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Preview Surface Phase Diagrams for Wetting on Heterogenous Substrates

Surface Phase Diagrams for Wetting on Heterogenous Substrates C. Rasc´on⋆ and A. O. Parry Department of Mathematics, Imperial College 180 Queen’s Gate, London SW7 2BZ, United Kingdom the intrinsic complexity of those formulations does not We propose a simplified description of fluid adsorption allowathoroughexplorationofthevastspaceofpossible onheterogenenousmicropatterned substrates. Usingthisap- surfacephasebehaviourthese systems offer. We propose 1 proach, we are able to rederive results obtained earlier us- here a minimal model to understand the generalwetting 0 ing effective interfacial Hamiltonian methods and predict a properties of these systems. The model, described in 0 numberof new examples of surface phasebehaviour for both 2 sectionII,appearsto capturethe essentialphysicsofthe singly and periodically striped substrates. In particular, we problem in a qualitative manner and recoversformer re- n show that, for a singly striped system, the manner in which sults obtained with more sophisticated methods for par- a the locus of surface unbending phase transitions approaches J the pre-wetting line of the infinite pure system, in the limit ticular cases. The greatadvantageof the minimal model is that it allows us to obtain (sections of) global surface 0 of large stripe widths, is non-trivial and sensitive to several 1 characteristic lengthscales and competing free-energies. For phase diagrams and explore what kind of surface phase periodic substrates, we investigate finite-size deviations from behaviour is possible in such heterogeneous systems. As 1 Cassie’slawforthewettingtemperatureoftheheterogeneous we shall show, in spite of the simplicity of the model, v system when the domain sizes are mesoscopic. the ensuing surface phase behaviour is extremely rich. 8 In section III, the model is applied to a substrate with a 4 PACS numbers: 68.08.B, 68.43, 68.35.R, 68.35.M single stripe of a different material, while in section IV, 1 a periodic substrate made of parallel stripes of two ma- 1 0 terials is studied. We finish our article with a summary 1 of our main conclusion and a discussion of further work. I. INTRODUCTION 0 / t a Fluidinterfacialphenomenaonflat,homogeneoussub- II. MINIMAL MODEL m strates have drawn enormous attention over the last few - decades [1]. However, present experimental methods al- Consider two flat substrates made of different mate- d low aneverincreasingcontroloverthe shape and chemi- n rials (labelled 1 and 2) whose adsorption properties can calcompositionofsolidsurfacesandpose moredemand- o be described, when homogeneous, by effective potentials c ing challenges for both theory and experiments. These W (ℓ) and W (ℓ), respectively [23]. When each of these 1 2 : advancesmakethestudyofadsorptiononnon-planarand v substrates is exposed to a near saturated gas, a liquid i heterogeneous substrates inevitable. Recent experimen- layer is adsorbed on its surface, whose thickness ℓπ (or X tal and theoretical studies have shown that structured ℓπ) is given by the position of the absolute mini1mum 2 r substrates exhibit a variety of novel adsorption proper- of the corresponding effective potential (the superscript a tieswhichnotonlypromisetobeofimportancetofuture π denotes behaviour characteristic of the pure homoge- technologiessuchasmicrofluidics[2],butarealsooffun- neous substrate). We suppose the wetting temperatures damentalinterestto statisticalphysics [3]. In particular, of each of these systems are T(1) and T(2), respectively. theeffectofchemicalinhomogeneitieshasbeenaddressed w w Consider now a flat substrate Λ consisting of domains recentlyindifferentcontexts,forexample: contactangles Λ and Λ (not necessarily connected) made of materi- ofliquiddrops[4–6],dropletspreading[7],morphological 1 2 als 1 and 2, respectively. When this microprinted sub- phasetransitions[8],threephasecontactline[9],Cassie’s strateisexposedtoagas,aliquidlayerisadsorbedonits law [10,11], drop shapes [12], construction of magnetic surface, whose equilibrium thickness profile ℓ(x,y) must materials [13], microscopic packing [14], liquid channels show considerable spatial dependence (especially strong [15], polymer blends [16,17], and dewetting [18], among closetotheboundariesbetweenthedomains). Formeso- others. scopic domains, this dependence can be captured by an In this paper, we concentrate on the equilibrium wet- effective interfacial description: the equilibrium profile ting properties of flat but chemically structured sub- of the adsorbed liquid layer will minimise the following strates. Specifically, we study liquid adsorption in two free-energy functional representative micropatterned systems: a homogeneous substratewithasingledistinctchemicalstripeandasub- Σ [ℓ]= dr ( ℓ)2+ dr W (ℓ)+ dr W (ℓ), (1) stratecomprisingparallelstripes oftwodifferentmateri- 1 2 H Z 2 ∇ Z Z als. These systems have been partially studied by other Λ Λ1 Λ2 authorswiththehelpofdensityfunctionaltheory[14,19] where Σ is the liquid-vapour interfacial tension. This and effective interfacial methods [20–22]. Nonetheless, model assumes a sharpcrossoverin the localform of the 1 effective potential at the domains boundaries and is it- To do that, we approximate the free-energy functional self an approximation to a more realistic description in (2) by a free-energy function of a finite number of vari- which this crossover is smooth [20]. However, this as- ables. By doing that, we lose the detailed description sumption certainly does not alter the global structure of of the shape of the adsorbed layer (which follows from the surfacephasebehaviour[9]. Tocontinue,andforthe the minimisation of Eq. (2)), but, as explained here, we sake of simplicity, we only consider systems translation- capturethefundamentalphysicalmechanismforthesur- ally invariant along the y axis (see Fig. 1). Therefore, facephasetransitionsunderlying(2). Tostart,wedefine the equilibrium profile will follow from the minimisation a collective coordinate ℓ for every connected region of i of the somewhat simpler functional each of the domains. This coordinates will account for theaveragethickness(inaloosemanner)oftheadsorbed Σ H[ℓ]= dx ℓ˙2+ dx W (ℓ)+ dx W (ℓ), (2) layer within that connected region and it is defined im- 1 2 Z 2 Z Z plicitly as follows L L1 L2 where the dot represents differentiation with respect to L W (ℓ )= dx W (ℓ), (4) x, and L, L1 and L2 are the appropriate linear domains i α i ZLi α corresponding to sections of Λ, Λ and Λ , respectively. 