Surface Proofs for Nonsymmetric Linear Logic LawrenceDunn JamieVicary NorthFloridaCommunityCollege,USA UniversityofOxford,UK [email protected] [email protected] We show that a proof in multiplicative linear logic can be represented as a decorated surface, such thattwoproofsarelogicallyequivalentjustwhentheirsurfacesaregeometricallyequivalent. Thisis anextendedabstractforarXiv:1601.05372. 1 Introduction Multiplicative linear logic [6, 7] is a formal calculus for reasoning about resources, which is similar to traditional logic, except that resources cannot be duplicated or neglected in the way that propositions can. Acentralprobleminlogicisdeterminingwhentwoproofsshouldbeconsideredequivalent. Inthis paper,wedescribeaschemeforinterpretingproofsinmultiplicativelinearlogicasgeometricalsurfaces embedded in 3d space. We define two surfaces as equivalent just when one can be deformed into the other,insensewemakeprecise. Ourmaintheoremthenreadsasfollows. Theorem2.2. Twosequentproofsinnonsymmetricmultiplicativelinearlogichaveequalinterpretations inthefree∗-autonomouscategoryjustwhentheirsurfacesareequivalent. Thetheoryof∗-autonomouscategories[18,20]isastandardmathematicalmodelforlinearlogic,sothis theoremsaysthatthenotionofproofequalityprovidedbythesurfacecalculusagreeswiththestandard one. Oursurfacesaresimilarinspirittoproofnets[5,7];however,wearguethatourschemehasseveral advantages. Inparticular,correctnessislocal;anywell-typedcompositeproducesavalidproof-theoretic object, with no global property, such as the long-trip criterion, to be verified. Also, our notion of equivalenceisbroad,establishingsomeproofequivalencesinfewerstepsthanforproofnets;sometimes in just a single step. Our scheme also certainly has disadvantages: in particular, we do not present a decision procedure for equivalence of our 3d diagrams, although we expect such a procedure could be described. Despitethesedifferences,theformalismsareintimatelyconnected,inthefollowingway: the proof net is the 2d projection of the 3d surface geometry. From this perspective, we can make sense of someofthefeaturesofproofnets: thelong-tripcriterioncanbeinterpretedasanon-localcheckthatthe 2dshadowisconsistentwithavalid3dgeometry,andthethinninglinkdecorationsindicatethedepthat whichaunitisattachedinthe3dgeometry. Theunderlyingtechnicalcontribution,whichwedonotdescribeinthisextendedabstract,isadirect algebraic proof of the coherence theoremfor Frobenius pseudomonoids, which shows that all diagrams of a certain sort commute. This is more appropriate for logical purposes, and more flexible, than an existingtopologicalproofarisingfromMorsetheory[15,16]. The authors are grateful to Samson Abramsky, Nick Gurski, Sam Staton and the anonymous reviewers for useful comments. 3d graphics have been written in TikZ, and 2d graphics have been producedbytheproofassistantGlobular[2]. I.CervesatoandM.Ferna´ndez(Eds):FourthInternationalWorkshop onLinearity2016(LINEARITY’16) EPTCS238,2017,pp.33–43,doi:10.4204/EPTCS.238.4 34 SurfaceProofsforNonsymmetricLinearLogic 1.1 Relatedwork It is well-recognized that ideas from topology are relevant for linear logic. The original proof nets of Girard [7] are topological objects, and Mellie`s has shown how the topology of ribbons gives a decision procedureforcorrectnessofproofnets[17]. Proofnetsallowreasoningaboutproofswithunits,butthe formalism is complex, requiring a system of thinning links with moving connections [5]. Hughes [10] givesavariantofproofnetswhichworkswellwithunits,andwhichhasgoodcompositionalproperties, but which still requires a long-trip criterion, has non-local jumps, and requires successive individual re-wirings. Our approach has a local flavour which is shared by the deep-inference model of proof analysis[8]andtheaccesstomonoidalcoherencethatitallows[9];however,thecoherencepropertywe makeuseofisstrictlymorepowerful,asitoperatesinafragmentthatcombinesthe⊗and`connectives. WenotealsotheworkofSlavnov[21]onlinearlogicandsurfaces,whichinvolvessomesimilarideasto thepresentarticle,butistechnicallyquiteunrelated. 