Surgery Third Edition Skin of the Procedural Dermatology For Elsevier: Content Strategist: Russell Gabbedy Content Development Specialist: Sam Crowe/Poppy Garraway Project Manager: Julie Taylor Design: Miles Hitchen Illustrator: Antbits Ltd Marketing Manager: David Dunlap Surgery Third Edition Skin of the Procedural Dermatology Editors June K Robinson MD Daniel M Siegel MD MS Professor of Clinical Dermatology Clinical Professor of Dermatology Department of Dermatology Department of Dermatology Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine SUNY Downstate Medical Center Chicago, IL, USA College of Medicine Brooklyn, NY, USA C William Hanke MD MPH FACP Senior Surgeon Visiting Professor of Dermatology Long Island Skin Cancer and Dermatologic Surgery, a division of University of Iowa, Carver College of Medicine ProHEALTH Care Associates Iowa City, Iowa Smithtown, NY, USA Clinical Professor or Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Indiana University School of Medicine Alina Fratila MD Indianapolis, IN, USA Medical Director Jungbrunnen-Klinik Dr. Fratila GmbH Bonn, Germany Associate Professor Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara, Romania Video Editors Ashish C Bhatia MD FAAD Thomas E Rohrer MD Associate Professor of Clinical Dermatology Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology Department of Dermatology Brown University School of Medicine Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine Providence, RI, USA Chicago, IL, USA Private Practice Medical Director for Dermatologic Research, DuPage Medical Group SkinCare Physicians Chairman, Department of Dermatology, DuPage Medical Group Chestnut Hill, MA, USA Co-Director of Dermatologic, Laser & Cosmetic Surgery The Dermatology Institute Naperville, IL, USA Video On-Line For additional online content visit expertconsult London, New York, Oxford, Philadelphia, St Louis, Sydney, Toronto 2015 SAUNDERS an imprint of Elsevier Inc. © 2015, Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. First edition 2005 Second edition 2010 Third edition 2015. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Details on how to seek permission, further information about the Publisher’s permissions policies and our arrangements with organizations such as the Copyright Clearance Center and the Copyright Licensing Agency, can be found at our website: This book and the individual contributions contained in it are protected under copyright by the Publisher (other than as may be noted herein). Naomi Lawrence and Shari Nemeth have retained copyright of their figures and tables in Chapter 28, Liposuction. ISBN: 978-0-323-26027-5 eISBN: 978-0-323-26028-2 Notices Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing. As new research and experience broaden our understanding, changes in research methods, professional practices, or medical treatment may become necessary. Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluating and using any information, methods, compounds, or experiments described herein. In using such information or methods they should be mindful of their own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whom they have a professional responsibility. With respect to any drug or pharmaceutical products identified, readers are advised to check the most current information provided (i) on procedures featured or (ii) by the manufacturer of each product to be administered, to verify the recommended dose or formula, the method and duration of administration, and contraindications. It is the responsibility of practitioners, relying on their own experience and knowledge of their patients, to make diagnoses, to determine dosages and the best treatment for each individual patient, and to take all appropriate safety precautions. To the fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the