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Survey Design and Analysis: Principles, Cases and Procedures PDF

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SURVDEEYIS GN ANDA NALYSIS PRINCIPCLAESSE,AS N DP ROCEDURES ByH erbeHrytm an COLUMBIAUNIVEISITY WitaFh o rebwPoaruFdl. Lo, zarsfeld _y THI: FREPER ESNSe,w Y ork Collier-MLaicmmiitLleoldna,dn o n ToH elen Copyr©i g1h9t5b5yT heF rePer ess A DIVISIOOFN T HEM ACMILLACNO MPANY Prinitnte hdU en itSetda otfeA sm erica Alrli grhetsse rNvoep da.ro tft hibso omka yb er eprodourtc readn smiinta tneyfd o romr b y anym eanesl,e ctorrom neicch aniinccallu,pd hiontgo corpeycionrgdo,ir bn yag n,y i nformation storaangrdee triseyvsatwlei mt,h poeurtm issiinwo rni tfirnogtm h e Publisher. Collier-MCaocmmpialLnltyad,Tn. o ,r onOtnot,a rio LibroafrC yon gressC aCraNdtu amlboe5gr5 :- 10996 pringnt uimnber 9I O Preface THIS BOOKi st hper oduocftt w elyveea orfss urvreeys earch experiAesnt chewe.r itgerro pteoad p phliyts r aintiosn ugr voefym sa ntyy pes ina numbeorfd ifferceonutn threif easc,me adn ypr oblfeomwrsh ichhed id noth avteh ean swearnsdl earntehrdo uhgahr edx periseonmcoeef t hea na- _l ytpirci nciwphliechshe h ash erper esenWtheadt.e vmeerr itth eb oomka y haviest hep roduocftt h eyseea orfse xperiaenndoc fet hes timulaantdi on guidaonfcc eol leaignau neusm beorfa gencMiye dse.b itsg retaott hPer o­ graSmu rvDeiyvsi soifto hnDe e partmofeA ngtr icualntdut rhMeeo raDliev i­ sioonfst hGee rmaann d JapSatnreasteBe ogmibci Snugr vewyist,hw ihni cIh workeandd,t oR ensLiisk ehreta,od ft heasgee ncainedas m,o nogt hetross u ch clofsrei eannddsc olleaigntu heesas gee ncaisRe isc haCrrdu tchfiDealndi,e l Katazn dD aviKdr ecShi.m ilmayre lxyp,e riientn hcSeeu rvDeiyvsi soifto hne Officeo fW arI nformahtaibsoe nei nn valutaomb ela en dI wistho s pecially acknowlmeyd agses ociwaittiEhol nm oW ilsocnh,i oefft haDti visainodn, agaiDna,n iKealt Mzy.l oncgo nnecwtiitothnh eNa tioOnpailn iRoens earch Centoeftr h Uen iverosfCi htiyc ahgaosb e etnh seo urocfme u cho fm yp ro­ fessitornaailna inndIg e speciaaplplrye ctihaeat ses ociwaittiChol ny dWe. HarDti,r ecatnodPr a,u Bl. S heatasnldeH eyr beSrtte mbmeyrc ,o -worikne rs thaotr ganizOaptpioornt.u tnoip triaecstt ihtcere a odrep rofesosfai s ounr vey analaylssctoa mmey w ayi nt hceo urosfoe t hreers eaurncdhe rtianNk oernw ay, AustrtihUaen, i tSetda atnesdJ apaann dt ot hfer ieannddcs o lleaigntu heess e undertaIk oiwneag sd ebotf g ratitTuodo et.h efrr ieannddsc olleaogfu es thoyseea trosmo,a ntyo b en ameIda ,m a lsgor eaitnldye bted. Myo bligattomi yot nesa chienPr ssy choalnodSg oyc iPasly choalrogegr ye at. Morep articumlya trrlayi,n ingF .Su .nK deelrlO etrt,Ko l ineberg, Gardner Murphayn dJ ohVno lkmamnunsb te a cknowledged. sources Thesceo nsttihtieun ttee llectufarlo wmh icthh iwso rskt emHso.w . iv PREFACE eveirtw, a