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Symmetry preserving truncations of the gap and Bethe-Salpeter equations Daniele Binosi,1 Lei Chang,2 Joannis Papavassiliou,3 Si-Xue Qin,4 and Craig D. Roberts4 1European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas (ECT∗) and Fondazione Bruno Kessler Villa Tambosi, Strada delle Tabarelle 286, I-38123 Villazzano (TN) Italy 2School of Physics, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China 3Department of Theoretical Physics and IFIC, University of Valencia and CSIC, E-46100, Valencia, Spain 4Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439, USA (Dated: 19 January 2016) Ward-Green-Takahashi (WGT) identities play a crucial role in hadron physics, e.g. imposing stringent relationships between the kernels of the one- and two-body problems, which must be preserved in any veracious treatment of mesons as bound-states. In this connection, one may view 6 thedressed gluon-quark vertex,Γaµ, as fundamental. We usea novel representation of Γaµ, in terms 1 ofthegluon-quarkscatteringmatrix,todevelopamethodcapableofelucidatingtheuniquequark- 0 antiquark Bethe-Salpeter kernel, K, that is symmetry-consistent with a given quark gap equation. 2 A strength of the scheme is its ability to expose and capitalise on graphic symmetries within the kernels. Thisisdisplayedinananalysis thatrevealstheorigin of H-diagramsin K,which aretwo- n particle-irreduciblecontributions, generated astwo-loop diagrams involvingthethree-gluon vertex, a thatcannotbeabsorbedasadressingofΓa inaBethe-Salpeterkernelnorexpressedasamemberof J µ theclassof crossed-boxdiagrams. Thus,therearenogeneral circumstancesunderwhichtheWGT 0 identities essential for a valid description of mesons can be preserved by a Bethe-Salpeter kernel 2 obtained simply by dressing both gluon-quark vertices in a ladder-like truncation; and, moreover, addingany numberof similarly-dressed crossed-box diagrams cannot improve thesituation. ] h t PACSnumbers: 11.10.St;11.30.Rd;12.38.Aw;12.38.Lg - l c u 1. Introduction. A natural framework for studying ter alia, that all Ward-Green-Takahashi (WGT) identi- n the two valence-body bound-state problem in quantum ties [4–7] are preserved, without fine-tuning, and hence [ field theory is provided by the Dyson-Schwinger equa- ensures, e.g. current-conservationand the appearance of 1 tions (DSEs) [1], with the one-body gap equation and Goldstones modes in connection with DCSB. v two-body Bethe-Salpeter equation (BSE) playing lead- The leading-orderterm in the procedure of Refs.[2, 3] 1 ing roles. The approach is useful in hadron physics ow- is the rainbow-ladder (RL) truncation. It is widely 4 ing to asymptotic freedom in quantum chromodynam- used and known to be accurate for light-quark ground- 4 ics (QCD), which materially reduces model dependence state vector- and isospin-nonzero-pseudoscalar-mesons 5 0 in sound nonperturbative applications because the in- [8–11],andpropertiesofground-stateoctetanddecuplet . teraction kernel in each DSE is known for all momenta baryons [12–15], because corrections in these channels 1 within the perturbative domain, i.e. k2 & 2GeV2. Any largelycancelowingtotheparameter-freepreservationof 0 model need then only describe the kernels’nonperturba- relevant WGT identities ensured by this scheme. How- 6 1 tive behaviour. That is valuable because DSE solutions ever, higher-order contributions do not typically cancel : are propagatorsandvertices,in terms of whichallcross- in other channels [16–18]. Hence studies based on the v sections are built. The approach thus connects observ- RL truncation, or low-order improvements thereof, usu- i X ables with the long-range behaviour of QCD’s running allyprovidepoorresultsforlight-quarkscalar-andaxial- r coupling and masses. Hence, feedback between predic- vector-mesons [19–24], exhibit gross sensitivity to model a tions and experimental tests can be used to refine any parametersfortensor-mesons[25]andexcitedstates[26– modelinputandtherebyimproveunderstandingofthese 29], and are unrealistic for heavy-light systems [30–32]. basic quantities. This opens the way to addressingques- These difficulties are surmounted by the scheme in tions pertaining to, e.g.: the gluon- and quark-structure Ref.