AdvancedStudiesinPureMathematics 52, 2008 Groupsof Diffeomorphisms pp.135–220 Symplectic Heegaard splittings and linked abelian groups Joan S. Birman, Dennis Johnson and Andrew Putman Contents 1. Introduction 135 2. Symplectic matrices : a partial normalization 147 3. Presentation theory for finitely generated abelian groups 155 4. Symplectic spaces, Heegaard pairs and symplectic Heegaard splittings 168 5. Heegaard pairs and their linked abelian groups 173 6. The classification problem for linked abelian groups 184 7. The classification problem for minimal (unstabilized) symplectic Heegaard splittings. 201 8. Postscript : Remarks on higher invariants 215 §1. Introduction 1.1. The Johnson-Morita filtration of the mapping class group Let M be a closed oriented 2-manifold of genus g and Γ˜ be its g g mappingclassgroup,thatis,the groupofisotopyclassesoforientation- preserving diffeomorphisms of M . Also, let π = π (M ), and denote g 1 g by π(k) the kth term in the lower central series of π, i.e. π(1) = π and π(k+1) =[π,π(k)]. ThenΓ˜ actsonthequotientgroupsπ/π(k),andthat g action yields a representation ρk : Γ˜ → Γk, where Γk < Aut (π/π(k)). g g g With these conventions, ρ1 is the trivial representation and ρ2 is the Received November 14, 2007. Revised March 11, 2008. Supportedin partbyNSFGrantDMS-040558 136 J. Birman,D. Johnson andA. Putman symplectic representation. The kernels of these representations make what has been called the ‘Johnson filtration’ of Γ˜ , because they were g studied by Johnson in [21, 20]. Subsequently they were developed by Moritainaseriesofpapers[30,31,32,33]. Inparticular,Moritastudied theextensionsofJohnson’shomomorphismstoΓ˜,andsowerefertoour representations as the Johnson-Morita filtration of Γ˜. Ourworkin this article is motivatedby the casewhen M is a Hee- g gaard surface in a 3-manifold W and elements of Γ˜ are ‘gluing maps’ g for the Heegaardsplitting. One may then study W by investigatingthe imageunderthemapsρk ofthesetofallpossiblegluingmapsthatyield W. Amongthemanypaperswhichrelatetothisapproachto3-manifold topology are those of Birman [2], Birman and Craggs [3], Brendle and Farb[5],Broaddus,FarbandPutman[6],Cochran,GergesandOrr[10], Garoufalidis and Levine [14], Johnson [17, 18, 19, 20], Montesinos and Safont [27], Morita [29], Pitsch [37], [38], and Reidemeister [40]. The papers justreferencedrelateto the casesk =1-4inthe infinite sequence of actions of Γ˜ on the quotient groups of the lower central series, but g the possibility is there to study deeper invariants of W, obtainable in principle from deeper quotients of the lower central series. The founda- tionsforsuchdeeperstudieshavebeenlaidintheworkofMorita[30,31], who introduced the idea of studying higher representations via crossed homomorphisms. It was proved by Day [11] that the crossed product structure discoveredby Morita in the cases k =3 and 4 can be general- ized to all k,enabling one inprinciple to separateout, ateachlevel,the new contributions. The invariants of 3-manifolds that can be obtained in this way are knowntobecloselyrelatedtofinitetypeinvariantsof3-manifolds[9,14], although as yet this approach to finite type invariants opens up many morequestionsthananswers. Forexample,itisknownthattheRochlin and Casson invariants of 3-manifolds appear in this setting at levels 3 and 4, respectively. It is also known that in general there are finitely many linearly independent finite-type invariants of 3-manifolds at each fixedorder(or,inoursetting,fixedlevel)k,yetatthismomentnomore than one topological invariant has been encountered at any level. The