2 Surface calculus In this section we develop the 2d string diagram calculus for sequents, and the 3d surface calculus for proofs. We show how to translate a sequent calculus proof into the surface calculus, and we define the equivalencerelationonsurfaces. 2.1 The2dcalculus The 2d calculus, which we will use to represent individual sequents, is the Joyal-Street calculus for monoidal categories [13], directed from left to right. We use the standard 2-sided sequent calculus for nonsymmetricmultiplicativelinearlogicwithunits[5]: oursequentsarepairsΓ(cid:96)∆,whereΓand∆are ordered lists (separated with “,”) of expressions in the following grammar, whereV ={A,B,C,...} is a setofatomicvariables: S::=I|⊥|V |S⊗S|S`S|S∗|∗S Wehaveleftandrightnegation,andisomorphisms∗(S∗)(cid:39)S(cid:39)(∗S)∗areanativepartofthecalculus(see Example3.2);forsimplicity,wesuppressthematthesyntacticlevel. Our graphical language for sequents is as follows. Atomic variables are represented as black dots, pointingindifferentdirectionsdependingontheirsideofthesequent: A A A(cid:96)··· ···(cid:96)A Thesediagramshavenonemptyboundary,inthesensethatnotalltheendsareterminatedbynodes. Thetwosidesofasequentarerepresentedgraphicallybytrees,whicharedrawnconnectedtogether attheirroots. Thebasicconnective“,”isdenotedasabluevertexwithzeroormorebranchestotheleft orright,asfollows: C A A A D B B B E C A,B(cid:96)C,D,E (cid:96)A,B A,B,C(cid:96) L.DunnandJ.Vicary 35 The connectives ⊗ and `, which are always binary, are drawn in blue on their natural side (left for ⊗, rightfor`),andinredontheotherside,asweshowwiththefollowingexamples: A E A B F D B C G E C D H F A,(B⊗C),D(cid:96)E,(F⊗G),H (A`B),C(cid:96)D`(E⊗F) Note that a blue dot with a binary branching is therefore an overloaded notation; this is a deliberate feature. The units I and ⊥ are represented by blue dots on their natural side (left for I, right for ⊥), and red dotsontheotherside,asshown: A B A C B A,I,B(cid:96)C A,⊥(cid:96)B,I,⊥ Werepresent(−)∗ asturningrightbyahalf-turn,and∗(−)asturningleftbyahalf-turn,asshown: A C D B A∗,∗B(cid:96)∗∗C,D Diagrams built from sequents in this way are of a simple kind; as graphs, they are all acyclic and connected. Ingeneralwecanallowarbitrarywell-typedcompositesofthesecomponents;suchdiagrams represent1-morphismsinthemonoidalbicategoryF(F∗),describedinthefullpaper. 2.2 The3dcalculus Diagramsinthe3dcalculusaresurfacesembeddedinR3. Formallytheyareexpressionsinthegraphical calculusforGraycategories,whichisbynowwell-developed[3,4,12,19]. However,the3dcalculusis quiteintuitive,andwetakeadvantageofthistointroduceitinaninformalway. Diagrams consist of sheets, bounded on the left and right by edges, which are bounded above and below by vertices. (Sheets can also be bounded by the sides of the diagram, and edges can also be boundedbythetoporbottomofthediagram.) Diagramsareimmersedin3dspace,meaningthatsheets can exist in front or behind other sheets, and wires on sheets of different depths can cross; however, 36 SurfaceProofsforNonsymmetricLinearLogic componentsneverintersect. Hereisanexample: Here we have front and back sheets, each containing an edge, which contains a vertex. Towards the bottomofthepicture,thewirescross: thisiscalledaninterchanger. For our application to linear logic, we allow two types of vertex: coherent