1 2 This approach has been employed by a number of au- Li being the width of the connected region and α= 1 thors to obtain numerical solutions of the equilibrium or 2, depending on the domain that region belongs to. profile for a substrate with a single stripe of a different Within the minimal model, we consider these collective material (Fig. 1(a)) [20–22]. Their results show that if coordinates as independent entities, to be varied in or- the width of the stripe L is very large, the thickness der to minimise the free-energy. This accounts for the 1 of the adsorbed layer is essentially the same as in the secondandthird integralsof (2) which arereplacedby a pure systems within eachofthe domains(ℓπ1 inΛ1, ℓπ2 in sumovertermsLiWα(ℓi),oneforeachconnectedregion. Λ ),andvariesabruptlyinthe domainborders. Inother To obtain a full description in terms of these variables, 2 words, for large stripe widths, the minimisation of (2) is we simply estimate the contribution of the first term of achievedby a localminimisationof the secondandthird (2) similar to that shown in Eq. (3) but using the col- terms of the functional. The (positive) contribution of lective coordinates. Thus, the free-energy functional is the firsttermin(2), whichoriginatesinthe domainbor- reducedtoafunctionofasmallnumberofrealvariables. ders,ispracticallynegligible. Wecanestimatethislatter Specifically, for the periodic array of stripes (Fig. 1(b)), contributionbynoticingthatthecharacteristiclengthfor we write the free-energy per period as lateral variations of the interface profile is given roughly H(ℓ ,ℓ )=κ(ℓ ℓ )2+L W (ℓ )+L W (ℓ ). (5) by the transverse correlation lengths ξ(i)= Σ/W′′(ℓπ) 1 2 1− 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 k i ofthe homogeneoussubstratesi=1,2. Thusp,forasingle In accordance with our aim of developing a minimal de- step, we can write scription, we consider κ constant throughout the paper (independent of the temperature and the chemical po- Σ κ dx ℓ˙2 (ℓπ ℓπ)2 (3) tential). Z 2 ≈ 2 1− 2 The free-energy for a substrate with a single stripe (Fig.1(a))canbeobtainedfrom(5)inthelimitL . 2 with κ ≡ Σ/(ξk(1)+ξk(2)). For smaller values of L1, how- In this case, the last term of (5) becomes the mos→t i∞m- ever, this energetic contribution becomes comparable to portant and it must be minimised fully, yielding ℓ =ℓπ. 2 2 that arising from the second term of (2) and the inter- Substracting this (infinite) constant contribution from face adopts distinct configurations in order to minimise the free-energy, the average thickness of the adsorbed the free-energy of the system. This gives rise to certain layer on the stripe will follow from the minimisation of surface phase transitions, denoted surface condensation orunbendingtransitions,inwhichdifferentliquidinterfa- H(ℓ1)=κ(ℓ1−ℓπ2)2+L1W1(ℓ1). (6) cial configurations coexist [20–22,24]. In order to calcu- The generalization of this procedure to more sofisti- late the loci of these transitions in the T-µ diagram, the cated geometries is straightforward. As an example, the free-energyfunctional(2)mustbeminimisedfordifferent average thickness ℓ of the adsorbed layer on a circle of valuesofthetemperatureT andthechemicalpotentialµ. 1 radius R made of material1 on a substrate made of ma- Although this has been done for a specific case [21], the terial 2 could be obtained from the minimization of vastspaceofparametersinvolvedandthearduoustaskof minimising the functional (2) does not allow a thorough H(ℓ )=πRκ(ℓ ℓπ)2+πR2W (ℓ ), (7) exploration of the physics of the system and impedes a 1 1− 2 1 1 systematic study of more complex systems, for instance, where an appropriateκ now accounts for the energy due a periodic array of stripes (see Fig. 1(b)). to the curvature of the interface. It is likely that this Hereweproposeaminimalmodeltodescribetheover- procedure will fail to work for certain intricate shape all phenomenology of the above mentioned surface un- domains where more complicated behaviour may be ex- bending transitionsin a simple andilluminating manner. pected. 2 We stress here that this approach does not intend to respectively,whichfollowintheusualmannerfrom be a quantitative description of these phenomena but to the free-energy of the system ω(T,µ)=minH as capture the essential features of heterogeneous adsorp- S (∂ω/∂T) and Γ (∂ω/∂µ) . µ T ≡− ≡− tion, which, due to the complexity of the available mod- For our purposes, it is more convenientto measure els, remain mainly unexplored. the slope of this line with respect to that of the liquid-vapour coexistence curve µ (T). Thus, we LV rewrite Eq. (8) as III. SINGLE STRIPE d∆µ ∆S A. General Considerations = , (9) (cid:18)d∆T(cid:19) −∆Γ coex e Here we apply the model described above to a homo- e where ∆µ (µ µ), ∆T T T (for a given geneous flat substrate with an infinite length stripe of ≡ LV− ≡ − w wetting temperature), S (∂ω/∂∆T) andΓ width L1 (Fig.1(a)). Beforepresentingthe results,how- (∂ω/∂∆µ) = Γ. ≡− ∆µ ≡ ever,wemakeanumberofpertinentremarksconcerning − ∆T − e e general aspects of the surface phase behaviour: B. Minimal Model Forsmall values ofthe stripe width, corresponding • to the limit L 0, we expect that the thickness 1 of the layeradso→rbed on the stripe will tend to the The equilibium value of the average thickness thickness of the liquid layer absorbed on the outer ℓ1(T,µ,L1) follows from the minimisation of the mini- substrate, i.e. ℓ ℓπ. mal free-energy (6), yielding 1→ 2 If the stripe width is large, corresponding to the 2κ(ℓ ℓπ)+L W′(ℓ )=0. (10) • 1− 2 1 1 1 limit L , the thickness of the layer adsorbed 1 →∞ onthestripewilltendtothethicknessoftheliquid Thisequationhasastraightforwardgraphicalinterpreta- layer absorbed on a homogeneous flat substrate of tionfromwhichonecanelegantlygleanthe