LLoonnggwwoooodd UUnniivveerrssiittyy DDiiggiittaall CCoommmmoonnss @@ LLoonnggwwoooodd UUnniivveerrssiittyy Theses, Dissertations & Honors Papers 2012 SSuurrvviivviinngg tthhee EEccoo--AAppooccaallyyppssee:: LLoossiinngg tthhee NNaattuurraall WWoorrlldd aanndd tthhee SSeellff iinn PPoosstt--AAppooccaallyyppttiicc aanndd DDyyssttooppiiaann LLiitteerraattuurree Samantha Drake Longwood University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.longwood.edu/etd Part of the English Language and Literature Commons RReeccoommmmeennddeedd CCiittaattiioonn Drake, Samantha, "Surviving the Eco-Apocalypse: Losing the Natural World and the Self in Post- Apocalyptic and Dystopian Literature" (2012). Theses, Dissertations & Honors Papers. 10. https://digitalcommons.longwood.edu/etd/10 This Honors Paper is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Commons @ Longwood University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses, Dissertations & Honors Papers by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Longwood University. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. Dra1k e SurvitvhEiecn og- ApocLaolsytiphnNsegae t:uW roarlal ndtd h See ilnPf o st-yApptoaicncad l DystoLpiitaenr ature SamantDhraa ke EnglLiisthe rHaotnuoTrrhe'e ss is May2 012 FacuAldtvyiD sroL.ry :n ch Dra2k e Eco-Apoficcatlsiytopantan ipdcafrs rto mt hmey thoalnotdgr yad oifat pioocna lyptic ideiainst a sb seonfrc eeb iPratgahap.nol cyapttriacd iintcilaonu nedsbwe e ginonrri enstgti,an rg ac ycleN-otrahspeeo carleyspiusanlce tl se awnosrewldhd i,Gl reet erka dciltaiwiohmnes n humabnesc amteod oe prtahvweeiydbl ,erl e plbayacn eedrw a cCeh.r isitnicalnauisdtpeyes c ts oft htarta daiswt eilsolin,n,N c oea ha'rfuskn ctiloinakenae dp ocacllyepatnTishccie yn cgl.e requhiurmeastn doie tcyla inbndes e c ourged. Apocalliytpetoriftac ht peua irsnetc lauc dleesao nfts hipeno gp ulbaetfoisroteina n rgt aneAwp.o cafilcytpgitroionciw pnso pulaaftreWirot rWylar dI IT.h oumgohso tft hewsoer ks feataup raer atpioacla wliyrtpohso tembo e gtihcney calgeas iunac,shA l aBsa,b yAl on, CantfoirLc elieb oZwfo irZt azc,h aanrIdAi maL ,e gefincdt,ai coknn owlaebdsgodilenuagtt eh statroet meedr Ognte h.Be e aecxhp lhoorawen su cleexatre rmcianlnae ttaoaidl o int eral apocawliyntpohrs oeo,fom rr eneiwanat la,n gwiabyCl.ue l ttuhreaoPlra iVusiltr sai nldi o SylvLeorterr ci ontighnete e r"mp uwraerd ,e"fi niiatn"s g t phsey chocloongditichtaailto n reswuhletpnse okpnloetw h tahtle iyiv anew orwlhde trhpeeo ssifobrai blsiodtleyus tter uction (e.ngu.c,lh eoalro ceaxui.ss.ptt.u)s.wr aebr e coamnie nst ecrnoanld iapt eiropnse,tt aoutfae l prepaforraa btsioodlneu sttera uncfodtrp i eorns sooncaailna,cdl u ,l tduera(atBlho "1r )gT.,h e concoefpp utwr aetr h eamte rfrgoe:t?ts hn eu cleercaaarb n es eiecnno