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Springer Proceedings in Physics 62 Springer Proceedings in Physics Managing Editor: H. K. V. Latsch 44 Optical Fiber Sensors 54 Polycrystallille Semicollductors 11 Editors: H. J. Arditty. J. P. Dakin, Editors: J. H. Werner and H. P. Strunk and R. Th. Kersten 55 NOlllinear Dynamics and Quantum Phellomena 45 Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed in Optical Systems Matter Physics II: New Directions Editors: R. Vilaseca and R. Corbalan Editors: D. P. Landau, K. K. Mon. and H.-B. SchUttler 56 Amorphous alld Crystallille 46 Cellular Automata and Modeling of Complex Silicon Carbide 111, alld Other Group Physical Systems IV - IV Materials Editors: P. Manneville, N. Boccara, Editors: G. L. Harris, M. G. Spencer, G. Y. Vichniac, and R. Bidaux and C. Y.-W. Yang 47 Number Theory and Physics 57 Evolutiollary Trends in the Physical Sciences Editors: J .-M. Luck, P. Moussa. Editors: M. Suzuki and R. Kubo and M. Waldschmidt 48 Many-Atom Imeractions in Solids 58 New Trellds ill Nuclear Collective DYllamics Editors: R .M. Nieminen, M. J. Puska, Editors: Y. Abe, H. Horiuchi, and M. J. Manninen and K. Matsuyanagi 49 Ultrafast Phenomena in Spectroscopy 59 Exotic Atoms ill COlldensed Matter Editors: E. Klose and B. Wilhelmi Editors: G. Benedek and H. Schneuwly 50 Magnetic Properties of Low-Dimensional 60 The Physics alld Chemistry Systems II: New Developments of Oxide Superconductors Editors: L. M. Falicov, F. Mejia-Lira, Editors: Y. lye and H. Yasuoka andJ. L. Moran-LOpez 51 The Physics and Chemistry of Organic 61 Surface X-Ray alld Neutroll Scatterillg Superconductors Editors: H. Zabel and I. K. Robinson Editors: G. Saito and S. Kagoshima 62 Surface Sciellce: Lectures 011 Basic COllcepts 52 Dynamics and Patterns UI Complex Fluids: alld Applicatiolls New Aspects of the Physics-Chemistry Editors: F. A. Ponce and M. Cardona Interface Editors: A. Onuki and K. Kawasaki 63 Coherellt Ramall Spectroscopy: Recent Advallces 53 Computer Simulation Studies ill COlldellsed Editors: G. Marowsky and V. V. Smirnov Matter Physics III Editors: D. P. Laddau, K. K. Mon. 64 Superconductillg Devices and Their Applications and H.-B. SchUttler Editors: H. Koch and H. LUbbig Volumes 1-43 are listed on the back inside cover F. A. Ponce M. Cardona (Eds.) Surface Science Lectures on Basic Concepts and Applications Proceedings of the Sixth Latin American Symposium on Surface Physics (SLAFS-6), Cusco, Peru, September 3-7, 1990 With 258 Figures Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York London Paris Tokyo Hong Kong Barcelona Budapest Dr. Fernando A. Ponce Xerox Corp .• Palo Alto Research Center, 3333 Coyote Hill Road. Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA Professor Dr. Drs. h.c. Manuel Cardona Max-Planck-Institut flir Festkorperforschung, Heisenbergstrasse 1, W-7000 Stuttgart 80, Fed. Rep. of Germany ISBN -13: 978-3-642-76378-6 e- ISBN -13: 978-3-642-76376-2 DOl: 10.1007/978-3-642-76376-2 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilm or in any other way, and storage in data banks. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is per- mitted only underthe provisions of the GenTIan Copyright Law of September 9, 1965, in its current version, and permission for use must always be obtained from Springer-Verlag. Violations are liable for prosecution under the German Copyright Law. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1991 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1991 The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regula- tions and therefore free for general use. Typesetting: Camera ready by authors 54/3140-543210 - Printed on acid-free paper Preface This volume contains lectures and papers presented at the Sixth Latin American Symposium on Surface Physics (SLAPS) in Cusco, Peru, in September of 1990 and is dedicated to the memory of Nicolas Cabrera. For details about the SLAPS and biographical notes on Nicolas Cabrera the reader is referred to the introduc- tory contributions. The volume is divided into nine parts (plus the introductory contributions) covering a broad range of chemical, physical and engineering as- pects of two-dimensional solid systems such as surfaces, thin films, and artificial layer structures. Each part is headed by one or more invited lectures on topics of current interest, followed by a few shorter contributed papers which give a cross- sectional view of most regional activities in the field in Latin America. As such, they provide an inventory of manpower, know-how and equipment available in the area at this time. The reader will be amazed by the wide spectrum of subjects covered. They range from state-of-the-art theoretical topics, some involving large scale com- putation, to sophisticated numerical treatment of experimental data obtained in the analytical characterization of practical materials. They further range from high-energy particle detection to the oxidation of barbed wire in Mesoamerican coastal areas, from surface magnetism to thin film photovoltaic cells, from high temperature superconductors to amorphous thin film semiconductor devices. The reader will also be surprised by the high degree of expertise and the quantity, quality, and sophistication of equipment available in what is generally consid- ered a developing area. The reason for high development in the subject of this volume is to be sought, at least in part, in the considerable relevance of it to technologies and industries which are rapidly growing in Latin America, among others the chemical, petrochemical, and electronic industries. Industrial managers and scientists have been farsighted enough to devote a fraction of their analytical equipment and computational potential to basic studies in the related areas of surface science and thin films. Regular happenings, such as the SLAPS, have helped to forge a coherent community of competent scientists who speak the same language and know how to help each other in their endeavor. The editors of this volume strongly recommend readers to attend one of the future SLAFS. It will be an unforgettable experience, as Cusco was for them. Stuttgart Fernando Ponce Palo Alto, CA Manuel Cardona June 1991 v Contents Part I Introductory Contributions The Sixth Latin American Symposium on Surface Physics By F.A. Ponce and M. Cardona ............................ 3 Professor Nicolas Cabrera Sanchez (1913-1989): A Family Perspective of His Scientific Career By B. Cabrera (With 2 Figures) ............................ 9 Don Nicolas Cabrera in Mexico By M. Iose-Yacarnan ................................... 17 Part II Electronic Structure of Surfaces Dynamical Response of an Overlayer of Alkali-Metal Atoms Adsorbed on a Free-Electron Metal Surface By A,G. Eguiluz and I.A. Gaspar (With 8 Figures) ............... 23 Self-Diffusion by Place Exchange on Smooth Surfaces By P.I. Feibelman and G.L. Kellogg (With 3 Figures) ............. 37 The European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Grenoble By S. Ferrer (With 2 Figures) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Surface Normal Modes of a "Real" Electron Gas By E.W. Plummer, G.M. Watson, and K.-D. Tsuei (With 6 Figures) 49 On Plasmon Dispersion Measurements by EELS By M."Rocca, U.'Vaibusa, and F. Moresco (With 5 Figures) 59 The Electronic Band Structure of Penrose Lattices: A Renormalization Approach By Chumin Wang and R.A. Barrio (With 2 Figures) 67 Part ill Atomic Arrangement at Surfaces and Interfaces Spin vs Charge Asymmetry in the Dimers of the Si(100)-2x 1 Surface By E. Artacho (With 5 Figures) ............................ 73 VII HRTEM of Decahedral Gold Particles By M. Avalos-Borja, F.A. Ponce, and K. Heinemann (With 6 Figures) 83 The Structure of Gold Icosahedral Nanoclusters By M. Jose-Yacanuln, R. Herrera, C. Zorrilla, S. Tehuacanero, and M. Avalos (With 3 Figures) ............................ 