a 0039-6028 | a Surface science ———— t- A journal devoted to the physics and chemistry of interfaces North-Holland Ls FOUNDING EDITOR: Harry C. Gatos ADVISORY EDITORIAL BOARD AUSTRIA K.D. Rendulic, Graz CANADA P.R. Norton, London, Ontario CHINA Xun Wang, Shanghai, Xie Xide, Shanghai DENMARK J.K. Neorskov, Lyngby FRANCI M. Bienfait, Marseille, L. Dobrzynski, Villeneuve d'Ascq, C.A. Sébenne, Paris GERMANY E. Bauer, Clausthal — Zellerfeld, A.M. Bradshaw, Berlin (Dahlem), G. Comsa, Jiilich, D.M. Kolb, Ulm, D. Menzel, Garching bei Miinchen ITALY G. Benedek, Milan JAPAN Shinji Kawaji, Tokyo, Y. Murata, Tokyo, A. Yoshimori, Okayama NETHERLANDS J.F. van der Veen, Amsterdam RUSSIA V.A. Grazhulis, Chernogolovka UK S. Holloway, Liverpool, R.M. Lambert, Cambridge, M.W. Roberts, Cardiff, P.D. Woodruff. Coventry USA E.A. Carter, Los Angeles, CA, J.E. Demuth, Yorktown Heights, NY, PJ. Feibelman, Albuquerque, NM, M.G. Lagally, Madison, WI, T.E. Madey, Piscataway, NJ, R.L. Masel, Urbana, IL, J.W. Rabalais, Houston, TX, P.A. Thiel, Ames, IA, W.H. Weinberg, Santa Barbara, CA, R.F. Willis, University Park, PA, J.T. Yates, Jr., Pittsburgh, PA EDITORIAL ADDRESSES Editor Dr. Charles B. Duke, Xerox Webster Research Center, 800 Phillips Road, Bldg. 0114-38D, Webster, NY 14580, USA Telefax: + 1-716-265-5080; Electronic mail: warthman.wbst!28@ xerox.com Regional Editors Professor George Comsa, Institut fir Grenzflachenforschung und Vakuumphysik, KFA Julich, D-52425 Julich, Germany Telefax: + 49-2461-58627 Professor Shinji Kawaji, Department of Physics, Gakushuin University, 1-5-1 Mejiro, Toshima-Ku, Tokyo 171, Japan Telefax: +81-3-5391-1513 Dr. Richard M. Lambert, Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, Lensfield Road, Cambridge CB2 1EW, UK Telefax: + 44-223-336362; Electronic mail: [email protected] All correspondence with the publisher regarding manuscripts accepted for publication should be addressed to Surface Science Technical Editors, P.O. 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Roberts, Cardiff C.A. Sébenne, Paris P.A. Thiel, Ames, IA J.F. van der Veen, Amsterdam Xun Wang, Shanghai W.H. Weinberg, Santa Barbara, CA R.F. Willis, University Park, PA P.D. Woodruff, Coventry Xie Xide, Shanghai J.T. Yates, Jr., Pittsburgh, PA A. Yoshimori, Okayama Surface science including surface science letters A JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF INTERFACES Editor: Charles B. Duke, Webster, NY Regional Editors: George Comsa, Shinji Kawaji, Richard M. Lambert Master Index to Volumes 301-310 Ni NORTH-HOLLAND Amsterdam—Lausanne—New York—Oxford—Shannon-—Tokyo © 1994 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the publisher, Elsevier Science B.V., Copyright & Permissions Department, P.O. Box 521, 1000 AM Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 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If no code appears in an article, the author has not given broad consent to copy and permission to copy must be obtained directly from the author. The fee indicated on the first page of an article in this issue will apply retroactively to all articles published in the journal, regardless of the year of publication. This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying, such as for general distribution, resale, advertising and promotion purposes, or for creating new collective works. Special written permission must be obtained from the publisher for such copying. No responsibility is assumed by the Publisher for any injury and /or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. Although all