fungicides are present, efficacy can be reduced for certain diseases. The higher rates in the rate range and/or shorter spray intervals may be required under conditions of heavy infecti9n pressure, with highly susceptible varieties, or when environmental conditions are conducive to disease. INTEGRATED PEST (DISEASE) MANAGEMENT Diploma should be integrated into an overall disease and pest management strategy whenever the use of a fungicide is required. Cultural practices known to reduce disease development should be followed. This should include selection of varieties with disease tolerance, removal of plant debris in which inoculum overwinters, and proper timing and placement of irrigation. Consult your local agricultural authorities for additional IPM strategies established for your area. Diploma may be used in State Agricultural Extension advisory (disease forecasting) programs which recommend application timing based on environmental factors favorable for disease development. 010f lo3· Crop Tolerance: Plant tolerance has been found to be acceptable for all crops on the label, however, not all possible tank-mix combinations have been tested under all conditions. When possible, it is recommended to test the co.mbinations on a small portion of the crop to ensure that a phytotoxic response will not occur as a result of application. See precautions regarding apple phytotoxicity. Spray Drift Management: To avoid spray drift, do not apply when conditions favor drift beyond the target area. The interaction of many equipment and weather related factors determine the potential for spray drift. AVOIDING SPRAY DRIFT AT THE APPLICATION SITE IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE APPLICATOR AND THE GROWER. More information on managing spray drift can be found on the SYNGENTA CROP PROTECTION website under Stewardship (http://www.syngentacropprotection-us. com/enviro/driftmanagementlindex.asp?nav=drift_management. RESISTANCE MANAGEMENT I III I GROUP FUNGICIDE Diploma (azoxystrobin) is a Group 11 fungicide. The mode of action for Diploma is the inhibition of the Qo (quinone outside) site within the electron transport system [Group 11]. Fungal pathogens can develop resistance to products with the same mode of action when used repeatedly. Because resistance development cannot be predicted, use of this product should conform to resistance management strategies established for the crop and use area. Consult your local or State agricul tural authorities for resistance management strategies that are complementary to those in this label. Resistance management strategies may include alternating and/or tank-mixing with products having different modes of action or limiting the total number of applications per season. Syngenta encour ages responsible resistance management to ensure effective long-term control of the fungal diseases on this label. Follow the crop specific resistance management recommendations in the directions for use. If no resistance recommendation on number of applications is specified in the directions for use, follow the recommendations in the table below. ' If planned 'total number of fungicide 1 2 3 4 5 ,6 ,7 8 9 10 11 1_2 applications per crop is: Recommended Solo Qol fungicide sprays 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 ,3 3 4 Recommended Qol fungicide sprays in 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 mixture (tank-mix or formulated) In situations requiring multiple sprays, develop season long spray programs for Group 11 (Qol) fungicides. In crops where two sequential Group 11 fungicide applications are made, they should be alternated with two or more applications of a fungicide that is not in Group 11. If more than 12 applications are made, observe the following guidelines: • When using a Qol fungicide as a solo product, the number of applications must be no more than '/3 (33%) of the total number of fungicide applications per season. • For Qol mixes in programs in which tank mixes or premixes of Qol with mixing partners of a dif ferent mode of action are utilized, the number of Qol containing applications must be no more than '12 (50%) of the total number of fungicide applications per season . • In programs in which applications of Qol are made with both solo products and mixtures, the number of Qol containing applications must be no more than '12 (50%) of the total number of fungicide applications per season. at )0 to~ ) . If a Group 11 fungicide is applied to the seed or soil, do not make another application with a Group 11 fungicide for at least 3 weeks. SPRAY DRIFT MANAGEMENT ATTENTION DO NOT spray when conditions favor drift beyond area intended for application. Conditions which may contribute to drift include thermal inversion, wind speed and direction, sprayer nozzle/pressure combinations, spray droplet size, etc. Contact your State extension agent for spray drift prevention guidelines in your area. AVOIDING SPRAY DRIFT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE APPLICATOR. Diploma has demonstrated some phytotoxic effects when mixed with products that are formulated as EC's. These effects are enhanced if applications are made under cool, cloudy conditions and these conditions remain for several days following application. In addition, adjuvants that contain some form of silicone have also contributed to phytotoxicity. Do not apply when weather conditions favor drift from treated areas to non-target aquatic habitat. MIXING AND APPLICATION METHODS Spray Equipment Diploma may be applied with all types of spray equipment commonly used for making ground and aerial applications. Proper adjustments and calibration of spraying equipment to give good canopy penetration and coverage is essential for good disease control. Nozzles • Equip sprayers with nozzles that provide accurate and uniform application. • Nozzles should be the same size and uniformly spaced across the boom. • Calibrate sprayer before use. • It is suggested that screens be used to protect the pump and to prevent nozzles from clogging. • Screens placed on the suction side of the pump should be 16-mesh or coarser. • Do not place a screen in the recirculation Ii·ne. • Use 50-mesh or coarser screens between the pump and boom, and where required, at the nozzles. • Check nozzle manufacturer's recommendations. Pump • Use a pump with capacity to: (1) Maintain 35-40 psi at nozzles (2) Provide sufficient agitation in tank to keep mixture in suspension -this requires recirculation of 10% of tank volume per minute. • Use a jet agitator or liquid sparge tube for agitation. • Do not air sparge.

on farms, forests, nurseries, and greenhouses, and handlers of agricultural pesticides Diploma may be applied with all types of spray equipment commonly used If these wastes cannot be disposed of by use according to label.
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