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J^ 'm- SVOBODA ДА ОБОВС Пам'ятаймо про Україну! UKRAINIAN D Л IL\ УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ щомнник JERSEY CITY and NEW YORK. SPECIAL ISSUE CENTS 25 ЦЕНТІВ ДЖЕРЗІ СИТІ і НЮ ЙОРК. СПЕЦІЯЛЬНЕ ВИДАННЯ ПРОПОЗИЦІЇ ЗМІНИ СТАТУТУ УНСОЮЗУ еИГОТОВПЕНІ СПЕЦІАЛЬНОЮ СТАТУТОВОЮ КОМІСІЄЮ УНСОЮЗУ / Згідно J резолюцією 32-ої ії цневноКу,зюоСНУ ою волоГої ньляіцепСої вотутатСКомісії обраію ARTICLE I ARTICLE I ти акилкий снволоГну ьляіцепсЕкіекутнвний Комісію,Комітет бякої ув завданням уповноважений було 6 а,кинді сдерий дпрем -цкваяії ув цдбюлоокзесра енвна ії цневноКНсстора Олесницького, заступника головного NAME, SEAL. ETC. Name. NAMEi, SEAL, ETC ти иріверепий чюунсіСтатут УНСоюзу та ти ивотогив Спсціяльна Статутовв Комісія працювклі. Name. 9 1. The name of this organization shall be "Thf пропозиції змін до Статуту для розгляду чергової вж одорпвих лунимох ьртз ою ниволопв.ікор ня надісаЗff § 1. The name of this organization shall be "Ukrainian Ukrainian National Association, lac." abbreviated ї.іцне вноК ся илавубдівід пас чад ранго онволоГду ярУ.узюоСНУ' National Association. Inc.," abbreviated "UNA." herein ''U.N.A.,*' herein referred to as the **Association." ну ку ьлаву яоТтіуцтаетпССію сімно оКакилкопдо кі тоії рцаомКрофніро цю пї'аєрпіц ії сімоКли уні бавокурду referred to as the "Association." SeaL життя на Спеціяльнім Засіданні Головного Уряду ах тівз1 ад ржо оанвНолоу.ГдярУ Seal. { 2. The seal of the Association shaU bear the inscriptiea у.зюоСНУ у і,нсере в1990 .р,423651 ...у ..і..дий а л кксь ик ц ка ер дтирнир іія ан намен ор грвситан сана окдшвслесхьеояеук лБллаНоІОлчГлоГСяВПОУД а.втсмє ирзу пюодСідо НУвперсію УНСоюз ту уть тиастуСмЗабни сзпти еічуснбемві ою зкьсйілгнаа ю,ій овас мокмьсйіди лярг Унаві омбо кожного бо доно йізцівфї^оіл уки ьтліатсттейтсу.ку ат на в на ва ьолтякяуому ітація тссСіпмоСКні ведеання ус вкуорднопорп забезпеченевого oCbAfoas tE§§snhto ham 32cdtei..hbia aTTeltAnei hhomU,s enesak . o, ni rsncIeadnisaiacn clUrt.i "aiiopkon ftrn iao atihnnnsehd ia sa AnhElal,sn lsblcgo eolcsinusniaehrsatr iitoslohautn n n togdhsufhe atamthglhlee rs tbeew:eme "ao bUr fhl lkaetahmrgnaesdi. ,n siTin aAihsnncme r Nifeeprmraatiittcobieoarnlnenn maai.n ll eiNnma Eб tbb3imool. etnbThmal hel t mehoA fe.i s nstUshockcerr iaiaAptiitnsoisionaon,nc iIsaanhtnciad.o"l nl, E s1nsuh8gr9Uar4losl.b u Tc nlohadnen s gtaihus tea goешМеш.e fs T:t hh"erU eek nfdlaogias,a 7. ій ко лнеоштораонДА на ьляіцспСва отутатСія сімоКть исорпво тснелч grasp and the name of the Association abbreviated in both lan­ American, Canadian, and Ukrainian, beneath them two 8. ів цен нгаввЕІ у.зюоСНУ ви арпів ліУддіВта ні журкОти етімоКні авадоп guages. lunds in fraternal grasp and the name of the Assodathm 9. ич ма воеРздаГ ня ої внсежаввазі ії тсегусна ки урни ялУк.учяД го онволог § 4. The seal shall bear the words and display tiie emblem as abbreviated in both languages. 10 ик на пноАЧ а.киндісдер пна і,мьсип чи юусердаій всст илдо ої нволоГ shown in the margin hereof. Purposes. 11. сь он апроируМК ї,іряле цнаКяк є:уділс § 5. The objects of the Association are set forth in the amend­ S 4. The jmssaa of the Association are set ftorth hi the 12. О.навІ ис лФ ed certificate of incorporation of the Ukrainian National amended certificate of incorporation of the Ukrainlaa 13. ич вій орпдинлАиФ ULANA DIACHUK, SUPREME PRESIDENT Association. Inc. and made part hereof/ National Assodatioo, Inc. and nuide part hereof. 14. ий кьсор вгоІкаР UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION INC. Rules of Order. 15. ин раро твеПаС 30 MONTGOMERY ST 3rd FL § 5. All CgnYcntion procccdia». GcBcral ЛжшМу 16. а,ас лраагТа мШл.ом JERSEY CITY. NJ 07303 Meetings and Executive Committee Meetlifg^ of t^f Onkc CHARTER CHARTER Official Publications. (ARTICLES OF INCORPORATNЮ ) (ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION) S 6. Tbt omcial PBblkttloi of the Ukrainian NationaJ Association , OF THE UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION. INC. founded February 22, 1894. and ofTicially approved April 21. founded February 22, 1894, and oflkially approved Aprfl ARTICLE П ARTICLED 1898. under an Act of the Legislature of the State of New 21,1898, under an Act оГ the Legislature of the State of New CONVENTIONS CONVENTIONS Jersey, entitled "An Act to incorporate Associations not for Jersey, entitled "An Act to incorporate Associations not fier Legislative Powers. pecuniary profit." dated February 21, 1907, and filed in the pectmiary profit," dated Febmary 21,1907, and filed in tkt § 6. The Legislative Powers of this Association shall be vest­ office of the Secretary of State on Febniary 26, 1907; amended се ПГоof the Secretary of State on February 26. 1907; ed in a Convention of representatives of the members composed on February 10, 1914, and filed on September 11.1914; amend­ amended on February 10, 1914, and fUed on September 11, of delegates from Branches, elected and approved as hereinafter ed on June 14, 1941, and filed on June 17, 1941; amended on 1914; amended on June 14,1941, and Hied on June 17,1941; set forth, and the Supreme Officers of the Supreme Assembly October 6. 1954. and recorded on Nov/а-дітв 8, 1954. amended on October 6,1954, and recorded on November S, specified in Section 25. 1954. Authority and Jurisdiction of the Cooventk» First: The name or title of this corp^ation is Ukrainian FIRST: The name of the corporation Is the UKRAINIAN § 23. The Convention shall have the following authority and National Association, In^. \ Pi^TlQffAL ASSOCIATIQN. INC. ^ jurisdiction: aCcAoaetcftUfEhaauoaidhanmrmsooamnnrrcgt uimdSnanmlmigeouiadctee lal slnesneaira eracid atedsa igtieldoiycnaafmzilhnen oonoa ne,dsS dbUan .rwedn ,d tltrn aea:ak oaiei ve tt tinlnntTr dtnp s oa,essdo atp g srch ets6mti tbuorauac noei dmuvttrubyapea i iuirpaicnmro lpgarfdaitunttefdncieuoieh nbnJuo sas bdmtrgeettn t,tihfhpalr t ieeaaisoeobosielass nc anm sni^ hnyaairpudwep lsn n d i nusr to aat mddh aciitdiitsnannhnHetnh eseonoldsdp ece dorfar jd tri sirja аІ ow Thrfppіiuscsb onяnoll Йutieirll іssvjeortdrЙoeec ao,e,cwicn s s enphdfcvauip ltsssttrd aiienflcprob scdsoian deo no aafrietmfdmnff vnn apoce fofb idsri deoredaedbrpeinarac mrnie yel twsmtitnw esid -aihat boW tslerhii loneasnae tnev mOoinh wrndodcsr ossrgi^tr fd easlenh,aefe eev i cnse anfinttono&peirchhittdtdflttrhuciefToaeehe o icereteiiomrpinenshnrl pn twmr ^ ga aeg ao rc fsl ni lmeonsoaeae,uniAwe lt rvnddmnacmeassoiesituhr ­p nnto,sirteaocch l oodrnoiinmrahtliencao d monyttaosiiauin. - na o rpneeaoaaa cttn idennthingnlnnuoohanyueteed lddfnl.Ie ,r­­ s ^eafsAoistSttvdi rUnahhaunednipatimdkcc ieeacfusdten^tium efrhittlchen remuei Carr arttue,o asceisuoi ite nlO l eneo coiif ecUanostti aendrpstaNenh tn kn gd pfrf rndeaaooDmr aaaiotrisn tlrarrihnrnv iii'nad am ioyntf;eidiinmissa n dztn mncX Bet siceadesai&oapti di ty n map nlrmou atBai-ridiaalth.eLntennn e eiu rlisemepE cadd oseeesiasa ruwdn rt nes b,nntehios rmmusgsonedtiad fp e coolr oeeatoiap oasn ssismlbniafnruo,psthdcsn itreeodtnc,tee -or,t rhshnma ah nnaaniwa eteglnn«e itdlaanoo inim,aebvdcAr atlw tg l hdos ienp aefshfsppspid lttnaus nc,uoueutsaloo emnbhh men bnanbvrcCrelsofinjiicetldiete Г rlaeiso,alledyic s aehoteol npi acaf itsnspd faooarfsuast, gamo inirn oadnlnoflflnmr tdlvn oiardengPuia dbi rdte na dstsngrs ra weh y tocf aewcdcan ,a* omd ihi lh rhdtbnrf! satgahaoi iceoake edlleolirralmued nf snoe vaippnlrlr ndtstw dba'eeraudheyteBe ltuehornenwea rw evdrvcdtneipt.d aasr ohsksai mo a dpUc m bteiceisuopmeaearMoynneet onrdtepr hsoinatioldn, tp.eoe a nne eb­terrgtotntw,rdgdoyoors ­- ^ ^"OSAwBti LnourfhsS5caSSSS 4Spf32ased1iwl u.uuuuo urnc ur .oMepcepppppcsT edTLmA irr hrrrrr aiaaoetsoeneeeeeeechtnlme,m mmmmm gsilg td eond .wiiOb e soeeeeeeono tAelth thnBfam TerSPhVDVfsaoret isyeresriciismii o oconer-crecsee oLranehcspne aenriefincsiaas e td aaa tutPPen:creltaotewctl rhmt l reirrn triesotaeccrmeeeyh t rinsneosdft n i oteisen Sddrfdees rni esueda acset tptneChe prmn i ltlsobtyrietareusc ocer ybncaetfsumtA tevaornssnt idy hrssesttbseot iha esoohydtAf efoodl t l auCt bf Stawoga hdautfto ceiiehdlsptolcvp ioreoonooeeSet rm:fagbbm u nl tutoIpp mhhCetnsrnl eeiidtoeenAns hnmmsshefdsat ots saa ml eslnteoltnl. h emo imfdatAes wttlb efshassoiileoansneytb, eln dg:ajhAm oen rapnaciSnbvetsreutseoslo y p' dv(pooa raIiofftnea)i wjm cn(ttioobhheedefsneeer , tlFPSSFfbeeitii.v rrcclresroTiet eng omttdVoa oea rrkmVcyf frtt obk -tPnre*K rrnC.saPl a tdornhdfeae fd dtlhridalee i p ^Ao rutd»i toinf gt hCeo Gou«niit-t«eie ,A a t IcMt mm «f whom at least shall be a Canadian member. whom shall be a Canadian member. It shall also be the purpose and object of thfe corporation to It shall also be the purpose and object of this corporation 14 Members of the Board of Advisors, of whom at least two Eleven members of the Board of Advisers ^ wtoai at provide a fund for the relief of disabled and destitute members, to provide a fund for the relief of disabled and destitute (2) shall be Canadian members and at least two (2) shall be least two shall be Canadian UMmbers. their families and dependents, and to contract with members to members, their families and dependents, and to contract female members. pay funeral expenses, death benefits, endowment benefits, annu­ with members to pay funeral expenses, death benefits, 5. Action upon such resolutions and recommendations as may e. To act upon such p ity benefits and such other forms of insurance benefits as arc endowment benefits, annuity benefits and such other forms be inuxxluccd for the well-being of the Association. may be introduced for the weU-heing ai legal for fraternal, beneficiary associations to issue under and of insurance benefits as are legal for fraternal, beneficiary 6. To affirm, revise, supplement or modify the determination f. To affirm. rtYJst. a _ pursuant to the laws of the State of New Jersey and of any other associations to issue under and pursuant to the laws of the of the lower tribunals on appeals, in acconlance witii these By- Uon of the lower tribunals nn ш state in which it is doing business, for such sum and under such State of New Jersey and of any other state, province or Laws. thcx By-Laws. conditions and in such manner as the rules or By-Laws from country, in which it is doing business, for such sum and time to time by said association may provide, thereby agreeing under such conditions and in such maimer as the rules or Time and Place of Holding: Quorum. Time and Place of Holding: Quorum. emtathonllae l apy ofra tughpyneer edorsr av amaiilddn aee dtx.bt epoeTrntehshne,ee fsmi retrwssaa ilyasteno esf d racso uhntmhcadhen tBg bipmeyeed-nerL es baftoioywnt sstas i hm orceeroerg n eoubivtnleeha ntepaitrnrmisoog evn anti sdhdo eeetfdh d pr,e, ea a pmyBsrm oyewsed-eLeninfltalit e waoad­fss, eotrBhfetyihegt-rseuL erlh^base twyair nssea g iftgn rhrt oehepm eerBi o npytvgia-imL dytmeaeod w et,pons aa ttmy sio m awfs yaeet i hldpble rya bo fssuve aanniidleedlerf io.aat tTslsh sheeoxercp irtmaeoutn ailosseteunstse c arhmans n,adp dmy e B rtpashyyro-eo Ln fvbrsaio edwonmesr­, Cdtwhaoher§ni c vySh7eeu .an sprthSrisoaue lnmibln sjeb ets cehhAt ega slitmvslo ee bomnane pb tthhpolye l itol chdfaae tbaM Blsae arno ayfs n ttaeacannhttn ue tuatsiom asar leoyt nm laecrnaeeedseq tUi u npfnio lrageuevc.mr ee dr emydun oeetsnfs oi ntguhRnorstae icgtbceaueedlfl eoa onbrrf­ey dfRoeeusі girg8u ncAlaaa.rlt e eSCndud obabnjryve e yctnhtet aekRtr moGEs sGah^ spiUf hiptLanhllAliel c RabmAbe soC lshneeO etmhlsNd tboV alafytEs a M NaototfTa tr«eyIyanO a Natar asc t niqomoanaeic rle ac mnmhdeie ccpatviltita^sic.yb e tives of the members in the manner provided in the By-Laws time to time be amended, modified, enlarged and otherwise the date fixed. due notice of which shaU be ^ven to the B-tm1iff if jfiit and allowed by law. changed by a convention of representatives of the members four moQtlK brfort UK daitJbfflL sucThh iBs rcaonrcphoersa taiosn m sahya lhl ecroenafstiesrt obfe ae sSuubplrisehmeed Ainss eamccbolryd aanncde Aliinss ThtsheeHmed I mbRliayDnn :naa enTcrdch o pisrsru doccvahoind rceBpedo r arwinani tcttihhho eents hB seayh s- raLmulall waecysso anahnnseidrdse taa Blfolytofe-w rLa e adbGw eb esey.n s eTtlaarhwabel­. oinf gAb tu hmseian Cjeosorsnit,v ybe nuotfti otahn e les dhssuaellryl cneoluenmcsttbeitedur t aemn ada qyqi ruaaadmljiofmiuerd nf o drfe rtlohemgea ttsreeassn sasitaotcentni odtno­ tfahrtawtAennn s dmasbceatsijigsooi onrtnhi to eyt f o Co bsofeu nsstvshiineoene nstd.is ou, nlby u shet laealc l tleceosdsn esartn itnduu tqme abaa elqirfu iaeosdrau ymd ae ldhclrft amtthcraae CdrcpppmSwiBdeiuuoroartieerowtpsorannmshsvirnra,entei eibdc rnsegmsithes anuchs trie e eoob eiissatts n n jh snoA enor eorcdtiuosfr gahft s Sfel ayetete tchthnhm ta shehboiiiU tsezssbeweea se n l cnc,oD,ecyUi o otdovfe tero nromesh pNdmpitrfBrtoa po,eeoit rbSynrowhduatlta-siio igtao LsetsSiJ itho nhdotcateenh a o rnswaoiots rr ,teneft psa fshs y w.sdn om Cru So rdhToompaeaur uirhmtcen ipag ipnrheioairbhnnvr nd eeo iit Smam.astariv situn,isoia s nen py pBnoy cSr if o Torene uhaastt mr hpsnahnooueervidcftessserh he ts mt e cdeehisAtoorsetiehera inss sp eects,tsDAe icooea r,tsmrmost ai hetsaomoneeapsbtnwrdm iilolroa nly nsi nonbtiie o ohnfd,ldar o nya r nt ytft vehehfooo dsireoefe­r­f ­ r ssBmvSchGorbtiioertaeraosaeac rravitnnyeoitpsenenees sn so cshsor prh,,aafaaaa a onetlnpvnnt htswyherdddAi r ooie c ostsodvntrohsi uetiin c meherngrtom tierehcoprhrtcire b hptort ooioilsoeotsooywrrse turfn g iadapn Teaga t Cts nrohernioo oof,dau ifi f nnvizi sfttwthiBtem e,isc etnr,ed rerh eer cGaraeesTemisenst, s e r,oiastbcU donu rashseerney osburedn tr iflssbaete taoi ee nsjfCmlrodeiihs vnn fc a Aap o e tSaontyt fodshth hnt assa thbieodsheidste neewme eSar sc s mc est tc booahicvaaoraolmoteenynrpineu rn pdd opB ,nooot rooaytftirrafseno r-i a teNnLly dtitdstio h,ieatuhe o niswewaworenn ,nfi p s.Uhns J wd,oomu egenst shprr hheistitsehmeieceaeetrsi.hrldsy s­-­l j| Cuttiiuonhypponge oAH§ooSn n Afnvpbtto 3h e aeyswtls0necshel il o i axtue aCiTsctsto nlhayictah naa mae Clettnd ll wi melseoioa mtSd,enynoa enu.vtosfum itp ieunpyntsbnrhsog oeett dSen thmirvtoi aP rshcSonydec eeEutoas ser epf tC tmPe e ommrittrrLnea hhtetuamne he\essytdLdi ehtedS f. i ebBeueoCnoA nleptrrfaaOui tar pmnc udentNaswscmpiceetlhioVhlio,a eena ne-bplEd lgts A lelhw t. N at hCaisiwcerTsrsseoldseee lI mu-emhseaOb- neenfiboer oiN duiefltauny h it rntpg.aecte aul ha elfomr lst lperB i afvro rfis osoilatineptarnne r b ogc ietsmihf slsp ocie atherofsyjioc p,ob t ilrihodaeonideflr­­­ stfhBChotoaroueSAHі abl nrpcdntit8voU theiclewBfnechs tnag. y iea tCvas sinTotloo,at d tohsfhloeCf l eatere btmhst od hyttuesyna.Pe a apt ndvjr(tmAooaa6eaernai0ntsSsegine s)titP, t yfo didothaEo chaefnaoeniC epno yaft rc iBtoIstaiaes Ai enSlohmif lsnl L i Ca htidu vo hltaoosClebfhe tol tm Ol ecetdmv th oaNcahtItecatahapsrV aassAdtecasilEah bae esafe»,N tteodl b c.rapfT Moaea saltf I aet«aw aOwcdcrаdмgаЬaeаeга ,N at a clаГ hае іМшаоС>aal i»Ш Лл erhta fуцЛ- htidАаЬгіщ мoh^a t reprЦу.p m doаиaМІї ssa i« py raeta fhca isnaa al«ll -Г The places wheit this coiporation is carrying on, perfecting FOURTH: The places where thfa corporation is carryIHR І call and tiie date of the Convention. General Assembly aad the delegates to the | oisataAMtshhufnn s,iecioT ddsstshneu s h emS tcpPo Segotoptr oubanhBnuomptlseyevr ourrwe p ieamr nsiomsrhshytcsmd oaa eeei mStlsn saloeS t t s rfaideotn,p enhc efTetrgr tdeetoee rt r, trc hauCroaameniesbrnitstt doyijsedynDer .e ceiwatseoot.gh sismfaTloe lai a fJihnnAn rceestaderigt hors l eproietntnshhyyco tea i sco s oCtstof iShenco riseuot,pCns yrrtoi pea,peoor ien onnfaHroa rst,fiud afie tao octsdaninN tfos p d oenatarih nwss inine n md cctC JUhi acopeocheymnraou a isnlntSprbe esgtoyuoeduyfe spTm, s ea Srteindahcmetratedm ev arlo e 3eieteifndsne0­ aoAatCoaUlgnfnnJgni ,aFtidd eiiByittI n pne,sc,Fi t es dnoa THtrp n s tfSrHsth usehtuitucednh:aictrm sscetiThe onei cmi pChsngnoo,ae ir a,tsl PaCpht iTanelrooeSonr odrrftuiudjfvaa b"insci tclnetso kiteetsnAycnma ee e,stsi s cse snup ahm seo muo,tmaf t afr htrm3 tpybeCgih0ro slaebiy a rsts MS eieni ttsnc sthaoshoa ogederaartn rirarpelaevtele ,onsg eo idra odstdfaanhe m, tn itdlewfneoacde r Sip MtrI ltmotltyoph as ncsioe atnSSua esrerewCct sco.rrche hifeyrcTt s oeeyoo iNhotmto mta,ehenon r wpeaf,skyp ron piJ.r Jsco dceeoeaeforr cdr tfustieste hoehensocyneyse-ft eBCbASinlerueosgaN §5cspn fnt o tvuirihc8l3coeelmhe.e1innm a d.btEs ttiie theoSixvo obrneetp nyy Ar .teof h y ciTsf(reh ei 6saaldDh aee0tlpeuecvm e)mr lt ilCdysienebaoec aocgalineeyany dts tfv 7stpiouea ne5asrfnobng n odflatod v idisnsCrodei hs dlneooiteemol hn fgedVn sveoga th oe rhatBcanetedtoeiresl tnn elai smA otlgni acennv cseoPigs a hmnnotwaoce hcsabwtidaeiinneeas se s trtit mrgn iscosfoo a toa.Snoowrf nre r, dn hcimtae setohhnsdireot eay mapn oli nlna urpb dye1 betriaw 1nreebsts h gcooy ee in onc idsw,nfht u iim tantctlthihehgahvede ye ­ gelvpCAogaorowslat9NessBets ao-e 9uv:c}do; .emB o natntEhnhr tbtaivaaeiveoonensnrBerae c eaymo , h hM thfheda laaDasoutav vvtnelhnieiyhal narue g«vsyegga sfe al3tta17)aaotM v55ebsr s tbhM о7 г аteaмк (a5Doas aal aht Estdm9ocHo bLJ9 t aeVael1B9E sd4Bh oc eG 9ntcn•nf lnA•aMmh «Taac edtPEard i saSoi awI faЛ^ » eD|r СтптЛтшш orcгeсsрe пм.cяdМ dІшм ЗІ csаГ«fl alaacd'dfSa «Is h Sif lб ftj SIXTH: The fifiKBl Assembly of this corporation shall to representation and vote on all nutters to be acted on at the The officers of this corporation shall be elected by the mem- ab ec eolnecvteendt iboyn tdhue lym ecmonbsetritsu, ttehdr oiung ha ctchoeridr arnecper ewseinthta ttihvee sB, yin- Cinocnluvseinveti,o onn ea sd efloelgloawtes;: t faBoraaen hchaveisn gh a1v5in0g t o7 259 9to m 1e4m9b meresm inbcehris- Ebeacdai tdtldeedgtaolie shal he catMad to ам ben, by their representatives, in a convention duly constituted Laws, whkh convention may be bcM la the Sute of New sive, two delegates; those having 300 to 999 members inclusive, ГА АЯУ |tщ oth aec cSotantlea nocfe N weiwth Jtheres eByy, -oLra wins ,a woyh iochth ceorn svtaeotet iooaf tmhea yU bneit hedel d Jersey, or h) any other state of tiM Uidted Stales, or fai anj gtharteees .d Eelaecgha tdese:le tghaotsee shhaavliln bg e1 e.0o0t0id oerd m too roea me evmoblee.r sN, ofo uBrr adnecleh­ Підкрмлммй у MnponoNoa «4rf^ t/jlMet or Province of the Domiiiioo of Canada. •hall be eatided to moie ао fіііour voM. \:,: СПЕЦІЯЛЬНЕ ВИДАННЯ А Branch having less than 75 members, for the purpose of A branch having less than 75 members, for the purpose d Committees Appointed by Supreme Executive The Executive Committee shall at such special session representation at the Convention, may unite with another representation at the Convention, may unite with another Committee. appoint the following committees: - Branch also having less than 75 members and if, when com­ Branch also having less than 75 members and if when щ>ос (a) Credentials Committee, composed of five (5) delegates; bined, the aggregate membership of the two Branches shall be bined, the aggregate membership of the two Branches, гішП § 16. The Supreme Executive Committee shall at such special (b) Committee on Revision of By-Laws, composed of five no less than 75, they shall have the right to elect one delegate. be no less than 75, they shall have the right to elect one dele­ session appoint the following committees:- (5) delegates; Unless otherwise agreed by the mutual consent of both gate. Unless otherwise agreed by the mutual consent of (a) Credentials Committee, composed of five (5) delegates; (c) Finance Committee, composed of five (5) delegates. Branches, the Branch havmg the greater number of members Secretaries of these Branches, the Branch having the greater (b) Committee on Revision of By-Laws, composed of five (5) The delegates on each respective committee shall be from shall be entitled to elect the delegate, and the Branch havmg the or greatest number of members shall be entitled to elect the delegates; different states; they shall elect from among their number a lesser number of members, the alternate delegate, and the Branch having the lesser number of mem­ (c) Finance Committee, composed of five (5) delegates. chairperson and secretary, and shall meet with one or more bers, the alternate. The delegates on each respective committee shall be from dif­ members of the Executive Committee. ferent states; they shall elect from among their number a chair­ The Supreme Executive Committee when issuing a call fur a The Executive Committee when issuing a call for a man and secretary and shall meet with one or more members of Convention shall, for the benefit of such Branches, publish a lisi Convention shall, for the benefit of such Branches, publish a the Supreme Executive Committee. of all the Branches having less than 75 members with the names list of all the Branches having less than 75 members with the and addresses of their officers. names and addresses of their officers. Duties of Above Committees. Duties of Above Committees. A member may vote for a delegate to the Convenlion oni> .\ member may vote for a delegate to the Convention only § 17. The duties of the aforesaid committees are as follows: - § 17. The duties of the aforesaid committees are as fol­ once and only in ihal Branch where the member pays due^ m once and only in that Branch where the member pays dues (a) Credentials Committee shall meet at least three days prior lows: the Fralcmal Fund. to the Fraternal Fund. to the Convention, shall review and investigate the credentials (a) Credentials Committee shall meet at le^ three days § 9 If a Branch entitled to more than one delegate ai the § 10. There shall be no proxy voting by anv delegate at the ot all the delegates or alternates and report to the Convention prior to the Convention, shall review and invwugate the cre­ Convention sends one delegate, he may cast the entire number Convention, V otes bv delegates mav be cast only bv the dele­ those entitled to be scaled, furnishing to the Convention as dentials of all the delegates or alternates, and report to the of votes to which the Assembly he represents is entitled, hut gates personally. many properly authenticated duplicates of the list of approved Convention those entitled to be seated, furnishing to the where more than one delegate is sent, the number of votes to delegates or alternates as may be necessary, and at least two Convention as many properly authenticated duplicates of which the Assembly is entitled shall be divided equally among lists are to be furnished to the Election Committee when said the list of approved delegates or alternates as may be neces­ the delegates. committee is elected; sary, and at least two lists are to be furnished to the Election Committee when said committee is elected; Qualifications. QualiHcations. (b) Committee on Revision of By-Laws shall meet at least (b) Committee on Revision of By-Laws shall meet at least § 10 A member shall be eligible for election and entitled to a § 11. .\ member shall be eligible for election and entitled one week before the Convention, shall consider the advisability one week before the Convention, shall consider the advis­ seat as a delegate to any Convention if he is of Ukrainian to a seat as a delegate to any Convention if he is of of the change or revision of any of the By-Laws and shall pre­ ability of the change or revision of any of the By-Laws and nationality or descent, has been a member m good standing of I krainian nationality or descent, has been a member in sent the same with their recommendation lo the Convention for shall present the same with their recommendation to the the Ukrainian National Association for a period of not less than good standing of the Ukrainian National Association for a Convention for action. CaotlBhegnoreseeans . n vm ycteaeehhnnam,atd rin,boa nenpasrd noi .t dsnopws a eowyhmsfsohs o ietdchnssuhhe te ha ahslBsll el, tr oahitnns ahet cvehexhe lete q cwmFupterahraadeiintci,ecil hfrieien csdsah atoileein vid goFei snrua nstetch doitegoi v hrffoee tfepi rare rpsnaenta s npoe(dienIfcarf8tiui> lpcx t aeo>Jtro ei oofwa nofrh st thni mcooeJht t peiFptshlerr eereatc iocttoqee edrurddn ea.io panlfLilrg r nes iFcs otoeuahtvnt neeiltdoe r snT asfesino ri tgsrdhoth afat tdn eoapa e noeynw nrег сП Гоoiheo(of1i fd cy 8ah et)o ha Bfytre hr,e n eaaCao rnntoms cdn lhe eovos,mf esf a nabttntghheidreeao , nn Bwpa sarnhtiayoxdons mcwspdhhohoua siwnelsclsteh hh s itsscoh ehn se t e hhaxbeeltl pbtChryoeoT n pthShvoeuees npasBtrlaiseor imadfnno ecrwc hoEth hmxaaeetfm tceaguircott ttoiitevodheen e a Csnsshhadoaom mlwule mle dalhi lflbsaatovereec e t c, a oobkafenne esndtnhi d etseha hrApea rplsealrs oloorln vec.cepi aodrtem ioo-Cmnr oersnenuvvdbie smtneoidi it tothebnedy moprtherric eTotorrtpheeemodevos mi nsasb.aele sydind dft bohc ryote o m tt Bhhtmrheeaei tngS tCoceuheopo denrss ehv ameaannlfeldtt ei aoErwl nsxteo ehl wcfceauho rtsnaieavts m ieoda efceC trthio hoaamenlv l me Asp hisbrtosteeouee-ceClndi, a o aatnbipnovepdne r tn aossthkvuioaeebnldn­l organizational and promotional work lor the UNA have manifested active participation in organizational and (c) Finance Committee shall meet dunng the Convention lo (c) Finance Committee shall meet during the Convention promotional work for the UNA. consider financial propositions such as the budget, salaries of to consider financial proposals such as the budget, salaries members of the Supreme Executive Committee, rewards for of members of the Executive Committee, rewards for .•\ny perst>n who at the time of the election or at the time ol .пу Лperson who at the time of the election or at the time branch secretaries, compensation, for convention delegates and branch secretaries, compensation for convention delegates his seating as such delegate is an officer of any other fraternal of hLs seating as such delegate is an officer Of any other fra­ аіккаїіоп of a fixed sum for appropriation for national causes and allocation of a general sum from the Fraternal Fund for benefit organization or association or any branch thereof; or ternal benefit life insurance organization or association or various purposes. who solicits or sells life insurance for any insurance company, any branch thereof; or who solicits or sells life insurance for or who at any time, unjustifiably or maliciously instituted or any iasunince company; or who at any time, unjustifiably or caused to be instituted any suit, action or priveedint; against the maliciously Instituted or caused to be instituted any suit, Ukrainian .National Association either on his own bchall or on action or proceeding against the Ukrainian National QUALIFICATIONS, ELECTION AND TERM OF ARTICLE 111 behalf of any other member, shall be ineligible .