vertices and adjunction vertices. • Coherentvertices. Saythata2dcalculusdiagramissimplewhenitisconnectedandacyclicwith nonempty boundary, and in the blue fragment of the calculus, not involving red nodes or black atomic variable nodes. Then any two simple diagrams can be connected by a coherent vertex, denotedasfollows: (1) On the left we give the surface representation, and on the right we give the 2d calculus representation of the upper and lower boundaries. The coherent vertex is the point in the middle ofthesurfacediagramwhere4edgesmeet. • Adjunctionvertices. ListedinFigure1,theseintroduceandeliminateredandblackedgesinthe surfacecalculus. We now define equivalence in the graphical language, giving intuitive interpretations of each generatingrelationinitalics. Definition 2.1. Two surface diagrams are equivalent when they are related by the least equivalence relationgeneratedbythefollowing: • Coherence. LetP,Qbesurfacediagramsbuiltfromcoherentvertices,withequallowerboundaries and equal upper boundaries, with all these boundaries being simple; then P = Q. (All acyclic equationsofcoherentverticeshold.) • Adjunction. TheequationslistedinFigure2hold. (Bentwirescanbepulledstraight.) • Isotopy. Theequationsofamonoidalbicategoryhold. (Iftwodiagramsareambientisotopic,they areequivalent.) L.DunnandJ.Vicary 37 [empty] [empty] [empty] Figure1: Thegeneratorsofthe3dcalculus = = = = = = = = = = Figure2: Theequationsofthe3dcalculus • Locality. Suppose surface diagrams P,Q differ only with respect to subdiagrams P(cid:48),Q(cid:48), with P(cid:48)=Q(cid:48). ThenP=Q. (Equivalenceapplieslocallyintheinteriorofadiagram.) It is a fair summary of this definition to say that two diagrams are equivalent just when one can be deformed into the other. We emphasize that our contribution here is the Coherence axiom, which has notpreviouslybeennoted1;therestfollowsinprinciplefromtheworkofStreet[22],althoughithasnot toourknowledgebeenexplicitlydescribedintheliterature,anditsimplicationsforlinearlogicunpacked. However,wenotethatitistheCoherenceaxiomthatmakesthenotionofequivalencetractable. Our presentation here is informal, but we emphasize that our definition of the surface calculus and its equivalence relation can be made completely precise in terms of the formal development of the full article: twodiagramsareequivalentjustwhentheyareequalas2-morphismsinthemonoidalbicategory F(F∗). 1Inthefullversionofthispaperwegiveadirectcombinatorialproofofthecoherenceproperty,whichalsofollowsfrom topologicalargumentsduetoKerlerandLyubashenko[15]asrefinedbyLauda[16]. 38 SurfaceProofsforNonsymmetricLinearLogic V V A A V V V V W W W W V V AXIOM AXIOM AXIOM AXIOM AXIOM A(cid:96)A ∗V(cid:96)∗V V∗(cid:96)V∗ V⊗W(cid:96)V⊗W V`W(cid:96)V`W ∆ Γ Γ A A ∆ V V V V Γ VW VW ∆ Γ VW VW ∆ Γ ∆ Γ ∆ Γ ∆ Γ ∆ Γ ∆ Γ ∆ Γ(cid:96)AA(cid:96)∆ Γ(cid:96)∗V∗V(cid:96)∆ Γ(cid:96)V∗V∗(cid:96)∆ Γ(cid:96)V⊗WV⊗W(cid:96)∆ Γ(cid:96)V`WV`W(cid:96)∆ CUT CUT CUT CUT CUT Γ(cid:96)∆ Γ(cid:96)∆ Γ(cid:96)∆ Γ(cid:96)∆ Γ(cid:96)∆ Figure3: AXIOMandCUTrulesforanatomicvariableA,andrecursivelyforvariablesV,W 2.3 Interpretingthesequentcalculus We saw in Section 2.1 how individual sequents in multiplicative linear logic can be interpreted as 2d diagrams. Wenowseehowproofscanbeinterpretedas3dsurfacediagrams. Weviewthesesurfacesas directed from top to bottom, just like traditional sequent calculus proofs; so for a particular surface, its hypothesisistheupperboundary,anditsconclusionisthelowerboundary. Weuseabasisforthesequentcalculuswithasymmetrybetweenintroductionandeliminationfor⊗, `,I and⊥;therules⊗-R,`-L,I-Rand⊥-Larederivable(seeExample3.1.) Furthermore,weinclude only CUT rules with minimal overlapping contexts; the more general CUT rules are derivable using negation. (These two features account for the differences between our presentations and others in the literature[1].) TheinterpretationofAXIOMandCUTrulesaregivenrecursivelyinFigure3,withblack wires standing for atomic variables and green wires standing for general variables; the interpretation of theremainingrules,whichwecallthecorefragmentofthelogic,isgiveninFigure4. Wenowstateour maintheorem. Theorem 2.2. Two sequent proofs in multiplicative linear logic have equal interpretations in the free ∗-autonomouscategoryjustwhentheirsurfacediagramsareequivalent. It is interesting to analyze the different contributions to proof equivalence made by each part of Definition 2.1 of surface equivalence. Coherence tells us that any two proofs built in the core part of the logic given in Figure 4 are equal. Adjunction tells us that AXIOM and CUT cancel each other out, both for atomic and compound variables. Isotopy tells us that that ‘commutative conversion’ is possible, where by exchanging heights of disconnected parts of the diagram, we exchange the order of separatesequentcalculusproofsteps. Localitytellsusthatwecanapplyourequationsinthecontextof alargerproof,inthemannerofdeepinference[8]. We give a formal statement of coherence for the core part of the logic, since it is a result of independent interest. Note that this is not a theorem about the surface calculus, although its proof uses thesurfacecalculus. L.DunnandJ.Vicary 39 I ⊥ I ⊥ Γ1,I,Γ2(cid:96)∆ Γ1,Γ2(cid:96)∆ Γ(cid:96)∆1,⊥,∆2 Γ(cid:96)∆1,∆2 I-INT I-ELIM ⊥-ELIM ⊥-INT Γ1,Γ2(cid:96)∆ Γ1,I,Γ2(cid:96)∆ Γ(cid:96)∆1,∆2 Γ(cid:96)∆1,⊥,∆2 A A A A B B B B A A A A B B B B Γ1,A⊗B,Γ2(cid:96)∆ ⊗-INT Γ1,A,B,Γ2(cid:96)∆ ⊗-ELIM Γ(cid:96)∆1,A`B,∆2 `-ELIM Γ(cid:96)∆1,A,B,∆2 `-INT Γ1,A,B,Γ2(cid:96)∆ Γ1,A⊗B,Γ2(cid:96)∆ Γ(cid:96)∆1,A,B,∆2 Γ(cid:96)∆1,A`B,∆2 ∆ Γ Γ ∆ A A A A Γ ∆ ∆ Γ A A Γ ∆ ∆ Γ ∆ Γ Γ ∆ A A Γ(cid:96)∆,A Γ,A(cid:96)∆ Γ(cid:96)A,∆ A,Γ(cid:96)∆ ∗(−)-R (−)∗-L (−)∗-R ∗(−)-L Γ,∗A(cid:96)∆ Γ(cid:96)∆,A∗ A∗,Γ(cid:96)∆ Γ(cid:96)∗A,∆ Figure4: Surfaceinterpretationsofthecorelogicalrules Corollary 2.3. If two sequent proofs in the core fragment of the logic given in Figure 4 have the same hypothesesandconclusion,thentheyareequalinthefree∗-autonomouscategory. Wecommentonsomeinterestingfeaturesofthetranslationbetweenthesequentcalculusandthesurface calculus. Thefundamentalsimplicityofthesurfacecalculusisclear,fromtheminimalityofthedatain Figure 1, as compared to Figures 3 and 4. Partly this is achieved by the greater degree of locality: for example, the cut rules for ∗V andV∗ are both interpreted using the same surface generators, composed in different ways. But more significantly, the entirecore fragment of the sequentcalculus is interpreted inthetrivialpartofthesurfacecalculus,significantlyreducingthebureaucracyofproofanalysis,touse Girard’s phrasing [7]. To make the most of these advantages, we suggest that the surface calculus can servedirectlyasatoolkitforlogic,notjustasawaytovisualizesequentcalculusproofs. 40 SurfaceProofsforNonsymmetricLinearLogic Γ1Γ2 A B ∆1 ∆2 Γ1 ∆1 A B A⊗B(cid:96)A⊗B AXIOM Γ2 ∆2 ⊗-INTRO A,B(cid:96)A⊗B Γ2(cid:96)B,∆2 = CUT A,Γ2(cid:96)A⊗B,∆2 Γ1(cid:96)∆1,A CUT Γ1,Γ2(cid:96)∆1,A⊗B,∆2 ∆1 ∆1 Γ1 ⊗ A Γ1 ⊗ A Γ2 B Γ2 B ∆2 ∆2 Figure5: Derivationofthesurfacerepresentationofthe⊗-Rrule AXIOM AXIOM B(cid:96)B A(cid:96)A ⊥-INT AXIOM A(cid:96)⊥,A A(cid:96)A AXIOM ⊗-R B(cid:96)B A,B(cid:96)A⊗B = ⊥-INT ⊗-R A,B(cid:96)⊥,A⊗B A,B(cid:96)⊥,A⊗B B B B ⊗ B ⊗ A A A A ⊥ ⊥ Figure6: Geometricalequivalenceoftwoproofsininvolvingtheunit 3 Examples In this Section, we look in detail at a number of examples: we derive the surface form of the missing ⊗-R rule; we