Psa uFl.L azarswfheopl rdo vitdheiedn spirfaottrih oiansc tuwaolr k andt hseu ppfoortrth uen dertaIknai dndgi.t hiiossne ,n sittoitv hiuetn ys olved trainpirnogb loefms st udeanntdhs i ism aginaatsti oto nhd ei recat sioolnu ­ tiomnu stta kwea sa fruistofuurloc fge u idainnct eh wer itoifnt gh iwso rk. Foarl tlh erseea sIoo nwseh, i ma s pecdieaboltf g ratiTtouP daet.r Kiecnidaa ll, Ia lshoa vae s peciinadle bteAd nmeasnsu.s cwrhiipctsh h hea dp repaorne d probloefsm usr vey awnaasml aydsaeiv asi ltaotb hlweer itaenrdw ast hbea sis foar n umbeorfs ectinoonwis n corpoirnat theepd r esweonrtk , niont ably ParItI aIn dA ppendDi.Hx e rc ontribtuott hiivoson l uimses oc onsiderable thaitti ss peciaaclklnyo wliendt ghteeed x Wth.i lPea uLla zarsafnedPl adt ricia Kendaalrtleh urse sponfsoimrbu lceih n t hivso lumtehw,er itmeursb te atrh e solbeu rdfeonwr h atedveefre rcetmsa in. Is houalldsa oc knowlaeifddrg oeHm e nrCyo operisntt ohceeka rplhya soefs thweo rak,n dt hceo nscientiaonudas s sliasbotofaRr niscc eh aSr.Hd a lpearsn a reseaarscshi satnadMn rts M.i chael MwchGoad rirdty h ete diwooursok f typitnhgme a nuscIra ilpsbtoe. n efiftreodtm h cea rerfeuald ainndgc riticisms ofv aridoruasf otfts h em anuscbryiC plty dWe. H artI,.L .K andeDla,n iel KatCzh,a rWlreisg ahntdH anZse tterberg. Thet exmta keesx tenussioevf ue n publissthuedfdir eostm h Nea tioOnpailn ­ ioRne seaCrecnht Celry.Wd .eH arwta sm osgte nerionmu ask ihnigcs o mplete fileasv ailtaomb el,ea nda gaIim nu setx prmeysa sp precitaoht iimoI.na m indebttoPe rdo feSsisRroo rn aAl.dF ishCearm,b riadngdet ,oM essOrlsi.v er andB oyLdt dE.d inbufrogprhe ,r mistsoqi uoontf er otmh ebioro Tkh eD esign ofE xperiments. HERBERHTY MAN June1,9 54 ColumbUinai versity Foreword BYP AUFL.L AZARSFELD IN HISO WN introdpuactgPoerrsoy f eHsysmoarhn a csl early descrtihboeer dg aniozfah tibisoo onuk s,et sow hicsht udeanndtt se acchaenrs puitt a,n dt hper incbiypw lheisch hew asg uidienwd r itiitnT.gh eriesl eft fomre t htea sokfe xplaitnhrieen lga tiooftn hsithsei xptt ot hlea rugneirot f whicihti sa part-Ctohleu mbia Universitfyo ArPd lvaannnciendg Project TrainiinnS go ciRaels eaTrhcehs .o csicaile tnocdefiasyn dt hemseilnav es situawthiiocinhso ftcehna ractoefar r iasptiiddcel vye lospciinegAn tct eh.e presteinmtte h eirsaew idgea pb etwweoenrb ke idnogn bey p ioneientr hse fieladn dt hree souarvcaeislt aosb tlued eenvtetsnh, o osnet hger adulaetvee l, whicwho ulhde ltph etmo k eeipnt ouwciht thh aed vanfcrionngt Oineeor f. thmea itna sktsh Ceoo fl umbia iPstr oeo xjpeecrti ment wmietahnb sy various whicthh igsa pc abne fi llAendd.t hpeu blicoafPt rioofne Hsysmoarnb 'oso k offearw se lcoomcec atsois okne ttchhpi lsa inns omdee tail. ThLea nguage ofS ocRieasle arch Thes uccoefas nssy c ienetnidfiecad veopre onndt sh reelee meanc tlse:ia dre n­ tificaotfti hooenb jetcobt esi nvestiagnia