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MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY EDITORS ALLEN M. ALPER JOHN L. MARGRAVE A. S. NOWICK GTE Sylvania Inc. Department of Chemistry Henry Krumb School Precision Materials Group Rice University of Mines Chemical & Metallurgical Houston, Texas Columbia University Division New York, New York Towanda, Pennsylvania A. S. Nowick and B. S. Berry, ANELASTIC RELAXATION IN CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS, 1972 E. A. Nesbitt and /. H. Wernick, RARE EARTH PERMANENT MAGNETS, 1973 W. E. Wallace, RARE EARTH INTERMETALLICS, 1973 /. C. Phillips, BONDS AND BANDS IN SEMICONDUCTORS, 1973 H. Schmalzried, SOLID STATE REACTIONS, 1974 7. H. Richardson and R. V. Peterson (editors), SYSTEMATIC MATERIALS ANALYSIS, VOLUMES I, II, AND III, 1974 A.J. Freeman and J. B. Darby, Jr. (editors), THE ACTINIDES: ELECTRONIC STRUC- TURE AND RELATED PROPERTIES, VOLUMES I AND II, 1974 A. 5. Nowick andJ. J. Burton (editors), DIFFUSION IN SOLIDS: RECENT DEVELOP- MENTS, 1975 J. W. Matthews (editor), EPITAXIAL GROWTH, PARTS A AND B, 1975 J. M. Blakely (editor), SURFACE PHYSICS OF MATERIALS, VOLUMES I AND II, 1975 G. A. Chadwick and D. A. Smith (editors), GRAIN BOUNDARY STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES, 1975 John W. Hostie, HIGH TEMPERATURE VAPORS: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 1975 John K. Tien and George S. Ansell (editors), ALLOY AND MICROSTRUCTURAL DESIGN, 1976 M. T. Sprackling, THE PLASTIC DEFORMATION OF SIMPLE IONIC CRYSTALS, 1976 In preparation Lyle Schwartz and J. B. Cohen, DIFFRACTION FROM MATERIALS Zenji Nishiyama, MARTENSITIC TRANSFORMATION SURFACE PHYSICS OF MATERIALS Edited by J. M. BLAKELY Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Materials Science Center Cornell University Ithaca, New York VOLUME II ACADEMIC PRESS New York San Francisco London 1975 A Subsidiary of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers COPYRIGHT © 1975, BY ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL, INCLUDING PHOTOCOPY, RECORDING, OR ANY INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, WITHOUT PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE PUBLISHER. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Ill Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10003 United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. (LONDON) LTD. 24/28 Oval Road, London NW1 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Main entry under title: Surface physics of materials. (Materials science and technology series) Includes bibliographies and indexes. 1. Surfaces (Technology) I. Blakely, John McDonald. TA418.7.S92 531 74-27774 ISBN 0-12-103802-5 (v. 2) PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA List of Contributors Numbers in parentheses indicate the pages on which the authors' contributions begin. H. P. BONZEL (279),* Exxon Research and Engineering Company, Corporate Research Laboratory, Linden, New Jersey J. W. GADZUK (339), National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. G M. G. LAG ALL Y (419), College of Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin ROBERT L. PARK (377),f Sandia Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico D. TABOR (475), Department of Physics, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England ♦Present address: Institut für Grenzflächenforschung und Vakuumphysik der KFA, 517 Jülich 1, West Germany. f Present address: Department of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland. Preface The material in these two volumes provides an up-to-date account of our understanding of the physical properties of solid surfaces. Research in this area has already attained a level of considerable sophistication, and surface science promises to continue to be an exciting and worthwhile field of endeavor in the foreseeable future. The various chapters critically examine the status of work on a number of aspects of solid surfaces and attempt to predict the most profitable avenues for future research. The spectacular increase in interest in surface physics, occurring in the last decade, has been sparked by the realization of the importance of surfaces and interfaces in solid state devices and chemical reactions. It is therefore an area of applied research; yet, as witnessed by numerous examples in this book, it is one that requires the techniques of both the materials engineer and the mathematical physicist. The two volumes contain a set of papers carefully selected to give broad coverage of the field of surface physics. The individual chapters deal with topics of current research interest and have been chosen to emphasize surface properties rather than the applicability of experimental techniques. It is hoped that these volumes will be especially useful to research workers, teachers, and graduate students in surface physics as well as serving as reference texts for the materials scientist specializing in other branches of the subject. The authors of the various chapters are all individuals who have made substantial contributions