simplest non-trivial example of the program mentioned above is the case k =2. Here Γ˜ acts on H (M )=π/[π,π]. The information g 1 g aboutW thatisencodedinρ2(φ),whereφ∈Diff+(M )istheHeegaard g gluing map for a Heegaard splitting of W of minimum genus, together with the images under ρ2 of the Heegaard gluing maps of all ‘stabiliza- tions’ of the givensplitting, is what we have in mind when we refer to a ‘symplectic Heegaard splitting’. Symplectic Heegaard splittings and linked abelian groups 137 The purpose of this article is to review the literature on symplectic Heegaard splittings of 3-manifolds and the closely related literature on linked abelian groups, with the goal of describing what we know, as completely and explicitly and efficiently as possible, in a form in which we hope will be useful for future work. At the same time, we will add a fewnewthingsthatwelearnedintheprocess. Thatisthebroadoutline of what the reader can expect to find in the pages that follow. This article dates back to 1989. At that time, the first two authors had discussed the first author’s invariant of Heegaard splittings, in [2], and had succeeded in proving three new facts : first, that the invariant in [2] could be improved in a small way; second, that the improved invariant was essentially the only invariant of Heegaard splittings that couldbe obtainedfroma symplectic Heegaardsplitting; andthird, that theindexofstabilizationofasymplecticHeegaardsplittingisone. That workwassetaside,inpartiallycompletedform,togatherdustinafiling cabinet. An early version of this paper had, however, been shared with theauthorsof[27](andwasreferencedandacknowledgedin[27]). Alas, it took us 18 years to prepare our work for publication! Our work was resurrected,tentatively,atroughlythetimeoftheconferenceonGroups ofDiffeomorphismsthatwasheldinTokyoSeptember11-15,2006. Asit turnedout,thesubjectstillseemedtoberelevant,andsinceaconference proceedings was planned, we decided to update it and complete it, in the hope that it might still be useful to current workers in the area. When that decision was under discussion, the manuscript was shared withthe thirdauthor,who contributedmany excellentsuggestions,and also answered a question posed by the first author (see §8). Soon after that, he became a coauthor. 1.2. Heegaard splittings of 3-manifolds Let W be a closed, orientable 3-dimensional manifold. A Heegaard surface in W is a closed, orientable surface M of genus g (cid:2)0 embedded in W which divides W into homeomorphic handlebodies N ∪N¯, where N ∩N¯ =∂N =∂N¯ =M. For example, if W is the 3-sphere (cid:2) (cid:3) S3 = (x ,x ,x ,x )∈R4 | x2+x2+x2+x2 =1 , 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 then the torus (cid:4) (cid:5) 1 M = (x ,x ,x ,x )∈S3 | x2+x2 =x2+x2 = 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 2 is a Heegaard surface. 138 J. Birman,D. Johnson andA. Putman Proposition 1.1. Every closed orientable 3-manifold W admits Heegaard splittings. See [41], for example, for a proof. One will also find there related notions of Heegaard splittings of non-orientable 3-manifolds, of open 3-manifolds such as knot complements, and of 3-manifolds with bound- ary, and also an excellent introduction to the topic and its many open problems from the viewpoint of geometric topology. SinceanyHeegaardsplittingclearlygivesrisetoothersunderhome- omorphisms of W, an equivalence relation is in order. Definition 1.2. Assume that W is an oriented 3-manifold, and write W = N ∪N¯ = N(cid:2) ∪N¯(cid:2). These two Heegaard splittings will be said to be equivalent if there is a