ntemporary envirofincmteimnoetnra,gla i bnsgod leuawttiehet nhv irocnomnesnctiaTolhu osungehss . nuclweeaarpa olnlsop weeodtp orl eec opgunwriaezer en, v iroannmxeihneatrtsaey lp ltahcee d feaorfn uclaetatiratn c hikem medoisfac cayrr ecseo uorvceersp,o pauntldha teth irooefna ,t glowbaarlm Tihnaegn .x itehfutaeytl EeadrA tbhi adneTdsh omMaasl tEhsussoa'nty h e PrincoifPp olpeuslc aotmibowinin pteuhswr aefr e aarntsdh set afokree nsv ironmental conscigoouu psc noensssi derably. 111111�1,1�1�1�1�111�1111�1�1�1!1]1�1�1�1 1000492318 Dra3k e Frotmh tihsie,d oefaa n e co-apoecmaelrygpesse- eanbvsiorloundtmeeea wntithta hl litttonl ope o ssiobfri elnietTwyha olui.gns h o mcea sleisTk,he Re o ahdu,m faatni ets i iendt o theen viroanbmseondlteu,ato tefth ee nl imitnheaect oe-ss aynssdtp eamhr uemsan Tsh.ee c o apocaelxypplshoeur mecason n necwtiittvhhei ent vyi rownhmetenhnr ete latwiiotntshhh ei p eco-shyasbste eeimnr revsoecvaebTrlheyded i .s ucnrietaayvt eerlsyi teeffreaclt -humanity caonn lsyu rvwiivteah nii ns olcaytciolnfpe gr oduacntcdio onns umapnthdia nosont ,o otlos surviitfvh ceey cilisen terTrhupepu twreaedcr .o ncuenpdte rsanc eocroe-sa poacnadl ypse influetnhlceae nsd stchraeep lea,t wiiottnhhse ehni vpi roannmtdeh dneet t,e riorating civilization. Feeloifrn egssp onfosrit bheienl viitryoc nmreeanap tth ee nomtehnhaoatbns e en popullaarble'ylg erdgeu einTl htce.u 'l tiumrparalec flte ocnbt ostl hi tearnasdtp uerned ing habJiatssKo.in r dbiys cuars escefaesdn i,tnw hi"ccha robffospner to v.i".dp .ee rrsfo rm environmteansstkuascal hsp lanttrietneomgs a kuepfo rt hcea robuotnop faup tl aflniegt hot makuepfo r" enviroinnmdeinstca(rlKe itriObouyncr)su ."l thuabrsee c oemxet recmoenlsyc ious oft hdea mageiffnegoc ftos v erexotfre enssoiuaornnwcd ae sst heafublai ntgdsu ,ia lbtot uhte contiroitnbog u ltowbaarlm ainnpdgo llhuatfusie olnce odm palniickeaesr obfofnps rveoitd ers thtaatr tghegitus i Sltte.pA hsemnia nh, i asr t"iGcrleGeeu niw lrti""t ienss:ot fre ealdi sgiinosu s plagouuicrno gn scwieen nochwe a,vt eht er ansgorfel sesaivtoihwnneasg t reunnri nlge,a ving thlei gohnfat,is l tiorn egc yacnludes ,ip nlga gsrtoiccbe argiysn stoefpa adp (eArs"m Hae) . argtuheeasnt v ironamnexnihtearatsely p lraecleidag nxiioeuatsnya d,ne nvironmentally enligwhotrefalncdeea dsc counfotraw bhiailtbsi e tiiynn gt erapstr heuetn esdp oikmemni nent declfoilnleo wiirnrge spgornepserinab cltei ces. Dra4k e Ase nvironcmoennstcaiglor uosawncseu stgsee laytr oewda trhhdeus m ainm patchte, natoufdr yes toapnpidoa snt -aptoecxdatolas ysw p etlTilhc.o udgyhs tofipcitatinro and itionally featudriessuf nriottmhyn e a tuwroarellc do,- codnyssctioofipucistia iasnol ni ebneactaetudhs ee enviroinasmb esnoetrdn atm asgoeic tda nnol onsgueprp noarttul ridafeu lte oh uman influePnocset.