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Symmetry Analysis and Conservation Laws of some third-order Difference Equations ∗ S Mamba, MK Folly-Gbetoula and AH Kara 7 1 0 2 School of Mathematics, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, n South Africa. a J Abstract 2 2 We derive a method for finding Lie Symmetries for third-order differ- ] ence equations. We use these symmetries to reduce the order of the I S differenceequationsandhenceobtainthesolutionsofsomethird-order . n differenceequations. Wealsointroduceatechniqueforobtainingtheir li first integrals. n [ Key words: Difference equation; symmetry; reduction; group invariant so- 1 lutions v 0 6 5 1 Introduction 6 0 . The concept of Lie Symmetry analysis applied onto difference equations 1 0 (∆E’s) was studied by P. Hydon [1] and others see [2–5]. In [1], the au- 7 thor introduced a method for obtaining symmetries and first integrals of 1 : second-order difference equations. In this paper, we extend these findings v i and introduce a technique for obtaining symmetries and first integrals for X third-order ∆E’s. r a 1.1 Mathematical tools to be used The definitions andnotationsused inthis paper followfromthe onesadopted by Hybon in [1]. Assume we have an Nth order difference equation of the − form un+N = ω(n,un,un+1,...,un+N−1), (1) ∗[email protected] 1 for some function ω. We will assume that ∂ω = 0 and that the point ∂un 6 transformations are given by Γ : x x˜(x;ǫ), (2) ǫ 7→ where x = x , i = 1,...,p are continuous variables. We then refer to Γ i as one-parameter Lie group of transformations if it satisfies the following transformations (see [6]) Γ is the identity map if x˜ = x when ǫ = 0 0 • Γ Γ = Γ for every a and b sufficiently close to 0 a b a+b • Each x˜ can be represented as a Taylor series (in a neighbourhood of i • ǫ = 0 that is determined by x), and therefore x˜(x : ǫ) = x +ǫξ (x)+O(ǫ2),i = 1,...,p. (3) i i i We shall assume that the Lie point symmetries in this article take the fol- lowing form n˜ = n; u˜ u +ǫQ(n,u ) (4) n n n ≃ and that the analogous infinitesimal symmetry generator takes the form X = Q(n,un)∂un+SQ∂un+1+S2Q(n,un)∂un+2+...+SN−1Q(n,un)∂un+N−1, (5) where S is defined as the shift operator, i.e. S : n n+1 (6) 7→ andQ(n,u )isreferredtoasthecharacteristic. Weshalldefinethesymmetry n condition as u˜n+N = ω(n,u˜n,u˜n+1,...,u˜n+N−1) (7) each time (1) is true. Substituting the Lie point symmetries (4) into the symmetry condition (7) yields linearized symmetry condition S(N)Q Xω = 0, (8) − whenever (1) is true. We then define the conservation laws of (1) as follows (S id)φ(n,un,un+1,...,un+N−1) = 0, (9) − where id is the identity function each time (1) holds. 