homeomorphism F : W → W which restricts to homeomorphisms f : N → N(cid:2) and f¯: N¯ → N¯(cid:2). Observe thatourparticularwayofdefiningequivalentHeegaardsplittingsinvolve a choice of the initial handlebody N and a choice of an orientation on W. The genus of the splitting W =N ∪N¯ is the genus of N. || Thereare3-manifoldsandevenprime3-manifoldswhichadmitmore than one equivalence class of splittings (for example, see [12, 4]), there arealso3-manifoldswhichadmituniqueequivalenceclassesofsplittings ofminimalgenus(e.g. lensspacesandthe3-torusS1×S1×S1),andthere arealso3-manifoldswhichadmituniqueequivalenceclassesofHeegaard splittings of every genus. A very fundamental example was studied by Waldhausen in [46], who proved: Theorem 1.3 ([46]). Any two Heegaard splittings of the same, but arbitrary, genus of the 3-sphere S3 are equivalent. After that important result became known, other manifolds were investigated. At the present writing, it seems correct to say that ‘most’ 3-manifolds admit exactly one equivalence class of minimal genus Hee- gaardsplittings. Onthe otherhand, manyexamplesareknownofman- ifolds that admit more than one equivalence class of splittings. See, for example,[28],wherealltheminimalgenusHeegaardsplittingsofcertain Seifert fiber spaces are determined. If a three-manifold admits a Heegaard splitting of genus g, then it also admits of one genus g(cid:2) for every g(cid:2) > g. To see why this is the case, let N ∪ N¯ be a Heegaard splitting of W of genus g, and let g g T ∪T¯ be a Heegaard splitting of the 3-sphere S3 of genus 1. Remove 1 1 a 3-ball from W and a 3-ball from S3, choosing these 3-balls so that they meet the respective Heegaardsurfaces in discs. Using these 3-balls Symplectic Heegaard splittings and linked abelian groups 139 to form the connected sum W#S3, we obtain a new Heegaard splitting (N #T )∪(N¯ #T¯ ) of W ∼= W#S3 of genus g +1. This process is g 1 g 1 called stabilizing a Heegaard splitting. Note that Theorem 1.3 implies thattheequivalenceclassofthenewgenusg+1splittingisindependent ofthechoiceofT andofT¯ ,assubsetsofS3,sinceallsplittingsofS3 of 1 1 genus1,indeedofanygenus,areequivalent. Iteratingtheprocedure,we obtain splittings (N #T #···#T )∪(N¯ #T¯ #···#T¯ ) of W of each g 1 1 g 1 1 genus g+k,k >0. Heegaardsplittings of genus g and g(cid:2) of a 3-manifold W are said to be stably equivalent if they have equivalent stabilizations of some genus g+k=g(cid:2)+k(cid:2). In this regard,we havea classicalresult, provedin 1933 by Reidemeister [39] and (simultaneously and independently) by James Singer [44]: Theorem1.4([39],[44]). AnytwoHeegaardsplittingsofanyclosed, orientable 3-manifold W are stably equivalent. Remark 1.5. We distinguish two types of candidates for inequiva- lent minimum genus Heegaard splittings of a 3-manifold. The first (we call it ordinary) is always present: two splittings which differ in the choice of ordering of the two handlebodies, i.e. N ∪N¯ in one case and N¯ ∪ N in the other. Two ordinary Heegaard splittings may or may not be equivalent. The second are all examples which are not ordinary, e.g. the ‘horizontal’ and ‘vertical’ Heegaard splittings of certain Seifert fibered spaces [28]. In view of the fact that Theorem 1.4 was proved in 1933,itseemsremarkablethatthefollowingsituationexists,aswewrite in 2008: • The only examples of inequivalent minimal genus Heegaard splittings of genus g of the same 3-manifold which can be proved to require more than one stabilization before they be- come equivalent are ordinary examples; • The discovery of the first ordinary examples which can be