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Suri Baale Dictionary-01 PDF

112 Pages·2013·0.57 MB·English
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Dadaba Dhugunogiy Surichɛn ko Aranjachɛn ko Gɔlachɛn ሱሪኛ- እንግሊዝኛ- አማርኛ መዝገበ ቃላት Suri-Amharic-English/English-Suri Dictionary Suri-English-Amharic Dictionary. 3rd edition. 2013. 400 copies. Michael Bryant, Kite Siralugu. Introduction This Suri-Amharic-English/English-Suri Dictionary contains around 1400 Suri words which are organized in alphabetical order and includes mainly the words describing the lifestyle, traditions etc. of the Suri people. It is hoped that this dictionary will be helpful for many people: those of any age who are learning about the Suri language and culture; for anyone doing translation from or into the Suri language; and for the Suri themselves who may desire to learn Amharic or English. Any improvements and suggestions would be appreciated. Suri Translation Project P.O. Box 2576 Addis Ababa Acknowledgments The Suri Translation Project is a project of the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus in cooperation with SIL Ethiopia. We want to thank the many Suri speakers who helped us with the editing of the dictionary. Some of them were Daniel Bambu, Bargola Dera, Gergere Siralugu, Aribhoroy Bhoshobarke, Barlusa Olekurɔbhatɔ, Bargola Lemudigir and Bardima Bhukolu. We also thank Dawit Adi-Burji and Mengistu Mulat who helped us with the Amharic definitions; Angela Roundy and the Suri students (Barshota, Bardasay, Barkabari, Bargute and others) who collected over fifty plant samples for botanical analysis and identification. The Suri language is spoken by the Suri people in the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State, in the Surma Wereda of the Bench-Maji Zone. Most of the people are located in the Kibish and Tulge valleys. The number of speakers is approximately 27,000 according to the 2007 census. Abbreviations adj – Ajective n - Noun adv – Adverb num – Numeral conj – Conjunction pl – Plural det – Determiner poss – Possessive pronoun excl – exclusive pro – Pronoun incl – inclusive sg – Singular interj – Interjection v – Verb Words written in upper case (EUPHORBIACEAE) are Latin names © 2012 SIL International®. 3 SURI-AMHARIC-ENGLISH 4 5 5 A a a - (v) - ነው - is (to be) anyanɛyɔ1 - (v) - መድከም - afraid (to be) achoy - (n) - የዛፍ ዓይነት - tree species anyanɛyɔ2 - (v) - መፈራት - weak (to be) age - (pro) - እኛ፤ እኔ(ማከበር) - we (polite for one person) anyanyogi - (n) - ፈሪ - fearful person ahi - (n) - ዕቃ - thing; stuff anye - (pro) - እኔ - I; me ahuyɔ - (v) - መጥባት - suck (breast) aranjay - (n) - ፈረንጅ - foreigner ajɛyɔ - (v) - መስጠት - give archumay - (n) - ከመዳብ የሠራ algay - (n) - አልጋ - bed ይጆሮ ጌጥ - earrings ali halɛ - (adv) - በኋላ - after (copper earrings in top of female's ears) alley1 - (n) - በርጩማ፤ ወምበር - stool, chair ari - (n) - ሳንጋ - steer alley2 - (n) - ጠረጴዛ - table arku - (n) - እረፍት፤ እሑድ፤ በዓል፤ ሳምንት - Sunday (a alubtay - (n) - ዳስ ቤት - day without work; has come small house to represent week) ambɔ - (v) - መብላት - eat artɔ - (v) - መጮኸ - shout; angiytɔ - (v) - መንከስ - bite yell anjoy - (n) - ዘምባባ - doum asanayɔ1 - (v) - ማመንዘር - palm commit adultery asanayɔ 6 ashuy - (n) - ዋንዛ - tree species asanayɔ2 - (v) - ከጓዴኛ ጋር መወያየት - together with aw - (n) - የመጀመሪያ ልጅ፤ smb (to be) የበኩር ልጅ - eldest child ashay - (n) - የልጅ ልጅ - awreni - (adj) - ሙቀት - hot grandchild; descendant awsɔ - (v) - ማረፍ - rest ayu - (n) - ሥጋ - meat B b ba - (n) - መሬት - dirt; land balangi - (n) - የእሕል ቆጥ - storage (upper grain storage baba - (n) - አባት - father part of a house) badhungay - (n) - የዛፍ ዓይነት balay - (n) - አንጎል - brain - tree species (with edible fruit) balday - (n) - አዲስ ጨረቃ - period of time (when the bagay - (n) - ወተት መያዣ moon starts growing until it ከእንጨት የተሠራ - milk becomes full) container balesi - (n) - የዚልማሙ ሰው - bahɔlɔng - (n) - ምንም - zero Baale people (Tirmag name (this word is used in a game for the Kacipo-Balesi people) when your balls cannot make around to your opponent's balyay - (n) - የሳር ዓይነት - side) cattail plant balagaray - (n) - ጠላት - banasɔ - (v) - መነሳት፤ ተነስቶ enemy መቆም - stand 7 bayuwi banduy - (n) - ጥድ - juniper bari - (n) - ሽማግሌ - old man tree (the next step up from rori) bangadhi - (n) - ኩይሳ - barwadhoy - (n) - የወፍ ዓይነት termite mound - nightjar bird species bangɛy1 - (n) - ኩሬ - pond; basɔ - (v) - መዳን - healed swamp (to be); alive; well bangɛy2 - (n) - ሚንጭ - bawuray - (n) - የእንጨት ድንች spring of water - cassava Manihot esculenta EUPHORBIACEAE (arrow bangka - (n) - ገጀራ - root) machete bay - (adv) - በታች፤ ከታች - bar - (n) - ሌሊት - night under, around, down bara - (n) - የኮሶ ትል - bayay - (n) - የዛፍ ዓይነት - tapeworm acacia tree species (dark barabaray - (n) - በርበሬ - red barked acacia with small bean pods) hot pepper barari1 - (adj) - ኃይልኛ - bayoy - (n) - የስኳር ድንች - yam powerful (in a spiritual way) barari2 - (adj) – የሚመር - baysi1 - (adj) - ጠፈፍያለ - partially dried out strong taste barcha - (n) - ዳጉሣ - millet baysi2 - (n) - ጎበዝ ሰው - clever person bardhuchinya - (n) - ቦላሌ ሱሪ - pants baysi3 - (n) - ብልጥ - firm (mud, tila, etc) bare - (adv) - ትላንትና - bayuwi - (n) - ድንች - yesterday potatoes bele 8 bele - (n) - መላጣ - bald spot bokoy - (n) - የዛፍ ውሃ - tree sap bere - (adv) - ዱሮ - long ago bolisay - (n) - አሸናፊነትን bɛ - (n) - ድንጋይ - stone አማሳየት በዛፍ ላይ የሚደረግ bɛkay - (n) - ጓደኛ - friend ምልክት - victory markings bɛnay - (n) - ብዕር - pen (on a tree making by a champion stick fighter) bɛr - (n) - ጦር - spear bolku - (n) - ጉድጓድ - hole in bɛrgu1 - (n) - ወራት - lunation the ground; pit bɛrgu2 - (n) - ወር - month bolli - (n) - ጉሎ - castor bɛrtɔ - (v) - መለቀም፤ መምረጥ - bean tree Ricinus communis EUPHORNIACEAE choose; pick out bollongi - (n) - ጉንጭ - cheek bi - (n) - ላም - cow bolo - (adj) - ነጠብጠብ ያለበት binjogi - (n) - የድንጋይ ዓይነት መልክ ለእንስሳት - spot; - reddish flint-type rock; spotted laterite (sharp rock used to cut meat) bolobogotoy - (n) - የዛፍ birgi - (n) - ከእንጨት የተሠራ ዓይነት - tree species Strychnos innocua የከንፈር ጌጥ - wooden LOGANIACEAE lip-plate bolobongguy - (n) - ጌሾ - biri - (n) - ብር - birr tree/plant birni - (n) - እሾክ - thorn bolokonguy - (n) - ከዝሆን bohe - (n) - ኮብራ እባብ - ጥርስ የተሠራ ትልቅ ጥሩንባ - cobra elephant tusk horn 9 buti boloy - (n) - የቅርብ ጎረቤቶች bu - (adj) - ትልቅ - large; big ተሰብስበው እሳት አንድደው budhtɔ - (v) - ወደ ኋላ ለማየት - ምግብ የሚመገቡበት ሥፍራ - look back fire area (enclosed by wood of rocks where people from buga - (n) - ጅብ - hyena different houses can come buluku - (n) - ብርድ ልብስ - together to talk and/or eat) blanket bolu - (n) - የራስ ጀርባ - nape bunay - (n) - ቡና - coffee borkodhi - (n) - የዛፍ ዓይነት - bunjalay - (n) - ሙጄሌ - sand falcon's claw acacia tree flea Acacia polyacantha FABACEAE (small with bur - (n) - አመድ - ash thorns) burakandi - (n) - የዛፍ ዓይነት bortoy - (n) - የሾላ ፍሬ - fruit - tree species (used for of shamushi (after it is cleaning teeth) ripe) burcho - (n) - በደንብ ያልተሠራ boytɔ1 - (v) - መጮህ - bark ሙቅ ገንፎ - porridge (that boytɔ2 - (v) - መንሸራሸር - go has chunks in it) for a walk busi - (n) - የእግር መገጣጠሚያ - bɔnggɔray - (n) - አደንጓሬ - joint just below the knee beans busiyɔ - (v) - መመንጠር - cut bɔrɔtɔ - (v) - መዝለል - jump busoy - (n) - ቡዳ (ለሴቶች) - bɔrtɔ - (n) - ከትናንት ወዲያ - curse (curse used only by females) day before yesterday bɔytɔ - (v) - መንቀል - pull buti - (n) - ኖራ ድንጋይ - rock flour from soft rocks out; pull off butogi 10 butogi - (n) - ውሸታም - liar buy - (adj) - ሽልምልሜ - white legs and black body butomo - (n) - ውሸት - false; lie Bh bh bhadhtɔ - (v) - ብልጭታ bharinɛyɔ - (v) - መገናኘት (ለመብረቅ) - strike መተላለፍ - meet in passing (for lightning) bharoy - (n) - ልጥ - bark for bhaktɔ - (v) - መኖር - live; tying (could also be specific dwell type of bush). bhalal - (n) - ትኩሳት፤ ወባ - bharriytɔ - (v) - መንቀጥቀጥ - fever shiver bhalayay - (adj) - ቡራቡሬ bhaseni1 - (adv) - ቀላል - easy ለከብድ - spots on back bhaseni2 - (adj) - ርካሽ - only (small sizes) cheap bhallay - (n) - ፍሬው የሚበላ bhayaktɔ - (v) - መብላት - eat የሐረግ ዓይነት - vine species bhe - (n) - ቦታ - place; Tylosema fassoglensis FABACEAE (with edible portion seeds found in pods) bhelley - (n) - ከሌሊቱ 10 bhallogi - (n) - ቅጠል - leaf ሰዓት ገደማ - around 4 am. bhanydɔ - (v) - መማጸን - bhey - (n) - መጥረቢያ፤ ፋስ - plead (hand motions are axe involved)

Dadaba Dhugunogiy Surichɛn ko. Aranjachɛn ko Gɔlachɛn. ሱሪኛ- እንግሊዝኛ- አማርኛ. መዝገበ ቃላት. Suri-Amharic-English/English-Suri. Dictionary
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