possiblesur- material 1, i.e. ℓ ℓπ. facephasebehaviour. Toseethis,werewritetheequation 1→ 1 as If the thickness of the adsorbed layers on both in- • tfiinointaelsu(2b)strisatfeuslliys tmheinismamiseed(ℓbπ1y=aℓπ2fl)a,tthseolufutniocn- W1′(ℓ1)= L2κ1 (ℓπ2−ℓ1), (11) ℓ(x) = ℓπ = ℓπ. The loci of the points for which 1 2 corresponding to the intersection of a straight line with ℓπ = ℓπ constitute a line in the T µ phase di- 1 2 − a curve. The general form of the graphical construction agram and separates interfacial profiles with dif- is illustrated in Fig. 2 for a specific choice of effective ferent convexity [25]. Observe that the flat solu- potential. Note the following features: tion corresponds to the minimisation of each term of the functional and cannot be improved by any Themodelalwaysshowsatleastonesolution. Mul- other configuration. It follows that such a solution • tiple solutions correspond to the presence of first- will be the global equilibrium for arbitrary values order surface phase transitions. of the stripe width L . In turn, this implies that 1 no first-ordersurface coexistence line can crossthe Thestraightlinehasanegativeslopeinverselypro- line defined implicitly by ℓπ = ℓπ. As explained • portionaltothestripewidthandnecessarilycrosses 1 2 below, this simple observation severely constrains the horizontal axis at ℓπ. 2 thepossibletopologyofthesurfacephasediagram. Intriguingly, the loci of points satisfying ℓπ = ℓπ The curve always intersects the horizontal axis at 1 2 • ℓπ (but may exhibit other crossings) and tends to represents surface phases which are fully homoge- 1 ∆µδρasℓ . Here,δρrepresentsthedifference neous on the heterogeneous substrate. 1 →∞ in bulk densities of the coexisting liquid and gas Any first-order phase boundary corresponding to states. • a line of coexistence in the T µ plane satisfies a − For any giventemperature and chemical potential, Clausius-Clapeyron-likeequation [26]: • only three scenarios are possible within the graph- dµ ∆S icalconstruction. These correspondto the straight = , (8) line intersecting the curve at one, two or three (cid:18)dT(cid:19) −∆Γ coex points. In the first scenario [Fig. 2(a) or (b)], the intersection constitutes the unique solution of Eq. where∆S and∆Γarethedifferencesinsurfaceen- (11). Inthesecondcase[Fig.2(c)],thestraightline tropyandadsoptionbetweenthecoexistingphases, 3 must be tangential to the curve at a point (repre- assumptionsaboutthe outer domainhaveto be madeat senting a spinodal) and crosses the curve at a sec- this moment. Here we concentrate on the most exper- ondpoint,whichconstitutesthestablesolution. In imentally relevant case of long-ranged forces and write thethirdcase,thecentralintersectionrepresentsan our model effective potential in the usual manner [1] unstable solutionwhilst the other two aremechan- icallystable. Amongthem,thestable(metastable) ∆T A W (ℓ)= + +∆µδρℓ, (14) solutionwill havethe lower(higher)free-energy. If 1 ℓp ℓp+1 both solutions have the same free-energy, two dif- where we have rescaled the temperature such ∆T ferent thicknesses of adsorbed layer coexist at the ≡ T T(1), A is a (positive) Hamaker constant and p de- wall-fluid interface corresponding to a first order w − termines the rangeof the forces (p=2 for Van der Waals phase boundary [Fig. 2(d)] [27]. dispersion forces). In the limit L 0, the straight line is vertical The effective potential (14) models the continuous di- 1 • → and the solution tends to the thickness of the liq- vergence of the film thickness as the temperature is in- uid layer adsorbed on the surrounding substrate, creasedtowardsthe wetting temperature T(1) at∆µ=0. w ℓ1→ℓπ2, as expected (see previous subsection). Al- Observe that the third derivative of this potential con- though the model is not intended to be accurate sistsofonlytwotermsanddoesnotdependexplicitlyon for very narrow stripes, note that it recovers the the chemical potential. Recalling the condition for crit- correct result in this limit. icality, Eq. (13), it follows that a critical point can only occur provided ∆T <0. In other words, if this system In the limit L , the straight line is horizon- • 1→∞ has a critical point, it must occur necessarily at a tem- talandthesolutionrecoversthehomogeneoussub- strate, ℓ ℓπ (see previous subsection). perature below the wetting temperature Tw(1). 1→ 1 If ℓπ=ℓπ, both lines cross at the same point of the The conditions for criticality follow immediately from • 1 2 horizontalaxis and there is only one solutioninde- Eqs. (11) to (13): pendent of the value L (see previous subsection). 1 1 AL (p+1) p+3 There is a critical point for a certain combination ℓ = 1 (15) • 1C (cid:20) 2κ (cid:21) of the parameters of the problem. This point cor- responds to the straight line intersecting the curve tangentiallyatthepointofzerocurvature(andneg- p+3 A ative slope). See Fig. 2(b). Thus, within this ap- ∆TC = (16) p ℓ proach, a necessary condition for the existence of 1C a critical point is the presence of a point in the effective potential for which the third derivative is 2κ p+3 zero(thesecondderivativeatthatpointbeingneg- ∆µCδρ= L (cid:18)ℓπ2 − p+1ℓ1C(cid:19) (17) ative). This condition can be used to determine a 1 bound for the critical point (see below). Figure 3 shows the phase diagramobtained for the ef- Due to the simplicity of the model, the conditions fective potential (14) and different values of the stripe for criticality can be written explicitly as width L . For the sake of simplicity, the thickness of the 1 adsorbedlayerinthesurroundingsubstrate,ℓπ,hasbeen 2κ 2 W′′(ℓ )= (12) consideredconstant(independentofthetemperatureand 1 1 −L 1 the chemical potential). This approximation represents a system whose wetting temperature T(2) is higher than and w the wetting temperature T(1) and for which the varia- w W′′′(ℓ )=0, (13) tion in the thickness of the adsorbed layer is negligible 1 1 (1) at temperatures close to T . The advantange of doing w which,togetherwithEq.