Survey on Food Allergies and Thresholds 1. Tell us about yourself. Response Response Percent Count I am an adult with food allergies. 20.3% 1,131 I am the parent/guardian of a child/children with food 84.7% 4,722 allergies. I am a caregiver to a child with food allergies, but not the 3.5% 195 parent/guardian (e.g. grandparent, babysitter, older sibling) Other (please specify) 3.9% 215 answered question 5,578 skipped question 0 2. How many people in your household have food allergies? Rating 0 1 2 3 4+ Count 66.0% 27.1% Adults 6.1% (338) 0.6% (36) 0.2% (11) 5,578 (3,681) (1,512) 68.3% Children 11.5% (640) 17.7% (986) 2.1% (119) 0.5% (26) 5,578 (3,807) answered question 5,578 skipped question 0 1 of 390 3. Please select the foods to which each individual is allergic. Check all that apply. Tree Milk Egg Peanut Wheat Soy Fish Shellfish Other Nuts 28.9% 30.0% 68.1% 59.9% 12.6% 13.0% 8.8% 18.7% 34.8% Person one (1,603) (1,666) (3,777) (3,322) (696) (719) (487) (1,038) (1,927) 28.8% 28.1% 51.8% 47.5% 15.2% 12.6% 8.3% 17.8% 37.7% Person two (573) (558) (1,031) (944) (302) (251) (166) (355) (749) 33.6% 24.6% 39.3% 37.8% 19.4% 13.3% 9.0% 18.4% 44.2% Person three (194) (142) (227) (218) (112) (77) (52) (106) (255) 33.3% 25.5% 37.6% 33.9% 24.8% 14.5% 7.9% 17.0% 51.5% Person four (55) (42) (62) (56) (41) (24) (13) (28) (85) answered question skipped question 4. The food allergy/ies in your family were diagnosed by (check all that apply): Response Response Percent Count Allergist 87.8% 4,900 Family Physician 10.9% 608 Pediatrician 34.1% 1,900 Emergency Physician 18.2% 1,013 Self-diagnosis 16.3% 908 Other (please specify) 4.8% 270 answered question 5,578 skipped question 0 2 of 390 5. How long ago was the diagnosis of the food allergy? If more than one family member is food-allergic, how long ago was the first diagnosis of food allergy? Response Response Percent Count <1 year 6.9% 387 1-3 years 22.7% 1,265 4-9 years 40.3% 2,250 10+ years 30.0% 1,676 answered question 5,578 skipped question 0 6. Has anyone in your household ever experienced an allergic reaction to a food? (For the purposes of this question, please do not consider a positive skin test alone, without a reaction from the food, to be an allergic reaction.) Response Response Percent Count Yes 97.1% 5,418 No 2.9% 160 answered question 5,578 skipped question 0 3 of 390 7. Has anyone in your household ever experienced a severe food allergy reaction, such as anaphylaxis; difficulty breathing; a drop in blood pressure; swelling of the tongue, lips, face or throat; loss of consciousness; or shock? Response Response Percent Count Yes 70.2% 3,916 No 29.8% 1,662 answered question 5,578 skipped question 0 8. Do you purchase pre-assembled or processed food, such as crackers, cookies, mixes, breads, frozen entrees, canned goods, candy, waffles, cereals, etc.? Response Response Percent Count Yes 96.0% 5,354 No 4.0% 224 answered question 5,578 skipped question 0 4 of 390 9. How often would you purchase a product (intended for your family member who has food allergies) if the food label contained the phrases below. Please note that the word "allergen" should be understood as the specific allergen(s) to which your family member with food allergies is allergic (e.g., peanut, egg, milk, etc.) Rating Never Sometimes Always Count a. "Contains Allergen" 97.8% (5,437) 1.7% (95) 0.5% (26) 5,558 b. "Contains Allergen Ingredients" 97.4% (5,414) 2.1% (117) 0.5% (26) 5,557 c. "May Contain Allergen" 90.1% (4,995) 9.2% (510) 0.7% (41) 5,546 d. "May Contain Traces of Allergen" 85.7% (4,757) 13.0% (719) 1.3% (73) 5,549 e. "Manufactured in a Facility that 59.1% (3,277) 34.9% (1,936) 6.0% (335) 5,548 Also Processes Allergen" f. "Manufactured in a Facility that 60.3% (3,340) 33.5% (1,853) 6.2% (345) 5,538 Also Uses Allergen" g. "Manufactured on the Same Equipment as Products Containing 82.5% (4,582) 14.7% (815) 2.8% (155) 5,552 Allergen" h. "Manufactured on Shared Equipment with Products Containing 82.9% (4,612) 14.5% (806) 2.6% (142) 5,560 Allergen" i. "Manufactured on a Line that Processes Products Containing 82.2% (4,551) 15.2% (843) 2.6% (144) 5,538 Allergen" j. "Packaged in a Facility that Also Packages Products Containing 58.3% (3,223) 35.3% (1,953) 6.4% (356) 5,532 Allergen" k. "Free From Allergen" 2.5% (138) 16.0% (883) 81.5% (4,489) 5,510 l. "Allergen Free" 2.5% (136) 17.5% (966) 80.0% (4,408) 5,510 m. "Good Manufacturing Practices Used to Segregate Ingredients in a 24.1% (1,334) 41.8% (2,318) 34.2% (1,894) 5,546 Facility that also Processes Allergen" answered question 5,578 5 of 390 skipped question 0 10. How knowledgeable do you think you are about allergen thresholds? Response Response Percent Count Not knowledgeable 28.3% 1,578 Somewhat knowledgeable 45.7% 2,551 Very knowledgeable 22.7% 1,267 Expert 3.3% 182 answered question 5,578 skipped question 0 11. Based on what you know about thresholds, how do you feel about them? Response Count 2,881 answered question 2,881 skipped question 2,697 12. Current law requires that food labels identify the food source names of all major food allergens used to make the food. Response Response Percent Count True 70.1% 3,909 False 18.2% 1,014 I don't know 11.7% 655 answered question 5,578 skipped question 0 6 of 390 13. Advisory labeling such as "may contain soy" or "this product is produced on equipment shared with tree nut products" is mandated by law. Response Response Percent Count True 26.3% 1,467 False 57.2% 3,190 I don't know 16.5% 921 answered question 5,578 skipped question 0 14. Advisory labeling is not based on specific amounts of the allergen present in the foods. Response Response Percent Count True 63.3% 3,531 False 8.6% 477 I don't know 28.1% 1,570 answered question 5,578 skipped question 0 7 of 390 15. Scientific thresholds exist to determine how much food would cause an allergic reaction. Response Response Percent Count True 18.5% 1,030 False 39.8% 2,220 I don't know 41.7% 2,328 answered question 5,578 skipped question 0 16. Would you purchase a food that contains the allergen(s) you are avoiding if you could be assured that the amount of that allergen present in the food is not capable of triggering an allergic reaction? Response Response Percent Count Yes 17.1% 955 No 64.8% 3,615 I don't know 18.1% 1,008 answered question 5,578 skipped question 0 8 of 390 17. Would you purchase a food that contains the allergen(s) you are avoiding if you could be assured that the amount of that allergen present in the food is only capable of triggering a mild allergic reaction, such as tingly lips or an itchy throat? Response Response Percent Count Yes 2.2% 120 No 93.3% 5,203 I don't know 4.6% 255 answered question 5,578 skipped question 0 18. Thank you for providing your feedback. Please include any additional comments below Response Count 1,804 answered question 1,804 skipped question 3,774 9 of 390 10 of 390