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Surgical Endoscopy Ultrasound and Interventional Techniques 1992: Vol 6 Table of Contents PDF

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Preview Surgical Endoscopy Ultrasound and Interventional Techniques 1992: Vol 6 Table of Contents

Contents of Volume 6 Airan M, Appel M, Berci G, Coburg AJ, Bundy CA, Zera RT, Onstad GA, Bilodeau Fletcher DR, Jones RM, O’Riordan B, Cohen M, Cuschieri A, Dent T, Duppler LL, Bubrick MP: Comparative surgical Hardy KJ: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy D, Easter D, Greene F, Halevey A, Ham- and colonoscopic appearance of colon for complicated gallstone disease 179 mer S, Hunter J, Jenson M, Ko ST, anastomoses constructed with sutures, Flynn M — Fitzgerald SD McFadyan B, Perissat J, Ponsky J, Ravin- staples, and the biofragmentable anasto- Foitzik Th — Merkle NM dranathan P, Sackier JM, Soper N, Van motic ring 18 Fontana G — Vandelli A Stiegmann G, Traverso W, Udwadia T, Burchardt H — Briiggemann A Forde KA, Manegold BC: Editorial: Look- Unger S, Wahlstrom E, Wolfe B: Retro- ing forward 1 spective and prospective multi-institu- Carey LC — Albrink MH Forde KA, Treat MR: The role of peritone- tional laparoscopic cholecystectomy study Cariani G — Vandelli A oscopy (laparoscopy) in the evaluation of organized by the Society of American Carroll BJ — Phillips EH the acute abdomen in critically ill patients Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons 169 Carroll BJ, Phillips EH, Semel CJ, Fallas 219 Airan MC — Ko ST M, Morgenstern L: Laparoscopic splenec- Foster CE III, Shapiro SJ, Sackier JM: Albrink MH, Foster J, Rosemurgy AS, tomy 183 Periampullary duodenal diverticulum in a Carey LC: Laparoscopic feeding jejunos- Catalano M — MacFadyen BV Jr patient undergoing laparoscopic cholecys- tomy: also a simple technique 259 Celerier M — Gossot D tectomy 244 Althaus U — Inderbitzi R Chourrout Y — Gossot D Foster J — Albrink MH Andrus CH — Schneider TA Chung SCS — Siu WT Franz RC — Jacobson BF Andrus CH — Wade TP Coburg AJ — Airan M Furrer M — Inderbitzi R Apelgren KN, Molnar RG, Kisala JM: Is Cohen M — Airan M laparoscopic better than open appendec- Collet D, Edye M, Magne E, Perissat J: Gandolfi L — Solmi L tomy? 298 Laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the Ghnassia MD — Gossot D Appel M — Airan M obese patient 186 Ghobrial R — MacFadyen BV Jr Appel S, Krebs H, Fern D: Techniques for Conigliaro R — Bertoni G Goh P, Tekant Y, Kum CK, Isaac J, Shang laparoscopic cholangiography and removal Cuschieri A > Airan M NS: Totally intra-abdominal laparoscopic of common duct stones 134 Cuschieri A > Sackier JM Billroth II gastrectomy 160 Arkush AM — Arregui ME Cuschieri A: Editorial: *‘A rose by any Goh P, Tekant Y, Sim E: Peroral tunable- Arregui ME, Davis CJ, Arkush AM, Nagan other name...’” Minimal access or mini- dye laser lithotripsy of intrahepatic stones RF: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy com- mally invasive surgery? 214 in Oriental cholangitis 38 bined with endoscopic sphincterotomy Goémez-Gamez A — Vara-Thorbeck C and stone extraction or laparoscopic Dal Fante M — Spinelli P Goseki N — Inoue H choledochoscopy and electrohydraulic Davis CJ — Arregui ME Gondo K — Kitano S lithotripsy for management of cholelithia- Debiolles H — Gossot D Goseki N — Nakamura H sis with choledocholithiasis 10 Delaitre B, Maignien B: Laparoscopic sple- Gossot D, Ghnassia MD, Debiolles H, Arregui ME: The author replies 267 Chourrout Y, Bonnichon JM, Sarfati E, nectomy — technical aspects 305 Celerier M, Revillon Y: Thoracoscopic Denk A — Fitzgerald SD Bacchini P > Solmi L dissection of the esophagus: an experi- Dent T > Airan M Becker HD — Stdblen F mental study 59 Deyo GA — Mooney MJ Becker P — Jacobson BF Di Simone MP — Mattioli S Gowen GF: A new method of recording Bedogni G — Bertoni G endoscopic and operative findings in Doerr RJ — Luchette FA Bender JS, Talamini MA: Diagnostic lap- colorectal neoplasia 239 Dohmoto M, Rupp KD: Endoscopic drain- aroscopy in critically ill intensive-care-unit Gozzetti G — Mattioli S age of pancreatic pseudocysts 118 patients 302 Green FL: Editorial: New York state health Duppler D — Airan M Berci G — Airan M department ruling — a ‘‘wake-up call”’ for Berguer R — Mansour MA all 271 Berman IR: Frontiers in general surgery: Easter D — Airan M Greene F — Airan M pioneers, cowboys and desperados 82 Edye M — Collet D Grevenstein J — Zschabitz A Bertoni G, Pacchione D, Conigliaro R, Ekelund M — Hedenbro JL Sassatelli R, Pedrazzoli C, Bedogni G: Endo M — Inoue H Habu H — Takeshita K Endoscopic protector hood for safe re- Endo M — Nakamura H Haicken BN: Laparoscopic tube cholecys- moval of sharp-pointed gastroesophageal Endo M — Takeshita K tostomy 285 foreign bodies 255 Estes JM, Szabo Z, Harrison MR: Tech- Hakaim AG — Hudson HM II Bilodeau LL — Bundy CA niques for in utero endoscopic surgery Halevey A — Airan M Birkett DH — Hudson HM II 215 Hammer S — Airan M Birkett DH: Technique of cholangiography Hardy KJ — Fletcher DR and cystic-duct choledochoscopy at the Fallas MM — Carroll BJ Harrison MR — Estes JM time of laparoscopic cholecystectomy for Fallas MM — Phillips EH Hedenbro JL, Ekelund M, Willen R: Bioptic laser lithotripsy 252 Fanelli RD, Ponsky JL: A simplified tech- techniques in flexible endoscopy 130 Bonnichon JM — Gossot D nique for percutaneous endoscopic gas- Himal HS — Lee M Bordelon BM, Hobday KA, Hunter JG: trostomy 261 Himal HS — Ralph-Edwards T Incision extension is the optimal method Fern D — Appel S Hirata R — Inoue H of difficult gallbladder extraction at lap- Fink AS: What should a ‘‘surgical endo- Hobday KA — Bordelon BM aroscopic cholecystectomy 225 scopist’’ do? 2 Honda T — Takeshita K Briiggemann A, Burchardt H, Lepsien G: Fitzgerald SD, Denk A, Flynn M, Longo Hori H — Inoue H Sonographical findings in Whipple’s dis- WE, Vernava AM III: Pneumopericar- Hudson HM II, Hakaim AG, Birkett DH: ease 138 dium and subcutaneous emphysema of the Laparoscopic cholecystectomy in a renal Brusori S —> Mattioli S neck 141 transplant recipient 193 Bubrick MP — Bundy CA Fletcher DR, Jones RM: Laparoscopic Hunter JG — Airan M Buess G — Stdblen F cholecystjejunostomy as palliation for Hunter JG — Bordelon BM Bue:s G: Thoracoscopic dissection of the obstructive jaundice in inoperable carci- Hunter JG: In Memoriam 213 esophagus 150 noma of pancreas 147 Hurly EM — Jacobson BF 326 Hunter JG — Sackier JM Lee M, Himal HS: Hemobilia — successful Pacchione D — Bertoni G Hunter JG — Soper NJ treatment by angiographic embolization Pagano R —> Reed DN Jr Hurly EM — Jacobson BF 75 Paz-Partlow M — Sackier JM Hussett JM — Luchette FA Lepsien G — Briiggemann A Pedrazzoli C — Bertoni G Li AKC —> Siu WT Perissat J — Airan M lida M — Takeshita K Lirici MM — Stéblen F Perissat J — Collet D Imhof M, Raunest J, Rauen U, Ohmann Ch: Longo WE — Fitzgerald SD Pesonen P, Luukonen P: Capnograph lo- Acute acalculous cholecystitis in severely Luchette FA, Doerr RJ, Kelly K, Kulaylat cates gas leaks in laparoscopy 57 traumatized patients: a prospective sono- M, Stephan RM, Hussett JM: Colono- Petrie RH — Soper NJ graphic study 68 scopic impaction in left colon strictures Phillips EH — Carroll BJ Inderbitzi R, Furrer M, Klaiber C, Ris HB, resulting in right colon pneumatic perfora- Phillips EH, Carroll BJ, Fallas MM: Com- Striffeler H, Althaus U: Thoracoscopic tion 273 mon duct stones: removal before or dur- wedge resection 189 Luukonen P — Pesonen P ing laparoscopic cholecystectomy? 