[33] because it enables the use of more realis- ofhadrons;andtheemergenceandimpactofconfinement tic kernels for the gap and Bethe-Salpeter equations, and dynamical chiral symmetry breaking (DCSB). which possess a sophisticated structure, including Dirac The DSEs are a collection of coupled equations; and vector⊗vector and scalar⊗scalar quark-antiquark inter- a tractable problem is only obtained once a truncation actions. Significantly, this technique is also symmetry scheme is specified. A weak-coupling expansion repro- preserving; but it does not require knowledge of the di- duces perturbation theory; but, although valuable in agrammatic content of the gap equation’s kernel, whose the analysis of large momentum transfer phenomena in complexity may be expressed in the form chosen for the QCD, it cannot yield nonperturbative information. A dressed gluon-quark vertex, a subject of great interest symmetry-preserving scheme applicable to hadrons was itself, e.g. Refs.[34–42]. The gap equation in Fig.1 is: introduced in Refs.[2, 3]. That procedure generates a BSE from the kernel of any gap equation whose dia- Σ(k)=Z Λg2D (k−q)Γa(k,q)S(q)λaγ , (1) grammatic content is known. It thereby guarantees, in- 1Z µν µ 2 ν dq 2 FIG. 1. Quark self-energy, Σ(k)=iγ·k[A(k2)−1]+B(k2), Eq.(1): solid line with open circle, dressed-quarkpropagator S(q) =1/[iγ·q+Σ(q)]; open-circle “spring” , dressed-gluon propagator,Dµν(p−q);and(red)shadedcircle,dressedgluon- quark vertex,Γa(q,p). A coupling g appears at each vertex. µ Λ where represents a Poincar´e invariant regularisation dq FIG. 2. Upper panel. BSE for a colour-singlet vertex, of the Rfour-dimensional integral, with Λ the regulariza- tion mass-scale, and Z1(ζ2,Λ2), is the vertex renormal- wGMith(kg;MP)=. T21τhieγ5chγµanonneelgisaidnesfiancecdesbsytothaellisntahtoemsothgeanteciotym,me.ug-. isation constant, with ζ the renormalisation scale. An nicate with an isovector axial-vector probe, such as the pion additional strength of the new scheme is its capacity to and a1 meson. The interaction between the dressed valence- express DCSB in the integral equations connected with constituentsiscompletely described bythescattering kernel, bound-states. It has therefore enabled elucidation of K. Lowerpanel. ForI 6=0mesons,theBethe-Salpeterkernel novel nonperturbative features of QCD [13, 38, 43–46] isasumoftwoterms,Eq.(4). Theinteractioncontentofboth andfacilitatedacrucialsteptowardthe ab initio predic- is completely determined by that of the dressed gluon-quark tion of hadron observables in continuum-QCD [47]. vertex,explicitly for KS and implicitly for KΓ, Eq.(5). Notwithstanding the existence of this improved scheme, there is merit in providing a mechanical ap- antiquark line. Naturally, this means that K also in- proachcapable of elucidating that Bethe-Salpeter kernel cludes an enumerable infinity of n≥2-PI contributions. which is symmetry-consistent with any given gap equa- The kernelthatensurespreservationofallWGT iden- tion. Possessing such a tool, one may, e.g. validate any tities associated with a given colour-singlet vertex may newly-proposedBethe-Salpeter kernelthat is based on a be expressed as [2, 3]: skeletonexpansionofthe gapequation,simplyby check- ing whether it ensures preservation of the WGT identi- δΣ(k) K(k,q;P)=− , (3) ties, and/or expose the full complexity demanded of the δS(q) symmetry-consistent kernel by any concrete statement aboutthe gapequation’s structure. We describe suchan whichcorrespondsto“cutting”eachinternalfermionline approach herein, delivering our explanations mainly in inalldressingdiagrams. Thiscuttingprocedureactually terms of diagrams. Naturally, each one corresponds to furnishes a kernel in the “diagonal configuration” [48]: a well-definedintegral,whichcouldbe writtenexplicitly. K(k,q;0). The general momentum configuration may In those terms, however, the proliferation of symbols, be obtained as described following Eq.