SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE Professor PhD GABRIELA TEODORESCU, Romania INTRODUCTION The main objective of this project is to promote the sustainable agriculture has become key words to horticultural and agricultural producers/farmers in Ecuador. The promotion of sustainable agriculture should be a major objective of the agriculture policy that will require enhanced administrative and educational support. Page 2 FACILITIES The significant facilities of the project are a feasibility study in Ecuador based on existing applications of organic farming that would enhance conversion of conventional agriculture in a competitive, organic agriculture. One of the project action is the briefing (teaching studying) of farms (public or private) for organic agriculture technology by using questionnaires and local visits of the farms. Also, dissemination of information about research results in organic agriculture and products. Page 3 Types of AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS Sustainable agriculture (integrated)-intensive production of competitive products, harmonious, friendly relations with the environment. The terms frequently used “sustainable systems" means the scientific, harmonious use of all the technological components: for the work the soil, crop rotation, fertilization, irrigation, pest and disease control through biological methods, including from animal husbandry, storage, processing and use of the residues from agricultural activities, etc., for the achievement of high and stable yields in agriculture (crops and livestock). Page 4 Conventional farming - intensive mechanized, with competitive products, but which rely particularly on concentration and specialization of production. The various components of the system intensively applied technology. Thus, soil aeration during regularly is performed followed by numerous secondary works : seedbed preparation and maintenance during the period of vegetation. Mineral fertilization practice with high doses and very large monoculture, or short rotations at most two, three years, intensive chemical treatment to combat weeds, pests and diseases. Page 5 Organic farming - less aggressive in relation to environmental factors, less competitive economically in the short term, but which are regarded as superior in terms of quality. In relation to the environment, this system is better, the treatments used to combat pests and diseases are biological, however, are accepted and low doses of mineral fertilizers and pesticides. For quality control of products is necessary to certify the technologies used. The products are sold on a special market. Page 6 Extensive agriculture with reduced inputs-subsistence, with a weak competitive production. May affect the environment, including the quality of biomass, especially through the nutrition imbalances. Mineral fertilisers and agrochemical substances (herbicides, insecticidal, fungicidal mineral amendments), etc., are not practically used (or applied only in very small quantities). Also, hybrids and varieties are not performing on the wide scale. Page 7 Precision agriculture - the most advanced form of agriculture that is practiced even in the most developed countries on smaller surfaces, based on the most modern methods of quality control of various environmental resources, the application of optimal time of all the technological components and thus a strict control over prospective factors that would lead to environmental degradation. Page 8 Agriculture Systems Sustainable agriculture systems (integrated) are characterized by a productive activity multisectoral plant production is always in direct relationship with the animal. Sustainable agriculture systems, for the development of productive activities intensive, competitive production results are necessary the following measures: Page 9 great diversity of crop plants, but at the same time varieties and hybrids with high genetic potential and adapt to local conditions, perennial crops are used for both the needs of the livestock sector, as well as for improving and preserving the structural condition of the soil, perennial vegetable crops (and annual) are preferred for improving balance of nitrogen in the soil (the crops are introduced, after the main crop harvesting), Page 10