- apptfioicccta foilloylnom wasku essoe fi solmaotviiofrnnog,ma h umoarn cultauproacla lliyGkpeseoe rS,gt ee wEaarrtAt'bhsi daenMsda rSyh elTlheLeya 'sMsta n t,oa moreen compaapsoscianolgfay w phsoeel ceo -syTshRteoe amFd.e, e adn,"d T hPee opolfe SanadnS dl aarges" e itna fu tuirwneh itchhae p ocaolfay nep csoe- shyasostc ecmu rred. Humalnii feis m pabcytt ehldeo osfts h nea tuwroaralln dwd,i thaoneu cto -ssyesrtveaimsn g "commsoant etlofunl cittiewo"in t h(iMnc,C a1r5tt)hh,yhe ,u manoiftt hyefu steu sroec ieties groawmsb iguous. Humanbietcyoi mnehse rleinnktteoltd yh e ec o-syansadtc eomm,b inoafst tiionnt ed evolutteicohnn,o -oprmh oorlbaailpac s,re e aast oecsit ehdtaoyten sofu tn ctaisso tnr ictly humaAn s.t ubdyJy u lWiaarnne "rO,r goanfts h Heu maBnr aCionn,s trbuytc hHteue mda n HandT?hE:ep istoomfollnofogrym Taetcihonnoadllio sgcyau,nxs"is eectsoy n netcot ed informtaetcihonnoS lhsoeug rym.ti esnceohsl o"ghyaa slb seoe cnh aracatsae rrtiizifientcdh i ea l, senosfue n nataunrsdoa mle,t aistm herse at(eWnairnnSgei"rm )i.ls aormfleey te,el c hn"oilno gy, itesx cluosfhi uomnaa cnt iovpiestnu]y[p t, h peo ssiobfaic loimtpya crraibtlwiehq iuicenh s ists onh umaagne n(cWyarn"e rW)a.rn esrt'usds iheotswh taetc hniooslft oesgney ea nsr estrictive tcoo mmuniacnardte iloant iaonnedsv hedinep sst,r tuotc htseie vOlenf.a s imitlharre ad, StepThhaewnir li atbeoswu htah tec al'lgsrt eeecnh nopahnoxbiaiebaton,yua' tn otechnology, geneetnigci neaencrdhi enmgi,ac latletlrhynie an tguw roarIllnG d e.r mian2n 0y0 "8fo,u r unisviet.riv.eo.sl unotradretirhleeygdi ee rnt ictios shtduostw fine lsdt udciietpsiu,nb gl ic Dra5k e presasnutdrh seey stedmeasttircou ftc hteriieorsn e bayar ccthi ovpipsottssoge edn etically modified o(rTghaeSniwiles)dmw.ese n"nfu tr th"ewrr,it thideni gg noifpty l ainntttsho e ir Constistonu otp ieosnt"io crdi idseersae sseic shteamniwtco aubllesud s eodnt hecirro ps (Theili)as.c uTlhtfeeuarr�reafs l y ntihnevtaioscnti honena tupraarlt,i tchuhelu amralny, whircehfl eicntht eps o st-ehluemmaoenfen ctos- apoficcatliyopnt.i c Thaep ocaolfay npe sceo -siynsetxeomir mapbaslcoytc sir eetgya,ro dfsl eelsfs sustaiTnhapebo islti-tchyhu.am raanic ntt heeecr os- apotceaxTlthyRsepo taiFd,ce eadn,"d T he PeoopflS ea nadnS dl asgp"e taotk hr ei osfee n vironcmoennstcaiilont u hsceno enstosef x t gregeuniT lhtce.h arafacctdeee rhsu maneiiztaahtsaeri reo pnl acfoerrm eelnitpg einoauanssc e, StepAhsemna waorugloudraed ,e mons0tfrtahtei onha romftfu al mpeeffwreiictnthgs the natural woErulrdo,pa ecvaatisnis a ttgsha eig nesnte tmiocdailofilreygd an iwsomusal sds ert. Eco-apoficcatleiyxoppntl ihocor tweh see c o-sryesltaetmi,ao nnbdso hdiripeesflst,e h cet dehumaenffiezocifstn esgv eriinn-gtd eetrpheern edleanttwi iotnthhsneh a itpuw roarll d. IE.co-System Thceh araicstoelrfrasot'mti