\ssociation either on his own behalf or on behalf of any SUPREME OFFICERS QUALIFICATIONS, ELECTION AND TERM OF § 11. No Supreme Officer shall be eligible to serve as a dele other member, shall be ineligible. OFFICERS gate of any Branch, hut he shall have the right to debate and § i;. No OfTicer of the Genera! Assembly shall be eligible vote on all matters at the Ctmvention to serve as a delegate of any Branch, but he shall have the Qualifications of Officers. Qualifications of Officers. right lo debate and vote on all matters at the Convention. () 26. Any member in good standing of the Association, 21 § 18. Any member in good standing of the Association, \ears of age or over, possessing the qualifications of a delegate over the age of 21. possessing the qualifications of a delegate Elections and Reports. F^lections and Reports. as hereinbefore prescribed, and who is a citizen of the United as hereinbefore prescribed, shall be eligible for anv office hi § 12 When the Supreme Executive Committee shall issue a § 13. When the Executive Committee shall issue a call for States or Canada, shall be eligible for any supreme office of the the General Assembly, of the Association: provided, howev­ call for a regular Convention, each Branch shall within sixty a regular Convention, each Branch shall within sixty days Association except that no person shall be eligible to any er, that no person who shall have attained his seventieth days from the date of call, at a regular meeting, elect the dele­ from the date of call, at a regular meeting, elect the dele­ supreme office of the Association, nor shall such person hold (70th) birthday as of the commencement of the ConvenUon gates and alternates to which said Branch may be entitled as gates and alternates to which said Branch may be entitled as office, who believes in. advocates, teaches, or practices, or is a shall be eligible for anv office in the Executive Committee of herein provided Nominations shall be received from the юг сП herein provided. Nominations shall be received from the member of any organization or group that believes in. advocates the AssociatioD. and provided, further, that no person shall and all candidates presented to the membership for a vote The f1(M)r and all candidates presented to the membership for a or leaches the overthrow by force or violence or subversion of be eligible to anv office of the Association, nor shall sucb candidate or candidates receiving the highest number of votes vote. The candidate or candidates receiving the highest the government of which he is a citizen. ?і9П.Гоц аЩгсооу>Ь who believes in. advocates, teaches, or shall be elected delegates. Alternate <klegates shall be elected number of votes shall be elected delegates. Alternate dele­ pracUj;»>Qf І5 a сг Ьщкцof wiy.ofganitt^igH.,pr groMP Uatl by separate vole in same manner All tie votes involving alter gates shall be elected by separate vote in the same manneh believes in. advocates or-tcaches the overthrow by force pr nates shall be immediately resolved by another ballot for the All tie votes involving altei^riates shall be Immediately violence or subversion of the gpy candidates involved. Each tt>embcr shall be entitled to one vote resolved by another ballot for the candidates invoked. Each which he is a citizen, for each delegate authonzed to the Branch No vote by proxy member shall be entitled to one vote for each delegate shall be allowed authorized to the Branch. No vote by proxy shall be allowed. Election, Term and Return of Property. Bonds and Indemnifications. Within ten days from the time ot the election and not later Within ten days from the time of the elections and not § 27 After nominations have been made as heretofore pre­ § 19. The President, Secretary and Treasurer shall before than sixty days pnor to the Convention, the Branch shall send to later than sixty days prior to the Convention, the branch scribed, election of the officers shall be as follows: - the dele­ assuming their duties each furnish a bond or bonds in an the Supreme Secretary for approval by the Supa-me Executive shall send to the Secretary for approval by the Executive gate shall strike out on the ballot the names of those candidates iasurance company authorized to do business in the State of Committee, on forms to be supplied by the .Association, a report Committee, on forms to be supplied by the Association, a for whom he docs not wish lo vote, letting remain the name of New Jersey in such amounts as may be determined by the of such election, under the hand and seal of the president and report of such election, under the hand and seal of the the candidate for whom he desires lo vote The candidate for Convention or the General .Assembly, consistent with the secretary of the Branch, stating the name or names of such dele President and Secretary of the Branch, stating the name or each office receiving the highest number of votes cast for said rcquircmcms 9f lay- The premium for thttt bonds shall bt gates and alternates. Any Branch failing to comply herewith names of such delegates and alternates. Any Branch failing office, shall be declared elected thereto from July I si of the year paid for by the Association. The bonds shall be approved by shall waive and forfeit its right to representation and vote at the to L-omply herewith shall waive and forfeit its right to repre­ of the Convention to July Isl following the next succeeding reg­ the Auditing Committee. Convention unless excused by the Supreme Executive sentation and vote at the Convention unless excused by the ular Convention and until his successor is elected and qualifies. The Association shall Indemnify to the extent permitted Committee in wnting tor proper and sufficient cause Executive Committee in writing for proper and sufTicient All Supreme Assembly Dfficcrs shall, at the end of the term by the Law of the State of New Jersey, any person who is or cause. for which they are elected, or upon an earlier termination there­ wa.*) a director, trustee, officer» auditor, advisor, or employee of, deliver to their successors or a committee appointed for that against liability for acts or omissions for perforn^ance of In the event that a delegate fail.s or is unable to attend a In the event that a delegate fails or Ls unable to attend a purpose all moneys. b<xiks, papers, sccunlies and other property their duties. The Association shall also indemnify anv per­ Convention, an alternate shall be seated in his place, and remain ; Convenlion, an alternate shall be seated in his place, and of the Association that may have come into their possession. son who is or was serving at the request of the Association as seated for the balance of the Convention. If a Branch has more I remain seated for the balance of the Convention. If a except such as may have been legally disposed of. я director, officer, trustee, auditor, advisor of another cor­ than one delegate the seats of the absent delegates shall be occu­ Branch has more than one delegate the seats of the absent Bonds. poration, partnership, joint venture of anv other enterprise pied by alternates in the order of the highest number of votes delegates shall be occupied by alternates in the order of the § 28. The Supreme President. Supreme Secretary and or any other director, officer, employee, advisor, auditor or received in the election. highest number of votes received in the election. Supreme Treasurer shall before assuming their dutie.^ each fur­ member of the General Assemt>ly who was or is serving in a Delegates elected, qualified and approved shall serve not only nish a surety bond or bonds in an insurance company authonzed fiduciary capacity with regard to anv act or omission in the at the next regular Convention but also at any special to do business in the Slate of New Jersey in such amounts as performance of their duties on behalf of the Association. Convention which may be held following the regular may be determined by the Convention or the Supreme This duty to indemnify shall Include the duty to defend. The Convention and until their successors are elected and qualify. Assembly, the premium for which shall be paid by the Association mav purchase and maintain insurance on behalf Association. The bonds shall be approved by and deposited with of any such individual against liability asserted and incurred Credentials of Delegates, Approval. Credentials of Delegates, Approval. the Supreme Auditing Committee. bv the individual In his/her capadtv as set forth above, aris­ § 13 Although duly qualified and elected by the Branch, no , § 14. Although duly qualified and elected by the Branch, ing from his/her status as emplovec. agent, director, advisor, person shall be seated as a delegate or aliemaie unless the cre­ no person shall be seated as a delegate or alternate unless trustee or auditor, regardle» of whether the Association b dentials of such delegate are first duly approved by the Supreme the credentials of such delegate are first duly approved by required or authorized to Indemnify or allow expenses to the Executive Committee. the Executive Committee. Individual against such liability. If such Insurance is pur­ Підкреслення у запропонованому статуті озна­ chased, the amounts shall be as determined by resolution of At least thirty days prior to the opening of the Cc At least thirty days prior to the opening of the Convention чає ий вонт.скет the Board of Trustees. Supreme Executive Committee shall pass upon the delega the Executive Committee sbal- pjss upon the delegates and atfgInohanbtwhihnnatofeoeeehea dt trld lti etdit yshf,hcn a a iu p ehaeseaalsbbu htmd n eehoesmjra dvrepe penln amecalseroe naant yecs sa toldtiied eetdnta fser. ioso lb iesrvs, tt fq nehh mea tafuaaateo ponhefattl prod leeetle aerhir t lfnoti res eainhehphyvec rejgSditr aaceres tellu. cei td lsmropBt uc oieAp rporarerjeeuiae non lbmrдпог bnecmdn eetcltco opdeieethasfw o d. h poE ar,SaTai pr tntx usihrhdotedno ohpieetdcu nfvher lute r eeen heilstgmtdrneeBeiae vwag gindredoedtaa le e r ettynld,CghEeele ceaae;ltexgoheh gyn lmbeac Ceeas tcutsc o temioutaehtof f,nertsla tnitoidv otiltev fthalm e re estndenbnaeh b detoka aCeAiln ittoele naehloos ng lf,tt mt ta iohitehmifhtfrfemireoet cenm h qr pa imas wduttelhttiaeaedaieoactllsnielnheie­ l­ ­­ satDaefttggdtwhiihhclplaaeemeeitreeedptttlcele heie eer.trEbAgBs, i gon n Aaexaptsarvaah dtesnart anettoceer.inoeel; douc es tcsnaTri p bhto,ha ila eofuhevtdt atll erriteetesoantor,t eh hc y nddnCrinoateosfn e aelr o e ftlsldabt E fhwme hesrtod,gbex, aeaolmt ua yeaesilhimndltf.r c ui e aftui e tIqapno temhltnnetiurulgeiemoeoe vteac b th c tesdlthtietiltwi hnefiaeifdoesiCodiekl ci hf eettn e a oehмі hdі gаtCv dt maliea ,istein oepo hhtensnmm elnnp haeoette iv rhalatagltlipoheoeliten falmecfnilvio deta metosletetede cd eidfh armode wfr s e li n avataches hoaen e irsdhafinars f dec iapfhonlldajthl o lreehea tsl rpcca er thebm tieeltsup haaeyihe iooabpln ila ralns nysrlrb bvt imueo ec tBeees ovhb apf eidrrfoemettjnuea ie idrrestaooirjaaeeiKcq e nnpttud dtduc ph sgopeetaea r set l onloleoaeettdeinyoof­­.­ s­, ectghtAdAhhomueissseenrCT§iss1pp edfoo Ah.olobOle 2cicop4scNsy ii9Nyisaate a t.oo eparitt Flobiei caldrIoo oLnsiientomannpfi t pI ofrtwo eoiCaitencofriirrseqsne Tsdn yes urtoo eenc h ianfOmrcroo eo nun ebmp tFtreysfrehleoa o i pilreetg tnI lwhslmfi laNeseiouoaAant,tsnlpwtT iyel aosaylo :tniEomsnln hrlo oyoRa p gioio ceysosnor nEtei ,afsotpha g me tSltfpteatmre eoiTyoroatecvoreta rstt epnh mtt ttyreeru'eo ts yxehorarn kn an pt eianthotmttde hhfy foreb fofipe twa oeniysfc iAlsfg hire.eEftpn ssio ,src og,xsiu iinllotebalnoiyhtdcccyle r a yui rt catbhd:etet,ot hi esuimemvote t seayn pap fo.,clofe CoofqtfILfyre nuoideoc m mieesewyoide ramrtismo ditlo lhfeifybnto ar t tet rn ehhl trodeooaeser . cotObAtbEhhifeeaxsf eeTC§ 1frsplea i o .sAchcoOAfd 2,cufeleN suois0iNrt tascsroitp.shoytovF yd riIce:cea.oLoein i i mnnadfIaIC ofntdC otiapiioicf r osorTooeemed nyncrrrmr e mOo daomrahpomet bFi rliiretctol op t o aoiaIeyegntl nnNneeoemfa fstu y etTieo,ghpiisl colfaEu ewlyl trnomoriR tadeeyy bhpoqoybEeaeeernf: ueylSt oatg eiw ayTAtlravm les eeo d est,cespta orost hnfey y otpote rth crhtphroskas ieo efe aetntf rnt hxiAtohsbncniaioweesnoeoemns rsgnli fo ta noops' ocilpgs,lnil ri l nelptaio ynh,aettotw ehitamfiroecrniftitnnrosae,pu esgm.tilnm strho Lsitspsyet a toy eaeotayab tentfteasec yedoh mrqlm t wf,ouyt o euetthii fmhhstntflehidioeet­ ­­ oCCnoolnyn vvaeetnn tttihoioen n na enwxdth uircnehgti ul mltahare viC r bo«neu vchecneeUlsdsoo nrfs o blalurotcw aeillnsegoc taetdth ,ea a nnrvde gs qpuuelcaailrai -l fArso2smo. c Nipaoeti roosnfof niocsre rloi kro erflyi re mtmos p hlnaoveyege oedt eimaaltaiinnyg gsr eowcriet ihcvo etnh taern aAycstthsionincgig a twoiofitn hv. atlhuee tfAiroso2nsm.o oc Nripao det irioossfnpofi oncosseri rt oil oirokn ref lioyerfm m tsoeps clhnouayervegieteoi edtmisea aotailryni n ogrgt ehsoc erwer ii vctpoher n oatthpnreeay rctAthtyisin.ns gog c wioafit tihvo antl.hu ee mttdhoia eeD§ty hA Se e1ubsl 4epsea.og rv dTcaeaeimthiatleeaetesir b' otm OlrnAeaif. nvl ffliueeocldnewindr absgs,ny efc toxtoehrpg. eeeC tnrhoseenesrvos elwounftit tiiothohn nes u opacfpu hptr hprpoeoev srCe eddsoi, n edsvmheela nealtglli laobotnewe,s ap snaauncibdedj ebaocsyft dt(ObAhkeysfetd5 sfe tie .har c1mmvee5 arb.Ai sinlTl ysaesh,abd oentl coe dbit gar yfetaou tivofhtn henedtler.ihs n erwgf eo iHsterohx ol Cpusnetuooinncorshnvae e rspno yeoft rifoMt hdtnhiee ee mpm Cuab opraenpplrlvorsooes wenvoseatf,i d nots cnhhde,eae alsllGeus g bbemajentea eecpysrta, a biotldoe f odsnnurioerc g3todh o.ue s tNagiiogalhfointfn i iiosogcftnfiesocfr sicaoc konenohrrt r o bd olieedenrmhai naelapimlgnmfl ogpoooyslfru oe w neytoh tiett.deheh i eTr Amarehwnscaesytiyo ls y scpepai ,ea amoretrrsixteoo ic icnnneip.p pd rwatiir tnieteach c iint pnlaoly nera m ynhs ayafhis lar n lmiaeln gn vaio enpitsni ptawtmlteyhiroe iennctsohtst thampiniioa e3 nw li.s ns hhI Ntnoaiecorvlrhl ee od sasfsttepfmu aiptcclheleihynnrr ogt ot ousofn frg oion hcentee mg srsbto ipogiotelcnirohaki yatfehiileocmfoe anlo pdnsmfl it oon tayhrIgye ne deo peaA radam srolishrttooiehicugccieisntpral atywwt it oTiieostn hheri , ne wah e nsaixidatnychlm eyr pp eaeenctn r tepyaslgyro onf ininthor.i daarm­-s­ 4. Every Officer or employee owes a duty to the Association 4. Every Officer or employee owes a duty to the ^ PROGRAM AND COMMITTEES PROGRAM AND COMMITTEES to disclose to the officer to whom he reports any possible con­ Association to disdoee to tlie officer to whom he reports any AT CONVENTION AT CONVENTION flict of interest of which he becomes aware, between his person­ possible conflict of interest of which he becomes aware, al interests and die interests of the Association. between his personal interests and the Interests of the Program. Aasodation. »").y T tAhDheee a CSSnuudoppn rsrvheemmeanlleet piEPourxnbee,ls ciisusdhhte ianvthltel,e C tppoorr mebopgemar ahritmeet led aea uaaptotr ploaetg aesrdspat e imncthi aitrfhlot eysr e odstrsahgiyoeas nn oCbfyof6i oc tvi1ahe6len . tpTiPouhroUee iaEscinaxddteei consuMhtt,ia v loels Іі вfhіЯіирC tahtohlelme pmpArroaitegetproeaecami,r aaet ti ao adan o spapptter ecoldiega alrIs nast cm ttsfhs aieiofr oatry c adtlahleyeds eInmtTeproleo siytx eaqepu lewesmidlloe ambt eut ihrreeeq . auabisro edvdee s tisgotan tfaeitldel dop uobltyi c adyni, ene uSaaculhply r oeafmf iCece oErn xfaelniccdutt ikovefey okfe y5I .n eTtmeorp eblosnty peqleeu mweseitlnli tob ntehn era eiaqrbeuo,i rvaeesd s dttaeots efigidlnl paootueltdk a ynb, nyeua tcahhlle y o Efafx icCeecortn tatfilnvicdet ' в at lent thtitydi^ prior to the Convention. prior to the Cenvcadoa. СПЕЩЯЛЬНЕ НЯ НАДИВ ARTICLE Ш ARTICLE IV publish the same in the official organ of the Association, not later mendations and suggestions which are of a more fanp<Mrtant SUPREME ASSEMBLY GENERAL ASSEMBLY than the last day of the month foUowing the month in which the nature, and shall publish the same in the official publica­ session was held. tions of the Association, not biter than the hut day of the Executive Powers. It shall be his duty to carry on the general correspondence of month following the month in which the session was held. § 32. All Executive powere. except as otherwise specifically Executive Powers. the Association; to read and submit all reports, petitions and all It shall be the duty of the Secretary to carry on the gener­ provided in these By-Laws, shall be vested in a body known as 5 21. All Executive powers, except as otherwise specifical­ other communications received by him addressed to the al correspondence of the Association; to read and rabmit Л the Supreme Assembly of the Ukrainian National Association. ly provided in these By-Laws, shall be vested in a body Supreme Assembly or Convention. reports, petitions and all other conunnnicatioat received bgr IiK., which shall have the power to implement the objectives of luiown as the General Assembly of the Ukrainian National Shall check, approve and process applications for member­ him or her addressed to the General АмешЬІу «r the Association by a majoniy vote. Association, Inc., which shall have the power to ship; shall issue membership certificates including additional rid­ Convention. It is empowered to require the amount of bond of the the objectives of the Association by a majority vote. ers and contracts; shall provide membership pins and dues The Secretary: shall check, approve and proceas аррНаи Supreme Officers to be increased at any time or may require a It is empowered to require the amount of bond of the books. Shall furnish the Supreme Treasurer with a list of mem­ tions for membership; shall issue membership ccrtifkatea new bond when, in its opinion, the sureties are not sufficient. Officers to be iiKreased at any time or may require a new bers by Branches each month for the purpose of collecting dues. including additional riders and contracts; shall provide It shall constitute a tnbunal to consider charges against any bond when, in its opinion, the sureties are not sufficient, but Shall maintain files of all membership documents pertaining to membership pins and dues books. Shall furniab the Supreme Officer as hereinafter pre.scribed. In no event shall this requirement be greater than the vital statistics of members and their insurance certificates, Treasurer with a list of members by Branches each month It shall also constitute a tnbunal to hear any disputes referred amount required bv the Insurance Commissioner of the including additional riders and contracts. Shall prepare lists and for tlie purpose of coUccting dues. Shall malntahi files of aO to it by Branches and individual members. SUte of New Jersey. statistics on membership certificates for valuation purposes and memberslUp doctmients pertaining to vital statistics of oiee- It shall elect the Editor-m-Chicf. manager or managers, of the It shall constitute a tribunal to consider charges against for reports which may be required by various states and bers and their insurance certificates, including additional official organ of this Association, now known as Svoboda. any Officer as hereinafter prescribed. provinces. riders and contracts; . The Editor-in-Chief shall submit a repon of his activities to It shall also constitute a tribunal to hear any disputes Shall maintain membership card files and statistics of all Shall prepare lists and statistics on membcenip certifi­ the Supreme Assembly at its annual meetings, and also at the referred to it by Branches and individual members. membership certificates and additional contracts by Branches. cates for valuation purposes and for reports which may be Convenuon States or Provinces, classes and age of members. required by vaiious states and provinces; The Supreme Assembly is empowered to summon the The General Assembly is empowered to summon the Shall maintain membership card files and statistics of al Assembly of the Ukrainian National Association in Canada, Assembly of the Ukrainian National Association in Canada, membership certificates and additional contracts by which shall carry on the activities of the Association under the which shall carry on tiie activities of the Association under Branches, States or Provinces, classes and age of members; jgasDAuiecgsirctrns ioeoseouccddftni i aoctCftr otiasoirio nnn nwab . d CyhTio aaothfnhn iasei tn d fhuoA aefnt.s fu dsiSrcTesnuim ahp wlibwsrshl eyiiwamlc lch hsechb o oas euEhla lnra xhcltheel a clasdvbuphe etpa ri olvideltie nsse pbptoeCooewd sno imnstmbei abydomn lf efaimti thcgtbee eeae d eAf a osnbseordspyfee a mbrtatuhahnbdteedle ­y aaAtbAhnrussaedsds te ogeJmsce iuaitgba crnoltciyiefoso ,dd uCn wni.afc tohnTt roaii hno dbii ninsCay n aAtot unhfsf rauesndet nhom adwfe.s fb TiillcwEylhi a hxiblssiesec h ca hawhuc lcselth ohlidohvua ealnalr v tre beCess eh poi aatodmsplne lp psmobioowbieisnltn ietmtt eeeobddaefe n fifiabonocgyfer ae ed s tasuh tenhbcepdhey ­ opskuflea pcSStnpphhhslieaan y llogA llf a. s pilssilnrso ousBcuceiraer astacinsnho ccanaher.let le sarc nshwd aia tnnshhgd aen lsnle ucipenmus sbbmaelriresymsh tbsosuea rpmnspheelwii pei s nB s tfrtoahatrnue c sBoh rfaefansinc dciaa hnil nd к-юхІo tsrhhgeaailnrl cstbhhioaeaSSolil hhkrlp akasuplluelblle p alpippinscirlssnayuo gt oceia;ofe l ncsli shsnB asoarurfalt rli teaKicrinehsbc aeAeasn n sagwsdneo idsctn hi aius ntnhmi eaombclnlee e;sr pmssau brbtyeolir ssnshuhe piwsppa lmBisetersaa tfinuoncsr h tBhaenesr daaon nfhcfdihi­ Supreme Executive Committee through the Supreme Director Executive Committee through the Director for Caiuda. for Canada. Shall, upon recommendation of Actuaries, prepare tables of Shall, upon recommendation of Actuaries, prepare tablei In case of death, resignation, permanent disability or perma­ In case of death, resignation, permanent disability or per­ premiums, withdrawal values and dividends and shall publish of premiums, withdrawal values and dividends and shaB nent disqualification of any elected officer of the Association, manent disqualification of any elected officer of the rate books containing same for use of Branch Officers and orga­ publish rate books containing same for use of Branck the Supreme Executive Committee at a special or regular meet­ Association, the Executive Committee at a special or regular nizers. Officers and organizers; ing, shall have the nght to appoint a member of the Association meeting, shall have the right to appoint a member of the who possesses the qualifications of a Supreme Assembly mem­ Association who possesses the qualifications of a C^cneral Shall carry on the general correspondence with Secretaries Shall carry on the general correspondence with ber, to discharge the duties of that office only until the next Assembly member, to discharge the duties of that office only and other BraiKh Officers, organizers and individual memK-rs Secretaries and other Branch Officers, organizers and bidi- meeting of the Supreme Assembly. until the next meeting of the General Assembly. in all matters pertaining to his duties and responsibilities vidual members in all matters pertaining to his/her duties and responsibilities; eSuinxpuc op.§hMenr ipes3 etmw .e^ ottnpe.hi nt iTentPge hisryone een ra sanei Srdoqdu ensp uneeQrtet e, ius msfatoo onnerrfde u tcA fmhesivepss.ses r eea ecmmrigaybuel, m llaymanb reeds Cerh ttsoaih nnloelgv f s eSmt nuhmetpeieaor tAeyn m a,s bsnaeeen tm Su cteabahclllelrlyye e,cd t aaoi lnrrbly ywoM sfhhh aeitamhynl.el і [\ otAbrh yse5M. sl huec2eaminme2leltb. .i onlToyefgrhx, s tce hohea reepGn r tdPw e u nrthQhpeeeserounia ndo yl re iewnunAa mtrrs;hi s t.isea tseemn tnod b rf lro syephr q eestucrhhie aaeosll tpl r mioemnfgei euoefenlitvtai neroag nnmsCe nome unmiaasv lybleny enbe rtceisineo cos nasMf,a l ltaraehytdye , aepwvxnrohtouyHeepc nnceehdo r esenr rhdeotsarqf afldaulicrcb etabessswrete,e sn nad,ac g u eoirtb nnehoye ormtt rhh tdihezeeine esAdnta sTba s tmsioroloier tecae yi osxa atuetohnircfeodeu rnrt t ho, oe fen,fut f o wniPcb drhiceaseoeh.lsn u aidednlfveot neecortruf, s m rihgteheeqnne u it escsAs h ataseeunscdtodkh c bsoii arn>ait z int(oehhddnee TpAmPrrr.seSoeesn<hasptKiassedul rilaer a tnbeniOorted,n, fa fthauiionnect h/yecsto rohhcrsueoei,nz neetitIsdexrn ra ta stecoiutntgh stedn,hex e a oedcgnrch ruiaeeaztmceebekmd,se s ew e nwnaahctnnehsendde oe n orvv ro eoo rnrudte hqcirbseheuarqeee bhurosisfetal fesilidttdfcey ri ad aobl owf by fdn y ot tt htchhoheoneee - give each member five days notice by mail or by publication of і and the Secretary shall give each member five days' notice the Association funds; notice in the official organ. by mail or by publication of notice in theаІ ісПГpоublica­ He shall have custody of the seal. He shall compile all Shall have custody of the seal лай shall compile all Majority of members shall constitute a quorum, but a les.ser tions of the Association. amendments to the By-Laws adopted by die Convention; shall amendments to the By-Laws adopted by the ConventkMi; number may adjourn from time to time. Sessions shall be open A majority of members shall constitute a quorum, but a prepare and publish from time to time such pamphlets and docu­ shall prepare and publish from time to time such pamphleti to any member of the Association In good standing but he shall lesser number may adjourn from time to time. Sessions shall ments as may be deemed in the best interest of the Association and documents as may be deemed hi the best interest of the have no voice or vote in the prcK-cedings. be open to any member of the Association In good standing, and perform such other duties as the laws, rules and usages of Association and perform such other duties as the tows, rules but such member shall have no voice or vote in the proceed­ the Association may require. and usages of the Association may require. ings. I Supreme Treasurer I Treasurer. Compensation. Compensation. § 40. He shall have charge of the books of account and the § 29. The Treasurer; shall have charge of the books of § 34. Members of the Supreme Assembly attending meetings § 23. Members of the General Assembly attending meet­ property of the Association; shall receive all moneys due the account and the property of the Assodatk»; shaO receive •• of the Supreme Assembly, Supreme Executive Committee. ings of the General Assembly, Executive Committee, Association, issue receipts, shall enter the same in appropriate і moneys due the Assodation, issue receipts, shall enter the CeAetaArhxxefoslspceccsnsepeeewovipmnrvecaatsenibh eta ttelc tithyho'eoioa o nefftot n h ptro,mrwae ratSrthe vhV uwrdeeetpniilhf ei^rtn eimmefgsngmie'ae usaWemeffsrnl liobgoo<ESmaewntexr*grse ase*v tcn hdi*aucceee rteemiii e r.vndt pbe fhpcs lgeleolCeealrygtdcovh&e emiedca tree omt s faw at iHtrhtui tteeemtthshh ei mo,edt hr esaioehzlnia fena.c<sfdl aieilc(o m tbefCbof eyeib cs apnShepnevu aadreploi fl drdfl fte r inimeottohohmmnteee. j;I•і II oCftOGpCfrhfeoooefiercfnmnn i eevcdve xeereistpe nahnhmelotate inifl o oAl spa nnetnllsh , laso oooeceetwf remx A ractowbreensfcaplhsc yevtmoeei e v ncotleteihh hrea eai tattgnhitEitn og efwxgwrna ep ohg,aoc emeesurtrnd ht psd itesveahIi ereeinedmsvm i s riCsiect eooameporn lmlvltstbaohio ccmewaegeerr ea i sdetto nathe feeuchl eemeertergh,.el pdasowsi ltrhdoeaiitaesytzh nleelat ddc httheb e tebe athH yotse p ao atatlmmhanhidesdeeet 1; om bsa$Дhfrs$ofc^saІу ЬтHеoinecvalkstlidena ssse m d;lt.ors r h efaaoCa annnrtclhogtdslc nameo parn vurnAiee tnedcn tspthos ttsaoboier rooc f dienlifiel na.ssvda tfa ei uintbeoarno cnunyd iddd. abs egB l eb rrse rhetiepta,ca sapnecl ilcoidoa vhvn pre cbdudtany b o nac flmntrig shetd ohheda nm edi tmtc ish.asr bolleHeoynucnf eter dhiss epatelsaaythrdsct a ehyitlamnleo n a B eptdtrhnhrr, ae etedap n inSasocbdurhfue p .s trruhaHscbneeipe- -d cj |Ij ' ; і sc imCmtrtahaesomeoteS cnnionmehoevtftian s h.evei lsnlnoelaHy td fc tia peh hostp/rhtn SaeapeBe snhtpr ferdeAoiaaman pnrsnsadeesrdhcnon ii ahasccastl.tbii h l aaeo Hbau tlpfl biur elort ros/dnehSpeeopg;ephudk ea obe satr r;l tsesi otscsal e ihoanaostv ndlfshmle md etrrto heirernnGenacetg nothenr rsnldaeamdynece irecrdtitnh iaa pa etbll teotc ihsdnc Al ebeoedavs buaoentsinorrfetdf ystmi bs yc da iBeebaoni arlslpfdН-y Іrab Ьаaр ,fnuck aacarrlnn.hens bddde day­s,­ , SUPREME ASSEMBLY. OFFICERS AND THEIR і GENERAL ASSEMBLY, OFFICERS AND THEIR ampipt rothvaisl abnudd gaeutt htoor itzhaeti oSnu. preme Assembly each year for its I| asupbpmroivt atlh aisn bdu adugtehto troiz tahteio Gn.e neral Assembly each year for Ms casotaasaapfEhueniinngfsognxr epd rSd§dAwnaea t eeu ah cSl lner3epoiln pfuenumv rt5deoad ohrtipr .r psciAere fe rtrivo Toapndnmoreeasrersrethm pn sy smebocreoaedr, C avs ee c cope Pasn SoiocosofsoaelAefuru emenn w ftfaepopcionisi c osmteshrfbttfttisihe rnei aad e,temitsmee h hrltete .ra x tim evaenbeSeenveHdso lt lequcpefSdiyot,P,g eup o uoeu c or cnrt,rfipusase fioa reauhvhnr smtmruehitetabDeeddyh.nimel em oeUe lHetnmd d tnene AThtiTeureAitat ssnseIsttA rs , yqFiesi fs sesegoos shdSuaoh^ascosnrfnacus aa Sae ccu ialdpllisma ialemilnrsat rf lt e ib beotlipectttro imwhthhleoamcr hyn efheteenreteo i b sh ieo w raltrdileacadetnEa n eierklw