93 Reflection Electron Microscopy and Reflection Electron Diffraction in the Electron Microscope By J.A. Eades (With 2 Figures) ............................ 99 Studies of Chemisorption with the Scanning Tunneling Microscope By M. Salmeron (With 8 Figures) ........................... 105 Automation and Control of a Commercial Scanning Tunneling Microscope By J. Valenzuela and J. Rodriguez (With 4 Figures) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 115 PartN Interaction Between Radiation and Surfaces Electron and Photon Stark Ladders in Finite Solids By F. Claro (With 5 Figures) .............................. 121 Electron Energy Loss in STEM Spectra By P.M. Echenique, A. Rivacoba, N. Zabala, and R.H. Ritchie (With 2 Figures) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 127 Chemical Infonnation from Auger Electron Spectroscopy By J. Ferr6n and R. Vidal (With 6 Figures) .................... 135 Electron Energy Loss Studies of Surface Phonons on Crystal Surfaces By B.M. Hall and D.L. Mills (With 5 Figures) .................. 145 Auger Electron Spectroscopy Measurements on Na f3"-Alumina Crystals By C.A. Achete and F.L. Freire, Jr. (With 3 Figures) ............. 159 Forward Focusing Effect in the Elastic Scattering of Electrons from Cu(OOI) By H. Ascolani, M.M. Guraya, and G. Zarnpieri (With 1 Figure) ...... 163 XPS Characterization of Nitrogen-Implanted Titanium with Pulsed Ion Beams By C.O. de GonzMez, G. Scordia, and J. Feugeas ................ 165 Part V Processes at Surfaces: Interface Formation Microscopic Phenomena in Epitaxy By A.A. Chemov (With 5 Figures) .......................... 169 VIII Competition Between Nucleation and Two-Dimensional Step Growth in Molecular Beam Epitaxy By V. Fuenzalida and 1. Eisele (With 2 Figures) ................. 183 Fermi Level Readjustments on Adsorption and Interface Formation By C. Pinto de Melo (With 5 Figures) ........................ 187 Effective Dielectric Response of a Composite with Aligned Ellipsoidal Inclusions By J. Giraldo, R.G. Barrera, and W.L. Mochan (With 2 Figures) 195 Heat Capacity Measurements of p-H2 and o-D2 Adsorbed on Graphite at Low Temperatures By M.E. Bassols and F.A.B. Chaves (With 1 Figure) .............. 203 The Growth of Cobalt on Cu(1 (0): An Angle Resolved Auger Electron Spectroscopy Study By J.M. Heras, M.e. Asensio, G. Andreasen, and L. Viscido (With 3 Figures) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 207 Water Adsorption on Copper: Artifacts Emerging During AES By J.M. Heras, G. Andreasen, and L. Viscido (With 3 Figures) 211 Model Calculations of the Indirect Interaction Between Chemisorbed Atoms By S.R. de Freitas and C. Pinto de Melo (With 2 Figures) .......... 217 Manifestation of Non-equilibrium Behavior in Thermal Desorption Dynamics By R Almeida and E.S. Hood ............................. 221 The First Stages of Oxidation of Poly crystalline Cobalt Studied with Electron Spectroscopies By J.L. del Barco, R Vidal, and J. Ferron ..................... 227 Cluster Model for the Interaction of K with Si(100) By D.E. Rodriguez, E.C. Goldberg, and J. Ferron ................ 229 A Model to Consider Clustering Effects for Composites By W.E. Vargas, L.F. Fonseca, and M. Gomez (With 1 Figure) ....... 231 Part VI Properties of Thin Films Solar Energy Materials: Survey and Some Examples By C.G. Granqvist (With 4 Figures) ......................... 237 The Optical Response of Composites at Low Filling Fractions: A New Diagrammatic Summation By RG. Barrera, e. Noguez, and E. Anda (With 1 Figure) .......... 249 IX Determination of Impurity Content in Sn02 Thin Films Using Nuclear Reactions By R Asomoza, A. Maldonado, J. Rickards, E.P. Zironi, M.H. Farias, and L. Cota-Araiza (With 7 Figures) ......................... 257 Electrochromic dc Sputtered Nickel-Oxide-Based Films: Optical Structural, and Electrochemical Characterization By W. Estrada, A.M. Andersson, C.G. Granqvist, A. Gorenstein, and F. Decker (With 5 Figures) ............................ 