(44) in Ref.[17], nested integrals, etc. would obscure the reasoning. In i.e. in addition to the usual effect of differentiation, the using diagrammatic methods we are capitalising on the functional derivative adds P to the argument of every pedagogical capacity and intuitive strengths which have quark line through which it is commuted when applying led to Feynman diagrams being adopted so widely. the product rule. One may alternatively generate the full momentum arguments by beginning with the effec- 2. Insufficiency of vertex-dressed ladder kernels. tive action A[S] expressed in coordinate space [49, 50], The BSE for a colour-singletvertex, G , which may ex- M obtaining the dressed-quark propagator as the solution hibit meson bound-states, is depicted in Fig.2: of δA[S]/δS =0, and subsequently employing Eq.(3). [G (k;P)] =Z g + For systems with nonzero isospin, I 6=0, quark propa- M rs M M gatorsappearing in gluon vacuum-polarisationdiagrams Λ [S(q )G (q;P)S(q )] Krs(k,q;P), (2) may be neglected and the kernel can be expressed as a Zdq + M − tu tu sum of just two terms [3, 17, 18, 33, 52, 53]: where Z is a renormalisation constant, the total mo- KI6=0(k,q;P)=K (k,q;P)+K (k,q;P), (4) M S Γ mentum P = k − k , where k = k + ηP, k = + − + − as depicted in the lower panel of Fig.2, where the con- k−(1−η)P, with η ∈ [0,1]: no observable can depend tent of the vertex Λ is completely determined by the on η, i.e. the definition of the relative momentum. µ The scattering kernel, K(k,q;P) in Eq.(2), expresses functional derivative of the dressed gluon-quark vertex: allpossibleinteractionsthatcanoccurbetweenadressed δΓa(k,q) quark and dressed antiquark; and is two-particle irre- Λaµ(k,q;P)∼ δµS(q) . (5) ducible(2PI),viz.itdoesnotcontainquark+antiquarkto single gauge-boson annihilation diagrams nor diagrams Extending our reasoning to I = 0 systems is not diffi- that become disconnected by cutting one quark and one cult in principle; but many extra diagramsarise and one 3 0.8 0.6 L-γΓ L-ΓΓ Full ") 0.4 ( ’ & 0.2 "$$%!# 0 −0.2 −0.4 0 20 40 60 80 100 *+$%!’() FIG. 3. Pion mass-squared vs. current-quarkmass, obtained with the BC Ansatz, Eq.(6), for Γa in the gap equation, µ Fig.1: dashed (blue) curve, Bethe-Salpeter kernel in Fig.2 is K = KS; dot-dashed (red) curve, kernel is KL-ΓΓ, the dressed-vertex ladder-like kernel; and solid (black) curve, complete BC-vertex-consistent kernel constructed following Refs.[33,51]. Evidently,onlythecompletekernelissufficient toensuretheexistenceof aNambu-Goldstonepion. (Results obtainedwiththedressed-gluonlinerepresentedbytheinter- FIG.4. Upperpanel. DSEforthedressedgluon-quarkvertex, action in Ref.[28]: D=0.5GeV2,ω=0.5GeV, τ →∞.) Γa. Only selected contributions are shown. The complete µ equation is depicted, e.g. in Fig.2.6 of Ref.[1]. The shaded (blue)circleatthejunctionofthreegluonlinesisthedressed must also allow for the possibility that contributions of three-gluon vertex. Lower panel. Some of the contributions a topological nature may play an important role [54]. tothequark-antiquarkscatteringkernel,K,generatedbythe In some exceptional circumstances, as when Γa is ex- gap equation expressed in terms of the dressed gluon-quark µ vertex depicted in the upper panel. The last diagram drawn pressed via a recursion relation (an integral equation explicitlyisanexampleofanH-diagram. Itis2PI;butcannot whose kernelhas a simple, closedform) andthe dressed- beexpressedasacorrectiontoeithervertexinaladderkernel gluon propagator has negligible support at nonzero mo- noras a memberof theclass of crossed-box diagrams. menta, e.g. the model in Ref.