hoeenc o-siyassc teenmtt hreaiml.nae ne co-apocaasl ypse, wealsle xploroafnt eilwoa nnsd socuatpsoeiftsd h neea tuwroarTllh die.s olationt oc ontributes dehumansiizntachtceeih oanr ahcatvneeoor psp orttuorn eimtotivheees m sfreolmiv neosr ganic landstcooa bpseetsrh wveoe r olbjde ctLiavwerleyBn.uc eaelr lg tuhe"astt do i srtehgfaaecr td thhautm caunl tpurroadlui cestm iboend dtehndea tiuwnro arillts deo n tear tsaeilnve icstiiovne thpalta hcuemsa niknaip nrde -Coperniocfca enn ptoridsatoli enitsotid tyoe ns erve" (Buell, 109T0h)iv.si soifco enn traansldui ptoeyrr ioitvyet rhn ea tuwroarilltsd h s ee tfotriFn egea dn d Dra6k e "ThPee ooplfSe a nadnS dl awgh,i"Tl heRe o adde monstthraeaft etre-se offfte hcitss assumpStoicoinae.nt tyh'rso paotcteiantnteudrnd itecr awpimteahnm iten t roploalnidtsacna pe letaoad l ienfraotmti heoenn v iroanmniedasn m ta jcoorn tritbotu hcteri eoanot fpi oosnt humans. Thaen throptorceeantotfmtr ehinnecat t uwroarilles dx pliondr eepdst ihn,tc hee resuelntviinrgo ndmeesnttriautslch tceia otnafo lrdy eshtu manSiozcaitieintotyne'.rs a ctions witthhs ey ntohrre etmiaci nnaitnulgra sancdla aplel ionwssii ngtthhotwe i thdfrroamtw hael natuwroaralln drd e vetahlleos nt ge remff eocfat nst hropocDerKn.lt arBuiescn iessmc.h commeonnwt hsah teb eliteobv eae nes r ronaetotuist ude: Whawtec a"lnla thuarasel "w baeyesacn u ltcuornasltt hrhauetcl ttp ome eda sure humpanr ogarnecdsi sv ilriaztaththeidaroen nn aonti en depernedaoelunmtt s ide orb eyotnh.hdeu maFnr.ot mh piesr spescctiievdneit,si cfiocav nedr y technoplrooggidrconea oslmts a rafk u ratlhieern fraotmti hnoean t ubruaatnl ever-girnevaotlevireni m t(e.Bn etn e4s3c9h),. Thaen thropoactetnidtterusidccerc iobnietbdrut tooe vse r-exotfre enssoiuaornncd e s overpopEucloa-taipoonfic.ca tlriyeopsntp ibocynp dosr trtahdyeei tnrgi emffeenoctftta hsli s ideoilnto hgseye totfit nhnega tuworraTllhd e.es ceo -aposcoacliyteprttetiiahenctesa tural worpludr aesalc yo mmodainttdhy ee,ff eicests tabilntih sbeha erldra ennd sTchatepe ex.t s demonsatnar natther oproecleanttwirioittnchhsn eha itpuw roaralln dtd,h h ea zaorfd s priorhiutmiapznri onggor veeassr sy mbiroetliact wiointtshheh eci op- system. Thtee chnoleonhgaincccaehldal ryai cnMt .Te .Ar nsd erFseoenvd'i set whn ea tuwroarll d asa ne xpenrdeasbolEuear ccoheft . hc eh arachtaaes' r fese d'·iimntp hlebairnratt iehnda t alltohwestm oi nsmteasnstoa ngaeen otwhaetrtc,eh l evainsmdia okpneu, r chaalwslie tsh in Dra7k e themiirn Tdhsce.h antghehisasm s a dient hmee ntaolfpi etoispeulsre f wahceTenis t ruess ponds witbha fflemeevnetan,n gteoarl ,a ndspcaaipn"et nionIwsg a:tw h tahtew raens o o noent he boawth,iw cahes v emno rset uapniwdda ,ks i nodfh owIfe ltth,ta htse a iwlesru epa ,n tdh e rudwdaeswr,e lwlh,av tereru ddaerbreus,tt h ewraens o o