itwte,dxclnchnsh s ieh ssd .e icdao cstn,oih ifir Hhteufsponf ra u faa 3trauatger milbhm0tyevltl l helei sxme vee ldhrsh,eie n o mts eAaa acCtytas,nlvyesuS enus,lco,t. se etsu bd od mhi.o taHop vnjge iacensufmearetvie c rgn asetd wetiahaomstsete ichgtf r etaoteofthoeaealotisnelr ­sflehl, l ocascofpCaDArpEiuiapfunnortaxoUs spsplw§d ePsletmet,t Teos hr c rhsedir2rotcaueI medrehvoei4avEn st a eipecinai.AidTtsSvt d turoloiddT ates roeem reo sc etenhsnayCou eofcaeetec a,cisun.snot c ad ailpuhtnmaePsltniga osreunpttrdet,mwemi egtb eioGs rr avs e nmepi snriveoetredf ieten ofdsogiteraeo st.teir nef tnlitenfrool gh He .t agattr tnde achhhHlnsme as lh ee eAldAhtei oao r ina spcsAos rfroils si uhna tnlrnosewet scye ss mhcshcrbshmco rtiaesheaokerc bi, s eetue i tfsleGatsni ctxy.moe hsh tmote oehinna Hewnocefnaoe l unntlieealmrfCfr ttlt r oeh iaseaodthbvasqr,niicnr iieenleemugteaf da rs oifnsvsA3dts,r, r hh os 0euEwcsfahseot . oset dugexaa efier H, reeslanblm tllhescthyah ed jh ueaaehbens e aemot.s lcaol d oisl yrtlvv ta eEra hoeehtnis wthaxlesn haot ghnere sO ove ec b e,odr e fbnluf efsi da fome nehthittwefitcnrhahaafvahreaiesllleeeys­er l,fl­ aSSasowsSvoSahncufuuafui l tcardpppHHApedhiotlrrr ,roehlle ee reeee luattxe mmm drmhtpssse amhhaeh crAeeenea,na ueao spSslEEsaEclfEtnlspelueepe xe xxoxrnrfp pyfeeeiaeoc rtilwcoclscncpil eeiu uaulcurmrdi a ratttt taitalo iaehiiiitndlevvvovuscit o eedseeeneetaPtinl i g ihCpCvCakrvCsanieeecp eenonoomossdcfermlmmdo iemoipd escr aubmmmeu nasm nBannayicttiigyi tit.tiy tihtr dtst.not th-et ene e neLt cHheebaeemeoase nca a,rel fmrae w nlodd efns ssmrkoai se hsondaoa rysl raatasl rf h do ssylf syoalehtiaerte, se iirh rna ltrdbaru easlety n leptch an r ddt adfopeccuso.dete nop eesspr eaucrr ti trptgauof enhhopronuvcrstopesasaeoaiotem rtiyhrltmltirse emesuoe oe ipdsrdpitgmsern ii o aznsno osiedrarinnt tnrmoertaatsi ijsuneei lotpebl lhmsdm cynr eo ectoo ,r eiafa ph poosifn ndntr e,enftat oec r thas mthtotk th nheyhoifesnee ds,efe jIII^j' •i \ | lamotaopaEEauhpuflrnrxxtle e DoSTpAt dieden hopphcrcch iletAnorshlerouuasae hersro plettsm tcl iaii mpshcTrz vvitoloonkniaeo,leearfa cn ristsr aedtepiit CtCe eaopar eoyrtwya snoutoph ef,sauin ii mm smle ontFcioaredr hcnc mmnerfneeE a ao raknctdtttxciiui ethtietth naceeosisntteeeveorlheec nptl oxe nseerua sEs dufaPed a atl fmxlchpic faslro vso euharepnerafAhecrerlit sl cy laeu cefiteiblecCTa ,hldo ti sl aaniitroeaa eovedwrtnbadiiunnmlierra ifkoee tasd tt tno Cnca.ms.hend saf tpsr ddo feT noi t tpetpme fhhdrhdrtoralo eeee e iomsrsotevss s sv ride iriaeiTtiagugsat ee ritlntaBrndsnad eate aot dy ae nahadatr-n, cect sLlsa ssoy lderu hi etar m el hrolaywfejtilerre lne pplsroabd c osa nmttieccorn limry tsiort iehsse enmas idtes<on.fyh e,o ava, ema rp amu so rrrb fpoeeit eo saothrohuoAjesfs-es, resignation of any elected officer, he shall call a meeting of the In case of disqualification or disability, death, or resigna­ , 6 30. The Director of Fraternal Affairs shaU. under the Supreme Executive Committee to appoint some other qualified tion of any elected Officer, he or she shall call a meeting of I direction and pursuant to the requirements of the Executive member of the Association to temporarily discharge the duties the Executive Committee to appoint some other qualified Committee, take charge of fraternal affairs of the of that office until the next meeting of the Supreme Assembly at member of the Association to temporarily discharge the which time the new officer shall be elected. duties of that office until the next meeting of the General The Dirretor of Frattnwi Affairs shall pi . Assembly at which time the new officer shall be elected. Plan of activity for fraternal programs: shall prepare brochures, newspaper articles ^d other Information pm S§ u3p6r.e Imne c aVsiec eo fP rteemsipdoernatr. y inability or disqualification of the §F ir2s5t. VIni ccea-Pser eosfi dteemntp orary inability or disqualification of cmonotridnyin athtep tfrhatt wPmgrakl g»ммЬі«Пf tnifK U fNraAu r•inwa>lm ahc>triyvhlltpt e» ш^g fД д| braodic» Supreme President to discharge the duties of his office, the the President to discharge the duties of office, the First Vice- Supreme Vice President shall perform all duties incumbent President shall perform all duties incumbent upon the upon the Supreme President during such temporary inability or President during such temporary inability or disqualifica­ Supreme Auditing Committee. Auditing Committee. disqualification. But in the event of the death, resignation or tion. But in the event of the death, designation or permanent § 42. The duties of dus Committee shall be to examine books § 31. The duties of this сс ИішшоСshall be u> «amine permanent disqualification of the President to discharge the disqualification of the President to discharge the duties of of record, to audit books and account, to inspect real and per books of record, to audit books of account to faispect real duties of his office, the Supreme Vice President shall perform his office, the Vice-President shall perform all of the duties sonal properties of the Association as often as it shall deem it and personal properties of the Aaaodatjon as oftcD aii ft гімМ qaaElsuxlsH aeiolcgiefufn itctesihahvdteae i ol tdlCno uao tohlmisefiosm mh opi itsfebt resytfeuho .cret hcm Sees u sapSolrulre pmoirnthee moe Prffe rid cePsuei.tdr ieeesnsi tda eusn nmtt ilao yrth bteh eee l deSicrtueipcotrnee dma noedr I; dEocefux sTtetsihcheeuesre t aPiivFnsre i emr osCsfiatfdoi yecmV neb.tmi e c ueidtn-tiPretieerlc. e ttsehidde eeonlret c atssishoinagln la endad lsb oqy u tpaheleirf fiPcoraretmisoi dnae lnol tf ooatr hs utehcre- OCtatnhhneofeecdnf ei vbAsccesoesoannrsmrtodsiyo,cps ,in laaoaa tnfnhii nodaddntv si ntee ot o fhb Sitela eue lespredcnesr e sesbri mumtytlhaet pasi tln hnOeo me ffow feinmicnhtcesteeer etms idhn;a,b ev treyteoor es ast miip rgnau;aav gnbtteaioldsoiits annihagtssp eat ips tan ertn oh otdvahef le elm tS haopuanerekpg dteraip te nhiafmouo snotlled slf Gadcthoseecemene merpbrt loaaannilinen dAc tsewss s sohfseiafelm erttdhybh ,el ebyra y onmm fdtflae iiecennt edoimrnats get:І«ems к s tht bohoae favri nnseth v aboeegne sapentiina»ng s saitmmt t eC tp hvolae>enl m«lOv reep.fn nfetittntcieieo tdrni>,os, , tn« aoasmn npdadaln/^ botd »or thdsrihnueiuse scS§t t pich useaeoa3sebpsmn 8 ssroBie.seo efinmr Tb ncaValh eenseite cc otVo hefh dor etiorcuh Pssd e terepia i ee sPnorsoqsoifrd fdufme o ieatcssfnholihe idtteft ai ih enocltSlnheagf u tet ppeiSP toesrShurrnseuepef.m os p rriierdewnmme etmiFent ehritser e.u s VstctVtIh ihsncVie c e ooaier cftd iPh egPdt erhhrPierteteisr o si deaidnfsdnueei edtdmntineeo tatneps els ttnsehs as iv es nmsi s lh hmreceaageamalglcslly be u bbo elboareefef sr sasatPuoabsrs mbSs6eitesg shseen2snie q6scde aaue.der sU eTn e ont gtthorth Vue osblds iadhcsuyireesuac q -tctlhPdoliue eefursas p setl Etiiiseoohfeixrifndsec ef teacohotnFutrofeititmo ritSnVvsh eet,ie sc c uCwoVeonc-iofitPfhdcmhic re emeV-otP shtiiiohcrtedftee e ee-srrPnePii .drgtr d,ehee susntti ihttdda iteeen innsndS tt e acpcsIsahorn sani mvelad lida l oebdyVfge i eti tbci thoehoeen- ef ttSCrHhoeuooe pTTpdn noSrhhivoeerueeemr tpn C aSrctoeroieuh ofymnpa En viiret.xree Ms menm Actieanuiesomnsv tneiA evbm soeauetfb i dr gmCl itaythooict nietmaaoig nonnm SnddC u iaiatgpodnttrmreda aedet nmm.ife etisiinI enn Ct dcg foAsie onhna urgav s vdhlseloi (na athtltiaetlnie lo stgopnho farse eCp.cp p opaorannormrnfpoeimuvo daasaeinelntl tdcsea eoee ps f,lsr t isioeootts hr tneho ne aef ot f aaloCEHinnfsox ohTddinent hvsciafon eieutrin nntatAtdtiihvriiivueeenoyeds ng Ctois iMtfCgo iTanaan oelgttdmvmmi aoetCohlnbnm toetespiimo irouaatn nbtmnnc esUndga.ie tur cn.tm aaaedntIleai it todsk sinenhasessh gats fe lotialaosaf ll n l pl t fv rhoraooeeerfltpp seAatoot hrho rseestefp o Goarcdanfooeap dnpintpt kfoespir rmdsorIaeenev l nst vaaheAcel nee ssl ttoair ltsfeegto taoma ot tdtMhobhhofeley eaa assigned to her by the Supreme Executive Committee. member of this Comnuttce designated by the chairman, may Convention. take part in die meeting of the Supreme Executive Committee in Supreme Director for Canada. Director for Canada. an advisory capacity. § 37. The Director for Canada shall be a Canadian citizen § 27. The Director for Canada shall be a Canadian citizen Board of Advisors. Board of Advisors. who is a qualified member of a Canadian Branch and a resident who is a qualified member of a Canadian Branch and a resi­ S 43. They shall take part in all Conventions, in all regular і 32. They shall uke part fai all Conventions and In аЯ of Canada. The duties of the Director for Canada shall be the dent of Canada. The duties of the Director for Canada shall and special sessions of the Supreme Assembly; and make regular and special sessions of the General Assembly; shril same as those of the Vice President. The Director for Canada is be the same as those of the Vice-Presidents. The Director for reports in writing at the annual Supreme Assembly meeting and make reports in writing at the annual General AssceM; responsible for the promotion and expansion of the Canada is responsible for the promotioa and expansion of at the Convention of the activities in dieir districts and territo­ meting and at the Convention of the activities In tkefar dto- Association's activities and of its Branches in Canada. He shall the Association's activities and of its Branches In Canada. ries; to execute all assignments given them by the Supreme tricts and territories; shall execute all asslgnmeata ghroa- perform other duties as may be assigned to him by the Supreme He or she shall perform other duties as may be assigned by Executive Committee and to counsel and advise them on all them by the Executive Committee and shall rnwitl «ai Executive Committee. the Executive Committee. matters of the Association; and to actively promote die best advise them on aU matters of the Asaodatioa; skill mOMty Sapreme Secretary. interests of dieir respective areas. promote the best hitercsts of their respective «гем. of 9th 3e9 .S Huper esmhaell Akseseepm ab rlyep oarntd o Sf uthpree pmreo cEeexdeicnugUs voef Calol mmmeeittitnege,s 5 28. The .Secretary shall keep a report of the proceedings ГА АВУ and shall publish reports of Supreme Officers, all resolutions of all meetings of the General Assembly and Executive adM>ted. inotions passed and those directives, recommendations Committee, and shall publish reports of Offlcers, all resolu- ня напсеркдіПу му онааонопорпааті утатсав чанзомй аоитмсг. Md wggestioos wfakfa an of a more ioTOitant nature, nd sfaaU tkMM adopted, motkMM paaaed and tboae dincUvca, reooe- •''І'Ч' V^l ІСЦІги IDnC ont^^T-tTtrt Hooorary members. Hooorary Members. The appellant shall file his intent to appeal, in writing within The appellant shall file hb Intent to appeal, Ь writing, 5 43a. A member of the Association who held ui office in the і 33. A member of the Association who held an office in fifteen (15) days from the date of the judgment with the within fifteen (15) days from the date of the Judgement with 5upfeme Assembly for at least three terms, i.e.. twelve years, is the General Assembly for at least three terms, i.e., twelve Supreme Secretary, unless the Supreme Secretary be the accuser the Secretary, unless the Secretary be the accuser or eligible to become an Honorary Member of the Supreme years, is eligible to become an Honorary Member of the or accused. In such case, the appeal shall be filed with the accused. In such case, the appeal shall be filed with the Assembly after his name is submitted to the Convention by the General Assembly after his/her name is submitted to the Supreme Treasurer. The appellant shall file with the Supreme Treasurer. The appellant shall file with the Secretary, wfth- Supreme Auditing Committee and his nomination is approved Convention by the Auditing Committee and the nomination Secretary, within thirty (30) days of filing his intent to appeal. in thirty (30) days of flUng his intent to appeal, his specific by the Convention. Ls approved hy the Convention. his specific reasons for appeal. A copy of this appeal will be reasons for appeal. A copy of this appeal \rill be fUcd with Honorary Members can take pan in discussions at the meet­ Honorary Members can take part in discussions at the filed with the Chairman of the next convention of the first day the Chairperson of the next convention on the first day of ings of the Supreme Ass';mbly and the Convention in an adviso­ meetings of the General Assembly In an advisory capacity. of said convention. The convention chairman, at his discretion, said convention. The convention chairperson, at hia/her dis­ ry capacity At Conventions. Honorary Members have all rights of a del- will list the date and the time when the appellant can be heard cretion, will list the date and the time when the appellant The numtxT of Honorar. Members of the Supreme Assembly egate which include the right to vote. Thev do not however. by the convention. The appellant will be allowed one hour to can be heard by the convention. The appellant will be can not L-viL-cd >i)'i of the total membership of the Supreme present his appeal orally, bu' shall be limited to the grounds and allowed one hour to present his/her appeal orally, but shall Assembly Association. tacts as set forth in his written reason for appeal, previously file. be limited to the grounds and facts as set forth hi his written Once elected, an Honorary Member is thereafter pre­ fhe accuser will have the right to reply for a similar period of reason for appeal, previously filed. The accuser will have cluded from running for office within the Genera! time. The chairman of the convention will then put the matter to the right of reply for a similar period of time. The chairper­ Assembly. cNen in the event of resignation from Honorary a vote, to sustain or reject the appeal. A majority vote of the del­ son of the convention will then put the matter to a vote, to Membership. egates present will determine the issue. If the accused's position sustain or reject the appeal. A miOority vote of the delegates Transfer of Property. IS sustained by a majority vote as previously set forth, he will be present yvUl determine the issue. If the accused's position is § 34. .\ll (ieneral .A.ssembl> «fTicers shall, at the end of the entitled to all back pay withheld since the date of suspension but sustained by a majority vote as previously set forth, he/stie Підкреслення у запропонованому статуті озна­ term for which they are elected, or upon an earlier termina­ will not be entitled to any costs or counsel fees, unless the con­ will be entitled to all back pay withheld sinceJ^he date of sus­ ає чий аонт.скет tion thereof, deliver to their successors or a committee vention shall specifically vote the accused a sum therefor. pension but will not be entitled to any {восг, or counsel fees, appointed for that purpose all moneys, books, papers, secu­ unless the convention shall specifically vote the accused a rities and other property of the A.s.4ociation that may have sum therefor. come into their po.sscssJon, except such as may have been legally disposed of. SUPREME TRUSTEES AND TRUSTEES AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE SUPREME EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REMOVAL A.ND .SI SPCEENRSSI ON OF SUPREME OFFI­ KKMOV AL A.ND SI SPENSION OF OFTICERS How Composed; Meetings H§ o3w7 . CTohme pPorseesdi;d eMnet,e tFinigrsst Vice-President, Second Vice- eotnuhdrnoe bBnA§ soe-b .u.rf 4ce seCoG4spratem hes emanaiAninnnrsoentgicgveoryee raen etsdlh os..i eftnssffh ri dcoaooielmfgtlrf ni tcbhiooteeeyff f iaAtaochnsefse y s aw oSf oaceSucrilupa lt pctrieoaaromesufnm s eamee n Aa yGOl fsefsorfaoeti.hmucseeanbrrndl cysaae nc,fm otd.mr a dwyises uoftbcenredham , sseroauennrsm tcpadcoele nvaotdaodrl dprfweeeeaomntA§srrd oadi.3 menv <d5cao.e .e;lr ne o .nAotrodae rnrle rr yaeestnl umdo.oo s otnpfuhfv-einefecne bdesbare i^s o>cfarnsoonot fm cms ienhti htnaoeielgnfrl f e i(btcsoihteeefsef n i acfoenodefryr ia tg alhc anseaci . Vuttw.y As.o see.sfl4.oel . fsmGm oaabscrao inllayaf ute inOonamyndsf .asfa oi ynctf choeebrre, er smausanucicdshst­ ,­ SSbtqbheueuuer o§App strS rhr tuee4o eummma6f p lS re.let eu h TTmtpSehDhhr eeeeeSeci imr rrEued eSpexctmer uaetceTorcepimysruerr uiteteoiiafsmn vnotnEgeesredes x C soCeSP ffcoooau rumufnetpth risarmt veeihdd memieaqt e t,eCeue nAm oeSotTs,.rbm u sureopSmemrcrausi eis aptcmusttroeihreoeeenam nr sl,lV ia e sard tbienicuVen delv gy ina sc Plehoeeicrad flee el Plssfco osritncadeueolrdesryyn i,n sdmwttsfeeihoehtnsuamrest lt,n.lea­ TsatDmPht rrieiequetArymuuses ttitco aebdeatr reeeoletulrshnr sm pett o,hf a. ofEo es DfTrsixt rehieth rdFhecmee eru cAu eadttiEentosevetasxrciero nnie nscfigCciomaiusoaorl tn o tmfiisuvoCAo meusnafol rT,nyif Ct ap.amt toieudhremesrae.m.s, m uqdbSaiuuetenotlrcetysr re utes eomhtal aaer Lrelccyla t o,wevb ndTa es,al ir innsdested haic noasesgnulhsl lr sayoeabl frlre w y cfa htoonfheuoadenrr­ 1 Charges for the suspension or removal of any Supreme B. Charges. they are passed unanimously. Power and Duties. Officer may he instituted by any member of the Supreme 1. Charges for the suspension or removal of any Officer Powers and Dudes. § 38. They shall have all the rights and powers conferred Assembly may be iastituted hy any member of the (icneral Assembly. § 47 They shall have all the nghts and powers conferred by by the Statutes of the State of New Jersey upon the directors cpPnmfinohrereegrexa32wns srt ig iitaddm qAerUeiedsunmxnnp eageytaeodl cir dn ufooeciy dt fharefiia tranirdegoecergl egcatcyhb rieet nl eyisVysapr ttcKtph pktrte oreh(n> e feoaPefst hwc irrPdrceaeleiur sendciSssddsg etugiea rsdpen.thoe e rtafSen mrflemaitlwc cieedetbenhhr ieto epsP tytssaro s huethofseasb ahfmilm dcllal seehl iapltnna ttmrhtetbre edgeesowr e .efe finh saonIc,tonfr ht w aettasthh rharhs eegrewa dea loelscsSe t drtvua isn enthpa ent assromtwelt altmet tnthhhbneteeeee­t- ssbscIohnhthetaah a a23tltlef.r.hlle org eU Amtrei hpnwpesneer voyearnwsene srthn id acrdartifhe eetlitdlitancex nh regrebgeg i tc pe aeoocu tcisf hmff tttoi oeahpcamfdrreer sgw ae re e t fndbahssseiery theradaax ratterpteetle edlhdrlm qye e pa su edsgriaaanehidacrlcstaiiie kennclfcolnnygsu tfttoi l hs nycwoteteg hhhf rl fetea.esio rcuVd sPgSebgttireraahemc.es ti ees,dei r-itm tedPPthesceerredteenen a isPsttpt, iii retnddoe tm hefeso aennifce dy tth n,se s awtsnaw wrhtmog ohahroeefolonls r. otcttAihhhtorsceeegr"trm pa eSoeono tnfrbifa azt ytitteuathi ldontteehe,nd d se,S a s'tolnpThaafdatwao e rlt tlshti ioh cnehafeu cna lSovdNasrte ruapeBi tpwyoseyp ur -alctoJLehthefemaor wssoNaeeestsnyeh s tw peoosurocf niwJtpathdehtoereeierwsorr see nA eywtsrvo. sshe un ssiaoapoctnescoth ddin faa ot trhititreohnhi snpe ec .t e o Ardcanuuismfsrsenteoeericraecntersiodday rmt bsipou yeropn noofa tf inns­as oJTaatotAhoenfnfis e rtrddtsslmash eoe e st cycah hb1i onAeaya7ur tdl sp:insll4os/ aoudoon4whrpercsaaar p i-t vaantlliw teneoroi umdehontst sin, ue cfbt.sophn ceyer hate asttr sh hP.t o,iite ecsbhtt c huoyCeAuel roanrwesa raistnlahoopsy rit co yciAaitwht aunhc tPetditotio rr hsoosnteti nifh s tai.i epl tssAesB o "doawa-v rmsr-ogsee"Ifoera. T ascnnct woihdioav zesmtneei IosfaSdentenne,ntcr addatroLts ene rMsid dnp t o.h asofduueun rinrpbiNareidjoeateeoenecUwcf r­ t dohabsCEniseefeexvo cax ecenacritch divf anuooaeelagltrrf nneieg bvtndsbiteyeuho aes aiefnf mCdoolt o,rroaa tem jchmaot chw ertmumhieeiis etytieheit a nter Sce gtvcuieTa onup nthgossredeehe i orm aw tafSlhl ehcsu te cehhrp AuetaerhSflse selueuSms rsdepu heem,ropa errvtbsmEo ehelnm xy aeose l tuetlhc bIAuetEnrmo tes ix snvtvipheetgeir mceeeh tu whCstbet eeilv onvy oetmiteh fsn eosmttCahu rpt ceieohtpth tmeomteeao eamrSa tg,lhht u ieteteeeptstxo arer rnce eaillmte nnohuxtgd oe­eat CaavbtwnCofceeoooio cxfttamnroheut e v .rsmm saeeweTan nediihhnttted,thei eut,eo ie staenEn hhtl g.h xGae s emlerhleo c aenfauor leceertlttci rhvivuanreniel.eeg os fwEe Ctu. orAx s ofteetso smhc sth heeumatp emotlri cli ve bt(hsteishlueaey eaebrn.Cnv ,gme teoIee rn misxatt t lc hhm taletehuAnh i estdesm rit s veiegeeiedavsmh etesotttcbu noefilet o rdy t bfeh t tet hoeooa b er c pa yhaapct l Eoeecl aehmaxutdrlhees ia eceantjrfu oorg oni tr arineitvnatthgxhysede t­ ptaeeIJoiSnernromsord aTn,nspi c ehsoteetoysnetmrxi f,yato c ymey ente nh,xsp so tehsel,tsf oe ar ncsS lttotlshohiuh siferepoee h y rn tasA ehea,hvxm snesaehtt sylhe eaCol en clcalyotAthn ih naapdnesstvrseyoi hgoeear taemmnn lell hlt x bi ioaoatoedltfnvfyren i dcerd ,atei ho nsciopberendt toy hwAwtta mehhtnhhsereeyea sre non ta phplt acboaoaotgislwhan ewiecert n sieey to ctpoSro hen e oufe 'sa csfpo ptl o hraf ectre efhocorsmf eeirparSf c peiietarctAo ca smairAt sefleasleiras tycorneosn o ced fddrilpm a soiNorat t beiwhneobolceywyren­­ j AdACAtpphirososseroTssswne opeohvcSecmeceteritriiyan baaot tylttntisytiieo ooh o no naino sfol,f' r l asf net o nthhopchtdNeahtoee vee rmaiAewrnpGl a os ctseysrhhJeoon,aea asrctets nrreoirig sa o aaetettpnlimo h yoo,o e A,nwecft h oenseeaeaxdsrrnxyrnet sdeee md, scnra ehmtbctn i xalinyeapycls l nreee tr aprhdoeomgteairn rr e nsieta awt yhcttcbo eehtht syrdeaemte innoniasbee dmcfhy nt feaph ai talstoiselohrsi l slfiein oc G oooyanslfaetpf ns nwo,edh fettcs n ahhrit tfovolaeehiiref c lee exercised by any other persons or entities, and may use any and shall they exercise any power specifically to be exercised by SScmhuuoappIrfrrre gee tnmehtsKhee. a IAnEPn rx. senesasiecidndmudeetibtnitylvityo e ns( Uh9 Ca0t)hlo )lbe m eridmem ahtymoeitsl,te d edt aehnif aeottea etrgS l lyrueer speecsrcsa et elmhlti aopaen t ssPtouphrfebie rcmsttiyihaid lte(e 3mnts0htte )eae s tdtheiiasnmayslgusle enobs,tfeu rtttovh hnfeeeo t GmPbureeeItnn fsen ti trdohoateel fn mEtAc oxhssre.ahescrc augmtlhtlei bavslin.eym InCmntio one amedbtdiyemda tiih(ett9eitloe0ylden) cdanatagohlyrlte e sr ealeaes sft stostpeo ,er t hscthruaieaebncl m ePtmiihprti eetr tsethoyitedfi n e(tigh3ns s0et uo )s efst d,ha tatathhyelele­s oadBlfilr r atewhncecat hiymoesns e,som rm abmenemdres ab oonerfsrd stf ehoarenrs dAts hhsoesaf ofleilcdc ieuabrtcesiao . trnieo sanpn, edcc uttheltedui rre ac nhadni lddb rbeeenny.l iuTgdhh teebinyr m atcehtnest, taotahhncree ty s m B,mo edrteaahirmnneescrcb htepfieoroessrrn, ssmoto hfanc ensmt dheob edreo unArecdcnsa etastirointsoie densl sah,, Ot aicaolfulnfn idlbc t eeuam rrnsredae. y satp nhuedesc eitree adn«n ltyaiign llahddnt redoen bnmae.l yleT enwdht aeboyiyrfs written notice upon the accused, with a copy of the statement of serve written notice upon the accused, with a copy of the diargcs issued against him specifically advising him of his nght to statement of charges Issued agaiast him specifically advising If. by any reason, it shall become expedient to change the If, for any reason, it shall become expedient to change tlie be present at such meeting, to examine all witnesses and present him of hLs right to be present at such meeting, to examine all lime and place of the annual meeting of the Supreme Assembly, time and place of the annual meeting of the General evidence in defense or mitigauon of the charges brought agaiast witnes-ses and to present evidence in defense or mitigation of or of the meeting of the Convention from the lime fixed or the Assembly, or of the meeting of the Convention from the time him the charges brought against him. place selected, they shall have the power to change such Ішк fixed or the place selected, they shall have the power to 4. Any requests for postponement of dale of heanng shall be 4. .Any requests for postponement of date of hearing shall and place, or both, or appoint another lime or place or both change such time and place, or both, or appoint another addressed to the Supreme President or other designated presiding be addressed to the President or other designated presiding therefor time or place or both therefor. officer whose decision thereon shall be final. officer whose decision thereon shall be final. They shall have the sole power to accept or reject applica­ They shall have the sole power to accept or reject applica­ 5. The Supreme Executive Committee may. pending heanng 5. The Executive Committee may, pending hearing and tions for membership and lo organize and admit new Branches tions for membership and to organize and admit new and final decision, suspend ihc accused officer trom all duties of final decision, suspend the accused Officer from all duties of and shall have control over the Branches of the Association and Branches and shall have control over the Branches of the his office. Duriiii; such чі кгерof suspension, the .iccuscd officer his office. During such period of suspension, the accused the Officers thereof, including the nght to suspend or remove Association and the Officers thereof, includhig the right to shall likewise be depnved of all salary and other emoluments of Officer shall likewise be deprived of all salary and other from office, in all matters relating to the business, welfare and suspend or remove from office, in all matters relating to the his office, providing however, that in the event the accu.sed shall emoluments of his office, providing however, that in the adminisiration of ihe Branches a-s provided in the Laws and By- business, welfare and administration of the Branches as pro­ be found inniKent, all pay and other emoluments so withheld event the accu.sed shall be found innocent, all pay and other Laws of the Ass<x;iation vided in the Laws and By-Laws of the Association. shall be paid to him fonhwith emoluments so withheld shall be paid to him forthwith. They shall consider and have the power to approve, revise or They shall consider and have the power to approve, revise reject, edit and publish all pre-Convenlion proposals for the or reject, edit and publish all pre-Convention proposals for ehtwhveieeatC1shnre .i t n v CTLgothohsatee enw ,a d sSnupu dunracep lntejs rduseio dsdmf Bi ghneHyeeg -m e ALsaeohasrnafswifeltnilssmc g be.ho reIKn th shSehes uah Saplalutrl clep bumrceseo eemnt thlesO et oif Ptrfun irctteeheesxe ritds t h aeacenavc tcau fcoissulhmeasrabem ldlilen p fuwroVnerhdsi ciieacderlhe l thuLhneaelaCiw e.r .sspi Tsn (r h agehoenssen di Gdad suhneiBncdanytlg e l-J roLuabofald ef wH gfAtieshecs.meae s rTereai mhnncsegcbths u.l yaPso lerlsnde h s baiOodelrlf e fcttnihhcote een rssashnt ciaetcaluxluc ttsce peu arrtsev,he seaidin id fl eouaw rbnuhwdlmieicet h rh V f oetvihrvco eeeatsne-lelt, goiwnomhgoi mdlbe ey ant nhtddhea e tw siaBoeinldrfasa n rCcetooh mo estfmha nteaih ndtetCd e p eAorp emsrisessemo sneicintnitaa tttets iieeososu nnsco ihotnso nu p btRhrbmoeeepv iftCooitsersoiedaon l vnstt he owne ott fihitC oehBnom ntyh v-ieLeninr a wtwrioersicnt,­­ , ttCwLChhaooreeiwn nitgrivv snoe,erog ennwd ctt iboihoaoyminnn led.m,t h fweteohn eredB l fairasttaarsieno id cnco ohsfC ne ttssooh i medat hnemAerd as iCsttpitoooercmeeni sa metiaisnoni ttndi tne ss eupus croebehsnms s eipRiotnrtenoteva dpitb soiitoesoofnan o tl srhto eoef wm tBti hhtyhhee-i President a-s hereinabove set forth. Two-thirds of the total mem President as hereinabove set forth. Two-thirds of the total They may employ, designaie or appoint any employees, assis­ They may employ, designate or appoint any employees, bership of the Supreme Assembly shall constitute a quomm. membership of the General A.ssembly shall coastitute a quo­ tants, agents, attorneys, representatives oi organizers that may assistants, agents, attorneys, representatives or organizers that rum. be necessary for the proper conduct of the affairs of the may be necessary for the proper conduct of tlie affairs of tlie dasssmrehhhcuevcaaac2mullelt.lll r s bTsaenbbeeldhoeledr et p snofobShirerfneoau c aalcpetlbllhe srt,ieesee bnamdpr ederiSr iyendonou g vgbpPbfsi srrrdy obeeei imrumsnnmvitgcd eeal re tdujeihonA.mdg rotiia Tsenwtosry hgderet e mo v\o ft ehotorbthruiertl,me eyl idr.g nte uhrapg.aae nrsnt Fey ptoso iurirnfosdpm ugciotnc aehnhgosle s