provedtorequiremorethanonestabilizationwasmadein2008 [15]. • While non-ordinaryexamples have been knownfor some time, at this writing there is no known pair which do not not be- come equivalent after a single stabilization. For example, the inequivalent minimal genus Heegaardsplittings of Seifert fiber spaceswhichwerestudiedin[28]wereprovedin[42]tobecome equivalent after a single stabilization. Note that ordinary examples can be ruled out by a small change in the definition of equivalence, although we have chosen not to do so, 140 J. Birman,D. Johnson andA. Putman becausethesituationasregardsordinaryexamplesisstillfarfrombeing understood. || Keeping Remark 1.5 in mind, we have several classical problems about Heegaard splittings: • How many stabilizations are needed before two inequivalent Heegaardsplittingsofa3-manifoldbecomeequivalent,asthey mustbecauseofTheorem1.4? Isthereauniformbound,which is independent of the choice of W and of the Heegaardsurface ∂N =∂N¯ in W? • Can we use stabilized Heegaard splittings to find topological invariants of 3-manifolds? An example of a 3-manifold invariant which was discovered with the help of Heegaard splittings is Casson’s invariant [1]. A Heegaard splitting of a 3-manifold W is said to have minimal genus (or simply to be minimal) if there do not exist splittings of W which have smaller genus. Our secondproblem involvesHeegaardsplit- tings which are not stabilized. Since it can happen that a Heegaard splitting of a 3-manifold W is non-minimal in genus, but is not the sta- bilizationofaHeegaardsplittingofsmallergenus(acomplicationwhich we wish to avoid), we assume from now on that wherever we consider unstabilized Heegaard splittings, we assume the genus to be minimal over all Heegaard splittings of the particular manifold. This brings us to another problem: • Can we find invariants of unstable Heegaard splittings, and so reach a better understanding of the classification of Heegaard splittings? Surprisingly, such invariants are very hard to come by, and little is known. 1.3. Symplectic Heegaard splittings We begin by setting up notation that will be used throughout this paper. We will use a standard model for a symplectic space and for the symplectic group Sp(2g,Z). Let N be a handlebody. Then H (∂N ) g 1 g is a free abelian group of rank 2g. Thinking of it as a vector space, the free abelian group H (N ;Z) is a subspace. We choose as basis 1 g elementsfortheformertheorderedarrayofhomologyclassesoftheloops a ,...,a ,b ,...,b which are depicted in Figure 1. With our choices, 1 g 1 g the images of the a under the inclusion map ∂N →N are a basis for i g g Symplectic Heegaard splittings and linked abelian groups 141 Fig.1. Curves representingacanonical basis forH (∂N ) 1 g H (N ;Z). The algebraic intersection pairing (·,·) defines a symplectic 1 g form on H1(∂Ng;Z), making it into a symplectic sp(cid:6)ace. The m(cid:7)atrix of 0 I intersection numbers for our canonical basis is J = g g , where −I 0 g g 0 and I are the g×g zero and identity matrices. g g (cid:6) Defi(cid:7)nition 1.6. Sp(2g,Z) is the group of all 2g×2g matrices H= R P over Z which satisfy S Q (1) Hˆ J H=J where Hˆ denotes the transpose of H. Hence H ∈ Sp(2g,Z) if and only if its g×g blocks R,P,S,Q satisfy (2) RˆS,PˆQ,RPˆ and SQˆ are symmetric, and RˆQ−SˆP =RQˆ−PSˆ=I. Note that H∈Sp(2g,Z) if and only if Hˆ ∈Sp(2g,Z). (cid:7) Lemma 1.7. The group Γ (i.e. the image of the mapping class g group under ρ2) coincides with Sp(2g,Z). Proof. The fact that elements of Γ satisfy the constraints in (2) g comes from the fact that topological mappings preserve