noenb oatrlod o oaktt h heo rizon" (Ande4r9sT)oi.nt c,ua sn finnovdta liunaep ainwtiitnhdgoi urhteu cmtma ont iivnecso rporated, as trroenflge cotfhi isoson c iveatlyou'fees f ficiTehnseca ymi.ed ecaalbnses eewnh eTni tus' fathaesrk" sdy:oo kun ohwo ewx pentsrieaverense e ,tx ota na ifarc to(r1y2?E5"art) h.'n sa tural proceasrisene esf fiacniuden ndte rvaluetdop- rroedcduoucmctpe ardi bsaosonenscd o st efficiTehnpecr ye.d omvianliaufunsnec t t iona-ifaarcn t ofruyn cmtoiroeenf sfi citehnatnl y treLeiskB.ee nedsecshc rtihsbeoe csiu,en tdye rsntaatonundrlaseysa w atyom eashuurmea n accomplishments. Efficioevnepcrry e sercvanaa ltbsieoso enei nnP auBlaoc igaslhuosprtito"' rTsyh e PeoopflS ea nadn Sdl awgh,i"tc akhe psl aicnaew orwlidtn hor emaiencion-gs ayftsetre m weevitletcehcnhao lllooghwyue mdat noes aa tn yitnhg--d-ieTrvhtebe.ni olMougsiarrhsatf desctrhiabene tsh creonpatotrtiictt ouwdaterh ndeas t uwroarwllh deh nee xpltahiweno srt kh at goeisnk teoe pail nigvo irngga nailis"vmme a:n ufacatb uarsoiirncgg a nfoiosdim qs'u si te compClleexra.on o masifi,rl tsepreslc,ii ga(lh4 t7sT)"h.e e c osyisastm eamto tfee cro nomy wheinit ns o l onfigsecra plrlayc ititids co analew, a wyi tLhi.kF ee euds'oesfa ifarc totrhiee s, biolotgwiecatakotls hh eu mbaond hya vael lofowrte hdee n virotnobm ete rnetaa stae d functimoencahla nainwsdhm e,pn r esetrhnveai tnugwr oarillns do l onegfefirc tihesentyt o,p . "ThPee oopflS ea nadnS dl aagl"rs eos ptooBn ednse sacrhg'usmi entn etro mfps u re resocuorncseu mTphtleia onnd.si cn"a TphPeee oopflS ea nadnS dl apgo"r ttrhaey s consumopfrt eisoonui rntc hseees t otfui nncgh esctkrmeiidpn iTnhgce.o mp'afusnn yctiiso n Dra8k e theraepfoprreo prmiiantioenp-gea r aatnii nodnut,sh traretyq uaid reesstr uicmtpioavncte th e eco-saynspdth eyms imcaanlilpyut lheaent viinrgo Tnhmoeutnghtahe.c tpuuarlp oofSs ees sC o' operaarteni eovndesir r eacdtdlryeB sasceidg,du elsucptrihi pebh eyss iimcpaoalnct th e enviro"nmmiennriton:bgr o utmsb blaecadkn fo dr trhi,p pdienegip nettrho ee a rttuhrn,ii ntg inatm ou sohft ailainrndog caskc t ihdta htel yei ftne xpopsoendwd hse tnh heiyt thw ea ter tabolrpe i,li entdth oo usamnodu-anfoitonts coafwp aesssto ei( lB"a cig4a3El)vu.ep tnih ,e earctrhu'issbst e imnagn ipualftaettrhee ecd o syhsabtsee emd ne strTohypeee do.ip ntlh ei s dystowpoirhalandvs eos triEpapretrdhe 'sso utrhBcaeetns e csohm'mse nhtabaser eyn outdateendv-itrhoenn olm oennsgtee rrav saem sa rokfh umparno gsriensecsve,et nht ee rrain habse eanb usaenrdde shbaepyeordne dc ognition. Com1MaccCka rtchoyn'tbsre atswstet ealnra kn goufta hgpeer esaentndht re i icmha gery ofm emormiaektseh l ea ndssccaepsneted aso n uatm otnhgre e osftt h tee rdsiec tiinto hpneo st apocanloyvpTethliRe co aTdh.de i stibnecttwiteohedneni ffetroennaetls l foorwt shs ee