(11)determinethecritical is that one can more easily identify the origin of certain point completely. Observe that Eqs. (11) and (12) features of the surface phase behaviour(see below). The constitutetogethertheconditionsforthespinodals. microscopic units of length of the problem are given by λ (A/κ)1/4. In the calculation,we havefixed the range ≡ of the forces to be p=2 and the thickness ℓπ=4λ. The 2 C. Second-order Wetting Stripe qualitative features of the phase diagram described here are not in any way specific to these values. To begin we consider the case where the stripe corre- For L = 12λ, the system undergoes an unbending sponds toa materialthatexhibits a continuous(critical) 1 transition represented by a continuous thick line ending wetting transition in the limit of infinite stripe size. No 4 in a critical point (see Fig. 3). Along the line, the ad- limitofinfinite stripe size. Forthis case,weuseaneffec- sorbedlayeronthestripecanhaveeitheroftwodifferent tive potential [1] thickness, both of them thinner than the surrounding adsorbed layer ℓπ. Note that the unbending line joins A2 1 A B 2 W (ℓ)= +∆T + +∆µδρℓ, the liquid-vapour coexistence line (∆µ=0) at a certain 1 (cid:18)4B (cid:19)ℓp − ℓp+1 ℓp+2 non-zero angle. This is consistent with Eq. (9) and the (20) fact that the difference in coverage ∆Γ ∆ℓ between 1 ∼ the coexisting phases at that point is finite. This transi- where ∆T T T(1), A and B are (positive) Hamaker e w tion has been predicted recently [22], although the T µ ≡ − constants and, as earlier, p determines the range of − phasediagramhadnotbeendescribed. Observethatthe the forces. This potential models the discontinuous di- critical temperature of this transition lies below Tw(1), as vergence of the film thickness ℓπ at T(1), and an as- 1 w predicted above. As the stripe width is increased, the sociated pre-wetting line off coexistence for ∆T > 0. length of the unbending line decreases and for a given This pre-wetting line ends in a pre-wetting critical point finitevalueofthewidthL1=L†1≈53λ,itvanishes(white (∆Tpw,∆µpw) where circle inFig.3). This phenomenologyis identical to that described for a homogeneous but corrugated substrate 1 A2 ∆T = (21) [24], showing that the physics involved is essentially the pw 2p(p+3) B same: thetransitiontakesplaceduetoabalancebetween the free-energy associated with the direct intemolecular interaction with the substrate and the energetic cost of 2B p+1 A p+3 ∆µ δρ= . (22) increasing the area of the liquid-vapour interface. For pw p+1 (cid:20)2(p+3) B(cid:21) this particular model, Eq. (14), the transition vanishes for At this point, the wetting layer thickness is 2κ (p+1)ℓπ p+3 2(p+3) B L† = 2 (18) ℓ = (23) 1 A(p+1) (cid:18) p+3 (cid:19) pw p+1 A at a temperature which will be useful in the following analysis. (p+3)2 A Anecessaryconditionforcriticalityinthe finite stripe ∆T† = . (19) system is that the effective potential has a point where p(p+1) ℓπ 2 the third derivative vanishes, (Eq. (13)). This provides The loci of the critical points are represented in the an upper bound in temperature for any possible critical same figure by a grey thick line. For L1>L†1, this line pointinthesystem,∆TC<3A2/(4p(p+4)B). Incontrast extends further into the metastable region of the phase withthepreviouscase(sectionIIIC),acriticalpointcan diagram (dashed grey line) and, in the limit L , appearinthis systemattemperatures abovethe wetting 1 merges asymptotically with the wetting critical po→int∞at temperature T(1) (but below a certain threshold). The w T(1) (large black circle in Fig. 3). The presence of a conditions for the critical point, Eqs. (11)-(13), read w (metastable) critical point close to the coexistence line 2κ will affect the adsorption properties in the stable part (p+1)Aℓ 2(p+3)B+ ℓp+4 =0, (24) of the phase diagram. For instance, the adsorption 1C − L1 1C on the stripe will show a strong increase close to that (metastable) critical point. p+3 A (p+3)(p+4) B A2 Thelociofthepointsforwhichℓπ1=ℓπ2 arerepresented, ∆TC = p ℓ − p(p+1) ℓ2 − 4B , (25) inthesamefigure,byastraightblackdottedline. Whilst 1C 1C this line does not represent any surface phase transition and or singular behaviour, it does significantly influence the possible form of the phase diagram. To see this, recall, ∆µ δρ= 2κ ℓπ p+3ℓ + 2 B . (26) aasdsmorebnetdiolnaeyderaitstflhaetbaelogningntihnagtolifntehfiosrsaecntyiovna,lutehaotf tthhee C L1 (cid:20) 2 − p+1 1C(cid:21) p+1 ℓ1pC+3 stripe width L1. Thus, neither the loci of the critical In the limit L1 , these equations recover (21)- → ∞ points nor any unbending phase boundary can cross the (23), showing that the critical point of the system must line ℓπ=ℓπ. merge into the pre-wetting critical point for large stripe 1 2 widths, as expected (see section IIIA). Notice that Eq. (24) implies that the thickness at the unbending critical D. First-order Wetting Stripe point ℓ must be lower than the pre-wetting critical 1C thickness ℓ for any finite value of L . This allows us pw 1 We now suppose that the stripe corresponds to a ma- to sharpen our upper bound for the finite stripe width terialthat exhibits a first-orderwetting transition in the critical temperature to T <T for all widths L . C pw 1 5 Figures 5-8 show the phase diagrams obtained for the inthe limitL . Note thatthemergingisnotmono- 1 →∞ effective potential (20) and different values of the stripe tonic: asL increases,theunbendinglinecrossesthepre- 1 width L . Once again, we have chosen λ (A/κ)1/4 as wetting line and merges from above, close to the coexis- 1 ≡ unit of length and the range of the forces has been fixed tenceline,andfrombelow,closetothepre-wettingcriti- to p=2. Besides, due to the large number of parame- cal point (see inset). The locus of the unbending critical ters, we have fixed the Hamaker constant B=λA. As points is similarly non-monotonic for two reasons. On inthepreviouscalculation,thethicknessoftheadsorbed one hand, for small values of L , the unbending transi- 1 layer in the surrounding substrate, ℓπ, has been consid- tionoccursat(∆T,∆µwherethepotential(20)hasonly 2 ered constant (independent of the temperature and the one minimum. Consequently, the loci of the unbending chemical potential). However, in contrast to the case of critical points resemble those shown in Fig. 3 for criti- critical wetting, different values of ℓπ lead to quite dif- cal wetting. On the other hand, for larger values of L , 2 1 ferent surface phase behaviours. As we shall show, the the unbending transition takes place at (∆T,∆µ) where discriminating parameter here is the ratio of ℓπ to ℓ . the potential (20) shows the characteristic double mini- 2 pw The phase diagram of this system for ℓπ = 6λ and mumofpre-wettingphasecoexistenceandthelociofun- 2 L = 2000λ is plotted in Fig. 5. As before, we find a bending critical point re-routes towards the pre-wetting 1 line of first-order undending phase transitions ending at criticalpoint. Theupshotofthisisthatpre-wettingonly a critical point (black continuous line). Along this line, hasinfluenceonthesurfacephasediagramforsufficiently phaseswithdistinctadsorptionscoexist(seeinsets). The large stripe widths L . 