algebraic in- tersection numbers. The fact that every symplectic matrix is in the imageofρ2 canbeprovenbycombiningthe classicalfactthatSp(2g,Z) is generated by symplectic transvections with the fact that every such symplectictransvectionistheimageofaDehntwist. Thisfactwasused by Humphries, in his famous paper [16], to find a lower bound on the number ofDehn twists neededto generatethe mapping class group. He used the known fact that Γ cannot be generated by fewer than 2g+1 g transvections. Q.E.D. 142 J. Birman,D. Johnson andA. Putman Lemma1.8. LetΛ bethesubgroupof matrices inΓ which arein- g g duced by topological mappings of ∂N which extend to homeomorphisms g of N (the so-called handlebody subgroup). Then Λ coincides with the g g subgroup of all elements in Γ with a g×g block of zeros in the upper g right corner. Proof. By our choice of a basis for H (∂N ;Z), a topologically 1 g induced automorphism of H (∂N ;Z) extends to an automorphism of 1 g H (N ;Z) only if it preserves the kernel of the inclusion-induced ho- 1 g momorphism H (∂N ) → H (N ), i.e. the subgroup generated by 1 g 1 g b ,...,b . Sufficiency is proved by finding generators for the group Λ , 1 g g given in [34], and showing that each comes from a topological mapping on ∂N which extends to a homeomorphism of N . Explicit lifts are g g given in [2]. Q.E.D. In§1.2,wesawthateveryclosedorientable3-manifoldadmitsHee- gaard splittings. Let us now choose coordinates to make this more ex- plicit. Let N = N be a standard model for an oriented handlebody of g genusg,andletN¯ =φ(N)beacopyofN,whereφisafixedorientation- reversing homeomorphism. (Note that representative diffeomorphisms arealwaysrequiredtobeorientation-preserving.) Choosinganyelement h˜ ∈Diff+(∂N ), we may then construct a 3-manifold W as the disjoint g union of N and N¯ , glued together by the rule φ◦h˜(x)=x, x∈∂N . g g g To stress the role of h˜ we will write W =N ∪ N¯ . With these con- g φ◦h˜ g ventions, if we choose h˜ to be the identity map, the manifold W will be theconnectsumofg copiesofS2×S1. ThemappingclassgroupΓ˜ now g means π Diff+(∂N ). 0 g Now let Λ˜ = Λ˜ denote the subgroup of Γ˜ consisting of mapping g g classes which have a representative which extends to a homeomorphism of N . Note that every map of ∂N which is isotopic to the identity g g extends, hence if one representative extends then so does every other representative, so Λ˜ is well-defined. g Proposition 1.9. Equivalence classes of genus g Heegaard split- tings of 3-manifolds are in 1-1 correspondence with double cosets in the sequence of groups Γ˜ mod Λ˜ . g g Proof. Each Heegaard splitting of a 3-manifold determines a (non- unique) h˜ ∈ Γ˜ for some g, and each h˜ ∈ Γ˜ determines a 3- g g manifold W = N ∪ N¯ . Suppose N ∪ N¯ and N(cid:2) ∪ N¯ (cid:2) g φ◦h˜ g g φ◦h˜ g g φ◦h˜(cid:2) g Symplectic Heegaard splittings and linked abelian groups 143 are equivalent splittings of a 3-manifold W. Then there is an equiv- alence F which restricts to equivalences f,f¯ on N ,N¯ and then to g g f0 =f|∂Ng,f¯0 =f¯|∂N¯g. There is thus a commutative diagram ∂N −−−h˜−→ ∂N −−−φ−→ ∂N¯ ⏐g g ⏐g ⏐ ⏐ (cid:9)f0 (cid:9)f¯0 ∂N −−−h˜−(cid:2)→ ∂N −−−φ−→ ∂N¯ g g g Then h˜(cid:2)f = φ−1f¯φh˜, hence h˜(cid:2) ∈ Λ˜h˜Λ˜. Conversely, if h˜(cid:2) ∈ Λ˜h˜Λ˜ then 0 0 h˜(cid:2)f =φ−1f¯φh˜ for some f ,φ−1f¯φ∈Λ˜. Let f,φ−1f¯φ be an extension 0 0 0 0 of f0,φ−1f0φ to Ng. Define F|Ng =f, F|N¯g =f¯. Q.E.D. For convenience, we will not distinguish between the diffeomorphism h˜ and the mapping class it determines in Γ˜ . g Corollary 1.10. Let W =Ng∪φ◦h˜N¯g and let W(cid:2) =Ng(cid:2)∪φ◦h˜(cid:2)N¯g(cid:2). Let