tttoi ng bed isplianly aendg tuhadagetep afrrotmts ht eh ipredr lsiomni otfte hrdee osftt h neo vel. McCarwtrhiaytp eafrsro tmt hset ruglgilvoieftns hrg ee maihnuimnatgnol s o oobkj ecatti vely thdee vasrteaatolifaind tgey s treocyoet-des yms: Thseo bflta tcakbl lcet wh rotuhsgeth r leiesktqesu i inkud n coiallioanns gge a flooarnt dh ceo clrde dpotwa nn tdh dea rcka meea ralntydh sec avepnagsesrisn g dowtnhs et eceapn ywointtshh etiorr cthrseoisdl hkoyli ents hd er iaftsethdh at clobseehdti hnedsm i leanset yleOysu o.tn t hreo atdhpsei lgsraindmkos w ann d felolv earndd i aendtd h bel eanadks hroeuadrewtdeh nt tr unpdaltsihtnse gu n anrde turnaegdaa istn r acaknladesu s nsr emaarstk hpeead ot fha nnya meless sisteirntw hoaern lcdid eanrbtke yo(nMdc.C a1r8t1h)y , Dra9k e Becatuhsneea rraptuilotlnhps ee rspaewcatfryio vmte hi em medsiiattueba yet xipoann tdoai ng univpeerrssavplee t,chs teti rughgulmiaannrgpse r eseansjt uaesndto tphaeorrftt h dey ing ecosyTshtpeei ml.g arrimeme sn tiiontn hseead m oeb jedcetsicvreai stp htpeih oyns ical movemoeftn htwe i nadnt dh oer boifst t aTrhsip.sa sstaagkaeed si ffearpepnrtto oa ch dismitshtseri nega tomfne antatusa rm ee asoufhr uem parno gbryge isvsti hnrege adave irssu al tasotfhe o iwn consehquumelanintife tis ota hlue n ivlearnsdaslHc uampaaenr.sde e scraisb ed indistinfrgoumti hesech oa-bslnyeos mtto erimem, p ortoarrn ets pofonrsi itTb.hlo eeb jective passuangbea ltahnaecn etsh roptorceeantotmftr ehienecnt vo inrmebnyrt e vetrhsreio nalgne d showhiunmgaa nsasp arto fn atpurroacle MscsCeasrr.te hmyot vherese adfreormts h eir invesitntm hehenu tm lainv oefts hs et oarneydx patnhdepsie rr spteroce tvitevhameelo vement ofm assmeasnt yi mleasrt gheEaran r otrih tl si vrienmga Tihnoesb .j eacntidim vpea ssive landsicasan ap reg umaegnatia nnsttho rcoepntricism. Thlea ndsicnFa epe"edT ,hP ee oopflS ea nadnS dl aagn,Td"h Reo acdo mbianneds contirmaasgoteftss h n ea tuwroarwlli dts hy ntohrbe atrisrcee tnt Tihnlega sn.d socffaepre s paradcooxmibcianloa ftt hioeor ngsaa nniidnc o rgtaoen xipclt ohereffe e ocfat lsi enfraotmi on thnea tuwroaralln did tr so ilnee v endteuhaulm anTihziean tfieoernct.oi -lseby asartp ser mo cess oft ransforfmotarhtp eir oont agtohonutighsthete ,n sbieotnwt ehenena tuarnsday ln thetic inditchapetr eosbi lisent m h een viroannmndeo tntht ce h araNcotretrFh.rr yoperp o pionhs iess popuAlnaart oofmC yr ittihctaihtsne ma rr"abteigviienanw so rrledp reassaen notremda l wormlodv,ie nstt hoge r eweonr glodei,sn a tm oe tamortphheiornwse hi istc hhce o smic resoliuastc ihoinea vnreded t,ut rnot shn eo rmwaolr l(dF"r1 y8e2,W) i.t haog urtew eonr tlod alltohcweh aratcort eemrotsvh ee msfreolmtv heiesn orglaannidcse cnaoputegor h e folnei ctt objectthicevh ealeryra,asc b'ti tloci htayni gssei gnifisctainflteldy.