1 lineℓπ=ℓπ representsthelociofpointsforwhichthead- Thecontrastbetweenthesemechanismsisclearlymag- 1 2 sorbed layer thickness is homogeneous even though the nified for thinner adjacent wetting layers. Fig. 8 shows substrate is heterogenous. The line serves to separate the phase diagram obtained for ℓπ =ℓ =10λ/3. Ob- 2 pw interfacial configurations with different convexities [21]. serve that the loci of the unbending critical points now An extension of this line goes beyond the pre-wetting cross the liquid-vapour coexistence curve and, for a cer- line and joins the coexistence line. Along this extension tain range of width stripes (94λ <L < 938λ), the un- 1 (long dashed line), the liquid interface is also flat due to bending phase transition is not p∼resen∼t since it is pre- the presence of a metastable minimum or even a maxi- emptedbybulkcondensation. Thedissappearenceofthe mum of the effective potential (20) for ℓ=ℓπ [28]. Note unbending transition as the stripe width increases (for 2 thatthisscenariodiffersfromthatoccuringforasecond- L 93.6λ) resembles the behaviour for critical wetting 1 order wetting effective potential. In that case, the line (see≈Fig. 3). In contrast, when L > 937.5λ, the un- 1 ℓπ =ℓπ never hits the coexistence line for any value of bending transition re-enters the phase∼diagram (at tem- 1 2 the stripe width (see Fig. 3) and, therefore, coexistence peratures above T(1)) and, in the limit L , fuses w 1 always takes place between adsorbedlayersthinner than with the pre-wetting line. Notice once more t→ha∞t the be- the layer adsorbed on the surrounding substrate. In ei- haviour of the unbending line with the stripe width is ther case, we designate the transition as unbending since non-monotonic: after re-entering the phase diagram, its it originates from the same balance between the energy overall position first rises in temperature and, for larger associated to the interaction with the substrate and the values of L , lowers towards the pre-wetting line (see 1 energetic cost of increasing the area of the liquid-vapour inset). For the particular effective potential (20), and interface [22,24]. within the context of the minimal model, this re-entrant ObservealsoinFig.5thattheunbendinglinejoinsthe behaviour for unbending occurs when liquid-vapour coexistence line (∆µ=0) at a certain non- zeroanglewhilstthepre-wettinglineapproachesthatline ℓπ (p+2)2 2 < . (27) tangentially. This is due to the fact that the change in ℓ (p+1)(p+3) pw the order parameter, ℓ , acrossthe unbending transition 1 is finite for the unbending transition while is infinite for Observe that the disappearence of the unbending tran- the pre-wetting transition(because the system is wet for sition (and further re-entry at higher temperatures) for T>Tw(1) at liquid-vapour coexistence) [see Eq. (9)]. tsimonallisvnaloutetsoocfrℓoπ2ssisthieneivsoit-aabdlseoripfttihoenulinnbeeℓnπd=ingℓπt,rsainnscie- Figure 6 shows the phase diagram of this system for 1 2 ℓπ2=10λ and different values of the stripe width L1. As tdheicsrelainseess(usrereouFnigd.s4t)h.eFoprret-hwisetrteiansgonc,ritthiciaslfepaotiunrteamsuℓsπ2t L increases, the coexistence line approaches the pre- 1 survive in analysis based on the full interfacial model, wetting line. A detailed description of the merging of Eq. (2). both lines is givenbelow. Notice the presence of the line ℓπ=ℓπ abovethepre-wettingtransitionandthefactthat 1 2 the unbending transitiondoes not crossthat line for any E. Discussion value of L . 1 The phase diagram for ℓπ = 4λ and different values 2 of the stripe width L is presented in Fig. 7. As ex- Before we turn to the results for a periodic array of 1 pected, the unbending line merges the pre-wetting line stripes, we complete this section with some critical re- marksconcerningthefeaturesofthephasediagramspre- 6 dicted above. To facilitate this, it will be instructive However, the BD phase diagram shows that, addi- to compare our results with those obtained within the tionally,forevensmallervaluesofthestripewidth, context of the full interfacial model (2), by Bauer and the loci of unbending critical points curve towards Dietrich (BD) for a particular stripe system made of a theliquid-vapourcoexistenceline. Toexplainthat, material which undergoes a first-order phase transition we note that the minimal model prediction for the (when infinite) [21]. Specifically, let us concentrate on critical temperature, Eq. (25), does not depend on the T µsectionofthe phase diagramshowninFig. 2of thethicknessoftheadsorbedlayeronthesurround- theira−rticle. WhilsttheirdiagramresemblesourFig.7in ing substrate ℓπ, while the critical chemical poten- 2 a qualitative way, there are three features which deserve tial,Eq.(26),does(infact,inverysimplemanner). detailed comment: The curvingofthe lociofunbendingcriticalpoints towards the liquid-vapour coexistence line for very In the limit L , the adsorption characteris- 1 narrow stripes, found by BD, is therefore a direct • →∞ tics of the stripe must tend to those of the pure consequence of the thinning of the adsorbed layer substrate,i.e. the unbending linemustmergewith on the surrounding substrate. This illustrates the the pre-wetting line. Both approachescapture this merit of first keeping the value of ℓπ constant be- 2 requirement, although they differ in the manner in fore allowing for its own dependence on tempera- which the mentioned lines coalesce. The main dif- ture and chemical potential. ference lies in the behaviour of the unbending line closetoliquid-vapourcoexistence. IntheBDphase diagram, the unbending line fuses the pre-wetting IV. PERIODIC STRIPES line monotonically from lower temperatures. In contrast, as described above, the minimal model A. General Considerations predicts a non-monotonic merging: close to liquid- vapour coexistence, the unbending line approaches Consider next a periodic array of stripes made of two the pre-wetting line from higher temperatures, as different materials (Fig. 1(b)) whose adsorption proper- L (see, for example, the inset of Fig. 7). 