to the development of the particular areas about which they have written. In most cases emphasis has been placed on fundamentals and on those aspects that are least likely to require revision as the subject develops. I have found that editing this work has been an educational experience and can only hope that the reader will derive comparable benefits. I am especially grateful to Aggie Sirrine, Marsha Leonard, and Karen Pratt for their assistance in preparing this volume for publication. Contents of Volume I 1. Surface Crystallography J. A. Strozier, Jr., D. W. Jepsen, and F. Jona 2. Electronic Structure of Solid Surfaces Joel A. Appelbaum 3. Statistical Thermodynamics of Clean Surfaces H. J. Leamy, G. H. Gilmer, and K. A. Jackson 4. Equilibrium Adsorption and Segregation J. M Blakely and J. C. She It on 5. Electronic Transport at Surfaces Martin Henzler 6 Transport of Matter at Surfaces H. P. BONZES EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY CORPORATE RESEARCH LABORATORY LINDEN, NEW JERSEY I. Introduction 280 II. Defect Model of Crystalline Surfaces 282 III. Energetics of Surface Defects 283 IV. Statistical Thermodynamics of Surface Diffusion Coefficients 287 V. Phenomenology of Surface Diffusion 292 A. Random Walk 292 B. Surface Diffusion of Distinguishable Atoms on a Flat Surface 293 C. Surface Diffusion Due to Capillarity Forces 296 D. Surface Diffusion during Whisker Growth 300 VI. Experimental Techniques 303 VII. Experimental Results and Discussion 306 A. Surface Self-Diffusion of Metals 306 B. Surface Self-Diffusion on Metals in the Presence of Adsorbates 317 C. Heterogeneous Surface Diffusion 319 D. Surface Diffusion on Multicomponent Crystals 325 E. Brownian Motion of Particles on Substrate Surfaces 329 F. Surface Diffusion of Adsorbed Molecules on Porous Substrates 330 VIII. Conclusion 331 References 333 f Present address: Institut für Grenzflächenforschung und Vakuumphysik der KFA, 517 Jülich 1, West Germany. 279 280 H. P. BONZEL I. INTRODUCTION Diffusion on crystalline surfaces is a process that has received much atten- tion from a scientific point of view and that at the same time is also of considerable significance in a number of technological areas. In this chapter we are not going to discuss these related technological areas in any detail, but we would like to point out some of them to the uninitiated reader, together with a few key references. For example, the sintering of metal and metal oxide powders is to a large extent controlled by surface diffusion (Kuczynski, 1961; Rhead, 1972); the rate of migration and coalescence of internal voids in metals, as they are generated in nuclear reactors, is governed by surface diffusion (Willertz and Shewmon, 1970); the stability of small catalyst particles that are supported on high surface area oxides may be a function of surface diffusion of adatoms across the support (Geguzin et a/., 1969; Wynblatt and Gjostein, 1974); the process of crystal growth from the vapor phase has been recognized to depend on surface diffusion of adatoms (Hirth and Pound, 1963 ; Gilmer and Bennema, 1972); the technology of thin film semiconductor devices is in several ways related to the process of surface diffusion, e. g., through nucleation and growth of epitaxial films (e. g., Hayek and Schwabe, 1972; Bauer and Poppa, 1972) and electromigration in thin films (Rosenberg, 1972). Thus there is ample reason for carrying out research on surface diffusion if one should be concerned with the techno- logical relevance of such research. We define surface diffusion as the motion of individual entities, such as atoms, ions, molecules, and small clusters of atoms, across crystalline solid surfaces. This motion is assumed to be thermally activated and to take place in the adsorbed state, i.e., entirely "on top" of the free surface of the crystal. In particular, surface vacancies will be treated as an adsorbed diffusing defect. This definition of surface diffusion implies that the so-called "thickness of the surface layer" in which the process of surface diffusion takes place is equal to one interplanar distance (of the order of 2 x 10" 8cm). Therefore we will not consider averaging a surface diffusion coefficient over several layers, as Rusanov (1971) proposed for certain other surface properties. In most crystalline solids lattice relaxation is not expected to be so large that a significant variation in the density of the solid would result as a function of the distance from the surface. For example, calculations of lattice relaxation by Burton and Jura (1967a) and Wynblatt and Gjostein (1968) for copper surfaces show that at most a 20% decrease in density between the two outer- most layers is found for a Cu(110) surface. This means that the transition from solid to vacuum is very abrupt indeed. The process of surface diffusion is strongly linked to the crystallographic 6. TRANSPORT OF MATTER AT SURFACES 281 nature of the surface and to the existence of a two-dimensional surface po- tential, very similar to the one first discussed by Lennard-Jones (1932). At first we will review