[55], Λa ≡ 0 in the pseu- µ doscalarchannel[17,18]. Inthis casetheBethe-Salpeter kernel that preserves the axial-vector WGT identity for diagraminFig.4andits analoguesinotherrelevantker- a given gap equation with dressing defined by Γa, is ob- µ nels. (Abelian-like contributions may be subdominant tained by including the specified dressing on only one of [18, 35, 57].) One then arrives at the diagrams in the theverticesinaladder-likekernel,viz.K (k,q;P). That S secondline ofFig.4. Insertingthis vertexintoFig.1and isnottrueinanyotherchanneland,ingeneral,falseinall using Eq.(3), it is apparent that the first contribution channels; a fact emphasised by the dashed (blue) curve (bare gluon-quark vertex) generates the RL truncation, in Fig.3, which displays the pion mass obtained using a which is the first term depicted on the right-hand-side Ball-Chiu (BC) vertex Ansatz [56] (t=[k+q]/2): (rhs) of the lower panel in Fig.4. It is evident, too, that λa the second diagram in the second line of Fig.4 produces iΓaµ(k,q)= 2 ςAiγµ+δA2itµγ·t+δBtµID , (6) a sum of two terms in K, viz. a three-gluon vertex cor- (cid:2) (cid:3) rection on the quark line and another on the antiquark ς = [F(k2) + F(q2)]/2, δ = [F(k2) − F(q2)]/(k2 − line. These are the second two terms in the lower panel F F q2), for the dressed vertex in Fig.1 and K = K in the of Fig.4; therefore, at this point it might seem plau- S upperpanelofFig.2. Plainly,althoughthegapequation sible that a vertex-dressed ladder kernel can provide a guaranteesDCSB,theBSEdoesnotproduceapionwith symmetry-preservingframeworkforthestudyofmesons. the characteristics of a Goldstone-boson. However, the third diagram drawn in the second line One might imagine that if dressing only one vertex of Fig.4 has not yet been considered. Amongst others, fails, then, perhaps, dressing both vertices, to obtain a it generates an H-diagram, viz. the last image drawn dressed-vertex ladder-like kernel, KL-ΓΓ, will be suffi- in the lower panel of Fig.4. Kindred contributions to cient to produce a symmetry-consistent system. It is Γa produce an enumerable infinity of similar terms in µ known from Refs.[3, 17, 18, 33] that this is false in gen- K. Such contributions cannot be expressed as a correc- eral: the simplest Abelian-like one-loop gluon-correction tion to either vertex in a ladder kernel and neither are to the gluon-quark vertex (generated by the diagram la- they members of the class of crossed-box diagrams. H- belled “Ab” in Fig.4) demands the presence of crossed- diagrams are a distinct class of essentially non-Abelian box contributions to the symmetry-consistent kernel. 2PI contributions to K. If they are omitted from the Suppose though, that one neglects Abelian-like dress- kernel, then the BSE obtained thereby cannot produce ings of Γa; namely, all terms generated by the Ab- colour-singletverticesthatsatisfyWGTidentitiesinvolv- µ 4 ing a dressed-quark propagator generated by the vertex inFig.4,whetherornotAb-typediagramsareneglected. ItisnotablethatH-typediagramsproduceaninfrared divergence in the perturbative calculation of the static- quark potential, i.e. a contribution which exhibits un- bounded growth as the distance between the source and sink increases [58]. One might view this as a sign that the inclusion of H-type diagramsin the quark-antiquark scattering kernel could be important if one seeks to re- FIG.5. Upperpanel. DSEforthedressedgluon-quarkvertex, cover an area-law in the static-quark limit [59]. Γa,expressed withtheantiquarkprovidingthereference line The general insufficiency of the vertex-dressed ladder µ and involving the s-channel 1PI gluon-quark scattering am- kernel(KL-ΓΓ)isalsohighlightedbyFig.3: withtheBC plitude C. Lower panel. In terms of the gluon-quark vertex, vertex, Eq.