advertising material is expected to conform to ethical standards, inclusion in this publication does not constitute a guarantee or endorsement of the quality or value of such product or of the claims made of it by its manufacturer. This volume is printed on acid-free paper. PRINTED IN THE NETHERLANDS Author index to volumes 301—310 Aaltonen, J., see Valden 307-309 (1994) Aas, N. and M. Bowker, The preparation, characterisation and oxygen adsorption on Ir/Pd(110) alloys 310 (1994) Abbati, I., see Plesanovas 307-309 (1994) Abdul Ridha, H.H., see Armstrong 307-309 (1994) Aberdam, D., Y. Gauthier, R. Durand and R. Faure, The UPD of copper on Pt(100): a first quantitative structure determination by LEED 306 (1994) Abon, M., see Atli 302 (1994) Abstreiter, G., see Hirler 305 (1994) Abukawa, T., T. Kashiwakura, T. Okane, H. Takahashi, S. Suzuki, S. Kono, S. Sato, T. Kinoshita, A. Kakizaki, T. Ishii, C.Y. Park, K.A. Kang, K. Sakamoto and T. Sakamoto, Angle-resolved photoemission study of a single-domain $i(001)2 1-Na surface with synchrotron radiation 303 (1994) Abukawa, T., see Takahashi 304 (1994) Adamchuk, V.K., see Shikin 307-309 (1994) Adams, D.L., see Schmalz 301 (1994) Adams, J.A., see Coleridge 305 (1994) Adams, J.A., see Sachrajda 305 (1994) Adams, J.A., see Taylor 305 (1994) Adams, J.B., see Xu 301 (1994) Aebi, P., see Hitchcock 301 (1994) Aebi, P., see Naumovic 307-309 (1994) Aebi, P., J. Osterwalder, R. Fasel, D. Naumovic and L. Schlapbach, Fermi surface mapping with photoelectrons at UV energies 307-309 (1994) Aebi, P., see Martin-Gago 307-309 (1994) Ahmat, A.A., see Samarin 307-309 (1994) Ahmed, H., see Goodings 305 (1994) Ahmed, H., see Ogawa 305 (1994) Aiura, Y., see Maruyama 304 (1994) Aizawa, T., see Souda 303 (1994) Aizawa, T., see Hayami 303 (1994) Akemann, W. and A. Otto, Continuous secondary light emission from silver films: on the origin of the inelastic background in SERS 307-309 (1994) Akimov, A.V., see Zinov’ev 305 (1994) Al-Sarraf, N. and D.A. King, Calorimetric adsorption heats on low-index nickel surfaces 307-309 (1994) Al-Shamery, K., see Winkelmann 307-309 (1994) Alavi, A. and S. Chandavarkar, The effect of molecular shape anisotropy on surface melting 302 (1994) Albano, E.V., Critical behavior of an irreversible multiple-reaction process 306 (1994) Allam, J., see Ogawa 305 (1994) Allen, M.D., see Bowker 307-309 (1994) Allen, S.J., see Scott 305 (1994) Allen, Jr., S.J., see Keay 305 (1994) Alleno, E., see Nicklin 307-309 (1994) Allison, W., see Reichmuth 307-309 (1994) Allison, W., see Curson 307-309 (1994) 2 Author index to volumes 301-310 Almulhem, A.A., Resonance tunneling neutralization of low-energy ions near metal surfaces 304 (1994) Alphenaar, B.W., A.A.M. Staring, H. van Houten and C.T. Foxon, Coulomb blockade in the presence of adiabatically transmitted edge channels 305 (1994) Altman, E.I. and R.J. Colton, Growth of Rh on Au(111): surface intermixing of immiscible metals 304 (1994) Alves, J.L.A., see Ferraz 307-309 (1994) Aminpirooz, S., see Schmalz 301 (1994) Ammer, Ch., T. Schaefer, Ch. Teichert, K. Meinel and M. Klaua, The multilayer growth mode in the epitaxy of Ag on Ag(111) analysed by SPALEED 307-309 (1994) Ancilotto, F., see White 307-309 (1994) Anderson, M.L., V.S. Williams, TJ. Schuerlein, G.E. Collins, C.D. England, L.