mtaegdi,n tahteiovaresty o h ow thehya ntgo getahnerdc, l ear iinnttsohis egp hetc pirfiocb loefem vsi dence and vi FOREWORD promoofs atd equtaott hese u bjmeacttta ethr a nTdh.e C olumPbrioaj feocrt , thtei mbee inigsc, o ncemraniendwl iytt hh fier satn dt hteh iorfdt heeslee ­ mentasn,de vewni tthh eisnae r athsepre cwiafiyWc.e h avaes sudtm hetea sk ofc lariffoyri nogu arnsdfe olorvt ehset rhfseo llosweiqnugeo nfpc reo blems: (aH.o)w d ow er ecogannidcz lea scsoimfpyl seoxc ioablj eWchtast?i sc ommon ina ne ffotroto rdweorr kebryts h dee groefte h eiinrd ustmroiraaalln edu nder­ develocpoeudn tbryit ehsde e groefte h eiinrd ustriaTlhiepz raotbilocenam?nb e restaitnae v da rioefwt ayy Csa.n t hceo nceopftt hse ssocciieanblce te rsa nslated intion diacmeesn atbole em pirriecsaela Orrc,mh o?r aep propirnita htepe r esent contehxotwd, o eosn ef ortmh ev ariawbhliecsah r et heb uildbilnogc okfas n y systemdaitsiccoo unrs soec iolsougbijcmeaacltt t ers? (b.H)o wa rteh evsaer iarbelleastt oee da coht heornt heviarr iloeuvseo lfs compleWxhiatdty o?w em eainf w ei nquwihreet her tperloegvrimasamiksofe no r juvendiellei nquoerwn hceywn e d isctuhsrese latoifao p nesr soonp'isn itoohn i s positiinto hnee c onosmyisct Heomw?d ot hcee ntursyp-eocludl aotnci aounssa lity loowkh ent heayr ea ppliteocd o ncrdeatteaa b ouhtu mabne havainodrs ocial evenWthsa?tc anw es aayb outth ree latbieotnw etehnge r ouapn dt hien dividual whenb otahr ree presfeonurts ei dns etosfe mpiriacsaclelryt parionpeedr ties? (cW.e) t hudse scrtihbese o ciwaolr lbdya seotf v ariaabnldwe ess tutdyh e interrebleattwietoehnnes m B.u tt hseo ciwaorll ddo enso ts taaytr esatn dw ed o notw anitt t od os oA.s a r esult, ocvhetarin mgee sb eac tohmiecr rdu cairaela foirn vestiagnadct liaorni ficationw.e w Saontmtoe p triemdfeirsco ttm h pea stto the fuattou trhee;r wteiw maenstt o k nowwh aetff eacs tp eciinfitce rfehraesn ce had eitheirn diuvpiopdneu oapollr eu poan w hole ssoycsitFeaimln. a wlela yr e interiesntt hewedh oldey namiinct eropflv aayr iawbhliecsh cohvaentrgi em e for whaterveears Ionni .t bsr oadmeesatn itnhgii ssa questionh iwshtirocarhiy s es. Withitnh er eacohft odaeym'psi rriceasle airtbc ehc omae qsu estoifos nh ort rangseo ciaanldp sycholcohgaincIgatelm.s e thodolfooguincdaalit sti hoesnt udy ofr epeaotbesde rvaotnit ohness a mien diviadnudac losl leuctniivtaels o nag givesneo tf v ariables. (d.T)h ec reatoifvo anr iatbhleeiisnr,t errealnadtt hieoiinnr t errcehlaantgeed ovetri mfeo rtmh ceo roefw haotn em ighcta ltlh el anguoafge em pirsioccaila l researBcuhti. ti• s n otc laimtehdat th ilsa ngucaagnee x praelstlsh ec oncerns ofs ocisacli enIttir setqsu.ic roensc rientvee stitgoad teicoinedsve e,in n p rinciple, whethweerc ane xprceesrst iadienoa fst otaolri" tgye stoarlw th,e"t hceerr tain notioofns st ritvoiwnagrg dosao lrsp erforcmeirntgfa