266 Inoue H, Endo M, Takeshita K, Yoshino K, Pidala MJ, Slezak FA, Porter JA: Pneumo- Muraoka Y, Yoneshima H: A new simpli- MacFadyen BV Jr, Ghobrial R, Catalano M, peritoneum following percutaneous endo- fied technique of endoscopic esophageal Raijman I: Concomitant placement of scopic gastrostomy 128 mucosal resection using a cap-fitted pan- percutaneous endoscopic gastrotomy and Ponsky JL — Airan M endoscope (EMRC) 264 jejunostomy 289 Ponsky JL — Fanelli RD Inoue H, Muraoka Y, Kobori Y, Hirata R, Magne E — Collet D Porter JA — Pidala MJ Takeshita K, Goseki N, Yoneshima H, Maignien B — Delaitre B Primerano A — Solmi L Endo M: Combination therapy of laparo- Malchow H — Kaltheuner M scopic cholecystectomy and endoscopic Mancini A — Spinelli P Raijman I — MacFadyen BV Jr transpapillary lithotripsy for both chole- Manegold BC — Forde KA Ralph-Edwards T, Himal HS: Bile leak after cystolithiasis and choledocholithiasis 246 Manncke K — Stoblen F laparoscopic cholecystectomy 33 Inoue H — Nakamura H Mansour MA, Stiegmann GV, Yamamoto Raspadori A — Mattioli S Inoue H, Takemura K, Hori H, Itoh K, M, Berguer R: Neuroendocrine stress Rauen U — Imhof M Muraoka Y, Yoneshima H, Endo M: response after minimally invasive surgery Raunest J — Imhof M Sclerotherapy of internal hemorrhoids in pigs 294 Ravindranathan P — Airan M using newly devised transparent disposa- Mattioli S, Raspadori A, Di Simone MP, Reed DN Jr, Young JC, Mitre RJ, Pagano ble anorectoscope 125 Brusori S, Vernacchia R, Gozzetti G: R: Peroral enteroscopic removal of a Isaac J ~ Goh P Dissection of the esophagus after dilata- retained percutaneous transhepatic guide- Iso Y > Kitano S tion of a cervical diaphragm 249 wire from the jejunum using a colono- Itoh K — Inoue H McFadyan B — Airan M scope 36 Iwata S — Kitano S McSherry CK: Laparoscopic cholecystec- Revillon Y — Gossot D tomy: time for critical analysis 177 Ris HB — Inderbitzi R Jacobson BF, Franz RC, Hurly EM, Nor- Mendelow BV — Jacobson BF Rosemurgy AS — Albrink MH man GL, Becker P, Myburgh JA, Mende- Mentges B — Stéblen F Rupp KD — Dohmoto M low BV: Mechanism of thrombosis caused Merkle NM, Schliiter M, Foitzik Th: Mini- by sclerotherapy of esophageal varices tracheotomy: a new interventional tech- using sodium tetradecyl sulphate 4 nique for treatment of sputum retention Saager C — Klaiber C Jenson M — Airan M 199 Sackier JM — Airan M Jewell WR — Wade TP Mettler L, Semm K: Pelviscopic uterine Sackier JM — Foster CE Ill Jones RM — Fletcher DR surgery 23 Sackier JM, Hunter JG, Paz-Partlow M, Metzger A — Klaiber C Cuschieri A: The rotary gallstone lithotrite Kaltheuner M, Stallkamp H, Malchow H, Mitre RJ — Reed DN Jr to aid gallbladder extraction in laparo- Klose A, Vestweber KH: Laser-assisted Molnar RG — Apelgren KN scopic cholecystectomy 235 removal of a foreign body from the colon Mooney MJ, Deyo GA, O’Reilly MJ: T-tube Saito N — Takeshita K 78 placement during laparoscopic cholecys- Sarfati E> Gossot D Kawano T — Nakamura H Sassatelli R — Bertoni G tectomy 32 Kelly K — Luchette FA Morgenstern L: Carl Langenbuch and the Schliiter M — Merkle NM Kisala JM — Apelgren KN first cholecystectomy 113 Schneider TA, Andrus CH: The endoscopic Kitano S, Iso Y, Moriyama M, Sugimachi Morgenstern L — Carroll BJ Congo red test