-K. Chau, PA. Lee, K.W. Nebesny and N.R. Armstrong, RHEED and optical characterization of ordered multilayers of phthalocyanine/Cgo and phthalocyanine/perylene-tetracarboxylicdianhydride (PTCDA) 307-309 (1994) Andersson, C.B.M., U.O. Karlsson, M.C. Hakansson, L.O. Olsson, L. Ilver, J. Kanski, P-O. Nilsson and PE.S. Persson, Sputtered and annealed InAs(111): an unreconstructed surface 307-309 (1994) Ando, A., see Hirata 310 (1994) Ando, T., see Tsuchiya 305 (1994) Angot, T., see Bouzidi 307-309 (1994) Anz, S.J., see Charatan 302 (1994) Aono, M., see Kuwahara 310 (1994) Aouaj, A., see Kofman 303 (1994) Aoyagi, Y., see Stopa 305 (1994) Apell, P., see Rivacoba 307-309 (1994) Arens, M., see Hunger 307-309 (1994) Aristov, V.Yu., see Le Lay 307-309 (1994) Armstrong, N.R., see Anderson 307-309 (1994) Armstrong, S.R., M.E. Pemble and A.R. Turner, Photoelectrochemical eching of n-GaAs(001) electrodes studied using reflectance anisotropy 307-309 (1994) Armstrong, S.R., G.H. Fan, M.E. Pemble, H.H. Abdul Ridha and A.R. Turner, Reflectance anisotropy studies of the growth of InP on InP(001) at atmospheric pressures using tertiarybutylphosphine and trimethylindium 307-309 (1994) Artamonov, O.M., M. Bode and J. Kirschner, The role of elastic electron scattering in coincidence spectroscopy of W(100) in back-reflection geometry 307-309 (1994) Artamonov, O.M., see Samarin 307-309 (1994) Aruga, T., see Takaoka 306 (1994) Aruga, T., see Onishi 310 (1994) Arvanitis, D., see Tischer 307-309 (1994) Asai, K., T. Miyashita, K. Ishigure and S. Fukatsu, An application of electrolytic deposition for the electronic passivation of GaAs surfaces through the formation of thin organic films 306 (1994) Asensio, M.C., see Bao 307-309 (1994) Asensio, M.C., see Martin-Gago 307-309 (1994) Ashoori, R.C., H.L. Stormer, J.S. Weiner, L.N. Pfeiffer, K.W. Baldwin and K.W. West, Energy levels of an artificial atom probed with single-electron capacitance spectroscopy 305 (1994) 558 Aspnes, D.E., Real-time optical diagnostics for epitaxial growth 307-309 (1994) 1017 Athas, G.J., see Klepper 305 (1994) 181 Atlas, S.R., see Wright 302 (1994) 215 Author index to volumes 301-310 Atli, A., M. Abon, P. Beccat, J.C. Bertolini and B. Tardy, Carbon monoxide adsorption on a PtgoFe29(111) single-crystal alloy 302 (1994) Aufray, B., H. Giordano, B. Legrand and G. Tréglia, On a “surfactant-like” behaviour of Ni/Ag(100) deposit 307-309 (1994) Aufray, B., see Giordano 307-309 (1994) Augustin, P., see Rangelov 307-309 (1994) Ayre, C.R. and R.J. Madix, The adsorption and reaction of 1,2-propanediol on Ag(110) under oxygen lean conditions 303 (1994) Ayre, C.R. and R.J. Madix, C-C and C-H bond activation of 1,2-propanedioxy by atomic oxygen on Ag(110): effects of co-adsorbed oxygen on reaction mechanism 303 (1994) Baba, Y., H. Yamamoto and T.A. Sasaki, KLL resonant Auger electron emission from silicon compounds in solid phase 307-309 (1994) Baberschke, K., see Tischer 307-309 (1994) Baberschke, K., see Schulz 307-309 (1994) Badt, D., see Wengelnik 307-309 (1994) Baerends, E.J., see Kirchner 304 (1994) Bagus, P.S., see Ricart 304 (1994) Baier, H.-U., see Rossi Salmagne 307-309 (1994) Bailey, P., see Flavell 307-309 (1994) Balcerzak, T. and L. Wojtczak, The influence of anharmonic interactions and external force on the surface roughness 301 (1994) Balden, M., S. Lehwald, E. Preuss and H. Ibach, Surface phonons of the clean and H-covered W(110) surface measured with EELS 307-309 (1994) Baldwin, K.W., see Ashoori 305 (1994) Balzer, F. and H.-G. Rubahn, Real time observation of heat transfer along laser- irradiated dielectric surfaces 307-309 (1994) Bansmann, J., see Fecher 307-309 (1994) Bao, S., see Hofmann 304 (1994) Bao, S., Ph. Hofmann, K.