f oro dpuabcferlnfjoeeciedcnsiscse i ttdiririoonio igfnnuns hgh ae t anvmsblc iolyadoe f yceffsia on cntbnacehysee­re Ij asdrpusihuleprglcaen 2ohhlsc.pntl is e rTdd oobeihsobcenche fejgi e anse clPtiedlhoot rciienefonne f snogsiamics tsdc ae bacerbryyiun yne st ascb efbhnleodruiay or nrdl mseldmio hvni tabneeghtlegrm iles m trebh bbfdeieeepun r rtaot goeoolrsr,br f eiaat sdigtpnlemhitarrtneeiovrerg ndeve.G g ddioF edf. f oonobifTrniferyc mghr edca meraoul h laenr soAj uthorwipsluanrisreillnueotlevy gmacse scn eb rvoosc,loson fye f tds t eeah aut.vnna hacidytset­ eobtpAa.Vomoefss rstsbstpi sehooaeilKseonnc cs yin iaAhmaoumtatfmisire eoosgsnno nneuptc .td фslaiaou oaynorstrao id fobatn e lunomn tet, og hmea itaomnnhfgeriye bmxieayz me de brtfvm hseeota enrhraons tmey.n.ca e TmpwWc.ah eooayerifuittmy vhinf e cetis ctnehhpaotraeat ftleo y il af fcmlf ipoodicepxmaianrv nottptie shvdeo ,ea enfn lnsi roscadaotsotts fieun to ooettonr hrdief, eb txh tuicbneAetertyi eemocd rdtniuests ssa h8t troneo% yf- r eeooAtbArxmfriisst cbesspteaoourhelseccoetdssiii y aoateA8 mttnsiti%sos ooesmnon n ob fp,tce eaeoiosn narrucrt td sahirae o pnauntnormlotg,ugnh ause ftoih gdnarxtee ino zypomty eh af m e meytfmn aheoaatbemer ymm lmW epbow abehiuytaoerihnsi mfrva .t s t de echToo vneefphntar aae ntcociyypcoffem pe imrdscr.te hoiipafvnavteitieclna dl al ose tifafenosi tx fdsic ol ustootn hehano,ed netr r t sAeitb,rbh rcyanumett o utedsitta o h iorostneyof­fs rep3r.e sBeontthe dt hbey a ccocuunsesedl aant dt htehier oawccnu seexrp sehnaslel . have the nght to be be 3r.e Bproetshe tnhtee da cbcyu sceodu nasnedl atht et haecicr uoswern sehxaplle nhsaev.e the right to funTdhse yo fs hthalel Ahasvseo ctihaeti opno wienr stuoc hin vseesctu raintide sr eoinr viensvt etshtem evnatrsio uass ouTs hfeuyn dssh aollf htahvee Athseso pcoiawtieorn t oi nh isvuecsht asnedc urreiitnievse sot rt hien vveasrti­­ tAoiros 4nsr.ees m mAanbo dlvtyh a prlp uefrnereoi-ssfmehonm utor eftanfhnitscsd e. .v PvoToutntheiien s oghSf mu sphtehnraeeltl m immbee epA morssebseqeedumr issrb ehlodaylf l f sotbhhreae l asl luSlfs uiprcpseotrnn esvvmioioctene­ Avpiesc4asts.ei oimAonnbs ltyoah nrr edpre reep-mfsuoeonnuvitsra thlah mnfsr deo nvmvots ot.eo t ifPnfouigfcn eits.sh hhTeam lhlme e bneGetm eirnbmeeeqprruaso lis reoeAdfd s stshfehoemar l blG albylele ns csehouranasl-ll­ Jomsseeurarl clsoy heto hybrce eoorr tenahpguderutoirhtlwpaiooetirirsinntzesyge dd aoi issnfbp vytotehh ssteeeht m eAom efss antsaajotonstcu yritioa etotyfsi f o lanitofnh fede u tpislhnoaaesiwnd u sS rss auuoencpcfch ruete rh tmieectir oeemSm st,sEa p rtxaaeenena oldci efu e sutNs,ip uveotteownc Scsumeopteacmonutneptr siaost niuafe icsNse h,sm e ,rwt aeety aorJ ml e bsresees s lealta yanuot dterrh eouoogrrptui hozloeanetrtd hiws neuibgrsc y ehip n trdhcvoieoesp nspestdotmraitstyteeiu on toontesffs s o taaahfns ne yld it fhA eole afs h wsntiohsusdu eOoa rfoast ian'tloihctdayce upon the guilt or innocence of the accused if found guilty, they first vote upon the guilt or innocence of the accused. If Committee shall deem for the best interests of the Association; of the Executive Committee shall deem for tlie best hitercsts shall then vote upon the degree of punishment. found guilty, they shall then vote upon the degree of punish­ as well as the power to fix rates of interest on mortgages of the of the Association; and to fix rates of interest on mortgages ment. Association. of the Association. tuopnoEDI fn.p . a MrcMneofyinaen lrvSui icucctiepthoisraoue ronsmg f oe teThsr eOrFarifegaafoaillcs.fi n eeb rsC te s hahdnaaeylprlg r iomevtseha.d lei rco iofS uuhspilsry e omafnfeid c Oew.f fitihceoru, t hfoe usnhdaal-l pvirceIDEtffi. e.o arMnM n cyitanhh luiaeOcrrtiegefofsoeui sfcos e fbaro ge Tr a sdrFihienaaapslllt.srl eiva mneCdyahl iaoocrftig hoheeuisrss. l Oyo ffffaiicncede.r ,w hieth sohuatl l fuopuonnd actoionn­ esAers cTssueehrmceituybyr l imytfi.oae yrs dlaoniraden csot ttnhheeegr oSatusipaserteetsdm eoo frT traheueat shuAorsersirzo etcodia ttribaoynn s fthearse acSnoudllp adrteeelmriavel­ ssAeesccTsuuehrrmieittybyi el ysmf .o aarny l dod aionrteshc entr e tgahosets ieaTttsre edoa fs outrhr eea ruA tthsoso ortcirziaaendtis ofbenry atashn ecd o Gldlaeentleievrreaarll cdineiegeTnsdh iontehf gSe st u.hS peur prtmrrieacml .S eIe fTc rrheeetaa sriuys.r eshhro awslhl eakvlele erk,p e ttehhpee tmahceicn umusteeinrs u ooterf s tt hhoeef pathrcoeccu epseredod­­, otihnf geTtnshh. eet htSrei eaTcl.rr eeItfaa srhyue r/seshrh eas lihls a,k lhle oekwpe eetvphe er t,hm eth inemu aitnecsuc uteossfe rot hofe r thtphere o pcarecoeacdiesienedgd­s, tSShuueTpp hrSreeeum mpseraee f meTEkreexu eesTptcireuneegtasis vuofeorf e raCr loloa nnmseed mc ouSirrt uittbpeioereest hm ms heoa afyl Pl t rhsbeeuse i bdtashefteoni rttr.uee stsHeap ioodawn nseSyivbu eipolrir,tt ehytme horee f obCfoo Tttmhhh meoe fisT ttathrfeeeeek a aesmfeuoparryieens rgas iuadonb fsd Tat rilPltu usrsteteeecs euiasdrn.i etyni etos tHshheoarwl lT ebvreeu rts,it ieete hrsee sfEoprox neoscniubeti ilovitrey F.AppeaL F. Appeal. Tnistees. Any Supreme Officer convicted in accordance with the pnor Any Officer convicted in accordance with the prior sec­ sections may appeal from the decision of the Supreme tions may appeal the decision of the General Assembly at The Supreme Executive Committee shall, at any time that it The Executive Committee shall, at any time that it deems Assembly at the next convention. The taking of the appeal may the next convention. The taking of the appeal may not affect deems it expedient, have the right to issue such new fonns of It expedient, have the right to issue such new forms of cer­ not affect or suspend the enforcement or operation of the ver­ or suspend the enforcement or operation of the verdict certificates and charge therefor such contributions as in their tificates and charge therefor such contributions as in their dict jixlgment seem proper, provided that such new forms of certifi­ judgement seem proper; provided that such new forms of cates are authorized to be issued imder the laws of the States or certificates are authorized to be issued under the bws of tiw Provinces in which the Association transacts business. States, Provinces or countries in which the Assoclatlip PROCEDURE ON APPEAL IN ALL CASES PROCEDURE ON APPEAL IN ALL CASES ^jS 43. The accused under Section 44 hereof shall have the § 36. The accused under Section 35 hereof shaU have the Whenever required in order to comply with the instirance Whenever required in order to comply with tiie insoranee I of appeal from die decisioo of the Supmne Assembly, as ris^t of appeal from the dedalon of the General Aaannbly, laws or regulations of the States or Provinces in which the laws or regulations of the States or Provinces or countries ta \t8ociation transacts business, the Supreme Executive wUch the Association transacts business, the ExccntiTf СПЕЦІЯЛЬНЕ ВИДАННЯ • "^"^"^^^ШЩ Comnuace shall have the power to amend or endorse the certifi­ Committee shall have the power to amend or endorse the Appeal. Appeal. cobLnafyga th wetphtsuss e boa olrnAirc d spabs rtBeoionocyveni-aifLs itiitianosown ntoshs;f . e аІ tіaсto hIПГhnоfre edgra ae nmotnyof.e; msc uotbocrehr ere fscaf,tce ttchaiton eny tmr saehenramrslfoleb rrem sro asra t smeohrmoiaanllillsg ysb i teoah nfnef e oicftnutif nittedhhdsee octmmhemearemit tsiefnsburicoeniaarndtls sle hy ss ohi oafat rhfltlf eh epb ceLret o aAvntwsihosssteko i famcirneiisaddg t htibhBoteysnyr ;-peo Loauraf nb;wbd liset c.onta o Ietef ifof cifatnoesnrc yirton efs tc utrthma cenahe ns omfayfecf britecseiior rarnaslom , srphto uhonaberlg­l aaBwnprhd(§aov nsam1eclh2 ads0,nh e.n amceAlilsra ni ynoayo ns at m pspahpefrafmeeelsaclbc ltre b irotbeo r eff diestnheu aliseinpln . e SgTsnu ehdacpe tgrti gheoarmnepi p ede4ve ea5eEcdl,i xs sbiebhoucayntul lttut ihhbnveeeel e tasiaCnsck t osiisongmun gcom hrood ifffteo trerthehemidse smbBiuoraі tana 4n tn7shceh.her a ,A tlamaln skya bi pynem r gaef episomncpfrae biltab.eh lre eT dt ofh ae hepteh lipi aenesp aegEpcl x taesieagohclgnau r lstli2hi ev5anve elo oldCt f b oabtemfhyf eei mnca Bt ni tsrytouae rcaea hc cswf tuaiths« opoaMrewm n«a Tdnda ue ttncathidel­e, TREASURY lications of the Association. b>C itoine sSoulipdraetmede EAxsesecmutibvley .C ommittee. decCisoiaosnd uidnaletessd sAo sosredmerbelyd. by the Executive Committee. § 48. The Supreme Executive Committee shall select the і 39. The Executive Committee shall select the deposito­ Merged Branch Merged Branch dcpositones in which the Supreme Treasurer shall deposit the ries in which the Treasurer shall deposit the funds of the S 121 A member ol either of the merged Branches who is § 48. A member of eitiier of the merged Branches who b funds of the Association Assodation. undoi suspension at the time of merging, may apply to the under suspension at the time of merging, may apply to the Funds shall be deposited only in such banks or tmst compa­ merged Branch for reinstatement in accordance with the provi­ merged Branch for reinstatement in accordance with the nies or financial institutions which arc members of the Federal Funds shall be deposited only in such banlts, credit sions of the laws ol the .Association. proviskms of tiie laws of the Associatkm. Reserve System, having a capital and sulфus of $2 000 000 or unions, trust companies or financial institutions which are more: the amounts of said deposits shall be determined by the either members of the Federal Reserve System, or otherwise ARTICLE VI ^^ eSxucpereedmineg Ethxee csuumtiv oef C$1o0m.0m00it.t0e0e ,m eaxyc ebpet mthaadte aan dde pmoasiintt aninoeid oferd emraolrley; itnhseu raemd,o huanvtsin ogf as aciadp idtaelp oansidts sushraplllu sb eo fd $e2te,0r0m0i,n00ed0 MISCELLANEOUS ' Cpiinnro soratvpniittdyuire tjodtitio ohntneh r.a IibN ai nhinke s souarri edtdr u bsbatn yck o,tm htepr uasFntye d caoenmrdap/lo arnD fyei,np aaonnscditi/ aolrI ni fnsisnutairtnuacntiiocaenl , etibanxyiscn teteiehtddue it IninEog nx a,etn hcypeu r otsoituvvhmeied r e Codbof a mtn$hk1ma0 toi, 0trtt0 het0eer.,u 0 ss0eat x imdcco eampbytap nbatkneh ,ya m tt araanud dsedt/ oeacrpn oodfmis nipmta ananncioinyat,­ l muie Ritmjh ebbec eloS rrusdT pi hrnaeen md deSe feN acSuoreletctitr caaeertn ayodr fy o sS el nuItfdsh,p etheh onBewsirrieao vnnneac.r mh, eassfht ealorllg semeihnaedkrine w ga itt hhrei stch orere ddp aootrfe t , btoe rSRtsh e 4eci9n o.S r dTedce hfraaeen utdBalt rr Nyaa.onn tcIdifhc ,e sS heoerofcdw rS eeutvthsaeeprrieyr, n anssfhiatoaemnUr.e ssne tno^dgaien tghn etcrho iwsr dirt heop fto hшспк ret , daantye and/or financial Institution is insured by the Federal Deposit an> member declared in default has paid his conuibutions. dues member declared in default has paid his contributions, duca ARTICLE VII Insurance Corporation. and assessments on or before the last day of the month or within and assessments on or before the last day of the month or BRANCHES the grace period of .^1 days, as aforesaid, the Secretary shall within tlie grace period of 31 days, as aforesaid, the Branch Powers, etc. ARTICLE V promptly send to the Supreme Secretary a report and the names SecreUry shall promptiy send to the Secretary a report and cuAotmhrnrseeeel§Asamy iC tKt e7boBht i8eh aaroar,oatr crsistnAoi ee ctbnrh b h,e.pBe y oreorac rexwainooh cnntdefehecs,rp ohtsirBatts u nseraiw ea sdnocd nh dfoanc efn i rthocpbfoetee ro orrooicdrvrsrtfey ihe lad tsaeenhho tgrbyeeafwe lyslAioal sitnfmcebshfoysi eecipon t e erclftSirehoidauar veb rpotij ieidruralodiee rgntmmd iye,sb.n dee ayomt in c Anodbtt ihsre otsneh rneaso em egt h peapbeBncoalrttyrsye sst -oo e Lorfos a fsfsf iw ahntthihsagl,e­le l ooU1fn7i elPб :t4y4 hoC 04ewt.oA heAnA-orvL s»sBBee ,wn eR rettpaitAt acnoso.tNewcn tqh oCea. rn Hinoss.fd, E ai tptSG hsbr, ee ioBv MndNiyelyEe-rJ UgaMo. elf>S s BA»l tiaEasmst.nsR uietdtthSme eeHddsb uIBlAjyPutrin. re aAnisns oNdccthioaDc ntt MeifDodeaUnr, rn tTehpuIdeoaF sl.C bsSя ey hs vasUІШї irntagexr 1oss)uuf1fccTNi chhhsio auesa clu mu hSsotep uormmegmpnaerbasmeneitmor iboc neeasf r h loltsSayht.ehl elce s rUbrue tsektaph rreeaaynnni ntd iisatealhsdena d c loNm l tnaopett mauiaoibnnbnleyeiasrd lhsf u Airntotsor hst ehobcrceae i ua opptsruieu obo bnlttilhh,ci seaeIhnri ue ncndn aoi m iiinec set hooeff saoItuhnfufseTNctipc o nhoiemaae nlm mas Sitpeoeiemcunsca b robolelfleitty chrsa au erstsrcyuih ho staas hpmlhslae anenoblm dlfea e bpsted heucn reobtms inl.tUi tieseakhmdir n baoeteirdonr icshaa annitu oyt si Nieboe a tetpthh iuepoerbnu nalbnilacl oiamsAtthkiesoexsaad oo.o d fIfa nsst haatmchchk*, shaBllu sbien ecsosn dtruacniesdac ttihorno ubgeht wtheee np rmopeemr boeffrisc earns do ft hthe eA Bsrsaoncciahteios.n amniBdtt neoeursKg afbonwri a ttmhioeaQ yp aufior rpamcots ievr ieotgifwj gc noiooa rl adb ignoidavtieeinns g ce acfolrlagetdrea rpdniiaisiltc,r iaccurt eltcauo, rmaas­l I5 e6r3t.i fTichaete v aPrrioouviss icoenrsti faicnadt eBs einsseufietds. by the Association shall і C5e0rt. ifTichaet ev Parrioovuissi ocnesr taifnidca Bteesn eisfistuse. d by the Assodattaa Qualiflcatioas. provided in a Manual for District Committees. contain such provisions and benefits, not inconsisteni with ihe shall contain such provisions and lienefits, not '~^'"*'**irt § II1 Any person of Ukrainian or other Slavic extraction, or Qualifications. By-Laws, as are deemed proper by the Supreme че чиссхЕ with tlK By-Laws, as are deemed proper by tlie Executive any person related through marriage to such a person of 5 41. Any person of Ukrainian or other Slavic extraction, Commiltee, and which comply with the laws of the Stales m Committee, and which comply with the laws of tlie States la Ukrainian or other Slavic extraction, in good health, not over 65 or any person related through marriage to such a person of which the ,Ass(x,'iation transacts business. which the Association transacts business. years of age. shall be eligible for membership in this Ukrainian or other Slavic extraction, in good health, shall be AsstKiation eligible for membership in this Association. Where the Bs-Laws of the Association, or any of the pri\i Where the By-Laws of tlie Association, or any of the priv- MEMBERSHIP AND DUTIES leges or conditions attached to. or embodied or deemed to be Ueges or conditions attached to, or embodied or deemed te Application and Admission Application and Admis.sion. embodied in ans certificate conflict with the law of any State, or be embodied in any certificate conflict with the biw of any iSbgiurnTp§tahr hte 1eeam1d sa2 epm.p pAhAalyiypscss paibenclmieicta arbnstehli qyoawu nlliah r csesehcudnoab mlbmsl yupib ctat ehhnt oemiee adSxa dua mmpbee ryoiden mnisacu ateacil oh Efeon xxr eaemvicmsiu dpirtenirenvaeqectsui ecoCin rnoboe dfmcb d.yd m aIbaiftt y etdte hteoehes fe­ dtohfe esT§b i Gghi4rneet2 ahn.at epeAardpsap llmpip cAlhaaicynysass ttebi icmsoeiha nbran ellsy lqh w usaauhiclrlbece nomdbm eisbt up mycat ohnat h diaeeee xd m Ea obmexndye i icnacsu auafttcloii vhoree mnxe aCv Lmipodsrmie nernmseaccqteriiuto itboinerfee e db,dd ya.b tIaeyf otalhenlge dena sng ,>no ovo retP wrcrnoiot nvhidinsnti ctaIiheno edno icsnf,a gstCh ea aeonn flaay dsw uap c,ro hoifn v ct iehswraiothtin fisci cthaoa ttfeae . to chreor spteirf oicBvaiynt-ecL eai ssw hdsae,l llpi varepivrpeil dy cdSLpaertaatolweitvv.e ise,n, r ocepred r ositvfhh iaaellnenl gy ae npPso,pr tlowoyvr iit anlcincsoedtna odngfoid tvCiineoargnnn saa , dhntaiyh , t ehhp eirl a owcwvahi ssiocieofh no taf i o iscafae tr dthtsiit ofacisccteaer ttBleol ylr»k- applicant satisfactorily passes the medical examination, he shall, the applicant satisfactorily passes the medical examination, unless found ineligible under the Constitution and Laws and he shall, unless found ineligible under the Coastitution and BENEFICIARIES WHO ARE MINORS OR LEGALLY By Laws of the Association, be admitted to membership in the Laws and By-Laws of the Association, be admitted to mem­ INCOMPETENT Branch to which his application was submitted and to the bership in the Branch to which his application was submit­ <i 51. ,\ll moneys due and payable out of the Mortuary Association, subject to approval by the Supreme Executive ted and to the Association, subject lo approval by the ij 5} .Ml moneys due and payable out of the Mortuary Fund Fund to a beneficiary who is a minor, or a person legally Committee. Executive Committee. lo a beneficiary who is a minor or a person legally incompetent incompetent for whom no guardian or trustee has been ciCtSCoІutУІ'afТіЧГ oeenffokor citAImmetf•stri hf^lainen f•mmeitY ithd a cht'ia irBhe atteПН 9ptayt ert eh*eppse a 'eaecthol p'nu~,i,phaa c cl>noip lthttahcrtflmhh.inlaa . ^lie nthsc t;ymoh t: ahta ABrpr setveoi hriaamce oouaniai"i dmbnng<blsdbl1l c h et i eah(gsitr nMeeahstat sfn ho ltiihet ihliai i)ee -sio4 a1pana fpb'nb iolpspoe lef t ptrdfs ^1rpiiorhc c oceroiшv^oeanitcleavhea nlesйeоо leidltasc ii hjdivrt modobe i ehbbrdrete b ohgyeert nyhoasd eeiht fnsted hh tasa b h'smulepaashyle enr p ea > Sddamdlm-tlSi'huse l c u esibtpaebiebhmpvn erІ»ТyseerBA restb e sm mrscetSmhihhsorleieeobapmee cn csuer tiEm ec SEnasccte xutalcixorieamerrpoemtsnci-ycnrfisudcpu ie .casat mltahhiitniNvevetaaedededoels l curCucsCtteehhonanoroq etatAItmtmeitu lfiilhcl n fl im o emirehn ctrafe heioha itmpBtts etitettpnaiie ree efsi laceysne diaoasnh,c ,t apfteascaath et.ahnhpp lim.acsl et lp sfh tieis lBhhce mhipacdarraaapaboa tvlinpilundtee ohltrcg ni,nascha hobht nat t es ino ttpihelbhhtsten ia eeaecso l seahlcfaa tp o par tphpunlheopplipbscn esrliel rrbiedoiaiceoc veedavoam vernmefIte e dsitotd,sdoi sh n shu nh esataebasi hb olmd smyl'yna s e cb ne bmoaatmtedyhmhns b bsceedttpeeo eh h rslmrseiesEsEh e mh umdaxSxSinl epeeueellwn cc eccndctrusriuiseteesect.hrt ltat iaiita avNvtvinarerfeeeioid\dy rl­ ocaaifbtst\f«nohouoilrte.clthrem c oa ditCro hrawhieepwenma rtfeteemeoinhya ntd rrgaie onimng nudnemotea noaation dnt.rrt ,oh id id nbtStnlieohli enoeiea guremsn d lnp srtegeti<h p , gnhuf ajpteliatcneonaecer ol ir rMuy vadmtidssn haarouoitnpgitlaeenereieeeede nt rs cubw ,pie i e taosesrooswnyr ntofsrqr t y aheoo aubrf ofoptfiFtay rett e ohlut ui atrihnhfefnwress iegrtoxecedtie ph t ndcr eprhlbele eae aeinwu ttngshriao.eimtsasi apd t oe3lrhsosple snue0 yfi onn c bc wiq6tdhen eds*u3hiaet ev^omba0inyccefle s lihep d an fsantie aaraehepmtrfeyfid,tepdi d estaa oo s r nUytbari oonn fs ednrt tbuhtneuiro etaemreeaede l f ctdd lii,dh e ntp js besieucohrSvm euodrabtes orag lahp eltftfenfan aeoeo bdlidedosrrlde ­ f ceasrboStdtleeholsetpuiuagn mh capteiwtaetlem h pl olisrh p vpelui. iaern e pecbcbog rhteheseioeseran no fdasmibt onoedl,eoel rfna r ofin owbey twbeqrt se i-«пhfeЗО tиetubnОdiИ ti^fdtaeeinoaasi f lnag rtyitiif ;tns o s<ilsth3cew e h pa0baudgseohf hlera td llontirea lruaolmereblaynly d fe tr Mdi se b ced nhh piceaAeaooeiea fc rrft itid)l ,vieeoda e^neertot srat(o htr,ee^fdi ot oenrdlt ік€ЩітаіШщіШ e errmoe lmts e od lssiisptran eu shie an icneanrgnthd hdsugyt boahjm at uennthnerh;di e dhnMer4giibos ea%ev rfofndqlao rdo , lurt pciarut da # eraaiilurynitir y fjsdyaiLt e oeaFldefl i u ,it intho'oidrel with all rcqui Special Assessments. Special Assessments. asnfohperaspA§ lsl ld ip cs1upnha1eolta3iistlco.,l a n bAhan eastsn sv ha eIeaadsn lpsmbldm peeibletbeitecnenta e dtinldnsi qt,d i unteafoitobddo rtAav e ttadsmhensd eoect. omce Aim abastsee icBrnoxstrnrhsai.i an potci orhw n foh oruor n tataointl tythsh ueoec t hAhti esmirsno edmc eiobaafttt ietohednri­s I saoAutpshc§spheo lr4 cii 3icnma.ad taAiteotibntonet n eraf d posnsrphhe lasdialcslula lsenn hsotb,a telfa lo b srhisen ea masdvsdeeemm mbbeitebnteetetdensrd , s l htaiIoqindp utv aoiawd ntaBhhctoreee m adaAn.te s cnsthhtos ce i ooatrirtm i ofteono r ou tfahn nhte>ii ls btrFfhreeuoes n§rmsee dur6o f vf4fseei,ha,c aicto(ehlhanlne )t b mhSIetiuf oes lpm etpcrhsebreserome ttvriahefi dmia acenAao tpusfe1osrn,0ero tm5 pw t'ohob*hfrel i oytc aidfh od es ntmfhahaiamceitilte eltot enouadactnsam ytsla, e o sslmuissaen b tattshi gl ieabot iiafnae sgssett ghda rean e nudgMdpa trooceerno,ts ulesltaherhrcaveytle l s tabrFhenauessd§n ee ardd5cgv 2ogeus.slr hpl( eeaaotgchl)nal te I trbeftfeh ,ret oeoh sf hlme,er a esa tlsshlme e eatrbo hcveGuhae ns n euotnm fne1ofe ri0fcmha 5iaile%bs dn Aemct r seoi strtfeoatt mei tfdphpibcr eraalo oystvtp esokse,oU hlterwsal t lhfoiloo filcrn aitah asitlb shteaeeie lns M isKtad iomaee^rsfgnot lacutaui,kan mnhardtyt-i Rejection. Rejection. ptiaos§ns e1db1u. 4t, nIof ta nu natpilp ltihcarneet bmeo rnetjhesc taedft ehre dmaatey oref nreewje hctiiso nap phlaicvae­ dtrheeaep§srr o4eivn4ue. p dtIoo fo n abf ecpa elealar rscsoieeg nrhtt,io tfas if cbotaefetr em a b ehemmocloebdmmeerribns heignri p at o htmfhe ee trAmheesbi sneoB.r cr,i aactneiaocshne ,s a hfnoed rs ahbnae>i l choeur(beniitn r yIpn, r saotda\ tdiedi'te,i dotn erf ortriot,o trehyae,c hdc oismntrterimcibtb,u etprior noovsf ,i nihdcuee eAos,r s samoncduia natiicsoispneas sliimnty e anintn\s I choeurlbeni)tn rI ynp, rasotdvaditdiete,i odten rf ortoirt ,ot herayec , chdo inmsttrreiimcbtub, tepiror noosvf, i tndhcueee Aso,r sa smnocdui anatisic.osipntsa Milniti iyafn ntUye § 11.5. If a person, after becoming a member, ceases for any which, by public authonty, a uix is levied upon the Association, I which, by public authority, a tax is levied upon the reason to be a certificate holder in the Association, he shall or any requirement imposed necessitating a special expense і Association, or any requirement imposed necessitating a thereupcin cease lo be a member of the Branch and be deprived applicable lo only the members therein, may be required to pay special expense applicable to only tlie members therein, may of all rights of membership therein. his proportionate amount of such lax which shall be payable on be required to pay his proportionate amount of such tax, Duties of Members. Duties of Members. or before the first payment of such additional tax or expense and which shall be payable on or before the first payment of § 116. The first duty of a member shall be to acquaint himself § 45. The first duty of a member shall be to acquaint him if the same is not paid by the member as herein provided, he such additional tax or expense, and if tlie same is not paid with the By-Laws of the Association and implicity obey them; or herself with the By-Laws of the Association and implicitl> shall stand suspended from the As.sociation and his їе акГіпес b> the member as herehi provided, he shall stand suspended he shall be loyal to the Association and endeavor to promote the obey them; he/she shall be loyal to the Association and shall become null and void, subject, however, to all the rights as from the Association and his certificate shall become nid progress of the Branch to live an honest and moral life and endeavor to promote the progress of the Branch to live an set forth in his certificate and these By-Laws and void, subject, however, to all the rights as set forth ba refrain from acts that would reflect upon or disgrace the Branch honest and moral life and refrain from acts that would § 65. No person shall pay the dues or assessments ol another his certificate and these By-Laws. or the Association; to display a spirit of fraternity toward every reflect upon or disgrace the Branch or the Association, to with the understanding or object of receiving the death benefit other member of his Branch and the Association; as often as disphiy a spirit of fraternity toward every other member (if of the other, except that a husband may pay the obligations for possible (o attend the meeting of his Branch, he shall not dis­ his Branch and the Association; as often as possible to Assignments of Benefit Certificates. close the affairs of the Branch or Association to non-members; attend the meeting of his Ь.кїагВ He shall not disclose the і 53. When- not pi^hJMtwi by hw. і btosOL he shall wear the emblem of the Association and shall attend the affairs of the Branch or Association to non-members; he may be assigned by the owner/monber. provkled the гш аГ funeral of a deceased member if a resolution to that effect is shall wear the emblem of the Association and shall attend m?t:gYCd by a duly a adopted. the funeral of a deceased member if a resolution to that of the Association. effect is adopted. The assignw undci any absolute asgigiun Penalties Against Members. Penalties Against Members; only wbcn a«tptcii fai wilt: § 117 •пу •Чmember found by a two-thirds vote of the mem­ § 46. If a member shall be suspended or expelled from the ing and approved by a duly authorized Officer of the bers present at the meeting of his Branch to be guilty of any of Association for any reason other than (I) nonpayment of the Association, but after such acceptance or end( the following offenses may be deprived of the privilege of the required contributions or (2) within the contestable period floor for a period to be fixed by the President at his discretion: for material misrepresentations in the application for mem­ A. For failure to visit a sick brother or to furnish a substitute; bership, the member shall have the privilege of maintaining bHYiagattiictiincQfacctptan«ortD<iw«iii«tQriwt.tMt B. For failure to attend a funeral ordered by competent his insurance in force by continuing to pay the required con­ w acCTuat of my niaf- authority to do so; tributions and such other payments or assessments as ma> bcfore acceptance, C. For improper or disgraceful conduct at a public ceremony, be required of other members holding insurance certiricates not be r«pi parade or at a meeting of the Branch or the Association; of the same class. cffwt or suflkkncy of any aajgnmtnt. D. For failure of any officer to attend a stated meeting; The rights of any assignee shaB always be faifertor to any E. Speaking disparagingly of the Association or its members; tmkbtwlnqs to tbt Association on or scqiml by tbc «rttP- its local or supreme officers or in any way causing unwarranted cate. whether such indebtedness is c discord in the Branch or the Association; ^Kh aiSffignmenL F Causing members to withdraw from a Branch or the The toterest of any beneflciarv under І Association; G. Counseling or advising persons against becoming mem­ bers of the Association, while himself a member. Expulsion of Members. aubtwt to proof of Intcrcrt § 118, Any member convicted of a felony by a court of com­ The rights aad рНуіЬу* of petent jurisdiction may be expelled from the Association and ARTICLE X jQiLsbaiLnoL deprived of all benefits therein, except as provided in Section FISCAL YEAR FISCAL YEAR 119, § 130, The fiscal year of the Association shall close on і 54. The fiscal year of the Association shall сйеа щ § 119. If a member shall be suspended or expelled from the December 31 St. r31et Armesqastuoeircriieaadlt iomconins rtfreoiprbr ueatsnieoynn trsae toaiorsno (sn2 )ion tw htiehtrhe itnahp atpnhl eic( a1ct)oi onnntoe nsftoparab ylnmew eprnnetrb ieoordfs htfhioper, ACTIONS AGAAIRNTSTIC TLHEE X AI SS0CL\T10N. ACTIONS AGAINST THE ASSOCIATION the member shall have the privilege of maintaining his insur­ Підкреслення у запропонованому статуті озна­ § 131, No action in any court of law or equity shall be і 55. No action hi any court of law or equity shaU I ance in force by continuing to pay the required contributions ав чмй воитекст. brought or maintained by any member to remedy any grievmce brought or nuuntahied by any member to ranedy aav a aod such other payntents or assessments as may be required of until he shall have exhausted the remedies of appeal within the ance until he shaU have exhausted the rencdlM of a oiber members beading insurance certificates of die same class. Associatioo as m these By-Laws provided. wiUUn the Assodatioa as hi these By-Laws proYMedL 1 СПЕЦІЯЛЬНЕ ВИДАННЯ AMENDMENT OF BYLAWS AMENDMENT OF BY-LAWS AND MANUALS days following the close of the Convention, to submit complete the full text of adopted motions, to the next session for § 132. The By-Laws of ihe Associaiion may be altered or and detailed minutes of same to the Supreme Secretary who approval and, not later than 60 days following tlie close of amended at any regular or special Convention called tor the pur § 56. The By-l^ws of the Association may be altered or shall record same in the Minutes Book of the Supreme tlie Convention, to submit complete and deUlled minutes of pose, not less than by a two-thirds vote of the delegates ot all amended at any regular or special Convention called for the Assembly and publish same in the official publication of the same to the Secretary, who shall record same in the Minutes branches, provided any proposed amendments are submitted m purpose, not less than b) u two-thirds vote of the delegates .Association. Book of the General Assembly and publish .same in the ofH- wnting signed by one or more membcis ot the Committee on of all Branches, provided any proposed amendments are cial publications of the Association. RcMSion of By-Laws and recommended m the report ol said submitted in writing signed by one or more members of the Committee for action at the Convention. The amendmenis shall. Committee on Revision of By-Laws and recommended in Election Committee - Its Duties Are: Election Committee - Its Duties Are: unless otherwise ordered, take effect on the first da> of JuK lol the report of said Committee for action at the Convention. § 22. (a) To prepare and distribute among the delegates print­ § 5. (a) To prepare primary ballots for the delegates lowing the Convention •Manuals mav be amended bv a not less than a two-thirds ed ballots showing all the offices of the Association to be filled showbig all the offices of the Association to be niled at the їиі£ ilf Iht General .Assembly. Amendments as to the at the Convention, and upon each ballot each approved delegate Convention, and upon each ballot each approved delegate Manuals, shall be effective upon vote or as otherwise set shall wnte the names of his choice of candidates opposite the shall select the names of his choice of candidates opposite forth in the General Asscmblv Resolution. Amendments tp office to be filled. the office to be filled. lilt HL-LiW5^ unless otherwise ordered, take effect the first (b) To collect the ballots cast by the delegates for the nomina­ (b) To lally the ballots cast by the delegates for the nomi­ da> of .luU following the Convention. The amendments tions and from said ballots to prepare a record showing the nations and from said ballots to prepare a record showing shall, unless otherwise ordered, take effect on the first day of result of the balloting for candidates, the names thereof and the the result of the balloting for candidates, the names thereof Jul) following the ( «nvenlion. number of votes received by each candidate for each office. and the number of votes received by each candidate for each The three persons receiving the highest number of votes cast for office. The three persons receiving the highest number of Підкреслення у запропонованому статуті очна- (;KNI)ER ( LALSE each office shall be considered the candidates for election for votes cast for each office shall be considered the candidates ає чий вонт.