analyze equivalence of a proof involving units; and we investigate the classic triple-unit problem. Example 3.1 (Additional rules). Presentations of multiplicative linear logic usually include the rules ⊗-R, `-L, I-R, ⊥-L, which are missing from Figure 3 and Figure 4; however, they are derivable. We analyze ⊗-R in detail in Figure 5. On the left-hand side, we derive the rule in our chosen basis for the the sequent calculus. In the middle image, we interpret it in the surface calculus, using the rules we have described. In the third image, we simplify the surface calculus interpretation using the rules in Figure2. Fromthissimplifieddiagram,weseethatitdoesnotinfactinvolvethevariables,thenontrivial generators being applied in the central part of diagram only. Elegant interpretations of the other 3 rules canbederivedsimilarly. Example 3.2 (Triple-dual problem). Starting with the identity A(cid:40)X →A(cid:40)X, we can uncurry on the left to obtain a morphism A⊗(A(cid:40)X)→X, and curry on the right to obtain a morphism L.DunnandJ.Vicary 41 AXIOM A(cid:96)A ⊥-INT A(cid:96)⊥,A ⊥ AXIOM B(cid:96)B ⊗-R A,B(cid:96)⊥,A⊗B ⊗ B B ⊗ B A⊗B A A A ⊥ ⊥ Figure7: Adeductioninthesequentcalculus,anditssurfacecalculusandproofnetrepresentations. p : A → X (cid:18) (A (cid:40) X); in a similar way, we can also define a morphism q : A → (X (cid:18) A) (cid:40) X. A A Then the triple-dual problem, originally due to Kelly and Mac Lane [14] and generalized here to the non-symmetricsetting,istodeterminewhetherthefollowingequationholds: X (cid:18)q X (cid:18)((X (cid:18)A)(cid:40)X) A X (cid:18)A pX(cid:18)A (2) id X (cid:18)((X (cid:18)A)(cid:40)X) ChoosingX =⊥,thenq and p aretheisomorphisms∗(A∗)(cid:39)A(cid:39)(∗A)∗. Wegivethesurfacesforthe A A clockwiseandanticlockwisepathsof(2): A A = (3) A A We conclude that the proofs are equivalent by a single application of the Coherence rule. Contrast this with the treatment of Blute et al [5, Section 4.2] and Hughes [11, Example 2] in terms of proof nets, wheretheproofsrequireseveralrewiringsteps. Example 3.3 (Equivalence of two proofs with units). The example is given in Figure 6. We present two distinct sequent proofs of the tautology A,B(cid:96)⊥`(A⊗B), along with their corresponding surface proofs. The heights are aligned to help understand how the surface proofs have been constructed. We makeuseofthe⊗-Rrulederivedinthepreviousexample. 42 SurfaceProofsforNonsymmetricLinearLogic It can be seen by inspection that the surface proofs are equivalent, as follows. Starting with the surface on the left, we allow the ⊥-introduction vertex to move up and to the left; this is an application of Coherence and Locality. We also allow the B-introduction vertex at the top of the diagram to move down,behindboththeA-introductionand⊥-introductionvertices;thisisanapplicationofIsotopy. Example 3.4 (Proof net projection). We argued in the introduction that proof nets can be considered the 2d ‘shadow’ of the full 3d geometry, with the correctness criterion and thinning links arising to compensate for the fact that this ‘shadow’ has lost some essential geometrical data. We illustrate this inFigure7,whichgivesasequentproofalongsideitssurfacediagramandproofnetrepresentations. In particular,intheproof-netpicture,thebottomattachmentmustbe‘hooked’ontoasolidwire,indicated bythedottedline,afeaturewhichisabsentfromthe3dimage,whichcontainsconnectivitydatadirectly aspartofthe3dgeometry. References [1] Vito Michele Abrusci. Phase semantics and sequent calculus for pure noncommutative classical linear propositionallogic. TheJournalofSymbolicLogic,56(04):1403–1451,1991. doi:10.2307/2275485. 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