the atomic models of crystalline surfaces. In this context we will also introduce surface defects generally assumed to be responsible for surface diffusion and discuss their energetics. The theory of surface dif- fusion coefficients is presented in the framework of statistical thermo- dynamics and is based on the pioneering ideas of Lennard-Jones (1932, 1937). Calculations of surface diffusion coefficients will be demonstrated where the required input are crystallographic data and energetic and entropie parameters. In order to measure surface diffusion coefficients D, it is necessary to s derive phenomenological relationships relating D to microscopic or macro- s scopic measurable parameters, such as mean diffusion distance, geometric parameters (particle size, grain boundary groove, amplitude of sine wave, etc.), concentration gradients (tracer diffusion), and time. These relationships will be'discussed in a separate section. There is a large variety of experimental techniques for measuring surface diffusion on crystalline solids. In this review we will only touch slightly on experimental questions and refer to previous works (Gjostein, 1970a; Bonzel, 1973) as well as original papers referenced elsewhere (see Table I). TABLE I RECENT REVIEWS OF SURFACE DIFFUSION Title Authors Surface structure and diffusion Gomer(1959) Surface self-diffusion Gjostein (1963) Surface diffusion Blakely(1963) Surface self-diffusion in fee and bec metals: Gjostein (1967) A comparison of theory and experiment Zur Oberflächendiffusion und oberflächennahen Meyer (1968) Diffusion auf Kristallen Diffusion along a real crystal surface Geguzin(1969) In situ measurements of surface self-diffusion of metals Bonzel and Gjostein (1969) Surface diffusion of oxides Robertson (1969) Surface self-diffusion on metals Hirano and Tanaka (1970) Surface, grain boundary, and dislocation pipe diffusion Gjostein (1970a) Regularities of surface diffusion Gal and Borisov (1971) Surface self-diffusion of metals Neumann and Neumann (1972) Mobility of atoms and molecules over solid surfaces Geuss(1972) Surface diffusion of metals Bonzel (1973) Short circuit diffusion Gjostein (1973) 282 H. P. BONZEL From the very extensive literature of surface diffusion experiments, some examples will be presented in order to illustrate the enormous breadth of the phenomenon. Only a minor attempt at unifying the various results into a single picture will be undertaken, because our understanding of the micro- scopic processes involved, as well as the control of experimental conditions, is still quite limited. It will become apparent that the rate of surface diffusion is strongly dependent on the chemical composition of the surface and that therefore a wide spectrum of diffusivities is generally observed, even for a single material at a given temperature. Finally it should be recognized that numerous reviews and summarizing articles on surface diffusion are available in the literature, which should be consulted for further information on specific questions. In order to facilitate this, a list of recent reviews has been compiled in Table I. II. DEFECT MODEL OF CRYSTALLINE SURFACES Considerable evidence has been advanced in recent years from low-energy electron diffraction (LEED) studies of single crystal surfaces (Strozier et al, in Chapter 1, Volume I of this work; Sickafus and Bonzel, 1971) that the structure of a surface results from a simple termination of the bulk crys- tallographic structure. This is considered to be the case for most metals, metal oxides, and some metal Sulfides (Benard, 1969), whereas exceptions are found for certain orientations of Si, Au, Pt, and Ir (Somorjai, 1972). Other LEED experiments have shown that vicinal surfaces of U0 , Cu, Si, and 2 Pt give rise to diffraction features consistent with the presence of ordered arrays of monatomic steps (Ellis and Schwoebel, 1968; Perdereau and Rhead, 1969, 1971; Henzler, 1970a,b; Lang et al, 1972). Steps on crystalline surfaces have also been made visible by electron microscopy after heavy atoms were allowed to adsorb. This technique of decorating steps was originated by Bassett (1958) and has been used widely to characterize surfaces during or after evaporation (Bethge, 1969). These experimental findings have thus far supported the terrace-ledge- kink (TLK) model of a crystalline surface that was conceived independently by Stranski (1928) and Kossel (1927). Figure 1 illustrates schematically the important features of this model, which was originally proposed for the simple cubic structure of a NaCl crystal surface. It is now widely accepted in the theory of surfaces and crystal growth (Hirth and Pound, 1963). The essential features of a TLK surface are atomically flat terraces separated by monatomic ledges (or steps) which themselves may exhibit kinks. Two other important defects exist on the surface: adatoms (adsorbed atoms) and terrace vacancies. These defects may also be adsorbed at a ledge and thus form a ledge-adsorbed atom and a ledge vacancy, respectively.

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