2 2 Finding symmetries and first integrals 2.1 Symmetries Consider the following third-order difference equation u = ω(n,u ,u ,u ). (10) n+3 n n+1 n+2 The linearized symmetry condition then amounts to S3Q Xω = 0, (11) − where X = Q(n,u )∂u +SQ(n,u )∂u +S2Q(n,u )∂u , (12) n n n n+1 n n+2 istheanalogoussymmetrygenerator. Inordertoobtainthecharacteristic Q(n,u ), we apply (11) to (10) to obtain n ∂ω ∂ω ∂ω Q(n+3,ω) Q(n,u ) SQ(n,u ) S2Q(n,u ), (13) n n n − ∂u − ∂u − ∂u n n+1 n+2 where ω represents the left hand side of (10). We then differentiate (13) with respect to u , keeping ω and taking u as a function of u ,u ,u and n n+1 n n+1 n+2 ω. We end up with the following determining equation ω ,un ω Q(n,u )+ω SQ′(n,u )+ω SQ(n,u ) ω ,unun+1 n ,un+1 n ,un+1un+1 n ,un+1 +ω (cid:2) S2Q(n,u ) ω Q′(n,u ) ω Q(n,u ) (14) ,un+1un+2 n − ,un n − ,unun n ω SQ(n,u ) ω S2Q(n,u ) = 0, − ,unun+1 n −(cid:3) ,unun+2 n where g denotes the derivative of g with respect to x. Note that (10) ,x maysometimes beindependent ofu oru ,andsotheabovedetermining n+1 n+2 equationchanges. Foranexampleif (10)isindependent ofu ,theresulting n+1 determining equation is ω ,un ω Q(n,u )+ω S2Q′(n,u )+ω S2Q(n,u ) ω ,unun+2 n ,un+2 n ,un+2un+2 n ,un+2 (15) ω (cid:2)Q′(n,u ) ω Q(n,u ) ω S2Q(n,u ) = 0. (cid:3) − ,un n − ,unun n − ,unun+2 n 3 2.2 Conservation Laws We now introduce the general case for finding first integrals of third-order ∆E’s. Assume that φ = φ(n,u ,u ,u ) (16) n n+1 n+2 is the first integral of (10). According to the equation Sφ = φ, (17) we have that φ(n+1,u ,u ,ω) = φ(n,u ,u ,u ). (18) n+1 n+2 n n+1 n+2 We then define ∂φ ∂φ ∂φ P = , P = , P = . (19) 0 1 2 ∂u ∂u ∂u n n+1 n+2 It then follows that ∂ω P = S(P ) 0 2 ∂u · n (cid:18) (cid:19) ∂ω P = S(P )+ S(P ) (20) 1 0 2 ∂u · (cid:18) n+1(cid:19) ∂ω P = S(P )+ S(P ). 2 1 2 ∂u · (cid:18) n+2(cid:19) We then join (20) to form a single equation involving only P , which will 2 be the determining equation for computing first integrals. The equation is as follows S2(ω )S3(P )+S(ω )S2(P )+ω S(P ) P = 0. (21) ,un 2 ,un+1 2 ,un+2 2 − 2 We can then solve for P in (21), hence solve (20) and integrate to obtain 2 the first integrals. 3 Applications We are going to use the determining equation (14) to obtain the symmetries of two third-order ∆E’s. 4 3.1 Symmetries and exact solutions 3.1.1 Example 1 Consider the third-order difference equation au u n+1 n+2 u = , (22) n+3 u +bn n+2 n where a and b are arbitrary constants. The determining equation (14) be- comes u bu u bu − n+1 n+2 Q+ n+2 SQ′ + n S2Q bu +u −(bu +u )2 bu +u (bu +u )2 n n+2 (cid:20) n n+2 n n+2 n n+2 (cid:21) u u 2bu u u n+1 n+2 ′ n+1 n+2 n+2 + Q Q+ SQ (bu +u )2 − (u +bu )3 (bu +u )2 n n+2 n+2 n n n+2 u (bu u ) n+1 n n+2 + − = 0. (bu +u )3 n n+2 (23) Multiplying by (bu + u )3 throughout and differentiating twice with n n+2 respect to u we get the following differential equation n bQ(2)(n,u )+(bu +u )Q(3) = 0. (24) n n n+2 Separating (24) with respect to u we get that n+2 Q(2) = 0, (25) whose most general solution is Q(n,u ) = c (n)+u c (n). (26) n 1 n 2 To obtain the nature of the constants c , and c , which are functions of n, 1 2 we substitute (26) back into (13) and (23). We find that c1(n) = 0 c2(n) = k0 +k1bn2 +( √b)nk2, (27) − where k and k are