265 Photoluminescence Characterization of the Crystalline Quality in futrinsic GaAs Epitaxial Layers By G. Torres-Delgado, J.G. Mendoza-Alvarez, and B.E. Zendejas (With 5 Figures) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 275 Optical Properties of Thin Films of Polymerized Acetylene Deposited by dc and rf Glow Discharge By J.H. Dias da Silva, M.P. Cantao, J.1. Cisneros, C.S. Lambert, M.A. Bica'de Moraes, and RP. Mota (With 2 Figures) ............ 285 fucoherent Light Assisted CufuSe,2 Thin Film Processing By H. Galindo, J.M. Martin, A.B. Vincent, and L.D. Laude (With 2 Figures) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 289 A Study of the Dispersive Behavior of an Anisotropic Gold Film on Mica By J.M. Siqueiros, R Machorro, J. Valenzuela, L. Morales, and L.E. Regalado (With 7 Figures) ......................... 295 A Non-homogeneous Thin Film Model and the Evaluation of Its Properties by Ellipsometric Methods By Y. Torres and A. Plata (With 1 Figure) ..................... 301 Computer Aided Ellipsometry Applied to Thin Films By Y. Torres, A. Plata, and c.A.P. Gamier (With 1 Figure) 305 Electrical Resistance in Hydrogenated Nb Thin Films By D.E. Azofeifa and N. Clark (With 2 Figures) ................. 307 futerdiffusion of Cu-fu Films Studied by the Resistometric Method By N. Clark imd D.E. Azofeifa (With 1 Figure) ................. 311 Structure and Optical Absorption of LiyV20s Thin Films By A. Talledo, A.M. Andersson, and C.G. Granqvist (With 1 Figure) ... 315 Part VII Semiconductors Phonons in Semiconductor Superlattices By M. Cardona (With 14 Figures) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 319 x Dispersive Transient Charge Carrier Transport in Polycrystalline Films of CdTe By F. Sanchez-Sinencio, J.M. Figueroa, R. Ramirez-Bon, O. Zelaya, G.A. Gonzalez de la Cruz, J.G. Mendoza, G. Contreras-Puente, and A. Diaz-G6ngora (With 4 Figures) ....................... 345 Fabrication and Theoretical Simulation of Cu(In,Ga)Se2/(ZnCd)S Thin Film Solar Cells By G. Gordillo (With 5 Figures) ............................ 353 Photoelectric Response of Thin Films for Solar Cells By A. Valera (With 11 Figures) ............................ 361 Characterization of Palladium Contacts to a-Si:H and a-Si:N:H By M.G. da Silva and S.S. Camargo, Jr. (With 4 Figures) .......... 369 Chemical Homogeneity and Charge Transfer in Amorphous Si-N Alloys By M.M. Guraya, H. Ascolani, G. Zampieri, J.I. Cisneros, J.H. Dfas da Silva, and M.P. Cantao (With 2 Figures) ............. 375 Photo current Oscillations in a-SiC:H Double Barrier Devices Exhibiting Negative Differential Resi,stance By M.P. Carreno and I. Pereyra (With 2 Figures) ................ 377 Complex Refractive Index of a-Si:F Thin Films By M. Garda-Castaneda and A. Marmo-Camargo (With 3 Figures) 381 Bonding Structure of Amorphous SiNx:H Films By M.M. Guraya, H. Ascolani, G. Zampieri, J.I. Cisneros, J.H. Dfas da Silva, and M.P. Cantao (With 1 Figure) .............. 385 TFTs with an a-SiCx:H Insulator Layer By I. Pereyra, M.P. Carreno, and A.M. de Andrade (With 3 Figures) 387 Thermal Depth Profiling of Solar Cells by Acoustic Calorimetry By M. Fracastoro-Decker, E.A.M. Fagotto, and F. Decker (With 3 Figures) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 391 Study of the Optical Properties of CdTe Thin Films Grown by rf Sputtering By M. Garcia-Rocha, M. Melendez-Lira, S. Jimenez-Sandoval, and I. Hernandez-Calderon (With 3 Figures) .................... 397 Part vrn Superlattices and Quantum Effects Metallic Superlattices: Structural and Elastic Properties By M. Grimsditch and I.K. Schuller (With 6 Figures) ............. 403 Analysis of the Tight-Binding Description of the Structure of Metallic 2D Systems By R. Baquero (With 3 Figures) ............................ 411 XI

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