1 →∞ ties can be described, when pure, by the effective poten- A detailed calculation with the full interfacial tials W (ℓ) and W (ℓ), respectively. The widths of the 1 2 model (2), included in appendix A, shows that ei- stripesaredenotedL andL ,andtheperiodL=L +L . 1 2 1 2 ther of both situations is possible, and that the This system canbe consideredas the simplest prototype actual prevalence of one or the other depends on a forstudyingheterogenouswettingsinceforasinglestripe numberoffactors. However,fortheexperimentally the wetting properties are completely determined by the relevant case of dispersion forces, p=2, we believe embedding material. Thus, the periodic system can be the scenariodescribedby the minimalmodelis the usedtostudythedependenceofthewettingtemperature correct one: the unbending line merges with the ondifferentfactorssuchascomposition,degreeofdomain pre-wetting line from higher temperature close to separation, etc. This has already been done to a certain the liquid-vapour coexistence curve. We suspect degreewithindensity functionaltheory[14],but this ap- thatnumericalproblemsinvolvedinthelarge-scale proachseemsmoresuitabletostudypackingphenomena computation of BD are to blame here. For future close to the heterogeneities of the surface. As regards numerical studies, we note that the behaviour of the global wetting properties, we believe that a simpler the unbending line close to coexistence is sensitive approach will suffice. This system has also been studied to the rangeof the forces. Consequently,the intro- experimentally [4], mainly in the context of contact an- ductionofacut-offintheintermolecular potentials glesand Cassie’sempiricallaw[29]. This law states that may well reduce the effective range of the forces, the contact angle θ of a macroscopic drop placed on a producing a different result for the asymptotic be- planar heterogeneous substrate satisfies haviour of the unbending line. cosθ = γ cosθ , (28) The intersection of the unbending coexistence line i i • withthe bulk liquid-vapourcoexistence line is tan- Xi gentialintheBDphasediagram. Thisfeaturecan- where θ is the contact angle of a droplet on a (pure) i not be correct because the difference in coexisting material of type i, and γ is the fractional area of the i adsorptions remains finite at ∆µ=0. substrate made of that material. The implication of this law for the wetting temperature of a heterogeneous sys- The loci of the unbending critical point in the BD • tem is straightforward: phase diagram show a nontrivial behaviour as a function of the stripe width L . That behaviour is 1 T =max T(1),T(2),... , (29) analogous to that of Fig. 7 and is explained above w { w w } in terms of unbending in the presence or absence where T(i) is the wetting temperature of the substrate i of energetic barrier in the effective potential W . w 1 (when pure). Here we check the validity of this law with 7 the help of the minimal model put forward in section II. ℓ2 =ℓ1+ L2κ1 W1′(ℓ1) First, however, we recall briefly some general considera- (33) tions concerning this system: ℓ =ℓ + L2 W′(ℓ ), 1 2 2κ 2 2 For any given period L, the limiting cases L 0 intheℓ ℓ plane,asseeninFig.9. Asbefore,ifthereare • 1→ 1−2 and L 0 must produce the pure systems 1 and multiple solutions, the stable one can be discriminated 2 → 2, respectively. This fact follows trivially from the upon comparison of their free-energies,Eq. (5). Hamiltonian(5). Observe,however,thatit contra- Amongthesesolutions,itisstraightforwardtoidentify dicts clearly Cassie’s law since Eq. (29) states that thespinodalpointssincetheyoccurwhenthetwocurves infinitesimalamountsofasubstancecanchangethe ofthegraphicalconstructionaretangentialtoeachother wetting properties of the embedding substrate. at a given point. This leads to the following equation Ifthe thicknessofthe adsorbedlayersonbothinfi- L L • nitesubstratesisthe same(ℓπ1=ℓπ2), thefunctional (cid:18)1+ 2κ1 W1′(ℓ1)(cid:19) (cid:18)1+ 2κ2 W2′(ℓ2)(cid:19)=1, (34) (2) is fully minimised, term by term, by a flat so- lution ℓ(x)=ℓπ=ℓπ, as in the single stripe system. which can be obtained, alternatively, from the vanish- 1 2 For that reason, the loci of the points for which ing of the determinant of the Hessian of the free-energy ℓπ=ℓπ are not to be crossed by any surface phase H(ℓ ,ℓ ). In addition, possible critical points can occur 1 2 1 2 coexistence line. These are homogeneous states on if (34) is satisfied at a point of inflexion on any of the a heterogeneous substrate. Note that since both curves: ℓπ and ℓπ vary with the temperature and chemical p1otential2, the loci of the points for which ℓπ =ℓπ W1′′′(ℓ1)=0 1 2 or may not be simple in the T µ plane. Indeed, the − W′′′(ℓ )=0. line may not exist at all. 2 2 (35) If an unbending first-order transition takes place • between different surface phases, the coexistence The existence of two alternative conditions for the pres- line in the T µ plane will verify the Clausius- − ence of a critical point suggests that, in principle, there Clapeyron-like equations (8) and (9). could be two different critical points in the T µ phase − diagram. This is quite different to that obtained for the single stripe system. In particular, as the limiting cases B. Minimal Model L =0 and L =0 are each associated with one of the 2 1 equations (35), it follows that there must be two un- As described in section II, the free-energy of this sys- bendingcoexistencelineswhich,inprinciple,couldoccur tem is given, within the minimal model prescription, by simultaneousy in the T µphase diagram. All these fea- the two-variable function H(ℓ ,ℓ ), Eq. (5). This free- − 1 2 tures,whichemergenaturallyfromonlyelementarycon- energy depends on the average thicknesses ℓ and ℓ , 1 2 siderations of the minimal model, would be much more whose equilibrium value, for a given temperature and difficult to extract from the full interfacial description chemicalpotential, is determined by minimisation of the (2). free-energy. This yields the following coupled equations: 2κ(ℓ ℓ )+L W′(ℓ ) = 0 1− 2 1 1 1 C. Cassie’s Law (30) 2κ(ℓ ℓ )+L W′(ℓ ) = 0. 