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Sustainable Construction Technologies Sustainable Construction Technologies Life-Cycle Assessment Edited by Vivian W.Y. Tam Schoolof Computing,Engineering and Mathematics, Western Sydney University, Penrith, NSW,Australia College ofCivilEngineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, P.R. China Khoa N. Le Schoolof Computing,Engineering and Mathematics, Western Sydney University, Penrith, NSW,Australia Butterworth-HeinemannisanimprintofElsevier TheBoulevard,LangfordLane,Kidlington,OxfordOX51GB,UnitedKingdom 50HampshireStreet,5thFloor,Cambridge,MA02139,UnitedStates Copyrightr2019ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved. 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BritishLibraryCataloguing-in-PublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData AcatalogrecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheLibraryofCongress ISBN:978-0-12-811749-1 ForInformationonallButterworth-Heinemannpublications visitourwebsiteathttps://www.elsevier.com/books-and-journals Publisher:MatthewDeans AcquisitionEditor:KenMcCombs EditorialProjectManager:JenniferPierce ProductionProjectManager:SuryaNarayananJayachandran CoverDesigner:MarkRogers TypesetbyMPSLimited,Chennai,India List of Contributors OladapoAdebayoAkanbi SchoolofEngineering,UniversityofCentralLancashire, Preston,UnitedKingdom AliAkbarnezhad SchoolofCivilandEnvironmentalEngineering,Universityof NewSouthWales,Sydney,NSW,Australia LauraAlmeida SchoolofComputing,EngineeringandMathematics,Western SydneyUniversity,Penrith,NSW,Australia RahmanAzari CollegeofArchitecture,IllinoisInstituteofTechnology,Chicago, IL,UnitedStates YapiciogluBalkiz ArkinUniversityofCreativeArtsandDesign,Kyrenia,Cyprus G.K.C.Ding SchoolofBuiltEnvironment,UniversityofTechnologySydney,NSW, Australia IsidoreC.Ezema DepartmentofArchitecture,CovenantUniversity,Ota,Ogun State,Nigeria AlirezaAhmadianFardFini SchooloftheBuiltEnvironment,Universityof TechnologySydney,Ultimo,NSW,Australia ChengSiewGoh DepartmentofQuantitySurveyingandConstructionProject Management,Heriot-WattUniversityMalaysia,Putrajaya,Malaysia MdMahmudulHaque EnviroWater,Sydney,NSW,Australia I.M.ChethanaS.Illankoon SchoolofComputing,EngineeringandMathematics, WesternSydneyUniversity,Penrith,NSW,Australia RuoyuJin DivisionofBuiltEnvironment,SchoolofEnvironmentandTechnology, UniversityofBrighton,Brighton,UnitedKingdom HodaKarimipour SchoolofComputing,EngineeringandMathematics,Western SydneyUniversity,Penrith,NSW,Australia KiPyungKim SchoolofNaturalandBuiltEnvironments,UniversityofSouth Australia,Australia KhoaN.Le SchoolofComputing,EngineeringandMathematics,WesternSydney University,Penrith,NSW,Australia CazacovaLiudmila ArkinUniversityofCreativeArtsandDesign,Kyrenia,Cyprus LoosemoreMartin FacultyoftheBuiltEnvironment,UniversityofNewSouth Wales,Sydney,Australia xiii xiv ListofContributors OgunbiyiOyedolapo DepartmentofQuantitySurveying,YabaCollegeof Technology,Lagos,Nigeria ForsythePerry UniversityofTechnologySydney,Sydney,Australia AtaurRahman SchoolofComputing,EngineeringandMathematics,Western SydneyUniversity,Sydney,NSW,Australia MAshiqurRahman SchoolofComputing,EngineeringandMathematics,Western SydneyUniversity,Sydney,NSW,Australia MuhammadMuhiturRahman DepartmentofCivilandEnvironmental Engineering,KingFaisalUniversity,AlHofuf,SaudiArabia GouldingJackSteven DepartmentofArchitectureandBuiltEnvironment, NorthumbriaUniversity,Newcastle,UnitedKingdom VivianW.Y.Tam SchoolofComputing,EngineeringandMathematics,Western Sydney University, Penrith, NSW, Australia; College of Civil Engineering, ShenzhenUniversity,Shenzhen,China OluyemiToyinbo DepartmentofEnvironmentalandBiologicalSciences,University ofEasternFinland,Kuopio,Finland CuongN.N.Tran SchoolofComputing,EngineeringandMathematics,Western SydneyUniversity,Penrith,NSW,Australia Chapter 1 Introduction I.M.Chethana S. Illankoon1, Vivian W.Y. Tam1,2, Hoda Karimipour1 and Khoa N. Le1 1SchoolofComputing,EngineeringandMathematics,WesternSydneyUniversity,Penrith,NSW, Australia,2CollegeofCivilEngineering,ShenzhenUniversity,Shenzhen,China 1.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter introduces life cycle of a building. There are different stages in building life cycle and these can be classified into various aspects. There are managerial and technological decisions to be taken within the building life cycle. Therefore, this chapter provides a classification for building life cycle and the factors to be considered in each stage of building life cycle. There are many criteria considered for sustainable buildings or green buildings. With the development of green buildings, a yardstick was required to evalu- ate green buildings’ performance, (Crawley and Aho, 1999) and therefore in 1990, Building Research Establishment Environment Assessment Method (BREEAM) was established as the first green building assessment tool (Building Research Establishment [BRE], 2018). Ever since there had been lot of tools developed. However, there are seven main criteria used in major- ity of the green assessments namely; Site, Energy, Water, Indoor Environment Quality (IEQ), Material, Waste and pollution, and Management (Illankoon et al., 2017). The remaining chapters of this book focus on these