Survey on Classical Inequalities Mathematics and Its Applications Managing Editor: M. HAZEWINKEL Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Volume 517 Survey on Classical Inequalities by Themistocles M. Rassias Department of Mathematics, National Technical University ofA thens, Zografou Campus, Athens, Greece ~. " SPRINGER-SCIENCE+BUSINESS MEDIA, B.V. A c.I.P. Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. ISBN 978-94-010-5868-1 ISBN 978-94-011-4339-4 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-94-011-4339-4 Printed on acidjree paper AII Rights Reserved © 2000 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht OriginaIly published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 2000 No pact of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording Of by any information stofage and retrievaI system, without written permis sion from the copyright owner. Contents Preface ................................................. VII Lyapunov Inequalities and their Applications Richard C. Brown and Don B. Hinton ............................ 1 Classical Hardy's and Carleman's Inequalities and Mixed Means Aleksandra CiimeSija and Josip Pecaric ......................... 27 Operator Inequalities Associated with Jensen's Inequality Frank Hansen ............................................. 67 Hardy-Littlewood-type Inequalities and their Factorized Enhancement LaszlO Leindler ............................................9 9 Shannon's and Related Inequalities in Information Theory M Mafic, C. E. M Pearce and J. Pecaric ....................... 127 Inequalities for Polynomial Zeros Gradimir V. Milovanovic and Themistocles M Rassias ............. 165 On Generalized Shannon Functional Inequality and its Applications Prasanna K Sahoo ........................................ 203 Weighted Lp -norm Inequalities in Convolutions Saburou Saitoh ........................................... 225 Index ................................................... 235 v Preface Survey on Classical Inequalities provides a study of some of the well known inequalities in classical mathematical analysis. Subjects dealt with include: Hardy-Littlewood-type inequalities, Hardy's and Carleman's inequalities, Lyapunov inequalities, Shannon's and related inequalities, generalized Shannon functional inequality, operator inequalities associated with Jensen's inequality, weighted Lp- norm inequalities in convolutions, inequalities for polynomial zeros as well as applications in a number of problems of pure and applied mathematics. It is my pleasure to express my appreciation to the distinguished mathematicians who contributed to this volume. Finally, we wish to acknowledge the superb assistance provided by the staff of Kluwer Academic Publishers. June 2000 Themistocles M. Rassias Vll LYAPUNOV INEQUALITIES AND THEIR APPLICATIONS RICHARD C. BROWN Department of Mathematics, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0350, USA. email address:[email protected] DON B. HINTON Department of Mathematics, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996, USA. email address: [email protected] Abstract. For nearly 50 years Lyapunov inequalities have been an important tool in the study of differential equations. In this survey, building on an excellent 1991 historical survey by Cheng, we sketch some new developments in the theory of Lyapunov inequalities and present some recent disconjugacy results relating to second and higher order differential equations as well as Hamiltonian systems. 1. Introduction Lyapunov's inequality has proved useful in the study of spectral properties of ordinary differential equations. Typical applications include bounds for eigenvalues, stability criteria for periodic differential equations, and estimates for intervals of disconjugacy. We will discuss several of these applications below. As usually stated this inequality is embodied in the following result. Theorem A. If y is a nontrivial solution of the boundary value problem L(y) :=y"(t) + q(t)y(t) = 0 (1.1) y(a) = y(b) = 0, 1991 Mathematics Subject Classtfication. Primary 34ClO, 26DlOj Secondary 34L05, 34L15. Key words and phrases. Lyapunov inequalities, disconjugacy intervals, stability, Green's functions, Opial inequalities, Hamiltonian systems, eigenvalues. T.M. Rassias (ed.), Survey on Classical Inequalities. 1-25. © 2000 Kluwer Academic Publishers. 2 where q(t) is real and continuous, then r b 4 (1.2) Ja Iq(t)ldt> b-a· Furthermore the constant 4 in (1.2) is sharp in that it cannot be replaced by a larger number. As noted first of all by Wintner [50] and subsequently by several other authors, application of the Sturm Comparsion Theorem allows the replacement of Iql in (1.2) by q+, the positive part of q. Although the attribution of Theorem A to Lyapunov is standard, e.g., [27], [40], and [43,45,46], it was pointed out by Cheng [11], that Lyapunov neither stated or proved Theorem A. Rather he was concerned with the stability of solutions of (1.1) when q(t) is periodic of period T. He proved that if q(t) in (1.1) is nontrivial, continuous, nonnegative, and of period T, then the condition r (1.3) Jo T q(t) dt ~ T4 implies that the roots of the characteristic equation corresponding to (1.1) are purely imaginary with modulus unity. By Floquet theory one can then show that this means that all solutions of (1.1) are bounded on (-00,00). These results may be found Lya punov's famous paper Problem general de la stabilite du mouvement [32, p. 406]. His proof requires the calculation of series expansions of the coefficients in the characteris tic equation. We will give in section 2 another way to arrive at the original Lyapunov theorem and to give other related stability criteria. As also observed by Cheng, Borg [5] proved a version of Theorem A that he attributes to Beuding and in which the inequality (1.2) is replaced by the equivalent inequality l I (1.4) b Iy-l(l(-t)) dt> -b4- . a Y t - a Borg's proof is particularily simple. We give a slightly edited version. He starts with the inequalities lb IY~~~) I dx> (IlYlloo)-llb ly"(X) Id x ld (1.5) > (llylloo)-l yl/(x) dxl = Iy'(d) - y'(c)1 for arbitrary a ~ c < d ~ b. Now let IIYlloo = y(f). By Rolle's Theorem we can choose a < c < [ and [ < d < b such that y'(c) = Ilylloo t- a -y'(d) = IIYII",:_ b-t 3 Combining this with (1.5) we get that l I b lyll(X) 1 1 (1.6) -- dx>--+-- a y(x) (i-a) (b-t) 4 >-b-' -a the last inequality following by minimization of the right hand side of (1.6) with respect to t. This seems to be the first proof of "Lyapunov's inequality" to appear in the literature. Borg went on to use (1.4) to give a new and much shorter proof of the Lyapunov stability theorem. To sketch the main idea, if we assume without loss of generality that the period of q(t) is 7f and that an unstable solution y of (1.1) exists, then one can show that y either has no or infinitely many zeros such that the distance between adjacent zeros does not exceed 7f. In this case (1.4) contradicts (1.3). (The case when y has no zeros is disposed of by an integration by parts argument which is independent of (1.3) or (1.4).) The Beurling-Borg inequality (1.4) has been extended by Borg [6] who showed that 1 I 1 yll(t) {2VkcotVkJ/2, if k E (-00, (7f/l)2) (1. 7) I--+k dt> o y(t) - k(l-7f/Vk), ifkE[(7f/l)2,00) is also a necessary condition that the boundary value problem (1.1) with a = 0 and b = l have a nontrivial solution y. A calculation shows that as k ---. 0 Borg's inequality approaches (1.4). A simplified proof of (1.7) has been given by Cordes [15]. Another generalization of the basic Lyapunov inequality (1.2) is due to Hartman and Wintner [26, Chap. 11 §5]. Let m(t) > 0 be continuous on [a, b] and y be a nontrivial solution of (1.1) then (1.8) where . f m(t) ,- m - tE[a,bj (t - a)(b - t)" Evidently this inequality is just (1.2) when m(t) = 1. Also in a nonstability application of (1.2), Hartman, Hartman and Wintner, and other authors have used it to give esti mates of the number of zeros of a solution of (1.1). (see [26, Chap. 11 §5] and references therein.) In Section 2 we will give three approaches to (1.2). Each of these leads to considerable extension of (1.2), and will include some recent results. Other proofs of (1.2) include that of Borg [5], and a Riccati equations approach of Wintner [50]. Following Cheng, we will stick with the common useage and refer to (1.2) as Lyapunov's inequality. In Section 3 we use a recently developed theory of nonhomogeneous Opial inequalities to develop 4 a generalized Lyapunov inequality for boundary value problems satisfying non-Dirichlet boundary conditions. Examples will include y(a) = y'(b) = 0, y'(a) = y'(b) = 0, or y(a) +y(b) = 0 and y'(a) +y'(b) = O. Section 4 discusses the extension of (1.2) to linear Hamiltonian systems, and in Section 5 we explore various ways in which (1.2) may be extended to higher order equations. We use the notation AC[a, b], .c[a, b], £P[a, b], or .cOO [a, b] for the spaces which are respec tively absolutely continuous, Lebesgue integrable, Lebesgue-p, 1 ::; p < 00, integrable, or essentially bounded real functions on the interval [a, b] and denote the usual norms of these spaces by 1I(-)llp, 11(-)1100 or 11(-)lIp,[, 11(-)1100,[ if the interval I is not clear from the context. The superscript T indicates matrix transpose. The matrix inequality B ~ 0 indicates that B is a positive semi-definite symmetric matrix. For a real scalar function or a real symmetric matrix function F(t), F+(t) stands for ~ [F(t) + JF(t)2]. 2. Lyapunov inequalities for second order scalar equations At least six proofs of (1.2) are known besides Borg's; for a survey of them we refer the reader to [11]. In this section we develop three more methods for proving Lyapunov's inequality which will yield new generalizations of (1.2). The first of these uses a one dimensional Sobolev inequality which allows powers of q in (1.2). The second method uses Opial's inequality which allows cancellation of the positive and negative parts of q and gives a better inequality than Wintner's extension of (1.2). The final method develops a Green's function approach. 2.1 Lyapunov Inequalities via a Sobolev Inequality. We begin by stating the following Sobolev-Hardy inequality on [a, b]. The general form of this inequality is well known. What is significant is the characterization of the best constant K = K(p, r) which may be found in Talenti [48]. Proposition 2.1. Let 1 :::; P :::; 00 and 1 < r < 00. Ify E AC[a,b], y(a) = y(b) = 0, and Ily'llr < 00 then l b) (l b) ( l/p l/r (2.1) ly'P dx ::; K(b - a)H1/p-1/r ly"r dx where p(l + r' /p)1/r r(l/p + l/r') K(p, r) = 2(1 + p/r')l/pr (l/p)r(l/r')' p =J 00, where r is the gamma function. REMARK 2.1. Note that for p = 00 we have K(oo,r) = lim K(p,r) = 1/2. p--+oo Moreover K(2, 2) = 1/7f. The existence of extremals for (2.1) can be shown by conven tional weak convergence arguments. See for example [7]. When p = 00 and 1 < r < 00