uinnc tciaonbn esp rofitably studiines du cvha riable-Tlhaenw gauyta ogfi en.do uti st ot akteh wer itionfg s social swchioeh natvuiess etads l esast omiasntdim co rqeu alitaaptpirvoea ch. Dow eg aiinn c larbiytt yr ansltahtesi tnagt emienntato sv ariable-olra nguage dow el osseo mees senatsipaeolcft t h ewiorr ikfw em akteh iesff orTth?eb order lintehsec, o mmognr ouanndd t hep ossidbilset inrcetailovmfese mpirsioccaila l reseaarncdth h meo rqeu alitwaatyiosvf ae n alyfsoniansn i mportpaanrottf t he wholper oblem. ProfeHsysmoarnt 'esxi tsm aindleyd ictaott hesede coinntd h siesot fp rob­ lemtsh,se t uodfyt hien terrebleattwievoeannr iaBbultie tis s.a lstoh fier st exampolfte h wea yi nw hitchhCe o lumPbrioaj deecatwl ista hlo lft hteo pics witwhh iicthi sc oncerannedtd h,e retfhocerh ea raocftt heibrso oaksa t rain­ inagn dt eachdienvgid cees esrovmepesr ogramcmoamtmiecAn stt .h aeu thor himseexlpfl iaincn osn siddeertaaabgi lrlee, pa atro tfh idsi scuisscs einotne red upoann umboefr" casHeesh .a"ss e lescotmeoedft hmeo srte presernet-ative "Ar athdeert aoiulteldoi ftn hewi hso plreo grtaomg ewtihteahrl arnguem boefrr e search exampclaebnse fo unidn t hfier smta jpourb licoaftt hiCeoo nl umPbrioaj Tehcet ,L anguagt, ofS ociRnels eaerdcLsha,. z arasnfdRe olsde n(bGelregn TchoeFe r:e Psrse 1s9s5,5 ). FOREWORD vii sear pcuhb licaatni dho anscso m bea c tko t h e emv ertyi m h ee c ou luds tehem t oillustraa ptoei nitnh issy stemparteisce ntTahtiitsoe nc.h nihqausbe e en discuis nsaey eda r-lsmoeinnga hre lbdyt h setaoffft hPer joe,ca tndi twi lble flolowienad l flu tuvorleu ms e.We arger atet ofPurfloe sHsyomra n fohra ving caugthht se piorfith te commno inentta,n df oprr oviinudgs w itahfi neex ­ ampelt oe mualet .But thber aodecro tnexotft hiesf fdoerste rsvmoee asd di­ tional comments. ReseaCrocmhm entaasrC iaesMsea terial foArd vanTcreadi ning TheC olumbPirao jieswc otr kionnge ducatdieosniafglon grsr adueadtuec a­ tioinnt hseo csicaile nTcheiisssl. i kteolb yew atchweidts hk eptibceicsamu se its eemtsoc ontratdhisecp ti irniw th icghr aduwaotrewk a si ntrodiuncteod Americuanni versTihtemi eensw .h ot,o watrhdee ndo ft he1 9tche ntury, fougthoet s tabglriasdhu caetnet ienrt sh icso untry tshtargter sasdeusdat tue­ densthso uhladv ceo mplferteee dtoocm h oowshea tth ewya ntteodl eaarnnd howt hewya ntteodl eairtnA. s a carry-forvotemhr e psieo needraiyntsgh e acceonfmt a nya discusisssi toionln lt hed ifferebnectweesge rna duaantde colleedguec atBiuottn h.ea yr beo tehd ucaatfitoaenlr Al n.d w herewveew ra nt tot ransemxipte riaenndtc oed evelsokpii lnlt sh meo setffi ciewnatyt heirse ac orrespnoenedfdio nergd ucatpirooncaeld Wuer sehso.u nlodlt e tth tee rmi­ noloogfy6 0y eaargsoo bsctuhrreee aloiftt hyep r eseAnttt h.a tti mteh ere weraeb ou3t0 0g radusattued einntt hsee n ticroeu ntwrhye,r etaosd atyh ere araep