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Symmetry through the Eyes of a Chemist · Magdolna Hargittai Istva´n Hargittai Symmetry through the Eyes of a Chemist Third Edition 123 MagdolnaHargittai Istva´nHargittai BudapestUniversityofTechnologyandEconomics P.O.Box91 H-1521Budapest Hungary [email protected] [email protected] ISBN:978-1-4020-5627-7 e-ISBN:978-1-4020-5628-4 DOI10.1007/978-1-4020-5628-4 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2008926635 (cid:2)c SpringerScience+BusinessMediaB.V.2009 Nopartofthisworkmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystem,ortransmitted inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,microfilming,recording orotherwise,withoutwrittenpermissionfromthePublisher,withtheexception ofanymaterialsuppliedspecificallyforthepurposeofbeingentered andexecutedonacomputersystem,forexclusiveusebythepurchaserofthework. Printedonacid-freepaper 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 springer.com Preface It is gratifying to launch the third edition of our book. Its coming to lifetestifiesaboutthetaskithasfulfilledintheserviceofthecommu- nity of chemical research and learning. As we noted in the Prefaces to the first and second editions, our book surveys chemistry from the point of view of symmetry. We present many examples from chem- istry as well as from other fields to emphasize the unifying nature of the symmetry concept. Our aim has been to provide aesthetic plea- sure in addition to learning experience. In our first Preface we paid tribute totwobooksinparticularfromwhichwelearnedagreatdeal; they have influenced significantly our approach to the subject matter of our book. They are Weyl’s classic, Symmetry, and Shubnikov and Koptsik’s SymmetryinScienceandArt. The structure of our book has not changed. Following the Intro- duction (Chapter 1), Chapter 2 presents the simplest symmetries using chemical and non-chemical examples. Molecular geometry is discussed in Chapter 3. The next four chapters present group- theoretical methods (Chapter 4) and, based on them, discussions of molecular vibrations (Chapter 5), electronic structures (Chapter 6), and chemical reactions (Chapter 7). For the last two chapters we return to a qualitative treatment and introduce space-group symme- tries(Chapter8),concludingwithcrystalstructures(Chapter9). For the third edition we have further revised and streamlined our text and renewed the illustrative material. We have expanded the sections dealing with biopolymers and quasicrystals in particular. We have addedanEpilogue. We dedicated the first edition to the memory of Jo´zsef Polla´k (1901–1973), who was the stepfather of one of us (IH). The third edition we dedicate to our children and grandchildren, and to the memoryofourparents. v vi Preface We note with pleasure our joint interest in both chemistry and symmetry for the past forty years that is behind this book. Our joint writing efforts have been an important facet of our professional as wellasmarriedlife forthesefortyyears. Budapest,January2008 MagdolnaHargittai Istva´nHargittai Acknowledgments We thank our colleagues and our students who have helped the creation of this book over the years, especially at the Univer- sity of Connecticut (Storrs); Eo¨tvo¨s Lora´nd University (Budapest); University of Texas (Austin); University of Hawaii (Honolulu); Budapest University of Technology and Economics; University of North Carolina (Wilmington); and elsewhere. We also appreciate the helpful comments and suggestions from the reviewers of our book and from its users and readers from all over the world. We would like to express our gratitude to Professor Emil Molna´r for helpful consultations. Inconnectionwiththepreparationofthethirdeditionofthisbook, we owe special thanks to Ms. Ma´ria Kolonits, Ms. Judit Szu¨cs, and Mr.Zolta´nVargafortheirmostcarefultechnicalhelpinmanyaspects ofthework. For over forty years our research in structural chemistry has been generously funded by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and lately also by the Hungarian National Scientific Research Funds. We are also grateful for support to Eo¨tvo¨s University and especially to the BudapestUniversityofTechnologyandEconomics. vii Contents 1 Introduction ........................................ 1 References .......................................... 20 2 SimpleandCombinedSymmetries .................... 25 2.1. BilateralSymmetry ............................. 25 2.2. RotationalSymmetry ............................ 33 2.3. CombinedSymmetries........................... 37 2.3.1. ARotationAxiswithIntersectingSymmetry Planes.................................. 37 2.3.2. Snowflakes ............................. 39 2.4. Inversion ...................................... 53 2.5. SingularPointandTranslationalSymmetry ......... 