authors, contributors, or editors, assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained in the material herein. The publisher’s policy is to use paper manufactured from sustainable forests Printed in China Last digit is the print number: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Preface The first edition of Surgery of the Skin: Procedural Derma- online content provides additional examples of surgical tology became known as the “Hand Book” because of the cases with variations on the material presented in the text- cover image of the editor’s hands. We are delighted that book. Dermatologic surgeons frequently make choices the text became the handbook of procedural dermatology. between a variety of treatment options, e.g. medical vs. The second edition was regarded by our readers as their surgical treatment, chemical peeling vs. laser resurfacing, preferred concise ready reference, thus, earning the sobri- or flap vs. graft reconstruction. There are some regional and quet of handbook. The book cover of each edition is created generational differences in physicians’ execution of com- especially for that edition; therefore, we have retired two monly performed techniques as well as differences related book covers focusing on hands. The first book cover was to the racial/ethnic differences of the patient. Selecting the image of the editor’s hands, and the second with images among the variety of treatment options and their execution of our author’s hands performing procedures. With the is part of the art of procedural dermatology. Each of our aging of the population in many countries, more attention authors is an accomplished artist and we are indebted to is being given to the appearance of the aging face. The cover them. of the third edition reflects this emphasis with the facial June K Robinson, MD profile. C William Hanke, MD, MPH, FACP Dermatologic surgery has evolved over the last five years, Daniel M Siegel, MD, MS and each of the chapters has been edited to reflect this. In Alina Fratila, MD addition, new chapters were added to present fully devel- oped dermatologic surgery treatments for vitiligo, hidrad- Video Editors enitis suppurativa and rejuvenation of the female external Ashish C Bhatia, MD, FAAD genitalia. Portions of each chapter are offered online as a Thomas E Rohrer, MD part of the website called “Expert Consult.” The edited Video Table of Contents PART I: Basic Surgical 3.12 Median nerve block 7. Wound Healing Concepts Teresa T Soriano, Andrew Breithaupt, and 7.1 Placing occlusive dressing on Cameron Chesnut sutured wounds 1. Anatomy for Procedural 3.13 Posterior tibial nerve block Sonia Lamel, Jie Li, and Robert S Kirsner Dermatology Teresa T Soriano, Andrew Breithaupt, and Cameron Chesnut 8. Wound Healing and Its Impact on 1.1 Facial dissection 3.14 Ankle block: surface anatomy Dressings and Postoperative Care June K Robinson Dominic Harmon 8.1 Application of Apligraf 2. Aseptic Technique From Peripheral Nerve Blocks & Yakir Levin, Katherine L Brown, and 2.1 Prepping the patient Peri-Operative Pain Relief, edited by Tania J Phillips Dominic Harmon. Copyright Elsevier 2010. Christie R Travelute and Todd V Cartee 8.2 Application of Unna boot 3.15 Ankle block: cadaveric 2.2 Set-up of sterile tray Yakir Levin, Katherine L Brown, and anatomy Tania J Phillips Christie R Travelute and Todd V Cartee Dominic Harmon 3. Anesthesia and Analgesia PART II: Essential Surgical From Peripheral Nerve Blocks & 3.1 Injection basics Peri-Operative Pain Relief, edited by Skills Dominic Harmon. Copyright Elsevier 2010. Teresa T Soriano, Andrew Breithaupt, and Cameron Chesnut 3.16 Ankle block: technique 1 9. Electrosurgery 3.2 Tumescent anesthesia of neck Dominic Harmon 9.1 Indirect electrodesiccation and jowls From