proxim3a0t,e0Il0ny01 .8 9o0n ec ouhlodp teh awti tahs maalnldh ighly selegcrtoedue pa cohft hfee wgr adutaetaec hweoruslb dyi ntuihtiioton na n efficiewnatyt ot ranshmiikstn owleTdogdea.ty h iisst oog reaa cth antcoe takees,p ecsiianltclheyae m ounotfm aterwihailcs ht udemnitgsha tn,dp er­ haps shloeualhrdan,sv astly ibnoctrihen va osleudam en dc ompleCxaint y. thebrees eridoouusbt th asto meel emeonfrt a tionalhiazsta obt eii onnt ro­ duceidng radueadtuec atEivoenan?f ttehreg enerparlin ciispc loen ceded, thesrtei rlelm aitnhsep roblfeomer a cshp ecdiifiscc ipwlhianater :eo nt he gradulaetvete hlae p proptroioatltosie m plemceonntc reittgesel nye erdaulc a· tionparlo gram? Them edicsaclh ohoalis t nsa tuerdaulc attiooonilant l h heo spiatnadil t s patientss.c hoLfioanlwdst heiirncs o udretc isiBountws h.a•ot f t hes ocial scienFtoiras wth?i lietw ast hought that field worsko ­lwuould provide the tioFni.ri stwt a tsh seo cciaaslte y poeffi elwdo rk-1t8h9ec2 a taloofgC uoel um- •Thesree fertehnrceeastt oee vno akneo tchoenrt rotvhederi ssyt:i nbcettiwoepner no fessions andl ibearratolsnt hger adulaetveBe ultt. h iasg aiisanh angofvreoram n o ldpeerr iroadt her thaan r eails siunet hceo ntempaocraadreypm oilci Ccoyn.s itdheeerc onomainsdtt hspe s y­ cholotgoidsaTtyhs.e h ya voeu tlienat b sr oavda rioefjt oyb rsa,n gfirnogtm e achainndbg a sic researcthoc lin(iccoanls uplrtaicnatgni)dc s ee rviinpc rei vaantdpe u blbiucr eaucTrhaacti es. wed onh'atv Sec hoooflE sc onomaincdPs s ychosliomg!ytl oao ru rL awa ndM edicSaclh ools ism erealr ye suolfht i stocriirccaulm stthainenc setsi:t usttirouncoatfolu u rrue n iverbsei·t ies cames eatta timweh esno moef t h"ep rofessions" awlhrieolatedh yew reesrnx eoi ftsu tleldy develaopnedtd h esitru wdays t herefifrosdrtee p recainadtt heedin n,a compensmaotoodr,y gloriafis"e ldi beral arts." Toadnadyl ibbeogrtrahal d upartoef essesudiffuoeecnqraaut lai lolny fromt hilsab ge tweseonc fiuanlc tainodin n stitusttirouncatlu re. viii FOREWORD biUan iveresmipthya stihzaaet md a joard vanotfap guer susioncgsi tauld ies inN ewY orwka ts hatth cei tcyo ntasionm eudcv hi caen dp overLtayto.en r camteh dee velopomfre enste abrucrhe aluiskt,eh seo crieasle acrecnhta etr thUen iverosfNi otrytC ha roltihnBeau ,r eoafuA ppliSeodc iRaels eaartc h Columabnidta h Nea tioOnpailn iRoens eaCrecnhta ettr h Uen iveorfsC ihtiy­ cagBou.ti ts oobne cacmlee tahram te rpea rticiipnsa ttuidowinae sns o tth e solutTihoiknsi. no dfe xperdieinndoc gtei vtehs et udaec nlteu anrd erstanding oft hleo gwihci clhab ye hihnidws o rakn, dw ithsouuctuh n dersthaen ding wausn abtlose e teh iem plicoafwt hiaohtnew s a dso inMgo.so tfa lmle,r pea r­ ticipiants itoundc ioeusnl odt h eltph set udent hcioesnm npeicrwtio crakl witthh set oorfte h eoreatnidsc paelc ultahtiinvkweih nigcw ha sp resetnot ed himi ns ystecmlaatsisclr eocotmu