(6), one obtains the dot-dashed (red) curve. theequationforthequarkself-energyismanifestlysymmetric Plainly, this kernel generates far too much attraction. when expressed using C. That is not surprising, given the dashed (blue) curve in the same figure, which shows that K provides attrac- S tioninthepseudoscalarkernel;and,indressingbothver- gluon-quark vertex. Namely, instead of considering the tices,onehasnotobviouslyaddedanyrepulsion. Impor- vertex from the gluon’s perspective, it is advantageous tantly,however,there isactuallydestructiveinterference to adopt the antiquark’s view, depicted in Fig.5, and amongst the various contributions in the BSE obtained write a DSE for this vertex in terms of the gluon-quark with KL-ΓΓ: whereas the ςA2 terms produce attraction, scattering amplitude C, which is 1PI in the s-channel: those involving δB generate net repulsion. Γa(p,q)= λaγ +ΓQ =:Γ(0)∗M , (8) Considertherefore,amodifiedAnsatz,viz.Eq.(6)with µ 2 µ µ µ Λ δB → 2δB. In this case, weakening the interaction ΓQ = λbγ S(ℓ )D (ℓ )Cba(ℓ,q;p), (9) strength: D = 0.5 → 0.29GeV2 produces m2 = 0 at µ Z 2 ρ + ρσ − σµ π dℓ m =0. Evidently,onecantunetheinteractionstrength toqachieve a massless pion; but securing that numerical where Γ(µ0) = λ2aγµ is the tree-level contribution, ΓQµ ex- outcomeisnotequivalenttoensuringpreservationofthe presses all (quantum) corrections, and the sum is repre- axial-vectorWGTidentity. Thisisreadilyseenbycheck- sented by the operation of the transition matrix M, de- ing the quark-levelGoldberger-Treimanrelation[60,61]: fined implicitly in Eq.(8). Inserting Eq.(9) into Eq.(1), one obtains the manifestly symmetric expression for the E (k2,k·P =0;P2 =0)m∝q=0B(k2), (7) quark self-energy depicted in the lower panel of Fig.5. π Eq.(3)cannowbeusedtoobtainthatkernelinEq.(2) whichensurespreservationofallWGTidentitiesrelevant a corollary of the axial-vector WGT identity, where E π to the channel considered. For I 6=0, the differentiation is the leading term in the pion’s Bethe-Salpeter ampli- produces the series in Fig.6. Once more, the rainbow- tude. Using the δ → 2δ Ansatz, both in the gap B B ladder truncation appears as the simplest contribution, equation and to generate KL-ΓΓ, one finds that Eq.(7) arisingfromdiagram(a)inFig.5;butitisaugmentedin is violated: an accurate interpolation of the monoton- general by a series of complex corrections. Denoting the icall decreasing ratio is provided by E (k2)/B(k2) = (1+0.02x)/(1+0.08x+0.01x2),x∈[0,50]π,x=k2/B2(0), thirddiagraminline(b)ofFig.6byΣ6C(k),viz.theimage withC itselfbeingcut,andrepresentsitscontributionin where B(k2 = 0) = 0.28GeV. (We normalised the ratio to unity at k2 = 0. It is 0.47 at x = 9.) On the other the BSE by K6C, then it is evident from Fig.6 that hand, Eq.(7)is preservedwithout fine tuning whenK is KI6=0 =−g2 Γ(0)D Γ(0) µ µν ν constructed according to Ref.[33]. It follows that there (cid:2) exist gap equation kernels, too numerous to count, for +Γ(µ0)DµνΓQν +ΓQµ DµνΓ(ν0) +K6C (10) which KL-ΓΓ yields m2π = 0 at mq = 0; but the pairing =−g2ΓµDµνΓν+g2ΓQµDµνΓQν (cid:3)+K6C . (11) nevertheless fails to preserve the axial-vector identity. The preceding discussion invalidates claims made in KL−ΓΓ | {z } Ref.[62], e.g., referring now to diagrams therein, under Plainly, KL-ΓΓ in Eq.(11) is a dressed-vertex ladder- no circumstances can the BSE in Fig.12 be symmetry- likesubcomponentofthesymmetry-consistentkernel(al- consistent with the gap equation generated by Fig.5. ready considered in Sec.2); but there is much more in 3. Symmetry-consistent Bethe-Salpeter Kernel. the complete kernel. To elucidate, we focus on K6C and InordertogeneralisethediscussioninSec.2,wefirstob- consider the nature of C. This amplitude contains in- serve that the common manner of expressing the quark finitely manydiagrams;andalthoughaninfinite number self-energy, Fig.1, is grossly asymmetric with respect to of them contain no internal quark line, that collection the twogluon-quarkvertices: one vertexis fully-dressed, cannot contribute to K6C. The relevant contributions to whereas the other has its tree-level form. This can be C are those which contain at least one quark line; and remedied by changing the way one looks at the dressed hence,forI 6=0,K6C hastheexpansiondepictedinFig.7. 