скет the respective office. for election for the respective office. § 57. For purposes of the Charter and By-Laws of the (c) The committee shaU thereupon print or cause to be printed ballots (c) The committee shall thereupon prepare voting \ss<Kiati(m, and unless otherwise specified, masculine pro­ has ing tiiereoo the names and the states of the three candidates selected machines having thereon the names and the states of the nouns shall encompass both masculine and feminine, and oppifcite the oflRcc for which they are nominated. three candidates selected opposite the office for which they singular pronouns shall enconipa.vs both singular and plural. (di Each delegate shall be furnished with as many ballots for are nominated. nomination and election of officers as the number of votes he is (d) The committee shall tally all ballots cast for election, entitled to cast. count the votes and report the result thereof to the MKDK AL EXAMINERS MKDK АІ b:\A.MINERS (e) The committee shall collect all ballots cast for election, Convention. The record, together with the ballots cast, shall count the votes and rcpon the result thereof to the Convention. be sealed and delivered to the Chairperson of the Qualincation and How Appointed and Removed. How Appointed and Removed. The record, together with the ballots cast, shall be scaled and Convention Immediately after the count has been completed. § I 2« The Supreme President, with the appro\al ol ilu <} 5K. Ihe President, with the approval of the F^xecutive delivered to the Chairman of the Convention immediately after The Convention shall remain in session until the record and Supreme f-xcutiNC Commiitcc. shall appoint a Mcdua C ommittev. shall appoint a Chief Medical Examiner for the the count has been completed. The Convention shall remain in ballots have been delivered to the Chairperson of the l-Aammer in Chief tor the .AsstKialion and lo<.al medical exam A.vsociation and local medical examiners who shall be prac­ session until the record and ballots have been delivered to the Convention. iners who shall Ч-І praLiicing physicians in gexxj standing, prcl ticing physicians in good standing, preference for said C hainnan of the Convention. crcnce lor said appointments being gnen. it possible, to mcni appointments being given, if possible, to members of the hers ot the .Assis.iaiion The> shall be sub]cvi to renuual b> ttii Association. Ihev shall he subject to removal by the Duties of Committee on Petitioiis. Duties of Committee on Petitions. Supreme President with :he approval i>t the Supreme Чм ичічЬ I'resident with Ihe approval of the Executive Committee. ii 2.V The duty of this committee shall be to consider peti­I § 6. The duty of this committee shall be to coasider peti­ tions and lo submit its recommendations to the Convention, tions and to submit its recommendations to the Convention. Lach petition for aid must be on forms furnished by the I Each petition for aid must be on forms furnished by the Duties. .Association with the endorsement and seal of the officers of the j Association with the endorsement of the officers of the peti- ij 124 Ihe аІ кіІmedical examiners shall caretulK examine petitioners Branch Such a petition must be sent to the I tioner's Branch. Such a petition must be sent to the General applicants tor membership and reports shall be submitied to the .Supreme Assembly not later than fourteen days before the і Assembly not later than fourteen days before the beginning Medical hxaminer in Chict for his approval or rejection Said beginning of the Convention Otherwise such petitions will not of the Convention. Otherwise such petitions will not be rec­ repiirts are to be tiled b\ the Chiet Medical Lxammer with the be recommended to the Convention. ommended to the Convention. Supreme Secrelars Press Committee. Press Committee. §13 la. The Ukrainian National .AsscKiation is the sole and S 59. Ihe Ukrainian National A.ssoclatlon is the sole and ij 24 The duty of this committee shall be to prepare and pub- § 7. The duty of this committee shall be to prepare and exclusive owner of a corporation known as Ukrainian National exclusive owner of a corporation known as The Ukrainian hsh in the press such reports of the proceedings of the I publish in the press such reports of the proceedings of the Urban Renewal Corporation. National I'rban Renewal Corporation. The Ukrainian ( onsention as they may deem proper for publication. Convention as they may deem proper for publication. The corporation and its shares are to be represented by at National Association shall be represented on the Board of least three members of the Supreme F.xecutivc Committee, The Ukrainian National Urban Renewal Corporation hy СТ КЕТ ОБОВ'ЯЗУЮЧОГО ' ЗАПРОПОНОВАНИЙ ПРАВИЛЬНИК nominated by the Supreme txecutivc Committee and approved three (3) members of the Executive Committee and bv two ЕР ПЕТ СТАТУТУ ДЛЯ ВІДДІЛІВ by the Supreme Assembly (2) advisors nominated bv the Executive Committee. ARTICLE VII BRANCH MANlAL BRANCHF^S OATH PRESCRIBED FOR ALL NEWLY-ELECTED ARTICLE VII By-i^ws of Branches. OFFICERS AND NEWLY-ADMITTED MEMBERS OATH PRESC RIBED FOR ALL NEW LY-ELECTED By-l^ws of the Branches. § I. By-Laws may be made and from time to time OFFK ERS AND NEWLY-ADMITTED MEMBERS ^ 79 By-l^ws may be made and from time to time changed changed or amended by a Branch by a two-thirds vote of all § 133. Hvcry newly elected supreme officer or officer ot the or amended by a Branch by a two-thirds vote of all members in members in good standing, provided the .same be proposed Branch and every newly admitted member shall take the lol § 60. Every newh, elected Officer of the Awodation or Officer of a gtXKi standing, provided the same be proposed in writing, read in writing, read at a stated meeting, and laid over and read lowing oath, to be administered by any past President to the Branch, .shall take tiie foUowing oatii. lo be administered by any past at a stated meeting, and laid over and read at the next stated at the next stated meeting, at which time 4ку Іmay then be President, and by him to the other duly elected officer? or mem President to the President, and by him to tiie other duty elected al$- meeting, at which tiqie th,ey may then be acted upon, subject to acted upon, subject to approval oC-the i F^xeoutive bers: cers or members: approval of the Supreme Executive Committee and shall not Committee, and ^hall not take effect until approved. I. . swear before Almightv take effect until approved By-Laws or amendments thereof must not contravene or God, and before you. Honorable Members, that I. By-Laws or amendments thereof must not contravene or con­ conflict with the Constitution and By-Laws of the L'NA or ., (Supreme I, r before flict with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Supreme with the general laws or principles of Ihe .As.sociation. Officer. Officer or Member of the Branch) will honestly and Almighty (iod, and before you. Honorable Members, that Assembly, nor with the general laws or principles of the faithfully perform and fulfill all my duties and obligations as L wffl honestly and faith­ such . (Supreme Officer. fully perform and fulfill all my duties and obligations as Organization of Branches. Officer, or Member) that 1 will always observe, comply with such , Title; tliat I, will always Organization of Branches. § 2. Any fifteen or more persoas qualified for member­ and obey the rules and regulatjons. resolutions and laws of this ohwrve, aimpiy with and obey the rules and regulations, resolutkins ^ 80 Any fifteen or more persons qualified tor membership ship in accordance with the By-Laws of the UNA being Branch and of the Ukrainian National and laws of this Branch and of the in accordance with these By-Laws being desirous of becoming a desirous of becoming a Branch of this As.sociation shall hold Association; that I will protect and defend the good name of the Lluainian National Associatian; that I will protect and defend the Branch of this Asst4.iation shall hold a meeting and elect a tem­ a meeting and elect a temporary Branch President, Branch Branch and of the Association; that I good name of the Branch and of the porary President. Secretary and Treasurer, adopt a resolution Secretary and Branch Treasurer, adopt a resolution select­ will endeavor to promote its welfare, and to the best of my abili AsBodatian: titat I wiD endeavor to promote its vyeKeu^ and to tiie selecting a name and authorizing the officers so temporarily ing a name and authorizing the officers so temporarily elect­ ty work for the general gotxi of the Branch and of the Ukrainian best of my ability wtjrk for the general good of the Branch and of elected to make application for a chaner; or where an existing ed to make application for a charter; or where an existing National Association So help me (СІ,Ч .еп тЛ theап і пшиїNи ational Association. So help me God, Amen. association, brotherhixxl or fraternal organization composed of association, brotherhood or fraternal organization com­ sufficient membeis. possessing the foregoing qualifications, posed of sufficient members, pos.sessing the foregoing quali­ shall desire to be united with this Association, it shall adopt a fications, shall desire to be united with the UNA, it shall II. ПРАВИЛЬНИКИ resolution authorizing its proper officers to make application for adopt a resolution authorizing its proper officers to make admission into this Association The application shall be on application for admission into the .Association. The applica­ Спетяльна Статутона Комісія ствердила, шо УНСоюі ІІранилміики forms provided by this .As.scKiation. executed by the said offi­ tion shall be on forms provided by this Association, executed повинен працювати не ті-іі.ки на 6а її Статут>. -апе також va 11 Правильник лля Конвенції cers and filed with the Supreme -Secretarv by the said officers and filed with the Secretary of the допомогою Правильників 2) Правильник для Відділів; The Supreme Kxecutive Committee, upon receipt of the •Association. Згідно 1 тапропонованою секціг.ю ч 54 нового Статуту в }) Правильник для Спадкск-.миїн іаЛокаі>Смерги. applicaiion properly executed may approve the same and the The Executive Committee, upon receipt of the applica­ справі Правильників він постанов^тяг Правильники моле 41 Правильник для Фондів. name selected, and forward to the said approved Branch the tion properly executed may approve the same and the name імжити І оловниЙ Уряд УНСоюіу не менше чим двома -^1 Правильник д.ія '?а5еіпечсння та іичмертних Виплат charter, seal, and stviei;. books, which chapter, seal, books and selected, and forward to the said approved Branch the char­ третинами голосів присутних на іасіданнях членів Ло Правильників перенесе но деякі парагра(1)И all other paraphernalia shall, however, remain the property of ter and society books, which shall remain the property of Головного Уряду Внесені до Правильника іміни входять в обов'яуючого тепер Статуту, які < подані по ІЙ ВІЛсгороні. the Association the A.s.sociatlon. силу по IX проголошенню, лбю 1НО ДІГ1 рііиенням Головного По правій cTopt)Hi г. текст іапропон іваноіі. правильника Уряд\ > НСоюзу' ЛІ Правильник для Окружн IX Комітетів ( 101КІМ Restrictions. Restrictions. Спетяльна Статутова Комісія пропочуг гакі новий § 81 Where one or more Branches already exist no other § 3. Where one or more Branches already exist, no other Branch shall be organized without the written consent of the Branch shall be organized without the written consent of the СТ КЕТ ЗАПРОПОНОВАНИЙ ПРАВИЛЬНИК Supreme Assembly or the Supreme Executive Committee first Executive Committee first having been obtained. No 'ВОБОГО ОЧЮУЗЯТУ УТАТС ДЛЯ ІЙ ЦНЕВНОК hBarvainncgh bCeeonu nocbitla ionre dB raNncoh B roafn cahn yo fo tthheisr Abessnoecfiiat tioorng asnhiazlal tbioen a BBrraanncchh ooff athniys oAthsseorc ibaetnioenfi t shoraglla nbieza ati oBnr.a nNcho thCinoug nhceilr eoirn Presiding Oflkers and Committees PErleecstieddin bg yO Cffoicnev(rOesn NatinVodnE . CNoTmIOmNit teMesA NUAL bNuaeoclt ohmmineignm gbh eemrresei mno bfce oarnnst yao ifnB esrudac nhsch hsai lmol fibl atehr cioso rnAgsatsrnsuoizecadita itotionon p rfervoemnt bineidnigvi do­r comof enamtanbiyne erBds r oasfnh scauhllc hob fes itcmhoinislas tArr u.osesrdogc aitnaotii zpoanrtei ovfnreon. mt inbdeiivnigd uoarl bmeecmombeinrgs SmestCPcwlueeonap§tocmltilr te tye mid1Vo mf r8niiiotine.sctt m e s cPsec T- eror Caseehcnspmsohesiioondia orsnCsenittinr isgonaamtt n.ignn ntve AhddgEneoef nl.tmftlo eeih tscrf.fittestio weve etnoChldelvoe fe r e v pbessdCeShde yeneeroaal nsCecnl olCpgtrv oinaeeaehbnsrtntlae.svsaet i osire ro,Cnmcn iInasetotna, hislm ohn l,eaae na mnd do.sas d da ifntbiit t tddeaeotioehe Cndn oae he ro ndCldtame eheogscEemr nalrda tvlieuretbeettelsocneyyd ,ett s ipt ttahohoohr^anrneeel , l cceteCbiPnooodleroe ain §ewsnncsis1estitgrvi.ss isdi esstt aefiinetrnorbnTi etnongtltiphheo.m g o enaeo tr A n,ofUto C afd tefkwtaomw el retnnrrfhavooii dvtvieet nneeV hen gliCn i taei shctprpn tCiete eeo eh-dolor nrCEaesenfs no nnmhvodsgntgaehneiusslniailea,rsaste l.lplisghag lov e e nanCer;lbtIdas seona heno smna gan,ac da umss Cta d, aChba liodglteenthmeteiew ed t sanEemiaa oi o lnirdte ihdnStdopceta et c eeidsocolteora erhnr dnsrleodeuoee etnCergl ndabyrea r oe Pttifmipoeeoobnesrsf,rtmgy ,e im tt sstoiaithehhtaohnbtnaleneelleetly ee s­l eakbsBEoafnyrxoclaCo§ eerhanwc lehd y8ucsonao ah2tt.npiifl . vdio tgeuei,rAWnern Csgdntodhhh eoeyfaaearms rl N tiBrler t meah repcstam ooieuwnttnl rtoeucnetpo ht ieauaon iom onsnubmrneideete, am e t fyMapa oioa nr rscnrteo hdhseadrvata g i nt hBBdnfi uoaneegrrrmdfadagemfnn . eb atccct ehnhhhotr deen e a si a enontc d a bosaB omiatnt parsulseapitleane nenrtbdececetdh yids aa.p, o lw nei tfAnhmchd tte i spehccay ehorpe atonm pi sSnxisrt aioutgom hylmp vice diredatareadyeylomtl t eeoa tbdedso­se o bocaimmtonfeya enC§ d tekyts h ht noo4aiedanlo .p ieo ngwdpa gA asrcnEceotohna. ex v o lbdyWeloefec ydt BduNhhB a rteeaarisdarrvamsonoe e nlad pcee ctfhlet Cwhoyais nro niomrefgum doeso na aamrrMdtyi dotrmei hctee, rt uhraos esgonatrteh hilnei naupt begelgtBul e ie .norar c panatnfoiimon tdrntescs toee htfin , n ote aharhupsnamm aresddot ie atv eo aunsifbndnau faeyetemdce d Bw tBdob r tbrheaaIharittnncan e ahcai pccnh dhrsoeI poo,nidt pxen ts.chit em meineaAadyatl­l l y Chairman of the Convention shall appoint a Press Committee Chairperson of the Convention shall appoint a Press fore, except as to its officers and By-Laws, which shall be elect­ respects as theretofore, except as to Its officers and By-Laws, which shall consist of three persons and any other Committees Committee, which shall consist of three persons, and any ed and adopted under such conditions as provided in tiie resolu­ whkh shall be elected and adopted under such conditions as which may be deemed necessary. other Committees that may be deemed necessary. tion. Its Secretary shall make up and file with the Supreme provided In the resolution. Its Branch Secretary shall make Delegates elcTted to the Election Committee may not be Delegates elected to the Election Committee may not be Secretary a roll of the members of the merged Branch. up and file with the Secretary a roll of the members of the nominated as candidates for any supreme office nominated as candidates for any office in the C.eneral merged Branch. Assembly. wapsumrhceD5V§ieshc enuoh 2n1dtta 0ite9mse .hw.ss— e ha noalIaOlt fytl H l bn t osahogeh fsa oew ab tnvhC llyeilTyec rbb a nbqasaBk.eeuli eylne eoTn-tssntLh .ht. afi aeeoinw t ndp , sa rue,nbe txsteydcihf d eoeVoiprn fetimgc et fatoho hjCforefeni hc tCtCaehyhrio er anv mseiovhrlteeeamencnl lta.t oi intoofa,n nk t h,ae o enetf hxd dceo,ee flvipefnogitt c aheteth ieirsnes. ooptaghfLramfeotV§iO ecec vesnoen2o rtedk.ptesd me, rr i— :Oenie.wsn gn enhsH tns i uactoso chhnwsfha yh s ltTa alhhq la abluewk l eelgaeB s onybrtyvi .uoe-a eLnn srba n hiywbn.e e s bafs,Toa ecrtlehclhesooe ert f ptd ihtmara,ne enaes dcxjCiodec vor ienionwpttgyvtii tne fhonvgof to rfRiimt octeoneh abr,oec e hfeers xihlttne'chasceel etsplRi . ot dt unaДЦ etlk hleoeese­f tfAiLrhtsoase (D§swm bcoU uis8) crk t3ticoEirha.lera etves iis(ue.n o a Srninia)uynl en pN sfB raosNoenr rmt aaByh tneer ievcooa ehtnpTnhra ecreyrulher sap A omssomnhu.nsear assm elonirlrmcn be aiecaesudrehtrlmi it aovtarlhininletan . ce anpgoon aurtdtdyshh lea iyiendnt i tbmtsoiieeano ctttn oe htft mhohearen letty srhyb e aobami osinnlueklr mr jtsehyo mb eofeos bfrdeef t u riBhnt eohetysfo e - afAAitnrh ssomteD(і ssomsbooSe eu)ccmi . tiit BEitaasebh(yttv saeciie-e.oori )Lr rnn yNoac lwfTsfoBe outssr rlcrB ieaohe Iaren nr avsUca nueuahmkrcrnn ryheoulay er upimss nnoohssbe ttnaht him lhnaoelr l bferelNa e cdpdrmaepuem itarveiarosisiyentnon c nangaoiaens lrnr ts tdliAh odiseten s dhi stsunm paholiinetctenoacii naa intttfttthreihehieeaoo eldatunya sb sn.suh lboeyyriiot l yklmt b fhsooeoe ecfrmof ott dfhtmab uh tbeieeherlnsse e absence, of the Vice Chairmen, to preside at the session of the thitles of the Chairperson and Vice Chairpersons. Association such amount of dues as is specified in the table of of rates hereinbefore provided, In the amount due from such Convention. § 3. It shall be the duty of the Chairperson, and. In his rates hereinbefore provided, in the amount due from such mem­ member in accordance yvith the age of the respective mem­ absence, of the Vice Chairpersons, to preside at the session ber in accordance with the age of the respective member and the ber and the amount of his death benefit as shown in the Duties oT the Secretaries. of the Convention. amount of his death benefit as shown in the books of the books of tlie Asaodation and in his certificate of member- 5 21. It shall be the duty of *e Secretaries of the Convention Duties of the Secretaries. Association and in his certificate of membership. to keep minutes of the proceedings of the Convention and to § 4. It shall be the duty of the Secretaries of the (c) Every regular and special assessment shall be paid to the (c) Every and spedal a tent shall be paid to a condensed report, including the full text of adopted Convention to keep minutes of the proceedings of Ihe Supreme Treasurer on the 28di day of each month and not later the Treasurer on tlie 28th day of each nsonth and not later to the next sessioo for approval and. not laier than 60 Coovcntioa and to prepare a coodenaed report, iadoding jj than ibe last day of ilieMMNMb the asseuraent was levied than the last day of the month the a СПЕЦІЯЛЬНЕ НЯ НАДИВ OAoaoonbtfsfh d(jfshediee crci)mpe st sr srEbu o ecolvoffyhfeefri, rr c treyaaihean nnpelBcd r eorev d raШ siugscnesiahatnctin shtaeaoeisl ztl f,sie h vhrtbseeahu e .loec vl r hgiars ioiodvSttumsehut npeiitn thrr ee tetomr oe bBe ptuarh rslaOeelins n fecifmetnihssctas eai tmrtnts ievh corteeahrsu l eloanw fngbp h seetoih r crafeshgo u a rSSsmnauupirppeazernenr eerdctm mheeoe deer oAmaprresa e(nsdna edt)ncmhe e Ede boo vlroafeyg bnr,ha jydiean s cBn ipotzdrsrfe a ferolinfdn fec ao rhtcelrh an sedsoch ueetva ht ilhisslee iherasl a , d volrtmlifh es ebpishtu er srtc eooghtsuh i eavtenilenl Ot nBeia tf rtstfbia iovmcun eestcer hihne oeto ef isir nmns tg a hasstnhet hta aeeonGlr rl s pgeOb enawefrne lfhslriocuziarceesl­hrr­ cdiwnoahdnmoecbp ehta eawndsii ettbhsoe. tehhniNes toBhB eymrra-eLnetmocawhfbo sero err safhoguaanlinld s btg ewu eihlltoiygm iob fcle ht ahfroeg rec hse alaerrcgetei osp neinn dw aihncogco oirs­r adothonraa gNncsha eciob nseo e imfBwze anoreittta mihhtnoh ebnctreheh rrот e iebn o tsBrsrohau yfaanro-lgLacrla nheabi c wnteefshos te.ceu lorwniemgdhoi bpfo,glam eunn ioiflceotrhysr .a s oroegUlfe edctsht tia eoor nrce h swpaeehlrlngo dMe iissn e gi n i or other such representative. (c) On request of the Supreme Officers or the representatives (e) On request of the Officers or the representatives of Election. Election. of the Supreme Assembly, every Branch shall submit for exami­ the General Assembly, every Branch shall submit for exami­ § 91 The candidate who receives the most votes of all the §13. The CMididaiewbo receives dien nation all its books, and furnish information and explanation as nation ail its books, and furnish information and explana­ candidates running for office shall be deemed elected to said dates running for oflloe sfaal be deemed elected to said offloe. may required by him. tion as may required by him. office. The members shall elect a committee of not less than (Г) In general. Branches shall comply with all the provi­ The membeг^ shall elect a committee of not less than three to three to act as Judges and tellers, who shall canvass the vote (0 In genera]. Branches shall comply with all the provisions sions of the Laws, By-Laws and Branch Manual of the act as judges and tellers, who shall canvass the vote in the pres­ in the presence of the Branch Secretary and who shall of the Laws and By-Laws and perform any and all directives Association and perform any and all directives and orders ence of the Secretary and who shall record it and inform the record it and inform the Branch President of the result and orders of the Convention. Supreme Assembly. Supreme of the Convention, General Assembly, Executive President of the result. A member who has not paid all dues and assessments and Executive C ommiitee or Supreme Officers. Committee or Officers. A member who has not paid all dues and assessments and has has not applied for and received^n advancement from hb not applied for and received an advancement from his Branch Branch for the payment of thesiune shall not be entitled to agofesifve R§sert eh ne8vpev 4ae bei nByndu u rTteahfe ohne araec s nhB ir ndmerasiv tahnHieyaacnot lhuilwbo, e enda E,ogoa frnxiu efaptt ehhtae ioennour yndiBpz.se oer,da andan.n, nd cbdp hy sr s uosutphchcpaeehlle l id Leobsstah ,ew oe sdsrfu ecfaneehnvne dsetm e daBro ntnfyadrt-ioh Lnmlsmyaow: u edrsnuct lheeosess f tltfyhaee ie§Rnds fmeu6eavee.ene ssnnd Ttapu ssshae oi getdau hinv rrefedeco nve rBH es r ibnonaoyuwnif te ci t arEhhoet exfivso, peBhtnenhar,nu lealid e fneB acadagrhn,sra ,y e n,mde ca ohaunn ypdas oh tbsinaeuol, np la pspbu,rl etoiaeh cnsdoe,d eers rdiuzsisveuc dhecod h fm b efoyonrt nothtetmhehrre­:­ efcqbsohlheueraarec l lsttllthit eooibeno ne gnv p eeovoaddtafye lmi boadaefne ftfnd iocta re endor sefhe.c iltieshdT ceebthd iasoe lal nbomr,eit g fewohi srsth ehcoo aa fhls ilits ss. un ncobUohta t nl blmltoeehte se esmnn is tbth ieetcenlrae tnsidttotg l,e thvodttho veotteoo f etmaevle oumactstteet i ,otm hbniee­s vmUnhooinestt mle be tsabahslete l ortnth t ht eeoie sn r vteciiogaltetlhseecttd t, mio tohtfnuo es a toe v lmfobe tcebeet mr,ic oahbbnna e clsqrlhhe u tnaeoolgsl fet fvibdiooce nte bevre esdaaf.l o ti adraTne.n dhh eeids ie rebcicgtaidlhloleton dt,o fiwbs eshcfuooac rshiets the Association to be known as the Local Branch Fund; and Laws and By-Laws of the Association to be known as the Report and Surrender of Property. such revenue shall be expended in defraying the expenses of the Local Branch Fund; and such revenue shall be expended in Report and Surrender of Property. 