res. Thes olutwiiotwnhh icthhC eo lumPbrioaj iesec xtp erimiestn topi rneg­ pardee taciolmemde ntoansr tiuedswi heishc ha vaec tubaelelcnya rroiueatdn d araev ailianpb ulbel ifsohreTmdh. i issw hawte m eahne rbey" casoefss o"c ial reseaSrocmhe.t itmheecsso em mentpaarypi aerst iactutleanrtt oit ohtnee ch­ niquwehsi crhe searhcahvueesr etsdo s olavp er oblAetom t.h teirm tehsel ya y greaetmeprh aosnih so wa ni nvestiggeantecororan'lcs le ertdno t hsep ecific problheeum n derttooso tku dIyns. t ioltlhi enrs taenmcpehsai,s spi lsa coend thael ternwaatyiisnwv hei acnhi nvestmiiggahtto prhr aovcee eidnae ned ff,o rt tow eitghhme e riatnsdd emeroifst uscd he cisions. Sucahn alyctoimcmaeln taarrdeii effisct uopl rte paanrdee v emno rdei fficult tod escrSiubbes.e qvuoelnutmf ersoo mu rP rojweiclstlh otwh ger evaatr iety whicthh ecya tna kaen dw ililfp, o ssiobfflegere, n erruallfe osar g eneprraol­ gradmo cumentthileno gga incdp rocedoufsr oecsri easle aarnec ffho,wr hti ch weu suarlelfyte oar s o ur" documenptraotgiroFanom tr.h "pe r esweens th all publtihsehsm e parfaoterea lcoyhf t hper oblaermeo aust lianbeodvA est. h ey comoeu wte s harleln oeuwer ff orttoes x pltahienmi art eranitda hle piurr pose. Thef erwe majruksmsta d wei lwleh, o pien,d uocuecr o lletaogl uoeoasktt he present nsoeotln elciytnt i eornomsfsi mmediuattielb iutatyl saosa fi rsetx ­ amploefa b aspiocs ition. Butfr omt hbee ginanp ionsgs miibsluen dershtaatsno bd emi entgT .h ese socrieasle acracssheh so unlodbt e c onfuwsietadhn otkhienrod fe ducational idewah ichhal so nbge edne scraistb heceda sset umdeyt hiondp rofessional trainIinin tges.x trefmoeri mtw ast op rovai dkei nodfe ducatsieolnfa­l servfircoetm:h cea stehsse t udceonutgl edwt h atehvene ere dbeydh imself, andg uidaonric nes trubcyat t ieoanc whoeurln do bt er equiTrheidis.sn ot ata ltlh ep hilosboephhiyon udrw orkT.h es tudoyfc asmea terainadl s systetmeaatcihcci annbg ec ombiinnea dn yn umboefrw ayFso.re xample, onec anc onceoifav see roifef so rmlaelc tourrgeasn airzoeudcn odm men­ taroifet sh kei nedx empliinfiP erdo feHsysmoarnb 'oso Cke.r taoinnt lhye, basoifso ure xperiienpn rceel imtirniaawrleyws o,u lbdet emptteodd e ­ emphatshinezo et ioofsn e lf-saenrdtv oai scsei,tg hnte e acah veerr syt rong rolAesa. m attoeffr a ctto,w atrhdfie n aslt aogfes su cthr aintihnpegr ,e para­ tiounn,d eprr opgeuri daonfcn ee,wa nalydtoiccuamle mnitgshi tt sbeel f ani mporteadnutc atdieovniaaclne d,a, t t hes amtei mae t,e satst ot he succoefts hswe h olper ogram. Witsho mhee sitwaetm iiognhs tu ggaensa td ditiuosnoeaf tl h ecsoem ­ mentaornis eosc rieasle acracsAhen sa .d vangcreadd usattuedm eunstrt e view a gredaeta olfl iterhaetu usruea;rl elaywd ist hha sttoeo btatihnge e neral flavoofrt hwer itweirtwshh omh ei se xpecttobe edf amilMiaanrgy.r aduate

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