5 FIG.8. ExplicatingtheoriginofH-diagramsandcrossed-box terms in thequark-antiquarkscattering kernel, KI6=1. Left – elementsinthegluon-quarkscatteringmatrix,C;andright – FIG. 6. In I 6= 0 channels, Eq.(3) produces this series of contributions theygenerate in K6C. diagramsforthe2PIkernelofthesymmetry-consistentBSE. Thedashed(red)linesrepresenttheactoffunctionaldifferen- tiationandthearrowsdirectattentiontotheresultingkernel the top-left image expresses a correction to the gluon- contribution, when that can bedepicted simply. quark vertex, so its influence is felt within KL-ΓΓ; but itmustsimultaneouslycontributetoK ,asdisplayedin 6L Fig.7, producing the H-diagramdepicted Fig.8. 4. Epilogue. Working with a simple Ansatz for the dressedgluon-quarkvertex,Γa,weconsideredthecapac- µ ityofvertex-dressedladder-likeBethe-Salpeterkernelsto preserve Ward-Green-Takahashi (WGT) identities rele- vant to meson bound-states; and found that whilst they can readily be tuned to produce a massless pion in the chiral limit, they nevertheless fail to preserve the axial- vector WGT identity and are thus incomplete. We gen- eralised these observations using a novel representation of Γa in terms of the gluon-quark scattering amplitude, µ which enabled us to show that whilst a dressed-vertex ladder-like truncation is the simplest term in the com- plete Bethe-Salpeter kernel, K, it is insufficient in gen- FIG.7. Upperpanel. InI 6=0channels,K6C hastheexpansion eral,owingtothepresenceof,interalia,H-diagrams,viz. depictedhere,wherethedashed(red)linesindicatethequark two-loop terms, involving the three-gluon vertex, that line that reacts to the functional differentiation in Eq.(3). cannotbeabsorbedintoK asapartofΓa norexpressed µ The expansion necessarily involves g +q → (m+1)g +q, asamemberoftheclassofcrossed-boxdiagrams. Conse- m ≥ 1, transition matrices, M1, etc. Lower panel. A focus quently, the WGT identities essentialfor a validdescrip- onthefirstdiagramontherhsintheupperpanelrevealsthe tion of mesons cannot generally be preserved when K simple nature of its contribution to K. is obtainedmerelyby dressingbothgluon-quarkvertices in a ladder-like truncation; and, moreover, adding any numberofsimilarlydressedtermsintheclassofcrossed- The lower panel of Fig.7 focuses on the first term boxdiagramscannotimprovethesituation. Fortunately, on the rhs of the upper panel, which produces the sophisticated alternatives exist [33], are in practical em- following contribution to the quark-antiquark kernel: ployment [38, 43–47] and are being refined [51]. (−g2)ΓQD ΓQ. All remaining terms generate n ≥ 2- µ µν ν PI contributions to KI6=0 that are structurally inequiva- Acknowledgments. We are grateful for construc- lenttothosecontainedinKL-ΓΓ,asillustratedbyFig.8. tive remarks from A. Bashir, S.J. Brodsky, I.C. Clo¨et, Denoting these terms by K , one arrives finally at B. El-Bennich, G. Krein, C. Mezrag, J. Rodr´ıguez- 6L Quintero,andJ.Segovia. Researchsupportedby: Span- KI6=0 =KL-ΓΓ+K6L. (12) ish MEYC grant nos. FPA2014-53631-C2-1-Pand SEV- 2014-0398; Generalitat Valenciana under grant Prome- That it is impossible for KL-ΓΓ alone to serve as a teoII/2014/066; Argonne National Laboratory Office of symmetry-consistentquark-antiquarkscatteringkernelis the Director, through the Named Postdoctoral Fellow- also evident here. Amongst infinitely many others, the ship Program; and U.S. Department of Energy, Office second and third images drawn explicitly in the expres- of Science, Office of Nuclear Physics, contract no. DE- sion for K6C in Fig.7 contain the contributions in Fig.8: AC02-06CH11357. 6 [1] C. D. Roberts and A. G. Williams, Prog. Part. Nucl. [33] L. Chang and C. D. Roberts, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, Phys.33, 477 (1994). 081601 (2009). [2] H.J. Munczek, Phys.Rev.D 52, 4736 (1995). [34] J. I. Skullerud,P. O.Bowman, A.Kızılersu¨, D. B. Lein- [3] A.Bender,C.D.RobertsandL.vonSmekal, Phys.Lett. weber and A.G. Williams, JHEP 04, 047 (2003). B 380, 7 (1996). 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