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‘The Trial of tary Le Morphow aka #0012180 aka Mr Two Yards of Conroe For the MURDER of his WIFE - Suzanne Renee Morphew Prosecution Witness List Current as of 10/29/21 £524 Wnese's in ttal Citizen Witness Name (Alphetically Organized by Last Name) Madison Adatas ‘Sean Douglas Klin ‘im Agnew Mark lan Knaus Megan Agnew rich Kondilia eid Anderson Shelly Kane Danny Andes cody Les Lambert Joho Amold TichaLeewsye rence Bach Amanda Lowey Dan Baker Matthew Lewis ‘Nene alvin set tier “erry Balko andy Lockwood Kathy Thlsng Bako ‘Terry Lott ‘Soot Hanke Lome Lowery Jordan Baroard Job Lowes Thomas Bares Miranda Lujan Donna Bares Joba Lunsford David Barnes Alesis Machlachlan Holly Clem Maclahlan “Tae Marla Angela Manuel ‘Steve Marshall (ara Maral Kenneth Ray Martinez Dominik Marine Diane Matheny Rocky Maza James Mecorkindale Dave Megit (ina Meg Kathy Meqalan ‘Taylor Meek David Mennet Steve Metz Axion ier ‘Susanne Renee Morphew - Witness List 2 Melody Brantman ms Daniel Mitoo Nicholl Brashoars ms Jory Mobley Chains Brown m1 Brent Rasel Montgomery 28 ritney Baehol ma Androw Moorman @ Andrew Ballard ma ——_Devid Moorman a tie Bild ‘ma Christopher Moorman a Diane Burgess a" ik Moorman a Holly Buran, 0 Jena Moorman a“ Justin Burne 42 Deborsh Moorman, Gayton Burrows 2M Melinda Moorman-Baumunk Mathew Barton 2 casi Moran 7 Matthew Burton us Macy Morphew a “fy Bua 20 Mallory Morphew a Jonathan Byrd 2a Shiley Morphew 8 Merideth Cahoon ma Rodney Morpew a Kylecamire 250 Mathew mllly 2 Caagcampbet m Dosa Mullen $2 Jeciaon Campbell m Felic Manos 4 dancleCampbet ca Frank Mosel = ‘Nik Campbell a Carry Negroni 56 SalvatoreCannstea 18 SteveNelin Paka Conthron 8 Janelle Nepp) « Antony Carey = Colton Neppl Randy Carcato m0 ‘Tracey Nichols ta sudaonCasedoer PI Sarah Noel a owe Castro mo “Trevor Noel @ Ethan Casthron m “Janie Obare coy Cetesta = Kate Okada Alexander Chacon m= Robert Olsky 55 Jason Chemotky ™ Shale Olver 66 Sandra Christensen ms Darin Otver e Terry Ces ms Hanna Over a Penny Cale = Mary Olver s8——_aMiehal Coleman m8 Christina Ormsby » ‘Kayla Coins na —_Bradley sowed ” Patrick Coline m “ilian Osevald 2 Tawrin Coline m Janel Overs Samantha Collins m Don Owens M4 KeitnaColn-Carr m Ben Pater » ‘Ass Comer chariot Pasquale » Jennifer Cone ™ ‘eres Pale 0 Charles Conrad ™ owe Perez fy Joshua Cooper m Virginia Prez ‘Susanne Renee Morphew - Witness List BRSSSaR TR ETER REE HR EE Ree RaeteessesesesR sss ‘Susanne Renee Morphew - Witness List Cesiy Contra Cody Cox ane Coy John Calg Michao Crag John Gramm tin Ciba Cindy Cea Jer Ciel, ‘catherine Cushman Peter Cashman Jeanie Dandie ‘Shoshana Darke ccta Darracot George Davis Lindy Davis Samuel Dave Chris Davis ‘Geroge Davis ‘Aloe Petersen Shane Philips Seth Picket Georgina Mae Pnhro Joseph Planer “le Pratt ery Puckett Wade Plann James Ramsey Sodith Rack Rody Reasen Bethany Rediger im Reed Melvin Reedy ke Reins (Christina Reise Dean Remlagion Dave Remington ‘Mountain Renewal Le Seth Rchardon Suna Richardbon ‘Lara Ruth Richardson “Andrew Richardson Sie Richardson ‘ind Rew ‘ray Riley Hlzabeth Rey Dania Ritchie Jeanne iter ‘Martin Riter ‘Brenda Rivers-Velden ‘Vincent Robinson Daniel Jay Roche ‘Christine Rochester mm ——_Dianel. 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Dennis Honeyeatt Kevin Koback ‘Susanne Renee Morphew - Witness List ‘Boone County Serfs fice 1905 IndanapIN 46052 Capital One / Cabelas 15000 Capital One Dr VA 29288 Cates County Fire Department 49 Astra CO Bis Chatee County Shri Office Chaar Cour CO 8:20: Chatee County Shri Office PO Box 699 CO 8:20: Chatce County Sherif Office PO Box 699 £CO 8201 Cates County Sher Office PO Box 699 {CO 820% Chatee County Shri Office PO Hox 699 £CO 8201 Chatee County Shr Office PO Box 699 {CO 8:20: Chatee County Shri Office PO Box 699 CO 8201 Chafee County Shes Office PO Box 699 {CO i201 Chatee County Sherif Office PO Hox 699 {CO 201 Chatee County Shri Office PO Hox 699 {CO 8201 Chafee County Sherif Office PO Box 699 CO 8201 Chafee County Sherif Office PO Box 699 {CD i201 Cates County Sherif ffs PO Hox 699 {CO 201 Chatee County Shri Office PO Hox 699 {CO 8:01 Chatee County Sharif Office PO Box 699 CO 8201 Chatce County Sherif Office PO Box 699 £CO 8201 Cates County Sherif fice PO Hox 699 {CO 820% Chatee County Shs Office PO Box 699 CO 201 Chatee County Shri Office PO Box 699 {CO 8201 Colegite Paks Bank / lair Bank 05 Ce CO 8121. 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