2− 1 2 2 2 Before applying the model to some specific examples, Adding both equations we obtain the sum rule we make connection between Cassie’s law and the mini- mal model. To do that, we define the fractional area of L1W1′(ℓ1) + L2W2′(ℓ2) = 0, (31) material 1 as γ≡L1/L for a given period L. This allows us to write the free-energy of the system per unit length which is the counterpart of another, obtained with the in the following way full interfacial model (2) κ h(ℓ ,ℓ )= (ℓ ℓ )2+γW (ℓ )+(1 γ)W (ℓ ), 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 L − − dx W′(ℓ)+ dx W′(ℓ)=0. (32) Z 1 Z 2 (36) L1 L2 Eqns. (30) can be solved by means of a graphical con- which,inturn,enablesustochangefromadescriptionin struction. The solution corresponds to the intersection terms of L and L into another in terms of L and γ. In 1 2 of the curves this lattercase,Lcanbeunderstoodasameasureofthe overal size of the stripes, while γ will be the fractional 8 area of material 1. This is obviously true as long as γ is We consider substrates undergoing first-order wetting not too close to the limiting cases γ=0 andγ=1. These transitions (when pure), whose effective potentials will limiting cases give rise (trivially) to the pure substrates be modelled by 2 and 1, respectively (for any value of the period L). A2 1 A B Consider now, that the period L is very large. This W (ℓ)= 1 +(T T(1)) 1 + 1 , represents systems for which the heterogeneities extend 1 (cid:18)4B1 − w (cid:19)ℓp − ℓp+1 ℓp+2 over macroscopic areas. In this case, we can neglect the (39) first term of (36) and, consequently, the variablesℓ and 1 ℓ decouple. Minimisation of the energy is achieved by and 2 ℓ =ℓπ and ℓ =ℓπ and the free-energy of the system, 1 1 2 2 A2 1 A B ω(T,µ) min h, can be approximated W (ℓ)= 2 +α(T T(2)) 2 + 2 , ≡ 2 (cid:18)4B − w (cid:19)ℓp − ℓp+1 ℓp+2 2 ω(T,µ) γW (ℓπ)+(1 γ)W (ℓπ), (37) ≈ 1 1 − 2 2 (40) which is but a different way of writing Cassie’s law, Eq. Out of bulk liquid-vapour coexistence, the usual term (28), as generally accepted. The minimal model, there- ∆µδρℓ must be added, although we do not consider this fore, recovers Cassie’s phenomenologicallaw in the limit possibility here. The parameters A , B , A , and B 1 1 2 2 of macroscopic heterogeneities. are (positive) Hamaker constants characterisingthe per- The other limiting case, corresponding to small val- tinent potentials. Notice that a dimensionless constant ues of L, represents systems for which the hetero- α has to be included (multiplying the temperature in geneitiesareofmicroscopicsize. Thesesystemsarequasi- W (ℓ)) to account for differences in surface entropy be- 2 homogenenous since the two materials are closely inter- tween the two pure systems. We use λ (A /κ)1/4 as 1 mingled on the surface. Recall that our model was not unit of length. ≡ intended to work under these assumptions. In spite of From this vast space of parameters we have chosen this, the limit L 0 produces a sensible result. This two examples, both for long-range (dispersion) forces, → occurs because the first term of the free-energy (36) be- p = 2. For each of them, we have calculated the wet- comes exceptionally important and has to be minimized ting temperature of the periodic system as a function of fully yielding ℓ1=ℓ2; i.e. the thickness of the adsorbed the fractional area of material 1, γ, for different values layer is approximately the same at every point of the of the period L. As mentioned above, the modification substrate. The system behaves, in this limit, as a homo- of the wetting temperature with the composition of the geneoussystemwhoseadsorptionpropertieswillbegiven substrate constitute a distinctive and important charac- by the following averaged effective potential teristicoftheseperiodicsystemssince,forasinglestripe, thewettingtemperatureisnecessarilydeterminedbythe W(ℓ) γW1(ℓ)+(1 γ)W2(ℓ). (38) (infinitely wide) abutting substrate. The results, for dif- ≡ − ferent choices of parameters, are shown in Figs. 10 and Thisdescriptiontallieswiththespiritoftheconstruction 11. oftheeffectivepotentialsasanintegralofthesolid-liquid Let us concentrate first on Fig. 10. As expected, the andliquid-liquidinteractionsoverthe entire system[30]. wetting temperature rangesbetween T(2) (for γ=0)and Therefore,theminimalmodelseemstodescribethebe- w haviouroftheheterogenoussysteminthetwomentioned Tw(1) (for γ=1), independently of the value of the period limits(macroscopicandmicroscopicheterogeneities)ina L. For small periods, the wetting temperature interpo- physical way. We are fully aware of the fact that such a lates almost linearly between Tw(2) and Tw(1) (as a func- broaddescription is achievedby smearing out some sub- tionofγ). Thislinearityismerelyfortuitous. Ingeneral, tle details, and that the model will not work under cer- Tw(γ) will be a non-linear function joining the limiting tain special circumstances. Nevertheless, we stress that casesT(2) andT(1). Withintheminimalmodel,the wet- w w the model is put forward just as a versatile approxima- tingtemperatureoftheheterogeneoussystemcanbecal- tion to the full effective interfacial description, Eq. (1). culated,inthislimitL 0,asthewettingtemperatureof → the averagedpotentialW(ℓ), Eq.(38). Morespecifically, for the model effective potentials (39) and (40), we can D. Examples writeananalyticalexpresionforthewettingtemperature in the mentioned limit Assuggestedabove,weexpectaveryrichbehaviourin γT(1)+α(1 γ)T(2) theperiodicsystemofparallelstripes. Afullexploration T (γ) = w − w (41) w of the phenomenology of this system is a colossal task, γ+α(1 γ) − well beyond the scope of this paper. Therefore, we only γ(1 γ)(A B A B )2 reportherethecalculationofthewettingtemperaturefor − 1 2− 2 1 , twoheterogeneoussystemsasanexampleofthemethod. −(γ+α(1 γ))B1B2(γB1+(1 γ)B2) − − which is clearly non-linear. 