arbitrary constants. It then follows after setting b = 1 1 2 without loss of generosity that Q(n,u ) = u k +( 1)nu k . (28) n n 1 n 2 − 5 We therefore have that the symmetries of (22) are X = u ∂u +u ∂u +u ∂u 1 n n n+1 n+1 n+2 n+2 (29) X = u ( 1)n∂u +u ( 1)n+1∂u +u ( 1)n+2∂u 2 n n n+1 n+1 n+2 n+2 − − − We note that X is a symmetry for any value of b. From X in (29), the 1 1 resulting invariants are du du du dv n n+1 n+2 n = = = . (30) u u u 0 n n+1 n+2 Workingwiththefirst dun andsecond dun+1 invariants, first dun • un un+1 un and third dun+2 inva(cid:16)riant(cid:17)s we get that(cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) un+2 (cid:16) (cid:17) u u n n K = K = v = f(K ,K ), (31) 1 2 n 1 2 u u n+1 n+2 where K and K are constants. 1 2 - We choose f(K ,K ) = K K , therefore 1 2 1 2 · u n v = , (32) n u n+2 hence 1+bv n v = . (33) n+1 a Solving (33) results in v = c b n−1 1−(ab)n if a = b (34a) n 1 a − b−a 6 v = c + n if a = b. (34b) n 1(cid:0) (cid:1)b We have reduced a third-order difference equation (10) into a second-order difference equation (34a). Case a=b: Combining (32) and (34b), we have 1 a u = u = u . (35) n+2 n n v ac +n n 1 Therefore, the solution to (22), when a = b, is given by 21−n2bn2−1(c1 +c2( 1)n) u = − , c Z, (36) n d(b2c1 +1)n2−1 2 ∈ 6 where v in given in (34b) and (a) is the Pochhammer symbol k1 n (rising factorial.) Case a = b: Combining (32) and (34a), we have 6 1 1 u = u = u . (37) n+2 vn n c b n−1 1−(ab)n n 1 a − b−a (cid:0) (cid:1) Therefore, the solution to (22) is given by n−1 k3−1 u =c exp ( 1)k3+1 ( 1)−k1+1lnv + n 2 − − k1 ! kY3=1 kX1=0(cid:0) (cid:1) n−1 k4−1 exp ( 1)k2 k2 ( 1)−k1+1lnv k2=1− − k1=0 − k1 c 3kX4=0 Qkk43=1exp ((cid:16)−1)k3+1Pkk31−=10(−1)−k1+1lnvk1(cid:17) n−1 Q (cid:16)k3−1 P (cid:17) exp ( 1)k3+1 ( 1)−k1+1lnv , − − k1 ! kY3=1 kX1=0(cid:0) (cid:1) (38) where v in given in (34a). k1 - Suppose that we choose f(K ,K ) = K , following the same 1 2 1 method above, we end up with v = un , i.e., n un+1 1 bv 1+bv v n n n+2 v = + = . (39) n+2 av a av n+1 n+1 One can solve for v from (39) and hence solve for u . n n Working with the first dun and third invariant dun+2 , second in- • un un+2 variant dun+1 and thi(cid:16)rd in(cid:17)variant dun+2 , we g(cid:16)et that(cid:17) un+1 un+2 (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) u u n n+1 K = K = v = f(K ,K ). (40) 1 2 n 1 2 u u n+2 n+2 - Choosing f(K ,K ) = K /K we get that 1 2 2 1 u n+1 v = (41) n u n 7 and therefore av (a/b)v n n v = = . (42) n+2 b+v v 1+(1/b)v v n n+1 n n+1 The solution of ((42)) is given in [7]( put A = a/b and B=1/b) by v =exp ( 1)n−1ln v + n 1 − | | " (43) n−1 v v a/bk1 ( 1)n−1 ( 1)−k1ln 0 1 − kX1=1 − (cid:12)(cid:12)1+(1/b)v0v1( ki=1−01a/bi)(cid:12)(cid:12)# (cid:12) (cid:12) with 1/((1/b)v v ) / 1,1+(cid:12)(cid:12)(a/b),..., n−P2(a/b)i . Co(cid:12)(cid:12)mbining − 0 1 ∈ { i=0 } (41) and (43) we get that P n−1 u = c v , (44) n 4 k1 kY1=1 where v is given in (43), is also a solution to (22). n 3.1.2 Example 