Sustainability Appraisal of Regional Spatial Strategies and Local Development Documents Sustainability Appraisal of Regional Spatial Strategies and Local Development Documents Guidance for Regional Planning Bodies and Local Planning Authorities November 2005 Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: London The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Eland House Bressenden Place London SW1E 5DU Telephone 020 7944 4400 Web site © Crown Copyright 2005 Copyright in the typographical arrangement rests with the Crown. This publication, excluding logos, may be reproduced free of charge in any format or medium for research, private study or for internal circulation within an organisation. This is subject to it being reproduced accurately and not used in a misleading context. The material must be acknowledged as Crown copyright and the title of the publication specified. 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Printed in the UK on material containing 75% post-consumer waste and 25% ECF pulp ISBN: 185112 7984 Reference No: 05 PD 03432 CONTENTS Abbreviations and Glossary How to use this Guidance Acknowledgements Part 1 Introduction 13 Purpose of this guidance 13 What documents require a sustainability appraisal? 14 Sustainability appraisal and national planning policy 14 The level of detail of a sustainability appraisal 14 Who should do a sustainability appraisal? 15 Sustainability appraisal and other forms of assessment 15 Sustainability appraisal and community involvement 16 Part 2 Applying Sustainability Appraisal to Regional Spatial Strategy Revisions 17 and Local Development Documents 2 APPLYING SUSTAINABILITY APPRAISAL TO REGIONAL 17 SPATIAL STRATEGY REVISIONS 2.1 Overview 17 Introduction 17 Incorporating Sustainability Appraisal within the RSS revision process 18 Joint Working for RSS Revisions 20 Public and stakeholder involvement for sustainability appraisal process and RSS revision 20 2.2 SA Stage A: Setting the context and objectives, establishing the baseline and deciding on the scope 23 RSS Stage 1: Identify the issues for the RSS revision and prepare a project plan, including a statement of public participation 23 2.3 SA Stage B: Developing and refining options and assessing effects 27 RSS Stage 2: Develop options and policies, assess effects and develop the draft RSS revision 27 2.4 SA Stage C: Preparing the Sustainability Appraisal Report 32 2.5 SA Stage D: Consulting on the draft RSS revision and Sustainability Appraisal Report 33 Sustainability Appraisal of Regional Spatial Strategies and Local Development Documents RSS Stages 3, 4 and 5: Submission of the draft RSS revision to the Secretary of State, Examination-in-Public and the Panel report 23 RSS Stages 6 and 7: Publication of proposed changes and issue of revised RSS 24 2.6 SA Stage E: Monitoring the significant effects of implementing 35 the RSS revision RSS Stage 8: Implementation, monitoring and review 35 3 APPLYING SUSTAINABILITY APPRAISAL TO LOCAL 36 DEVELOPMENT DOCUMENTS 3.1 Overview 36 Introduction 36 Transitional Arrangements 37 Applying sustainability appraisal to Development Plan Documents 38 Public and stakeholder involvement 41 3.2 SA Stage A: Setting the context and objectives, establishing the baseline and deciding on the scope of the sustainability appraisal 43 DPD Stage 1: Pre-Production – Evidence Gathering 43 3.3 SA Stage B: Developing and refining options and assessing effects 47 DPD Stage 2: Production: Prepare issues and alternative options 47 3.4 SA Stage C: Preparing the Sustainability Appraisal Report 52 3.5 SA Stage D: Consulting on the preferred options of the DPD and the SA Report 53 3.6 SA Stage E: Monitoring the significant effects of implementing the DPD 56 4 APPLYING SUSTAINABILITY APPRAISAL TO SUPPLEMENTARY 57 PLANNING DOCUMENTS 4.1 Overview 57 Introduction 57 Exemptions for sustainability appraisal of SPDs that have no significant effects 57 Incorporating SA within the SPD process 58 The common use of sustainability appraisal information for SPDs 60 Public and stakeholder involvement for sustainability appraisal and SPDs 61 4.2 SA Stage A: Setting the context and objectives, establishing the baseline and deciding on the scope 63 SPD Stage 1: Pre-Production: Evidence gathering 63 4.3 SA Stage B: Developing and refining options and appraising effects 68 SPD Stage 2: Production: Prepare the draft SPD 68 4.4 SA Stage C: Preparing the Sustainability Appraisal Report 72 4.5 SA Stage D: Consulting on the draft SPD and the SA Report 73 4.6 SA Stage E: Monitoring the significant effects of implementing the SPD 75 Appendix 1 – The SEA Directive’s requirements 76 Appendix 2 – Screening and possible exemptions from the SEA Directive 79 Appendix 3 – Relationship between sustainability appraisal tasks 81 Appendix 4 – Quality Assurance checklist 82 Appendix 5 – Other relevant plans, programmes and sustainability objectives 85 Appendix 6 – Collecting and presenting baseline information and trends 89 Appendix 7 – Sources of baseline information 95 Appendix 8 – Recording sustainability issues and problems 104 Appendix 9 – Devising a sustainability appraisal framework 105 Appendix 10 – Testing the plan objectives 120 Appendix 11 – Developing and appraising the options 122 Appendix 12 – Predicting and appraising effects 130 Appendix 13 – Assessing secondary, cumulative and synergistic effects 137 Appendix 14 – Monitoring 145 Appendix 15 – Reporting 150 References and Further Information 152 Sustainability Appraisal of Regional Spatial Strategies and Local Development Documents List of Figures 1. RSS preparation process 2. Incorporating SA within the RSS revision process 3. Pubic involvement on RSS revisions and SA 4. The DPD preparation process 