Peripheral Nerve Blocks & and direct electrodesiccation and Peri-Operative Pain Relief, edited by Michael S Kaminer Dominic Harmon. Copyright Elsevier 2010. electrofulguration 3.3 Supraorbital nerve block 3.17 Ankle block: technique 2 Ashish C Bhatia and Thomas E Rohrer Teresa T Soriano, Andrew Breithaupt, and Dominic Harmon 9.2 Curettage and Cameron Chesnut From Peripheral Nerve Blocks & electrodesiccation 3.4 Infraorbital nerve block Peri-Operative Pain Relief, edited by Ashish C Bhatia Dominic Harmon. Copyright Elsevier 2010 Teresa T Soriano, Andrew Breithaupt, and 9.3 Direct electrodesiccation and Cameron Chesnut 3.18 Sural nerve block indirect electrodesiccation and 3.5 Intraoral blocks: an additional Teresa T Soriano, Andrew Breithaupt, and electrofulguration Cameron Chesnut perspective Ashish C Bhatia 3.19 Ulnar nerve block Ashish C Bhatia and Thomas E Rohrer 10. Cryosurgery Teresa T Soriano, Andrew Breithaupt, and 3.6 Digital nerve block Cameron Chesnut 10.1 Open technique Teresa T Soriano, Andrew Breithaupt, and Cameron Chesnut 3.20 Saphenous nerve block Paola Pasquali 3.7 Mental nerve block Teresa T Soriano, Andrew Breithaupt, and 10.2 Tweezer technique Cameron Chesnut Teresa T Soriano, Andrew Breithaupt, and Paola Pasquali 3.21 Superficial peroneal nerve Cameron Chesnut 10.3 Human papillomavirus block 3.8 Intraoral injection infection Teresa T Soriano, Andrew Breithaupt, and Teresa T Soriano, Andrew Breithaupt, and Cameron Chesnut Paola Pasquali Cameron Chesnut 4. Instruments and Materials 10.4 Skin tags: treatment with 3.9 Wrist blocks: cadaveric tweezers anatomy 4.1 Ancillary instruments Paola Pasquali Dominic Harmon William Lear 10.5 Seborrheic keratosis From Peripheral Nerve Blocks & 4.2 Scalpels and blades Peri-Operative Pain Relief, edited by Paola Pasquali William Lear Dominic Harmon. Copyright Elsevier 2010. 10.6 Cherry angioma 4.3 Scissors 3.10 Wrist blocks: surface anatomy Paola Pasquali William Lear Dominic Harmon 10.7 Oral mucocele From Peripheral Nerve Blocks & 4.4 Needle drivers Peri-Operative Pain Relief, edited by William Lear Paola Pasquali Dominic Harmon. Copyright Elsevier 2010. 10.8 Myxoid cyst 4.5 Reading suture packages 3.11 Wrist blocks: technique Paola Pasquali William Lear Dominic Harmon 10.9 Sebaceous hyperplasia 4.6 Staples From Peripheral Nerve Blocks & Paola Pasquali Peri-Operative Pain Relief, edited by William Lear Dominic Harmon. Copyright Elsevier 2010. 10.10 Actinic keratosis Paola Pasquali Video Table of Contents ix 10.11 Control of freezing with 14.4 Rotation flap with suspension 19.4 Conchal bowl graft to nose high frequency ultrasound suture Thomas E Rohrer Paola Pasquali Thomas E Rohrer 19.5 Placement of full-thickness 10.12 Superficial basal cell 15. Hemostasis human cadaveric allograft carcinoma 15.1 Anesthesia with adrenaline Ashish C Bhatia Paola Pasquali and electronic scalpel 20. Acne Scar Revision 11. Skin Biopsy Techniques Pedro Redondo 20.1 Botulinum toxin and 11.1 Curettage 1 15.2 Hemostasis in superficial hyaluronic acid filler to chin area Andrew G Affleck procedures Greg J Goodman 11.2 Curettage 2 Pedro Redondo 20.2 Skin rolling, skin needling Andrew G Affleck 15.3 Hemostasis in skin surgery and Dermapen 11.3 Punch biopsy 1 Pedro Redondo Greg J Goodman Andrew G Affleck 15.4 Jackson-Pratt drain 20.3 Fillers to scarring 11.4 Punch biopsy 2 Pedro Redondo Greg J Goodman Andrew G Affleck 16. Ellipse, Ellipse Variations, and 20.4 5-FU injection 11.5 Excision of epidermoid cyst Dog-ear Repairs Greg J Goodman Andrew G Affleck 16.1 Elliptical excision 20.5 Subcision 11.6 Shave biopsy 1 Allison Hanlon and Samuel E Book Greg J Goodman Andrew G Affleck 16.2 S-plasty 20.6 Fat transfer 11.7 Shave biopsy 2 Thomas E Rohrer Greg J Goodman Andrew G Affleck 16.3 Dog-ear repair 21. Revision of Surgical Scars 11.8 