criteria andthe sustainable technologies for respective criteria. Chapter 2, Sustainability in Project management, of this book focuses on the management approaches for sustainability. This chapter discusses on the innovative approaches of sustainable management and life-cycle assessment. Although conventional buildings consume nearly 40% of primary energy productionglobally,greenbuildingssubstantiallyreduceenergyconsumption on a per square foot basis and they also focus on IEQ (MacNaughton et al., 2018).ThereforeChapter3, Management, discussesthe sustainabletechnolo- gies for IEQ and Chapter 4, Indoor Environmental Quality, focuses on embodied and operational energy. Chapter 5, Life Cycle Energy Consumption of Buildings; Embodied 1 Operational, of this book looks into the novel approach of sustainable procurement and transport of construction SustainableConstructionTechnologies.DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-811749-1.00001-8 ©2019ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved. 1 2 SustainableConstructionTechnologies material. This chapter discusses on the current approaches, new combinato- rial approach of procurement of construction material, and finally discusses on various case studies. Similarly, Chapter 7, Sustainable Procurement and Transport of Construction Materials, also focuses on material, specifically on cement and cement based material, steel, aluminum, insulation, bricks, and ceramic tiles. Chapter 6, Energy: Current Approach, and Chapter 8, Sustainable Water Use in Construction, focus on sustainable water use and emissions, respectively. These novel and effective technologies need to be adopted into construc- tion to derive results. Therefore, Chapter 9, Material, discusses on the sus- tainable construction technology adoption in detail. Lean principles in construction are discussed in Chapter 10, Emissions, of the book. Finally, Chapter 11, Sustainable Construction Technology Adoption, illustrates on bridging the sustainable construction technologies and heritage with a novel approach to conserve the built environment. 1.2 SIGNIFICANCE OF CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING SECTOR Construction industry plays a major role in a country’s economy. The con- struction industry is one of the backbones of the economy of many countries (Cheung et al., 2001). It provides unique products with significant value. There are two main branches of construction industry, namely building sec- tor and the infrastructure development. These two sectors consume many renewable and nonrenewable ecological resources were harvested, extracted, and productively used (Tatari and Kucukvar, 2012). Building sector satisfies certain social amenities such as houses, schools, hotels, religious and cultural centers, recreational facilities, etc. Infrastructure development provides base for economic activities and transactions by means of developing roads, air- ports,harborbridges, etc. Construction industry is different from other industries due to its unique characteristics such as different types of products, stakeholders, processes, and operating environments (Waidyasekara and Silva, 2014). The products are one-off in nature and usually it is developed based on the client’s requirement. Even the procurement of the product is a lengthy process and not an off-the-shelf arrangement. The life span of buildings depend on series of factors such as quality of components, design level, work execution level, indoor environment, outdoor environment, usage conditions, and mainte- nance level (Langston, 2011). Considering all these facts when assessing the life cycle of a green building Green Building Council of Australia (2015), considers at least a 60-year period of time. Infrastructure development is also a section of construction industry. It has a “knock on” effect on the eco- nomic development of a country and it requires public financial resources as well (Kumaraswamy and Zhang, 2001). Further, government expenditure on infrastructure is enormous because it is capital-intensive (Babatunde, 2018). Introduction Chapter | 1 3 The construction industry is influenced by the government taxes (Zainal et al., 2016)and the economiccondition (Tumanyants,2018). The design of the building needs to be set up catering the client or the developer’s requirements. Further, there are many decisions to be taken regarding the structure, material, and especially the cost of the building. As mentioned earlier, initial costs for buildings are higher. Therefore, except for iconic structures, all most all the building designs significantly focus on the cost impact.Developers always focus on the initial cost of the building. Designstageisverycrucialforthedevelopmentofthebuildinginaneffi- cientandeffectiveway.Thedesignofthebuildinghasasevereimpacttoward the better functioning of the building. Apart from that, during this stage the materials are also selected. Theselectionofmaterials is very much important as it has a significant impact over the cost as well as the environment. Each year, as an example, building construction around the world alone consumes about 40% of the raw stone, gravel, and sand; about 25% of virgin wood and accountforabout40%oftheenergy;andabout16%ofwater.