6 14. At the expiration or earlier terminatioa of the term Branch, the payment of the assessments of delinquent members, defraying the expenses of the Branch, advancements of § 92. Ai the expiration or earlier termination of the term of of any branch officer he shall render an accounting of hii advancements of funeral expenses of deceased members when funeral expenses of deceased members when required, and any officer he shall render an accounting of his administration administration and surrender all books, papers, money and required, and in promoting the objects of the Association. in promoting the objects of the Association. and surrender all books, papers, money and other property other property belonging to his Branch to his successor in The moneys collected from members in payment of assess­ The moneys collected from members in payment of belonging to his Branch to his successor in office office. tnmipBhnorree otaAsnt mnrebtlucsl eo sh B tfto deu yfFi nf- soutLdtthrhnrsaie ed bw t i uhinsAante. en t steddhpsr oeueasc srmhppitasaooot lsislnaos egnebns ds e is tfsisodoho ribanms lj plwee oocmbhfst seiebca dh eok Br efo. tpr.fh att hen pyecsre hopAw massehrpsraatoetlleyc l c i abofatrelsiolo emupncsr teoeatdvhdn ie ddo a erLnsd dohh c aebatllyoldl atphaahnnseresloAddde v Lsl siltsidho omnfcea u adpletlnlrn r dbunotBssysmor t ta otoi hnfbnfto ee certst h h hdet the eihFBs e etuAp yr ni-oipsnbLdssutuos aeraectrwpesnieasodsdsit.st o iesason shmn a a ofnoolsfldnrh gb aaow eliblB th dsjrbie icamscehpnt es ockm tshehoep befds tyeh tr ohsawsfeel. lp e p raAbrerose asm ctouoepcls liteeafldryctoi t oeamondsr bnvrtheeyasexcVS i atghP a n9inrmcmt3ae.a ts.e in ioebdIcWtnneeiiec n nohssogtu.,rem cnaptheh ess aeruc mrvacemcsaaaeeenfcmt,saee sntorboet redr t dr ih ifianes Lta v 4obPatXfhicrfloeieaicmt snyediced aisoseet hfenss a tua loonslscf pyh bce saueenul rldlee s elpcbeddteycee,n t cdersal edianooa ryfsneffoo i conrate fh nftroehi,dc fe e e oad xufiechnf iaeoetchtplxehdet , osaotyhfcnf ac§Vdicuol laefr 1a cd 5thabae .en ynctlhcl ydWarie ere bseehan.yl se eeto nhhxcn itet ma eoo mdf mf b fedieeeBcecmtearoi ntbamvhgena,e r ccsrt ah hebnv seeaLiorgcce fonafamaItifencttedie eoss rr nau ,st cut ohhtesrh exp ce pcea Bendesrpredama,tte enoda tcro,nh h feaIe nfn я і tyvB adrbcisaaraannbncciichteth s- atbbLhseaaesrsSw§iisirsi ss cto8,a fk ora5n s mr.ctuB hebibeel yAijnioeer escrr Be f ftia arstremonsatlo.ldnii u el citatfehih pos eonp m fs.lB uiacscryiaahc nbk ccbl,erh ee d navsietstofeaail bttususln epttaedeass cr iioilaatyr nl m ddmf aiusayrntey rdgep spsur sealeosaydcnt in t oobman e sse uv,mi conhflb ou ietrmnrs st eat Bhmroyeyr­ - saosbucsraisc S§siihtib ishsc t7e,kaem . s in iruneBc Amb eefij t anbesBomece rBrfrt iia stylrtsin -eeo.oLc ls rih,aae pwfta mhpnsoel adfiio rcy rsa t ifbhcbcarkleymee , arBisdltetireiseasa ostasn ulpbusctuelteheiccso dih anv a lo.on b lrdfeu un ndnretiedfsaigtsrtru siel olysaans tse im aodit n a vsmymo, leafpuomyanr ybt pa terhrtreoyes- parSuBinasiperrrg oaceAyt nrhdnl necoe dtyth d aepi o rirseorybnmaerfe,gfbfc foiittoiacnhrilertomiae etrntl y h P t seeuhorul oenefecnsfa chei obtdtxh faildefoteeni nun c mitleP. ioo e emrf esebfRpa tsieideciyecndrues ogfedinromg n,enro ntmseg,faoi s gt ttd tihnhvhoteheaeaenl ietrc sveB p a edentrmarhaunt n.autmo ticnhsedehIt es nm tobi hobfnbteeh foe d etorahihP kcsceiiarcssna ebe, ss spaiogemlimtfo ideftoooiyedecfnd.n e em tbt esy >tams aahn annptnanhddoledle­ r, fatPpmBPohctrrrrreaceemae ensscdnpiin add ctsseeeeuthernednc rt tohPam b,f ms dyra te u aeattsshmythtuii eeedcptd scheBoeo eednrsrrs iautsaign rgornneyaiircnaxn n httidgadne ilb mst ahoaeBe effbelmfore eiiprtcalceiieeentntm y rigctsoi hboh honeeod af.r f Sloa o lf ietnffRnbh ci d ceeoregei fseseo fBiatliobgecarbdencearict rlanyesoi,ttc t,dmy iaoh o.nttfe nhhodsIsree niv n r tam tgBhthc ieoreita ao asntn tsmntp a ctbeemhhIrxene e­- helM(d) e8se6et.mi niRg-mse g—ounlt aQhrl uym oreouer tmimn go—sn t ohPfl yrto hcaeet dBaur artinemc. he asnhadl l abt ya rpelsaocleu tiionn t hbee bmeuM5 nh 8eiec.el ditpi nRaglmeisgt oyu—n laft ohrQr luym owearheutti mcianh g —tsiim t oPwef r atoahscn eedg d rBuaarrtnae tna.e c dhp laas hcceah lali nrb teyor r.r enseSoaplrue tctiiohanel oedth etor pperorfpoerrmty hoifs dhuist ieosff ice to the members elected or designat­ sbbhoearoAlskln ,es y,lu e mcpotfooefnndic e edoyrr i r adeuncendtsaii ogobnntlh eao etetfro d t p htproeoe rppBfeeorrrratfmoynr c mohtf h hPhei irssde dusouiftdfitieiecesnes t.o tfod ehtlhiisve e omrf fetimhcee­ ocgmmtsmsBhhporirvegu eaenam elmsncsnlS iit comcbaiunnthrileupoopae errtttya smse ieol c.b mi bfehetea yEee ae t at vthv qicodfenEieuoa njr gooxlrytgmlh .uree uwercdeimnmw umTh emtbiee eidbcvyennoe heet tm furi yt nsmhni-CbhBtgfet eieiio rlwvprmaP msse tnahrh ob mescaaefeos hl t iriglr etbdts rhtsl ueeabeme nessnae hhi,otts nB eaartioeov delrnslarfit s nw nmacc tugch hooopech ea nnomhl. dse tsnaB iasbtbrn Tisyrteateuae husre nrots ecthn.c,eup a a h SslracnlS e aneo bc pscodnqtyeeerf wcedsu c flrstiieoiuoaeanivnndrorqlgeuty eenuy mm-d es-tss.fhshau e hitinaovce arldothdfell-l f oSdcmmmhbbofeaaue eeonc yvsteImrrshiisntnnete iebi tn egptc aesuog orrsrlftsneEey s e hcst, m xt iesaashnea dhsa cetunq iahyu bnodul atmelgub oi nev fsregen is eu vitmsu c vwmeecCace sobelh soslnnenoei hmocrtfodsay lnpstm uBl-ih belcfda riciiyetvnceapit adoende tt lhno.ec o rs, hesfm httt eohiiBaetsterelhm ure l hua ettmnbaei npnv oeeBcogairtmhnnr . s b ga.bqP ae neuTE tr rcwaoceevsadrhsnee liuj.arln d o mytmteou y Tnfl rem-e tofnhmoa ifeevens ebbdt eeBt ey -Biforuntr ohrsrrangu ei an trmrsqisncdlhthu heoc ataeehroehlslneslr elt octsptpvheuofaeore ibmnD<stod eimaB}grum ,ld b ntUireit9eiay exttern4et asc,estcd. l eh e slha op sueH stcf,t boa hBejttuni ehehn nrhdcsceae lih tck nem oaaPBssctflsos hlr ye b t eo-ap hsyLsHotnrheih efad ea teaswAhl etriplimdnwes cspr e ts aeie.pvSo s yaqaroecel uet it c iaseiolamrrcot rleeiorld opt itraebhonhm rraesei;eys een. d,h eB a eetswHpriblu naepsychengchr hi costtacsi hh vlohharle.aane n ldlph dB Hloer aa ricfeennvma in odenodsfat hfceo nhfbha brideaeclc.el lseee ls rnaA ehsaqtp na hnlupotllaedi leornto dlsiclderontaeoddi twtrobhue enaarenstdslolsr ­l ­o f oqsStscthhihhfuee eaaSceDest lcr ls hlulBt1ake eit6tsasorir a e..apnBe trsnphsqH yrH ocoeua,oehf ienin f Bwr. ts c thmehoyhh earA-aa ih LdlclaBylllihe lan s rpr w icdao,mrhao n sresapm podcsuvppihofebdme rrsr je teePoseih bst cvartescestateeu rue eslAiacntb ibsohld ,samle o sean.muro rinndtendctet pH ileeeaeahrdrtepsitiee m sinp dso tgeshaoon ahsan tp; lhah lad allheitn silmord e nd wa c o tsneohbbtihns dueyyeabf n oloeBttlotr ht herrcehdeeardene ens etrBtBciicr hgtihrrpedlneeaad.ee dlnnn aa Hbaccawlthhlylloel­ s ""§O2і '8.rO 7dRp.e oerlOn lo irncfdg aBr ltbl'u byosf ilftnH heoeisf^ sfPyi.cr ieeesrsissd 'eiasnnithd c fmWelmewbeiersg vb y the S-e•c re•t"a ry• , who *O21 9.. r 9dRO.e oprOle lon Mfci nBaleglutl sboioyfii f be tshioissef.i f hBiecrie;a^rns tc sh at nhPdet e fsumiHdeeomUntfbn egr^s by the Branch oluotsthainegrge s d urupetoqineu sir aepd. pelvicoalvntisn gf oor nm heims boefrfsihciep , aasn dth seh alallw pse, rrfourlmes sauncdh vbrfouoarltlemelos, teaisxnnucgdce h puu tspo aoitnghne e csraa rpsdepeuq lotuiicfeia rsten i.edt s ev v(oootlrev iomnrge amonnb e elhresicsht iioopfn,f i -coaenf dao sfifr ittc>her^rfstnj »/awenrsd-, shall note the absentees. Secretary, who shall note the absentees. 3. Reading of minutes of the last meeting. 3. Reading of minutes of the last meeting. Vice President. Branch Vice-President. 4. Admission of members supplied with transfer cards 4. Admission of members supplied with transfer cards. § 95 The Vice Presideni shall perform the duties of the §17. The Branch Vke-Preddentsfaidpcrfann the duties of the 5. Balloting and admission of new members. 5. Balloting and admission of new members. Presideni during his absence, disability or disqualification. Branch President during his absence, (fisabOty or dfeqmiflcatkn. 6. Payment of dues and assessments. 6. Payment of dues and assessments. 7. Report of officers and committees. 7. Report of officers and committees. Secretary. Branch Secretary. 8. Reading of reports and resolutions of the Suijrcmc 8. Reading of reports and resolutions of the General § 96 He shall: keep an accurate report of the proceedings of § 18. The Branch Secretary shall: keep an accurate Assembly published in the Organ of the Association. .Assembly published in the official publications of the the Branch and record the same in a b<X)k for that purpose; con­ report of the proceedings of the Branch and record the same 9. Reading of communications. .\.s.sociatlon. duct the general correspondence; have charge of the seal and in a book for that purpose; conduct the general correspon­ 10. Unfinished business 9. Reading of communications. records; read all official communications at the meeting follow­ dence; have charge of the seal and records; read all official 11. New business 10. Unfinished business. ing the receipt; draw and attest all orders pa.s.sed by the Branch communications at the meeting following the receipt; draw 12. Election of officers and appointment of necessary com- 11. New business and submit the same to the President for approval. He. and he and attest ail orders passed by tbe Branch and submit the 12. Election of officers and appointment of necessar> only, shall receive all assessments, and dues from the members, same to the Branch President for approval. The Branch 13. .Announcement of receipts and expenditures committees. shall give receipt therefor and make enuy thereof in the mem­ Secretary, and the Branch Secretary only, shall receive аВ 14. Announcement of names of members in default and ot 13. Announcement of receipts and expenditures. ber's dues book and in an official botik of the Branch. He shall assessments, and dues from the members, shall give receipt those expelled. 14. Announcement of names of members in default and of immediately pay over lo the Treasurer all moneys received with therefor and make entry thereof In the member's dnes book; 15. Closing of meeting those expelled. a statement certifying the number of members who have paid and in an official book of the Branch. He shall 15. Closing of meeting. and the amounts due the Supreme Treasurer for members in pay over to tbe Treasurer all moneys received with a good standing. At the same iime lie shall forward to the ment certifying the number of members who have paid and Rules of Procedure. Supreme Treasurer a statemeni showing the amount due; and lo the amounts due the Treasurer for members in good stand­ Rules of Procedure. § 10. At all meetings, the business shall be conducted the Supreme Secretary a monthly repon of all members admii ing. At the same time he shall forward to tbe Treasurer a § 88. At all meetings, the business shall be conducted under under the Rules of procedure as practiced by the Branch or ted. reinstated, transferred with transfer card, members m statement showing the amount due; and to tbe Secretary a the rules of procedure as practiced by the Branch or in the in the absence thereof according to Roberts Rules of Order. default or expelled and the cause thereof, and of members dis monthly report of all members admitted, reinstated, trans­ absence thereof according to Roberts Rules of Order 1. Every member in good standing and every Officer of abled. suffering from икиїаЬІе diseases, or deceased ferred with transfer card, members in default or expelled 1. Every member in good standing and every Supreme the Association shall have the privilege of the floor and shall Whenever possible, he shall notify all members of the dati- чі and the cause thereof, and of members disabled, suffering Officer of the Association shall have the privilege оІ the fioor not be interrupted while speaking by other members, but he death and funeral of a member from incurable diseases, or deceased. Whenever possible, he and shall not be interrupted while speaking by other members, shall strictly adhere to the matter under discussion; He shall keep an accurate record of all receipts and disburse­ shall notify all members of the date of death and funeral of a but he shall strictly adhere to the matter under discussion; 2. Every member present shall obey ail orders and deci­ ments, shall countersign all checks, and shall perform such member. 2. Every member present shall obey all orders and decisions sions of the Branch President; other duties as the rules of the .Association or the Branch ma\ The BraiKh Secretary shall keep an accurate record of aH of the President; 3. Any member using disrespectful and coarse language prescribe. receipts and disbursements, shall countersign all checiu, 3 Any member using disrespectful and coarse language while speaking shall be reprimanded by the Branch and shall perform such other duties as the Rules of the І while speaking shall be reprimanded by the President, and in President, and in case of a repetition of the offense shall be Duties of Assistant Secretary. Association or the Branch may prescribe. case of a repetition of the offense shall be denied the privilege denied the privilege of the floor at the discretion of the pre­ § 97. He shall be present at ever, meeting ot ihe Branch and of the floor at the discretion of the presiding officer. siding officer. render assistance to the Secretary He shall pertbrm the duties Duties of Assistant Branch Secretary. 4. No discussion conceming political, religious or denomina­ 4. No discussion conceming political, religious or denomi­ of the Secretary during his absence, disability or disqualifica- і 19. Tht Assistant Branch Swrctag shall be present at tional questions shall be permitted at the meetings of the national questions shall be permitted at the meetings of the every meeting of the Branch and render assistance to Ae Branch. Branch. Branch Secretary. The AssisUnt Branch Secretary shall 5. No motion, unless seconded, shall be entertained and when 5. No motion, unless seconded, shall be entertained and Duties of Treasurer. perform the duties of the Branch Secretary dnriag hit seconded shall be repeated by the President when putting the when seconded shall be repeated by the Branch President § 98. He shall give b<ind u> ihe Branch in such amount and absence, disability or disqualification. same to vote A majority vote of those present, unices other­ when putting the same to vote. A m^ority vote of those pre­ with such surety as the niemb<.rs of the Branch or Supreme wise provided in these By-Laws, shall be necessary to carry a sent, unless otherwise provided in the By-Laws of the Executive Committee shall require He shall receive all moneys Duties of BraiKh Treasurer. motion; Association, shall be necessary to carry a motion; of the Branch and of the Association from the Secretary and ІЖ The Branch Treasurer аД Аrive bond to the Вдш^ h 6. Voting shall be by raising of hands, unless by a vote of 6. Voting shall be by raisiiig of hands, unless by a vote of immediately forward to the Supreme Treasurer the amount due such іі шюпаand with such surety as tt majority of the members present it shall be determined to take majority of the members present It shall be determined to the Association as certified b\ ihe Secretary, keeping an accu­ Executive Committee shal require. : vote by ballot. take the vote by ballot rate account of receipts and Ji-bursements All funds exceeding receive al moneys of die Branch and of the Assnriation than the the sum of $25 shall be dcposiied in the name of the Branch in Branch Secretary and immetfialdy fonrard to die Tttaaanrlht BRADNUCTHIE OSF AHNCDE RVAS,C EALNECCITEISO. NS, BRADNUCTHI EOSF AFNICDE VRAS,C EALNECCITEISO. NS, csPuhrceehsci kddsee npsiho asailnlt odrb yeS eascsirg emnteaadryy bbye Adhlielm sia gsansnaedtse sdcm oebunynt tste hrpes aigyBnarbeadnle c hbt.oy ttAhhleel nak№dmeesop euixnncgte edadunine ag tc tdcxui erA assutBem oad coocftof $au2nn5 t as osh fac elrr ebtcieSe iedpdetp sb oaysnh tdelid ed iiBnsi nitubmreac пе шпoahnf tehSueot aa.H tAryl, CTPrroueO§mss fit8mdell9eeci.snet ttre.oTs ef.Sh efeoic fvor eeft tfhaimcrreeyeerm.s Amboesefrs smits.h tbCaeen artBps .trS aaSeinncce,rhr eg atneashradyan .lSt l- Ttaabrtnee-d aaaPsrrmurder ses.irB d. eBeAanortuea. drr,Vdi t aiinconegfd - AAPrus§Bsed isrisi1attdina1nec.ng nht t TC,OB horBfmefai rcnmaoecnrfihtfscti ,he cSe ee rVcosrfi c eotethfa- rPrteyrhe,e e s mBiBdrearmenanbcnteh,c r hsBT , rrsSaehenaarcslguhle rabeSneret ,- caBrBter-raataarnnmrccyhhs., ofsfAoohrsr ramsB lolar cnabsinyauec t cihsoohu tn hmbo emtasrhhy ieta ptrrelu led drq bpuuteotoii sre keetshe.. pea tsmA it nehqm eua b alsearetrwepsr sala ryata ntarede m parcoeucreloett isuno ngoft f a aantlnhld de h hinAeso stsas hcobacceloil a uutpsineoetrnds­ dsaBPAunirrsfeeayaBcsnn okkorcdllsihniea ines etihkdrtn aе;n а ор aшр tls onlAus hdcbd haq eiBeul d s arbmiegrupetnei eokdmerdedlitbyp o Se btrre iyyisecn p raaU eoatstrm asamter poymaafa.yn era dbeaAll te ficlean lod fgauafeafcns ajcnsgtooeendcsurno ssnbmtiugwteni eaM ltsn enhbl ddssay h lpn b tapaohylyet e Hbta bhBbeoee rlr e uamB sntreo daSd inHt .ti ciacAehrb l any other officers whom the Branch deems necessary, who shall Board «f Trustees of five members. Captain, and Standard Auditing Committee. odMi duties as die laws and Rules of the Assodabon or Branch naiy be elected annually not later than March 31st and assume office Bearer, and any other officers whom the кЬ їагВdeems nec­ § 99 The auditors shall audit the books of the officers of the require. at the first meeting following the Annual Meeting at which they essary, who shall be elected annually not Uiter than March Branch and shall have power to require the production of all weNreo e mlecetmedbe. r shall hold two offices, except that the President, 3A1nsNnt oua amnl deM maebsesetuirn msgh eaa tlo lw ffhihocielcd h a tttwh etohy oe wf ffieicrresest , e lmeexcecteeetpdint. gth faotl ltohwe iBngra nthche aabncocdoo kauslnl,t ssp.e acTpurheiretisye, ss vhtohaleulr cerhoeefc,re sia vnead na dna dtd thohocelu dem xtpheienr atbstoi,o nnrde sol afot fit nhtghei er t oote frftimhcee r osf B§ r2a1n.c hT Aheu dBitrianngc Ch oamumdiittoteres. shall audit the books of the Secretary and Treasurer shall be members of the Bo.-.rd of President, Branch Secretary and Branch Treasurer shall be office shall deliver the same to their successors, or upon ofncers of the BraiKh and shall have power to require tlic Trustees. members of tbc Board of Tnisteca. demand therefor, shall deliver the same to the Branch, Supreme production of all books, papers, vouchers and documents, Auditing Committee or Supreme Executive Comminee. relating to tbe accounts. They shall receive and hold the of І c9a0n.d iCdaatnedsi dfaotre so fffoirc eo fifnic ea onfe wthley Borragnacnhiz ewdit hB rtahnec ehx csehpatlilo bne S 12. Candidates for office of the Branch witti the excep­ ГА АВУ bexopntdrsa toiof nt hoef othffeicire rtse ramn do fa lol ffsiecceu rsihtaielsl dtheelirveeorf , tiawn dsa amt et htoe members in good standing in the Branch for at least six months, tion of candidates for office in a newly organized Branch Підкреслення у «апропономному стітуті озн*- tfadr successor^ or upon demand therefor, shal deliver the and shall not be officers of any other benefit organization or shall be members faa good standing In the Branch for at least ав чнй вомтекст. same to tbe Brandi, Auditing Committee or Execntlvc branch thereof, nor solicit or sell life insurance of insurance six months, and shall not be oOlcen of any other benefit ofthcAModnthiiL СПЕЦІЯЛЬНЕ ВИДАННЯ If in their opinion any officer of a Branch is derehct or unfii If in their opinion any ег сПГоof a Branch b derelict or Other Causes for Suspcnsioo or Dissolntioa. Other Causes for Suspension or Dissolutkm. for the performance of his office to the detriment of the Branch unfit for the performance of his office to the detriment of the § 109. Any Branch may be suspended or dissolved and its § 31. Any Branch may be suspended or dissolved and its or Association, they shall prefer charges in the manner and form Branch or .AsstK-iation, they shall prefer charges in the man­ charter forfeited for any of the following causes: charter forfeited for any of the following causes: prescribed herein for filing of charges against Supreme Officers ner and )Ппі гprescribed herein for filing of charges against I For neglect to hold regular meetings, unless prevented 1. For neglect to hold regular meetings, unless prevented Officers in the By-I^ws of the Association. from doing so by some unavoidable cause; from doing so by some unavoidable cause; 2. For nonpayment of its dues and assessments into the 2. For nonpayment of its dues and assessments into the Duties of the Sergeant-et-arms. Duties of the Sergeant-al-arms. Treasury of the Association as provided by the By-Laws; Treasury of the Association as provided by the By-Laws; § 100. He shall open and close the door» of the meeimg пп нп § 22. He shall open and close the doors of the meeting .1. For neglecting or refusing to conform lo the Constitution, 3. For neglecting or refusing to conform to the on the occasion of all meetings; shall not admit any person uhi) room on the occasion of all meetings; shall not admit any laws, regulations or directives of the Association, or for viola­ Constitution, laws, regulations or directives of the is not a пктЬег nor permit any to leave the meeting пют wiih person who is not a member or permit any to leave the tion of these Laws and By-Laws, or directives of the Supreme Association, or for violation of these Laws and By-Laws, or n of the President until the mcctmg is adjourned meeting 1КП1П without permission of the Branch President Assembly and the Supreme Executive Committee. directives of the General Assembly and the Executive until the meeting is adjourned. 4. For any act of willful insubordination or contempt toward Committee. any superior authority in the Association, or for failure to main­ 4. For any act of willful insubordination or contempt The Board of Trustees. The Branch Board of Trustees. tain order at its meetings, and by its action causing injury to the toward any superior authority in the Association, or for fail­ tj 101 The Trustees shall be five m number. namel>. the S 2.^, The Trustees shall be five in number, namely, the welfare of the Association; ure to maintain order at Its meetings, and by its action caus­ President, Secretary. Treasurer, and two other elecicd members Branch President. Branch Secretary, Branch Treasurer, 5. For refusing to remove any of its officers who have been ing iixjury to the welfare of the Association; and they shall have the general supervision of all property of the and two other elected members and they shall have the gen­ suspended by the Supreme Executive Committee or the 5. For refusing to remove any of its officers who have Branch; they shall invest such sums as shall be ordered by the eral supervision of all property of the Branch; they shall Supreme President. been suspended by the Executive Committee or the Branch; they shall have the custody of all securities of the invest such sums as shall he ordered by the Branch; they President. Branch, except the bonds of the officerN; they shall collect and shall have the custody of all securities of the Branch, except reali/e on such secunties when so directed by the Branch sthuec hb soencdusr itoife st hweh oenff iscoe rdsi;r etchteeyd bshya tlhl ec oBllreacntc ha.n d realize on How Suspension Ordered. How Suspension Ordered asaOj;.>t.-t hs1 e0o2rf .t OfxT-ff hAicese .sdrouscti.iae txsT, onf n taXqhucirre o offri caesr tsh es hBarlal nbceh msuacyh daisiv tchi.e laws .UKI usiO<ij5jt 'hs2 eo4rf. tBhI"reha ntV cdshNu toiOceisifit fiooicfn e orrtesh.q euri г»rекПоe s ohra lals btleie . sBucrahn acsh Umiea yla dwiirse acnt d CaA osB§ms ream1mn1icb0thtl.e y e mT ohaartey dasb uuersre pigoneurgndl saeiirort esnod ,r r debsicypses esoacsl i uamlbt iayomj note rhoietetryi n fSogvur ofpcteearit elulomerfdee t ohfoEfe r xc Sehthucaeprut rtepeirvum eore­ f oGCfoe Snma e 3mrB2ai,rl t atTeAnehcs ehsa e tsm muasb aplryyee ngbosuerilo adonr,u r dordierin srgsseop dlei utcsbti iayorl en ca m eosmers e fatobijnoryfg rei tithctyuea rlleve odEot fexf oecocrhf u attrhtithvaeeetr C O.MPLAIBNRTASN ACNHD O CF HFIACREGRFSIS AGAINST (OMPLAIBMRSA AMM H) COHFAFIRCGEFR^SJ A(;AINST pnluoottsihoein,n fgoo frc aoannnytya iBonrfea dnth chehe crfeaoiurn s feassih lauslerlet potroue tvp eainny t t dhtuleie esp sroeurcs epodethinnesgrio ansse scoetrsi osdmni,se sbnout­st ptiuornp, obsuet, nfoort hainnyg coof ntthaein ceadu sheesr esient sohuat lli np rtehvee nptr etcheed isnugs pseenc­­ or for failure to submit monthly reports of the suspension of sion or dissolution of any Branch for failure to pay dues or § \^)^. Any officer of a Branch may be remt)\ed or suspend­ § 25. Any officer of a Branch may be removed or sus­ members for nonpayment of dues, or assessments without other assessments or for failure to submit monthly reports ed from his office for incompetency, misconduct of office, per pended from his office for incompetency, misconduct of charges or trial as otherwise provided by the laws of the of the suspension of members for nonpayment of dues, or sisieni neglect of duties or any refusal or neglect to obey any office, persistent neglect of duties or any lefusal or neglect to .AsscKialion. assessments without charges or trial as otherwise provided lawful order or direction or any competent authority, or for an> obey any lawful order or direction or any competent author­ by the laws of the Association. willful insubordination or contempt of any lawful and higher ity, or for any willful insubordination or contempt of any authority m the AssiKiation. and a successor to such office may lawful and higher authority in the As.sociation. and a succes­ iiow Member of Suspended Branch How Member of Suspended Branch bbfHBueeenrxr lraefaeenicpsdlcusep h tdobit,vh i ywneea t intetPChdhdero e tmissh.nAhiedm au aelVd inlmt itittce ibanieeensg , n P tfaheCrinrleeoe ys hdmai dec omrecwfenfuiiiittsnct.thee ed rpe ,tr, h oomaevrn i ydwoPe rrhgmdeia.cse nihmdiC zeebhenverate r rn ogootre,t f s cm tthmhheaeemar ygSbB euebsrrpa e srn ohepcfmarh ela,le­ osCfivsiofil ofdertim hdectede omw r. a siicuttoChctcreu hhetso ah,eo rredafgg f,nBeai cysinrne ia zmmnwmecaerhhay miy co Pbhbrb r eeeeemr s vpaieoerdpmnfeep ftnbo,te hteirc,enrr h e utaedoEnrd flxg ebeeaisnycs s u Bsattthhhi rvmeaaee l nlaB B cnCbrhrnaeo,a ne nmfarcci nhlmhhed dei Ptr Astreweheuieinasdt,il h idlpt aeitrnbnnhoyegte­ gnwinooi ontR^ghd oiep1 nota2sa dyt2ti ahnm.sn ested aAnGfinin trdo mgsiootn e fdagtm h ta Sibdnrtetuth ayarre n si ondsddfegai as ynatsaseg mn B .ay eorf naftfe ntu ricr tohtsihr t esswf ruos hsrupi pcseaehpnrnie yohsn diasoo sitnoo hb,nfe e rmsec uncoasa nypsut euisannestups^ iee aown nnhdhy ieom od tfisi smefh oliiefnsr afwonhry§R o n et3iitosm3a n.ihe npi s aAwg yG oimmtoohdoeien ndms t tt bShaoetnearf d nfiaoidnrnfsig nta aga tsh.tBs ietrrhastyesnm cddheaa ntywets hooaiffrc t hietf rso h rsia tussas nspbyuee sneponseti honsnesuir,s o pmnce aancuyods neead­,t Charges shall be made in the manner and form pro\ided in Branch Vice-President. Branch, applying to the Supreme Executive Committee, who, tinue himself in good standhig during any further period of the case of charges against Supreme Officers Charges shall be made in the manner and form provided upon proof of the member's good standing, shall issue to him a suspension of his Branch, applying to the Executive The Branch shall be the tribunal to hear and dciermine the in the case of charges against Officer, of the .As.sociation. transfer card lo another Branch, but if there be no other Branch Committee, who, upon proof of the member's good stand­ uevwcvhpoieattoTIhenrTnh g t iet nechI tos thecP.sr oe rt msenvVhsaepialirdlcl daleiei ifnc nt htPtma ernseoyhtsr Taieobdlh lreet e hn pt haptrp neeraess hraasidte caiqenclelu uts u o saanrescutlhdt em.a t shslas lhen bah dhedle l ae tpvhblnrieeeoeb stet tBehrhbnareeetta i naoqsccnauch mau olssielfhe idaetrhldi,l ge ih pntotBr scw r Ksaiahntcni eccoddhhr aaqthcnuecdToI u rchh.utsheehem a edrBB .g bBrrieanearsn an,p wcncrhchhe h iscs ePhhsn arhteel.al vs lleib dnepte rnctthtKh eee s ehtBdrair blawlun icnpthhar le \ts htioiedc eeht -rePiuaarnrle lseaiifsdn sdem n hotd eres eht beaterhl mla tnaihnc eeat . a.tiihnnuu tdhss a otsihrduiezs rpese ue tnsbhpdeeee mndad , tseoaudn fo fdirB cgiirsaeasnnnuitcez h ent, o uat m hinhebec wemsra iBoad fr n aEemnwxcehe mcc iuhbntaei rrvtthsee e ri .Cn p olagmcoeom doi tfts ettaehn emd oiannyge sionIisnfafes i gwtudmh,e es eEBhrtmoexar elabtblch neeuierc stsmnhsi vou i e enaion tCtng oheoto ehwhomreid m mBc psh ritlaataaa tnrncettrceedeah irnmon .s afgaf n eytdirh n ae tcush aatoerhinrddoee r tsbioutzeh sea up ants eohs nuetsdhmfureesi drcpt ioBeeB nnorrdtara gnennadccunh,h mi,, za bbentuh edater pnvileges as provided for in tnal of charges against Supreme The complainant or the accused shall not be qualified to Officers and shall rc4juire at least a two-thirds \ote of the mem­ sit or vote nor shall they be present at the deliberation of the bers in good standing attending the meeting to convict the rBigrahntcs h anudp opn riivtsi levgeersd icats. pTrohvei dpeadr tifeosr sihna ltl rihaal voe f thceh asragmese Members of Dissolved Branches May Protect Themselves Members of Dissolved Branches atPhlrlee T dseliuivdeteei ennPsttr eoobsffei d chteoihnsne tv o, aifcacfitctci uoeh.n sies ud tnhd,t eiimsl cptarhryeeet s isiotduenisrn,mp geoi nnrod aftt fhiitochene er V oaiscfch cetauh lslPe e rUdceh sxoia dtfrhfegienec tesp, r ua innftr idost hhmme­ aath getaTw imhnoes-e tte hBtOiirrnfadgfnsi c cteovhr o sct Poeo nrofev fsit chitdthe ee th .nAmet,s e.asamcotc cbuihaesitreisso d nd.i nias gncodreo tsdih oasntl,al norderi qntughi erae tBtaetrn aldneicanhsgt osSttuah!pne;rd reI imn BZgeyr a.a SntcMe hcther eemat fabttrieeymrr sea h o aocfvfa airnddngi ys s sidaogpilnsupsetlodiiloe vdnbe ,yd l mohB,ia mryaan ndbuc ehn rd,e aewcdrem hitovhit eetwed ds ee rfaerionl imtnoo f g attohnhoeye d ginoto5Mod aa3 yns4t y.a P norModthtieenemcgrt bBaTetrh rasetnh mcoehs f e tiaalmvfnteyees r.o dfhi sadsvoiislnsvgoe ldau ptiBpolrniae, ndm cthao,y, wabnhedo a rwdemceeriietvt eeiddn ment, if any. which may be suspension from office \ ice-President, if the Branch President be the accused, may Association, but such member shall not be considered in good from the Secretary a card signed by him under the seal of .'