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Swimming With Giants: My Encounters With Whales, Dolphins, and Seals PDF

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siaj £jyyjj/jjdJjJ5 wj-j;>j ;/ My InmrnU'/j v/ii/j Wkik^ Lolpi/m^ mi Sasik — Nature / Adventure $22.00 ($34.00 Canada) SWIMMING WITH GIANTS My Encounters with Whales, Dolphins, and Seals ANNE COLLET TRANSLATED BY GAYLE WURST Anne Collet has ridd—en on the tail of a right whale once, for ten seconds off the coast of Argentina. She has taken children diving in the Azores to see dolphins. And, she has listened for the song of beluga whales in the Arctic Ocean. In this book, a perfect blend of personal discov- ery, adventure, and scientific fact, Collet describes with vivid intensity her encounters with whales, dolphins, and seals throughout the world's oceans. Collet conveys the thrilling aspects of her work with marine mammals, from the sublime gaze of a whales eye to the race to save animals harmed by drift nets or toxic - 1 spills. Like the teenagers she regu- larly takes on her voyages, the reader- will not only learn about such things as whale evolution and the unusual sensitivity of dol- phins' skin, but will experience her passion for the ocean, respect for its creatures, and heartfelt concern about the "scorched sea" policy of overfishing, trawl fishing, and pollution. Swimming with Giants Swimming with Giants My Encounters with Whales, Dolphins, and Seals ANNE COLLET with Marc Sich Translated by Gayle Wurst MILKWEED EDITIONS ©1998,LibrainePlon © 2000,TranslationbyGayleWurst Thisbookwasoriginallypublishedin1998underthetitleDanseavecUsbaUines. Allrightsreserved.Exceptforbriefquotationsincriticalarticlesorreviews,nopartofthis bookmaybereproducedinanymannerwithoutpriorwrittenpermissionfromthepublisher: MilkweedEditions,1011WashingtonAvenueSouth,Suite300,Minneapolis,Minnesota 55415/(800)520-6455/www.milkweed.org/www.worldashome.org Published2000byMilkweedEditions PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica JacketphotocompositionbySallyWagner,SallyJ.Wagner,Inc. JacketphotoofwhalebyIzzySchwartz,PhotoDisc JacketphotoofscubadiverbyIanCartwright,PhotoDisc PhotosonbackofjacketandjacketflapscourtesyofAnneCollet InteriordesignbyDonnaBurch ThetextofthisbookissetinCentaur. 00 01 02 03 04 5 4 3 2 1 FirstEdition MilkweedEditions,anonprofitpublisher,gratefullyacknowledgessupportfromourWorld AsHomeflinders:LilaWallace-Reader'sDigestFund;CreationandPresentationprogramsof theNationalEndowmentfortheArts;andReader'sLegacyunderwriterEllySturgis.Other supporthasbeenprovidedbytheElmerL.andEleanor AndersenFoundation;JamesFord J. BellFoundation;BushFoundation;GeneralMillsFoundation;HoneywellFoundation; JeromeFoundation;McKnightFoundation;MinnesotaStateArtsBoardthroughanappro- priationbytheMinnesotaStateLegislature;NorwestFoundationonbehalfofNorwest BankMinnesota;LawrenceandElizabethAnnO'ShaughnessyCharitableIncomeTrustin honorofLawrenceM.O'Shaughnessy;OswaldFamilyFoundation;RitzFoundationon behalfofMr.andMrs.E.J.PhelpsJr.;JohnandBeverlyRollwagenFundoftheMinneapolis Foundation;St.PaulCompanies,Inc.;StarTribuneFoundation;TargetFoundationonbehalf ofDayton's,Mervyn'sCalifornia,andTargetStores;U.S.BancorpPiperJaffrayFoundation onbehalfofU.S.BancorpPiperJaffray;andgenerousindividuals. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Collet,Anne. [Danseaveclesbaleines.English] SwimmingwithGiants:myencounterswithwhales,dolphins,andseals/AnneCollet withMarcSich;translatedbyGayleWurst.— 1sted. p.cm. ISBN1-57131-244-7(cloth) 1.Collet,Anne.2.Womenmarinemammalogists—France—Biography.3.Marine mammalogists—France—Biography.4.Whales.I.Sich,Marc.II.Title. QH91.3.C66A32000 599.5'092-dc21 [B] 00-021056 Thisbookisprintedonacid-free,recycledpaper. For GregDonovan, SirRichardHarrison, Christina Lockyer, BillPerrin, andIan Stirling It is thanks to my encounters with these scientists, now friends, who always answeredmyquestions with care and patience, thatI have beenluckyenoughto encounterwhales and dolphins, which in theirturn, posed questions to me.

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