-M. Schindler, V. Fritzsche, A.M. Bradshaw, D.P. Woodruff, C. Casado and M.C. Asensio, Determination of the local adsorption structure of acetylene on Ni(111) 307-309 (1994) Bar-Ad, S., 1. Bar-Joseph, Y.B. Levinson and H. Shtrikman, Time-resolved four wave mixing studies of a two-dimensional electron gas in a magnetic field 305 (1994) Bar-Joseph, I., see Bar-Ad 305 (1994) Baraldi, A., see Murray 304 (1994) Baraldi, A., see Casalis 306 (1994) Barbier, A., see Schorsch 307-309 (1994) Barbieri, A., W. Weiss, M.A. Van Hove and G.A. Sotnorjai, Magnetite Fe,;O,(111): surface structure by LEED crystallography and energetics 302 (1994) Barbieri, A., see Materer 303 (1994) Barbieri, A., see Gardin 304 (1994) Barbieri, A., M.A. Van Hove and G.A. Somorjai, Benzene coadsorbed with CO on Pd(111) and Rh(111): detailed molecular distortions and induced substrate relaxations 306 (1994) Baribeau, J.-M., see Hitchcock 301 (1994) Barkema, G.T., see Breeman 303 (1994) Barkema, G.T., O. Biham, M. Breeman, D.O. Boerma and G. Vidali, Characteriza- tion of submonolayer growth of Cu islands on Cu(001) 306 (1994) Barkema, G.T., see Lee 306 (1994) Barkema, G.T., see Breeman 307-309 (1994) 4 Author index to volumes 301-310 Barnes, C.J., see Valden 307-309 (1994) Barnes, D.J., see Dalton 305 (1994) Barrett, D.A., see Shakesheff 304 (1994) Barrett, S.D., see Patchett 307-309 (1994) Bart, F., M. Gautier, F. Jollet and J.P. Duraud, Electronic structure of the (0001) and (1010) quartz surfaces and of their defects as observed by reflection electron energy loss spectroscopy (REELS) 306 (1994) Bartelt, N.C., see Pai 307-309 (1994) Bartelt, N.C., see Williams 310 (1994) Barth, J.V., R. Schuster, R.J. Behm and G. Ertl, K-induced restructuring of Au(001) observed by scanning tunneling microscopy 302 (1994) Barth, J.V., R.J. Behm and G. Ertl, Mesoscopic structural transformations of the Au(111) surface induced by alkali metal adsorption 302 (1994) Barthés-Labrousse, M.-G., see Nicklin 307-309 (1994) Basmaji, P., see Gusev 305 (1994) 305 (1994) Bastard, G., see Roussignol Batchelor, D.R., see Schmalz 301 (1994) Batina, N., see Zei 306 (1994) 303 (1994) Batteas, J.D., see Materer Batteas, J.D., see Gardin 304 (1994) Battistoni, C., see Davoli 306 (1994) Bauer, G.E.W., Excitonic correction to resonant tunneling 305 (1994) Baum, H., see Ensslin 305 (1994) Baumer, M., see Winkelmann 307-309 (1994) Beaumont, S.P., see Cusco 305 (1994) 307-309 (1994) Beaurepaire, E., see Schorsch Beben, J. and W. Gubernator, Investigation of surface diffusion of Hf on W(100) by the density fluctuation method 304 (1994) Beccat, P., see Atli 392 (1994) Bechstedt, F., see Schmidt 307-309 (1994) Bechstedt, F., see Wenzien 307-309 (1994) Becker, C., see Linke 307-309 (1994) Becker, C., U. Schréder, G.R. Castro, U. Schneider, H. Busse, R. Linke and K. Wandelt, Lateral interaction of H and CO coadsorbed on Cu;Pt(111) 307-309 (1994) Bedrossian, P., Generation and healing of low-energy ion-induced defects on Si(100)-2x 1 301 (1994) Behm, R.J., see Barth 302 (1994) 302 (1994) Behm, R.J., see Barth Behm, R.J., see Feltz 307-309 (1994) Bell, R.A., see Vogt 301 (1994) 303 (1994) Ben-David, T., see Kofman Bending, S.J., see Geim 305 (1994) Benedek, G., G. Brusdeylins, F. Hofmann, P. Ruggerone, J.P. Toennies, R. Vollmer and J.G. Skofronick, Strong coupling of Rayleigh phonons to charge density wavesi n 1T-TaS, 304 (1994) Benedict, K.A., see Eyles 305 (1994) Benemanskaya, G.V., see Liebsch 302 (1994) Benndorf, C., see Mundt 307-309 (1994) Benndorf, C., see Rohwerder 307-309 (1994) Bennemann, K.-H., see Morr 307-309 (1994) Bennemann, K.-H., see Pustogowa 307-309 (1994) Bennich, P., see Sandell 310 (1994)