Snip excisions Thomas E Rohrer 21.1 Scar revision via Andrew G Affleck 17. Random Pattern Cutaneous Flaps dermabrasion 11.9 Elliptical incisional biopsy Neil A Swanson 17.1 Island pedicle flap Andrew G Affleck Jonathan L Cook, Glenn D Goldman, and PART III: Aesthetic Surgical 12. Incision, Draining, and Todd E Holmes Procedures Exteriorization Techniques 17.2 Rotation flap on the cheek/ eyelid 12.1 Negative-pressure suction 24. Soft-tissue Augmentation Jonathan L Cook, Glenn D Goldman, and therapy Todd E Holmes 24.1 Overview of fillers Masato Yasuta Ashish C Bhatia 17.3 Temple rhombic flap 13. Suturing Technique and Other Jonathan L Cook, Glenn D Goldman, and 24.2 Restylane injection Closure Materials Todd E Holmes Thomas E Rohrer 13.1 The simple interrupted, 17.4 Transposition flap 24.3 Radiesse injection vertical mattress and running Thomas E Rohrer and Ashish C Bhatia Ashish C Bhatia sutures 18. Axial Pattern Flaps 24.4 Soft-tissue augmentation Ashish C Bhatia 18.1 Division and inset of two- Roberta D Sengelmann 13.2 Horizontal mattress stitches staged paramedian forehead flap 25. Chemical Peels Divya Srivastava and R Stan Taylor Christopher J Miller and Joseph F Sobanko 25.1 Glycolic acid peel 13.3 Traditional buried – pulley 18.2 Primary inset of paramedian Cherie M Ditre Divya Srivastava and R Stan Taylor forehead flap and free cartilage From Procedures in Cosmetic Dermatology 13.4 Buried vertical mattress suture graft Series: Chemical Peels, edited by Jeffrey S Dover. Copyright Elsevier 2010. technique Christopher J Miller and Joseph F Sobanko 25.2 Salicyclic acid Divya Srivastava and R Stan Taylor 18.3 Abbe flap Pearl Grimes 13.5 Buried butterfly Christopher J Miller and Joseph F Sobanko From Procedures in Cosmetic Dermatology Divya Srivastava and R Stan Taylor 18.4 Dorsal nasal rotation flap Series: Chemical Peels, edited by 14. Complex Layered Facial Closures Christopher J Miller and Joseph F Sobanko Jeffrey S Dover. Copyright Elsevier 2010. 25.3 Modified phenol face peel 14.1 Excision with intradermal 19. Skin Grafting – preparation suture 19.1 Full-thickness skin graft Phillip A Stone Thomas E Rohrer Alvaro E Acosta From Procedures in Cosmetic Dermatology 14.2 Elliptical excision and layered 19.2 Full-thickness skin graft Series: Chemical Peels, edited by repair Jeffrey S Dover. Copyright Elsevier 2010. Sumaira Z Aasi Thomas E Rohrer 19.3 Split-thickness skin graft 14.3 Layered closure Alvaro E Acosta Ashish C Bhatia x Video Table of Contents 25.4 Modified phenol face peel 32.2 1550-nm fractional 39. Vertical Vector Face Lift with – peel application photothermolysis Local Anesthesia Phillip A Stone Kenneth A Arndt and Emmy M Graber 39.1 Tumescent face lift From Procedures in Cosmetic Dermatology 32.3 Arm tattoo removal by laser Greg S Morganroth Series: Chemical Peels, edited by Jeffrey S Dover. Copyright Elsevier 2010. Thomas E Rohrer 40. Blepharoplasty and Brow-lift 25.5 Modified phenol face peel 32.4 Eye and lipliner tattoo 40.1 Mid forehead brow-lift and – peel removal removal by laser upper eyelid laser-assisted Phillip A Stone Ashish C Bhatia and Thomas E Rohrer blepharoplasty to correct bilateral From Procedures in Cosmetic Dermatology 34. Laser-based Treatment of the brow ptosis and dermatochalasis Series: Chemical Peels, edited by Jeffrey S Dover. Copyright Elsevier 2010. Aging Face for Skin Resurfacing: Alina Fratila 25.6 Deep peeling (Exoderm Ablative and Non-ablative 40.2 UltraPulse CO2 laser-assisted method) Lasers upper eyelid blepharoplasty Marina Landau and Sahar F Ghannam 34.1 Fractional CO2 scanner Alina Fratila 26. Implants pattern 40.3 Blepharoplasty in the Asian Ashish C Bhatia eye – Aesthetic archives 26.1 Chin implants 34.2 Ablative fractional skin Robert S Flowers J Michael Carney resurfacing From Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, edited by 27. Botulinum Toxins Sherrell J Aston, Douglas S Steinbrech, and Omar A Ibrahimi and Suzanne L Kilmer Jennifer L Walden. Copyright Elsevier 2010. 