55 2.6. Polarity ....................................... 57 2.7. Chirality....................................... 60 2.7.1. Asymmetry andDissymmetry ............. 66 2.7.2. VitalImportance ........................ 69 2.7.3. Lacoupeduroi ......................... 74 2.8. Polyhedra...................................... 76 References .......................................... 91 3 MolecularShapeandGeometry....................... 97 3.1. Isomers ....................................... 98 3.2. RotationalIsomerism ............................ 100 3.3. SymmetryNotations............................. 104 3.4. EstablishingthePointGroup...................... 105 3.5. Examples...................................... 107 3.6. ConsequencesofSubstitution ..................... 115 3.7. PolyhedralMolecularGeometries ................. 119 ix x Contents 3.7.1. BoronHydrideCages .................... 123 3.7.2. PolycyclicHydrocarbons ................. 125 3.7.3. StructureswithCentralAtom.............. 133 3.7.4. RegularitiesinNonbondedDistances ....... 136 3.7.5. TheVSEPRModel ...................... 139 3.7.6. ConsequencesofIntramolecular Motion..... 152 References .......................................... 161 4 HelpfulMathematicalTools .......................... 169 4.1. Groups ........................................ 169 4.2. Matrices....................................... 176 4.3. RepresentationofGroups ........................ 183 4.4. TheCharacterofaRepresentation ................. 189 4.5. Character Tables and Properties of Irreducible Representations ................................ 191 4.6. Antisymmetry .................................. 197 4.7. ShortcuttoDetermineaRepresentation............. 204 4.8. ReducingaRepresentation ....................... 206 4.9. Auxiliaries..................................... 208 4.9.1. DirectProduct .......................... 209 4.9.2. IntegralsofProductFunctions ............. 209 4.9.3. ProjectionOperator ...................... 211 4.10. DynamicProperties ............................. 212 4.11. WhereIsGroupTheoryApplied?.................. 213 References .......................................... 214 5 MolecularVibrations ................................ 217 5.1. NormalModes ................................. 217 5.1.1. TheirNumber........................... 218 5.1.2. TheirSymmetry......................... 220 5.1.3. TheirTypes............................. 224 5.2. SymmetryCoordinates........................... 225 5.3. SelectionRules ................................. 227 5.4. Examples...................................... 229 References .......................................... 237 6 ElectronicStructureofAtomsandMolecules ........... 239 6.1. One-ElectronWaveFunction ..................... 241 6.2. Many-ElectronAtoms ........................... 249 Contents xi 6.3. Molecules ..................................... 252 6.3.1. Constructing MolecularOrbitals ........... 252 6.3.2. ElectronicStates ........................ 261 6.3.3. ExamplesofMOConstruction............. 263 6.4. QuantumChemicalCalculations .................. 287 6.5. InfluenceofEnvironmentalSymmetry ............. 290 6.6. Jahn–TellerEffect............................... 294 References .......................................... 308 7 ChemicalReactions.................................. 313 7.1. PotentialEnergySurface ......................... 315 7.1.1. TransitionState,TransitionStructure ....... 316 7.1.2. ReactionCoordinate ..................... 319 7.1.3. Symmetry RulesfortheReactionCoordinate 320 7.2. ElectronicStructure ............................. 324 7.2.1. ChangesDuringaChemicalReaction....... 324 7.2.2. FrontierOrbitals: HOMOandLUMO....... 325 7.2.3. ConservationofOrbitalSymmetry ......... 326 7.2.4. AnalysisinMaximumSymmetry .......... 327 7.3. Examples...................................... 328 7.3.1. Cycloaddition........................... 328 7.3.2. Intramolecular Cyclization ................ 343 7.3.3. GeneralizedWoodward–HoffmannRules.... 350 7.4. Hu¨ckel–Mo¨biusConcept ......................... 350 7.5. IsolobalAnalogy ............................... 356 References .......................................... 364 8 Space-GroupSymmetries ............................ 371 8.1. ExpandingtoInfinity ............................ 371 8.2. One-SidedBands ............................... 375 8.3. Two-SidedBands ............................... 378 8.4. Rods,Spirals,andSimilarity Symmetry ............ 381 8.5. Two-DimensionalSpaceGroups................... 395 8.5.1. SimpleNetworks ........................ 401 8.5.2. Side-EffectsofDecorations ............... 406 8.5.3. Moire´s................................. 408 References .......................................... 410

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