\ny officer bHUid guilty shall be meligible for office lor at suspend the accu.sed officer from all duties of his office until standing unless all his assessments arc paid within the required the Association, but such member shall not b^ considered in least three years from the tirTK of conviction. the terminathin of the charges and in the event of conviction lime to the Supreme Treasurer, and unless he shall continue to good standing unless all his assessments are paid within the The .Secretary shall keep accurate minutes of the priKcedings the presiding officer shall fix Ihe punishment, if any, which pay his assessments as if connected with any Branch to the required time to the Treasurer, and unless he shall contin­ If. however, he IS the complainant or the accused the Assistant may be suspi-nsion from office. Supreme Treasurer upon proper notice from said office, and ue to pay his assessments as if connected with any Branch to Secretarv shall serve pleraoTAscthn eetyeh dBroeifrenfai gcnyescer.h a rfsSoI fuef, rcnorhdme otg awutrheyilev t yseth rims,a hlelha elokl feIb esce po t inhanvece iclcicugtoiriobamnltee.p lfmaiiirinn oaufntfeti cse o orff o trthh eae t stvhuaecli hdd amftoeer m othbfi erttrhy es dh daalyils ss,ao palptu lttyiho enf o( Ero xfsp uitrchaheti ocBna rroadfn wcwhih.t hicinTh htteihm ircetay,r iddf atsyhhsea lhflr ooblmde­ sftrhuoecm h mTthereem adbsaeutrer e sroh fa ultplh oean p dppilsyrso opflouerrt i osnnuo cthoic f ect ahfrredo mBw riastnhaicindh . tohfTfirihctyee , dcaaanyrdds accu.sed the Assistant Branch .Secretary shall serve. er thereof has not made application for admission to some shall be valid for thirty days, at the expiration of which Branch, he shall be suspended for a further penod of ^0 days; if time, if the holder thereof has not made application for Appeal. at the expiration of that time he shall not have deposited the admission to some Branch, he shall be suspended for a fur­ Appeal. § 26. Any Branch officer convicted and feeling himself same with another Branch his membership in the Association ther period of thirty days; if at the expiration of that time be § 104, .Any officer convicted and feeling himself aggne\ed aggrieved may appeal from the decision of the Branch to Ihe shall cease, subject to his rights and benefits pursuant to mem- shall not have deposited the same with another Branch his may appeal from the decision of the Branch to the .Supreme Executive Committee, from the Executive Committee to Ihe berNhip certificate and bylaws. membership in the Association shall cease, subject to his Executive Committee, from the Supreme Kxecutive Ci>mmittee General Assembly, and from the General Avsembly to the rights and benefits pursuant to membership certificate and to the Supreme Assembly to the Convention. Taking the appeal Convention. Taking the appeal shall not affect or suspend by-laws. shall not affect or suspend the decision unless so ordered by the the decision unless so ordered by the appellate body. The appellate body The appeal shall be in such lomi and manner as appeal shall be in such form and manner as prescribed in prescribed in section 45 hereof. the By-Laws of the As.soctation. Traasfer Cards Transfer Cards. § 124 Any member in good standing,desiring to withdraw § 35. Any member in good standing, desiring to withdraw SLSPENSIONB ROARN DCIHSFSiO» LUTION OF SI SPENSIONB ROARN DCIHSESSO LlHON OF mfroamke haips pBlircaantciohn f oirn thwer iptiunrgp,o soer oifn jopienrisnogn ,a nfoorth ear tЬ,кгагrВ asnhsaflel r card. sfrhoamll mhLask Be raapnpclhic faotiro nth ei np wurrpitoisneg ,o of rj oiinn ipnegr saonno, thfoerr aB trraanncsh­, The application must be accompanied by the апюит of all dues, fer card. The application must be accompanied by the Suspensions of a Branch for Suspensioas of a Branch for assessments, and advancements which may be lawfully charged amount of all dues, assessments and advancements which Nonpayment of Assessments. Nonpayment of Asses.smenLs. against him on that date. may be lawfully charged against hhn on that date. § 105 In case a remittance m full of an assessment collected § 27. In case a remittance in full of an assessment collect­ The transfer cards shall bear the date of, and be issued, at a The transfer cards must be submitted to another Branch from members of a Branch is not received by the Supreme ed from members of a Branch is not received by the regular meeting of the Branch and must be deposited with or returned to the issuing Branch within thirty-one days Treasurer shall record the suspension of such delinquent Branch Treasurer, the Secretary shall record Ihe suspension of such another Branch or returned to the issuing Branch within thirty from tlie date thereof and the member shall pay ail assess­ and of the Secretary, upon notice from the Supreme Treasurer, delinquent Branch aqd of the Secretary, upon notice from one days from the date thereof and the member shall pay all ments unpaid from the date of the transfer card, otherwise desbmhdeeeal, i mlenlnn qbortuee itercslsunoe ctrdt dhh m ettdorheee emoal ifsnbn uyeqbs ruepso e efrntn ehtsit enhirmoseetn oea bmtfoee, fbdnt e hesirufen ic to cshtfa h udhesse aemelirid enaa iqnnnsuun desep pnorr eotfh nvBaedilrdrelea edintndh ca.Be hf ir deaaNrenn locdiptnh irqoc oseufvh e taoinhdlftel qItimnhhuedaee ninvcntia edTuBrur saerehal a enosdrcufeeh rilt neihnaare,qnf tduses ehur onasftlpp l ertmorhneveesc miiooddlnreeidd.le i,rnU sthqn neutoht eieslsn urutets chophmefe endн-sІms aeriiloebdiinne n rqBssout rafeta thnnseetudc rc hemh ion oef d,rm t ehablteihnen edr­ ahnBsoeys ne-sfLshosaarmwflele sitnb.u ters e c uoannnpsdaii ddree rfiernodsm taa tuetthmoeme dnaatt tiecp aroilvlfy il tehsgeue stsrp aeannssd fceeodrn ,c taasiurndbe,j deo cttih ne trotwh etihsseee htinhe e At shnnheoya Bnl lfm yob-erLefm eacwibtouesn rrsoe i fid nate hnrgeedo d Ao rdeas siunostsotcatimaanttadeiotmiinnceg.a n lltwy phsroui vssiphleeagnleld seh daa,sv secu ombnjteaacditen etado such suspension and the cause and date thereof, shall be mailed of said suspended Branch shall be entitled to any of the ben­ Any member in good standing who shall have made a request request for transfer from his Branch and has not received to the President, Secretary and Treasurer of such suspended efits herein provided. Notice of such suspension and the for transfer and has not received his transfer card within 60 days his transfer card within sixty days from the date of request Branch by the Supreme Secretary, and shall be published b> cause and date thereof, shall be mailed to the Branch from the date of request may request such a transfer card direct­ may request such a transfer card directly from the him in the official organ of the Associafion. During the suspm President, Branch Secretary and Branch Treasurer of such ly from the Supreme Secretary. Secretary. sion it shall not be officially recognized except on business |чг suspended Branch by the Secretary, and shall be published taining to its rcinstaiement. by him in the publications of the .Association. During Ihe suspension it shall not be Іу ІаісПГоrecognized except on business pertaining to iLs reinstatement. Duties and Rights of Members Holding Transfer Cards Duties and Rights of Members § 125. The members of the Branch with which the card is Holding Transfer Cards. Reinstatement of Suspended Branch. Rein.statement of .Suspended Branch. deposited shall vote upon the acceptance of said member by і 36. The members of the Branch with which the card is § 106. Any Branch suspended for nonpayment of .in .isscss § 28. Any Branch suspended for nonpayment of an majority vote at the next stated meeting after deposit. If the deposited shall vote upon the acceptance of said member by ment shall stand reinstated on the receipt, by the Supronu assessment shall stand reinstated on the receipt, by Ihe member is not accepted he may return and shall be restored to m^ority vote at the next stated meeting after deposit If the Treasurer, of the апюит due at the date of its suspensiun. Treasurer, of the amount due at the date of its saspeasion, membership in his former Branch or he may appeal to the member is not accepted, he may return and shall be together with all regular and special assessments iKcumng and together with all regular and special assessments occurring Supreme Executive Committee which shall consider the rejec­ restored to membership In his former Branch or he may accrued during the time of such suspension and its reinstatement and accrued during Ihe time of such saspension and its rein­ tion and if in its opinion the member was unjustly rejected shall appeal to the Executive Committee, which shall consider Bshraalnl cbhe n coetirrtiiefide dto bthya tth eef fSeucpt.r en>e Secretarv and the suspended spteantedmede nBt rasnhcahll nboet ifcieerdt iftioe dth abty eIffheec t. .Secretary and Ihe sus­ order the Branch to accept him. trheeje crteejdec sthioanll aonrdd eirf tihne iBtsr aonpcinhi otno atchcee pmt ehmimbe. r was uqjustiv § 126. A Branch shall not issue uansfer cards to its members { 37. A Branch shall not issue transfer cards to its mem­ ^ ^. Dbsoladoa of Suspended Branch. Dissolution of Suspended Branch. to such an extent that will reduce its membership lo less than bers to such an extent that will reduce its membership to Л > f«? § 107. Any Branch suspended for nonpayment of an assess § 29. Any Branch suspended for nonpayment of an fifteen without notice to. and the written consent of, Ihe less than fifteen without notice to and the written consent of •Hnt, failing to reinstate itself by the payment of such assess assessment, failing to reinstate itself by the payment of such Supreme Executive Committee, in which event the Supreme the Executive Committee, in which event the Executive meals within the period of thirty days from the date of its sus assessments within the period of thirty days from the date Executive Committee shall declare the Branch dissolved and Committee shall declare the Branch dissolved and shall pension, shall become dissolved, if so ordered by the Supreme of its suspension, shall become dissolved, if so ordered by the shall order the transfer of the remaining members to another order the transfer of the remaining members to another Pteiident Branch President. Branch. However, all members in good standing shall be granted However, all members in good standing shall be granted л< ^ipMliBrletters to other Branches. transfer letters to other Branches. Member Going Abroad No Voluntary Dissolution. 9 127. A member departing from the United States or 'SKN§m ob 1eV0ro8s h.i nmN gtoao roBydr aDsntiaacnhed osihnhigatkl lwm vh.oo l uwnatanrti ltyo cdoisnstoinlvuee iafs ist uhcahs, fuifnileeesns umnel$em s3bs 0et.rh se N iGno Begnroeaorndac l hsAtsahsnsadellmi nvbgol ylwu onhrtoa rtwihleya n dt iEstosxo eclcvouent itivifn eiu t Ceh oaasms mfsiufittcetheen,e Cinatennatdioa ns haanldl sfhilael l wgiitvhe thhies Sadecdrreetsasr yo uotsfi dBer aonf cdhi en Uotnicitee do fS lsautcehs 'ifcp Supreme Assembly or the Supreme Executive Committee shall rind a satisfactory cause for dissolutk» and not other­ or Canada and from time to time shall keep the Secretary ilHdl find a satisfactoiy cmise for dissotiaknaodnot otherwise. wise. infonned at to his wfaeteaboots. ТЕКСТ ЗАПРОПОНОВАНИЙ ПРАВИЛЬНИК Burial. 'ВОБОГО ОЧЮУЗЯТУ УТАТС ДЛЯ СПАДКОЄМЦІВ ТА ДОКАЗУ § 74. Where а member shall die leaving no known relatives 58. WhoT a member shall die leaving no known relative* in this country, or any other relative or relatives, who would hi thk country, or any other relative or relatives, who wouU ТИ РЕМС attend to the burial of such member, and there is a likeUhood attend to the burial of such member, and there fa a likctt- that such member will not receive decent interment, then the bood that such member will not receive decent intenscirt, MANUAL Assembly shall attend to the burial of such member and the pur­ then the Assembly shall attend to the burial of such member BENEFICIARIES AND PROOF OF DEATH chase of a place of burial and the expenses thereof, including and the purchase of a place of burial and the expenses there­ DESIGNATION AND CHANGE OF medical attention, shall be paid out of or deducted from the ben­ of, including medical attention, shall be paid oat of or BENEFIGURIES AND PROOF OF DEATH Designation of Beneficiaries. efit payable under the certificate, not exceeding $500. deducted from the benefit payable ег імшthe certMcatc, aot eusUhnooatrD§neil l rse 6e hbs7muiiepgp. b onporEnaaafai tc dcihteo hhidinse n a atoppcopefpa p rslwBsilecioh ceaonoannf tmet io otnh rfn odhe,pr a ed et rmhredisaeeeoet ssmnhn,i s raboe meof r ftessh shate,hii dpeab g memcenlsea et,msfh isretbees ess Ari hd.is neesrn oetcchieniea tapinnorednox v trsi edhsleeaacld-l- sathhhneearб d le1 lni .rn eeex nlEpatt eratsirodeo vcinu itsdapihoeponidnpp l eishocmhfkaa b ntlarlht a pebfcp oeeplr diec p ramatstoioiedo nmw n Ib,ohn reot lrmcipseah e shnireps eao o mindfn ese t ssht,oih refaee g sdth eAetseahs, tsechro le cabsoisiaefsdn teeisesonaf niciitdn es daPPmorrooiIonvvfug imtnn hccbte eeu l.l se aisswnhsea osltlshf aaapnnpe yprsmi lvSai ttteastdto e t hhtoheere rpP ecairnoey,rvm tiitnefhicnecetna tioentfh weias hslfiuaucwenhde trohaifnle sAbtuhescanshtoe fcSSiittau attiitenoe naoo nrirs ctAfehuaxsentcIse eefo U rfecaadtwishlha u eitobeg ifode l $nna sh5ue wi0fci i s0thth . o dahfSto it iaaSnatntngeay t oaebr mSuo trPsoai ruPntoenrev tosi sovnl riecnp secse P esrtrh.m hoaaivltnlis na stpctheape tl eyipd nt a ohyw emthhreeeicin ncht,e rotttfhih fciea»a tbhcenC§ e fl6foail8cslo.si aewnsAm eo sgfm :Bu enmednbeeern r hcmiisaa rycke sdr.te ifsiicgantaet eo fa si nbseunreafnicciea royn ea nodr amltoerrne aotef mnaoC8tre el 2a b.os esfn eAtseh foemlc ff UeoBmrleliobnewese rfii nucmgnia:da reyire sd.h eissi gcnearttief icaast eb eonfe fIincisaurrya nacned o nalet eorr­ cmAhsaaC§sdn oheg7c ae5ibna,. yt gii feoA t nhionn.ef y c BmToaenhpenfempoe lrfibSmciecuairitpta iyrorie nnymw . wiefto hrrSi tteialnic egrcse hetoa anBnry gya e- s Lfhooaafwr lmlbs e, e nnofuendfr oinctrtiiissaeehr eycad en rsythbi fayislc ul atchbtheee . imAf saC5isdno9he c.ac ibaonAtyngi oenfto nyhor. ef ma TpBmiphteeyloemi ecwbfalSetdiletroahc orir a yetf t.ho waerrrs yieat f sadBfiaugya mf-olL neea enaw d ofsofo, r rbsomeeno aeftntfhalyrde a safecraceyhhr cіі гміt аbdcie fbbi acyaa От tgee., (a) Wife, husband, relative to the fourth degree of consan­ (a) Wife, husband, relative to the fourth degree of consan- Upon such endorsement, the change shall take effect as of tiie Upon such endorsement, the change shall take effect as «f guinity, father-in-law, mother-in-law. son-in-law, daughter-in- gublty, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-hi-law, daughter- date such application was signed. the date such application %i law, brother-in-law. sister-in-law. step-father, step-mother, chil­ in-law, brother-in-law, sbter-hi-law, step-father, step-moth­ dren by legal adoption, any person dependent upon the member, er, children by legal adoption, any person dependent upon CanenibmpopfSnumxoioearouczan chiAt(s((mpooadra deeecbakernur t ed)r)lm)epixm fy nas d o m ToAcAhhli t uneo,tesroaihe $t mn a fseletcBe 1a aldt hdsehEeb s bn,rgeeu .0umubdaexo drrrtbc0nrerh aev ec л>hjcpc0 аevcmeefhmlh he ouei cm,afmra bastr. atosomi rt peayevoairifr ttpmtt oetn hA"eHaoealtc us debihb dlCnhoc tnl leethe.y maaehot tpr sessnbo Ametuue iglai a dcwrnne rsmmtecaefhe ess hohcpsitol .oifmiai rioteapcrctugt wouxnseirhbtnnaehtmonpe uiatt .eeevomsiirt foa c nisna oatAnntessl,isiyn mdmoe,oug o os ncepeelro.epfehd rn fragoaw t teA(ionoav lwhdciil yfotinmtle dhht iyfyi ttoeo om iho Shtedmntbasi hiexu s m eas e t ppa o hihArloperrsBfaa ieeuan nssstar im nssa toadpla doe tenni nep sheclsf-cs yl rsiosepnhooaii Earrngetv ato idphcxsnmseosfssuaahueaidnt,toinrtcca o ,driuf hluboeono lotn yt dsnrherirpthg n ve uthoaaaoso therlio­nonft els­ CaplAmttelaataaionhrsmpoonwas o( eA(n(mphtaydyofib c rlin I m )u)lmcto)mofBl Ua c une fATevosmAoir gnertmutearhar amrte dogccs peneelsbBhohhual ebs docyebe mnur .,nherp r Iayairortfahb ,aedz o cn nstnmitaeosmshrdehhc titro dbt,pb oaihea shosae nlaea yp hlnihnacriEe os aad hrah'y c nfxssil teflh ao dluo efofi o etmria o tlcbb nthose imnsruhjetteseefeh egaat e s rax sUicsaet bfrauvrcAuttoel mllhke eclf.pcre, ts reh a h oieCnsodhtan trI eoohpmnt iomn sdshctt$euomds h iee 1gnrtt aeteam moi,rpif axt0t mgot auoapicbri0hervotmseteepe0det eeineh errot .ostddh,e n ofono uio. eevubfAn ,pnrs t tanu ithin tropclgmhdrsa yeorouns oiel avensrelarfaaa bcmin U mAsmhndthaoehuoeiyenavscosoecnnd stsey u uhoitoe d on osn c taetoEntefthaithpasaf sx sxnew i taptw epgersdeitlxwhooc ieid i tupucon nneh.hapa tmet,rosi ni iabnecenovhoy ihlscsnde-rbfe .­­ a adroPdatwtPonenceefrril c cecdctWeaI§dthe oseh nst eaci airmiehdv7a-neidsas eerte6pgepeSnehcrnsd.a odne u tu1 tn,air o .tp 0mg tti.nwdfUrhe Sa fdeatstdeSiaUephhmc tt sceeowaeeiod brae cnn eaenholsy cr ct a eufTe ai mtet atrithntrhrhacscahnyeeoe d eiuread dma tymrom iasdep c fmbunoRi ep seaserwdrateet esen rah taminhpo,rdhnTo er oifo csscnb ru trh eeToh es ndttaashifar ord en s lsieome letauhtaa afhortwtrii e ahs atsp eDm.settuva, r hhc pne sreceeeewoodae eRmr isrbftirnthAsn eh staebe iitipogisc.egfahebn isfo hnolrecl o te r oa hottctc ihBtmdh eftnieaeao ear uustt a dnghitsoscsnoaeBdeohteabcn an d aourthstd,aBpal sdh t liibnrdea rsn noy actahbasg.eoonth anet.e saffcl d u tlnhohaf diood nafceaeftr isldi aow ndlcwa t gdgeechagfehre,,ar ae ttdauiaahct tchetnsihtoehhnsdeederf saodtaftadtdPhohtonbsaneearrcegetdWatcdі Ienwe a eeetn s aPdr1 tihaaiahvtnhatg0dirs hrlaenen.ee.leeead ri es g rdndnsctee of .Uiic t a d dfdgwc,oatw cp r aheadnmSitocttatnueseodeihuns p otscc d r menteararSatehe aen he osnUaeaetspmietfcat n eeta o hrorddhdeddnre yfm, ieT etatl cg Rb aaladperabd trtyteasehpnthehayp oateerd l t eoo s aa,hoa t ucfrrnnTofhens itr shrofd t erdae o hmcta e tar ifusewolaTmc d elu mD seu hmmrshiuea nceeaesamosrfbaiattdmcavdefhaestbee serhenuererdire o rs..trc bore awhn eet afeofhrsi i hRaetfprn t ehaniiah o e cin, gsctpef tthcteo eoho woea taBrto enhriut htldt hrth ides ic fao ecf eeiiaasan fnBhcd tu nw Aacag rtpsdhtmnbh aaaeoe t dyens s hsmop f o ocssaehfsrBfhihdt iobo i gwa r addiolsg,sladeth etfleoh k ta wadihoibctoatat^cheedehhfel,, ewubBsneiytntt i-heliL nfIais tcuwstihc aspehr.ry ocp Nverwoirostciii tfeobhienceidnanss. te e ft hoichefia a*aar-nyb yN o vsccheoea mrlctlil efahi scadsavuetesee , o aiirnsn sdo u baepctdaac iyonbar ydba alnetnhy cie env Aecwsostiesntodhfco iirtanhmtteieiostreyn­ povtthhefa eesybt saeeAebd nsl Beesbfo yiItcc-neiiLaar carteoiywsont nfs wo. I rniumtN nhtitihotniyle b tswpehunreictoe hhcaf iebiccetoiesdavr srpte iyr foo cifcvls aahiasstansieoley lns h,sch a.eia snr vt beiafe cicoccoaro mtreod eba Itndsascuiuenee dwaa nnibtdyhy ecusimasF§raei rune7ystr7 st hb.da yeesFmr uitthaPr ntemrh doeaSiornyu fg p.pd rreopeetam)myfe m o neEfe nxcdteee scoasutfah trib vymee nia enCyf iaotbnsney,t m rtceoiaqgtstueeetie.hr .ee Idrffr , o waimnfi ytd h et bheseemun ceebhfde i ndcnieoaefcric­y­­ I urnimee§cFsee1 udns1rstea.tsm h raeyaFsr nu bidPrty htrm hoitgehoar efyp . padryEeomexomeef nc ountf te oidcvfe eebsa sCetahnor emyml itmiansy,i at tbtnoeeyoe ,rt chefarqesourem i.w r etiIdhtfh,ea insbfu yeddnhelece fdnmlcocheceid­»- hbifmiietssnI§p ne ob"f6drewit9ce .i f pifaieIanrt i Iiidaestf ne hsta daoD l h lmc teehhbrsaei eillg ed 'shn crueumoanrsntve"bisi"moatv rnniboun.deer g rd a a h sntfhuodeas m blmclaa henldiaedeln d sm origterhenn amwa.t"t bi efoeo enrr,ae sa-sw hnhhaoadillrs fld t hsdboe eefo nsoftieth ghfsenieic amrbit aeehirl niaaeaelrfss­ sthahisbme I5 bin" bb3edwuen.e n-ieff IeiIefnfmif ciiaattipsnea om drbrDi aetece,sl hes ipit ihgl amdsneihdreraaem tln"tilobo "hnb e utor.eh s r bsce ho aasann uflsdelrt m rvdauieavnesliddeing gnmtc oahhe timmueld sebarbaeseanr nnh ,tdsi"hsh aaoobtlrr leo nnwdweeeifo-fsirehcigd,ia anslarf an ioteodefsf pdaswIhSsaoi ay sctflemouul m rbemtnhneeieast neh k tvnoeesadt,f i la tiaalndelanylindt y yd bf s a ebholtnsehafeen lefl te ih stfSbsteiatue ,tct peowlorma eriiwmtm ehsnhheh ti ea collEhdlr x rsaeueufcnffcuutihidtsli ae vbav eleit lton Cne ipofenircm cooeimdarsdsruiyaectr treey w te ot ohi niuiesnfl oddrsreu amqoctiutaeshti firetioehernd­de deaCdinfluaoildc crmuineyac me rteschyhi e teatst hwseUraeeeo r qumiypsul ad aisiyrk anemoetfdit oshea rfdnneimeortyd wca o iftimaafis ofseaai n etenb on fyse tat ts l ab,eif etntaee inltvmmliea tblifelesiiendthdn,ti e teosdoyfhrir toa asasfl nlh ft tfdoahbi dlewelta hrhvrwieaiie ctifft ahuhhn sЕhхесsаііте i-eu e ocltrdhod beaprern nolie­l­ shall be equally divided among his or her children surviving the the other half shall be equally divided among his or her chil­ bmeenmefbitesr , sbhuatl l shboeu lpda itdh et os ptohue sceh pilrderdeenc;e aasned thshe omuledm tbheer , mtheemn baelrl cderaesne stuhrev miveinmgb ethr,e thmeenm ablle rb;e nbeuftit ss hsohualldl bteh ep asipdo utos et hper ecdheil­­ ТЕКСТ ИЙ НАВОНОПОРПАЗИК НЬЛИВАРП leave his spouse surviving, but no children, then all benefits dren; and should the member leave his spouse surviving, but ОБОВ'ЯЗУЮЧОГО СТАТУТУ ЛЯ ДІВ ДНОНС УФ shall be paid to the surviving spouse. no children, then all benefits shall be paid to the surviving . . .(А»«.Г-,тоВ(даС*д.ег After-Bom Chlldi«n. ARTICLE IV PROPOSED MANUAL § 70. If a meinbcr has designated as or among his beneficia­ } 4. If a member has designated as or among his benefi­ FUNDS OF THE ASSOCIATION FUNDS OF THE ASSOCUl^ON -j^^Y ries his child or children, and if after such designation or if after ciaries his child or children, and if after such designation or • iu^jcai his death another child or more children are bom. then such If after his death airother child or more children are born, § 49 All money shall be kept in separate funds as follows: і 1. All money shall be kept In separate (bnds as fifl^WK child or children not designated shall share equally with the des­ then such child or children not desigiuited shall share equal­ Mortuary Fund. Accident and Health Fund; Fraternal Fund. Mortuary Fund; Accidental Death and Dismemberment ignated child or children in that portion of the benefits intended ly with the designated child or chUdren in that portion of the All income or disbursements shall be credited or charged to Fund; Fraternal Fund. for the child or children benefits Intended for the child or children. the appropriate fund to which the money belongs, and the АЯ kicome or dfabursamits ifaal be credhed or dm^d to the accounts thereof shall be separately maintained. At the discre­ appropriate fkmd to wfakh the money bdone», «Hi the aoooorii B§ e7n1e fitTs hPea dyeaabtlhe binen Tefrituss tm ay be made payable to a bank or і B5e.n eTfhites dPeaaytahb blee nhei fTitsr umsta y be made payable to a bank or mtioenn tso fm tahye bSeu pmreamdee foErx edcifufteirveen t Cfoumndms itatnede, thcoem amssoetns imnavye sbt­e Ethxeerceuotfiv seh aOOr abnei steppea. rсотими aкаииіп^teі^l yn ^m ahta»t aшаф ffariye dд^.. At the dtacntian of the other corporation in unist for any of the beneficiaries herein enu­ other corporation hi trust for any of the beneficiaries herein commingled subject to the proper allocation of the investment may be oomnhifi^ snitied to the pnp. merated upon such terms as the member shall specify. enumerated upon such terms as the member shall specify. income thereon utblhaeowernI ns bd oeiotrnthefhee cef ttirheetw veds ei shAtnheats e lsl it ohbsb ceaeminta eptasfiuadioticen dh t, obttto yrhbu etesth h ttehere eeu bl smdedt n eeisecmnhfl iaibtcnlreileua rss rt thii.etne hsr e ea fucotprcruoo swnrtd ,h atoaennmrcmde itnhnwoeai t tdemh i reatemnhcde-­ tfdwoeiirrrtIm ehnwc httthiihhoaoenetm e le oa avtwtnehhnsdee tr o wtmfthh ieesta hmetb e beI snseuA ercmsf hsidtao idctrsrieheau catsbtiltoelye nde bt, hedtt heehp eceam l iibtndereem unstso bett fe hitrsthe h e iatt nolrb l u aebstncehtce, e onhrarceendiuladdapr n oinIcennoes atabincuotyTsnsi shnbo eeout shfssS ei tnurhm epeasra sceSy mct oaretuee qnsEut saxi nreeodc,ru Pstfiuruvobnevjd eisCcn tco wemtsoh m iicntihh tetw e thehin iecsm huo arrtayhdn eecc rerAley a l.atstewor acsoni arso taireoc stnrtiea ogtbnrula ilnsoahsf­­ ltobartuathTsinoUehsnriae esc as toscs fc mE botxhuuaeyesnci tnuSrseett iasqovstrue.e i srfC uea,non smddus mb Pwjirteohtdevi ceitnh omc ettahhsy eeh hcio rirwseduahertiraecin hyо c tethr leaa nwAssaa cootrdi oranct siai»*і trust Mortuary Fund. Mortuary Fund. No VVUI Controls the Designation of No Will Controls the Designation of § 50. The Monuary Fund shall receive all contributions, rates і 2. The Mortuary Fund shall recdve all cootribotkH^ Beneficiaries. Beneficiaries. or assessments for the life insurance certificate issued by the rates or assessments for the life bisunuKe certificate iasocd omttsrahruii itn§stpthtme ee7cdee 2e santr. mo ttoi fNocrib couoybann ettteernr neo oetfolrfre iryrcts h ehoiasenathrh cridaeeeeelr s lsow, ti fbogi tse noaea na m nwtypiyoa he bdnorweme mn oiieil ftnltfa ,ii bn ncaoeyignanf yr bedy tfeeha inscpeiei pgNafplniritoeicaser at swsitso.oi hionnlaln , l b ls ooyhbrra, e lompl rpeb earaemsys oacpbnbeeesrlrre­,­­ cbopwbireeeai l rrSrlapss i sohes6achsnyi.e p.asa r ,lbNt lcta leroebirun eteosmi ntfrpeite ceerntarsyhtm t e oesb r ihaty otabm erlerdl o neo ufbettenhfoerit ece mcrinoaowcarrnedi itse sreehtso o ,ai lp n traoet enhra wymeno hfyidw t oaetaiminslpnliy, gpg a no lnbifdacye teatn ihstobeiienoegf innn cpoe aieaffotri ritrsobys on e.m nsn h,eeb Namfoyliol­r.