9 As the period is increased, Cassie’s law, Eq. (29), is changes by increasing L in that region of the phase dia- recoveredandT (γ) T(1)>T(2),foralmosteveryvalue gram from the curve obtained for L=0.1λ. This region, w w w of the fractional area≈γ. Deviations occur only for small and the unbending line, are squeezed towards small val- γ. These deviations become progressivelyless important uesofthefractionalareaγ forlargervaluesoftheperiod for large periods L, as expected. L. Noticethattheunbendinglinecanneitherdissappear The same quantity, calculated for a different system, (becausethatlimitcontainstheunbendingtransitionfor isplottedinFig.11. Inthiscase,thedifferencesbetween thesinglestripeline)normergewiththelineγ=0(repre- substrates 1 and 2 are stonger: the thicknesses of the sentingpuresubstrate2,whichdoesnotundergoanyun- adsorbed layers on the pure substrates become very dis- bending transition). However, it becomes progressively similarfortemperaturesT<T(2) andsodo theirinterfa- andproportionalylessimportantasLgrowsandremains w cial tensions (free-energies)∼. In particular, the adsorbed confined to the region of small fractional area, γ≈0. In thelimitofmacroscopicheterogeneities,L ,Cassie’s layer on substrate 1 is (in general) thicker than the cor- →∞ law is recoveredas discussed earlier. responding layer of substrate 2 (see Fig. 12) and its free energy is lower. This introduces new phenomenology in the phase behaviour. For small periods, L=0.1λ, the V. CONCLUSIONS wetting temperatureofthe periodic systemresemblesan inversed Cassie’s law since T (γ) T(2)<T(1), for most w w w ≈ In this paper, we have forwarded a simple model of values of the fractional area γ. The fact that the ad- surface phase behaviour for fluid adsorption on hetero- sorption properties of the substrates differ considerably genenous micropatterned substrates. This has been ap- appears to have a decisive influence on the adsorption pliedto twoproto-typicalsystems: a)a single stripe ofa propertiesofthe systeminthe quasi-homogeneouslimit, materialexhibitingeitherafirst-orsecond-orderwetting L 0. AsweincreasethevalueofL,webegintorecover → transitionembeddedinaninfinitepartiallywetsubstrate thebehaviourdictatedbyCassie’slaw. Onroutetothis, and b) a periodic array of stripes each of which exhibit however, we uncover unexpected richness. For the pa- rameters used here, this first occurs for L>0.2λ, and is first-order wetting at distinct temperatures. The advan- clearly visible for L=1.0λ. The broken l∼ine in Fig. 11 tage of our ”minimal” description is that it allows us to explore the vast phase space of parameters that these correspondstoa(first-order)unbendingtransitionwhere systems present. This would be an extremely arduous adsorbedlayersofdifferentthicknessescoexist(similarto task within even an effective interfacial Hamiltonian de- those occurring for a single heterogeneous stripe). This scription, let alone a microscopic density functional ap- coexistence finishes at an unbending critical point (rep- proach. Despite the simplicity of our model, we rederive resented by a black circle) as it did in the single stripe resultsobtainedpreviouslyusingmoremicroscopicmeth- system. Ofcourse,intheperiodicsystem,theunbending ods for specific choices of interfacial binding potentials. phase transition is associated with an adsorption jump This gives us confidence concerning the validity of our on both domains. Fig. 12 shows the thicknesses of the method. Applying the minimal model to other choices adsorbed layers ℓ and ℓ on substrates 1 and 2, respec- 1 2 of substrate heterogeneity, we predict new examples of tively, as a function of the temperature for a particular surface phase behaviour. In particular, for the single system (L=10λ, γ =0.1) corresponding to those wet- stripe system with first-order wetting, we establish the ting temperatures plotted in Fig. 11. The thickness of the layersadsorbedon the pure substrates ℓπ and ℓπ are conditions under which the unbinding coexistence line 1 2 approaches the pre-wetting line (of the pure substrate) also shown for the sake of comparison. Observe that for from above or below, in the limit of large stripe widths. (1) (T T )λ/A > 0.02 the liquid interface has unbent − w 1 − For the periodic system, we have concentrated on estab- and is essentially flat (ℓ ℓ ). Bearing this in mind, 1 ≈ 2 lishing the value of the wetting transition temperature we refer to the phase diagramsof Fig. 11 and notice (for as a function of the fractional area of the two materials instance,forL=1.0λor10λ)thatthepresenceoftheun- as well as the total period of the heterogeneity. Agree- bendingtransitionmodifiesthequalitativeshapeofcurve ment with Cassie’s empirical law is obtained in the limit representingthewettingtemperatureT (γ). Specifically, w ofmacroscopicallylargedomainsizes. Thus,the wetting atthe pointwheretheunbending transitionmergeswith temperatureofthe heterogeneoussubstrateisessentially the curve T (γ), the latter has a kink. At the right of w determinedbythemaximumwettingtemperatureofeach that point, T (γ) growswith a slope similarto the slope w of the pure components. For mesoscopic systems, on the oftheunbending coexistenceline,andtendstoTw(1) very otherhand,notabledeviationsfromCassie’slawarepos- rapidly (as a function of γ). We can interpret this as an sible. This includes ”inversions” of Cassie’s law where unbending-mediated wetting transition. In other words, we observe that the wetting temperature of the hetero- at Tw(γ) the interface unbends to the wet configuration geneoussubstrateisclosetothelowerofthetwowetting ℓ1 = ℓ2 = . On the other hand, to the left of that temperatures of the pure components. The value of the ∞ merging point, the interface finds a stable (unbent) flat- wettingtemperaturemayalsobesensitivetothepresence ter configuration (ℓ1 ℓ2) resembling those of the quasi- of unbending phase transitions induced by the heteroge- ≈ homogenenous limit (L 0). Observe that T (γ) hardly w ≈ 10

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