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SUSY at the Pole 7 0 J. Kerstena∗ 0 2 aThe Abdus Salam ICTP, High Energy Physics Section, Strada Costiera 11, 34014 Trieste, Italy n a We study the role neutrino telescopes could play in discovering supersymmetric extensions of the Standard J Modelwithalong-livedstaunext-to-lightestsuperparticle. Insuchasetup,pairsofstausareproducedbycosmic 5 neutrino interactions in the Earth matter. In optimistic scenarios, one can expect several pair events per year 1 in a cubic kilometre detector such as IceCube. We also show that no significant event rate can be expected for decaysof staus stopped in thedetector. 2 v 5 9 1 1. INTRODUCTION Earthbeforedecayingunlessthegravitinoisvery 2 light. Thus,wecantreatthestauasastablepar- 1 Cosmic neutrinos reach energies of at least ticle in the following. 6 1011GeV. In collisions with nucleons inside the Cosmic neutrino interactions produce pairs of 0 Earth, the centre of mass energy exceeds 1TeV SUSY particlesbecauseofR parityconservation, h/ already for neutrino energies of about 106 GeV. which quickly decay into a pair of staus. Due p Consequently, supersymmetric particles can be to the large boost factor, these could then show - produced,providedthatSUSYexistsclosetothe p up as upward-going, nearly parallel tracks in a e electroweak scale. Hence, it is natural to ask neutrino telescope like IceCube [1], as suggested h whether SUSY could be found in cosmic ray ob- in [2]. v: servatories. Unfortunately, this is not possible in i mostscenarios,sincethe producedsuperparticles X immediately decay into the lightest one (LSP), 2. STAU PRODUCTION AND PROPA- r which is electrically neutral and thus not observ- GATION a able. The interactions leading to the production of This problem can be avoided, if the next- superparticles are analogous to the charged and to-lightest superparticle (NLSP) is charged and neutralcurrentneutrino-quarkinteractionsinthe long-lived. This is possible, for example, if the Standard Model (SM). Instead of a W or a Z, a LSP is the gravitino, the superpartner of the chargino or a neutralino is exchanged, resulting graviton, and if R parity is conserved. The most in a squark and a slepton. We calculated the natural charged NLSP candidate in this case is cross section for two different SUSY mass spec- thelighterstau,usuallycomposedpredominantly tra [3]. The first one is given by the benchmark of the scalar partner of the right-handed tau. Its pointcorrespondingtoSPS7[4]. Thesecondone decay length L is roughly given by (denoted by “min m” in the following) consists −6 2 of squarks at 300 GeV and sleptons, charginos L ≈ mτ˜ m3/2 Eτ˜ , and neutralinos ate100 GeV. In any case, the 2R⊕ (cid:18)100GeV(cid:19) (cid:18)400keV(cid:19) (cid:18)500GeV(cid:19) SUSYcrosssectionisseveralordersofmagnitude (1) smaller than its SM counterpart, mainly due to the much heavier particles in the final state. where m3/2 is the gravitino mass and R⊕ is the TravellingthroughtheEarth,thestausloseen- Earthradius. Aswewillonlyconsiderstauswith ergychieflyduetoradiativeprocessesathighen- energies above 500 GeV, they cross the whole ergies. The resulting energy loss scales with the ∗E-Mail:[email protected] inverse particle mass, so that it is much smaller 1 2 for staus than for muons. Hence, while muons have to be produced not more than a few tens of kilometres outside the detector to be observable, staus are visible even if produced much farther away [2,5]. This may compensate for the smaller production cross section. 3. STAU DETECTION For the high-energy cosmic neutrinos, we as- sumed the Waxman-Bahcall flux E2F(E ) ≈ ν ν 2·10−8cm−2s−1sr−1GeV per flavour [6]. Note that currentdata allowfor a flux largerby about an order of magnitude [7], so that we may have underestimated the number of staus correspond- ingly. Fig. 1 shows the results for the spectra of muons and staus, where an improved treatment oftheenergylossatlowenergies[8]wasemployed compared to [3]. Note that muons always domi- nate over staus if one considers the spectrum in Figure 1. Fluxes of upward-going muons and terms of the energy deposition in the detector, staus for two different SUSY mass spectra (see which is the actual observable. Therefore, the text for details). total rate of one-particle events can be used for reconstructing the neutrino flux without taking into account the contribution from NLSPs [3]. IceCube will be able to identify the two tracks fromastaupair,iftheirseparationisgreaterthan about 50m and less than 1km [9,10]. Assuming that this separation can be approximately calcu- lated from the angle between