­ eaAAslixlhflssceaW ssel eooleix hccndppieis aaaenut1tynierio oas v\nenan0esl c,%rl ae nai d tnthodcetceerf alit r uthbtthahdiuef dei tincmaci ntlgbaoavit litteeemaatse snl t dstymroa e na easrntdineshdd srtee vne orotedlssfitsef h erttoaehhs nfi ee i dtn rthbFe shleetuuieonranr e.eabd Mtfnio.ilc Tt,ios tehi ra etenpous dr paMot rehvsyreohia drrateFteiluooluda fnn arsbdyal sys oo F sof hsu pfuat nahctldyhlhe e eioptbMnoxfrys, cooW tuehrvatrethinheaudd eedn Fae n 1crduAes1ey nhv0 b sdeaoF%syr.lpou l s ec tnuoharidfcaael shtt tsoaihi hoo ldeianpnfm letsa,lo iyhottpi tanfiaeas lcyd utlrllh r uaeaeaeslds lnxesA irpcdenvseteegsse naco sotseca hefarin a snttdyi thdfiaa ioe ctrhl ntaUMinr dtibaesboe snirarul dhtasntu naidetatbdh shrot eyerett h lWr iFiteeemourret ore nt^bos.dh fet^ e hnasT mesclUhri fеГ ffeteIete­ cabammbmiseeaee nnD§rofmmeeyo neff b7blgiialoccee3o triirr.what a, ,hb rr seyoietaI:eh n ff nsa coe—dO tahfr di inpce tlbbhodieaseeaenrir nngreot ei eennrre offea shiifMmcct oa eeiilftaaadfoqh rri rtueniythbee aoi eysn bl o lB getytdshrnh eh, ee enoebaca f neleenhimltfena ud i-bseecs mheemifibnaaid aacplb r dnftiaieah medeirrsd es ie hp. e otme thaasrovl yeble w a tsenbhhbbriteef,ale ene lo sal edfu notf iproitdfvtvhr iiettedsivhhdhn eideeena de ctlg dadhle eteeeabbhqcc seee ueeeon avaa pfesslte afhleeanyiieddl­dt l semtrdmhueveemeerecDі m mvne7aehiatb.iavb nusetioeehshnrIdfrbsf g , gota t ahb fhntb o eheOebden n aenb nedenteoe-e feehnfri paficoa ecitiacrflwiahfiiar t arM itr syrf oyhsey oofh a rofaool aoerllrf t lrl lh b B b tbbbeeebhe eeenneed nbne nepieeefvdfeaiffniicHeiicidcceidciaeiciaf eaardiiraatrair i seisrieee semeisqfs.esd o u sas sla eldhhmoldqealawyeu ellsll spam ia:lgpa bmlb—nryyeeeo,a a dr pntbao,eeag nlncdei adede t nah- bthdsieotyneao cl ttfthttthh hhhhieteeleeeo­ oeaweit2rnnrnf%ah, sdd naiut c sdhorolfhmiaaeffa nt rtb iat hctthinthteeleeoiye dt A ils aaeyaaunsmswess,фlya osuos rnec su,oot ionsttarohhr t t b feeieoo rerx tef nSlcho gf ueseuwtuuep rnladac rdatendh th mssim oeuotar fecincaa t httsnftEseh o s daxeorfbme ee fusarAc soa sutifiusshntodseineevor tt s sec1 aSs ai 1n,oaCts 0ayvt noi%it eoosemyr nrs. ep m,rta ehaerprined mtrstd uoehti cvoetatPeti lead mlrdt leoh n adrveouye,i nt sn hmdeecoerxeavwrcsk e eteesheiv nead­ tStpbthnthohroeuoutaeertwsat an mieleeenrs nsxvifoer tdceeesrtaerr sseeeon ,,eds dfrtdta n oh vak uo2 eaPnlnra%stIyr n dItro aO yehyeonvr eed%fid oa nutat trhhcc.hml ,ieeee eats o rhbs tIu uheiinnnfl reisut tp u niwaEolerudmfsaxh s ,nes io ocucnocufhuecfo n thrttittlh h v ahteeeeorwxe af caCAs nAe daosseodmsfmsdresmo i romtcrsi tdiotefeiatoagtcdettrhtn dei iao lea oaasn annsmtm,syel sot aotpeysarym rtesao soa mi nvovtrbe s afiм ras ddk thceebtehthdwa esael, bccmmttfohthohhhheurreeeear iisrellmm tw,bddm e tatirbb p hfheenobeeereemndreorr ., vamc bbnsonihteheodehIrdirnaf m ele. h ledw dn lnbufr ,boiie oesbfte nsbesr encho a ehsansaensfhihlnuneidllatdard t livclrobl tlse ailn rehvelnp bo eadwi,ahaen l bslvv imgt fuploei,ebenre a , vehag i todho iwni vmfp reda hi at nt ct ooei aoighdn tlfkherit tlih h ittendhrhboeu g ee ee tsor i ptn bm rhbtmeseh aeceurfenenesih r dteomevi obs lfnisdftioebvah atrnrei dlaten erieelwn ngrfl aie i iotstobpfoesh fefqe,rns ,e ulutt oapyshhtarfshea veel niae ih tddv st hdeha cheeeerttuhadcoic esivrem ei lbneaesdbaaesubs sy;mneoocee ddhifrda­­f detthcedmwahisqhr umriteeceufiesam lehenbnadtb ie la abo elo odnonsfnefo fh rdrdedft o a fh etstcoirnrhaethhh reso eteac d,ish w l hl;ceddad l hio icIsrleeflfefid eeecc l aht adrnteehssheevara ueerneesessdrree hn emvei hdadna,m i in bv ebltmmlehdmieme nm ef benbgooe nmebw;orremo e er bahe hhrb ,snne o,uepteu rdtlrhtsrrei.rh b teo; vsile ba fveuIib anvediftbrdenn hid vennnedee tnigeodfovo eimf ,ri Itif onh t ntisewnhsstguh m h ee tisssaofah hbhblecnelelaaal,ea n l llnrbyopelblt d erivafebbraa eb ceeel ponislhh vearupptbiui ilraanoeddswtvikbngfh di iolt aevaf t oarfenteatti o to, dkdtsc uth tit tthnbhhihhcoinelghyeeeer­ taaaiatbhnhnnlnuseseddcutAo§ rie Fre o5cah hutpn1cicoeeKnasei.a.a ddy, rlC ltt.e trTih hT nafa hio tlhtccelep ie alsn& ea et,Aser iAxu maosHcptr crcisae ceoii ansnidanasdscselunsseteen eehdn stosd c t sf Fo aaem abtnrtuthnttyhderniedfn i erdbi tHt chs.uHAb ae etetefaa seonalsAbsterolhl t sfech itsa ithF onasteFuc tdoi inupo a andrrtnctohiid c odvse ianehdi sndr aaehsdelinca nld ct ltct l rhih ldaebuepenceyrd aedne iiyis nttnv o uhvgeaa,cee lnahaslaal d tnlntmlaah yd cch c e ccrioensiniiadnhddts leteaeutronnlhrrilf­s­tt tteraAsafhhafihccdlceesdactі Ace usilIdaird3 lcend espc.ecdv re ndnirt edenothdtTbscaetaveteaydhnlmlirn l dvtee dtdate eehtDaelneAd o ealaaetD, ct talbAahiolhednt nyfa hs cds a dsatto usenhohn aunrnsdd ednahactU ar dhnnFadtidl ldcbfui liaoaDe s unDaDcnm mitdodlse fiiseo.empasad ommmnaete ehsprdnbbem,a a ntmeeatarybnrdinalb oemn aitdferaneelaerm lsnsg inmD e,st aeo tox ofnen fdprarn iytnaamte t hanshn FrFuesecisnosdm reeusenaes In csb drannasedesn cmnit. nstetd tnhlrneh f arflonee"clhHttnmraіhsUІІeИtt н ім l aeрцу iChaerBFhioЛ . harlae aaТtік t amdehlde- ei personal representative of the member. mssrtubwnahaeutenihtaestlbnadiepd ossIeie Bofntn efcirasini ty htecniuts -nthrtagthioLot eelb ietflrad fhl t eyiweah tceBhv sbesa feestm yoe,toun aen-rip matgL n,e t ritesfhomaoheisu efw cveuoer t i iehbtrasfdsAh d ,ejruer eey s1epdctp cs hq6pd thoas ueot eyichht litarmiodroaacttae hlt etela deoi tr nnsohx ortbubti dneefsffecy r ,io hacmcr orbantii a fhsganocytt eehehiuhtd nh etban Aat e nmeefdnob ungsnc yfaerseeaob n tyofn hnytaeic hiccet nfnibreeiiartd iateh t bb rio pieoouyeancfr fnntl osoBi lt nueo anvhayfoarnntieine-mdicpsy Lndidei ta neuip aod ordsuecrwt uynho pdhtir ssveto inie mlrianfd igddo nat upr e rf acjsedosa cunhtrurf to svtthbimcbneloeeeyhdredn­s­ tsrJtganuahuheunrfaceqtecavdnye huneI A crc nnifote oroaec ua tenrodhthstedh otft ae tr a educrhntibi he abnnegeypretu dive tine b eetoitIrfgiehnnIroiosnn c est,oat eau t hnshafAobtri en eefetesp ,r ddns atrBeoos hegoscffucyfepe hvhiib-t caoirLihdodjlittnedaeafibeesoc r adweith1nwybtr s6hi tlhbs,ae o pumoty ont ror h tffudsoe hot ehesvd hare txaui en c dlecp etylbrerhh Bro iedadtie^nby lis sdtf em-stsei fLnu hcu oooaaemaaaprrfdfttnwm pi ee ectyfso s hosiu t,amr irh eacnrtsp ne ahay htr adyhtt pioihns s ensavuuabedf ayiabl bred mlmcmee s metcdtoneedoiaoaped tnr nucinft tytnihinttshito theni eaentlodoid ro­t-sfaf oabtaCAftFeehfmfuuodosr esW snro tmrifehoandueossechmne oras ies tsfiaeSai dsn htttna,tis eata aosye 1lvsnto nle e 1eo ivy; sos0r eree m%f pxraap trr cnhraeet.ot e hhdryedsvmee e uhid a Pdcamit edtelerotlnoamde 1t advdknt,1h il i o0eth netou tr%oec e nfaedwae s dxms eaotee carrnvforiveas nyeueenstt rndehhss,wy t t efesa 2tee h hno%irationad ocfift s,h tt ouaalo tittlfrdh athh a hmeabteernhe nie cila eystAiSemtA te e isucreuodslovcpasstur ie,wrohpda nsecnelses tmuiorsn aaseoo rbten tffr oo seud a fxnsEnr n buc teldxdheceitga erlhe eouabcoHd nwluatif arels dsta iaatuitmtntivchilhoctseteiehhen­sts ­ s ahwtopfEaritmfielnehmxsu ssWsduoieesu,dc rc orhoc Dhanuvnhfo neeottf tf tinas crh tvoh temr eaeefhe aev n b eeanxeaCAdm idcrsdAw osfm embUesssmteore hsidaiotd notmetb frtaend oesl idtaelrarudtil dne <ttt caagieaitmmhoasn euss o syFi letata;em httot ymttrsepenskae adr rbodmayoneo eur vaosvsls mneaosf sihrod tshwcaaa efteat lks astdhlltt s sl ehho,e b e nef eohiaxut s ofotoac Ss httwtefhpt Uareoeheoeela rdxet eevrncer c nsemsseAes1srda sfe,1a,l c eekd t6onntrrdlt h%f vdoM2d 1atear %oo1 tPs n o r 0rntrya afto%hco aaanfdyettdl dyh. ttea cehaDwHcшштЛ r oetc ІеНІ ,ea at ehasthtІ a hthte«tr!herc»»•- nection with the certificate as if he were the original beneficiary. beneficiary shall be bound by the By-Laws in connection with the certificate as if be were the origiiial benefldary. Fraternal Fund. § 52. (a) The Fraternal Fund shall receive all income of die «4. (a)TheFratcnmlFnnd ГА АВУ Association not attributable to the benefit certificates issued and Assodatke not attrflMtable to the bcarfll Підкреслення у sanponoHOMHOuy статуті означав ий аоитекст. ashsasells simncelundtse ,r beucet ivneodt bfryo mwa ym eomf bliemrist;a trieocne, ipalUl sfurcohm d suaelse aonfd aanndd sahnaelal ofaMidtattdse r, ebceeti vneodt fbkye mwa yвин er emUems. publications, and the official organ; and dooatkMtt or of ifc.. СПЕЦІЯЛЬНЕ ВИДАННЯ bequests left or given to the Association. The Fund shall pay all tions or bequests left or given to tbe Association. The Fund Medkal Exandnation. Medical Examination. expeoses not attributable to the benefit certificates issued by the shall pay all expenses not attributable to tbe benefit certifi­ § 59. The Supreme Executive Conunittee may require the S 6. The Executive Committee may require the appli­ Association and shall include, but not by way of limitation. cates issued by the Association and shall include, but not by applicant for a certificate or the child being insured to pass a cant for a certificate or the child being insured to pass a expenses for social, educational and fraternal activities; expens­ way of limitation, expenses for social, educational and fra­ medical examination or medical inspection, and in such States medical examination or medical Inspection, and in such es for the advancement and welfare of the Ukrainian people, ternal activities; expenses for the advancement and welfare where it is a requirement for the issuance of a certificate to have States and Provinces where it is a requirement for the expenses for the investment of the Fund; and payments for the of the Ukrainian people; expenses for tbe investment of tbe a medical examination or medical inspection, the same shall be issuance of a certificate to have a medical examination or relief of disabled members, and other expenses which do not Fund; and payments for the relief of disabled members, and complied witii before die applicant is admitted. medical Inspection, the same shall be complied with before pertain to the other funds. other expenses which do not pertain to the other funds. the appUcant is admitted. (b) Each adult member in good standing shall pay additional (b) E^ch adult member in good standing shall pay addi­ dhbamasbtmhabuunelelaleecsed(((fEoCmonm 1hs2 wAv lk1 )Isbuble ls h soetereSTS saev nr-rUof'hitl O g hulcedXw taireiU hninbap )isS f ttie pcohsiriuga ornlhaifi peounn tecytresoil adiheieerodmst maend.iin ,Aor f4a e,eo asn pl f tgi roa mdpan EgsFrlfin toi rorxuhcttedentrhhenaihcgi tscteednhteiar u oe gstdpcttoenlr ,hiiuiae vffs eerrsl faofefopio eo1 be fmpo rr f5isC oasl ha d iseycofotanuti yemmhslf cclbn me hahecmdyt bms noredi ao isemtnattpo,'an htl tteeiubbfiieeefnicrelneo lf e u olrt rSmedm sie fsundh sorohepche .amran nuolril litselteurleah, mam tfm,sbob i ieneorbolcoo e fenkflum tiro n rtwndssasetae hits ahdsssa esdsseie osoc u ia n fsholpbrs esaoe rreyst bo otra i ad lgpnttfenoetihoeheosdddfer-rt- , eoaastntbtwhhuirrbboeoh eec ((rl(Etsnde1i b 2h coscAavtmd)))i l lhosa ael ul sS a$eer snTsmted5onmyb 5eokxs0hung 0 iectcsb0laeeaet dmii eh eaa tps-tifieyhre nt b supdtiyo. dca ero lo:wtEefri lrnh n c fabe Fittxi ae.trtshiei saehm itnh laheoiAicoiio egl nanneuwugdpFgnl ,rtoalr p .trs i eehodsfiaflvbgxo iodeitetcaetr rer h aot me cr seeurt cCanttid eosthafsodao oelnoeniniildtrsme ts dh ho sfa Fdfp ieomffobsnstuo u srhicgrnwmpiflr ahrti ,sdapt tioetlurytyoe lbommho co emfsebcnih fb e no eaie et src 1r nnhnrhebf te5mti elthiyallii, an lien ee cleedmcfnfl teudf ,aouhtn toeo istr remitoosfeuh na s .ur n ar bde o tepllt ilifo lT lsetel o isisoa hberrmns drbf eie so sm ilai tos etofmabsese dolfsmueieda ian cg r as dpomktheeas huernrtd hen o;,n feb ami doposaostlyrs­ sfnl­f­ d dc.ortetsbBihhauaadelarlee clcst\aAeC§e e thhinsphin stlrce c6il eemdrmemd sfh0m apoth e iS.ieroonaan txft l erfiylnoeamlctl trA mad htmtaoeohwlbp oetifesneiete pfb h nnyt y c ryiihtec AcRenecos doterah p scatat rmsrwh hritbttbhsfuiiedoelpa hiyfaae cistwituil ehrscS aceldyot ,ne ath eu iebm,frt rei d p ee oneaa Ct e, rSnhti tn sbemesdeo eudhb rmysudn epb aoi isAesaetosrewetsrte esh rf s aumi n df Esebnresicb. oa rh edxudoeAsutca .eent tlip El pociscatlpoort xnat uTuinaanibyegtobangh i.ceasnu vrddeeu by tep i otli ote oioreenrvif Ctar nna haetmtdn ot oe gehasCisms ireehatcte tho cca smfecomtaehfoldefsil cira rr Smttdtsltbtuboielhtaefi nurec tnieebdrds tcs,c ece iaea emenahetyt rua e.esa b e prw t sraomhmoysagisfe.n tnebe aoh ddedelyfT taar h dfwcdfoh boioeahineeesr ret ahCutubfboocinpaeo rrtrsC§doamss e n cee ead7bmacar rt .o uctst oith ihrstthfnmhtdeiАр iргоee^n cf ease oaaaeЯ іе nlu.rystadt rccemis wvmaeh. b itR s ceeeow mTe ^ sofd i th fothocoe hereftfeto t h re arfttctrce hahlioCme ifteteSnrieyo c itttsnb anAiar fUaettitsicebrcedshbt,iaisu a ubsi tbtble auielidnasy or U,es by ni ewotsit,e end hn hsriat ce.shmie uno scarupdmhielneol sE pdetantbh xuds. reee tt ah se cbTAchtdueyehha U s saalesbt lvgorh a yeegrcnbe aeit doeaChdt f tee oipoEsot mt ehAxnhsreehm emc ctarmtriiui litatlftet^t aniemevb/csedyee­­­, abilitv Failure to do so within the time limited shall disqualify disqualify any member to benefits from this fiind. • any member to benefits from this fund. (d) Every member In good standing of the Association B. ACCIDENT AND HEALTH CERTIFICATE .Accidental Death and Dismemberment Certificate. (d) h\crN male member in good standing of the .Association should subscribe to one of the official publications of the RATES AND BENEFITS § 8. The Association is authorized to issue to members should subscnbe to the official organ of the .Association, paying .Association, paying to the Fraternal Fund such additional sj 66 The Association is authorized to issue to members any any form of Accidental Death and Dismemberment certifi­ to the Fraternal Fund such additional subscnption rate as set by subscnption rate as set by the Convention. No household lomi of accident and health certificate as may be authorized by cate as may be authorized by the Executive Committee and the Convention need subscribe more than once. the Supreme Executive Committee and under die laws of the under the laws of the States or Provinces in which the (e) The Supreme ExecuDve Ctxnmitiee shall traasfer to the FraiemaJ (e) The Executive Committee shall transfer to the Fraternal States or Provinces in which the Association transacts business, Association transacts business, subject to the following: Fund ail uncollected Mortuary Fund paymcnLs, all endowments for Fund aO uiKoUeded Mortuary Fund payments, aU endowments for subject to die following: (1) An application for Accidental Death and maturedеь л кaїорnd dividend checks more than 6 1/2 years fnxn the matured poUdes and dividend checks ... more than 6 1/2 years (I) An application for accident and healdi certificate may be Dismemberment certificate may be accepted only from a dale of the members death, the date of matuntv of theсу іoЯ срr the dale fh)m the date of the member's death, the date of maturity of the pol­ .iccepted only from a member or applicant from age Іб to age member or applicant from age 16 to age 55 Inclusive who of Lssuance ol a check. These funds sfull be used for pavTnent of schol­ icy or the date of issuance of a check. These funds Фай be used for 55 inclusive who meets the underwriting requirements pre­ meets the underwriting requirements prescribed by the arships or iKhcr tratcmai jcti^itjcs Under tfie ctxiditKxi tfwi traibfemng payment of schoiar^ps or other rratemal activities. scribed by the Supreme Executive Committee accident and Executive Committee. An Accidental Death and of such health ccmficatc providing weekly disability payments may Dismemberment certificate may only be issued if the appli­ onl\ be issued if the applicant has in force, or is accepted for, a cant has in force, or is accepted for, a life certificate. ТЕКСТ ЗАПРОПОНОВАНИЙ ПРАВИЛЬНИК life( 2c Ie m.Afnic aactec.i dent and health certificate may be continued in ma(y2 ) bAe nc oanctcinidueendt ainl dfoeracteh oannlyd bdyis ma memembebremr eInnt gcoeordt isfitcaantde­ ОБОВ'ЯЗУЮЧОГО СТАТУТУ ДЛЯ ЗАБЕЗПЕЧЕННЯ І ВИПЛАТ lorcc onK by a member in good standing. An accident and ing. An accidental death and dismemberment certificate health certificate providing weekly disability payments may be may be continued in force only by a member who also main­ ARTICLE V PROPO.SED RATF:.S AND BENEFITS MANUAL continued in force only by a member who also maintains in full tains in full force his life ceriificate, provided, however, that РІ ЕТAАКND BENEFITS lorce his life certificate, provided, however, that if his life cer- if his life certificate shall become fully paid up under its .\. Life certificate rates and benefits. iificate shall become fully paid up under its terms or mature as terms or mature as an endowment the member may contin­ A. Life certificate rates and benefits. Adult Department. an endowment the member may continue such an accident and ue such an Accidental Death and Dismemberment certifi­ Adult Department. § 1. The Association is authorized to issue to members the health cemficate. cate. § .S4 The .AsstKiation is authonzed to issue to members the following forms of life and endowment certificates and such {}) In no event shall an accident and health certificate be con­ (3) In no event shall an accidental death and dismember­ following forms of life and endowment certificates and such other forms as the Executive Committee may adopt under tinued in force beyond age 65 ment certificate be continued in force beyond age 65. other forms as the Supreme Executive Committee may adopt the authority granted them in the By-Laws of the (4) The maximum weekly benefit for any member shall be (4) Tlie maximum accidental death principal sum benefit under the authiintv granted them in Section 47 of these Bv- .As-sociation: S2H (K) per week for any member shall be $5,000. Uws W hole Life, The maximum .Accidental Death principal sum benefit for (5) Appropriate rates of contribution shall he in conformi­ Whole Life. Double Protection to .Age 65 .in\ member shall be S5.000 ty with the mortality tables. Interest rates and other factors, 20 Payment Life. 20-Payment Life. i5» .Appropriate rates of contribution shall be in conformity adopted by the Executive Committee upon advice of the Life Paid Lpat Age 65. Life Paid Up at Age 65. w.ith the mortality tables, interest rates and other factors, adopt­ Actuary and as permitted under the laws of the States and Double Protection to .Age b^. 20-Year Endowment. ed by the Supreme Executive Committee upon advice of the Provinces in which the Association transacts business. 20 Year Endowment. Endowment at .Age 65. •\ctuar> and as permitted under the laws of the States and Endowment al Age 65 Whole Life Single Premium Pro\ inces in which the AssiKiation transacts business. Five-Year Term Insurance Endowment at Age 65 Single Premium Ten-Year Term Insurance Five-Year Term Insurance i6) If the Sickness and Accident Fund after deducting all <6) If the Accidental Death and Dismemberment Fund Ten-Year Term Insurance other liabilities chargeable against it. is less than 105% of the after deducting all other liabilities chargeable against it, is Annual Renewable Term reserve liabiliiy dicrefor. the Supreme Assembly may increase less than 105% of the reserve liabiliiy therefor, the General 30-Year Decreasing Premiimi die rates of contribution in such amounts as may be required to Assembly may Increase the rates of contribution in such .Accidental Death atidlDisinftmberment maintain the Fund at 105^* or more of solvency. amounts as may be required to maintain the Fund at 105% Supplementary [Jouble Indemnity agreements shall be avail­ Single- Premium Annuity i7i IJic provisions of this Article V covenng life certificates or more of solvency. able for issue with all adult plans up to age 55, and shall termi­ Flexible .Annuity with respect to pavment of contributions, suspension for non­ nate not later than the ceniflcate anniversary nearest the mem­ I niversal Life payment, and other appropriate Sections shall apply also to ber's 65th birthday Accident and Health Cenificaies. Supplementary agreements for additional level term insur Supplementary Double Indemnity agreements shall be ке гаwfiftoistrh u pnneednweor d csteh niosiff ircfiiadvieeer s o srfho tarel nla lbly eea adlruisml ts ihtpealdall n stbo eu tpaw vtooa i lataigmbele e5s 5fot.h re Ti shbseue neb eefnites asnhveaaalrille astbte lrtehm efio nmra etiems sbuneeor t' wsl ai6tth5et rha ltblh iaarntdh udtlhta eyp . claenrtsi fuicpa tteo aangne iv5e5r. saanryd ГА АПВіУдкреслення у запропонованому статуті очначає ий аонт.скет under the basic certificate to which it is attached The total The total amount of insurance in force with regard to any ainmclouudnint go fth einses usruapnpclee minen tfaolr caem owuinthts ,r ewgiallr db et og oavneyr nemde mbyb ethr,e emrnemedb ebry, itnhcel umdainxgim tuhemse l ismupitps lepmreesnctraibl eadm ionu Snetsc,t iwonil l 5b oe fg tohvi­s НОВИЙ ЗАПРОПОНОВАНИЙ ТЕКСТ ПРАВИЛЬНИКА maximum limits prescribed in Section 58 and the rules with Manual and the Rules with respect to reinsurance. respect to reinsurance ДЛЯ ОКРУГ oLbfuotenahlrJ2TLE2dEw§lesou00e einn rsfw5r rv dbd:eyP m5 efeooi etano.ntPwhw aywrgtiaerTmmomml ei ehd Eesafee Aee on unDnnnU gra ttdttAmeh e s ptohpLaa o s swe1ttatsair hfo it6mrAAoet eact yA f ggemgi aSengeelgtesui te if r6 on1 peao65n8tr n.f5e a t mienssdi dexa uteEwhtnhxeedomeerocki wzusiet mnidav neeStnd oet C c i1tscoi5seomu rnyetm ie f4taiiotc7rt sa ej utoe6ev fs em mntahaionleyneds te ham sdsBue omctpyhht-­e cmmmLaaaoetJW2§LE2EWwemynu00 insn tsf2-hv-h bhdad:ePY.eaoo e dsooannlPle rwoweeyiTadsta lp mh mmreLi Lhtd e bs eeiiEeeD uffeu nnnUeefntce.not ttwAhdpp S ldalaL o esaioeanotstewrirw t oftngtA A emhcmiAl t neiggehtaege gerehentPne ie 6t1 ortff a6 .o5e8on au5mr r g tmmihiesuoss sm r aoaiout fsfyt h stliiohgfxrree ai zwnaentedEeed dkx t eseot cn haudie.ntsomisdvwu eemb 1 yC5et o noty tmhJe euacmsrveesrie t tnBtiseifiyliexe­- CAcitsoTTy21smo. .hh ocNmeeLfiR aAOilEntotMiaCot(c;eUmnaEAUel Ke eLiLn REoAoo tfAf fhT IetItBNh h(O)reIeNA aF CSon NB^ roc Fg RmhNOaeAmAnsRN iTiz tCoItDaeOfHtI e.iSN oEtTahnASnRe L d OsI hCUAFiatT kSslTl Sr bCHaObaoOiEerCdn:e Mi iIaeaAs.MTn T shIIhTeONa TlNaDlE t ibiEso«tSn!r itachlt e adfptpoCpahonnfoiurorc el(((dndibtmunabc dnh a Cl))mi))riotemtc c eoei tss.oITCchdmi ,I,Itt nr e tote tocem swerxm moa,wwhe c iimtoe latamuiiilafttllov mtrlfelcnipn itese.tcde esr uait etoetmra mlbhra nfe.islo esago.esi eirsIfer,mrw fh na baUfJb otthuiacieoNrweovninnisrr enAndq, dcw tB suul pe D iimerlkldorblaitao re sesyrnbt:gg,mfs r corea,emi hlba rcnxeane mteehicp eszramtoi,spesiubn rn,d fee risgarcgteam eoassod,obs , mnnb , fw,ee i tccez dtbceoeocprelou rr.nlsrrc lo ct lofaascaeoeof,rshct frifr tpi tue fosyniolntnr na ehrfecogwyar seeu ostl s hd,,tamm, D eufnctce eehdiuogsamsse tulef ttio fnbrvrfuaatresiaehriiocermrrlaemtssassrl ,,s,,l siiwnfh i adTtSehleuhlv apeaebt lpnheldlt eje fouumaocvtlfclhee yu nnd brtiessaelea elna tt e htcpf f oolicaotnre ntftrhp rst aaat leiyicinnxeta sc btj eahulppepevr tpeocm lnTveiacirieldtyareiin fm nibtacg e gat s eotflhesoo a A,wr lf aloge wnrerbmd a et1 ihs va6 aane.ivn rys a s otuishlfueae dcbc h.flo ae ncr teefrdo ibaur mucittosiioosuunnnesst ETSFUilennnerdixgmvoilebew r-ltPesmoa rAeAle nmnLgtne iifa uue2tim 3 tAy gAen 6n5u iStyin gle Premium aint 3M. oMiriExMrs BoEf dRiSe Committee are di btnbne chs of die UNA kxaarteead 6T(((bac.h ))) e B AADObunioDsdndtIriuitEeiaicsnSlt g o AEO fC sxtFsheoe ceTmmu HCmtbioEvliymte t CemBeOo itaMtredMe aIrTeT: EE Supplemental contracts providing for waiver of contribu­ tions in event of death of the applicant shall be available for 4. AIM 7. ANNUAL ASSEMBLY Issue with all Juvenile plans except Term to Age 16, Single- The purpose of the Committee is: to cany out the alms of The highest executive body of the District Committee is Premium Certificates, Annuities and Universal Life. the By-I^ws of the UNA; to unite all Branch<s of the UNA vested in the Annual Assembly, which will be held once a in tbe district to achieve these aims, namely: year, preferably in January or February. Tbe Annual § 56. The application for membership of the juvenile must be § 3. The application for membership of the Juvenile mast (a) To coordinate the works and to intensify and extend Assembly is called by tiie District Executive Board, which made and signed by his parent, guardian or a person duly quali­ be made and signed by his parent, guardian or a person the activities of the UNA within the DlstrlcC designates the time and place of the Assembly. The right to fied as a beneficiary hereunder. All rules and regulations con­ duly qualified as an applicant hereunder. All rules and reg­ (b) To have representation hi the District for spreading partidpate in the Annual Assembly, with the right to vote tained in these By-Laws shall apply to and be binding upon ulations contained in this Manual shall apply to and be иІ>ІЛ. ideals and activities among the local citizens. siiall be given to: juvenile members, as well as the applicant for the certificate, binding upon Juvenile members, as well as the applicant for (c) To aid the Branches of the UNA. in the District to (a) Two delegates from each member-Branch of the unless they specifically apply to adult members only. the certificate, unless they specifically apply to adult mem­ carry out, as best as possible, their obligations under tlie By- Committee. Delegates are elected at a Branch meeting. bers only. Laws, as well as the directives of the Convention, of the (b) Delegates to the UNA Convention from member- Assembly and of the Executive Committee <^ Uie UNA. Branches of the Committee and hi case of emergency - their (d) For Jolntiy planning and conducting affairs of organi­ alternates. § 57. Prior to the child's attainmen. of age 16. the applicant § 4. Prior to the child's attabiment of age 16, the appli­ zational, educational, cultural, recreational nature, etc (c) Members of tbe Assembly and the Executive shall have full control of the certificate. Upon attaining the age cant shall have full control of the certificate. Upon atuining (e) For jolntiy planning and conducting campaigns to Committee of the UNA who belong to a member-Branch of of 16 years, the Juvenile member shall obtain complete control the age of 16 years, the Juvenile member shall obtain com­ attract new members for the UNA. the Distrid Committee, or wtio resides permanentiy within of his certificate. At thai time, the juvenile member may make plete control of his certificate. At that time, the Juvenile (f) To fiirther the ideological and tecfankal tndning of tlie tiie District ^iplicatidn for adult m^||ership, and shall thereupon have all member may make applkation for adult membership, and U.N.A. workers, especially Branch Officers hi tbe District Other members of the member-Branches of the tbe rights, duties, and p^Peges of an adult member. Where the shall thereupon have all the rights, duties and privileges of (g) To give moral and material support to UNA members Committee may taite part hi tlie Annnal AssemMy, but will law of any State requires that the juvenile member shall make an adult member. Where the law of any SUte requires that hi tbe District not have the right to vote. nich application in order to continue his certificate in force, he the Juvenile member shall make such am)lication in order to (h) To strengthen activities of tiie local Ulcrabdan com­ Voting at the Annual Assembly shall be by open vote, by •ball be required to do so. Otherwise, he shall be required to continue his certificate in force, he shall be required to do munity in every way possible, by organized participation of raising of hands. exercise one of the non-forfeiture options provided in his certifi- UNA. Branches in It various activities and programs. Voting for tbe electioa of varioas bodies of tiie Committee (i) For the discusskm of, and the planning of methods for shall be by secret ballot Tbe AnniuU Assembly shall seied tbe fkirther development of the UNA, especially to carry oat no fewer than three members to cotmt votes. The Annual Maxfannm Amoant of Ішопюсе. Maximum Amount of Insurance. projects for tbe UNA Conventions. Assembly may, by consent of all votes present coodud the § 58. The Association shall not issue on the life of any one І 5. Tbe Association shall not issue on tbe life of any one (J) For fostering and developbig sodai actiTfties among eiedioo by open vote. member a life certificate or certificates of face amount in excess member a life certificate or certificates of face amount in tlie Brandies and its members; the organiztng of social dobs of the amounts decided upon by the Supreme Executive excess of the amounts decided upon by the Executive for members of the Branches, etc The program of the аІ шшААяктМу should contain the Committee for the given age groups in agfeonem with the rec- Committee for tbe gtven age groups bi agreement with the following points: Reports of the activities of the varioos ommeadatioa of the actuary, imless any such excess, or the risk recommendation of tbe mctaary, nnleas any soch excess, or 5. MEANS bodies of the Committee, acceptance of the reports, vote of pfft«b.{ng tbeicto. shaU be reinsured in an autfaodzed life insur- the risk pertaining tliereto, Aall be reinsared in an antlio- Tbe Committee will ti e advantage of every legal means confldence, election of new Subcommittees and tbe levy of yidcrtka By-Laws to •« Ш .ЖЖ.

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