5. Incorporating SA within the DPD process 6. The common use of SA information for DPDs 7. Public involvement on DPDs and SA 8. The SPD preparation process 9. Incorporating SA within the SPD process 10. The common use of SA information for SPDs 11. Public involvement on SPDs and SA 12. The SEA Directive’s requirements 13. Relationship between the SA tasks 14. Quality Assurance checklist 15. Selected policies, plans, programmes and sources of sustainability objectives 16. Example table for documenting the requirements of other plans and programmes 17. Questions to help decide what baseline information to collect 18. Possible ways of organinsing and presenting baseline information 19. Sources of baseline information 20. Example of documenting key sustainability issues and problems (local level) 21. Examples of LDD and SA objectives 22. Examples of sustainability objectives and indicators for use in a typical SA framework 23. Sources for proposed SA objectives (regional level) 24. Example table to test the compatibility of SA objectives 25. Example matrix for comparing plan objectives against SA objectives 26. Example of discrete options 27. ‘Hierarchy’ of alternatives 28. Example of options 29. Example table of the comparison of options 30. Example table for the assessment of alternatives against SA objectives 31. Illustration of documentation of effects 32. Prediction and appraisal techniques for SA 33. The process of assessing the effects of a plan 34. Example matrix for documenting the appraisal of plan policy 35. Stages of SA and the consideration of secondary, cumulative and synergistic effects 36. Techniques for assessing secondary, cumulative and synergistic effects 37. Example of a table for recording cumulative effects and their causes 38. Example of a table for recording cumulative effects of plan policies against sustainability objectives 39. Example of the structure and contents of the SA Report Sustainability Appraisal of Regional Spatial Strategies and Local Development Documents Abbreviations and Glossary AAP Area Action Plan The Act The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 Adoption statement A statement prepared by the Local Planning Authority notifying the public that the Development Plan Document or Supplementary Planning Document has been adopted. This is required by Regulation 36 for Development Plan Documents and Regulation 19 for Supplementary Planning Document in the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004. A statement on the main issues raised during the consultation on the sustainability appraisal and how these were taken into account in the development of the Development Plan Documents or Supplementary Planning Documents as required by the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive, is recommended to be included in the Adoption Statement. AMR Annual Monitoring Report Consultation statement A statement prepared by a Local Planning Authority for a Supplementary Planning Document under regulation 17 (1) of the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004. DPD Development Plan Document EIA Environmental Impact Assessment is a generic term used to describe environmental assessment as applied to projects. In this guide ‘EIA’ is used to refer to the type of assessment required under the European Directive 337/85/EEC. EiP Examination-in-Public GLA Greater London Authority GO Government Office Indicator A measure of variables over time, often used to measure achievement of objectives. Output indicator An indicator that measures the direct output of the plan or programme. These indicators measure progress in achieving a plan objective, targets and policies. Significant effects indicator An indicator that measures the significant effects of the plan. Contextual indicator An indicator used in monitoring that measures changes in the context within which a plan is being implemented. Abbreviations and Glossary LDD Local Development Document LDF Local Development Framework LDS Local Development Scheme Local Development Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations Regulations 2004. Town and Country Planning (Transitional Arrangements) (England) Regulations 2004. LPA Local Planning Authority (including county councils for the purpose of this guidance). Mitigation Used in this guidance to refer to measures to avoid, reduce or offset significant adverse effects on the environment. Objective A statement of what is intended, specifying the desired direction of change in trends. Option For the purposes of this guidance option is synonymous with ‘alternative’ in the SEA Directive. Plan For the purposes of the SEA Directive this is used to refer to all of the documents to which this guidance applies, including Regional Spatial Strategy revisions and Development Plan Documents. Supplementary Planning Documents are not part of the statutory Development Plan but are required to have a sustainability appraisal. Publication Statement A statement required under regulation 17 (aa) of the Town and Country Planning (Regional Planning) (England) Regulations 2004. PPS11 Planning Policy Statement 11: Regional Spatial Strategies PPS12 Planning Policy Statement 12: Local Development Frameworks Pre-submission A statement prepared by a Local Planning Authority for a consultation statement Development Plan Document pursuant to regulation 28(1)(c) of the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004. Or a statement prepared by a Regional Planning Body for a Regional Spatial Strategy revision under regulation 11 of the Town and Country Planning (Regional Planning) (England) Regulations 2004. Regional Planning Town and Country Planning (Regional Planning) (England) Regulations Regulations, 2004.