the initial SUSY particles, we obtained the rates of stau pairs shown in Fig. 2. The total number of stau pair events per yearinIceCube is about5 forthe min m scenario. For the SPS 7 mass spectrum, it de- creases to 0.07, chiefly due to the larger squark measses and the accordingly smaller cross section for the production of superparticles [8,3]. These numbers have to be compared to the background of muon pairs. While the number ofupward-goingmuonsarrivingatthesametime just by coincidence is tiny, a non-negligible num- ber of muon pairs arises from SM processes, for exampleiftheinitialneutrino-nucleoninteraction produces a muon and a hadron which decays to Figure 2. Rates of parallel stau tracks through another muon. However, as muons have to be a detector like IceCube for two different SUSY produced close to the detector, they will always mass spectra (see text for details). be separated by less than 50m in IceCube and thus not contribute to pair events [11]. 3 4. STOPPED STAUS trinos and a SUSY mass spectrum corresponding to an SPS benchmark point. However, up to 50 Staus with a very small energy will stop in the events per year are possible, if the neutrino flux detector and decay after a while, predominantly is closetoits experimentallimitandifthe super- into a gravitino and a tau lepton. The latter can particles are comparatively light. produce an observable cascade. If this cascade We have also discussed an alternative signal can be correlated with an upward-going particle from the decay of long-lived SUSY particles that track ending at the same position, which may be are stopped in the detector. Even in the most possible in IceCube for stau lifetimes less than optimistic case, not more than a few events per a few hours [10], this provides another virtually decadecanbeexpectedinthedetectorscurrently background-free signal that does not rely on the under construction, so that we have to conclude observation of stau pairs. In addition, the stau that this signalwillnotbe observableinthe near lifetime could be measured. Let us therefore es- future. timate the rate of such events in the optimistic min m scenario, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS d3Ne ∆A∆E dAdtdE(cid:12)E=mτ˜ I would like to thank Markus Ahlers and An- ≈ 10−2(cid:12)(cid:12)km−2yr−1 1km2(2·10−3 GeV 1km) dreas Ringwald for the collaboration leading to 100GeV cm [3],onwhichthistalkisbased,MichaelRatzand ≈ 0.02yr−1 , (2) Christian Spiering for valuable discussions, and lastbutnotleasttheorganisersofNOW2006for where the first quantity in the first line is the the marvellous workshop. flux of (single) staus at the stau rest energy ac- cording to Fig. 1. Moreover, ∆E is the energy loss of a charged particle in the detector. Since REFERENCES at small energies it is dominated by ionisation 1. IceCube Collaboration, J. Ahrens effects, which are nearly independent of the par- et al., Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. ticle mass, we can estimate it using |dE/dx| ≈ 2·10−3 GeVcm2g−1 ·ρice [5]. Besides, we have 118 (2003) 388 [astro-ph/0209556], 3 http://icecube.wisc.edu/. assumedacubicdetectorwithavolumeof1km , 2. I.Albuquerque,G.Burdman,andZ.Chacko, which is able to observe the rather low-energy Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 (2004) 221802 taus from stau decays. In the case of IceCube, [hep-ph/ 0312197]. the latter may only be true for the inner core of 3. M. Ahlers, J. Kersten, and A. Ringwald, the detector [10]. JCAP 0607 (2006) 005 [hep-ph/0604188]. 5. CONCLUSIONS 4. B.C.Allanachetal.,Eur.Phys.J.C25(2002) 113 [hep-ph/0202233]. We have studied the possibility of observing 5. M.H.Reno,I.Sarcevic,andS.Su,Astropart. long-lived charged supersymmetric particles in Phys. 24 (2005) 107 [hep-ph/0503030]. neutrino telescopes. If they exist, such particles 6. E. Waxman and J. N. Bahcall, Phys. Rev. can be produced in pairs by cosmic neutrino in- D59 (1999) 023002 [hep-ph/9807282]. teractions with nucleons inside the Earth. They 7. IceCube Collaboration, M. Ribordy can then be observed as nearly parallel tracks of et al., Phys. Atom. Nucl. 69 (2006) 1899 charged particles in the detector, with negligible [astro-ph/0509322]. backgroundfromStandardModelprocesses. Un- 8. M. Ahlers, astro-ph/0610775. fortunately, the event rates in a cubic kilometre 9. M. Ribordy, astro-ph/0611604. sizedneutrinotelescope arerathersmallifweas- 10. C. Spiering (IceCube Collaboration), private sume the Waxman-Bahcall flux for cosmic neu- communication. 4 11. I. F. M. Albuquerque, G. Burdman, and Z. Chacko, hep-ph/0605120.

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