(WorldWatch Institute, 2015). This signifies the impact on environment if the necessary materialandbetterdesignsarenotselectedwithinthedesignstages. As mentioned earlier, buildings have longer life spans. When a building functions, it consumes a lot of energy for lighting, air conditioning, water heating, and so on. Further, it also generates emissions in terms of foul air, waste water, carbon dioxide, etc. US Green Building Council Research Committee (2008) indicates that US buildings are responsible for about 38% of CO emissions, about 71% of electricity consumption, about 39% of 2 energy use, about 12% of water consumption, and about 40% of nonindus- trial waste. This signifies the impact of the buildings toward the environment and the naturalresources. There are certain social impacts visible in ineffective building designs. Sick building syndrome is one of the mainly discussed topics. It includes series of symptoms such as fatigue, frequent headaches, and dryness in skin among workers in modern office buildings and the World Health It includes series of symptoms such as fatigue, frequent headaches, and dryness in skin among workers (Ghaffarianhoseini et al., 2018) and World Health Organization estimates that between 10% and 30% of the occupants of these buildings are affected by this (Lyles et al., 1991). Wong et al. (2009) carried out a survey to report the frequency of residents getting these symptoms for selected building. According to the results, more 30% of the respondents reported that the symptoms were related to their built environment (Wong et al., 2009). As the name itself suggests, this is medical condition affecting occupants of a building, attributed to unhealthy or stressful factors in the working environment such as fresh air ventilation rates, temperature, humid- ity, dust, and the microbial content of the air (Burge, 2004), which is basi- cally due to a poor design. Therefore, by now there is a need to develop quality buildings, which are resource efficient, energy efficient, environmen- tally andsociallysustainable. 4 SustainableConstructionTechnologies 1.3 GREEN BUILDINGS AND ITS LIFE CYCLE There are a lot of definitions put forward to define green buildings. The most recent and widely used definitions are given in Table 1.1. According to Table 1.1, green buildings are structures that are environmentally friendly with efficient use of energy, water, and other resources and providing a bet- ter living and working environment for the occupants. Green buildings focus on Energy (refer Chapter 4: Indoor Environmental Quality), Water (refer Chapter 6: Energy: Current Approach), Indoor Environment Quality (IEQ) (refer Chapter 3: Management), Material (refer Chapter 5: Life Cycle Energy Consumption of Buildings; Embodied 1 Operational and Chapter 7: Sustainable Procurement and Transport of Construction Materials), Emissions (refer Chapter 8: Sustainable Water Use in Construction), and Management (refer Chapter 2: Sustainability in Project management). As an example, sustainable material are selected within the initial decision-making process when finalizing the design specifications. Further, proper ventilation can be provided through a proper building design, which is possible in the design stage of the building life cycle. Emissions can be reduced throughout the operational life of the building by introducing various green building technologies, which are discussed in detail in the upcoming chapters. Better lighting controls and proper air conditioning are provided to the occupants to gain better working environment throughout the operational life. Environmentally and socially responsible deconstruction plan with minimum pollution is executed during the demolition or the dis- posal stage of the building. Each of these aspects required in a green build- ing is achieved withinthe life cycle. Usually, green building construction implies a process that starts in the planning stage and continues after the construction team has left the site (Hill and Bowen, 1997). According to Sterner (2002), there are many aspects to be considered throughout the green building life cycle such as responsibil- ities including managing the serviceability of a building during its lifetime, its possible deconstruction, and the recycling of resources to reduce the waste stream associated with demolition, choice of material, technical solu- tions, construction methods, types of services installation, responsibility for the development of environmentally aware processes by stipulating the requirements under which projects are designed by the clients and develo- pers.These aspects occur at different stages inthe green buildinglife cycle. Life cycle of a building commences with the initial decision-making stage. The life cycle of green buildings is also no exception; it also has a design stage with decision-making process. After the decision-making pro- cess, there is construction phase, whereas actual construction takes place according to the designs and specification. This is then followed by the oper- ational stage of the building. Finally, at the end of the life cycle of the build- ing there is a disposal stage.Green buildingsalso follow the samepattern.

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