27.1 Botulinim toxins 34.3 Nonablative fractional skin 40.4 Transconjunctival Doris Hexsel and Camile L Hexsel resurfacing UltraPulseTM CO laser-assisted 2 28. Liposuction Omar A Ibrahimi and Suzanne L Kilmer lower eyelid blepharoplasty 28.1 Liposuction 34.4 Nonablative treatment of Alina Fratila Ashish C Bhatia and Michael S Kaminer sebaceous hyperplasia 41. Rejuvenation of the Neck Using 28.2 Tumescent liposuction: Omar A Ibrahimi and Suzanne L Kilmer Liposuction and Other Techniques tumescent anesthesia 35. Laser and Light Treatment of 41.1 Neck liposuction: tumescent Michael S Kaminer Acquired and Congenital Vascular and laser-assisted 28.3 Tumescent liposuction: Lesions Michael S Kaminer liposuction for breast reduction 35.1 Treatment of portwine stain 41.2 Neck sling procedure Michael S Kaminer Johnny Chun Yin Chan and Michael S Kaminer and Ashish C Bhatia 29. Autologous Fat Transfer: Evolving Henry Hin Lee Chan 42. Rejuvenation of the External Concepts and Techniques 35.2 IPL Ellipse treatment of facial Female Genitalia telangiectasias on a patient with 29.1 FAMI procedure hereditary hemorrhagic 42.1 Rejuvenation of the female Kimberly J Butterwick telangiectasias external genitalia 30. Follicular Unit Hair Agneta Troilius and Magnus B Nilsson Doris Hexsel Transplantation 36. Sclerotherapy of Varicose Veins PART IV: Special 30.1 Robotic follicular unit 36.1 Sclerotherapy for leg veins Procedures extraction (RFUE) Jeffrey T S Hsu Robert M Bernstein 43. Keloid Management 37. Endovenous Ablation Techniques 30.2 Follicular unit transplantation with Ambulatory Phlebectomy for 43.1 Keloid management (FUT) Varicose Veins David Ozog Robert M Bernstein 37.1 Radiofrequency segmental 45. Mohs Micrographic Surgery and 30.3 Hair transplantation ablation and phlebectomy Cutaneous Oncology Walter Unger Sanja Schuller-Petrović, Felizitas Pannier, and 45.1 Mohs micrographic surgery 30.4 Follicular unit hair Miloš D Pavlović transplantation Developed by Tri H Nguyen MD and 37.2 Endovenous laser ablation of Michael R Migden MD, with support from Robert M Bernstein saphenous veins Mayo Clinic 31. Laser Hair Removal Sanja Schuller-Petrović, Felizitas Pannier, and © 2005 – American College of Mohs Surgery. 31.1 Laser hair removal: hair Miloš D Pavlović 46. Leg Ulcer Management removal IPL LHE Radiancy 38. Lamellar High-SMAS Minimum 46.1 Care for ankle ulcers over Thomas E Rohrer Incision Face Lift bony prominences using bolster 32. Laser Treatment of Tattoos and 38.1 Minimum incision face lift material Pigmented Lesions Robert C Langdon, Gerhard Sattler and Ysabel Bello, Carlos A Charles, C William Hanke Anna F Falabella, and 32.1 Treatment of lentigines Adolfo C Fernández-Obregón Thomas E Rohrer Video Table of Contents xi 46.2 Care for medial ankle venous 48.2 Repair of the completely split PART V: Office-Based ulcers using foam material earlobe Surgery: Physical and Ysabel Bello, Carlos A Charles, Sirunya Silapunt and Leonard H Goldberg Regulatory Anna F Falabella, and 48.3 Ear piercing Adolfo C Fernández-Obregón Sirunya Silapunt and Leonard H Goldberg 51. Design of the Surgical Suite, 46.3 Debridement of fibrous and Including Large Equipment, and necrotic material from ulcer 49. Hidradenitis suppurativa Monitoring Devices Ysabel Bello, Carlos A Charles, 49.1 Procedural treatments of Anna F Falabella, and 51.1 Office walk-through hidradenitis suppurativa Adolfo C Fernández-Obregón Thomas E Rohrer Virginia J Reeder, David Ozog, and 48. Repair of the Split Earlobe, Ear Iltefat Hamzavi Piercing, and Earlobe Reduction 48.1 Partially split earlobe repair Ashish C Bhatia and Thomas E Rohrer