during proximal gastric K: A newly designed single dissector Moriyama M — Kitano S vagotomy: an essential procedure 16 useful for laparoscopic cholecystectomy Muraoka Y — Inoue H Schrock TR: The endosurgery evolution: no 144 Muratori R > Solmi L place for sacred cows 163 Kitano S, Tomikawa M, Iso Y, Iwata S, Myburgh JA — Jacobson BF Semel CJ — Carroll BJ Gondo K, Moriyama M, Sugimachi K: A Semm K — Mettler L safe and simple method to maintain a Shang NS — Goh P clear field of vision during laparoscopic Nagan RF — Arregui ME Shapiro SJ — Foster CE III cholecystectomy 197 Nakamura H, Inoue H, Kawano T, Goseki Sim E — Goh P Klaiber C — Inderbitzi R N, Endo M, Sugihara K: Selection of the Siu WT, Chung SCS, Li AKC: Chest drain Klaiber C, Metzger A, Saager C: The ‘‘shut- treatment for esophagogastric varices: penetration into the transposed stomach tle’? stone collector — a new device for analyses of collateral structures by endo- after Ivor-Lewis esophagectomy: diagno- collecting lost gallstones in laparoscopic scopic ultrasonography 228 sis by early postoperative endoscopy 195 cholecystectomy 84 Nakamura H, Takeshita K, Goseki N, Endo Slezak FA — Pidala MJ Klose A — Kaltheuner M M: The pneumoperitoneum technique by Solmi L, Muratori R, Bacchini P, Primerano Ko ST — Airan MC ultrasonographic guide 313 A, Gandolfi L: Comparison between echo- Ko ST, Airan MC: Therapeutic laparoscopic Neurath M — Zschabitz A guided fine-needle aspiration cytology and suturing techniques 41 Norman GL — Jacobson BF microhistology in diagnosing pancreatic Kobori Y — Inoue H masses 222 Koepp H — Zschabitz A O’Reilly MJ — Mooney MJ Soper NJ — Airan M Krebs H — Appel S O’Riordan B — Fletcher DR Soper NJ, Hunter JG, Petrie RH: Laparo- Kulaylat M — Luchette FA Ohmann Ch — Imhof M scopic cholecystectomy during pregnancy Kum CK — Goh P Onstad GA — Bundy CA 115 Spinelli P, Dal Fante M, Mancini A: Self- M: Endoscopic evaluation of gastric Vernacchia R — Mattioli S expanding mesh stent for endoscopic cancer infiltrating the lower esophagus 62 Vernava AM III — Fitzgerald SD palliation of rectal obstructing tumors: a Takeshita K — Inoue H Vestweber KH — Kaltheuner M preliminary report 72 Takeshita K — Nakamura H Stallkamp H — Kaltheuner M Talamini MA — Bender JS Starlinger M — Stéblen F Tekant Y — Goh P Wade TP, Jewell WR, Andrus CH: Mesen- Stephan RM — Luchette FA Tomikawa M — Kitano S teric venous thrombosis 283 Stiegmann GV — Mansour MA Tompkins RK: Laparoscopic cholecystec- Wahlstrom E — Airan M Stéblen F, Buess G, Manncke K, Mentges tomy: time for critical analysis 178 Watanuki M — Takeshita K B, Lirici MM, Starlinger M, Becker HD: Traverso W — Airan M Willen R — Hedenbro JL LaparoLith: a new instrument for stone Treat MR — Forde KA Wolfe B — Airan M fragmentation in laparoscopic cholecystec- SSttortfiffotfm eyl Eer —3 H09 Z—s chIanbdietrzb itAzi R UUndgweard iaS —T —A iraAni raMn M YYYooasnmheaismnhooit moaK —MH ——I noMIunea onusHeo uHr MA Sugihara K — Nakamura H Young JC — Reed DN Jr Sugimachi K — Kitano S Van Stiegmann G — Airan M Sunagawa M — Takeshita K Vandelli A, Cariani G, Fontana G: Unipolar Szabo Z — Estes JM coagulation in colon angiodysplasia 263 Zera RT — Bundy CA Vara-Thorbeck C, G6mez-Gamez A: New Zschabitz A, Neurath M, Grevenstein J, Takemura K — Inoue H endoscopic surgery instrument: separator Koepp H, Stofft E: Correlative histologic Takeshita K, Habu H, Saito N, Honda T, combined with sound for lavage and and arthroscopic evaluation in rheumatoid lida M, Watanuki S, Sunagawa M, Endo aspiration 80 knee joints 277

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