2 We now shift our attention to focus on a second third-order difference equa- tion u = a(n)u +c(n)u , (45) n+3 n n+2 where a and c are arbitrary functions of n. We note that (45) is independent of u , so we use determining equation (15). One can easily establish that n+1 the solution to the determining equation is Q(n,u ) = k u +k (n), (46) n 1 n 2 where k is a constant and k is a function of n. Substituting (45) into (11) 1 2 we get that k (n+3) = a(n)k (n)+c(n)k (n+2), (47) 2 2 2 where we notice that k (n) satisfies the original equation (45). Assuming 2 that U , U and U are solutions of (47), the resulting symmetries are 1 2 3 X = u ∂u X = U ∂u X = U ∂u X = U ∂u . (48) 0 n n 1 1 n 2 2 n 3 3 n 8 The characteristic equation, using X , is given by 0 du du du dV n n+1 n+2 n = = = . (49) u u u 0 n n+1 n+2 The invariant V is then given by n u u n+1 n+2 V = g , . n u u (cid:18) n n+1(cid:19) Assume g(x,y) = x, we have u n+1 V = (50) n u n and this implies that a(n) V = +c(n). (51) n+2 V V n n+1 On the other hand, by assuming that g(x,y) = 1/x, we have u n V = (52) n u n+1 and this implies that 1 V = . (53) n+2 c(n)+a(n)V V n n+1 With these change of variables we have obtained two different reduced forms (in terms of order), given by ((50)) and ((51)), of (45). 3.2 Conservation Laws 3.2.1 Example 1 Consider the equation (45), assume that one required to obtain the first integrals. By letting P = P (n,u ), one can find that the solution to the 2 2 n determining equation (21) is P = B(n). (54) 2 Substituting (54), we find that B(n) satisfies the equation B(n) = a(n+2)B(n+3)+c(n)B(n+1). (55) 9 We can then shown that P =a(n)B (n+1), (56) 0 i P =a(n+1)B (n+2), (57) 1 i P =B (n), (58) 2 i ′ where B s, i = 1,...3 are solutions to (55). We can therefore deduce that the i first integrals of such equations (45) are Φ = P u +P u +P u +G (n) (59) i 0 n 1 n+1 2 n+2 i = a(n)B (n+1)u +a(n+1)B (n+2)u +B (n)u +G (n), (60) i n i n+1 i n+2 i for some functions G ,i = 1,2,3, to be determined. By substituting (60) i into (17), we were able to find that G (n + 1) = G (n) = K, where K is a i i constant. For simplicity, we shall assume that K is zero. It has to be noted that now that we know the symmetries and first integrals of (45), we can create new first integrals. Below are new first integrals of (45): Φ =X Φ = U P +P SU +(S2U )P (61) 3i 1 i 1 0 1 1 1 2 Φ =X Φ = U P +P SU +(S2U )P (62) 4i 2 i 2 0 1 2 2 2 Φ =X Φ = U P +P SU +(S2U )P . (63) 5i 3 i 3 0 1 3 3 2 Also, from (S id)Φ = (SP )[u c(n)u a(n)u ], (64) i 2 n+3 n+2 n − − − we obtain new integrals P 0 Φ =SP = B (n+1) = . (65) 6i 2 i a(i) 3.2.2 Example 2 Now consider the equation (22), i.e., au u n+1 n+2 u = . n+3 u +bu n+2 n Assuming one required to compute the first integrals, one would hence use (21) to come up with the equation abu u au abu u − n+3 n+4 S3P + n+3 S2P + n n+1 SP P = 0. (66) (u +bu )2 2 u +bu 2 (u +bu )2 2− 2 n+4 n+2 n+3 n+1 n+2 n 10

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