s˜ be any choice of gluing map for a genus 1 splitting of S3. Then W is homeomorphic to W(cid:2) if and only if there are integers k,k(cid:2) with g+k=g(cid:2)+k(cid:2) sothat˜h# s˜isinthesamedoublecosetofΓ˜ modΛ˜ k g+k g+k as h˜(cid:2)#k(cid:2)s˜. Proof. This follows directly from Theorem 1.4. Q.E.D. Corollary 1.11. Let W be a closed, orientable 3-dimensional man- ifold which is defined by any Heegaard splitting of genusg with Heegaard gluing map ˜h. Then invariants of the stable double coset of h˜ in Γ˜ are g topological invariants of the 3-manifold W. Proof. This is a direct consequence of Proposition 1.1, Proposi- tion 1.9, and Corollary 1.10. Q.E.D. We pass to the action of Γ˜ on π (∂N )/[π (∂N ),π (∂N )], i.e. to g 1 g 1 g 1 g the representation ρ2 : Γ˜ → Γ . What information might we expect g g to detect about Heegaard splittings from the image ρ2(h˜) of our gluing map h˜ in Γ ? g Definition 1.12. A stabilization of index k of H is the image of H∈Γ undertheembeddingΓ →Γ definedbyborderingR,P,S,Q g g g+k according to the rule R(cid:9)→0 ⊕R, P (cid:9)→I ⊕P, S (cid:9)→−I ⊕S, Q(cid:9)→0 ⊕Q. k k k k 144 J. Birman,D. Johnson andA. Putman This is a particular way of taking the direct sum of H ∈ Γ with the g matrix J ∈ Γ , which is the image under ρ2 of a Heegaard gluing map 1 that defines S2. Define H,H(cid:2) ∈ Γ to be equivalent (H (cid:11) H(cid:2)) if H(cid:2) ∈ Λ HΛ and g g stably equivalent (H (cid:11) H(cid:2)) if H and H(cid:2) have equivalent stabilizations s for some index k (cid:2) 0. Equivalence classes are then double cosets in Γ mod Λ and stable equivalence classes are double cosets in Γ g g g+k modulo Λ . g+k A stabilized symplectic Heegaard splitting is the union of all stabi- lizations of the double coset Λ HΛ . (cid:7) g g This brings us to the main topic of this article. Choose any h˜ ∈Γ˜ g anduseittoconstructa3-manifoldW asabove. LetHbethesymplectic matrix that is induced by the action of h=ρ2(h˜). Definition 1.13. Asymplectic Heegaard splittingofthe 3-manifold W = N ∪ N¯ is the double coset Λ HΛ ⊂ Sp(2g,Z), together g φ◦h˜ g g g with the double cosetsofallstabilizationsofH. Asymplectic Heegaard splittingisminimalifitisnotthestabilizationofasymplecticHeegaard splitting of lower genus which is in the same double coset. (cid:7) 1.4. Survey of the literature The earliest investigation of Heegaard splittings were the proofs, by Singer [44] and Reidemeister [39] that all Heegaard splittings of an arbitrary 3-manifold are stably equivalent. Shortly after the publi- cation of [39] Reidemeister asked about invariants of 3-manifolds that can be determined from a Heegaard splittings. His invariants are given in the paper [40]. He proves by an example (the Lens spaces) that the invariantshe discovereddistinguishmanifolds whichhavethe samefun- damental groupπ (W), and so are independent of the rank and torsion 1 coefficients ofW. Reidemeister’sinvariantsaredeterminedfromthe ac- tion of a Heegaard gluing map on H (W;Z). We will explain exactly 1 what he proved at the end of §6.4. Essentially simultaneously and independently of Reidemeister’s work, Seifert [43] introduced the concept of a linking form on a 3- manifold whose homology group has a torsion subgroup T, and studied the special case when T has no 2-torsion, obtaining a complete set of invariants for linked abelian groups in this special case. His very new idea was that linking numbers could be defined not just in homology spheres, but also in 3-manifolds whose Z-homology group has torsion. Let W be a closed, oriented 3-manifold and suppose that the torsion